At the dawn of Snapchat, the messaging app was widely considered a platform with one primary purpose: sending nudes. And yet, the modern era's foremost nude selfie artist was absent. Eventually, Snapchat became a medium for all sorts of things, including the news, pretending to be a puppy and savage pop star takedowns. But Kim Karadashian-West, who finally joined earlier this year, is here to remind us what we came for. SEE ALSO: Kim Kardashian took the optimal 6,000 selfies on her Mexico vacation
Kardashian-West, having just enjoyed a midnight tanning session following the Miami stop of Kanye West's Saint Pablo tour, showed it off.
#kim #kimkardashian #kimkardashianwest #kimksnapchat #kimksnapchats #kimkardashiansnapchat #kkw #fashion #style #swag #london #paris #milan #newyork #la #miami #atlanta #snapchat #kimye #kuwtk #fitgirls #bodygoals #spraytan #miami #miamilife A photo posted by Kim Kardashian Snapchats (@kimksnapchats) on Sep 15, 2016 at 9:58pm PDT
#kim #kimkardashian #kimkardashianwest #kimksnapchat #kimksnapchats #kimkardashiansnapchat #kkw #fashion #style #swag #london #paris #milan #newyork #la #miami #atlanta #snapchat #kimye #kuwtk #fitgirls #bodygoals #spraytan #miami A photo posted by Kim Kardashian Snapchats (@kimksnapchats) on Sep 15, 2016 at 9:57pm PDT
Thank you, Kim, for restoring order. Read more:
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