Vodafone online monitor 5 february 2016

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Today’s Newspaper Cuttings

5 February 2016

Today’s online news Timesofmalta.com Déjà vu – GO Anti Road closure due to GO emergency works – GO Direct A bit short on megabits – Melita Anti

Independent.com.mt Vodafone introduce new RED Business Plans to their Ready Business portfolio – Vodafone Direct

Inewsmalta.com GO tħabbar xogħolijiet ta’ emerġenza fi Triq il-Balal – Għargħur – GO Direct

Netnews.com Korsija mit-Triq tal-Balal magħluqa għat-traffiku bejn illejla u għada filgħodu – GO Direct

Josannecassar.com Vodafone introduce new RED Business Plans to their ready business portfolio – Vodafone Direct

Vodafone in the news


Vodafone Direct independent.com.mt 3 February 2016 â‚Ź 145

Vodafone introduce new RED Business Plans to their Ready Business portfolio Wednesday, 3 February 2016, 18:57

Vodafone has redesigned the RED Business Plans to respond to the ever changing needs of business customers. Trends clearly indicate that, more than ever before, businesses need to engage with stakeholders through multiple channels and to provide fast, responsive and quality service 24/7 if they want to remain competitive. This is precisely the objective that Vodafone Malta wants to help businesses achieve through their Ready Business concept. The new Vodafone RED Business Plans are geared to help businesses do just that, having been redesigned to offer all the right ingredients for a Ready Business, including worldwide minutes, SMS and mobile data when in Malta, as well as minutes, SMS, mobile data and free incoming calls when in travelling in Europe. 'Today's customers expect more out of the people they buy from and employees expect more flexibility from the company they work for both in management style and technological ability.Through the new RED Plans we enable our business customers to


Vodafone Direct independent.com.mt 3 February 2016 â‚Ź 145

achieve this by remaining mobile, available and always in control of their costs. We enable them to be a truly 'Ready Business', always connected whether in Malta or overseas," says Lara Selvagi, Enterprise Marketing Manager, 'With the new Red Plans, in addition to offering much more in-bundle data, which we know is increasingly a priority for businesses, our customers will also benefit from the first true European tariff on the market, as well as increased cost control and bill transparency.' RELAX Internet out of bundle rates will now also apply both when in Malta and Europe (â‚Ź2 per 100MB, up to 10 recurrences in the EU, followed by 5.9c per MB). Other add-ons include: worldwide minutes & mobile data, whilst in Malta and Rest of the World Travellerincluding a daily allocation of minutes, SMS & data. The three new RED Business Plans are Red Business Essential, Red Business Advantage andRed Business Prime. Vodafone customers can apply for these new tariffs at any time or may opt for any of these plans upon renewal of their current contract. For more information visit vodafone.com.mt/redbusinessplans or contact a sales representative onbusiness.sales.mt@vodafone.com.


Vodafone Direct josannecassar.com 4 February 2016 € 116

VODAFONE INTRODUCE NEW RED BUSINESS PLANS TO THEIR READY BUSINESS PORTFOLIO Vodafone has redesigned the RED Business Plans to respond to the ever changing needs of business customers. Trends clearly indicate that, more than ever before, businesses need to engage with stakeholders through multiple channels and to provide fast, responsive and quality service 24/7 if they want to remain competitive. This is precisely the objective that Vodafone Malta wants to help businesses achieve through their Ready Business concept. The new Vodafone RED Business Plans are geared to help businesses do just that, having been redesigned to offer all the right ingredients for a Ready Business, including worldwide minutes, SMS and mobile data when in Malta, as well as minutes, SMS, mobile data and free incoming calls when in travelling in Europe. ‘Today’s customers expect more out of the people they buy from and employees expect more flexibility from the company they work for both in management style and technological ability. Through the new RED Plans we enable our business customers to achieve this by remaining mobile, available and always in control of their costs. We enable them to be a truly ‘Ready Business’, always connected whether in Malta or overseas,” says Lara Selvagi, Enterprise Marketing Manager, ‘With the new Red Plans, in addition to offering much more in-bundle data, which we know is increasingly a priority for businesses, our customers will also benefit from the first true European tariff on the market, as well as increased cost control and bill transparency.’ RELAX Internet out of bundle rates will now also apply both when in Malta and Europe (€2 per 100MB, up to 10 recurrences in the EU, followed by 5.9c per MB). Other add-ons include: worldwide minutes & mobile data, whilst in Malta and Rest of the World Traveller including a daily allocation of minutes, SMS & data. The three new RED Business Plans are Red Business Essential, Red Business Advantage and Red Business Prime. Vodafone customers can apply for these new tariffs at any time or may opt for any of these plans upon renewal of their current contract. For more information visit vodafone.com.mt/redbusinessplans or contact a sales representative onbusiness.sales.mt@vodafone.com.

Other stories in the news


GO Anti timesofmalta.com 2 February 2016 € 230

Tuesday, February 2, 2016, 06:01 by Anthony Girard, Sliema

Déjà vu Can Go please let me know why programmes on BBC Entertainment, Channel 302, are repeated from start to finish within two days of each other? An example was on January 26, DCI Banks.


GO Direct inewsmalta.com 3 February 2016 € 135

Go plc tħabbar xogħolijiet ta' emerġenza fi Triq il-Balal - Għargħur 14:25 | 03.02.2016

GO plc tarraf lill-pubbliku li minħabba xogħolijiet ta’ tiswija ta’ emergenza f’Triq tal-Balal, fil-Għargħur (it-triq bejn in-Naxxar u San Ġwann) ser tingħalaq korsija għat-traffiku min-naħa tan-Naxxar lejn San Ġwann bejn 9pm tal-lum u s-2am ta’ għada. Il-karozzi li ġejjin minn Naxxar ser ikunu ddevjati fuq in-naħa ta’ Triq Santa Katerina. Is-sewwieqa qed ikunu avżati biex isuqu b’attenzjoni. Go plc tiskuża ruħha għall-inkonvenjenza kkawżata minħabba din l-interruzzjoni.


GO Direct netnews.com 3 February 2016 € 200

Korsija mit-Triq tal-Balal magħluqa għat-traffiku bejn illejla u għada filgħodu   

1 min ago


Korsija mit-Triq tal-Balal, fil-Għargħur (it-triq bejn in-Naxxar u San Ġwann) se tingħalaq għat-traffiku min-naħa tan-Naxxar lejn San Ġwann bejn 21.00 hrs tal-lum (3 ta’ Frar) u s-02.00 hrs ta’ għada (4 ta’ Frar2016). Dan hekk kif il-kumpanija GO se twettaq xogħolijiet ta’ tiswija ta’ emergenza f’Triq tal-Balal, fil-Għargħur (it-triq bejn in-Naxxar u San Ġwann) ser tingħalaq korsija għat-traffiku min-naħa tan-Naxxar lejn San Ġwann bejn 21.00 hrs tal-lum (3 ta’ Frar) u s-02.00 hrs ta’ għada (4 ta’ Frar). Matul dan il-ħinl-karozzi li ġejjin min-Naxxar se jkunu ddevjati fuq in-naħa ta’ Triq Santa Katerina bis-sewwieqa qed ikunu avżati biex isuqu b’attenzjoni.


GO Direct timesofmalta.com 3 February 2016 â‚Ź 230

Wednesday, February 3, 2016, 14:18

Road closure due to GO emergency works

One lane of Triq tal-Balal Gharghur (the road between Naxxar and San Gwann) will be closed to traffic from 9pm tonight to 2am tomorrow due to emergency repair works by GO . Vehicular traffic from Naxxar will be diverted to the side road Triq Santa Katerina, the company said.


Melita Anti timesofmalta.com 5 February 2016 â‚Ź 230

Friday, February 5, 2016, 00:01 by Rosaria Moore, Marsaxlokk

A bit short on megabits I along with hundreds and probably thousands of Melita customers are sick to death complaining day in day out about the same problem, when in fact nothing gets done about it. I am paying for 30 megabits but in true fact all I am getting is nothing more than 12-15 megabits. My internet either cuts out or just sticks at least 50 times a day. When I eventually get through to Melita, they tell me things like disconnect your modem, or buy a router, which I have done, but things are no better. They even sent an engineer to see if he could solve this problem, but within a few hours of him leaving the problem was back again. This is not just happening to me alone, as all the people I know who are with Melita are having the same problem. Is it not about time Melita spent some of the millions they get from their customers to make sure we have a strong internet connection? At least give us the one we are paying for. If by some small miracle another company takes over offering WiFi, I am sure Melita would go bankrupt overnight as I do not know of any happy customers of this company.

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