Roswell Public Art Master Plan

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ROSWELL ARTS FUND Rochelle Mucha, Chair Mac Smith Adam Braund Lawrence Catchpole Sarah Glass Monica Hagewood Mike Harris Cara Haynie John L.G. Herbert, Jr. Jeff Hopkins Steve Jabon Brooke McGee Catherine Storey Marie Willsey CITY OF ROSWELL, GEORGIA Mayor Jere Wood Councilmember Marcelo Zapata Councilmember Mike Palermo Councilmember Donald J. Horton Councilmember Jerry Orlans Councilmember Nancy Diamond

DEPARTMENT HEADS Morgan Rodgers, Recreation, Parks, Historic and Cultural Affairs Steve Acenbrack, Transportation Alice Wakefield, Community Development Kay Love, City Administrator STEERING COMMITTEE Councilmember Don Horton Councilmember Nancy Diamond Donna McDonald Eva Taylor Jane Brown Jeff Hopkins Lawrence Catchpole Marie Willsey Morgan Rodgers Randy Schultz Robert Dell-Ross Rochelle Mucha Steve Jabon Beckie Hawkins Amy Gates


Designing Local, Ltd.

























CHAPTER 1: WHY A PUBLIC ART MASTER PLAN? Street lights illuminate our path; roads and buses transport our people; public art tells our story to the world. Public art, like other civic infrastructure, is a manifestation of our collective desire to make our community prosperous, desirable, and most importantly enjoyable for all. The Roswell Public Art Master Plan lays the foundation for the future of our public art and by extension prepares us to tell the next chapter of the Roswell story. As a community that visitors and residents seek out from around the Atlanta region and across the State of Georgia, our art is a tool to speak to all those who set foot in Roswell. Our art can tell our residents and visitors that this is a place where we care about who we are, what we do, and where we came from. Our art embodies our brand and activates our Modern Spirit, Southern Soul.


Thanks to the passion, vision, and collaboration of the Roswell Arts Fund and the City of Roswell, our community and its residents have collectively said, “now is the time to put our stake in the ground.� The spirit that led to the commissioning of this Public Art Master Plan is reflected in this document. Through this planning process, our community has determined where we are and more importantly, where we want to be. Within this living document you will find plans to grow the depth and breadth of public art in Roswell, which can take our community to new creative heights. You will also find a community character framework that will help ensure future art reflects Roswell character as an amazing place to live, work, and visit. 6

Public art is more than just statues at City Hall. Instead, it can and should be ingrained in the civic imagination of the community by existing on every street in every neighborhood, next to the bike path and along the hiking trail. The people of Roswell are creative, active, and interesting, and public art should reflect the culture and people and be accessible to all. Public art is by us and for us. Art comes from anything that inspires us. Art in Roswell can come from world renowned artists or from the kid next door and should excite and include all those who cross its path. The experience of Art of Roswell should be participatory and interactive, engaging the community no matter its creator. Our art should reflect us.


To kick off the planning process, over 25 stakeholders were asked a series of questions about how public art relates to their sense of place, to the overall identity of Roswell, economic prosperity, business development, education, development, and community engagement. Because the stakeholders were artists, teachers, council members, architects, city staff, historic preservationists, developers, Architecture Review Commissioners, and local business owners, the input received was well-rounded and informative, laying the foundation for the Roswell Public Art Master Planning Process. Each stakeholder was asked about their perception of the Roswell Arts Fund and how the current and future work of the organization has and will impact their city and their neighborhoods. They were asked how they envisioned the growth of the Roswell Arts Fund’s public art program and what specifically the program needed in order to reach the next level. Roswell residents were then invited to participate in a series of events, which included a local brew night at Gate City Brewing that garnered over 150 attendees. Additional events included pop-up workshops at East Roswell Park Recreation Center and Roswell Area Park Physical Activity Center, collectively drawing over 100 participants, and pop-up workshops at two galleries participating in the First Friday Art Walk. Altogether, these three events drew over 400 participants. We asked participants to consider where new pieces of public art should go and what types of art they would like to see in their community. They also discussed attributes that differentiate Roswell 7

from other Atlanta-area communities, other cities in Georgia, and the rest of the United States. Participants were also invited to sketch their ideas for public art pieces at six different locations.

classes. Approximately 350 students participated in four, hour-long workshops over two days. An online survey was also conducted to capture the ideas of those who were unable to attend any of the scheduled workshops, which drew 900 responses.

In addition to the three workshops, engagement opportunities also took place Collectively, over 1900 Roswell community during regularly scheduled Roswell High members shared their voice about the future School and Centennial High School art of Public Art in Roswell.



Throughout the process, several themes emerged. The themes are as follows: 1. Civic leaders and citizens of Roswell share the same vision for the Arts, which is rooted in strategic planning and sound policy. This Public Art Master Plan is a key first step in achieving many of the broad aspirations held by the community. 2. Public Art should be integrated into many facets of the Roswell Community, including parks, schools, infrastructure projects, transportation projects, public works projects, and private development through architecture and design. 3. The community values the city’s history and believes public art should celebrate and showcase Roswell’s distinctive past. 4. The community believes Public Art should be used as a public space creator and can combat the notion of Roswell as a bedroom community. Using Public Art to create a destination would significantly increase attachment to place. 5. Public Art provides an opportunity to celebrate and increase diversity in Roswell. 6. Funding the Public Art Program must be a priority in order to continue to compete with neighboring communities. Public art is perceived to be a differentiator.









We are a powerful voice and advocate for the arts community, strengthening the scope, quality, and diversity of the arts and striving to fully integrate the arts into the social and economic fabric that is uniquely Roswell.

Roswell is a city that welcomes residents and visitors for its arts experiences, communicates a sense of place, delivers diverse offerings, and attracts entrepreneurs, businesses, and a talented workforce. The Roswell Arts Fund is guided by the following beliefs: • The arts mirror our society, record our history and embody our hopes for the future. • The arts are a fundamental and essential part of our culture, and a time-honored way of learning, knowing, and expressing. • The arts foster social capital, bringing residents together and deepening their connection and commitment to each other and place. • Investment in integrating the arts into education from pre-K through postgraduate education is essential for an engaged citizenry and a well-educated workforce. • The arts should be accessible to all community members. • A culture of philanthropy and sustainable revenue generation is necessary to support and grow the arts. • The arts stimulate economic activity and tourism.

The Roswell Arts Fund’s Public Art Program should define Roswell through honoring its history, celebrating its culture and creating rich experiences for residents and visitors through art.

• Develop a public art program that is unique to Roswell. • Drive economic prosperity, social cohesion and capital through investment in public art. • Increase the understanding and enjoyment of public art by Roswell’s residents. • Invite public participation in and interaction with public spaces. • Provide unusual and challenging employment opportunities for artists. • Encourage collaborations between artists and architects, and artists and engineers. • Support artist participation on design teams for planning public projects. • Encourage a variety of art forms.


CHAPTER 3: ESSENCE OF ROSWELL: COMMUNITY CHARACTER FRAMEWORK As a result of our extensive public engagement process, clear elements of Roswell’s uniqueness emerged. A major goal of the Public Art Master Plan is to develop the program and inspire a new era that embodies the modern spirit and southern soul of Roswell. We’ve come to understand that spirit by asking the people of Roswell who they are and what is important to their community. This framework is intended to provide inspiration and creative constraints for public art that is locally-based and meaningful in a way that resonates with residents. Whether a city-funded project, a new public art installation commissioned by the city, a private donation of art, a developer who wants to invest in Roswell, or residents that want to do something creative with their sidewalk, the following framework becomes a family of components that speak to the core of who Roswell is and who Roswell wants to be. If you are considering making art for our community, you can use this document to become inspired by the Essence of Roswell: Community Character Framework, and add “us” into all of your ideas. 12

Any ideas for art – from traditional pieces placed in our historic neighborhoods to the avant-garde – can be created using our defining characteristics. We want the public art in our city to express the affection and pride we have for our community and to stand out among other cities as a community full of art. Art that speaks to us and art that tells our story to all those we draw near. These six themes comprise the family of components that speak to the identity of Roswell as defined by the locals. Mix and match these elements into your designs. Choose to emphasize one element over another to accentuate what is most important to you and how you see your community. However creatively you interpret the components of the Community Character Framework, allow it to serve as a reflection of Roswell and as an inspiration to your creative process.


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These words are more than just our motto, they are the core of who we are. We have a deep legacy that has created a strong foundation for our city ever moving forward. We take pride in Roswell’s blend of unique tradition and diversity that makes our city a vibrant and an interesting place to visit and to live.

How can you incorporate Roswell’s Modern Spirit and Southern Soul into public art? Share your ideas here. 14









Our parks and natural areas allow us to escape the daily grind and reconnect. In Roswell, these public and private spaces are prized and revered. Because the natural environment is so important to our residents, we should do all that we can to enliven and celebrate it in our public art and public works projects.

Can the natural beauty of Roswell be maintained while programming public art? Doodle your ideas here.










Our character coupled with our creativity has transformed our city into a haven for arts and culture. We may not be the largest city in the Peach State, but don’t tell that to our visitors, residents, entrepreneurs, artists, and chefs. They, among others, give Roswell a cosmopolitan vibe that matches cities twice our size.

What small city elements can be incorporated into big energy pieces of art? Sketch your ideas here.










The Chattahoochee is where Roswell was born. From the first mill to beloved bike paths and Riverwalk, our river is still central to our lives and well-being. Whether Art in Roswell exists right on our riverbanks or represent its grace and power in faraway locations, our rivers and creeks deserve to be celebrated in both spirit and in physical forms throughout the city.

How can you incorporate Our Rivers into public art? Will you use its curves or colors? Share your ideas here. 20









Telling our story through artwork and colors paints a picture that is lively, vivacious, leafy, and lush. If our city is a canvas for art, our history, physical surroundings, and the spirit of our people are the palette.

What colors speak to you in Roswell? Share your ideas of integrating unique colors of Roswell into public art here.










In Roswell, we aren’t afraid to look toward the future and define how we will make our dreams become reality. Whether it is by preserving our history or welcoming newcomers, residents of Roswell make decisions, not just for the here and now, but by anticipating what is to come.

Does Roswell’s forward thinking inspire you to create out of the box public art? Doodle your ideas here.









CHAPTER 4: PLACE BASED OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS Roswell is one of the Atlanta region’s most beloved cities, A city that is proud of its rich history, small-town character, and promising future. A thriving historic district draws residents and visitors to Canton Street to shop and dine as much on weekdays as on weekends. With over 1000 acres of parks and a prominent location on the Chattahoochee River, Roswell is known as a place of respite for those living in more urban areas of the region as well as for residents. Roswell must look to differentiate itself as a distinct place, by integrating unique art and design into future projects and development. By integrating Roswell’s artistic values into its public spaces and new architecture, Roswell can continue to shape its identity around experience of the place rather than by reputation. These values can be interwoven throughout the 42 square mile community rather than focused on new developments targeted at shoppers.


Through targeting specific uses and locations that residents shared were priorities, public art can begin to be integrated throughout the community. The priorities for investment are as follows:


In Roswell, our 1000 acres of parks are a place of respite from the vibrant built environment that surrounds us. We have the opportunity to infuse our natural space with the creativity of our community. In the natural environment and solitude of our parks, we can showcase our artistic nature and ensure that our parks are a destination for art lovers and nature buffs alike. There are many benefits to focusing art installations in Roswell parks. Art in our parks can inspire health and activity. Inspiration can also be found in natural adornments, such as our abundance of flora, fauna and wildlife. The cultures who came before us can come alive through art here.

PRIORITY PARKS • • • • • • •

Leita Thompson Memorial Park Hembree Park Big Creek Park East Roswell Park Roswell Square Roswell Area Park Riverside Park

Below Left: Creek inspired flower bed, Thomasville, Georgia Below Right: Tree Art, St. Simons Island, Georgia



Tree Grates Manhole Covers Benches Bollards Tree Bands Crosswalks Rain Garden Elements

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Bike Racks Utility Boxes Trash Cans Stairs Transit Stops Planters Fences Gates


Our trails provide connections between our neighborhoods and our natural spaces. We can continue to encourage active living, while also creating interesting places by integrating public art on our trails. We can make our trails into outdoor art galleries that provide our artists with new opportunities.


Our infrastructure can become Roswell’s canvas. Whether its manhole covers or bike racks or anything in between, we have the opportunity to inject creativity into our everyday built environment. By transforming our infrastructure into works of art, we can display our creativity in places small and large, while knitting together our community. 28

Left: Wordsmith, West Palm Beach, FL Middle: Smoke, Marc Moulton Right: Architectural Reliquary: Gothic Bike Rack, Suzy Hendrix



As residents and visitors enter our city, our gateways can shout our story to the world. We can help solidify Roswell’s status as a hub for the arts in our region by using public art to define the entry points to the city. It’s essential that gateway art feature unique designs emblematic to Roswell that are visible to motorists and pedestrians. Our borders are closely intertwined with our neighbors and integrating gateway art at these sites will introduce our city as one who cares about art and welcomes people to Roswell. Artist-designed installations may not be appropriate for every gateway, especially where conditions may include short sight lines, crowded sidewalks, multiple competing visual demands and limited space for installations. PRIORITY GATEWAYS • • • • • • • •

Crabapple and Houze Road Holcomb Bridge Road and Hwy 400 Holcomb Bridge at the Chattahoochee River Holcomb Bridge (Woodstock Road at Leita Thompson) Alpharetta Hwy at Upper Hembree Hwy 9 at Riverside Road Old Alabama Road on the East Side Heart of Roswell Park (as the gateway to Canton Street)

Left: Lego Overpass, Germany 30


Corridors were selected based on numerous activity nodes, heavy usage and the connection of key gateways that were identified throughout the public engagement activities.


The Holcomb Bridge Road corridor (Highway 140/92) stretches Northwest across the city from John’s Creek to Woodstock and creates one of two major arteries in Roswell. Holcomb Bridge Road is used to get to the River, on the east side of Roswell, and to get to and from neighboring communities. Boasting a significant amount of businesses, Holcomb Bridge Road sees a high concentration of traffic during peak and off peak hours as GA-400 is only accessed from this heavily traveled road. Holcomb Bridge Road swells from four to ten lanes as it extends through Roswell. Despite the heavy traffic and antipathy for this corridor, many recognize the opportunity Holcomb Bridge presents to transition from a pass through to a destination. There are three gateway opportunities on Holcomb Bridge alone and are as follows: Holcomb Bridge at the Highway 400 interchange, the Chattahoochee River entering Roswell from John’s Creek, and Woodstock Road at Leita Thompson Park. In addition to gateway opportunities, which are intended to be prominent, utility box art as well as median art would have a high impact on the perception of the corridor. Because vehicles are either moving at high speeds on the road or sitting still in traffic, small investments in the medians and at intersections could make traveling on Holcomb Bridge more enjoyable. Public Art placed on this corridor should be designed to be seen at high speeds and should not have substantial detail.



The Atlanta/Alpharetta Street corridor stretches Northeast from Sandy Springs in the south to Alpharetta in the north, crossing over Holcomb Bridge Road in the center of the city. Much like Holcomb Bridge Road, many businesses are located along this corridor and heavy traffic is concentrated here during peak hours. Highway 9 swells from two to four lanes throughout its span in Roswell. The three gateway opportunities on Highway 9 are Highway 9 at Riverside Drive, Alpharetta Hwy at Upper Hembree Road, and the Heart of Roswell Park, a triangular shaped park at the entry to Canton Street. The Heart of Roswell Park is a gateway to the city’s most beloved commercial corridor and historic center. Despite traffic moving slower on Highway 9 than on Holcomb Bridge Road, small investments at intersections and at select medians are most advantageous for this corridor. Gateways on Highway 9 should be the prominent feature.


Canton Street is the city’s most beloved corridor and is the heart of Roswell. Complete with locally owned farm-to-table restaurants, coffee shops, and art galleries featuring local artists alongside nationally recognized artists, Canton Street is the spine of historic Roswell. Just two lanes wide and always busy with visitors and residents, the corridor does not have much room for installations along Canton, but boasts ample opportunity along the alleyways to the east and to the west. The large installations should be geared more toward the pedestrian rather than people in vehicles such as unique pavement treatments, bike racks, street lamps and even stand up pianos. The opportunities here abound. 32

Left: Cyclist, Roswell


Azalea Drive/Riverside Road spans the banks of the Chattahoochee River creating the southern border of Roswell. Along the north bank of the Chattahoochee River is the Roswell Riverwalk which is used by Roswell residents and Metro Atlanta visitors. On any given day, walkers, runners, and cyclists of all ages spend time on the Riverwalk, and on Sundays, Riverside Road attracts those looking to take a nice, quiet drive. Functional art that engages both active users and vehicular traffic should be utilized along this corridor in order to engage all. Art pieces along the river corridor should complement and engage the majestic natural environment rather than working against its surroundings and overtly standing out.


Left: Einstein, Mary Ruden and Robert Benfield Center: Mural Art, Philadelphia


From traditional to cutting edge, sculptures are often the highlight and focal point of public art. They can stand as beacons of civic pride and be showpieces for the City of Roswell that help share our southern soul with the world. The installation of sculptures helps communities celebrate and enhance their gateways, parks, and city centers and can take on many shapes and sizes. Sculptures can play a role in a broader Roswell story or can stand-alone, making an individual statement. Ideal locations in Roswell that could showcase installation of sculptures include our riverwalk, our gateways, and additional prominent sites around the city. 34

Right: Pop Up Chess, Philadelphia

Art can be long lasting or it can be something that is experienced for a short stint. Though temporary art isn’t long-lived, it can have a lasting impact on the community. Like ArtAround Roswell, it can create a sense of surprise and joy in unexpected places, such as construction sites and temporarily empty spaces. Temporary art can be done inexpensively and easily, and it can be a small pop of color or a huge “WOW”. Whatever it is, its short lifespan gives energy to the space and drives excitement among the community. Temporary art invites collaboration, be it with our local schools or community groups, and creates the space for it to evolve with our city and residents.

POP UP | TEMPORARY ART MURALS | MOSAICS Murals and mosaics can transform an empty space into a colorful and stimulating environment. These empty spaces can be found throughout the City begging for innovation and attention. Blank walls exist throughout our city – between our buildings, in our alleys, under our overpasses, on the end of our blocks and on the backs of our buildings. While adding permanent works of art to our collection is important, murals can be semi-permanent and can rotate yearly to allow the exposure of many artists over a short period of time, rather than a few artists over a long period of time. Semi-permanence also allows for integration of other mediums not typically included in mural installation, such as photography. When asked about preferences for new types of public art, the City of Roswell overwhelmingly supported the installation of murals and mosaics.


Performance art is the living and breathing form of public art. It captures our imagination using speech, song, and dance. Performance art can be spontaneous or planned well in advance and requires only passionate performers and an engaged audience. Creating either indoor or outdoor venues within the City of Roswell for performance art allows us to celebrate and connect with our artists from professional troupes to school and community groups. Gallery space allows a community to come together to celebrate its art and artists. It can be temporary or permanent and showcase one artist or many.


SITE-SPECIFIC ART Site-specific art is created to enhance and celebrate its surroundings in which an artist considers the site first before anything else. Site-specific art uses the surroundings to enrich the experience. It can help to tell the story of location, or it can simply exist to elevate the site. Locations in Roswell in which site-specific art could be installed include our many trails, our parks, and our historic town square.


Because the City of Roswell is always improving the public realm with updated infrastructure that citizens use daily, the city has the unique opportunity to implement “Roswell specific” designs in place of otherwise ordinary pieces of infrastructure. Integrating our cultural values into our infrastructure can be affordable and create a major visual impact. COMMUNITY RANKED PREFERENCES The following list of project types is ranked by community preference. 1. Murals | Mosaics 2. Functional Art 3. Pop-up | Temporary 4. Site-Specific 5. Sculpture 6. Performance | Gallery Space

Left: Ballet Dancer, Columbus, Ohio

Functional art can be as simple as the creation and implementation of a “Roswell crosswalk” or as complex as the production and replacement of all existing light poles to “Roswell light poles”. Other options for functional art installations include bike racks, benches, signal boxes, roundabouts, trash cans, street furniture, transit stops, storm drains, manholes, installations within a public garage, wayfinding, sidewalk and alley treatments, artfully designed tree grates. Even mile markers on leisure trails can be artfully designed to become functional art and exude our local values. With the Roswell Arts Fund leading the effort to integrate Roswell designs into all public projects, developers and private property owners will follow by integrating “Roswell Functional Art” into their properties and developments as well.


Center: Yarn Bombed Tree, Duluth, Georgia Right: Pittsburgh Bike Rack Program, Various artists


CHAPTER 5: CONCEPTUAL PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS The following pages contain four conceptual projects and three conceptual programs, all of which were created as inspiration for future projects and programs. While conceptual projects are tied to specific locations, conceptual programs are not. The following projects and programs are not ranked by priority and should be considered strategically as opportunities present themselves.


The Public Art Master Plan has identified four conceptual projects that could be installed throughout the city. The specifics of each project are explored on the following pages. Conceptual projects are tied to specific locations and may be recurring or phased in their commission. Concept implementation should not be restricted to the following projects and should be regularly altered and updated as time progresses, priorities change and new possibilities arise. The following projects are not ranked by priority and should be strategically selected as opportunities present themselves. 38

Below: Papillon, David Landis


The following price ranges are based on national best practices and are presented in price range rather than an exact price point. This allows discretion from the Roswell Arts Fund to determine the most effective way to prioritize projects and determine the exact amount of each artist call’s budget. • MURAL EXTERIOR: $5,000 - $50,000 • CROSSWALK: $1,000 - $5,000 • ARTIST DESIGNED BIKE RACK: $5,000 - $10,000 • ARTIST DESIGNED BENCH: $5,000 - $10,000 • ARTIST FENCE OR SCREEN: $1,000 - $5,000.00 • LARGE SCALE SCULPTURE: $100,000 - $200,000 • SMALL SCALE SCULPTURE: $5,000 - $100,000 • TEMPORARY ART FESTIVAL: $10,000 - $20,000 / YEAR • BRIDGE PROJECT $50,000 - $100,000 • INTERACTIVE SCULPTURE: $35,000 - $100,000 • VINYL WRAP: $350 - $1,000


The lush landscape of Roswell is unparalleled in the Atlanta region. The natural environment paired with our world class food scene drives residents, businesses, and tourists to our community. Though this is a powerful image, it does not alone communicate the story of Roswell. To make our culture and values known to all those who enter our community, we can fortify the entry points to our city with pieces of art that reflect our civic identity. Here, art should effectively tell our story. It should strengthen and showcase our identity to firsttime visitors and lifelong residents alike. When a person enters our community, they should know that they have arrived and should know who we are and what we care about. Finally, it should be evident that this place is loved.


Through on-the-ground surveying and public outreach, we identified several gateways that are priority for public art. They are as follows and are in no particular order: • Hwy 120 (Roswell Road) crossing Willeo Creek in the median or over the roadway • Crabapple and Houze Road • Holcomb Bridge Road and Hwy 400 • Holcomb Bridge at the Chattahoochee River • Holcomb Bridge (Woodstock Road at Leita Thompson) • Alpharetta Hwy at Upper Hembree • Hwy 9 at Riverside Road • Old Alabama Road on the East Side • Heart of Roswell Park (as the gateway to Canton Street) • New Boardwalk


Above: Pipe Dream, Tim Bavington

Right: We Are, Jonathan Cramer Left: Urban Light, Chris Burden


The community consistently noted the need to differentiate itself from its neighbors as a place for the Arts. A call for each gateway location could be developed as funding became available. From a mural on the side of a building to a large sculpture, these gateways may vary depending on the site. In addition, any developments occurring at or near gateway sites can incorporate public art into the design of the development and become a gateway icon purely based on location.


Roswell Public Art Fund – Major developments taking place near the above gateways may develop their public art programming to include gateways for the City and can be negotiated as conditions of approval.


Encourage proposed developments within gateway locations to integrate art into their design, so their development becomes a gateway to Roswell.


For cost estimates, see small and large sculptures and murals.



Left: Found Objects Sculpture, Louisville, Kentucky


The Roswell Riverwalk is a seven-mile greenway along the Chattahoochee River. Designated trails and boardwalks take visitors along the river, through the riparian vegetation and connect to the Chattahoochee Nature Center, Don White and Azalea Parks.


The Roswell Riverwalk is used by residents from all over the Atlanta Region as a major recreational site for cyclists and pedestrians. Workshop participants spoke of the Riverwalk as a treasured place and a rare opportunity in the region to find respite from everyday life. A series of delightful art interventions found along the pathway might serve as a set of metaphorical “bread crumbs�, perhaps utilizing unique opportunities for mural installations. As a result, the art would complement new wayfinding and enhance both the utility and aesthetics of the Greenway. Through activations of multi-media, artist-designed functional pieces, and various other unique art experiences, the Project can create a pleasant and engaging experience and thus enhance the quality of life in Roswell on its most treasured trail.



Continuous Crosswalks: The crosswalks used by cyclists and pedestrians from adjacent areas could all be united in design or theme and may draw users to the Riverwalk. Roswell Bike Racks: As a destination for cyclists and pedestrians, bike racks would be an asset to the Riverwalk. A singular Bike Racks design can be developed by an artist and placed along the Riverwalk to create a unified connection. Additionally, one or several artists can develop a series of Bike Racks creating an eclectic collection. Private Property Participation: Businesses adjacent to the Riverwalk may be given the opportunity to purchase artist-designed bike racks installed outside of their place of business in order to raise money for further public art and programming opportunities. Creative Bollards: Any bollards on the path may be re-envisioned by an artist or artists. Wildlife Installations: Sculptures or other installations along the Riverwalk that celebrate the wildlife found in and around the

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Right: St. Simons Island Trees Far Right: NYC Bench Projects


Chattahoochee River. Each installation may share information about the wildlife in the area and the importance of conservation. Creative Lighting: All paths have lighting, but rarely is lighting designed by an artist. Smart lighting along the riverwalk can be designed by an artist that is triggered by movement and is conscious of light pollution. Calls for this installation may focus on sustainability themes, wildlife, and historic uses of the river. Roswell Benches: Much like the Roswell Bike Racks, one or several artists can create one or more designs to artfully incorporate benches along the Riverwalk. These would engage both resting visitors up close and passersbys from a distance. Water Related Installations: There are many forms that water based installations can take along the trails and boardwalk. Artists may design features that directly engage with the river or take more abstract approaches to water related themes.

FUNDING POSSIBILITIES NEA Our Town Grant Artplace America Grant


The Recreation, Parks, Historic and Cultural Affairs Department and the Roswell Arts Fund should collaborate on incorporating artistic elements throughout the Riverwalk that are least obtrusive to the natural beauty the greenway presents. Materials used must be environmentally friendly and not harmful to the ecosystem.


See cost estimates for crosswalks, small and large sculptures, and other functional elements for potential estimated cost of a call or calls for this project. 45


The City of Roswell is looking to revitalize public spaces and transform them into places where people can stroll, shop, and dine. Roswell’s East and West Alleys parallel to Canton Street lend themselves perfectly to this exciting vision and are each complete with non-primary facades offering ample space for murals. The alleyways will each receive new pavement treatments, crosswalks, and some design options that will allow for closure of Canton for sanctioned activities.


The Roswell East-West Alleyway plan, proposed in 2016 offers many opportunities for public art programming, many of which are functional art elements. Canton Street has a historic design featuring a narrow street with little to no setback of the buildings and no space for increased items in the right of way. However, the alleyways offer a unique opportunity to incorporate art into the Canton Street area, which will aid in maintaining the historic character of the street without altering primary facades of the historic buildings. Calls for artists could be developed for teams of artists to take on one East or West alleyway as a unique public space or for the team to take on both alleys as one public space. Functional 46

Above: Alleyway of Dreams, Toronto Far Right: Creative Alleyway Installation, Chattanooga

elements should be mixed and matched to create a unique alleyway program for Roswell that is not easily replicated in other communities. As Canton Street is one of Roswell’s most beloved locations for residents and visitors alike, opportunities for public art programming abound.


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Crosswalks: Proposed crosswalks on Canton at East Alley and continuously throughout Canton Street could be designed by an artist or number of artists. These creative crosswalks can add a splash of color or interest, supporting the character of the historic corridor without detracting from it. Paver Treatments: Utilities will be buried in both the East and West Alley after which asphalt will be replaced with pavers. An artist or artist team can develop an artistic strategy for each alley, incorporating unique paver programming to pursue a greater vision or theme for the Alley. Artist-Designed Pedestrian Lighting: While lighting is necessary for safety, it does not have to lack excitement and intrigue. Lighting can be designed with the rest of the artist team to fulfill the theme of the alley. Murals: The backs of buildings provide a large opportunity for a splash of color or a themed message. Waste Management Treatment: Many alleys are designed to handle the uses of the buildings they serve and thusly serve as a means of waste disposal and delivery load in. Close attention should be paid to the screening of the waste management locations as dumpsters can be artistically programmed into the greater public space.


Coordination with Public Works to incorporate artist designed elements into the final construction documents may be required. Many elements that can be designed by an artist may already be accounted for in the budget. These items should be netted out to show the additional cost for artist integration.


See cost estimates for crosswalks, small and large sculptures, murals, and other functional elements for potential estimated cost of a call or calls for this project. 47


Medians are located on major arterials throughout the City and provide a visual opportunity for two-way traffic on many vehicular corridors. Medians are often either landscaped to provide visually stimulating entryways to communities or installed using primarily concrete. Priority roadways include: Holcomb Bridge Road and Atlanta Street / Alpharetta Street (Highway 9).


Use existing and proposed median sites to develop public art creating gateways on vehicular corridors. Tall and skinny sculptures, mobiles, or conversely, small and wide sculptures could be repeated along a median to unify a corridor.


Below: True North, Gus Kopriva

Right: Unparallel Way, Emily Weiskopf Bottom: Tree Quilts, Fugitive Glue Collaborative



Median installations could enhance Holcomb Bridge Road and create continuity throughout the corridor for those entering from GA-400 and traveling through the spine of the city. Small and low cost artwork to unify the Atlanta Street / Alpharetta Street (Highway 9) corridor as it is more narrow than Holcomb Bridge Road. Simple installations that create a splash of color would draw the eye.


Encroachment permits from Georgia Department Of Transportation (GDOT) may be required for installation of art in the medians. Additionally or alternately, an update to the maintenance agreement for Holcomb Bridge Road and Atlanta Street / Alpharetta Street (Highway 9) may be required from GDOT.


See cost estimates for small and large sculpture for a call or calls for this project. 49


The Public Art Master Plan has identified three conceptual programs to be implemented throughout the city. The specifics of each program are explored on the following pages. Conceptual programs are not tied to specific locations and may be recurring or phased in their commission. The following programs are not ranked by priority and should be strategically selected as opportunities present themselves.


Functional Art designed by artists is a simple and impactful way of introducing art into the public realm. Location options range from parks and open spaces to sidewalks, greenways, right-of-ways and other public spaces. Numerous examples throughout this plan describe opportunities for crosswalk projects intended to be used as pilot projects in order to test out a functional art program. Additional short-term opportunities include adding artist-designed benches along the Riverwalk, bike racks, play structures, and other projects listed below. This conceptual program will solidify the Department of Transportation’s role in ensuring art is woven into even the most utilitarian of things. It must be noted that the Roswell Arts Fund should have purview over each of these art interventions. Inclusion in future TSPLOST programs may provide opportunities for a Functional Art program.


Above: Pittsburgh Bike Rack Program Right: Toronto Bike Rack Program


Program to target gateway locations. Program to target just one or two types of infrastructure. Program to target Riverwalk as part of Project 1. This presents an opportunity to test commission prior to broader utilization citywide.


Combinations of Public Art funds, General Fund, and Major Maintenance funds to leverage investments


The Roswell Arts Fund will need to assess baseline costs of functional art items and determine the additional cost of the artist commission. In addition, city staff will need to determine if the Public Art Program will cover maintenance of the functional art items, or if the works will be considered temporary and removed after a set amount of time. Roswell Arts Fund review and integration with the Department of Transportation bid process is necessary.


See cost estimates for artist-designed bike racks, crosswalks and benches for this Conceptual Program’s potential costs.

Above: Creative Crosswalks, Athens, Ohio Below: San Diego Light Poles



The Roswell Artist in Residence Program can define the role of the artist working within government as this program would be a pioneer program in the region. Incorporation of the artist would begin in the daily and long-term workings of the city to create and support social and civic practices through an integrative partnership between the City of Roswell and the Roswell Arts Fund. The purpose of the program is to create art out of the systems of the city. The artist in residence would advise on major city initiatives and lead their own projects at the city level.


Dedicated Workspace: The selected artist should have dedicated workspace within City Hall in order to freely collaborate across city departments. A Seat at the Table: The artist in residence should play an integral role in nearly every department’s projects including Recreation, Parks, Historic and Cultural Affairs, Planning, Public works, and Community Development. Inclusion in these discussions ensures that art is considered essential to city activity even in the most mundane of things such as sidewalk maintenance and capital projects.


The Roswell Arts Fund may provide activation funds for administrative needs within the program. In the future, a part-time staff position at the city level may be created and funded by the general fund.


A part-time staff position will require minimal administrative work as well as a dedicated department to house the artist in residence.


The program will cost a part-time salary. 52

Above: St. Paul, Minnesota Artist in Residence Program Right: Easton Town Center Chalk the Block Festival


Left: Emeryville, California Box Art Bottom Right and Left: San Luis Obispo Utility Box Program




Utility Boxes throughout the city offer large flat surfaces without penetrations perfect for small mural installations. In addition to the multitude of options for wide distribution, there is a significant interest in murals from the public and local business community. Develop partnerships with local schools who have students interested in participating in the Public Art Program. Murals can be directly painted onto the utility box or can be applied using heat and vinyl. A Vinyl wrap will encourage a variety of mediums to be used including student taken photographs, 3D pieces and computer graphics. This program can be a rotating program that changes every two to four years.


• •

Student Involvement: Partner with the local high schools to have students go through an RFP process administered by the Roswell Arts Fund. Students can submit designs to be placed on Utility Boxes throughout the city, which can include 3D, 2D, photographs, and computer graphic work to encourage a diverse group of students to participate. Temporary Installations: The life of each box should be short (between 2-4 years) as weather and time take a toll on the wraps. The temporary nature of the boxes also allows more students to participate in the project on a rotating basis. Themed Installations: The call can be such so that specific pockets of Roswell’s utility boxes are grouped by theme. This will generate great interest from the community and could become an activity for individuals and families.


Crowdsourcing, city capital budget, grant opportunities to incorporate student artwork, and the Public Art Fund are all funding possibilities.


The Department of Transportation’s cooperation throughout the application of the vinyl wraps onto the utility boxes. A selection panel administered through the Roswell Arts Fund.


See cost estimates for murals for this Conceptual Program potential costs. 55

CHAPTER 6: PRIORITY ACTION PLAN The implementation of this plan will require collaboration on a broad scale. As the implementation leader, the Roswell Arts Fund, serving as the Public Art Program Manager, will collaborate with city staff and other critical decisionmaking entities to ensure clear and consistent interpretation of the plan throughout implementation. Left: SS Sentinal, Rollin Karg Right: Canton Street at sundown


OUR ROLES ROSWELL ARTS FUND The Roswell Arts Fund will continue their efforts in ensuring access to high-quality art throughout the city by advising the City of Roswell and acting on behalf of the community on the selection of public art. The Roswell Arts Fund will be the key leader in implementing this plan through community outreach, continued leadership and strategic action. In addition, the Fund should be tasked with continued advocacy and fundraising on behalf of public art in Roswell. CITY OF ROSWELL As Roswell continues to be one of the most desired communities to start and grow businesses in the Atlanta Metro Area, city staff should integrate artistic elements into their typical work. This may be as varied as economic development projects or infrastructure designed to reflect the culture and history of Roswell. CITY COUNCIL In order to carry on the legacy of supporting public art in Roswell, the City Council must continue to identify funding and policy improvements for the Public Art Program. City Council’s foresight and leadership will continue to encourage the development of public art in the city. 57

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT The department, with the support of the Roswell Arts Fund, will continue to be the liaison between the city government and the developers. This department must also lobby for the inclusion of art or artistic infrastructure in Public Works projects and real estate developments at the conceptual stage of the process. Most importantly, this department must encourage Roswell-centric art and design throughout the community. TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS The Transportation and Public Works Departments are significant partners in the installation of public art throughout the public sphere of Roswell. The significance is evident in the Department’s responsibilities such as the implementation of the City’s infrastructure projects, providing structural review of exterior installations, and in permitting works that encroach on the Public Right of Way. As the Master Plan suggests artist opportunities (functional infrastructure, medians and civic construction sites as well as site specific improvement sites), the Transportation Department and Public Works Department are vital partners in the expansion of public art as a mitigation of urban living in the most banal of locations. RECREATION, PARKS, HISTORIC AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT The parks of Roswell provide a significant opportunity to display public art accessible to the community. The Recreation, Parks, Historic and Cultural Affairs Department will be tasked with integrating public art into plans for future expansion or revitalization as well as identifying future locations for public art. Residents of Roswell are very engaged with their park system for recreation and many art, dance, and 58

theatrical classes and programs. The Parks Department should continue to look at creative ways to expand arts classes and programming. Additionally, bike and other recreation trails are a focal point that residents believe should display public art. Therefore, the Recreation, Parks, Historic and Cultural Affairs Department will be tasked with implementing that vision. LOCAL BUSINESS COMMUNITY As the backbone and fuel of the economy in Roswell, small businesses are a huge part of Roswell residents’ daily lives. By partnering with small businesses, the Roswell Arts Fund can fund important programming or public art pieces, while engaging returning customers and frequent patrons of small businesses. Many of these opportunities can be small-scale projects that encourage interaction with the business and reorient participants’ thought processes around the arts. LOCAL SCHOOLS The Roswell Area Schools have an opportunity to inject youthful energy into the Roswell Public Art Program. Art curriculum must also be encouraged and included in the education system in local schools. The Roswell Arts Fund has a potential role to fund artists in the schools through community grants and should prioritize the display of the art of Roswell’s young people in order to embody the community in full. Art commissioned by the Roswell Arts Fund may include youth in the design or the implementation of the works. Collaboration between public and private schools may offer unique opportunities as well. 59

GOALS AND STRATEGIES The following goals and strategies are derived from the community engagement activities and national best practices in public art planning. The goals are broken down into tiers, as many of the long-term goals are only achievable if the initial goals are implemented. The goals and implementation strategies should be carefully considered and implemented with the proper partners.


1. Adopt Roswell Art in Public Places Percent for Arts Ordinance in Public and Private Places. (See p. 67 for Proposed Percent for Arts Policy.) Key Partner(s): City of Roswell, Roswell City Council 2. Consider General Fund allocations for targeted uses complementing the Roswell Public Art Program, such as the Art Around Roswell Sculpture Tour and art purchase, and the Artist in Residence Program. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell, Roswell City Council PROCESS/POLICY:

1. Develop internal processes for coordination between the Community Development Department, the Roswell Arts Fund and other city departments for projects funded by Public Art Program funds. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell, Community Development Department, and Recreation, Parks, Historic and Cultural Affairs Department 60

2. Develop internal priority location list for future public art installations based on community input, availability of space and other key factors, such as future developments. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell, Community Development Department, and Recreation, Parks, Historic and Cultural Affairs Department 3. Develop internal criteria for the selection of public art based on community input, ability to visually communicate the story of Roswell, project typology, and other key factors. 4. Adopt Roswell Public Art Maintenance Policy. (See p. 80 for Proposed Maintenance Policy) Key Partner(s): City of Roswell, Roswell City Council 5. Adopt Roswell Public Art Gift Policy. (See p. 84 for Proposed Gift Policy) Key Partner(s): City of Roswell, Roswell City Council ARTIST SUPPORT:

1. Develop an Artist in Residence Program for the City of Roswell to enhance the city’s status as a destination for the arts. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell, Community Development Department, and Recreation, Parks, Historic and Cultural Affairs Department, Transportation and Public Works Department 2. Collaborate with local schools to create school programming that utilizes and features artists. Key Partner(s): Roswell Area Schools 3. Prioritize easily implementable project and programming, such as temporary and pop-up art and murals.



1. Utilize Public Art funds to leverage and provide matching monies for grant opportunities from local, state, and national organizations. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell 2. Target grants specific to strategic placemaking endeavors or programmatic actions eligible for grants such as: • Programming that supports cultural diversity in the arts. • Programs for reaching underserved communities. • Projects that integrate arts and culture into community revitalization work - such as land-use, transportation, economic development, education, housing, infrastructure, and public safety strategies. • Projects that utilize the arts to support the creative needs of non-arts sectors. • Projects that explore the intersection of artistic creativity and creativity in non-arts sectors. • Projects that use the arts and the creative process to address complex issues. • Programming that celebrates heritage or history of a specific place. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell PROCESS/POLICY:

1. Create a reserve of ‘shovel ready’ public art projects for easy implementation by developers or private sponsorship. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell, Community Development Department 2. Purchase or commission art through collaborations between arts and non-arts partners. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell 3. Collaborate with the City of Roswell, the Convention and Visitors Bureau, Business Associations, Faith Based Organizations and other stakeholders to create a unified marketing plan for Roswell as an art-centric destination. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell, Recreation, Parks, Historic and Cultural Affairs Department, Local Business Community 62

Right: Gallery 43

4. Send out yearly digital surveys to stakeholders and through social media and mailing lists to garner feedback on the public art program and its impact. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell ARTIST SUPPORT:

1. Develop a list of qualified artists well oriented to the program that can be provided to developers, individuals, and businesses in the event they are interested in procuring or commissioning a piece of public art. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell, Community Development Department 2. Create a volunteer program to engage non-artists to assist with events or artist installations. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell, Recreation, Parks, Historic and Cultural Affairs Department 3. Prioritize more expensive or difficult-to-implement projects and programming such as sculptures, gateway pieces, and functional art. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell 63


1. Explore additional funding mechanisms for larger public art installations, such as incorporation of public art strategy into a bond issue, Hotel/Motel Tax including capitalizing on Airbnb rentals, and utilization of Business Improvement Districts (BID’s) for public art projects within the geographic boundaries of the BID. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell, Community Development Department, City Council, Local Business Community 2. Explore other potential citywide taxes dedicated specifically to the arts. The Imagine Roswell Arts and Culture Plan found that residents would be willing to pay a tax to fund arts and cultural programs. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell 64


1. Update plan in 5 to 10 years to help respond to opportunities and challenges as the program grows. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell 2. Collaborate with local, national, and international museums, galleries, and collections to do innovative exhibitions at non-profit or public facilities in Roswell. 3. Creation of Public Art projects or programming through collaborations between arts and non-arts partners, such as hospitals, rehabilitation and senior centers, disability-focused organizations and more. Key Partner(s): Local Business Community ARTIST SUPPORT:

1. Create partnerships with local schools to ensure public art and educational opportunities for students and artists. Key Partner(s): Local Schools 2. Prioritize most expensive or difficult to implement projects and programing such as monumental sculptural pieces and art trails. Key Partner(s): City of Roswell, Community Development Department, Recreation, Parks, Historic and Cultural Affairs Department




ROSWELL PUBLIC ART PROGRAM POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT PURPOSE To establish procedures and responsibilities for the implementation of the Roswell Public Art Program, administered by the Roswell Arts Fund. PROGRAM GOALS • Develop a public art program that is unique to Roswell. Public Art helps define a city by honoring its history, celebrating its culture, and creating rich experiences for residents and visitors alike. • Strategically drive economic prosperity and social cohesion and capital through investment in public art. • Increase the understanding and enjoyment of public art by Roswell’s residents. • Invite public participation in and interaction with public spaces. • Provide unusual and challenging employment opportunities for artists. • Encourage collaborations between artist and architects, and artist and engineers, building bridges between and amongst the public and private sector. • Support artist participation on design teams for planning public projects. • Encourage a variety of art forms. DEFINITIONS 1. Roswell Arts Fund means an independent, non-profit organization designated by the city of Roswell as its designated Arts Agency. 2. Artist means a practitioner in the Arts, generally recognized by critics and peers as one who produces works of art. 3. Artwork means all forms of original creations of visual arts, including but not limited to: 1) sculpture in any material or combination of materials; 2 ) painting - all media including portable and permanently affixed works, such as murals and frescoes; 3) graphic arts print making and drawing; 4) mosaics; 5) photography; 6) crafts in clay, fiber and textiles, wood, metal, plastics, and other materials; 7) calligraphy; 8) stained glass; and 9) mixed media – any combination of forms or media, including collage. 4. Consultant is any firm, individual, joint venture or team of firms or individuals with which the Developer/City contracts for design or other consulting services related to the Public Art Program. 5. Designer is any consultant providing design services for the execution of a public art project or subsequent renovation. 6. Building Development Costs means the construction costs for a project as declared on all building 67

permit applications, including but not limited to electrical, plumbing, mechanical permits, for the project, and as accepted by the Building Official, but shall not apply to costs solely attributable to tenant improvements. 7. Project means a proposal for the development of improved or unimproved real property including but not limited to offices, hotels, motels, but excluding all single-family residential developments, gated communities, and condominium developments. 8. Public Place means any area or property (public or private) which is accessible or visible to the general public a minimum of 8 hours per business day. 9. Public Art Fund means a separate fund established to receive monies for the public art program generated through the Public Art Program and entrusted to the Roswell Arts Fund. 10. Visual Art Professional shall mean any of the following: artist, curator, art critic, art historian, architect with a visual art background, or fine art collector. 11. “Public Art Program in-lieu contribution” shall equal the percentage of building development costs required herein. 12. Gallery means an inside space specifically designed for the temporary exhibition of artwork, including that of local artists, providing public accessibility, appropriate lighting, wall space, and security. 13. Selection Panel means a group of convened individuals to recommend the selection of artwork, consisting of three to five members. The group consists of various types of people. GUIDELINES FOR MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENTS The following guidelines are for municipal developments. The City of Roswell, in partnership with the Roswell Arts Fund, shall work in collaboration to accomplish the goals set forth above. 1. THE POLICY AND LAW On (DATE), the City Council adopted Ordinance # _______ establishing the Roswell Public Art Program. This ordinance requires that certain municipal (City) development projects expend a minimum of two percent (2 %) of the building construction costs on artwork accessible to the public. 2. ADMINISTRATION The Public Art Fund shall be administered by the Roswell Arts Fund as contracted by the City of Roswell. The Roswell Arts Fund acts on the City of Roswell’s behalf only as it relates to their Memorandum of Agreement. The Roswell Arts Fund is free to do business with other groups, individuals, and businesses without engagement from the City of Roswell.


3. RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The Roswell Arts Fund shall: 3.11 Make recommendations to the City of Roswell on public places within the City of Roswell and its development projects, which shall be considered for artwork; accessible to the public a minimum of eight (8) hours per business day; considered suitable locations for public art. Spaces may be interior or exterior. Locations can include surface treatments of buildings and retaining walls and bridges. The definition of “location” can also be expanded by an artists’ ability to extend the possibilities for public art, and would then be determined on a case-by-case basis. However, the primary objective of visual or interactive public accessibility must be realized for a specific number of hours per day. 3.12 The primary role of the Roswell Arts Fund as it relates to the Roswell Public Art Program is to advance public art (permanent and temporary) within the City of Roswell, to educate and engage the community, and manage the selection of public art through various methods (public art selection panels, invitationals, and art consultants). 3.13 Review art plans for artwork to be located within a public place by the city. In making this determination, the Roswell Arts Fund and selected experts and stakeholders shall consider the following criteria: 3.131 Whether the artwork is appropriate as art in public places and compatible in scale, material form, and content with the surroundings within which it is to be located; 3.132 The inherent quality of the work itself; 3.133 Consideration of the structural and surface soundness of the artwork and its prominence in terms of relative proof against age, theft, vandalism, weathering, or excessive maintenance or repair costs; and 3.134 Whether reasonable diversity in the type of artwork in public places is being attained in terms of style, scale, media, and materials represented. 3.135 The Roswell Arts Fund shall have further responsibility for reviewing and recommending for approval of any artwork proposed to be donated to the City or Roswell Arts Fund. Policies and Guidelines shall be established by the Roswell Arts Fund and approved by the City Council to govern donation of artwork.


3.14 Hire consultants as may be needed to advise and/or assist the Roswell Arts Fund with specific projects as stated in the Memorandum of Agreement for such purposes as: 3.141 Professional appraisal of artwork 3.142 Performance of feasibility studies, specific to execution of proposed artwork 3.143 Packing and shipping of artwork 3.144 Review of engineering specifications 3.145 Conservation and maintenance 3.146 Collection documentation 3.147 Installation design 3.148 Presentation assistance 4. ARTWORK SELECTION 4.1 The Roswell Arts Fund shall manage the art selection process and in most cases will create a Selection Panel to select artworks. Artwork may be selected by any of the following methods, depending on which is most appropriate for the situation: 4.11 Open Entry - Any Artist is eligible to enter (with recognition of possible requirements for local or regional residence). 4.12 Limited Entry or Invitational - A limited number of artists are selected and paid to develop proposals for a site. One of the proposals is selected. 4.13 Direct Selection of the artist(s) or completed work. 4.14 Not eligible to be selected for commissions are the members of the Selection Panel, members of the Roswell Arts Fund, or their immediate relatives, or employees of the City of Roswell.


4.2 All financial arrangements are negotiated between the artist and the contracting party and will be verified by a written agreement. 5. STAFFING 5.1 The Roswell Arts Fund may be hired by the City to provide staff support during the duration of the public art process for the specific project as a consultant. The consultant shall be responsible for project coordination including: 5.11 Project Development 5.12 Administer Artists Selection Process 5.13 Negotiate Contracts with Artist(s) for Design Phase 5.14 Facilitate Interaction between the Artists, Architects, City Staff, Community Members 5.15 Present Artist’s Design to Appropriate Committees 5.16 Negotiate Artist’s Contract for Execution Phase 5.17 Monitor Project Progress 5.18 Oversee On-Site Activity in connection with the Artwork Installation 5.19 Develop strategies for Community relations/education 6. METHOD OF SELECTION PANEL APPOINTMENT BY THE ROSWELL ARTS FUND 6.1 A method of selecting panel members shall be established by the Roswell Arts Fund taking into consideration the following: 6.11 The duties and responsibilities of Selection Panel members relating to the project. 6.12 Criteria for Selection Panel Selection of artwork - Criteria used by the Selection Panel shall include the quality of the artwork; style and nature of the artwork being compatible to the environment; media; permanence; public liability; diversity of all artwork; and technical feasibility.


6.13 Representation of key stakeholders as it relates to each specific public art selection (community representation: Roswell Arts Fund, City Departments, Recreation Commission members, neighborhoods and specific stakeholders deemed relevant for each specific public art selection). 6.14 Selection Panel Voting Procedures (i.e. majority vote, process for tie, etc.). 7. USE OF THE PUBLIC ART FUND BUDGET FOR MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENTS 7.1 Within the Public Art Fund, two separate accounts shall be established: the Public Art Fund Acquisition Account and the Public Art Administrative Account. Of the two percent (2%) for public art, a portion of the public art funds received (equal to one half of one percent (0.5%) of the building development costs) for a municipal development project shall be set aside for administration of the Public Art Program, and for maintenance costs of the artwork for municipal developments. Therefore, the Public Art Fund will amount to one and one half percent (1.5%) of the building development cost. 7.11 Public Art Fund Acquisition Account. A portion of the funds received (equal to one and one half [1.5%] of the building development costs) for a municipal development project shall be set aside for acquisition of publicly accessible art. 7.111 Permissible Expenditures. Acquisition Fund expenditures may include, but are not limited to: (a) The cost of the artwork and its installation; (b) Identification plaques and labels; (c) Waterworks, electrical and mechanical devices and equipment which are an integral part of the artwork; (d) Frames, mattes, and single pedestals necessary for the proper presentation of the artwork; (e) Walls, bases, pools, or other architectural elements on or in which the artwork are placed or affixed and which, in the opinion of the Roswell Arts Fund are an integral part of and contribute to the aesthetic and structural support of the artwork; and (f) Fire retardant treatments (when required).


7.112 Inappropriate Expenditures. Acquisition Fund Expenditures that would not be appropriate include, but are not limited to: (a) Reproductions by mechanical or other means of original artwork (however, limited editions controlled by the artist, or original prints, cast sculpture, photographs, may be included); (b) Decorative ornamental or functional elements which are designed by the architect or consultants engaged by the architect; (c) Those elements generally considered to be components of the landscape architectural design, vegetative materials, pool(s), paths, benches, receptacle, fixtures, planters, etc., except when designed by artists; (d) Art objects which are mass produced or of standard design, such as playground sculpture or fountains; directional or other functional elements; such as signing, color coding, maps, etc., except when designed by artists; (e) Walls, bases, pools, or other architectural elements on or in which the artwork is placed or affixed, (f) Preparation of the site necessary to receive the artwork; electrical, water, or mechanical service for activation of the artwork; (g) Exhibitions and educational programs relative to the artwork before or after installation (lighting, registration, dedication, unveiling, insurance, security, and publicity or publications); and (h) Consultant or Designer costs related to public art projects. 7.113 Nothing shall preclude gifts, grants, bequests, donations or other cash received by the Roswell City Council for art purposes (such as contributions referenced in Section 5 of the Private Development Guidelines of the Public Art Program) being placed in a separate fund. Specific components or activities for use of this fund shall include: 1) temporary and permanent artwork and events; 2) producing art exhibitions; 3) cultural programming by organizations; 4) events to further artist participation in Public Art program; 5) performing arts program.


7.12 Public Art Fund Administrative Account A portion of the funds received (equal to one half of one percent (0.5%) of the building development costs) for a municipal development project shall be set aside for administration of the Public Art Program, and for maintenance costs of the artwork for municipal developments. 8. INSTALLATION OF ARTWORK 8.1 On-site activity in connection with the artwork installation shall be coordinated by the department or developer having jurisdiction over the site and/or construction. 8.2 So far as practical, in the event repair of a work is required, the City shall make reasonable attempts to contact the responsible artist, who shall be given the opportunity to do that work for a reasonable fee and on reasonable terms. In the event the artist refuses to make that repair for such a fee and on such terms, the department may proceed to solicit proposals from conservators. Anyone who performs the repair work (including the artist) is to proceed on a reasonable schedule. If emergency repairs are necessary for safety reasons or in order to prevent loss of or damage to a work, such repairs shall not be deemed to constitute an artistic alteration and repair opportunity need not go the artist first. 8.3 Artwork may be relocated only as approved by the Roswell Arts Fund. 9. OWNERSHIP/SALES 9.1 The title to all artwork commissioned or purchased by the City of Roswell shall be transferred to the City of Roswell. The City is charged with the custody, supervision, maintenance and preservation of artwork. 10. DEACCESSIONING OF CITY-OWNED WORKS OF ART 10.1 At a minimum of once every five years, the Roswell Arts Fund will review the City’s and/or designate an advisory panel composed of visual art professionals to assist in the evaluation. 10.2 The Roswell Arts Fund may consider the deaccessioning of artwork for one or more of the following reasons: 10.21 A work is not, or is only rarely, on display because of lack of a suitable site. 10.22 The condition or security of the artwork cannot be reasonably guaranteed in its present location. 74

10.23 The artwork has been damaged and repair is impractical or unfeasible. 10.24 The artwork endangers public safety. 10.25 Significant changes in the use, character or actual design of the site require a re-evaluation of the relationship of artwork to the site. 10.26 The artwork has been determined to be of inferior quality relative to the quality of other works in the collection. 10.27 The City wishes to replace the artwork with a work of more significance by the same artist. 10.28 The artwork requires excessive maintenance or has faults of design or workmanship. 10.3 Sequence of action to deaccession: 10.31 The Roswell Arts Fund determines that an artwork meets one of the criteria in 25.2, above. 10.32 A review shall be made of: 1) any legal restrictions which may apply to this specific work; 2) an analysis of the reasons for deaccessioning; 3) options for storage or disposition of the work; 4) appraised value of the work, if reasonably obtainable. 10.33 The Roswell Arts Fund may seek additional information regarding the work from the artist, art galleries, curators, appraisers or other professionals, prior to confirming a recommendation for action. 10.4 Upon confirmation of its recommendation, the Roswell Arts Fund shall consider the following actions (in order of priority): 10.41 Relocation of the artwork 10.42 Storage 10.43 Sale or trade


a) Sale may be through auction or gallery resale, in compliance with City law and policies governing surplus property. b) Trade may be through artist, gallery, museum or other institutions. 10.44 Proceeds from the sale of a work of art shall be returned to the Municipal Public Art Fund from which the original purchase was made if acquired through the Percent for Art program. Funds from the sale of gifts shall go for future artwork projects. Any pre-existing contractual agreements between the artist and the City or the artist and the Roswell Arts Fund regarding resale shall be honored. 11. PERIODIC REVIEW The City of Roswell in partnership with the Roswell Arts Fund shall review the Public Art Program, after one year from the date of adoption of the Public Art Program ordinance. At that time, the Roswell Arts Fund shall prepare a short- and long-range planning program to go to the City Council for approval. 12. WAIVER PROVISIONS The City of Roswell may grant a waiver or may modify any of the requirements of this chapter upon a showing by the applicant that: 12.1 The strict application of the law would, under the extraordinary circumstances of the particular development, produce a unique hardship not experienced by others subject to the provisions of this Chapter; and 12.2 The waiver or modification would not constitute a grant of special privilege to the applicant inconsistent with the application of the law upon other developments in the City; and 12.3 The waiver or modification is consistent with the objectives of the Chapter. This section is permissive in nature and shall not be construed to compel the City Council to grant relief under this section.


GUIDELINES FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPERS The following guidelines are for private development. The City of Roswell, in partnership with the Roswell Arts Fund, shall work in collaboration to accomplish the goals set forth above. 1. THE POLICY AND LAW On _____(DATE)____, the City Council adopted Ordinance # __________ establishing the Roswell Public Art Program. This Ordinance requires that certain development projects expend a minimum of 1.0 percent (1%) of the building development costs on artwork accessible to the public. Private development projects subject to the Public Art Program shall enter into an Agreement. Private development contributions to the Public Art Program shall be used to finance an art project or commission artwork for placement in publicly accessible or visible places, either at that development site or elsewhere in the city. 2. ARTWORK SELECTION/PAYMENT PROCEDURE 2.1 Selection of the artist/artwork will be responsibility of the private developer but will be reached in collaboration with the Roswell Arts Fund. 2.2 All financial arrangements are negotiated between the artist and the private developer as contracting party and will be verified by a written agreement both by the City of Roswell and by the Roswell Arts Fund. Negotiations do not include the amount spent on art, as the amount is non-negotiable and is predetermined based on building cost. 3. ASSESSMENT OF PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT FOR PUBLIC ART CONTRIBUTION The total amount expended on public art by the developer shall not be less than 1.0% of the building development costs. The private developer may fulfill the Public Art Program obligation by one of two methods: 3.1 On-Site Placement of Artwork The selection of artwork and placement of a publicly accessible artwork on the development site. The private developer shall provide written proof of compliance (such as purchase agreement, or the installed artwork, etc.) to the City of Roswell prior to issuance of the Certificate-of Occupancy for the construction project, unless the City has approved some other method of assuring compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. Once submitted to the City of Roswell, the Roswell Arts Fund will receive a copy and issue approval that compliance was met.


3.2 In-Lieu Contribution for Off-Site Artwork In lieu of developing an on-site art program, a 100% cash contribution of the total Public Art obligation, that is, 1% of the building development costs, unless the City has approved some other method of assuring compliance with the provisions of the Ordinance. 4. APPEAL PROCEDURE 4.1 If any dispute arises between a developer and the City regarding interpretation of these Guidelines or the method of computing the obligation for a project, resolution of the dispute shall be conducted in the following manner: 4.11 The developer may appeal by submitting a written statement of the dispute and the evidence supporting his/her position and request a hearing on the matter. The City of Roswell will work to resolve the appeal through a hearing with the developer. If the appeal is unable to be resolved with the City of Roswell, the City of Roswell shall schedule the matter for a hearing. 5. MAINTENANCE AND OWNERSHIP Title to all artworks required by the Public Art Program shall pass to the successive owners of the development. Each successive owner shall be responsible for the custody, protection and maintenance of such works of art. 6. REPLACEMENT PROCEDURES 6.1 If for any reason the current owner shall choose to replace any artwork installed pursuant to these guidelines, the following requirements shall be met before the artwork is replaced: 6.11 The cost of the replacement shall be equal to, or greater than, the cost of the art to be removed, and 6.12 The location of the replacement shall meet the then current requirement for public accessibility; and 6.13 The replacement art shall conform, in every respect, to all the then current standards of these guidelines, and 6.14 The replacement work, location and installation shall violate no other ordinance. 78

6.2 The replacement art shall be available for public view not more than 180 days after the existing art was removed, unless this period shall be extended by the Building Official for good reason, such as major construction at the site. 7. TEMPORARY REMOVAL OF ARTWORK Any art required under these guidelines may be temporarily removed upon written notice and acknowledgment by the City of Roswell. 8. PERIODIC REVIEW The City of Roswell in partnership with the Roswell Arts Fund shall review the Public Art Program, after one year from the date of adoption of the Public Art Program ordinance. At that time, the Roswell Arts Fund shall prepare a short- and long-range planning program to go to the City Council for approval. 9. WAIVER PROVISIONS The City of Roswell in partnership with the Roswell Arts Fund may grant a waiver or may modify any of the requirements of this chapter upon a showing by the applicant that: 9.1 The strict application of the law would, under the extraordinary circumstances of the particular development, produce a unique hardship not experienced by others subject to the provisions of this Chapter; and 9.2 The waiver or modification would not constitute a grant of special privilege to the applicant inconsistent with the application of the law upon other developments in the City; and 9.3 The waiver or modification is consistent with the objectives of the Chapter. This section is permissive in nature, and shall not be construed to compel the City of Roswell to grant relief under this section.


ROSWELL PUBLIC ART PROGRAM POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR MAINTENANCE INTRODUCTION The Roswell Public Art Maintenance Program uses the Public Art Administrative Account monies appropriated through the Public Art Ordinance for Municipal Development. This account is funded by monies allocated in municipal projects and is equal to one half of one percent (0.5%) of a municipal building cost. The Public Art Maintenance Program shall be administered by the City of Roswell in collaboration with the Roswell Arts Fund. The Program addresses: • Accessioning and inventorying the City’s collection of public art • Conducting a semi-annual Survey and Condition Assessments of all work in the collection, both historic and contemporary work; • Preparing a semi-annual Public Art Maintenance Plan • Overseeing routine maintenance and special conservation treatment of the City’s public art collection. Every five years, the Roswell Arts Fund will conduct an assessment of the condition of all public art with a qualified professional conservator and develop a prioritized list of works in need of conservation or maintenance. This list will be the basis of the semi-annual Public Art Maintenance Plan. Under this plan, trained City maintenance staff, with the approval and direction of the Roswell Arts Fund, may carry out routine maintenance. For work in need of a higher level of maintenance, specialized care, or conservation treatment, the Program will utilize the maintenance funds available under the Ordinance held in the Public Art Administrative Account. PROCEDURES PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC ART MAINTENANCE PROGRAM MAINTENANCE PLAN Accessioning, maintenance and care of public art begins before an artwork is created. During the design phase or when a donation is initiated, the City, artist or sponsor will review and analyze their design proposal and advise on maintenance and operations of the art work.


On behalf of the City, artist, or sponsor, the appropriate party will submit a Maintenance Plan to the City of Roswell and the Roswell Arts Fund, who will review and then catalogue any tasks associated with maintenance of the art work. The Maintenance Plan will enable the City in collaboration with the Roswell Arts Fund to: • Evaluate the quality and sustainability of the proposed or existing public artwork; • Establish maintenance requirements, assign schedules, and identify potential costs; and • Determine if the City of Roswell should accept or decline the design proposal and/or public artwork. To produce the Maintenance Plan, the artist should examine and render an opinion on the following: • Durability • Type and integrity of materials • Construction/fabrication technique • Internal supports, anchoring and joining, and footings • Landscaping • Vulnerable and delicate elements • Drainage of artwork • Potentially dangerous elements • Security • Location • Environment • Whether the design encourages/discourages interaction • Effects of skateboarding, graffiti, and any other potentially damaging activates The Maintenance Plan will include: • A record of the artist’s intentions for the work of art • Recommendations to mitigate potential problems discovered during the examination • Notes about how the artist would like the work of art to age • An itemization of long-range considerations and care, highlighting maintenance and the anticipated needs for periodic conservation treatment or repairs • Identification of the life span of the artwork and a prognosis of its durability in consideration of that life span 81

LIFE SPAN OF ARTWORK This life span shall be selected from one of three categories: 1. Temporary: 0-5 years 2. Midterm: 5-25 years 3. Longterm: 25+ years The artwork may also be identified as site-integrated, or part of the site and/or the architecture, as appropriate. UTILIZATION OF THE MAINTENANCE PLAN The Maintenance Plan will be used for the following: • Advise Roswell Arts Fund, City department directors and others who must review and approve design proposals or accept or decline donated public artwork • Troubleshoot the production of construction drawings, the fabrication of the artwork, and the preparation of the site • Follow-up on the artist’s recommendations • Refer to during the Post-Fabrication/Installation Inspection in order to prepare a final report and a punch-list to complete the project The City of Roswell and the Roswell Arts Fund, professional conservators, and public artists shall strive to address the recommendations in the Maintenance Plan without unduly interfering with the aesthetic intent of the proposed public art. PROCEDURES DURING THE PUBLIC ART MAINTENANCE PROGRAM The Public Art Maintenance Program becomes actively involved with the Capital Project’s public artwork and the Roswell Arts Fund, at the end of the Commission Phase. The City of Roswell, in collaboration with the Roswell Arts Fund, participates in the Post-Fabrication Inspection and/or Post-Installation Inspection that is led by the Roswell Arts Fund.


POST FABRICATION/INSTALLATION INSPECTION The Post-Fabrication/Installation Inspection will be based upon and follow-up on the Maintenance Plan that was carried out during the design phase. It will include the following: • Ensures that recommendations made in the Maintenance Plan Report and during fabrication were followed. • Confirms that the artwork is executed as proposed and agreed upon. • Confirms that there are no missing or incomplete elements. • Establishes that materials quality and stability are acceptable. • Establishes that fabrication quality and stability are acceptable. • Confirms that installation is stable and secure. • Confirms that stainless steel is fully and properly passivated. • Confirms that protective coatings have been applied, if required. • Ensures that warranties for electronic and other media are submitted, as necessary. • Identifies any remaining vulnerabilities. • Confirms no new damage resulting from installation process. • Ensures that the maintenance and operations plan is accurate; amend as needed. • Confirms that the plaque/public notice meets program guidelines and is properly installed.


ROSWELL PUBLIC ART PROGRAM DONATION OF PUBLIC ART PROCEDURES All public art donated to the City of Roswell (City) must be accompanied by a plan to fund and deliver ongoing maintenance. Otherwise, the resolution accepting the public art must identify how maintenance of the donated public art will be funded. This requirement meets Georgia Municipal Code sec. 36-64-6 (2015) that states: “A park or recreation board or other authority in which is vested the power to provide, establish, maintain, and conduct a recreation program may accept any grant or devise of real estate or any gift or bequest of money or other personal property or any donation, the principal or income of which is to be applied for either temporary or permanent use for playgrounds or recreation purposes. If the acceptance thereof for such purposes will subject the county or municipality to additional expense for improvements, maintenance, or renewal, the acceptance of any grant or devise of real estate shall be subject to the approval of the governing body of the county or municipality. Money received for such purposes, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the gift or bequest, shall be deposited with the treasurer of the county or municipality to the account of the recreation board or commission or other body having charge of such work or shall be deposited directly with the recreation board; it shall be withdrawn and paid out by such body in the same manner as money appropriated for recreation purposes.” DONATION REQUIREMENTS The City will consider donations on the following basis: • The donation contributes to and enhances the City’s public art collection. • Meets a high standard of quality and is appropriate and meaningful to the community. • Follows required City procedures including the submission of a Donation Proposal and a Maintenance Plan. Donation Proposal requirements are included in this policy. The requirements for the Maintenance Plan can be found in the Roswell Public Art Program Policy and Procedure for Maintenance document. • Is made with the understanding that no City funds will be required for production, siting, installation or ongoing operations and maintenance of the work without prior approval of the City of Roswell. • Proposal includes a plan to fund and deliver ongoing operations and maintenance – or the resolution accepting the public art must identify how maintenance will be funded. • Proposal is reviewed and endorsed by the Roswell Arts Fund and City department accepting the art and approved by the City of Roswell.


The City will not accept a donation of artwork until all funds for its development, fabrication, siting and installation have been secured. The City will consider the following types of donation proposals for artworks for City-owned property: • An already completed work of art. • A commissioned artwork by a specific artist or artists to be created especially for a City-owned property. • Donations of creative or innovative public art projects. ROLE OF THE CITY A donation of artwork must have a sponsor or co-sponsors, who will prepare and present a donation proposal. The sponsor’s principal roles are to state the intent of the donation and be responsible for raising or providing the funding for its production, acquisition, installation, and maintenance. Community groups or corporations can act as a sponsor, provided that they are capable of demonstrating community support for the proposal. Demonstrating community support reinforces the public nature of the proposal. DONATION PROPOSAL PROCEDURES All offers of artwork proposed for property under City jurisdiction must be made in writing and submitted by the sponsor to both the head of the department receiving the gift and the Roswell Arts Fund. The donation proposal must contain the following for an already completed work, a commissioned artwork, or a creative/innovative public art project: • Rationale for the intent, purpose, and added value to the city of the proposed gift; • Brief statement about the artwork or project and bio information about the artist, including resume and supporting materials; • Project timeline; • A site plan that shows the proposed location of the artwork, a photograph of the proposed installation site and surrounding environment; • Visual presentation of the artwork on the proposed site(s), including drawings, photographs and models of the proposed work with scale and materials indicated; • Maintenance Plan, including an operations and maintenance plan citing requirements for ongoing maintenance and associated costs; • Documentation of artwork ownership and statement of authority and intent to transfer ownership to the City.


The following additional information must be provided for a commissioned artwork or a creative/ innovative project about to be created especially for a City-owned property: • Detailed budget, with costs for the project including site preparation, installation, insurance that meets City requirements, etc.; • Funding committed to date and proposed source(s) of funds. DONATION PROPOSAL REVIEW PROCESS All proposals for donations of artwork must follow a three-stage review process: 1. Review by City of Roswell and Roswell Arts Fund utilizing the Donation Review Criteria below 2. An evaluation by a qualified professional public art conservator and/or arts professional such as a museum director, curator, historian or writer/critic 3. Recommendations and findings from the conservator and/or arts professional will be presented to both City staff and the Roswell Arts Fund who will prepare a report and request to be submitted to the City Council for approval If the City decides against accepting the proposal, City staff in collaboration with the Roswell Arts Fund will notify and provide a rationale to the sponsor and the artist. DONATION REVIEW CRITERIA The donation review process will include, but will not be limited to, the following: City-owned property – Donated public artwork must be located on City-owned or City-managed property. • Relevance and Site Context – Works of art must be appropriate for the proposed location and its surroundings, and/or complement the architecture, topography, history and the social dynamic of the location in which it is placed. • Artist and Artwork Quality – The artist demonstrates the ability and potential to execute the proposed artwork, based on previous artistic achievement and experience. The artwork must enhance the City’s public art collection. • Physical Durability – The artwork will be assessed for long-term durability against theft, vandalism, and weather. • Public Safety and Liability – The artwork will be assessed for any public safety concerns, as well as for any potential liabilities for the City. • Sustainability – Consideration will be given to the environmental impact and sustainability of the proposed artwork, including its operations and maintenance requirements/costs. • Legal – Proposed terms of donation, legal title, copyright authenticity, artist’s right to reproduce, liability and other issues as deemed appropriate will be considered.


Memorial Gifts will have an additional review process, which will include, but will not be limited to, the following: • Timeframe – The person or event being memorialized must be deemed significant enough to merit such an honor. The person so honored shall have been deceased for a minimum of five years. Events shall have taken place at least five years prior to consideration of a proposed memorial gift. • Community Value and Timelessness – Represents broad community values and will be meaningful to future generations. • Location – The location under consideration is an appropriate setting for the memorial. In general, there should be some specific geographic justification for the memorial being located in a specific site. ACCEPTANCE AND ACCESSION OF THE ARTWORK If the proposal is accepted by the City of Roswelll, a formal agreement will be negotiated outlining the responsibilities of each party (the City, the sponsor(s), the artist and outside contractors, where applicable). The agreement will address project funding, insurance, siting, installation, operations and maintenance, project supervision, vandalism, the right of removal or transfer, public safety and other issues as necessary. The City of Roswell will be the owner of the artwork and reserves the right to remove or alter the work to ensure public safety or because of any other City concerns. The City upholds copyright law and the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990. Any changes to the artwork will be made in consultation with the artist and sponsor. The completed and installed artwork will be accessioned and added to the City’s inventory list and master database with all accompanying documentation.



1. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Roswell is…. a. Art - 2.2% b. Shopping - 1.2% c. Canton Street - 38.1% INSIGHTS: d. Facility - 0.1% Top 3: e. Industry - 0.4% Canton Street, History, f. Large Employer - 0% Recreation/Parks g. Recreation/Parks - 15.4% h. Restaurant/Bar/Entertainment - 2.2% Top “Other”: i. Proximity to Atlanta - 5.1% Community (17.7%), Home j. Technology - 0% (13.5%), Quality of Life (9.4%) k. Education - 1% l. River - 6.7% m. History - 15.6% n. Other - 11.8% 2. What about Roswell makes it unique? (Select all that apply) a. Art - 16% INSIGHTS: b. Shopping - 13% Top 3: c. Family-Friendly - 46.3% History, River, Family-Friendly d. Large Employers - 1.4% e. Proximity to Atlanta - 26.9% Top “Other”: f. Mix of Uses - 29.1% Parks (24.1%), Canton Street g. River - 50% (13.3%), Restaurants (10.1%) h. History - 52.9% i. Technology - 1.3% j. Other - 19.9% 3. Are you in favor of bringing more Public Art to Roswell? a. Yes - 81.1% b. No - 6.1% c. Not Sure - 12.8% 4. Are you in favor of the City funding a part of this effort? a. Yes - 82% b. No - 18% 89

5. Where do you take visitors in Roswell? On a weekday? • Canton Street/Downtown - 35.8% • River, Parks, and Trails - 32.1% • Shopping and Dining - 14.1% • Historic Homes and Sites - 12.5% • Galleries and Art Festivals/Events 2.1% On a weekend? • River, Parks, and Trails - 41% • Canton Street/Downtown - 36.4% • Shopping/Dining - 7.5% • Historic Homes and Sites - 6.9% • Galleries and Art Festivals/Events 4.3% During the day? • Rivers, Parks and Trails - 51.9% • Canton Street/Downtown - 23.4% • Shopping/Dining - 10.3% • Historic Homes and Sites - 9.2% • Galleries and Art Festivals/Events 2.2% At night? • Canton Street/Downtown - 59.8% • Shopping/Dining - 24.2% • Galleries and Art Festivals/Events 8.1% • Stay Home - 1.5% • Historic Homes and Sites - 1.1%


6. My favorite activity involving arts and culture in Roswell is… a. Arts Festivals and Events - 17.7% b. Exploring Roswell’s Public Art - 12.7% c. Theatre - 12.3% d. Concerts - 11.2% e. Visiting Galleries and Shops - 10% 7. One word that best describes the Arts in Roswell is… a. Positive words - 68.6% Diverse, Eclectic, Growing, Emerging b. Neutral words - 4.7% Average, Basic, Okay c. Negative words - 26.7% Lacking, Limited, Minimal 8. A great idea for expanding the arts in Roswell is… (in no particular order) a. Incorporate more public art b. More festivals and events where art can be sold and showcased c. More concerts d. Incorporate local art and artists e. Better/Increased marketing and promotions f. More outdoor art, especially murals and sculptures g. Build a large, world-class performance space h. Create open studio spaces for artists that can also be opened to the public

9. The Roswell Arts Fund should focus on…. (Select as many as you like) a. Artist-led Initiatives - 44.8% b. Artlets (conversion of curbside parking to art installations with potential mini park features - 30% c. Corridors, specifically Hwy 9 and Holcomb Bridge Road / Hwy 92 - 33.9% d. Entry points to the city - 42.8% e. Art integration in buildings - 45.3% f. Local Artists - 60.6% g. Parks - 62.9% h. Performing Arts - 55.2% i. Street furniture and landscapes - 47.4% j. Temporary art installations - 40.6% k. Thematic Art - 16% l. Wayfinding: Creative directional signage - 31.2% m. Incorporating student art into the public art strategies of the master plan - 42.7% n. Other - 17.2%

INSIGHTS: Top 3: Parks, Local Artists, Performing Arts Top “Other”: Art/Sculpture Garden, Fountain, More Exhibits

10. What Roswell icon (thing, idea, or person) would you like to see Roswell’s public art honor? a. Chattahoochee River - 14.6% b. The Mill | Mill Workers - 14.3% c. Roswell History - 11.3% d. Roswell Historic Figures | Founders - 9.9% e. Nature - 5% f. Diversity - 3.9%


11. I would like to see new public art pieces at… Most popular sites for location #1 • Parks and River - 23.3% • Canton Street - 14.3% • Town Square - 8.3% • City Hall - 5.77% • Holcomb Bridge - 5.8% • East Roswell - 5.5% Most popular sites for location #2 • Parks and River - 24.2% • Canton Street - 10.5% • City Hall - 6.7% • Holcomb Bridge - 5.8% • Town Square - 4.67% • East Roswell - 4.4% 12. What kind of public art do you want to see more of in Roswell? (Check all that apply) • Functional street furniture by artists (signage, bike racks, utility boxes, bus shelters, benches, etc.) - 71.2% • Interpretive or educational works 32% • Glass works - 39.2% • Mosaics - 45.5% • Murals - 66.9% • Multimedia - 23.2 % • Lighted installations - 50.8 % • Sculptural - 71% • Textile - 16.4% • Two dimensional works - 23.8% • Other - 12.9 %


Most popular sites for location #3 • Parks and River - 24.5% • Canton Street - 8.4% • City Hall - 7.3% • Gateways - 4.98% • Town Square - 4.98% • Schools - 3.8% Most popular sites for location #4 • Parks and River - 27.3% • Canton Street - 9.1% • Schools - 6.4% • City Hall - 4.3% • East Roswell - 3.7% • Town Square - 3.7%

INSIGHTS: Top 3: Functional street furniture, Sculptural Art, Murals Sculpture media preference: Metal (46.2%), Stone (30.8%), Ceramic (11.5%), Wood (11.5%) Top “Other”: Interactive (12.9%), Kinetic (9.7%), Landscape (9.7%), Music (9.7%)

13. Do you have any thematic ideas about new public art pieces you would like to see in Roswell? • History - 23.3% • Nature - 7.2% • Chattahoochee River - 5.2% • Diversity - 5.2% • Vibrant Colors - 4.1% • Sculptures - 4.1% 14. Rank art type in order of preference 1. Banners 2. Pop-up or temporary installation 3. Mosaics 4. Performance Spaces 5. Interactive/Climbable/Participatory Art 6. Site-Specific Work (works integrated with building or landscape) 7. Murals 8. Sculpture 9. Gateway Art (Art at entry points in Roswell) 15. The Roswell Arts Fund should focus its growth through… (Rank in order of most important to least important) 1. Artist-led initiatives 2. Incorporating public art into public facilities 3. Placing public art at major intersections/gateways 4. Placing public art in shopping and dining areas 5. Incorporating public art into walking and biking trails 6. Placing public art in parks




The community was asked to think creatively about what kinds of public art they’d like to see in Roswell. The ideas presented on the following pages represent their visions for Roswell exactly as they were submitted.


Overpasses/bridges in Roswell would look great with murals reflecting our history and nature.

Ice sculpting contest in the downtown park, come up with a theme for Roswell and then have businesses create their own unique sculpture if it. Then let it melt- it becomes a temporary art show.

Place puppy prints in the crosswalks.

I would like to see a modern structure designed with the direction of the sun, so as the sun moves across the sky a new image, famous quote, or historical factoid is highlighted for people to observe.

Host an art competition within “Roswell, Only” high schools for the designs of street benches! Choose 1 winner each year, over 5 years, and then we have 5 ‘standard’ long-term use benches for sitting in various areas of the City: parks, corners, etc.

Street performers throughout the City.

Performing Arts facility.

Incorporate history into our art.

Let’s use landscaping as art in Roswell- our nature is who we are! 95

Artistic Benches and bike racks and light poles.

Art incorporated into our retaining walls.

Murals on the backs of our buildings in east and west alley.

Temporary art on Canton for our families.

Blank wall mural program, let’s use temporary vinyl murals so it’s a rotating program..

Functional Art is important for Roswell!

Light art, let’s do more than romantic lights.

Utility Box Program (40-50 local Right of Way boxes)

Shade Structures that are designed by artists.

Heart beating with light in the Heart of Roswell Park.

Pavers on east and west alleyways once the project is complete.



Art must be in all of our Parks. It’s where Roswellians spend their time!

Make the benches statues or just design them in a cool way that invites people to sit on them for a while.

Write things on the sidewalks, place animal sculptures on the grass, and integrate fountains in the ponds at our parks.

Extremely large swings with hand prints of elementary school kids.

Large metal couch somewhere on Canton.

Large bean bags throughout our parks and in public space to relax on.

Sculpture in the river that is beneficial in some way for the aquatic life.

Big soap box for small public theater performances, organized by local organizations.

Picnic areas that encourage sitting together and doing nothing. Art can create this environment.

More seating areas with artist designed seating.

Have art on walkways incorporated into the lighting strategy of public spaces.

Pop-up art on our bodies of water.

Give trees life with art on them, especially after they die.

Sculptures that share stories of conservation in parks.

A wall with a mural or mosaic along the slope going down to the lake to make it safer to walk on and more colorful.

Location specific sculptures - if in a lake: place an octopus.

An artist drawn or painted map of the trail at the trail head.

Couch bench that looks like a large rock that anyone can draw on with chalk or spray paint.

Elephant fountains that spout water out of their mouths.


Face poking out of any water in the parks.

Artist designed trash cans.

Kids playgrounds and sculpture pieces.

Mermaid Sculptures.

Fountains designed by artists.

Interactive fire hydrant sculptures for dogs in the dog parks and on our main roads. We could have the dogs interact with the sculpture to receive a treat or water.

Creative sign posts for directions.



Rain activated footstep pathways with brief stories about. important history of Roswell

Place ghosts around the trees.

Tracks of animal footprints on the trail that are found in the Roswell area.

Music speakers on the trails that play local musicians.

Statue seats carried throughout the trail.

Lights along the trail supported by poles.

Sculptures, ask the public to paint a square on the sidewalk to make walks fun!

There should be an arch over the trails every half mile or so. This will encourage people to walk to that marker so they reach a destination of art.

Line the path with student art from Roswell schools.

On the dirt side of trails, there could be pebbles and rocks painted on bugs.

Small sculptures to show the different directions at crossroads of the trails.

Big motivation letters after every mile or so for those who are running and walking.

A bench to sit on that is bright and colorful.

Quotes or poetry on the trails. Some of these could be activated by water so they only appeared when it is raining.

Leaf sculptures and benches.

Pavilion on the trails.

Create sign with arms, faces on trees.

Illusions painted on the ground of trails.

A giant leg walking on one side of the trail.

A sign that says “just keep walkin”.

Rainbow lighted arches that light up as you go under them.

Place famous quotes or stories from residents in the pavement with colors.

Christo types, sidewalks interactive exhibits, temporary and permanent installations.

Sculptures throughout the trails.




Glass sculptures with light and clock on top.

Tall, movable sculptures on the lawn.

Giant swing set for kids and adults.

Lawn chairs for people to hang out on.

Mini venue for music, arts and movie programs.

Weekend movie and music programs.

Make art around trees. Incorporate art into nature. Put lights in trees and make it pretty. You could hang some sculpture ornaments. Have some benches to enjoy nature and art. You should add those speakers that look like rocks and play music, but keep it local music.

Plant flowers that change with every season.

Murals on any new buildings built on the Green.

Artistic lighting woven throughout the new Green.

Hang ornaments in trees to make it interesting to walk through.

Benches designed by artists.

Movie themed sidewalks.

Rotating exhibits, local artists, profile kids especially programming artists.

Sculptures that are abstract, modern, no water wheel, stainless steel, fountains.

Landscaping that is art, historic elements, maybe inspiration from our ancestors of this area.

Statues that incorporate kids and animals.

Performance, gallery space, functional art, live theatrical, live music and a space for performing art.

Lights across 400, and painting on the concrete separation wall.

Where the wild things are painting behind the columns. Integrate galactic art (tunnel through spaces).

Signs that say gateway with an arrow, graffiti on the concrete barrier.

Murals on the concrete barriers between the north and south bound roadways and on the columns under the bridges.

Street lights designed by artists.

Almost like a finish line in a race to people feel like they accomplished something even though they are sitting in traffic.

Rainbows across the highway.

• •

Graffiti on the sides and it’s of things that represent Roswell and Atlanta Music on the highway. When you drive over it makes a song.

Murals at all of our gateways.

Arched Gateways over the 400 bridge.

Mosaics or murals on the slopes alongside the concrete entrances / exit of the highway.



Blackhole murals in the road that look like you will dive into them.

Structure over the bridge that encloses the exit and onramp and has light.

T-Rex from egg to full growth with fire blowing from its mouth that says “Rawrswell”.

Silhouette art on the fencing on the overpass.

Bridge - integrate art into / onto the bridge.

Welcome to Roswell Sign designed by an artist.

Material fencing, natural materials, unique design and lighting, tastefully named Roswell text.



Murals on the back of the buildings on Canton Street.

Place related murals on the pavers in the alleys.

Colorful pavers and bright murals on one alley and the other should have black and white pavers and murals.

Glow in the dark activated pavers on the alley. Paint “what will you find in east alleyway tonight?”

Sculptures around the alley.

More flowers around the alley to make it more beautiful.

Climbable art for kids. Possibly a rock wall on one of the backs of the building.

Kayak sculptures in road, tubing sculptures in the road, make the brick road painted like a river- reflective and honoring of the Chattahoochee.

Make the Alleyway project an outdoor art gallery. People could go more with families, exercises, walk dogs, etc. Interactive art would be a huge part of it. Utilize the galleries nearby for artists.

Sculpture peers over the walls into the alley.

A location for pop up art on one of the corners.

Long shadows on the pavers from Peter Pan.

Mural of a person walking up the backs of the buildings in both alleys.

Arrows painted down the pavers in the alley.

Murals that share the history of Roswell.

Dumpster art programs.

Under the sea theme with lights and paver treatments.

3D murals changing with the current community climate.

A giant worm sculpture.

Mosaics on walls.

Hometown lighting strung across both alleys. This could become a place where restaurants utilized the backs of their buildings for food service and for parties.




EMERYVILLE, CALIFORNIA UTILITY BOX PROGRAM Emeryville’s utility box program, Sign of the Times, was collaboratively designed by the artist Seyed Alavi and Emery Secondary School students. 25 bright yellow and black pieces of artwork depicting creative interpretations of traffic signage are placed throughout the city. In 2009 the Americans for the Arts named the program one of the 40 best public art projects in 2009. Learn more about Emeryville’s Utility Box Program here: Left: Emeryville Box Art, Seyed Alavi

CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE GIFTING POLICY: Public Art Chattanooga manages a collection of over 100 permanent and 42 temporary works of art placed in public spaces throughout the city. The city has adopted a gifting policy that requires the Public Art Committee to review all gifts and loans. The policy requires that a maintenance fund be included with all gifts, comprised of at least 10% of the value of the donation. Learn more about Chattanooga’s policies here:

Right: Blue Boy Pull Toy #1, John Petrey 105

GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA GRANT PROGRAM The Greenville Metropolitan Arts Council (MAC) operates a quarterly grant program that offers support to individual artists, arts organizations and arts education programs. Grants are awarded in 4 categories: Artist, Artist Collaboration, Organization and school. Grants require a 1:1 or 1:2 match depending on the grant category. The MAC awarded over $350,000 to applicants that included local artists and schools in these categories in 2015, touching over 450,000 residents in and around Greenville County. Learn more about the Greenville’s grant program here:


Below: Grant recipient plays harp in Greenville Alley

SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PROGRAM The City’s public art program, managed by Scottsdale Arts, is funded by a 1% match of the total of all capital improvement spending each year. In 2016, this match generated $4.5 million for Scottsdale Arts, $700,000 of which was used to directly support public art in the City of Scottsdale.

Above: Sonoran Seed Pods, Jeff Zischke

Learn more about Scottsdale’s Art in Public Places Program here: http:// 107

BRADENTON, FLORIDA RIVERWALK Bradenton’s award-winning Riverwalk contains 19 pieces of public art along a 1.5 mile stretch of the Manatee River. The collection includes interactive art, such as splash pads and benches, art depicting the history of the Manatee River, and beautiful glass and mosaic accents along railings and other structures. Learn more about Bradenton’s Riverwalk here: riverwalk 108

Above: Life on the River, Friendly City Collection

ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA URBAN TRAIL Asheville’s urban trail is a 1.7 mile loop trail around the city that features over thirty stops, each with a piece of art and a bronze plaque that commemorates the city’s most significant cultural, educational, social and architecture stories. The trail is divided into five distinct time periods throughout history, and can be walked within an hour. Learn more about Asheville’s urban trail here: Above: Asheville Urban Trail Map Right: Two Pieces from Asheville’s Urban Trail 109






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