11 3 13 bulletin

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Sermon Notes


Sunday Morning Schedule

Meet Jesus: His Humanity

Grace Missions Offering We are now receiving our annual Grace Missions Offering for the 2014 Grace Missions Fund. The special giving season for the GMO runs through December 31, 2013, and our giving goal is $30,000. When contributing to the Grace Missions Offering, write GMO on the memo line of your check.

Sunday Morning Worship Services Á 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00am (Infant–Pre-K Sunday School classes are available during the 8:00 service.) Adults Sunday Bible Study Classes Á 9:30 & 11:00am

John 1:1-14 (p. 735 in The Story ESV Bible) 1. The Incarnation Jesus is God and man in one person.

Room in the Inn Volunteers Needed On Thurday nights from December 5-February 27, Grace will be hosting Room in the Inn, a local ministry to house and feed the homeless. Our two greatest needs are for men to stay at the church overnight and for men to transport our guests to and from Room in the Inn. Please fill out a Room in the Inn volunteer card at the Welcome Center or contact Justin Tucker at jtucker@gccnashville.org if you would like to help.

2. The Signs of Jesus’ Humanity The humanity of Jesus is seen in the way he experienced life on earth.

Friday Night Event for 3rd-5th Graders, December 6 All 3rd-5th graders are invited to “Connect For...” on Friday, December 6, from 6:30-9:00pm, in the Great Commission Room. There will be Bible study, music, games, food and fun. For more information, contact Jason Miller at jmiller@gccnashville.org. Parents’ Day Out, December 7 There will be a Parents’ Day Out on Saturday, December 7, from 2:30-5:00pm for Infants-5th grade children. This is part of our Youth at Grace Service Day and will benefit 147 Million Orphans. The suggested donation is $10 per child/$40 max per family. Registration is required at gccnashville.org > Life at Grace > Registration > Parents’ Day Out.

3. The Significance of Jesus’ Humanity The humanity of Jesus is necessary for him to be Savior and Lord.

Baptism Service, December 8 There will be a baptism service next Sunday, December 8, immediately following the 11:00am worship service. If you would like to discuss baptism with a church leader, check the appropriate box on the information card and drop it in the offering basket, or contact the church office at 615-377-8997. Nashville Baptist Association Toy Store Each year the Nashville Baptist Association hosts a Toy Store to serve needy families in Nashville. Grace will collect new toys and clothing in the Gathering Hall today and December 8. Volunteers are also needed for the Toy Store from December 9-13. To volunteer with a group from Grace on December 9, contact Nanette Ryan at nryan@gccnashville.org. Á Á Á Á Á

Prayer Requests (Requests will be shared with the elders and church staff.)

Advent at Grace Sermon Series: Meet Jesus Sundays, December 1, 8, 15 & 22, All Morning Services Christmas Eve Services, 4:00 & 5:30pm

9:30am Explore the Bible: John Á Room 254

Taught by Ray Pereira, John Kramp & Bryan Jacobs

Pursuing Intimacy: Contending with Our Prideful Hearts Á Room 250

Taught by Keith Knell & Todd Colburn

Connections Á Room 253

Taught by Michael Kelley & Jeffrey Kelley

11:00am Explore the Bible: John Á Room 254

Taught by Rob Tims

Living on Mission: The Gospel & Poverty Room 250

Taught by Justin Tucker

Faith@Work: A Biblical Vision for the Marketplace Á Room 253

Taught by David Atchison

Youth Bible Study Classes Á 9:30am Youth Bible study classes are offered for 6th-12th grade students. Middle school classes meet in Modular A & B, and high school classes meet in the Great Commission Room (Room 108). Details about these studies are available in the Guide to Ministries at Grace at the Welcome Center. Children Sunday School Classes Á 9:30 & 11:00am Children’s classes are offered for infants through 5th grade. Each class is designed with curriculum for specific ages. Details for each class are listed in the Guide to Ministries at Grace at the Welcome Center. Grace Partners. . .Welcoming People of All Abilities Because they are an essential part of the body of Christ, our desire is to include all children in worship and Sunday School with peers their own age. We have a trained team ready to assist any children and young adults in our classes who need special attention. If we can assist your family, please speak with a Sunday School coordinator in the Children’s Wing.

Weekly Schedule Sunday–Thursday Á Men’s and Women’s Small Groups Á Community Groups Wednesday, 6:30pm Á Youth D-Groups (6th–12th grade) For more information about the weekly schedule and event times and locations, go to gccnashville.org.

Membership at Grace Grace Community Church practices church membership. We receive into church membership those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, have been baptized as a profession of their faith in Jesus Christ, and covenant with us after attending a New Member Class. The next New Member Class will be held February 9. Please fill out the Information Card in this bulletin if you would like more information about church membership. If you have questions about salvation, baptism, or church membership, you may contact the church office at 615-377-8997.

Scott Patty, Pastor Á Justin Tucker, Director of Ministries & Congregational Care Jeff Bourque, Director of Worship & Communication Á Josh Hussung, Pastor of Youth & Families Jason Miller, Pastor of Children & Families Á Bill Bryan, Director of Administration Nanette Ryan, Office Manager Á Kim Campbell, Ministries Assistant for Children & Youth Sondra Lantzer, Ministries Assistant for Church Ministries & Communication

With Sympathy We remember in prayer Jason Stephens on the loss of his mother, Mary Stephens, on November 23, 2013.

Elders: Scott Patty Á Marshall Albritton Á Joel Anderson Á David Atchison Á Michael Kelley Bill Kersey Á John Kramp Á Matthew Ladisa Á Jeff Langdon Á Bill Maynard Á Aaron Mitchell Á Dave Wills 5711 Granny White Pike, Brentwood, TN 37027 Á Phone 377-8997 Á Fax 377-8582 Á Web gccnashville.org Twitter @gccnashville Á Facebook search “Grace Community Church of Nashville” Grace Community Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. A copy of Grace’s statement of faith is available in the Gathering Hall.

December 1, 2013

O Come, O Come Emmanuel O come, O come Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here, Until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel. O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free Thine own from Satan’s tyranny; From depths of hell Thy people save, And give them vict’ry o’er the grave. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel. Welcome/ministry opportunities

Comfort, Comfort Ye My People Worship Team: Comfort, comfort ye my people, Speak ye peace, thus saith our God; Comfort those who sit in darkness, Mourning ‘neath their sorrow’s load. Speak ye to Jerusalem Of the peace that waits for them; Tell her that her sins I cover, And her warfare now is over. Congregation: Yea, her sins our God will pardon, Blotting out each dark misdeed; All that well deserved His anger He no more will see or heed. She hath suffered many a day, Now her griefs have passed away; God will change her pining sadness Into ever-springing gladness. For the herald’s voice is crying In the desert far and near, Bidding all men to repentance, Since the kingdom now is here. Oh that warning cry obey! Now prepare for God a way; Let the valleys rise to meet Him, And the hills bow down to greet Him.

From our fears and sins release us; Let us find our rest in Thee. Israel’s strength and consolation, Hope of all the earth Thou art. Dear desire of every nation, Joy of ev’ry longing heart. Men: Joy to those who long to see Thee, Dayspring from on high, appear; Come, Thou promised Rod of Jesse, Of Thy birth we long to hear! Women: O’er the hills the angels singing News, glad tidings of a birth: “Go to Him, your praises bringing; Christ the Lord has come to earth.” Come to earth to taste our sadness, He whose glories knew no end; By His life He brings us gladness, Our Redeemer, Shepherd, Friend. Leaving riches without number, Born within a cattle stall; This the everlasting wonder, Christ was born the Lord of all. Born Thy people to deliver, Born a child and yet a King. Born to reign in us forever, Now Thy gracious kingdom bring. By Thine own eternal Spirit Rule in all our hearts alone; By Thine all sufficient merit, Raise us to Thy glorious throne. Sermon Scott Patty

Meet Jesus: His Humanity

John 1:1-14


You Gave Your Word (Worship Team) For twenty-five years, she had not borne a son. Abraham feared that the promise was gone.

Make ye straight what long was crooked, Make the rougher places plain; Let your hearts be true and humble, As befits His holy reign. For the glory of the Lord Now o’er earth is shed abroad; And all flesh shall see the token, That His word is never broken.

But despite her grief And his disbelief,

Congregational reading: Colossians 1:15-16 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities–all things were created through him and for him.

You gave Your word, And everything changed.

Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Come, Thou long-expected Jesus, Born to set Thy people free;

You gave Your word, And everything changed. For four hundred years, we had not heard from You When the angel appeared not a moment too soon. To a humble girl In a broken world,

At the chosen time, in Your perfect way, In the dead of night, on a bed of hay, You gave Your Word, And everything changed. You gave Your Word, And everything changed.

Lamb of God Your only Son, no sin to hide, But You have sent Him from Your side To walk upon this guilty sod And to become the Lamb of God. Your gift of love they crucified, They laughed and scorned Him as He died; The humble King they named a fraud And sacrificed the Lamb of God. O Lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God! I love the holy Lamb of God. O wash me in His precious blood, My Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.

For those who bow down low He’ll lift up to His side. What joy, what peace Has come to us! What hope, what help, What love!

Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

I was so lost I should have died, But You have brought me to Your side; To be led by Your staff and rod And to be called a lamb of God. O Lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God! I love the holy Lamb of God. O wash me in His precious blood, My Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. the bread and the cup Congregational prayer (Prayer teams are available at the front of the chapel.) Offering

When Love Came Down When love came down to earth And made His home with men, The hopeless found a hope, The sinner found a friend. Not to the powerful, But to the poor He came. And humble hungry hearts Were satisfied in Him. What joy, what peace Has come to us! What hope, what help, What love! When every unclean thought And every sinful deed Was scourged upon His back And hammered through His feet; The innocent is cursed, The guilty are released, The punishment of God On God has brought me peace. What joy, what peace Has come to us! What hope, what help, What love! Come lay your heavy load Down at the Master’s feet. Your shame will be removed, You joy will be complete. Come crucify your pride, And enter as a child.

While You Worship: Please silence your cell phones. Á Parents, to minimize distractions during worship, we encourage you to take advantage of the childcare offered for Infant–Pre-K during all worship services. Please be mindful of the digital displays beside the stage that will alert you with your child’s pager number if you are needed. Á Please do not bring food or drink into the Chapel during worship. Á Please place bulletins and paper in the recycling bins in the Gathering Hall. CCLI #585706 “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”–Plainsong, 13th century, John Mason Neale (1851), Public Domain. “Comfort, Comfort Ye My People”–words by Johannes Olearius, music by Louis Bourgeois (1671), Public Domain. “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus”– words by Charles Wesley & Mark E. Hunt, music by Rowland Hugh Pritchard (1855), Public Domain. “You Gave Your Word”–written by Jeff Bourque & Kip Fox, ©2013 Manicotti Music/Wilt Creative Music. “Lamb of God”–written by Twila Paris, ©1985 Mountain Spring Music/Straightway Music. “When Love Came Down”–written by Stuart Townend, ©2001 Thankyou Music. “Doxology”–words by Thomas Ken, music by Louis Bourgeois (1709), Public Domain.

Information and Prayer Card Name: Address: City:



Phone: Email: Age:

Today’s Date:

Children’s names/ages:

I am a { first time visitor { regular attender { Grace member { I would like to discuss spiritual issues with a church leader { I would like more information about church ministries and small groups { I would like information about church membership { I would like to be contacted about the December 8 baptism service { I have a prayer request (list on the back of this card)

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