Today’s Newspaper Cuttings
18 March 2016
Today’s online news Melita WiFi Travel now available at 50 million hotspots worldwide – Melita Direct GO employees support Hospice Malta – GO CSR Direct New Melita CEO is Harald Rösch – Melita Direct GO employees support Hospice Malta – GO CSR Direct Melita WiFi Travel now available at 50 million hotspots worldwide – Melita Direct melitaWiFi Travel now available at 50 million hotspots worldwide – Melita Direct L-impjegati ta’ GO jappoġġjaw lil Hospice Malta – GO CSR Direct MelitaWiFi Travel extended to 50m hotspots in 120 countries – Melita Direct Melita has new CEO – Melita Direct
Other stories in the news
GO CSR Direct 15 March 2016 € 120
L-impjegati ta’ GO jappoġġjaw lil Hospice Malta Karl Wright - 15/03/16 05:01 PM
Ir-Rappreżentanti tat-tim ta’ GO Cares ippreżentaw donazzjoni ta’ €400 lil Hospice Malta. Dawn il-fondi inġarbu mill-impjegati ta’ GO waqt l-attività annwali ta’ ġbir ta’ fondi mill-bejgħ ta’ pjanti li sar ftit ġimgħat qabel il-Milied. Hospice Malta hi waħda mill-organizzazzjonijiet li l-impjegati ta’ GO ta’ spiss jagħtu daqqa t’id. Josephine Grima, Senior Manager – HR Operations ma’ GO, preżentat l-għotja f’isem l-impjegati ta’ GO lil Kenneth Delia, General Manager ta’ Hospice Malta, u Anna Zammit, Care Services Manager. Hospice Malta bħalissa tieħu ħsieb iktar minn 1,000 pazjent li qed isofru minn kanċer,motor neuron disease, end life respiratory, u mard relatat mal-qalb u kliewi. L-organizzazzjoni toffri wkoll l-appoġġ neċessarju lill-familji tal-pazjenti. Il-Fond tal-Impjegati GO Cares hi inizjattiva li permezz tagħha l-impejgati ta’ GO b’mod volontarju jagħtu kontribuzzjoni żgħira mis-salarji tagħhom kull xahar.
GO CSR Direct 16 March 2016 € 145
GO employees support Hospice Malta Hospice Malta currently cares for more than 1,000 patients 16 March 2016, 11:29am
(from left) Greta Rapinett, Manager – SME Business Team, Paul Demicoli, Customer Experience Specialist from the GO Customer Experience team, and Josephine Grima, Senior Manager – HR Operations at GO presenting the donation to Kenneth Delia, General Manager at Hospice Malta and Anna Zammit, Care Services Manager at Hospice Malta.
Representatives of the GO Cares employee team presented a donation of €400 to Hospice Malta. The money was raised by GO employees through a yearly fundraising Poinsettia sale which took place in the run up to Christmas. Hospice Malta is one of the organisations which GO employees regularly support. Josephine Grima, Senior Manager – HR Operations at GO, presented the donation on behalf of GO
GO CSR Direct 16 March 2016 â‚Ź 145
employees to Mr Kenneth Delia, General Manager at Hospice Malta and Ms Anna Zammit, Care Services Manager. Hospice Malta currently cares for more than 1,000 patients suffering from cancer, motor neuron disease, end life respiratory, cardiac and renal disease, and also provides the necessary support to the patients’ families. The GO Cares Employee Fund is an initiative through which GO employees voluntarily donate a small contribution from their salary on a monthly basis. GO employees are able to support various worthy causes by organising different activities during the year and making use of donations made through this Employee Fund.
Melita Direct 15 March 2016 â‚Ź 145
melitaWiFi Travel now available at 50 million hotspots worldwide Tuesday, 15 March 2016, 15:53
Using your mobile while abroad has never been easier or cheaper. Melita's free international WiFi service - melitaWiFi Travel - is now available in more than 50 million hotspots worldwide through Melita's established partnership with iPass Inc. Melita is the first and only operator in Malta to provide free and unlimited international WiFi connectivity to its mobile customers. All Melita mobile customers can now enjoy free melitaWiFi Travel on any device through hotspots available worldwide. The service extends Malta's largest outdoor WiFi network from outdoor zones in Malta and Gozo to practically anywhere in the world. The number of hotspots available worldwide has multiplied by almost twenty times since Melita launched the service in 2014. Through its partnership with iPass, melitaWiFi
Melita Direct 15 March 2016 € 145
Travel is now available in more than 120 countries and offers a secure global WiFi via smartphones and tablets. Mireille Muscat, Head of Marketing at Melita said: "melitaWiFi Travel provides a simple and free method to connect to the internet and to eliminate roaming charges through 50 million WiFi hotspots around the world, thus enabling our customers to stay connected 24/7. Our customers can now travel and receive free unlimited WiFi practically wherever they are in the world. melitaWiFi Travel has also undoubtedly increased our competitive edge, and other operators in Malta are taking note." To access the service, Melita Mobile customers need to follow an easy 3-step process:
download and install the melitaWiFi Travel application from iTunes or Google Play
open the application and enter the MyMelita username and password
while abroad, use the application to choose any of the available hotspots available near you and you're ready to browse.
Melita Direct 15 March 2016 € 145
MelitaWiFi Travel now available at 50 million hotspots worldwide Melita is the first and only operator in Malta to provide free and unlimited international WiFi connectivity to its mobile customers 15 March 2016, 10:17am
Melita’s free international WiFi service – melitaWiFi Travel – is now available in more than 50 million hotspots worldwide through Melita’s established partnership with iPass Inc. Melita is the first and only operator in Malta to provide free and unlimited international WiFi connectivity to its mobile customers. All Melita mobile customers can now enjoy free melitaWiFi Travel on any device through hotspots available worldwide. The service extends Malta’s largest outdoor WiFi network from outdoor zones in Malta and Gozo to practically anywhere in the world. The number of hotspots available worldwide has multiplied by almost twenty times since Melita launched the service in 2014. Through its partnership with iPass, melitaWiFi Travel is now available in more than 120 countries and offers a secure global WiFi via smartphones and tablets. Mireille Muscat, Head of Marketing at Melita said, “melitaWiFi Travel provides a simple and free method to connect to the internet and to eliminate roaming charges through 50 million WiFi hotspots around the world, thus enabling our customers to stay connected 24/7.
Melita Direct 15 March 2016 € 145
"Our customers can now travel and receive free unlimited WiFi practically wherever they are in the world. melitaWiFi Travel has also undoubtedly increased our competitive edge, and other operators in Malta are taking note.” To access the service, Melita Mobile customers need to follow an easy 3-step process:
download and install the melitaWiFi Travel application from iTunes or Google Play
open the application and enter the MyMelita username and password
while abroad, use the application to choose any of the available hotspots available near you and you’re ready to browse.
For more information visit
Melita Direct 16 March 2016 € 116
melitaWiFi Travel now available at 50 million hotspots worldwide BY GOZO NEWS · MARCH 16, 2016
Melita's free international WiFi service – melitaWiFi Travel – is now available in more than 50 million hotspots worldwide through Melita's established partnership with iPass Inc. Melita has said in a statement that it is the first and only operator in Malta to provide free and unlimited international WiFi connectivity to its mobile customers. "The number of hotspots available worldwide has multiplied by almost twenty times since Melita launched the service in 2014. Through its partnership with iPass, melitaWiFi Travel is now available in more than 120 countries and offers a secure global WiFi via smartphones and tablets," the company said. Mireille Muscat, Head of Marketing at Melita said: "melitaWiFi Travel provides a simple and free method to connect to the internet and to eliminate roaming charges through 50 million WiFi hotspots around the world, thus enabling our customers to stay connected 24/7." "Our customers can now travel and receive free unlimited WiFi practically wherever they are in the world." To access the service, Melita Mobile customers need to follow an easy 3-step process: Download and install the melitaWiFi Travel application from iTunes or Google Play Open the application and enter the MyMelita username and password While abroad, use the application to choose any of the available hotspots available near you and you're ready to browse. For more information visit
Melita Direct 17 March 2016 € 230
Thursday, March 17, 2016, 12:37
Melita has new CEO
Andrei Torriani (left) welcoming the incoming Melita CEO Harald Rösch. The new appointment follows changes in the shareholding structure which saw the company transferred to Apax France and Fortino Capital. Mr Rösch was a board member and CEO of blizoo Media and Broadband EAD, the largest operator in Bulgaria. Previously, he served as CEO of German operator Kabel BW GmbH and HanseNet,,Managing Director of the Internet Business Unit at Telecom Italia and member of the Supervisory Board at Sky Deutschland AG as well as sitting on the board of Seat Pagine Gialle Spa and Chairman of United Digital Group GmbH. Mr. Rösch, 48, has an MBA from INSEAD. During his seven-year tenure as Chief Executive Officer, Mr Torriani shifted the strategic direction of the company from focusing almost exclusively on pay-TV cable operations to a convergence strategy where fixed and wireless services work seamlessly together to provide more customer value and unique customer experiences. Mr Rösch said he was looking forward to drive Melita into its next development cycle, building on the existing strong foundation. "Digital, broadband and customer experience will undoubtedly spearhead our growth strategy for the coming years to strengthen Melita’s position as the leader in broadband and communication services for the Maltese Islands,” he said.
Melita Direct 17 March 2016 € 145
New Melita CEO is Harald Rösch Harald Rösch has been appointed as the new CEO and he will be taking over Melita’s executive management function following a thorough handing over and transition period. 17 March 2016, 12:58pm
Andrei Torriani (left) welcoming the incoming Melita CEO Harald Rösch (right).
Harald Rösch has been appointed Melita’s new CEO, taking over Melita’s executive management function following a thorough handing-over and transition period. The announcement follows the acquisition process for Apax France and Fortino Capital to become Melita’s new shareholders. Rösch, 48, brings a wealth of international experience to Melita, predominantly in digital products, broadband and building valuable customer relationships. Until recently, he was board member and CEO of blizoo Media and Broadband EAD, the largest operator in Bulgaria. Previously, Rösch served as CEO of German operator Kabel BW GmbH and HanseNet, managing director of the internet business unit at Telecom Italia, and member of the Supervisory Board at Sky Deutschland AG, as well as sitting on the board of Seat Pagine Gialle Spa and chairman of United Digital Group GmbH. He is currently the chairman of Internetstores GMBH.
Melita Direct 17 March 2016 € 145
His predecessor Andrea Torriani shifted the strategic direction of the company from focusing almost exclusively on pay-TV cable operations, to converge fixed and wireless services to provide more customer value. “Melita’s successful adoption of convergence strategy is hailed as a best practice case across Europe’s telecom landscape. Melita’s key infrastructure investments have been recognised by the European Commission and enabled Malta to place at the top of the European charts for next generation broadband coverage,” Melita said in a statement. “I wish the new shareholders, Harald and all the Melita team the very best for the future and I will continue to support Harald and Melita as required,” Torriani said. “Over the course of seven years working hard with the team, Melita has gradually become my second family. There is always a time to move on – that time for me is now and I look forward to spend more time with my family.” Rösch said digital, broadband and customer experience would spearhead growth strategy for Melita to strengthen its position as the leader in broadband and communication services in Malta.