"Digital Wisdom Library" Brochure

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Is the Bible Reliable? (33) - 1:55:38 1.Non-Christian Authors Confirming NTʼs Reliability - 2:34 2.NT Details Confirming Reliability - 3:35 3.22 Historical References in Two Chapters (Luke) - 2:48 4.Actsʼ Details Error-Free - 3:19 5.Internal Evidence Test - 3:28 6.Innocent Until Proven Unreliable - 4:22 7.Abundance/Lack of Manuscripts - 3:01 8.OT - Never Altering Scripture - 3:00 9.OT - Protecting Godʼs Revelation - 3:23 10.OT - Godʼs Revelation Accurate - 3:29 11.OT - Scribeʼs Commitment - 3:37 12.OT - Committed to Detail - 3:41 13.OT - Kenyonʼs Observation - 3:09 14.OT - Dead Sea Scrolls - 3:13 15.OT - Dead Sea Scroll Finding - 3:09 16.OT - Significance of Dead Sea Scrolls - 3:09 17.OT - Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls - 3:39 18.Robert Dick Wilson - 3:43 19.Robert Dick Wilson - Accuracy of Kingʼs Names - 3:28 20.Comparison with Other Ancient Literature - 4:00 21.Understanding the Issues - 3:39 22.Pentateuch Criticism Intro - 1:08 23.Pentateuch Criticism - 3:43 24.Moses and the Pentateuch - 3:59 25.The Kingdom of Ebla - 3:45 26.3 Criticisms that Ebla Answers (#1: 2 languages) - 3:06 27.3 Criticisms that Ebla Answers (#2: diff. names for God) - 3:29 28.3 Criticisms that Ebla Answers (#3: priestly codes) - 3:56 29.“Give me one piece of evidence.” The Jewish Testimony - 3:50 30.Saul of Tarsus (Testimony of Accuracy of Scripture) - 3:59 31.Apostle Paulʼs Background - 4:48 32.What happened to Saul of Tarsus? - 5:09 33.Traditions Verify - 3:20 Misconceptions (8) - 24:18 1.Blind Faith - 3:26 2.Intelligent Faith - 3:02 3.Faith & Fact - 3:38 4.Step into the Light - 3:15 5.Objective Faith - 2:35 6.Faith in Jesus Christ - 2:21 7.Subjective Faith - 3:20 8.Christ saves you - 2:41

Josh McDowell Ministry 2001 W Plano Pkwy, Ste. 2400 Plano, TX 75075 866-252-5424 www.Josh.org/DWL

Jo s h Mc D o w e l l M i n i s t r y b e l i e v e s a l l p e o p l e should ha ve access to the gospel and makes these videos available for free on our w e b s i t e , w w w. J o s h . o r g , a n d o n o u r s o c i a l media channels for instant viewing. To u s e t h e s e v i d e o s o n y o u r o w n w e b s i t e , please fill out the short agreement found a t w w w. J o s h . o r g / t e r m s f i r s t . To o b t a i n t h e e n t i r e s e t o f v i d e o s o n a n external hard drive for personal, small group or church use, contact 866-252-5424 or email customerservice@josh.org to purchase (cost is $250 - for hard drive, shipping & handling). Fo r m i n i s t r y p a r t n e r s h i p o p p o r t u n i t i e s , v i s i t w w w. j o s h . o r g / P 3 0 0 .

DIGITAL WISDOM LIBRARY Serving others until the whole world hears... Josh McDowell Ministry is reaching people globally for Christ by providing 221 videos (almost 13 hours) that can be viewed or shared online or downloaded for personal or ministry purposes.


J O S H ’ S S T O R Y! The son of the town drunk and abused as a child by a hired hand, Josh experienced feelings of abandonment and loneliness. Early in life, he slammed the door on God. Josh reveals how his motivation to disprove Christianity turned to his own quest for truth. Discover how God’s passionate love, along with the evidences for the truth of Christianity, forever changed the life of this former agnostic. Video Includes: My Story

Total Videos (221) 12:44:46 hrs

J O S H M C D O W E L L’ S

Josh’s Story (Testimony)

Building Your Self Image

Bible: Fact, Fiction or Fa#acy?

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

How to be a Hero to Your Kids

Creative Parenting

A P O L O G E T I C S! Josh discusses the historical accuracy and cultural relevance of the scriptures by answering these two pivotal questions: “Is what we have today what was written down 2000 years ago?” And, “Is what was written down 2000 years ago true?” Videos Include: Bible: Fact, Fiction or Fallacy? Why Did Jesus Have to Die? Jesus is Unique,The Bible is Unique, Methods of Proof, Philosophical Biases, Is the Bible Reliable? Misconceptions R E L A T I O N S H I P S! Discover how relationships form the very foundation for which we pass our faith to the next generation. Josh shares top-notch information to build relationships and creative ideas to constantly implement into family routines. Videos Include: Building Relationships, Building Relationships That Transform, Creative Parenting, How to be a Hero to Your Kids, Building Your Self Image,Truth and Relationships.

Relationships that Transform (14) - 39:56 1.Values pyramid -2:33 2.Relationships - values - behavior - 2:49 3.Develop relationship and model that truth - 2:51 4.Truth in the context of relationships - 2:49 5.What kind of relationship do you have with your child? - 2:50 6.Structure plus relationship - 2:41 7.Relationship with Daddy - 2:09 8.Effect on health - 3:31 9.Discipline in the context of relationships - 2:31 10.Michael Jackson and his father - 2:51 11.Two Fears - 4:25 12.We all want to be loved - 2:38 13.Discipline and relationship - 2:49 14.Impacting lives - 2:29

Creative Parenting (14) - 50:37 1.Childrenʼs role models - 4:30 2.Parenting is exciting but hard work! - 3:13 3.How well do you know your child? - 3:27 4.Fatherʼs love - 3:30 5.Fatherʼs love - 3:16 6.Be their hero - 3:25 7.Build memories creatively - 2:47 8.Learn about your kids - 3:39 9.Do the unusual - 3:15 10.Be creative in spending time with your kids! - 4:27 11.Your children are important - 4:21 12.“Fabulous parental delusions” (1-3) - 3:48 13.“Fabulous parental delusions” (4-6) - 4:07 14.“T-I-M-E” - 2:52

Truth & Relationships (14) - 44:59 1.Uniqueness of the Christian faith - 3:27 2.Christianity depends on Jesus Christ - 3:09 3.Live your relationship with others - 2:48 4.Harmony in life is evidence - 3:37 5.The truth of Christianity - how we live truth out - 3:23 6.Losing our Christian credibility - 3:40 7.“Someone cares about me” - 2:44 8.See the Truth alive in relationships - 3:16 9.Truth w/o relationships leads to rejection - 3:01 10.4 Simple Truths About Christianity - 3:03 11.Truth & Integrity - 3:06 12.Perspective of God - 2:49 13.Truth w/o relationship leads to rejection - 3:31 14.Perceptions - 3:25

Building Relationships (19) - 1:1:22 1.What do young people value most? - 2:30 2.Introducing Joshʼs family - 3:57 3.Rules w/o relationships lead to rebellion - 2:27 4.Itʼs never too late! - 2:49 5.First A: Affirmation - 2:16 6.How do you respond to othersʼ sorrow? - 3:11 7.Affirming a child - 2:33 8.Second A: Acceptance - 3:15 9.Third A: Appreciation - 3:26 10.More on appreciation - 3:36 11.Fifth A: Availability - 3:30 12.Availability: The Grandfather Effect - 2:53 13.How to become more available - 4:18 14.Sixth A: Affection - 3:20 15.Showing appropriate physical affection - 3:52 16.Approach their world - 3:11 17.What are they interested in? - 3:21 18.What goes around comes around - 3:09 19.Seventh A: Accountability - 3:48

My Story [Joshʼs Testimony] (1) - 41:21

Jesus is Unique (10) - 34:35 1.Jesus Claimed to be God - 3:06 2.People, Culture & Language - 3:34 3.Johnʼs Account - 2:58 4.Matthewʼs Account - 3:19 5.Markʼs Account - 2:57 6.Mark/Trial of Jesus - 4:43 7.Jesusʼ Followers - 4:12 8.Reasoning (CS Lewis) - 3:15 9.Trilemma (Lord, Liar, Lunatic?) - 3:45 10.Jesus is Lord - 2:46

Bible: Fact, Fiction or Fallacy? (32) - 1:38:58 1.Can you know truth? - 3:03 2.What is ʻHistory?ʼ - 2:38 3.Does truth constantly change? - 2:42 4.True or changing? - 2:41 5.Historiography - 2:54 6.Bibliographical Test - 3:23 7.Methods for dating manuscripts - 3:58 8.What is the timeline? - 2:45 9.How many manuscripts do you have? - 2:47 10.Comparative significance - 3:11 11.What was written down true? - 2:52 12.What scholars say about the New Testament - 3:58 13.Strong case for reliability - 3:03 14.Eyewitness accounts - 2:46 15.“We have heard...we have seen...” - 3:00 16.“We were eyewitnesses...” - 3:17 17.Hostile witnesses - 2:56 18.4 Lines of Reasoning - 3:18 19.Confident appeal to the knowledge of listeners - 2:57 20.Switch in Acts 2:22 - 2:55 21.“I AM the Truth.” - 2:49 22.Die for a lie? - 3:32 23.Andre Cole: Illusionist, “Magicianʼs Magician” - 3:02 24.The Resurrection - 3:07 25.Chuck Colson: Pressure - 3:29 26.Willingness to die - 3:20 27.What did the disciples die for? - 2:13 28.Dying for a great cause - 3:08 29.To the Jew, the Messiah could not die - 3:35 30.Messiah: Preeminent political ruler - 2:59 31.The empty tomb - 3:06 32.Lives turned upside down - 3:34

How to be a Hero to Your Kids (20) - 59:52 1.Meeting at half court - 3:43 2.Todayʼs greatest security for a child - 2:59 3.What does “love” mean to children? - 2:12 4.When a man loves a woman - 2:28 5.First things first - 3:31 6.Hero tips - 3:54 7.Teaching kids Biblical truth - 2:31 8.Passing values on - 2:54 9.Guiding children between right and wrong - 3:30 10.Be the source of their information - 3:34 11.Be upfront with your children - 3:21 12.No question or issue is off-base - 3:59 13.Be honest about your past - 2:48 14.Creative ideas - 2:31 15.Asking questions to learn about your children - 2:33 16.Who would you invite? - 2:35 17.Expressing genuine appreciation - 2:42 18.Old sayings - 2:14 19.Communicate with your child - 2:46 20.Family fun routine - 3:07 Building Your Self Image (15) - 53:56 1.What is a healthy self image? - 2:52 2.Vertigo - 2:55 3.Who are you? - 2:47 4.Accepting yourself - 2:51 5.Defining self-image - 2:47 6.You are special - 2:41 7.You are of great value to God - 2:32 8.God created you - 3:20 9.The truest thing - 3:10 10.See yourself as God sees you - 3:24 11.He knows me best - 2:18 12.Jesus died..for you! - 2:57 13.God is passionate about a relationship with YOU! - 2:51 14.You are a child of God - 3:12 15.You are equipped for good works - 13:19 Why Did Jesus Have to Die? (10) - 32:48 1.For whom did Jesus die? - 2:50 2.Is it all about me? - 2:25 3.Cafeteria theology - 2:42 4.Is there anything God cannot do? - 4:19 5.How do we become righteous? - 3:40 6.What is righteousness apart from the law? - 2:37 7.Redemption - 2:12 8.Propitiation - 3:41 9.Redemption revisited - 3:34 10.Propitiation revisited - 4:48

The Bible is Unique (18 - #3 has 2 versions) - 59:33 1.Unique - 3:12 2.Compare Bible to other literature - 2:40 3.Unique in circulation (a) - 2:34, (b) - 2:45 4.Unique in translation - 2:16 5.Unique in surviving persecution - 3:02 6.Unique in surviving manuscripts - 3:43 7.Two NT Truths - 3:32 8.External Evidence Test (Literary - Irenaeus) - 3:33 9.External Evidence Test (Literary - Papius) - 3:26 10.External Evidence Test (Archeological - Ramsey) - 4:21 11.External Evidence Test (Ramsey Tests) - 2:59 12.External Evidence Test (Ramsey - Lukeʼs Detail) - 2:44 13.External Evidence Test (Ramsey - Luke the Historian) - 2:18 14.External Evidence Test (Luke is Trustworthy) - 4:00 15.External Evidence Confirms Accuracy - 3:24 16.Facts Confirming Inner Testimony of Scriptures - 2:50 17.NT is True Based on Historical Confirmation - 3:29 18.Archaeology Confirms NT Record - 2:45 Methods of Proof (7) - 24:28 1.Scientific methods and Christianity - 3:56 2.Scientific Example - 3:42 3.Legal-Historical Method - 3:54 4.Legal-Historical Example - 3:30 5.Evidential Method - 3:31 6.Evidential Example - 3:08 7.Overview of Methods of Proof - 2:47 Philosophical Biases (6) - 22:25 1.Rejecting Christianity based on Philosophical bias 4:10 2.There is no God - 4:16 3.A closed system - 3:34 4.How to study history - 3:38 5.Letting evidence lead to Truth - 3:50 6.Assumptions about reality - 2:57

“These [videos] are great! I am training people online with them. These people are ill and cannot get out of the house much and can’t read much either.” Grateful, AC

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