Today’s Newspaper Cuttings
5 June 2015
Today’s online news Technical chief for GO – GO Direct GO Sports open to all TV subscribers this weekend – GO Direct Vodafone launches the Prime vodafone Smart Prime 6 – Vodafone Direct GO Sports open to all TV subscribers this weekend – GO Direct GO sports Channels open to all its TV subscribers this weekend – GO Direct GO Sports se jkun miftuħ għall-abbonati kollha ma’ GO TV – GO Direct
Vodafone in the news
Vodafone Direct 4 June 2015 € 116.00
VODAFONE LAUNCHES THE PRIME VODAFONE SMART PRIME 6 Vodafone Malta today launched the PrimeVodafone Smart Prime 6, a 4G smartphone with a premium design and functionality which offers customers a cutting-edge device at a fraction of the price of the market-leading smartphones. The PrimeVodafone Smart Prime 6 has been widely received in the industry as being Vodafone’s best smartphone to date and anyone who wants to experience a high-performance smartphone at an affordable price should look no further. For a start, the PrimeVodafone Smart Prime 6 runs Android 5.0 Lollipop – the very latest version of Google’s mobile operating system – and has a superior in-built battery that provides up to 18 hours of talk time before a recharge is required. With a 5-inch 720p HD display to rival smartphones more than five times the price, the PrimeVodafone Smart Prime 6 allows users to enjoy photos, videos and games in stunning detail and vivid colour. The in-built IPS screen technology also means the same clarity can be enjoyed from any angle. The PrimeVodafone Smart Prime 6 also looks good: at just 9mm and weighing only 156 grams this is Vodafone’s thinnest and lightest device yet, with a high quality chrome finish, metal keys and a slim silhouette. It also has an eight megapixel (MP) rear-facing camera making it easier to perfectly capture the moment with a range of features including LED flash, auto focus, touch focus, face detection and high dynamic range imaging. There is also a two MP front-facing camera. The PrimeVodafone Smart Prime 6 also packs in superior power and speed: the powerful 1.2GHz Snapdragon 410 processor supported by 1 Gigabyte (GB) of RAM means the device works at superfast speeds to stream videos, music or any other content, allowing users to make the most of Vodafone’s superfast 4G network. “We are very pleased to be offering our customers the PrimeVodafone Smart Prime 6.” said Luan Vella, Terminals Senior Executive at Vodafone Malta. “This is a great value device which not only looks as good but also performs as well as any of the high-end smartphones on the market. With its full 4G capability it also allows our customers to get the full benefit of Vodafone’s superfast and reliable 4G network” Priced at only 199 euros, the PrimeVodafone Smart Prime 6 is now available at all Vodafone’s retail outlets and is also offered free with Vodafone’s RED Basic Plan. For further information visit one of Vodafone’s retail outlets across Malta and Gozo, call 247 from a Vodafone line or 9999 9247 from any other line, visit or log onto Vodafone Malta’s Facebook Page.
Other stories in the news
GO Direct 3 June 2015 € 116.00
GO Sports Channels open to all its TV subscribers this weekend BY GOZO NEWS · JUNE 3, 2015
All GO TV subscribers will be able to watch the UEFA Champions League Final on GO Sports 2 and GO sports HD2 this coming Saturday. GO said that is opening its Sports Channels to all its TV subscribers for an action packed weekend. The company said that in addition to the much awaited clash between Juventus and Barcelona, the GO Sports premium open viewing weekend on Interactive will also feature all the action from the Formula One Canadian Grand Prix, starting Friday 5 June at 16:00hrs and the European Golf PGA Tour Nordea Masters which begins on Thursday 4 June at 11:00hrs in HD. “GO’s coverage of the UEFA Champions League Final on Saturday 6 June starts with a special programme at 19:30hrs. Customers will then be able to follow the match with the main commentary being in Italian, although an option to switch to English will also be available,” GO said. GO TV subscribers will also be able to watch all the warm up and qualifying sessions of the Canadian Grand Prix with the race itself starting at 20:00hrs on Sunday 7 June. Coverage of the Nordea Masters will run throughout the weekend with the last day of action, Sunday 7 June, starting at 13:00hrs. More information on this coming weekend’s coverage on GO Sports and GO sports HD is available at
GO Direct Malta 4 June 2015 € 116.00
JUNE 4, 2015
GO SPORTS OPEN TO ALL TV SUBSCRIBERS THIS WEEKEND All GO TV subscribers will be able to watch the UEFA Champions League Final on GO Sports 2 and GO sports HD2 this coming Saturday as GO opens its Sports Channels to all its TV subscribers for an action packed weekend. In addition to the much awaited clash between Juventus and Barcelona, the GO Sports premium open viewing weekend on Interactive will also feature all the action from the Formula One Canadian Grand Prix, starting Friday 5 June at 16:00hrs and the European Golf PGA Tour Nordea Masters which begins on Thursday 4 June at 11:00hrs in HD. Roberta Young, Content Specialist in GO’s TV Business Planning & Transformation Team, said, “As the home of premium sports broadcasting, GO Sports offers the best coverage of the world’s greatest sporting events. This weekend, GO will be giving all its TV subscribers the opportunity to enjoy one of the biggest weekends of the sporting calendar. The Juventus versus Barcelona UEFA Champions League combined with the Canadian Grand Prix and Nordea Masters, should give all sports fans all the valid reasons they need to stay glued to their screens throughout the GO Sports premium open viewing weekend.” GO’s coverage of the UEFA Champions League Final on Saturday 6 June starts with a special programme at 19:30hrs. Customers will then be able to follow the match with the main commentary being in Italian, although an option to switch to English will also be available. GO TV subscribers will also be able to watch all the warm up and qualifying sessions of the Canadian Grand Prix with the race itself starting at 20:00hrs on Sunday 7 June. Coverage of the Nordea Masters will run throughout the weekend with the last day of action, Sunday 7 June, starting at 13:00hrs. More information on this coming weekend’s coverage on GO Sports and GO sports HD is available at
GO Direct 4 June 2015 € 145.00
GO Sports open to all TV subscribers this weekend In addition to the much awaited clash between Juventus and Barcelona, the GO Sports premium open viewing weekend will also feature all the action from the Formula One Canadian Grand Prix 4 June 2015, 9:12am
All GO TV subscribers will be able to watch the UEFA Champions League Final on GO Sports 2 and GO sports HD2 this coming Saturday as GO opens its Sports Channels to all its TV subscribers for an action packed weekend. In addition to the much awaited clash between Juventus and Barcelona, the GO Sports premium open viewing weekend on Interactive will also feature all the action from the Formula One Canadian Grand Prix, starting Friday 5 June at 16:00hrs and the European Golf PGA Tour Nordea Masters which begins on Thursday 4 June at 11:00hrs in HD. Roberta Young, Content Specialist in GO’s TV Business Planning & Transformation Team, said, “As the home of premium sports broadcasting, GO Sports offers the best coverage of the world’s greatest sporting events. This weekend, GO will be giving all its TV subscribers the opportunity to enjoy one of the biggest weekends of the sporting calendar. The Juventus versus Barcelona UEFA Champions
GO Direct 4 June 2015 € 145.00
League combined with the Canadian Grand Prix and Nordea Masters, should give all sports fans all the valid reasons they need to stay glued to their screens throughout the GO Sports premium open viewing weekend.”
GO’s coverage of the UEFA Champions League Final on Saturday 6 June starts with a special programme at 19:30hrs. Customers will then be able to follow the match with the main commentary being in Italian, although an option to switch to English will also be available. GO TV subscribers will also be able to watch all the warm up and qualifying sessions of the Canadian Grand Prix with the race itself starting at 20:00hrs on Sunday 7 June. Coverage of the Nordea Masters will run throughout the weekend with the last day of action, Sunday 7 June, starting at 13:00hrs. More information on this coming weekend’s coverage on GO Sports and GO sports HD is available at
GO Direct 4 June 2015 € 120.00
GO Sports se jkun miftuħ għall-abbonati kollha ma’ GO TV Karl Wright - 04/06/15 01:30 PM
Il-klijenti kollha abbonati ma’ GO TV se ikunu jistgħu jaraw il-finali tal-UEFA Champions League fuq GO Sports 2 u GO Sports HD2 is-Sibt li ġej hekk kif GO se tkun qed tiftaħ l-istazzjonijiet sportivi tagħha tul it-tmiem il-ġimgħa kollha. Minbarra l-finali bejn Juventus u Barċellona, l-istazzjonijiet GO Sportspremium se jkun qed ixandar fuq l-Interactive t-tellieqa tal-Formula One Canadian Grand Prix li se tibda l-Ġimgħa 5 ta’ Ġunju fl-4pm u l-European Golf PGA Tour Nordea Masters li se tibda mill-Ħamis 4 ta’ Ġunju mill-11am fi kwalità HD. Ix-xandira tal-finali tal-UEFA Champions League fuq GO se tibda nhar is-Sibt 6 ta’ Ġunju bi programm speċjali fis-7.30pm. Il-klijenti se jkunu jistgħu jsegwu l-lobgħa bil-kummentarju Taljan, ghalkemm se jkollhom l-għażla li jaqilbu għall-kummentarju bl-Ingliż. Dawk il-klijenti abbonati ma’ GO TV se jkollhom ukoll l-opportunità li jaraw il-warm up u s-sessjonijiet finali tal-Canadian Grand Prix. It-tellieqa tal-Formula One se tibda fit-8pm il-Ħadd 7 ta’ Ġunju. Fl-istess ġurnata n-Nordea Masters se jkun qed jixxandar fis-1pm.
GO Direct 4 June 2015 â‚Ź 230.00
Thursday, June 4, 2015, 00:01
Technical chief for Go Joseph Attard is taking over from Kelvin Camenzuli as the chief technical officer at Go, as from July 1. Dr Attard joined Go in 1992 as a graduate professional officer and since then has held various positions locally and internationally in the telecommunications sector.