CNTRL+Z[ine] #2

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no.2 [feb-apr 2017]

ctrl + z[ine]

a compendium of narratives

What is this? Some more images and some more stories.

Showbiz! The Musical - 3 - Yasmin Al Sammarai Etheretic Ultraball - 5 - Bobbi Bortolussi A Machine - 7 - Diana Franco Iteration 9 - 9 - Josh Silver The Museum at Atid - 11 - Avi Odenheimer Performance - 13 - Siri Hermanski Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Galactic - 15 - Martin Drozdowski Market and Garden Artisanal Meats, Fungi and Lotions - 17 - Jess Misak


Yasmin Al Sammarai

Showbiz! The Musical

Showbiz! The Musical [Esmerelda ad Abigail are on a balcony. They are both wearing the same outfit in different colours. Inside, a low beat throbs, a party.] Esmerelda: If only he noticed me….. Abigail: If only he noticed me….. E: At the audition, he hardly even cared! A: He barely heard my voice before sending me away! [E and A back into each other and begin to sing] But if we only work together We can make it in this town (intro vamp) (chorus) Showbiz! There’s nothing quite like showbiz! Under the lights [E] Before the crowd [A] Your name up in lights Showbiz! There nothing quite like it! (verse 1: A) Last year Eddie told me I had the pipes That he could see my name up in lights But now in New York City Where Time Square looks quite pretty My bank account is teeny And my opportunities are low


(Chorus) (verse 2: E) When I first met you, competition was high Your voice against my dance A reckoning was nigh But now I see That you and me The perfect team, we’ll see That we can make it in this town [together] You and me! [dance number] (Chorus) Under the lights [A] Before the crowd [E] Upon the stage [A] And in the wings [E] Your name up in lights! Showbiz! There’s nothing quite like it!


Bobbi Bortolussi

Etheretic Ultraball

Etheretic Ultraball The game of Etheretic Ultraball is an exciting new game for those seeking adventure, excitement, really wild things, thrills, spills and other outrageous antics (barring pranks, mischief and sly misdemeanor). How to play: 1. Two teams of any size are assembled (though six members are allowed on the pitch at any one time). It is usually more convenient (and strategic) to only recruit a single player and align moving mirrors to fill out the other team members. There really is only one person out of a thousand who is any good at Ultraball. 2. Outfit your team with all the necessary equipment: a. Jerseys and shorts (your choice of graphic, team name, numbers, protective symbols, heraldry, flags, Greek letters, translations and colours) b. Shin pads c. Cleats (with extra spike length for the necessary traction) d. A couple Elevenis bats (for local colour) e. Football guns (just in case) f. Hockey glasses (the magnification can be necessary at some points) g. An Ultraball: a medicine ball with a solid Osmium core. It should weigh approximately 90 kilograms. 3. Find a suitable pitch that is exactly 400’ X 400’ with provisions for spectator seating. Room for 100 000 is usually enough though the games are wildly popular. Shatter-resistant glass should be installed to protect the player(s) from the crowd (and the crowd from each other). 4. The point of the game is to move the ball by any means possible. This does not preclude anything. Any number of people can be brought onto the pitch after the starting whistle. Telepathy may be used and is usually considered a boon to those who play Etheretic Ultraball. 5. A try is scored when a try is scored. 6. Please note that a player is offside when a player is offside. 7. Remember to hire two umpires, a few referees and a quartet of judges. They will do absolutely nothing but are completely necessary for smooth game running. 8. Always remember to ENJOY!



Plan For a Machine

Diana Franco

A Machine

“…..At first, we found the place too windy, too rainy and cold, the dank shoreline beach-less. Only cliffs inhabited by some cave-dwelling Osprey or swallow or turn, which would periodically swoop from the precipice to capture a bug or fish or battle amongst themselves. Then, slowly, we became attunded to the new affect. The message, a message, a low vibrato noticed only in the slightest movements of the stunted bushes, moss and hard marble of the landscape. Those objects, still lives of inanimate memory would move, slowly along paths (preordained, programmed or randomized, accidental?).…..[]…..Our excavations began nonetheless with the discovery of a low bunker, concrete and empty. The only detritus was the decayed remains of paper, wood and birds’ nests. Perhaps a table or chairs or shelves occupied this space. A continued revelation of the surrounding territory gave indication of a paved path, the stones of some azure material placed in line without mortar and affixed on each side by larger stones, indented as drainage ditches…..[]….. As we followed the path it veered back towards the cliffs’ edge. The path ended at stairs hewn from the solid rock. I was the first to climb them, carefully, flashlight in hand. Here, the vibration began anew, low vibrato around the small cavern. A single seat and viewing box were placed in the middle, facing an opening…..[]…..Then, as the sound modulated toward new musical themes, a transformation occurred: the cliff began to organize into patterns, circling around the seat as though the construction noticed me. As the view before me changed, I saw very nearly the sound’s source. Beyond in the ocean’s mists, a silhouette…..”



Josh Silver

Iteration 9

Iteration 9 Iteration 9 Epoch 1/1 5148/5148 [==============================] - 55s loss: 1.9184 ----- diversity: 0.2 ----- Generating with seed: “corner view broken; concrete curb-l� corner. view broken; concrete curb-le tras or and and or and with reperd past or and with post prode and will or and a der and ard will with reper and a der and ard wa board will with reper and a der and a deard and will trass and and will or and will will or and will with and and with pord and will with and a board will with and will will will win the and will with and will wood at the a der an



Avi Odenheimer

The Museum at Atid

The Museum at Atid

The city of Atid does not change. No new constructions are ever built. Rather, its futures are each housed within a vast archive. Each year, a new city is revealed with new inhabitants rendered at 1:10000 as tiny dots within the greater composition. At once the city is: Entirely underground, leaving the surface an infinite forest; A megastructure of enormous proportions; A floating city, held aloft by a series of helium-filled balloons and connected by catwalks; A fortress with perfect multifaceted symmetry; A grid of skyscrapers, aircraft overhead; A series of abstract nodes through which wheeled dwelling pass; A space frame of tendrils. Or, a new object, building, space may be added to the original and rendered at 1:500: A glass tower of 100 stories; A castle of thick-hewn stones; A new parliament building; A sprawling market; A series of arcades; A space port; Houses with pointed rooves; Housing pojects; Sidewalk seating; Condominiums; A mall; A plaza or square; New streets; A demonstration snaking through; Or A single room.




Siri Hermanski


Two feet are planted on the ground one-half-metre apart. An entire torso is kept firmly vertical. Two arms are relaxed, fingers pointing downward and head tilted slightly left. A foot slides out to the right about a meter from its original position. A torso swings, stretching to the left. A head turns to face the same direction while arms slowly swoop upwards. Arms are slowly brought back down as a leg traces a circular radius around a centre point. As a radius accelerates, decreasing in size, hands fling upwards again. As this occurs, a head is brought round to trace the path, spotting across rows. Maybe some hands come together. Maybe lips part and return, modulating facial muscles in that particular way. Maybe weight is shifted from one foot to the next, moving a torso minutely. Maybe a shoulder moves slightly towards another while two hands near each other.



Martin Drozdowski

Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Galactic

Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Galactic

CHAPTER 5: THE TRAVEL OF AZGOTH BEPIS TO SERIUS BETA And in the year of our Lord 14480, Jurath IV Asdomeclet The Heretic (may his name be cursed for eternity), next to Bebar, being the fortieth from the Great Turn, governed the Galactic Empire. In the twelfth year of his reign, the Trappistian Azgoth Bepis traveled to Serius Beta as bringer of the word. After one year of travel, Azgoth arrived. And lo! The people trembled at the sight of his great starship. And lo! The world’s leaders gathered before Azgoth. And Azgoth addressed them thus: “I Azgoth Bepis of Trappist-1f bring you the word, and the word is thus: ‘…And you will make a habitation on the second planet. The habitation will be 12 exosecs wide and 12 long. Its height will also be 12. Inside will be housed 1200 and 12 will be the council. 12 will be the fields of wheat and 12 the distillers will be. For it will be beer that this habitation will produce. And the cups will overflowth and the suds will bless the floor in falling…’” And the habitation was completed in the 16th year of the reign of Jurath IV the Heretic (may his name be cursed for eternity) and the blessed beer flowed through the streets. And the cups doth overflowth and the people were happy. And that day, the 3rd of ZibZub*, was proclaimed a feast day: The Feast of Azgoth Bepis, Patron of Brewers.



Jess Misak

Market and Garden Artisanal Meats, Fungi and Lotions

Market and Garden Artisanal Meats, Fungi and Lotions

*opens computer. opens internet.* ….typing…. facebook…. *scrolls down. stops.* Market and Garden™ is a Nourishing™ new way to experience the pleasures of food through an intense sensory experience. Enter our completely redesigned store front on ****** Street (just two steps away from Crossed Razor Fine Wines, Wine Accessories, Sommelier Training, Coffee Shop, Hair Salon and Professional Cat Masseuse™) to begin your adventure in flavour. Enter the MeatZone™ and find the perfect cut for the TongMaster™ to sear while you CrackOpenAColdOneWithTheBoys™. Here we have only the highest-quality™, locally-sourced™, grain-fed™ produce, so you don’t have to settle for less. Proceed further into our MeatCave™ and cross the ThreasholdOfFungus™ to find the best mushrooms harvested by real UrbanForagers™. Use the Market and Garden™ app to follow your favourite Forager™ on the hunt, then meet up for a Coffee™ and use your Chatr™ app to meld into the Cyber-Sphere™. After filling your WickerBasket™ with succulent meats and rare fungi, take a break from your strenuous day about Town™ as you sample our line of body lotions. Experience our MariGold™ collection of gold infused skin, beard and hair treatment to counteract those MeatSweats™. Always remember to thank our generous team of BrandExplorers™ and ProductInterns™, and don’t forget to pay for your Road™ privileges on the way out! *scrolls down. scrolls down.* *stops.*


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