These 10 Female Celebrities Are Inspiring Body Positivity And Fighting Internet Bullies

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If you look at any magazine or movie these days, it seems the only women in the world all wear a size zero and have long and straight hair. No matter where you go, you’ll always be accosted by pictures of what a woman is “supposed to look like,” even though that isn’t actually the case. A recent poll by plus-size clothing rental subscription service, Gwynnie Bee, saw that Melissa McCarthy made the very top of the list of women who are doing the most to inspire women’s body positivity. Gwynnie Bee founder and CEO, Christine Hunsicker said: Feeling confident about yourself and recognizing that you have a huge world of possibility through fashion is empowering and the study shows we are blessed with more sources of inspiration than ever before. “These famous women who are using their platforms to embrace body positivity and bring acceptance and awareness to the industry are impacting womens lives in a meaningful way. Many of them have had to break down the barriers or negative stereotypes put in their path and are bringing confidence to women who might have previously struggled to be happy with their own shape. It’s great to see that things are finally changing, especially when you realize that less than half of all women would describe themselves as body positive. Hopefully this trend continues, human beings come in all shapes and sizes, so to fit them all into one category of what you’re “supposed” to look like isn’t just wrong, it’s downright dangerous. So for those celebrities who are fighting the online bullies and standing up for themselves, thank you!


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