Today’s Newspaper Cuttings
7 August 2015
Today’s online news Snail mail bill penalty – Melita Anti Fewer shows – Melita Anti GO testing 4G network – GO Direct GO testing 4G network – GO Direct GO qed tagħmel testijiet fuq in-network 4G – GO Direct
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Go Direct 4 August 2015 â‚Ź 145
GO testing 4G network Tuesday, 4 August 2015, 15:44
GO has started testing its new fully fibre connected 4G network ahead of its commercial launch later this year. GO's 4G network will provide unparalleled mobile internet speeds and open up a range of exciting opportunities for customers in areas such as mobile HD TV. Upon launch, initial achievable maximum download speeds on the network will be several times faster than those available on 3G. These speeds have already been consistently recorded during the current tests. GO's 4G network will be the only one in Malta which is fully fibre connected. This will make the network much more resilient, particularly in bad weather, and will deliver the highest possible speeds. The fibre connection also future proofs the network, allowing it to be scaled up seamlessly when the demand arises. In the build up to the launch of 4G, GO recently simplified its Limitless plans to ensure customers retain control of their mobile data expenditure once 4G speeds become available. These changes include a â‚Ź50 monthly cap on data usage, with the option to continue using mobile internet by simply sending an SMS. GO's 4G network is being supplied by Nokia Networks using the energy-efficient and compact Nokia Flexi Multiradio 10 Base Station for next-generation mobile broadband networks
Go Direct 4 August 2015 € 120
GO qed tagħmel testijiet fuq in-network 4G Jesmar Baldacchino - 04/08/15 02:03 PM
Il-kumpanija GO bdiet tagħmel it-testijiet tal-4G biex is-sistema titnieda fis-suq sal-aħħar tas-sena. In-network 4G ta’ GO se tkun qed tipprovdi aktar veloċità fl-internet ta’ mowbajl, bid-downloads fuq in-network ikunu iżjed veloċi minn dak tat-3G. Il-4G tal-GO se tkun l-unika waħda f’Malta li se tkun kompletament tal-fibre u se tkun tista’ tlaħħaq meta d-domanda fuq in-network tiżdied. Dan l-aħħar GO nediet pakkettiLimitless biex tiżgura li l-klijenti jżommu kontroll tal-ispiża tad-data tal-mowbajl meta l-4G ikun disponibbli. Fost it-tibdil hemm limitu ta’ €50 fuq l-użu tad-data, bl-għażla li dak li jkun jista’ jkompli jużaw l-internet tal-mowbajl billi jibghat SMS. Nokia Networks qed ifornu n-network 4G tal-GO permezz ta’ apparat effiċjenti fl-użu tal-enerġija u jippermetti t-tfassil ta’ networks moderni.
Go Direct 5 August 2015 € 116
GO TESTING 4G NETWORK GO has started testing its new fully fibre connected 4G network ahead of its commercial launch later this year. GO’s 4G network will provide unparalleled mobile internet speeds and open up a range of exciting opportunities for customers in areas such as mobile HD TV. Upon launch, initial achievable maximum download speeds on the network will be several times faster than those available on 3G. These speeds have already been consistently recorded during the current tests. GO’s 4G network will be the only one in Malta which is fully fibre connected. This will make the network much more resilient, particularly in bad weather, and will deliver the highest possible speeds. The fibre connection also future proofs the network, allowing it to be scaled up seamlessly when the demand arises. In the build up to the launch of 4G, GO recently simplified its Limitless plans to ensure customers retain control of their mobile data expenditure once 4G speeds become available. These changes include a €50 monthly cap on data usage, with the option to continue using mobile internet by simply sending an SMS. GO’s 4G network is being supplied by Nokia Networks using the energy-efficient and compact Nokia Flexi Multiradio 10 Base Station for next-generation mobile broadband networks.
Melita Anti 6 August 2015 € 230
Thursday, August 6, 2015, 00:01 by Joe Galea, St Paul’s Bay
Snail mail bill penalty I refer to recent correspondence and also an item in On the Dot regarding charges being made to customers by Melita for not receiving bills by e-mail and for not paying their bills by direct debit. The action being taken by Melita mainly hits the elderly and those who do not own or are not able to use a computer. Why should a person be charged extra for not receiving his bill by e-mail or for not paying by direct debit? Moreover, why should a person without the means to receive his bill by e-mail not be allowed to receive it through someone else? This category would be mainly consist of elderly persons who are not computer literate but can receive their bill on one of their family members’ computers. Strangely enough, Melita are also, in a way, backed by the Consumer Protection Department which – and this is the reply I got – says that companies can impose any charges and the department cannot stop them. I appeal to the minister responsible for consumer protection: please, let the customer be right.
Melita Indirect 7 August 2015 â‚Ź 230
Friday, August 7, 2015, 00:00 by Ann Byatt, Qala
Fewer shows A letter that appeared on July 23 informed us that Diva Channel (Melita 313) closed down at the end of June and was not replaced. Now, two channels (AXN and AXN Sci Fi) are only transmitting trailers, at times for hours on end. Also, at times, certain shows in the English language are only transmitted in Italian. The series would start in English then, after a few episodes, it would switch to Italian and, a few episodes, later back to English. I have tried on many occasions to glean information from Customer Service (sorry, this is a joke) but they never have answers or return calls as they promise on many occasions