Josh King Madrid Gives 5 Game Changing Social Media Tips to Grow Your Business

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Josh King Madrid Gives 5 Game Changing Social Media Tips to Grow Your Business

The invention of the internet has massively influenced change when it comes to business and marketing. In this digital era, we cannot neglect the importance of creating an online brand and the use of social media promotion. Connecting with your audience online is now a crucial part of business growth and survival. Many marketers and entrepreneurs realized this business shift early on, and managed to adapt and heavily capitalized off of the online revolution. One of these industry leader’s that leverage the Internet is Josh King Madrid. Josh is a serial entrepreneur and social influencer who is the founder of TeamJetSet, a movement of millennial entrepreneurs. The successful hustler is also the cohost of The Podcast Dropout Degree, which has been ranked as one of the top 25 Business Podcasts on iTunes.

He was ranked as one of the Top Business Influencers in 2017 and has dominated his industry building and scaling multiple 7 figure online businesses. Josh King Madrid, also known as JetSetFly, stresses the importance of building an online brand and large social media presence. The internet has created a more even playing ground with small businesses and large corporations. Businesses can now connect with their audiences and build a loyal community. The use of social media allows an overwhelming amount of opportunities for brand exposure exposure and the ability to reach potential customers. Here are 5 social media tips given by JetSetFly that every business should consider implementing into their marketing strategies.

1. Get Active On Every Social Media Platform Josh says it is important to get as much internet “real estate� as possible. By putting your business on every platform, you ensure as much brand exposure as possible. Every social media platform has a different audience with potential customers. The key is being seen as much as possible, and limiting yourself to only one or two platforms only hurts your growth potential. Social media platforms also rank high in SEO, so creating many profiles and being active will allow your business to be found easier when searched on the web.

2. Get creative With Repurposing Value Content Always stay creative with your content and finding new ways to provide value to your audience. Don’t bombard your viewers with constant promotional content and come off too “sales-y”. Instead, get creative and showcase the benefits of becoming a customer. Display testimonials and customer stories in an attractive way. A way to humanize your business is creating “behindthe-scenes” content to build trust with your audience. Switch up your posts and create diversity with announcing updates and news about your company or even other related topics in the industry. Your marketing strategy should be focused on creating a community that people want to be apart of. Your posting needs to be constant, but generating the raw content does not.

3. Stay Up- To – Date With The Latest Trends and Updates One major marketing response that Josh receives often and strongly disagrees with is that a business doesn’t have time to stay on top of all the newest releases and changes going on in the social media industry. Josh’s answer? You don’t have time NOT TO. Social media marketing should not be considered an option or task to work on just when/if there is leftover time. If there’s not enough time to keep up with this task, outsource for social media help. There are plenty of freelancers and agencies that can help with your online profiles. Times are changing, and the way businesses connect with their customers and gain exposure is shifting as the popularity with social media increases.

4. Reply As Many Comments and Messages As You Can In order to build a social media community, you have to be engaged. Don’t post and sign off. Take the time to respond to comments and messages left my customers. Go the extra mile, and try to always respond with a question in order to push more activity. Social Media platforms have an algorithm process that filters your online exposure. If the algorithm reads that your posts are being shares, commented, and liked you’re account will be boosted. And remember, more exposure = bigger audience = brand awareness = more sales. Staying active and responding to your community will also show your following that you value their loyalty and that their opinion counts and is being heard. Responsiveness to your audience is also a form of high-quality customer service.

5. Play The Long-Term Game You will need to come up with a plan in order to operate with a long-term mindset. This will benefit your social marketing strategy by giving off a professional vibe with having a consistent theme and tone. Since social media is so easy to use and you can get started with and free, it is tempting to dive in and just start. But every successful strategy needs a structure to achieve with goals and measure your efforts. Taking the time to create a social media plan upfront.

Find Josh here: Instagram: @jetsetfly Facebook: Snapchat: JoshKingMadrid Twitter: Youtube: JoshKingMadrid

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