Paraffinic Products
What is the Importance of Mini Petroleum Refinery in Indian Market? Indian Scenario The growth of the Indian economy, increasing the income of the country's middle class has led to an increasing number of passenger vehicles and therefore, increased gasoline demand in India for the last 10 - 15. India's consumption of gasoline in 2008-09 is estimated at 82.5 million barrels in 2008-09, which is a strong 36% increase in consumption in 2004-05 of 60.5 million barrels. Gasoline production in India has shown a marked improvement in the past two decades supports the creation of new refineries and increased capacity utilization. Gasoline production has increased from 26 million barrels in 1990 / 91-117400000 barrels in 2008-09, marking an increase of 350 %. Gasoline exports from India have grown substantially, with his jump of 17.7 million barrels in 2005 to 0639100000 barrels in 2008-09, representing an increase of 120 %, exposure Indian refineries exporting to the high volatility of world prices. Mix Aromatics Solvents Most refineries in India are state-owned and have a policy of stable prices under government regulations. Major refineries include Indian Oil Corporation Ltd ( IOCL ) , Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd ( BPCL ) , Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd ( HPLC ) and Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL ) . The RIL be a private actor exports most of its production of petroleum products. Market Moving Factors Globally, gasoline prices are highly correlated with oil prices as the cost of gasoline production includes the cost of crude oil used plus the cost of refining, distribution, taxes and includes measures for environmental protection. It is estimated that oil constitutes only 70% of the price of gasoline. Therefore, all the factors that influence oil prices have a profound influence on gas prices too. These factors include supply and demand, the global economic scenario, natural disasters, currency fluctuations, geopolitical tensions, interest rates, prices of other assets, commodities, etc. The scenario of supply and demand in the U.S. Is very important as the U.S. is the largest consumer, accounting for about 40 % of global consumption. Oils & Allied Mixed Hydrocarbons
Seasonal fluctuations seen in world prices of gasoline, such as increased driving and air travel is seen during the summer season in temperate , developed countries . This increase in demand is consistent with an increase in prices, provided that all other factors are held constant. However, refineries generally are well equipped to meet this growing demand. The storage also plays an important role in trade patterns and prices. When inventories are full, the availability of large amounts lowers the price. Conversely, when stocks are relatively low, prices tend to increase. Interruptions in production due to extreme weather conditions or other unforeseen events can lead to prices collected. Arham Petrochem recognized mini petroleum refinery producing Heavy Aromatic Solvent and Mini Petroleum Refinery