Today’s Newspaper Cuttings
29 May 2015
Today’s online news GO makes Limitless simpler – GO Direct Vodafone employees make an effort to safeguard the environment – Vodafone CSR Direct Impjegati ta’ Vodafone jgħinu fit-tindif tal-ambjent – Vodafone CSR Direct
Vodafone in the news
Vodafone CSR Direct 28 May 2015 € 120.00
Impjegati ta’ Vodafone jgħinu fit-tindif tal-ambjent Karl Wright - 28/05/15 03:34 PM
Il-ġimgħa l-oħra, l-impjegati tal-Commercial Business Unit (CBU) ta’ Vodafone, irħewla lejn in-naħa tal-Kappella tal-Madonna tas-Silġ, viċinSt. Peter’s Pool u l-bajja ta’ Kalanka biex inaddfu din iż-żona unika u mill-isbaħ. Inġabru aktar minn 60 borża żibel, biex bhekk din iż-żona issa tinsab fi stat ferm aħjar u aktar nadifa, biex il-pubbliku li jżur ta’ spiss l-inħawi, ikun jista’ igawdiha aktar u fi stat aħjar. It-tindif kien possibli permezz tal-għajnuna mingħand il-Moviment Let’s Do it Malta li għenu lill-impjegati jsibu ż-żona u fl-organizzazzjoni tal-avveniment kollu.
Vodafone CSR Direct 29 May 2015 € 116.00
VODAFONE EMPLOYEES MAKE AN EFFORT TO SAFEGUARD THE ENVIRONMENT Last week Vodafone Malta’s Commercial Business Unit (CBU) headed out to the surroundings of ‘IlKappella tal Madonna tas-Silg’, and the outskirts of St. Peter’s Pool and Kalanka Bay to clean up this unique and picture perfect area. Over 60 bags of rubbish was removed leaving the site in a much better state, able to be enjoyed by the public who regularly visit this beauty spot. The clean-up was facilitated by the Movement Let’s Do it Malta who helped source the location and who were also available on the day to assist in the organisation.
Other stories in the news
GO Direct 29 May 2015 € 230.00
Friday, May 29, 2015, 00:01
Go makes Limitless simpler
GO is simplifying its Limitless plans, introducing the SIM-only concept to deliver additional value to customers. Limitless plans start from just €24 a month and include, as a minimum, limitless calls to all Go mobile and fixed lines, 1GB of data, and free calls and SMS to other networks. “Many customers already own a smartphone and, rather than discounts on a new device, they are increasingly looking for more value within the tariff plan, including a lot more data from their mobile plan,” Daniela Bagnaschi, Go senior marketing manager, said. Go is offering data add-ons for just €6 for 1GB to those who use up the data on their Limitless plan. For greater peace of mind, Go is also setting a €50 monthly cap on data usage, although clients who wish to continue using mobile internet will be able to do so by sending an SMS.