Vodafone online monitor 10 november 2015

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Today’s Newspaper Cuttings

10 November 2015

Today’s online news timesofmalta.com Vodafone Malta reaches 99% milestone for 4G – Vodafone Direct Telecoms provider to cover migration summit, CHOGM – GO Direct

Independent.com.mt GO to provide telecoms for Valletta Summit and CHOGM – GO Direct

Maltatoday.com.mt GO to provide telecoms for Valletta Summit and CHOGM – GO Direct

Maltastar.com.mt GO to provide telecoms for Valletta Summit and CHOGM – GO Direct

Newsbook.com.mt GO se tipprovdi t-telekomunikazzjoni għall-Valletta Summit u ċ-CHOGM – GO Direct

Vodafone in the news


Vodafone Direct timesofmalta.com 08 November 2015 € 230

Sunday, November 8, 2015, 00:01

Vodafone Malta reaches 99% milestone coverage for 4G

Over 99 per cent of the population across Malta and Gozo is now covered by Vodafone Malta’s 4G network, which brings to a close the company’s national roll-out. Vodafone Malta remains the only mobile operator on the island to offer 4G, which was launched in Malta a year after it was first introduced in the UK. This service offers speeds up to 10 times faster than standard 3G or public Wi-Fi on customers’ mobile devices. Vodafone’s 4G technology also allows for superior speeds on mobile even when compared to fixed line internet services. Current estimates are that, given a suitable handset, speeds of up to 150Mbps can be achieved over the 4G network. Vodafone Malta invested over €10 million in launching 4G and this formed part of a wider major investment in every aspect of the company network’s strength, quality and connectivity. This investment enabled the introduction of other new network services including HD Voice launched earlier this year, which produces crystal clear quality sound using state-of-the-art technology of background noise reduction. The network investment in Malta formed part of Vodafone Group’s market-wide network modernisation programme, designed to respond to customers’ ever-growing use of mobile internet. Malta is moving in line with this trend, with the latest Eurobarometer survey published in February showing a massive increase in smartphone use. Survey results showed that in 2014 over 61 per cent of internet users were accessing mobile data through their smartphone, an increase of 32 per cent over the previous year. Vodafone Malta’s latest statistics also indicate this growth in smartphone usage further accelerating: over 80 per cent of phones sold by Vodafone these days are 4G capable.


Vodafone Direct timesofmalta.com 08 November 2015 € 230

“Our drive to provide the fastest and most reliable network was the obvious decision,” Sheila Kavanagh, Vodafone Malta’s new head of technology, said. “Mobiles can do so much more for people than just calling or texting. People need access to mobile data anytime and anywhere and with 4G we provide them with the fastest and most secure mobile internet experience on the island. The fact that almost half of our total data traffic is now carried over our 4G network clearly indicates that customers appreciate the quality and speed it offers. “We are therefore so pleased to have reached the 99 per cent milestone since this now means that every one of our customers can use superfast internet on their mobile with 4G if they wish to. We are also aware that with people using more mobile internet , this could lead to concerns about running up high bills for data. This is why we launched Relax earlier this year for our postpaid customers, which cut rates for out-of-bundle data usage by 80 per cent and introduced a better notification system and a flat rate of €2 for every 100MB above a customer’s bundle.”

Other stories in the news


GO Direct timesofmalta.com 08 November 2015 € 230

Sunday, November 8, 2015, 00:01

Telecoms provider to cover migration summit, CHOGM

GO’s technical staff installing and testing telecoms and internet infrastructure for the Valletta Summit on Migration to take place on Wednesday and Thursday.

GO plc will be the official telecoms provider for both the 2015 Valletta Summit on Migration, taking place on Wednesday and Thursday, and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), taking place between November 27 and 29. As part of this project, GO will deliver all telephony service, as well as all fixed and mobile data services, bandwidth capability and TV services in all locations that will be used during both events. GO’s chief commercial officer Kurt Camilleri said: “The decision by the government and the CHOGM task force to appoint GO is a clear vote of confidence in the company’s core and fibre networks and its fully-owned international links. It is also testament to GO’s vast experience and expertise in organising telecoms requirements for such high-profile events.” Both the migration summit and CHOGM will be making use of the Mediterranean Conference Centre. CHOGM, however, will also be making use of a number of other venues across Malta with various forums and meetings taking place in different five-star hotels, while the heads of government retreat will take place at Fort St Angelo. CHOGM task force chair Phyllis Muscat said: “An event like CHOGM needs a best-in-class communications infrastructure behind it.”


GO Direct maltastar.com 09 November 2015 € 116

GO to provide telecoms for Valletta Summit and CHOGM Monday, 09 Nov 2015, 12:37

GO plc will be the official telecoms provider for both the 2015 Valletta Summit on Migration, taking place this week, and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), taking place between 27 and 29 November 2015. As part of this project, GO will deliver all telephony service, as well as all fixed and mobile data services, bandwidth capability and TV services in all locations that will be used during both events.

Kurt Camilleri, Chief Commercial Officer at GO, said, “The decision by the Government and the CHOGM task force to appoint GO as the official telecoms provider for these two prestigious summits is a clear vote of confidence in GO’s highly resilient core and fibre networks, and its fully owned international links which are unmatched in the Malta context. It is also testament to GO’s vast experience and expertise in organising telecoms requirements for such high profile events.” Both the 2015 Valletta Summit on Migration and CHOGM will be making use of the Mediterranean Conference Centre. CHOGM, however, will also be making use of a number of other venues across Malta with various fora and meetings taking place in different five star hotels, while the Heads of Government retreat will take place at Fort St Angelo. GO will also be providing all the telecoms infrastructure for the international press centres for both events.


GO Direct maltastar.com 09 November 2015 € 116

Phyllis Muscat, Chair of the CHOGM task force, said, “An event like CHOGM, and indeed the 2015 Valletta Summit on Migration, needs a best in class communications infrastructure behind it. For the Government delegations, conference and fora delegates, and the hundreds of journalists attending, fast and resilient voice and data communications are essential, and this was a crucial factor in our decision to appoint GO as official telecoms provider.”


GO Direct maltatoday.com.mt 09 November 2015 € 145

GO to provide telecoms for Valletta Summit and CHOGM As part of this project, GO will deliver all telephony service, as well as all fixed and mobile data services, bandwidth capability and TV services in all locations that will be used during both events 9 November 2015, 9:36am

GO’s technical staff installing and testing telecoms and internet infrastructure for the Valletta Summit on Migration GO plc will be the official telecoms provider for both the 2015 Valletta Summit on

Migration, taking place this week, and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), taking place between 27 and 29 November 2015. As part of this project, GO will deliver all telephony service, as well as all fixed and mobile data services, bandwidth capability and TV services in all locations that will be used during both events. Kurt Camilleri, Chief Commercial Officer at GO, said, “The decision by the Government and the CHOGM task force to appoint GO as the official telecoms provider for these two prestigious summits is a clear vote of confidence in GO’s highly resilient core and fibre networks, and its fully owned international links which are unmatched in the Malta context. It is also testament to GO’s vast experience and expertise in organising telecoms requirements for such high profile events.”


GO Direct maltatoday.com.mt 09 November 2015 € 145

Both the 2015 Valletta Summit on Migration and CHOGM will be making use of the Mediterranean Conference Centre. CHOGM, however, will also be making use of a number of other venues across Malta with various fora and meetings taking place in different five star hotels, while the Heads of Government retreat will take place at Fort St Angelo. GO will also be providing all the telecoms infrastructure for the international press centres for both events. Phyllis Muscat, Chair of the CHOGM task force, said, “An event like CHOGM, and indeed the 2015 Valletta Summit on Migration, needs a best in class communications infrastructure behind it. For the Government delegations, conference and fora delegates, and the hundreds of journalists attending, fast and resilient voice and data communications are essential, and this was a crucial factor in our decision to appoint GO as official telecoms provider.”


GO Direct newsbook.com.mt 09 November 2015 € 120

GO se tipprovdi t-telekomunikazzjoni għall-Valletta Summit u ċ-CHOGM Karl Wright - 09/11/15 03:03 PM

GO plc se tkun il-fornitur uffiċjali tat-telekomunikazzjoni għas-Summit tal-Belt Valletta dwar l-Immigrazzjoni, li se jsir dil-ġimgħa stess, u għall-attività ‘Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting’ (CHOGM), li se ssir bejn is-27 u d-29 ta’ Novembru 2015. Bħala parti mill-proġett, GO se tkun toffri l-appoġġ tagħha għas-servizzi kollha tat-telefonija, kif ukoll servizzi relatati mal-fixed u mobile data,bandwidth capability, u servizzi tat-TV fil-postijiet kollha li se jintużaw waqt iż-żewġ attivitajiet. Is-Summit tal-Belt Valletta dwar l-Immigrazzjoni 2015 u ċ-CHOGM se jkunu qed jużaw iċ-Ċentru tal-Mediterran għall-Konferenzi. Madankollu, CHOGM se jkun qed juża wkoll għadd ta’ faċilitajiet oħra madwar Malta għal diversi laqgħat li se jsiru f’ħames lukandi ta’ ħames stilel differenti, filwaqt li l-Kapijiet tal-Gvernijiet se jkunu qed jiltaqgħu fil-Forti ta’ Sant Anġlu. GO se tkun qed tipprodvi l-infrastruttura kollha għat-telekomunikazzjoni għal dawn iċ-ċentri tal-ġurnalisti internazzjonali li jkunu Malta għal dawn iż-żewġ attivitajiet.


GO Direct independent.com.mt 09 November 2015 â‚Ź 145

GO to provide telecoms for Valletta Summit and CHOGM Monday, 9 November 2015, 21:03 Last update: about 17 hours ago

GO plc will be the official telecoms provider for both the 2015 Valletta Summit on Migration, taking place this week, and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), taking place between 27 and 29 November 2015. As part of this project, GO will deliver all telephony service, as well as all fixed and mobile data services, bandwidth capability and TV services in all locations that will be used during both events. Kurt Camilleri, Chief Commercial Officer at GO, said, "The decision by the Government and the CHOGM task force to appoint GO as the official telecoms provider for these two prestigious summits is a clear vote of confidence in GO's highly resilient core and fibre networks, and its fully owned international links which are unmatched in the Malta context. It is also testament to GO's vast experience and expertise in organising telecoms requirements for such high profile events."


GO Direct independent.com.mt 09 November 2015 â‚Ź 145

Both the 2015 Valletta Summit on Migration and CHOGM will be making use of the Mediterranean Conference Centre. CHOGM, however, will also be making use of a number of other venues across Malta with various fora and meetings taking place in different five star hotels, while the Heads of Government retreat will take place at Fort St Angelo. GO will also be providing all the telecoms infrastructure for the international press centres for both events. Phyllis Muscat, Chair of the CHOGM task force, said, "An event like CHOGM, and indeed the 2015 Valletta Summit on Migration, needs a best in class communications infrastructure behind it. For the Government delegations, conference and fora delegates, and the hundreds of journalists attending, fast and resilient voice and data communications are essential, and this was a crucial factor in our decision to appoint GO as official telecoms provider."

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