Today’s Newspaper Cuttings
26 May 2015
Today’s online news Mobile app from Vodafone – Vodafone Direct Vodafone employees lend a hand at Fra Diego Home – Vodafone CSR Direct GO makes Limitless even simpler – GO Direct Vodafone employees lend a hand at Fra Diego Home – Vodafone CSR Direct GO makes Limitless even simpler – GO Direct GO introduces the SIM only concept to make “Limitless” even simpler – GO Direct GO makes Limitless even simpler - GO Direct GO tissimplifika l-pakketti Limitless taghha – GO Direct
Vodafone in the news
Vodafone CSR Direct 26 May 2015 â‚Ź 145.00
Vodafone employees lend a hand at Fra Diego Home Tuesday, 26 May 2015, 13:38
Last week the employees of Vodafone Malta's Finance department spent a morning at the Fra Diego Home in Hamrun where they set to work clearing all the Home's external yards of weeds and debris so that these can be better enjoyed by the children residing at the Home. Another group got busy in the kitchen where they baked cupcakes for the children. The Vodafone employees also provided packed lunches for all the children as they returned from school.
Vodafone CSR DirectDirect 26 May 2015 € 116.00
VODAFONE EMPLOYEES LEND A HAND AT FRA DIEGO HOME Last week the employees of Vodafone Malta’s Finance department spent a morning at the Fra Diego Home in Hamrun. There they set to work clearing all the Home’s external yards of weeds and debris so that these can be better enjoyed by the children residing at the Home. Another group got busy in the kitchen where they baked cupcakes for the children. The Vodafone employees also provided packed lunches for all the children as they returned from school.
Vodafone Direct 24 May 2015 â‚Ź 230.00
Mobile app from Vodafone Vodafone Malta has launched the My Vodafone Malta App for its prepaid customers. The mobile app is free to download and empowers customers to manage their account quickly and easily on the go. They can top up and buy their favourite bundles, check their current balance and track usage of any purchased bundles. The My Vodafone Malta App also connects to Vodafone’s customer care via e-mail and SMS, as well as helps users to find the closest Vodafone store, together with on-screen directions on how to get there. It is available for both Android and iPhone and can be downloaded from the Google Play store and the Apple App store.
Other stories in the news
GO Direct 25 May 2015 € 116.00
GO introduces the SIM only concept to make ‘Limitless’ even simpler BY GOZO NEWS · MAY 25, 2015
GO is simplifying its Limitless plans, introducing the SIM only concept to deliver additional value to customers. “The three new Limitless plans; Limitless One, Limitless Two and Limitless Three, start from just €24 a month and include, as a minimum, Limitless calls to all GO mobile and fixed lines, 1GB of data, and free calls and SMS to other networks.” GO data add-ons include, €6 for 1GB to those who use up the data on their Limitless plan. For greater peace of mind, GO said it is also setting a €50 monthly cap on data usage, although clients who wish to continue using mobile internet will be able to do so by simply sending an SMS. The new Limitless plans also include benefits for customers who are signed up to Home Pack and/or form part of a Home Pack mobile community. More information on the new GO Limitless plans is available at
GO Direct 25 May 2015 € 145.00
GO makes Limitless even simpler Monday, 25 May 2015, 19:03
GO is simplifying its Limitless plans, introducing the SIM only concept to deliver additional value to customers. The three new Limitless plans; Limitless One, Limitless Two and Limitless Three, start from just €24 a month and include, as a minimum, Limitless calls to all GO mobile and fixed lines, 1GB of data, and free calls and SMS to other networks. Daniela Bagnaschi, Senior Marketing Manager at GO, said, "Many customers already own a smartphone and, rather than discounts on a new device, they are increasingly looking for more value within the tariff plan, including a lot more data, from their mobile plan. GO's new Limitless SIM only plans offer a very straightforward solution to this need, and reflect our ongoing efforts to deliver products and services that best suit the constantly evolving lifestyles of our customers." GO is, in fact, now offering the best value data add-ons in Malta, delivering a seamless, high speed mobile internet experience for just €6 for 1GB to those who use up the data on their Limitless plan. For greater peace of mind, GO is also setting a €50 monthly cap on data usage, although clients who wish to continue using mobile internet will be able to do so by simply sending an SMS.
GO Direct 25 May 2015 â‚Ź 145.00
The new Limitless plans also include benefits for customers who are signed up to Home Pack and/or form part of a Home Pack mobile community. These customers can benefit from additional discounts of up to â‚Ź10 per month on the new Limitless plans. Additionally, customers can also share their data allowance by making use of GO's unique Mobile Share feature through which two devices can use the same data bundle at the same time from different locations.
GO Direct 25 May 2015 € 116.00
GO MAKES LIMITLESS EVEN SIMPLER GO is simplifying its Limitless plans, introducing the SIM only concept to deliver additional value to customers. The three new Limitless plans; Limitless One, Limitless Two and Limitless Three, start from just €24 a month and include, as a minimum, Limitless calls to all GO mobile and fixed lines, 1GB of data, and free calls and SMS to other networks. Daniela Bagnaschi, Senior Marketing Manager at GO, said, “Many customers already own a smartphone and, rather than discounts on a new device, they are increasingly looking for more value within the tariff plan, including a lot more data, from their mobile plan. GO’s new Limitless SIM only plans offer a very straightforward solution to this need, and reflect our ongoing efforts to deliver products and services that best suit the constantly evolving lifestyles of our customers.” GO is, in fact, now offering the best value data add-ons in Malta, delivering a seamless, high speed mobile internet experience for just €6 for 1GB to those who use up the data on their Limitless plan. For greater peace of mind, GO is also setting a €50 monthly cap on data usage, although clients who wish to continue using mobile internet will be able to do so by simply sending an SMS. The new Limitless plans also include benefits for customers who are signed up to Home Pack and/or form part of a Home Pack mobile community. These customers can benefit from additional discounts of up to €10 per month on the new Limitless plans. Additionally, customers can also share their data allowance by making use of GO’s unique Mobile Share feature through which two devices can use the same data bundle at the same time from different locations. More information on the new GO Limitless plans is available at
GO Direct 25 May 2015 € 145.00
GO makes Limitless even simpler GO is simplifying its Limitless plans, introducing the SIM only concept to deliver additional value to customers. 25 May 2015, 8:23am
The three new Limitless plans; Limitless One, Limitless Two and Limitless Three, start from just €24 a month and include, as a minimum, Limitless calls to all GO mobile and fixed lines, 1GB of data, and free calls and SMS to other networks. Daniela Bagnaschi, Senior Marketing Manager at GO, said, “Many customers already own a smartphone and, rather than discounts on a new device, they are increasingly looking for more value within the tariff plan, including a lot more data, from their mobile plan. GO’s new Limitless SIM only plans offer a very straightforward solution to this need, and reflect our ongoing efforts to deliver products and services that best suit the constantly evolving lifestyles of our customers.” GO is, in fact, now offering the best value data add-ons in Malta, delivering a seamless, high speed
GO Direct 25 May 2015 € 145.00
mobile internet experience for just €6 for 1GB to those who use up the data on their Limitless plan. For greater peace of mind, GO is also setting a €50 monthly cap on data usage, although clients who wish to continue using mobile internet will be able to do so by simply sending an SMS. The new Limitless plans also include benefits for customers who are signed up to Home Pack and/or form part of a Home Pack mobile community. These customers can benefit from additional discounts of up to €10 per month on the new Limitless plans. Additionally, customers can also share their data allowance by making use of GO’s unique Mobile Share feature through which two devices can use the same data bundle at the same time from different locations. More information on the new GO Limitless plans is available at
GO Direct 26 May 2015 € 120.00
GO tissimplifika l-pakketti Limitless tagħha Karl Wright - 26/05/15 02:18 PM
GO qed tissimplifika l-pakketti Limitless billi qed tintroduċi l-kunċett tas-SIM biss biex tkun tista’ twassal valur addizzjonali lill-klijenti. It-tliet pakketti l-ġodda ta’ Limitless, jiġifieri Limitless One, Limitless Two u Limitless Three, jibdew minn €24 biss fix-xahar u jinkludu, bħala minimu, telefonati mingħajr limitu lin-numri kollha ta’ GO mowbajl u dawk fissi, 1GB ta’ data, u telefonati u SMS mingħajr ħlas għal networks oħra. GO issa qed toffri l-aqwa valur għad-data add-ons f’Malta, u qed twassal internet qawwi għall-mowbajls għal prezz ta’ €6 biss għal kull 1GB lil dawk li jużaw d-data kollha tal-pakkett Limitless. Għal iktar serħan tal-moħħ, GO qed tħaddem sistema fejn kull xahar ikun hemm capping ta’ €50 fuq l-użu tad-data. Madankollu l-klijent jista’ jkompli juża l-internet tal-mowbajl billi sempliċiment jibgħat SMS. Il-pakketti l-ġodda ta’ Limitless jinkludu wkoll benefiċċji għall-klijenti li huma abbonati mal-pakketti Home Pack jew jagħmlu parti mill-komunità tal-Home Pack mowbajl. Dawn il-klijenti jistgħu jibbenefikaw minn skontijiet addizzjonali sa €10 fix-xahar fuq il-pakketti l-ġodda ta’ Limitless. Barra minn hekk il-klijenti jistgħu jaqsmu d-data allowancetagħhom permezz tas-sistema unika ta’ GO Mobile Share fejn żewġ devices jistgħu jużaw l-istess data bundle fl-istess ħin minn lokalitajiet differenti. Artikli kummerċjali għandhom jintbagħtu fuq