Today’s Newspaper Cuttings
1 March 2016
Today’s online news Road diversions tomorrow to make way for marathon – Vodafone indirect 4G enabled Alcatel One touch Pop 2 available for €99 – Go Direct L-Alcatel One Touch Pop 2 disponibbli għal €99 – GO Direct
Vodafone in the news
Vodafone Indirect 27 February 2016 €
Saturday, February 27, 2016, 06:00
Road diversions tomorrow to make way for marathon
A number of roads will be closed and traffic will be diverted tomorrow as Malta hosts the 2016 Vodafone Malta Marathon. Motorists are being urged to avoid the routes from Msida and Marsa between 9.30am and 1pm since it will be used as one of the main marathon routes. Likewise, motorists are urged to avoid the Pieta, Msida, Ta' Xbiex, Gżira and Sliema seafront between 9.30am and 1.30pm. There will be no public transport service between 8am and 11.30am from Attard, Ta' Qali, Mrieħel, St Venera and Ħamrun to Valletta. During race time, some routes will be diverted and some bus stops will not be served. The Ferries in Sliema is the finish line for both the marathon and the half marathon. A record number of participants are expected to take part in this year's edition.
Other stories in the news
GO Direct 29 February 2016 € 145
4G enabled Alcatel OneTouch Pop 2 available for €99 Monday, 29 February 2016, 15:16
The 4G enabled Alcatel OneTouch Pop 2 smartphone is now available from all GO
outlets for the retail price of just €99. The device uses the Android v5.0.2 Lollipop operating system with a quad core 1.2GHz processor and boasts an 8GB total internal memory, 1GB RAM, a microSD card slot, a 4 inch WVGA TFT capacitive touch screen with 16 million colours and a 5MP camera with HD video and secondary VGA camera. Weighing just 125 grams, the Alcatel OneTouch Pop 2 offers a seamless user experience when streaming music, gaming or browsing, including one finger zoom. Further information on GO's fibre connected 4G mobile internet network and the devices available from GO, are available from the website, from all GO retail outlets and exclusive resellers or by calling on freephone 80072121.
GO Direct 29 February 2016 € 135
L-Alcatel OneTouch Pop 2 disponibbli għal €99 16:19 | 29.02.2016
L-ismartphone Alcatel OneTouch Pop 2, li jippermetti konnessjoni tal-internet bil-4G, issa jinsab disponibbli mill-ħwienet kollha ta’ GO għall-prezz ta’ €99 biss.
Dan l-ismartphone jaħdem b’sistema Android v5.0.2 Lollipop bi quad core ta’ 1.2GHz processor u jinkludi 8GB ta’ memorja interna, 1GB RAM, slot għal microSD card, WVGA TFT capacitive touch screen ta’ 4 pulzieri, bi 16-il miljun kulur u kamera 5MP b’HD video u kamera VGA sekondarja.
L-Alcatel OneTouch Pop 2, li jiżen biss 125 gramma, joffri esperjenza unika f’dak li hu streaming ta’ mużika, logħob, jew browsing b’katteristiċi interessanti bħal one finger zoom.
Għal aktar tagħrif dwar il-fibre connected 4G mobile internet network ta’ GO u smartphones oħrajn disponibbli mingħand GO, wieħed jista’ jżur is-sit, il-ħwienet kollha ta’ GO jew ir-resellers esklussivi, jew permezz tal-freephone 8007 2121.