Today’s Newspaper Cuttings
21 April 2015
Today’s online news gozonewscom Vodafone launches web chat service for customers to get in touch – Vodafone Direct Vodafone tniedi s-servizz tal-Web Chat – Vodafone Direct
Vodafone in the news
Vodafone Direct 19 April 2015 €120.00
Vodafone tniedi s-servizz tal-Web Chat Karl Wright - 19/04/15 06:06 PM
Bħala parti mill-istrateġija kontinwa biex ittejjeb u tiżviluppa l-mezzi diġitali, Vodafone għadha kif nediet il-Web Chat, u bhekk qed tintroduċi mod aktar veloċi u sempliċi kif il-klijenti jistgħu jagħmlu kuntatt. Vodafone hi l-ewwel kumpanija tat-telekommunikazzjoni f’Malta li qed toffri dan is-servizz, li se jkun disponibbli bejn 8am u 10pm. Permezz tal-Web Chat, il-klijenti jistgħu jitkellmu ma’ impjegati ta’ Vodafone biex jircievu risposti immedjati għall-mistoqsijiet tagħhom. Matthew Zammit, Digital Customer Experience Senior Executive ta’ Vodafone qal li “aħna qed naħdmu biex nagħmlu l-internet l-ewwel punt ta’ referenza għall-klijenti tagħna, fejn qed nagħtuhom kontroll assolut tal-kont tagħhom”. L-idea wara l-Web Chat hi li tingħata esperjenza bla xkiel. Il-Web Chat hu servizz minn tal-aħħar fit-titjib fl-esperjenza fuq l-internet li qed tagħmel il-kumpanija, biex tiżgura li l-internet ikun l-aqwa sors ta’ informazzjoni u assistenza għall-klijenti. Zammit temm jgħid li “li tkun tista’ titkellem b’mod dirett mal-aġenti tagħna online, milli toqgħod iċċempel jew tibgħate-mail, tipprovdi mod aktar veloċi u effettiv kif il-klijenti tagħna jkellmuna meta jkollhom bżonn.” Il-klijenti ta’ Vodafone huma mistiedna jżuru s-sit elettroniku ta’ Vodafone fuq għal aktar informazzjoni. Artikli kummerċjali għandhom jintbagħtu fuq
Vodafone Direct 19 April 2015 €116.00
Vodafone launches new Web Chat service for customers to get in touch BY GOZO NEWS · APRIL 19, 2015
As part of an ongoing strategy to further improve and develop its digital channels, Vodafone said that it has now launched Web Chat, “a fast and simple way for its customers to get in touch.” Vodafone said it is the first mobile service provider in Malta to be offering this service, which will be available every day between 8am and 10pm. Through Web Chat, customers can now engage with Vodafone agents online and obtain immediate replies to their queries. Matthew Zammit, Vodafone’s Digital Customer Experience Senior Executive, commented “we are working to make online the first point of reference for our customers, giving them full control of their account. The idea behind Web Chat is to make this experience even more seamless.” “Web chat is the latest in a number of improvements we have been making to our online experience to ensure that it is the best possible source of information and assistance for our customers. Being able to chat directly with our agents, rather than having to email or phone our Call Centre, provides a fast and effective way for customers to engage with us whenever they need to,” he said. Customers are invited to visit Vodafone’s website on for more information.