Vodafone online monitor 6 november 2015

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Today’s Newspaper Cuttings

6 November 2015

Today’s online news timesofmalta.com GO Fibre-To-the-Home now available in Gżira, Ta’ Xbiex – GO Direct

Independent.com.mt GO staff raise €2,000 to build playgrounds in earthquake affected Nepal – GO CSR Direct

Josannecassar.com Vodafone Malta offers customers a full day of free mobile internet – Vodafone Direct GO plc Board dividend declaration triggers start of Malta Properties Company plc share transfer – GO Direct GO staff raise €2,000 to build playgrounds in earthquake affected Nepal – GO CSR Direct

newsbook.com.mt Vodafone toffri internet b’xejn fuq il-mowbajl – Vodafone Direct

Gozonews.com Vodafone Malta offers customers a full day of free mobile internet – Vodafone Direct

Vodafone in the news


Vodafone Direct gozonews.com 03 November 2015 â‚Ź 116

Vodafone Malta offers customers a full day of free mobile internet BY GOZO NEWS ¡ NOVEMBER 3, 2015

Next Monday, the 9th of November, Vodafone Malta said that it will be saying a big thank you to all its customers by giving them a full day of free mobile internet. For twenty-four hours on that date, between 00:00hrs and 23:59hrs, each and every Vodafone customer will automatically be able to use mobile internet anytime and anywhere absolutely free of charge. This applies to all prepaid and pay-monthly Vodafone customers, regardless of whether they are on a business or customer tariff. Throughout this week, Vodafone employees will be saying an even more direct and personal thank you to their customers and are taking to the streets in town centres across Malta and Gozo to meet individual customers and thank them for their loyalty. Vodafone said that it came up with the 9th November event to celebrate its mobile network. "This has seen heavy investment in recent years, resulting in a fast, strong and secure network that remains the only 4G network on the island."


Vodafone Direct gozonews.com 03 November 2015 â‚Ź 116

"Here at Vodafone we have really focused on producing the fastest and most reliable network for our customers. We want our customers to experience the best possible speed and quality at every step of the way, whether for voice calls, which is why we are the only operator to offer HD Voice, or mobile internet, which is why we did not rest until we could offer 4G to all the Maltese population," explained Amanda Nelson, Vodafone Malta's CEO. "However we believe that a network only comes to life when it is used and enjoyed and this is why we want to celebrate this important milestone with the people who really matter to us, our customers. Offering this full free day of mobile internet will ensure that each of our customers has the opportunity to experience the very best of what our network has to offer. It is our way of saying a big and special thank you." For more information on 9th November log ontowww.vodafone.com.mt/thankyou.


Vodafone Direct josannecassar.com 03 November 2015 € 116

VODAFONE MALTA OFFERS A FULL DAY OF FREE MOBILE INTERNET On 9th November Vodafone Malta will be saying a big thank you to all its customers by giving them a full day of free mobile internet. For twenty-four hours on that date, between 00:00hrs and 23:59hrs, each and every Vodafone customer will automatically be able to use mobile internet anytime and anywhere absolutely free of charge. This applies to all prepaid and pay-monthly Vodafone customers, regardless of whether they are on a business or customer tariff. Throughout this week, Vodafone employees will be saying an even more direct and personal thank you to their customers and are taking to the streets in town centres across Malta and Gozo to meet individual customers and thank them for their loyalty. Vodafone came up with the 9th November event to celebrate its mobile network. This has seen heavy investment in recent years, resulting in a fast, strong and secure network that remains the only 4G network on the island. Vodafone in fact announced last week that only two years after 4G was first launched this has now reached 99% population coverage. Superfast 4G connectivity typically offers speeds up to ten times faster than standard 3G or public Wi Fi on customers’ mobile devices. “Here at Vodafone we have really focused on producing the fastest and most reliable network for our customers. We want our customers to experience the best possible speed and quality at every step of the way, whether for voice calls, which is why we are the only operator to offer HD Voice, or mobile internet, which is why we did not rest until we could offer 4G to all the Maltese population,” explained Amanda Nelson, Vodafone Malta’s CEO. “However we believe that a network only comes to life when it is used and enjoyed and this is why we want to celebrate this important milestone with the people who really matter to us, our customers. Offering this full free day of mobile internet will ensure that each of our customers has the opportunity to experience the very best of what our network has to offer. It is our way of saying a big and special thank you.” For more information on 9th November log onto www.vodafone.com.mt/thankyou.


Vodafone Direct newsbook.com.mt 03 November 2015 € 120

Vodafone toffri internet b'xejn fuq il-mowbajl Karl Wright - 03/11/15 06:00 PM

Nhar it-Tnejn 9 ta’ Novembru, Vodafone Malta se tirringrazzja bil-kbir lill-klijenti kollha billi se toffriinternet fuq il-mobile b’xejn għal ġurnata sħiħa. Għal 24 siegħa f’din il-ġurnata, bejn 00:00hrs u 23:59hrs, kull klijent ta’ Vodafone awtomatikament se jkun jista’ juża l-internet fuq il-mobile b’xejn. Din tapplika għall-klijenti kollhaprepaid u post-paid ta’ Vodafone, kemm jekk għandhom business jewcustomer tariff. Matul din il-ġimgħa, impjegati ta’ Vodafone se jkunu qed jirringrazzjaw lill-klijenti b’mod dirett għaliex se jkunu fil-bliet prinċipali f’Malta u f’Għawdex fejn se jiltaqgħu mal-klijenti u se jirringrazzjawhom għal-lealtà tagħhom. Vodafone ħarġet b’dan l-avveniment fid-9 ta’ Novembru biex tiċċelebra n-netwerk tagħha. Dan ra investiment kbir fl-aħħar snin li jirriżulta f’netwerk b’saħħtu, veloċi u sikur u li jibqa’ l-uniku network 4G f’Malta. Il-ġimgħa l-oħra, infatti, Vodafone ħabbret li sentejn biss wara li ġie introdott il-4G f’Malta, dan laħaq 99% kopertura tal-popolazzjoni. Konnessjoni veloċi 4G toffri veloċitajiet għaxar darbiet aktar minn 3G jew WiFi pubbliku fuq il-mobiles tal-klijenti.

Other stories in the news


GO CSr Direct independent.com.mt 02 November 2015 € 145

GO staff raise €2,000 to build playgrounds in earthquake affected Nepal Monday, 2 November 2015, 20:43

GO staff have raised just over €2,000 to support ongoing relief work in Nepal following last April's devastating earthquake. The money, which was collected through a number of initiatives organised by the GO Cares Committee and the company's Sports Team, was presented to SOS Malta, and will be used specifically to build two new children's playgrounds in Gatlang and Jeevanpur. Claudia Taylor East, CEO at SOS Malta, said, "Through this donation to support relief work in Nepal, GO employees have shown true compassion for their fellow human beings, even though they are thousands of miles away. The Nepal Earthquake was truly devastating and it will take years for the country to recover. SOS Malta is doing all that it can to help Nepal get back on its feet and donations such as this go a long way to ensurewe can continue our work to bring back a sense of normality, especially for children." The funds raised were collected from donations to the GO Cares Fund, to which staff contributed voluntarily from their salaries on a monthly basis, a figolli sale at Easter time, and through donations collected at an Activity Weekend organised by the GO Sports Team. Anyone wishing to donate to SOS Malta's Nepal Earthquake Emergency Relief Fund can find more information on how to do so at http://www.sosmalta.org/donate_now


GO CSR Direct josannecassar.com 02 November 2015 € 116

GO STAFF RAISE €2,000 TO BUILD PLAYGROUNDS IN EARTHQUAKE AFFECTED NEPAL Pictured above: Josephine Grima, Senior Manager HR Operations at GO presenting the donation to Claudia Taylor East, CEO at SOS Malta GO staff have raised just over €2,000 to support ongoing relief work in Nepal following last April’s devastating earthquake. The money, which was collected through a number of initiatives organised by the GO Cares Committee and the company’s Sports Team, was presented to SOS Malta, and will be used specifically to build two new children’s playgrounds in Gatlang and Jeevanpur. Claudia Taylor East, CEO at SOS Malta, said, “Through this donation to support relief work in Nepal, GO employees have shown true compassion for their fellow human beings, even though they are thousands of miles away. The Nepal Earthquake was truly devastating and it will take years for the country to recover. SOS Malta is doing all that it can to help Nepal get back on its feet and donations such as this go a long way to ensure we can continue our work to bring back a sense of normality, especially for children.” The funds raised were collected from donations to the GO Cares Fund, to which staff contributed voluntarily from their salaries on a monthly basis, a figolli sale at Easter time, and through donations collected at an Activity Weekend organised by the GO Sports Team. Anyone wishing to donate to SOS Malta’s Nepal Earthquake Emergency Relief Fund can find more information on how to do so at www.sosmalta.org/donate_now


GO Direct timesofmalta.com 01 November 2015 € 230

Sunday, November 1, 2015, 00:01

Company briefs

GO Fibre-To-The-Home now available in Gżira, Ta’ Xbiex GO’s roll-out of nationwide Fibre-To-The-Home continued over the summer with an additional 5,000 plus homes passed in Gzira and Ta’ Xbiex. More than 25,000 households in different localities have been passed, delivering the next generation of internet services to Maltese homes. GO Fibre is the only service in Malta that delivers a real, superfast fibre optic connection directly into customers’ homes. GO Fibre offers seamless connectivity across multiple users and devices and the opportunity to download movies, music and files at speeds of up to 500Mbps and more. Kurt Camilleri, chief commercial officer at GO, said: “Thousands of GO customers have already been enjoying the vastly improved speeds and data capacity of a real, superfast fibre connection. Superfast internet opens up a new world of opportunities in home entertainment, delivering the ultimate home TV and gaming experience, changing our lives for the better.”


GO Direct josannecassar.com 02 November 2015 € 116

GO PLC BOARD DIVIDEND DECLARATION TRIGGERS START OF MALTA PROPERTIES COMPANY PLC SHARE TRANSFER The Board of Directors of GO plc has declared an interim dividend to be effected ‘in kind’, by a distribution of GO’s shareholding in Malta Properties Company plc to GO’s shareholders, on a pro rata basis. The declaration of the interim dividend follows the approval by GO shareholders, during an Extraordinary General Meeting held in July 2015, to spin-off of GO’s shareholding in MPC, formerly Malta Properties Company Limited.

GO shareholders will now receive a share in MPC for every share which they currently hold in GO. To complete this process, GO will now distribute a Share Transfer Agreement to shareholders which needs to be signed and returned to GO by no later than 17 November 2015. Once this process is complete, GO shareholders will automatically become shareholders of MPC. The MPC shares will shortly be admitted to listing on the Malta Stock Exchange following which it will be possible for MPC shares to be traded.

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