Today’s Newspaper Cuttings
22 March 2016
Today’s online news Experience GO internet for free – GO Direct Experience GO internet for free – GO Direct Melita announces a new CEO – Melita Direct GO internet free for 6 months on new Limitless Duo Pack subscriptions – GO Direct GO u Vodafone jagħtu kreditu b’xejn lill-Maltin fi Brussell – Vodafone & GO Direct Esperjenza l-internet ta’ GO mingħajr ħlas – GO Direct
Vodafone in the news
Vodafone & GO Direct 22 March 2016 € 120
GO u Vodafone jagħtu kreditu b'xejn lill-Maltin fi Brussell Charmaine Attard - 22/03/16 01:53 PM
Il-kumpaniji GO u Vodafone qed jagħtu kreditu b’xejn lill-klijenti tagħhom li riċentament użaw is-servizz fil-Belġju. F’messaġġ li bagħtet lill-klijenti, il-GO qalet li żiedet €10 fid-dawl ta’ dak li qed jiġri fi Brussell illum. Dan bħala kontribut żgħir għall-ispejjeż żejda li jistgħu
Other stories in the news
GO Direct 21 March 2016 € 145
Experience GO internet for free Monday, 21 March 2016, 18:49
There has never been a better time to experience high quality Fast Internet with Limitless downloads. GO is offering six months of free Internet on new Limitless Duo Pack subscriptions throughout the month of March. During the same period, all new Limitless Home Pack customers will benefit from a discount of €20 each month for the first six months, together with a free fast internet upgrade and free access to the latest movies and TV drama on GO Stars. Kurt Camilleri, Chief Commercial Officer at GO, said, "Throughout March, GO is offering a unique opportunity to those who want to benefit from high-quality internet and a best-in-class Interactive TV experience with the choice of Premium Sports & Movies in stunning HD quality. With these great offers of free Internet and generous discounts on Limitless Home Pack, there has never been a better time to switch to GO." Limitless Duo Pack combines Limitless calls to GO phone lines and Internet for €20 a month. New customers who subscribe during March will only pay for the phone service at €10 per month for the first six months. Limitless Home Pack, which combines Limitless calls to GO phone lines, Fast Internet, Interactive TV and discounts on mobile, is available for €48 per month for the Gold
GO Direct 21 March 2016 € 145
package and €38 per month for the Silver package. Those who sign up for Limitless Home Pack in March will benefit from the special discounted rates of €28 monthly and €18 monthly respectively for the first six months. More information on GO's Limitless Duo Pack and Limitless Home Pack March offers is available online at, from GO retail outlets and exclusive resellers, or by calling freephone on 80072121. Terms and conditions apply.
GO Direct 21 March 2016 € 120
Esperjenza l-internet ta’ GO mingħajr ħlas Karl Wright - 21/03/16 11:36 AM
Qatt ma kien hemm żmien aħjar minn bħalissa biex wieħed jesperjenza l-kwalità għolja ta’ internet veloċi b’downloads mingħajr limitu. GO qed toffri sitt xhur ta’ internet mingħajr ħlas għal dawk kollha li jabbonaw għal Limitless Duo Pack il-ġodda matul ix-xahar ta’ Marzu. Matul l-istess perjodu, il-klijenti l-ġodda kollha ta’ Limitless Home Pack se jibbenefikaw minn skont ta’ €20 kull xahar għall-ewwel sitt xhur. Barra minn hekk se jgawdu minn upgradeb’xejn għal internet veloċi u aċċess mingħajr ħlas għall-aħħar films u serje televiżivi fuq GO Stars. Il-Limitless Duo Pack jinkludi t-telefonati Limitless lejn linji ta’ GO u Internet għal €20 fix-xahar. Il-klijenti li jabbonaw matul ix-xahar ta’ Marzu se jħallsu biss għas-servizz tat-telefonati – jiġifieri €10 fix-xahar għall-ewwel sitt xhur. Il-Limitless Home Pack, li jinkludi fih telefonati Limitless lejn il-linji GO, Internet veloċi, Interactive TV u skontijiet fuq il-mowbajl jinsab disponibbli għal €48 fix-xahar għall-pakkett Gold u €38 fix-xahar għall-pakkett Silver. Dawk li jabbonaw għal Limitless Home Pack f’Marzu ser jibbenefikaw minn rati speċjali ta’ €28 u €18 fix-xahar rispettivament għall-ewwel sitt xhur.
GO Direct 22 March 2016 € 116
GO internet free for 6 months on new Limitless Duo Pack subscriptions BY GOZO NEWS · MARCH 22, 2016
GO has announced that it is offering six months of free Internet on new Limitless Duo Pack subscriptions throughout the month of March. During the same period, all new Limitless Home Pack customers will benefit from a discount of €20 each month for the first six months, together with a free fast internet upgrade and free access to the latest movies and TV drama on GO Stars, the company said. Kurt Camilleri, Chief Commercial Officer at GO, said, "throughout March, GO is offering a unique opportunity to those who want to benefit from high-quality internet and a best-in-class Interactive TV experience with the choice of Premium Sports & Movies in stunning HD quality. With these great offers of free Internet and generous discounts on Limitless Home Pack." The company said that Limitless Duo Pack combines Limitless calls to GO phone lines and Internet for €20 a month. New customers who subscribe during March will only pay for the phone service at €10 per month for the first six months. Limitless Home Pack, which combines Limitless calls to GO phone lines, Fast Internet, Interactive TV and discounts on mobile, is available for €48 per month for the Gold package and €38 per month for the Silver package. Those who sign up for Limitless Home Pack in March will benefit from the special discounted rates of €28 monthly and €18 monthly respectively for the first six months. More information on GO's Limitless Duo Pack and Limitless Home Pack March offers is available online, from GO retail outlets and exclusive resellers, or by calling freephone on 80072121. Terms and conditions apply.
GO Direct 21 March 2016 € 116
EXPERIENCE GO INTERNET FOR FREE There has never been a better time to experience high quality Fast Internet with Limitless downloads. GO is offering six months of free Internet on new Limitless Duo Pack subscriptions throughout the month of March. During the same period, all new Limitless Home Pack customers will benefit from a discount of €20 each month for the first six months, together with a free fast internet upgrade and free access to the latest movies and TV drama on GO Stars. Kurt Camilleri, Chief Commercial Officer at GO, said, “Throughout March, GO is offering a unique opportunity to those who want to benefit from high-quality internet and a best-in-class Interactive TV experience with the choice of Premium Sports & Movies in stunning HD quality. With these great offers of free Internet and generous discounts on Limitless Home Pack, there has never been a better time to switch to GO.” Limitless Duo Pack combines Limitless calls to GO phone lines and Internet for €20 a month. New customers who subscribe during March will only pay for the phone service at €10 per month for the first six months. Limitless Home Pack, which combines Limitless calls to GO phone lines, Fast Internet, Interactive TV and discounts on mobile, is available for €48 per month for the Gold package and €38 per month for the Silver package. Those who sign up for Limitless Home Pack in March will benefit from the special discounted rates of €28 monthly and €18 monthly respectively for the first six months. More information on GO’s Limitless Duo Pack and Limitless Home Pack March offers is available online at, from GO retail outlets and exclusive resellers, or by calling freephone on 80072121. Terms and conditions apply.
Melita Direct 18 March 2016 € 145
Melita announces a new CEO Friday, 18 March 2016, 20:32
Following the completion of an acquisition process that has resulted in Apax France and Fortino Capital becoming Melita's new shareholders, the Board of Directors has announced that Mr Andrei Torriani will hand over the management of the company after 7 years leading the Melita Group. Mr Harald Rösch has been appointed as the new CEO and he will be taking over Melita's executive management function following a thorough handing over and transition period. Mr Rösch brings a wealth of international experience to Melita, predominantly in digital products, broadband and building valuable customer relationships. Until recently, he was a Board Member and CEO of blizoo Media and Broadband EAD, the largest operator in Bulgaria. Previously, Mr. Rösch served as CEO of German operator Kabel BW GmbH and HanseNet,,Managing Director of the Internet Business Unit at Telecom Italia and member of the Supervisory Board at Sky Deutschland AG as well as sitting on the board of Seat Pagine Gialle Spa and Chairman of United Digital Group GmbH. Currently the Chairman of Internetstores GMBH, Mr. Rösch is 48 years old and has an MBA from INSEAD.
Melita Direct 18 March 2016 â‚Ź 145
During his tenure as Chief Executive Officer, Mr Torriani has shifted the strategic direction of the company from focusing almost exclusively on pay-TV cable operations to a convergence strategy where fixed and wireless services work seamlessly together to provide more customer value and unique customer experiences. Melita's successful adoption of convergence strategy is hailed as a best practice case across Europe's telecom landscape. Melita's key infrastructure investments have been recognised by the European Commission and enabled Malta to place at the top of the European charts for next generation broadband coverage. Mr Torriani said "I wish the new shareholders, Harald and all the Melita team the very best for the future and I will continue to support Harald and Melita as required. Over the course of 7 years working hard with the team, Melita has gradually become my second family. There is always a time to move on - that time for me is now and I look forward to spend more time with my family. I am very proud of what we achieved together over the last 7 years, setting Melita on course for future growth through the successful adoption of convergence and achieving European wide recognition for propelling Malta to the top position of next generation broadband coverage charts. Melita is well positioned to continue reaping the fruits of its investments and to offer more value to its customers." Incoming Chief Executive Officer Mr. Harald RĂśsch said "I am very much looking forward to drive Melita into its next development cycle, building on the strong foundations that were put in place by Andrei and his team. Melita is a great company with a bright future and very talented employees dedicated to provide the best possible experience to our customers. Digital, broadband and customer experience will undoubtedly spearhead our growth strategy for the coming years to strengthen Melita's position as the leader in broadband and communication services for the Maltese Islands."