Today’s Newspaper Cuttings
15 May 2015
Today’s online news GO launches superfast 500Mbps internet – GO Direct GO tniedi internet b’veloċita’ qawwija ta’ 500Mbps – GO Direct Public invited to experience GO fibre for internet devices – GO Direct
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GO Direct 10 May 2015 € 230.00
Sunday, May 10, 2015, 00:00
Public invited to experience Go fibre for internet devices
An artist’s impression of the Go stand at The Point.
Go is inviting the public to experience the superfast internet world of the future, including the opportunity to try out the much talked about Oculus Rift virtual reality headset. Over the next three Saturdays, a stand will be open at The Point shopping complex in Sliema, which will showcase ultra-high definition TV and other internet powered devices which will become common household items with the roll out of superfast internet. More than 17,000 homes, located mostly in Sliema and areas of St Julian’s and Lija are already able to access Fibre-To-The-Home (FTTH) connections and Go internet subscribers in these areas can now switch their service to fibre – even if they choose to remain on their current internet plans – in order to future proof their homes. The new superfast internet plans will be announced shortly.
GO Direct 13 May 2015 € 116.00
GO LAUNCHES SUPERFAST 500MBPS INTERNET Following the recent launch of GO fibre, through which GO is investing €50 million in order to deliver fibre optic connections directly into customers’ homes, the Company has now launched a new 500Mbps superfast internet plan. The new GO 500Mbps plan, which includes Limitless monthly download and upload usage, will transform the customer experience of using the internet. With a download speed of 500Mbps and an upload speed of 20Mbps, customers will now be able to run multiple internet devices at home simultaneously and download or upload large volumes of data in seconds. Kurt Camilleri, GO’s Chief Commercial Officer, said, “GO’s Fibre-To-The-Home project is a real game changer. Having a fibre optic connection directly into your modem at home will transform the way you use the internet. With a 500Mbps connection, it will now take less than 1 second to download ten songs. It’s not just the volumes of data but the number of devices; computers, laptops, smartphones, televisions, even alarms, kettles and fridges, that can all be connected and controlled seamlessly thanks to superfast fibre internet connections.” The national roll out of GO fibre is expected to take five years but more than 17,000 homes in the Sliema, St Julian’s and Lija areas already have access to fibre connections and can therefore start benefitting from fibre internet speeds. A total of 33,000 homes are expected to be passed by the end of 2015. Those who wish to experience what a fibre connection means, and to try out the much talked about Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, can also visit the GO fibre stand at The Point on Level -2 every Saturday until the end of May. The GO fibre 500Mbps internet plan is available as a standalone service and as an add-on to any GO Limitless Home Pack or Limitless Duo Pack Plan starting from €115 per month in those areas which are already fibre enabled. More information on GO fibre is also available at
GO Direct 14 May 2015 € 120.00
GO tniedi internet b’veloċità qawwija ta’ 500Mbps Karl Wright - 14/05/15 08:32 PM
Wara t-tnedija riċenti ta’ GO fibre, fejn GO qed tinvesti €50 miljun biex tkun tista’ twassal konessjonijiet tal-fibre optic direttament fid-dar tal-konsumaturi, il-Kumpanija issa qed tniedi pakkett ġdid ta’ 500Mbps ta’ internet veloċi. Il-pakkett il-ġdid ta’ GO ta’ 500Mbps, li jinkludi użu mingħajr limitu tal-internet fix-xahar, se jbiddel l-esperjenza tal-klijent kif juża l-internet. B’download speed ta’ 500Mbps u upload speed ta’ 20Mbps, il-klijenti issa se ikunu jistgħu jużaw tagħmir li juża’ l-internet f’daqqa u jniżżlu jew itellgħu volumi kbar ta’data f’sekondi. Il-firxa tas-sistema ta’ GO fibre ma’ Malta kollha mistennija li tieħu ħames snin. Diġà hemm iktar minn 17,000 dar f’Tas-Sliema, San Ġiljan u Ħal Lija li għandhom din il-konessjoni u qed igawdu mill-benefiċċji. Qed ikun mistenni li sal-aħħar tal-2015 madwar 33,000 dar se jkollhom aċċess dirett. Dawk kollha li jixtiequ jesperjenzaw xi tfisser konessjoni tal-fibre u fl-istess waqt jippruvaw l-Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, jistgħu jżuru il-GO fibre standf’The Point fis-sular Level -2 kull nhar ta’ Sibt sal-aħħar ta’ Mejju. Il-pakkett ta’ GO fibre 500Mbps, li issa jinsab disponibbli bħala servizz waħdu jew bħala add-on ma’ kwalunkwe GO Limitless Home Pack jew Limitless Duo Pack Plan, qed ikun offrut minn €115 fix-xahar għal dawk iż-żoni fejn diġà hemm il-konessjoni tal-fibre. Artikli kummerċjali għandhom jintbagħtu fuq