Today’s Newspaper Cuttings
14 July 2015
Today’s online news Vodafone Voyage – Vodafone Direct Vodafone lends St. Joseph’s Home a helping hand – Vodafone CSR Direct Bill payments – Melita Direct GO mobile internet customers get double data – GO Direct Melita completes Gozo mobile network upgrade – Melita Direct Update 2 – Enemalta explains power distribution works as outages hit several localities – GO Direct GO mobile internet customers get double data – GO Direct Disruptions in national power supply impact GO Services – GO Direct Disruptions in national power supply have negative impact on GO services – GO Direct Disruptions in national power supply impact on GO services – GO Direct GO mobile internet customers get double data – GO Direct Il-klijenti ta’ GO mobile internet jirċievu d-doppju tad-data – GO Direct Il-qtugħ fil-provvista tad-dawl ħalla impatt fuq is-servizzi ta GO – GO Direct
Vodafone in the news
Vodafone CSR Direct 12 July 2015 € 230.00
Sunday, July 12, 2015, 00:01
Vodafone lends St Joseph’s Home a helping hand
Over 100 employees from Vodafone Malta’s technology department headed to St Joseph’s home in Santa Venera to help clean meeting rooms, windows, floors, stairs and corridors. The teams even helped cook for the residents. Home director Fr Frankie Cini praised the initiative.
Vodafone Direct 12 July 2015 € 230.00
Sunday, July 12, 2015, 00:01
Vodafone voyage
Vodafone Malta welcomed clients and partners to an evening of food and live music on the Valletta bastions to mark its 25th anniversary. The event, themed ‘The Vodafone voyage: the next 25 years’, was also a celebration of the company’s plans for the next quarter of a century, with distinguished guest including President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca and her husband Edgar (above), seen with Ivan Zammit.
Vodafone Direct 12 July 2015 â‚Ź 230.00
From left: Stephen Ellul, Deborah Schembri, Norman Aquilina, Marika Caruana Smith, Antoine Vella, Anatole Debono, Rita Fenech and Alex Mifsud.
British High Commissioner Rob Luke and his wife Louise with Amanda Nelson.
Vodafone Direct 12 July 2015 â‚Ź 230.00
From left: Manfred Galea, Melanie Cremona, John Micallef, Joanna Micallef, Kim Darmanin Demajo and Pierre Abela.
Other stories in the news
GO Direct 12 July 2015 € 230.00
Sunday, July 12, 2015, 00:01
Company briefs
Go mobile internet customers get double data
Go will be doubling the data on all its Pay As You Go bundles until August 16. Customers purchasing any of these bundles will also have access to Go’s high-speed 42Mbps nationwide network. Go will launch a number of new mobile data bundles including 500MB for €5, 1GB for €8 and 6GB for €20, all of which will benefit from this double data promotion. Daniela Bagnaschi, senior marketing manager at Go, said: “For most people summer means more time outside and more socialising, and that means relying even more on mobile internet to stay in touch. With our double data offer, Go’s mobile internet bundle customers know that this summer they can get on with organising their life without worrying about any extra costs.”
GO Direct 13 July 2015 € 120.00
Il-klijenti ta’ GO mobile internet jirċievu d-doppju tad-data Charmaine Attard - 13/07/15 09:12 AM
GO se tirdoppja d-data fuq il-bundleskollha ta’ Pay As You GO sas-16 ta’ Awwissu 2015. Il-klijenti li jixtru wieħed minn dawn il-bundles se jkollhom aċċess għan-netwerk ta’ veloċità qawwija ta’ 42Mbps. GO se tkun qed tniedi għadd ta’ databundles ġodda għall-mowbajls fosthom pakketti ta’ 500MB għal €5, 1GB għal €8 u 6GB għal €20. Il-bundles kollha se jibbenefikaw mill-promozzjoni tal-irduppjar tad-data. Biex japplikaw, il-klijenti jridu jibagħtu SMS bl-ammont ta’ data li jixtiequ jixtru: 500MB, 1GB jew 6GB fuq in-numru 16410. Wara jirċievu notifikazzjoni li kisbu d-doppju ta’ kemm xtraw, jiġifieri 1GB, 2GB jew 12GB ta’ datarispettivament. Dawn il-pakketti jibqgħu validi sa 4 ġimgħat. Daniela Bagnaschi, Senior Manager – Marketing ma’ GO, qalet, “Għal ħafna nies dan ifisser li jqattgħu aktar ħin barra u jissoċjalizzaw. B’hekk ikollhom bżonn ta’ aktar internet tal-mowbajl biex jibqgħu f’kuntatt. Bl-offerta tagħna ta’ double data, il-klijenti li jużaw il-bundle ta’ GO mobile internet jafu li dan is-sajf jistgħu jorganizzaw ħajjithom mingħajr ma jinkwetaw li se jeħlu aktar spejjeż.” Għal aktar tagħrif dwar il-pakketti ta’ GO mobile internet agħfas hawn.
GO Direct 13 July 2015 € 116.00
GO MOBILE INTERNET CUSTOMERS GET DOUBLE DATA GO will be doubling the data on all its Pay As You GO bundles until 16 August 2015. Customers purchasing any of these bundles will also have access to GO’s high-speed 42Mbps nationwide network. GO will launch a number of new mobile data bundles including 500MB for €5, 1GB for €8 and 6GB for €20, all of which will benefit from this double data promotion. To apply, customers need to send an SMS with the amount of data they wish to purchase: 500MB, 1GB or 6GB to 16410. In return they will receive 1GB, 2GB or 12GB of data respectively valid for 4 weeks. Daniela Bagnaschi, Senior Manager – Marketing at GO, said, “Summer is here. For most people that means more time outside and more socialising, and that means relying even more on mobile internet to stay in touch. With our double data offer, GO’s mobile internet bundle customers know that this summer they can get on with organising their life without worrying about any extra costs.” More information on GO’s mobile internet plans are available at: . Terms and conditions apply.
GO Direct 13 July 2015 € 145.00
GO mobile internet customers get double data GO will be doubling the data on all its Pay As You GO bundles until 16 August 2015. 13 July 2015, 8:09am
Customers purchasing any Pay and You Go bundles will also have access to GO’s high-speed 42Mbps nationwide network. GO will launch a number of new mobile data bundles including 500MB for €5, 1GB for €8 and 6GB for €20, all of which will benefit from this double data promotion. To apply, customers need to send an SMS with the amount of data they wish to purchase: 500MB, 1GB or 6GB to 16410. In return they will receive 1GB, 2GB or 12GB of data respectively valid for 4 weeks. Daniela Bagnaschi, Senior Manager – Marketing at GO, said, “Summer is here. For most people that means more time outside and more socialising, and that means relying even more on mobile internet to stay in touch. With our double data offer, GO’s mobile internet bundle customers know that this summer they can get on with organising their life without worrying about any extra costs.” More information on GO’s mobile internet plans are available at: . Terms and conditions apply.
GO Direct 14 July 2015 â‚Ź 145.00
Disruptions in national power supply have negative impact on GO services Tuesday, 14 July 2015, 11:59
GO today said that disruptions in the national power supply which occurred yesterday evening have impacted the availability of a number of GO services, including mobile voice and SMS, internet and Interactive TV. GO’s technical teams immediately restored services by activating our standby systems, the company said in a statement. Furthermore they worked through the night to stabilise the situation and verify that services have been restored. GO apologised for any inconvenience caused and assured its customers that they are doing all that they can to ensure continuity of service.
GO Direct 14 July 2015 â‚Ź 116.00
DISRUPTIONS IN NATIONAL POWER SUPPLY IMPACT GO SERVICES GO would like to inform customers that disruptions in the national power supply which occurred yesterday evening have impacted the availability of a number of GO services, including mobile voice and SMS, internet and Interactive TV. GO’s technical teams immediately restored services by activating our standby systems. Furthermore they have worked through the night to stabilise the situation and verify that services have been restored. GO would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused and to assure customers that we are doing all that we can to ensure continuity of service.
GO Direct 14 July 2015 â‚Ź 145.00
Disruptions in national power supply impact GO services Mobile, SMS, internet and interactive TV services were down for some users after the national power supply experienced disruptions 14 July 2015, 12:03pm
GO customers experienced some disruptions yesterday as the national power grid failed and negatively impacted the telecoms providers' services. Mobile, SMS, internet and interactive TV services were disrupted for some users. "GO’s technical teams immediately restored services by activating our standby systems. Furthermore they have worked through the night to stabilise the situation and verify that services have been restored. GO would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused and to assure customers that we are doing all that we can to ensure continuity of service," the company said in a press statement.
GO Direct 14 July 2015 € 120.00
“Il-qtugħ fil-provvista tad-dawl ħalla impatt fuq is-servizzi ta’ GO” Charmaine Attard - 14/07/15 11:35 AM
Il-kumpanija GO qed tinforma lill-klijenti tagħha li l-qtugħ fil-provvista tal-elettriku lbieraħ filgħaxija ħalla impatt fuq id-disponibbiltà ta’ numru ta’ servizzi ta’ GO, fosthom is-servizz ta’ mobile voice u SMS, internet uinteractive TV. It-timijiet tekniċi ta’ GO mill-ewwel reġġgħu lura s-servizz permezz tal-attivazzjoni ta’ sistemi li humastandby. Barra minn hekk ħadmu matul il-lejl biex jistabbilizzaw is-sitwazzjoni u jivverifikaw li s-servizzi reġgħu lura għan-normal. GO tixtieq tiskuża ruħha għal kull inkonvenjent u tassigura lill-klijenti li qed tagħmel minn kollox biex is-servizz ikompli jingħata mingħajr xkiel.
GO Direct 14 July 2015 € 230.00
Tuesday, July 14, 2015, 08:08
Update 2 - Enemalta explains power distribution works as outages hit several localities
Updated - Statements by Enemalta, GO.
Electricity supply disruptions over the weekend and yesterday were caused by a number of cable faults, Enemalta said today. Power cuts were reported in Iklin, Balzan, parts of Birkirkara, Gzira, Msida Sliema and San Gwann. In a statement, Enemalta said it is committed to continuing its investment in the electricity distribution network, to increase its flexibility and reduce the risk of supply disruptions. "The company’s technicians and engineers are working to restore network redundancy, following a number of faults in the distribution system in the Msida, Sliema and San Ġwann areas on Monday. "The electricity supply disruptions yesterday and this morning were caused by a number of cable faults which affected the network flexibility to provide the required services in these areas. While the necessary interventions were immediately carried out to restore electricity supply to all customers affected, some works are still ongoing," Enemalta said. It said it is implementing a long-term distribution network reinforcement plan, including the development of four new distribution centres as well as an increase in the number of connection configurations between different nodes of the electricity grid.
GO Direct 14 July 2015 € 230.00
Two of the distribution centres, which are already at an advanced stage, will be located at St Andrew’s and Manoel Island, to consolidate services in some of the areas affected by yesterday’s disruptions, including Sliema, Ta’ Xbiex and Msida. A number of new high tension underground cables are also being laid in the same areas, to facilitate the provision of supply through alternative channels in the eventuality of a breakdown in other parts of the distribution system. Another two distribution centres are being developed at Xewkija, Gozo and in Marsa, whilst other similar projects are being planned in other parts of the country. These developments are expected to start being commissioned by next year. The number of technical teams is also being raised, in order to ensure a quicker response to emergencies. Enemalta regretted the inconvenience which the outages caused. POWER CUTS AFFECT INTERNET, TV SERVICES
The power cuts also affected internet services, ATMs and traffic lights. In a statement this morning, communications company GO said that disruptions in the national power supply yesterday evening have impacted a number of its services, including mobile voice and SMS, internet and Interactive TV. "GO’s technical teams immediately restored services by activating our standby systems. Furthermore they have worked through the night to stabilise the situation and verify that services have been restored," it said. It apologised for any inconvenience caused and said it was doing all it could to ensure continuity of service. Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi said yesterday that Enemalta was now in a position to allocate more resources to beefing up the distribution system. Progress had been made in Mellieha and areas in the North, but it could not guarantee that there would not be power failures in areas such as Sliema, where were severely overloaded.
Melita Direct 14 July 2015 € 230.00
Tuesday, July 14, 2015, 14:22
Melita completes Gozo mobile network upgrade Melita said today it has completed upgrades to its mobile network in Gozo as part of a five-year €70 million rolling investment programme. The network upgrade aims to provide improved coverage across of Gozo by using lower-band frequencies assigned to Melita by the Malta Communications Authority. These frequencies are in the same band utilised by other local operators and offer better indoor mobile coverage. “This latest investment is yet another commitment by Melita to ensure quality of service in Gozo”, commented Ludolf Rasterhoff, Chief Operating Officer at Melita.
Melita Direct 14 July 2015 € 230.00
Tuesday, July 14, 2015, 00:01 by Malcolm Briffa, director, Melita Customer Experience, Mrieħel
Bill payments Melita would like to assure all its customers that bill payments made by cheque do not incur a surcharge, as erroneously claimed by Mairin Drago (July 1). Melita accepts all forms of conventional payment methods, without surcharges, irrespective of our customers’ preferred payment methods. Melita accepts payment through numerous channels: by cheque, in cash at any Melita outlet, by credit or debit cards, through automated machinesin Melita outlets, online through the secure portal MyMelita (,through the MyMelita app on smartphones, at third party resellers as well as through the internet banking service of most local banks. Other claims published in the letter of July 1 are also incorrect. Elderly people may request to continue receiving printed bills at no additional cost upon presentation of their valid KartAnzjan or ID card at any of our outlets. Free electronic billing is also available to all Melita customers by registering to MyMelita, which also provides itemised bills and other useful features to help customers manage their account. Should any of our customers require additional information, please visit, any of our Melita outlets or call 2727 0270.