Vodafone online monitor 8 may 2015

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Today’s Newspaper Cuttings

8 May 2015

Today’s online news Josannecassar.com Vodafone Foundation deploys communication assistance in Nepal – Vodafone CSR Direct

Gozonews.com Vodafone Foundation deploys communication assistance in Nepal – Vodafone CSR Direct

Newsbook.com Vodaofne Foundation tghin fil-komunikazzjoni fin-Nepal – Vodafone CSR Direct GO tistieden lill-pubbliku biex jesperjenza l-internet tal-futur – GO Direct

Independent.com.mt Vodafone Foundation deploys emergency communication assistance in the Nepal disaster area – Vodafone CSR Direct Melita offers the best value internet service in Malta – Swiss research – Melita Direct GO invites public to experience the internet of the future – GO Direct

Maltatoday.com.mt GO AGM reviews positive results, approves dividend of €0.07 – GO Direct Former CEO demands explanation on daily €100,000 fine against GO subsidiary – GO Direct

Timesofmalta.com GO planning two business centres – Vodafone Indirect / GO Direct

inewsmalta.com GO bi profitt ta’ €20.3m fl-2014 – Go Direct

Vodafone in the news


Vodafone CSR Direct gozonews.com 6 May 2015 € 116.00

Vodafone Foundation deploys communication assistance in Nepal BY GOZO NEWS · MAY 6, 2015

Last week the Vodafone Foundation offered immediate assistance to the victims of the Nepal earthquake by flying in the ‘Instant Network Mini,’ a portable ‘mobile network in a backpack,’ to the Kathmandu Valley in order to help restore communications in some of the worse affected areas. The Instant Network Mini is a mobile network in a backpack which weighs only 11Kg and which can be set up in just 10 minutes. The Instant Network team, all Vodafone employees acting on a voluntary basis, are offering support to local operators to help re-establish mobile communications, helping aid workers communicate during the relief effort and enabling people to contact their loved ones following the devastating earthquake. The Instant Network Mini is one of the key projects developed by the Vodafone Group as part of its global Mobile for Good programme, which uses innovative mobile technology to solve social problems across different communities. This is the second time in two months that the Vodafone Foundation has responded with emergency telecommunications support in the aftermath of a natural disaster. In March, a team of volunteers deployed to Tanna Island, Vanuatu, where they supported humanitarian calling operations to those affected by Cyclone Pam.


Vodafone CSR Direct gozonews.com 6 May 2015 € 116.00

Andrew Dunnett, Vodafone Foundation Director, said: “establishing communications in the aftermath of a natural disaster is crucial, both for the coordination of aid and to enable those affected to reconnect with family and friends. Through our Instant Network programme, we are able to deploy our people and our technology to provide communications support at a critical time.”


Vodafone CSR Direct josannecassar.com 6 May 2015 € 116.00

VODAFONE FOUNDATION DEPLOYS EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION ASSISTANCE IN NEPAL Last week the Vodafone Foundation offered immediate assistance to the victims of the Nepal earthquake by flying in the ‘Instant Network Mini’, a portable ‘mobile network in a backpack’, to the Kathmandu Valley in order to help restore communications in some of the worse affected areas. The Instant Network Mini is a mobile network in a backpack which weighs only 11Kg and which can be set up in just 10 minutes. The Instant Network team, all Vodafone employees acting on a voluntary basis, are offering support to local operators to help re-establish mobile communications, helping aid workers communicate during the relief effort and enabling people to contact their loved ones following the devastating earthquake. The Instant Network Mini is one of the key projects developed by the Vodafone Group as part of its global Mobile for Good programme, which uses innovative mobile technology to solve social problems across different communities. This is the second time in two months that the Vodafone Foundation has responded with emergency telecommunications support in the aftermath of a natural disaster. In March, a team of volunteers deployed to Tanna Island, Vanuatu, where they supported humanitarian calling operations to those affected by Cyclone Pam. Andrew Dunnett, Vodafone Foundation Director, said: “Establishing communications in the aftermath of a natural disaster is crucial, both for the coordination of aid and to enable those affected to reconnect with family and friends. Through our Instant Network programme, we are able to deploy our people and our technology to provide communications support at a critical time.”


GO Direct / Vodafone Indirect timesofmalta.com 7 May 2015 € 230.00

Thursday, May 7, 2015, 00:01

Go planning two business centres

Go is planning to turn its former HQ Spencer House in Marsa and its premises in Birkirkara into business centres to be leased as premium office space to third parties. CEO Yiannos Michaelides said that the telecoms operator had finally made key decisions on what to do with its €50 million property portfolio – which first necessitated a thorough review of its operational requirements. It is now at an advanced stage of the Mepa permit application process for Birkirkara and Marsa, and has also decided to move its exchanges in both Sliema and St Paul’s Bay to new, considerably smaller premises next year, freeing up the existing exchanges for other options. The properties had been transferred to a special purpose vehicle called Malta Properties, which is being kept as a separate and independent business entity. “Once all the permits are in hand, we will be able to start calculating the rents or income that these properties can generate,” he said. Its Żejtun site had originally been on the list for possible alternative use but Go has decided to retain it as a core part of Go operations, turning it into a technical hub.

CLIENT: GO Direct / Vodafone Indirect MEDIUM: timesofmalta.com DATE: 7 May 2015 AVE: € 230.00 If you make a prudent, small and manageable investment, then it can prove to be worthwhile Mr Michaelides said that the company’s diversification strategy was working, noting that the average Ebitda margin for a number of operators in the last quarter of 2014 was 28.8 per cent while Go’s was 40 per cent. Diversification has not always been a success: its multimillion euro investment in Forthnet had to be completely written off, although shareholders might see some of that money come back as both Vodafone Greece and Wind are interested in buying it. “There was a story in Greek newspapers last week that Vodafone is still interested in buying it. The two bidders have already made non-binding bids. They then completed a due diligence process and it is now up to them whether to make a binding bid. It is only at that stage that the board would decide whether to sell and whether the bid is a fair value.“We are waiting – there is no deadline. All that is happening in Greece at the moment is overshadowing this...” he admitted. He is confident that Go’s investment in Cypriot Cablenet, which has 47,000 subscribers, is completely different. “Irrespective of what happened in the past, if you make a prudent, small and manageable investment, then it can prove to be worthwhile. Cablenet was an investment that the Go balance sheet could take comfortably. The company has a double digit growth story and its performance is meeting expectations. The Cypriot economy was at the bottom when we made the investment but it has been improving steadily and 18 months later we can say with confidence that our choice was correct. “Eventually it could surpass Go. We have the option to take a majority shareholding and consolidate the numbers. We will make the decision at the right time. It could generate important revenue for Go.” Go recently reported a profit before tax for 2014 of €20.3 million, up 30 per cent over 2013. .

CLIENT: Vodafone CSr Direct MEDIUM: independent.com.mt DATE: 7 May 2015 AVE: â‚Ź 145.00

Vodafone Foundation deploys emergency communication assistance in the Nepal disaster area Thursday, 7 May 2015, 13:10

Last week the Vodafone Foundation offered immediate assistance to the victims of the Nepal earthquake by flying in the 'Instant Network Mini', a portable 'mobile network in a backpack', to the Kathmandu Valley in order to help restore communications in some of the worse affected areas. The Instant Network Mini is a mobile network in a backpack which weighs only 11Kg and which can be set up in just 10 minutes. The Instant Network team, all Vodafone employees acting on a voluntary basis, are offering support to local operators to help re-establish mobile communications, helping aid workers communicate during the relief effort and enabling people to contact their loved ones following the devastating earthquake. The Instant Network Mini is one of the key projects developed by the Vodafone Group as part of its global Mobile for Good programme, which uses innovative mobile technology to solve social problems across different communities.

CLIENT: Vodafone CSr Direct MEDIUM: independent.com.mt DATE: 7 May 2015 AVE: â‚Ź 145.00 This is the second time in two months that the Vodafone Foundation has responded with emergency telecommunications support in the aftermath of a natural disaster. In March, a team of volunteers deployed to Tanna Island, Vanuatu, where they supported humanitarian calling operations to those affected by Cyclone Pam. Andrew Dunnett, Vodafone Foundation Director, said: "Establishing communications in the aftermath of a natural disaster is crucial, both for the coordination of aid and to enable those affected to reconnect with family and friends. Through our Instant Network programme, we are able to deploy our people and our technology to provide communications support at a critical time."


Vodafone CSR Direct newsbook.com.mt 7 May 2015 € 120.00

Vodafone Foundation tgħin fil-komunikazzjoni fin-Nepal Karl Wright - 07/05/15 11:45 AM

Il-ġimgħa l-oħra, il-Vodafone Foundation offriet assistenza immedjata lill-vittmi tat-terremot li seħħ fin-Nepal billi bagħtet l-‘Instant Network Mini’, network mobbli li jinġarr f’baskett fil-wied ta’ Kathmandu biex tgħin fil-kommunikazzjoni fil-partijiet l-aktar milquta mit-terremot. L-Instant Network Mini hu networkmobbli f’baskett li jiżen biss 11kg u jintrama f’għaxar minuti. It-tim tal-Instant Network, l-impjegati kollha ta’ Vodafone li qed jaħdmu b’mod volontarju qed joffru l-appoġġ tagħhom lill-operaturi lokali biex jgħinuhom jistabbilixxu l-kommunikazzjoni biex bhekk in-nies f’din iż-żona jkunu jistgħu jikkuntatjaw lill-maħbubin tagħhom wara t-terremot devastanti. L-Instant Network Mini hu wieħed mill-proġetti ewlenin żviluppat minn Vodafone Group bħala parti mill-programm globali Mobile for Good li juża teknoloġija innovattiva biex isolvi problemi soċjali madwar komunitajiet differenti. Din hi t-tieni darba f’xahrejn li l-Vodafone Foundation qed tirrispondi b’appoġġ f’emerġenza fit-telekommunikazzjoni wara diżastru naturali. F’Marzu, tim ta’ voluntiera marru fil-gżira Tanna f’Vanuatu fejn għenu f’operazzjonijiet umanitarji lil dawk il-persuni effetwati miċ-Ċiklun Pam. Artikli kummerċjali għandhom jintbagħtu fuq karl@newsbook.com.mt.

Other stories in the news


GO Direct newsbook.com.mt 5 May 2015 € 120.00

GO bi profitt ta' €20.3m fl-2014 Karl Wright - 05/05/15 04:05 PM

Waqt is-sbatax il-laqgħa ġenerali annwali ta’ GO plc, it-tim maniġerjali għoli tal-kumpanija għarraf lill-azzjonisti bid-dettalji tar-riżultati pożittivi miksuba minn GO għas-sena li ntemmet fil-31 ta’ Diċembru 2014. Waqt il-laqgħa kienu approvati kemm ir-riżoluzzjonijiet kollha, kif ukoll id-dividend ta’ €0.07 għal kull sehem. Fil-bidu tal-laqgħa, iċ-Chairman ta’ GO plc Deepak Padmanabhan qal li “l-andament tal-ħidma tagħna kien wieħed impressjonanti b’żewġ muturi strateġiċi ewlenin jixprunaw in-negozju tagħna dejjem aktar ‘il quddiem. L-ewwelnett qed nittrasformaw in-negozju ewlieni tal-komunikazzjoni tagħna. It-tieni, qed nieħdu għadd ta’ inizzjattivi li se jwassluna biex inkunu qed niffukaw fuq oqsma ta’ tkabbir potenzjali.” Il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ GO Yiannos Michaelides ippreżenta lill-azzjonisti rapport iddettaljat dwar il-ħidma ta’ GO u r-riżultati miksuba. Dawn juru li l-qligħ operattiv żdied b’21.0% għal €21.8 miljun filwaqt li l-qligħ operattiv normalizzat tal-grupp għas-sena li għaddiet kien ta’ €24.4 miljun, li jfisser żieda inkuraġġanti ta’ aktar minn 17%. Mill-istess dettalji jirriżulta li d-dħul tal-grupp fl-2014 baqa’ stabbli fil-livell ta’ €122.3 miljun. Dan seħħ grazzi għat-tkabbir fl-attivitajiet tar-retail li għamlu tajjeb għat-tnaqqis fid-dħul minn linji ta’ telefonija fissa u attivitajiet wholesale, li seħħew b’riżultat dirett ta’ interventi regulatorji. Fl-2014, l-EBITDA, jiġifieri d-dħul ta’ qabel ma jitnaqqsu l-imgħaxijiet, it-taxxa, id-deprezzament u l-amortizzazzjoni, normalizzata żdiedet għal €49.2 miljun, filwaqt li l-ħolqien ta’ introjtu minn diversi ħidmiet laħaq l-€48.8 miljun, żieda ta’ €1.7 miljun fuq l-2013. Artikli kummerċjali għandhom jintbagħtu fuq karl@newsbook.com.mt.


GO Direct maltatoday.com.mt 6 May 2015 € 145.00

Former CEO demands explanation on daily €100,000 fine against Go subsidiary Shareholder and former Maltacom chief executive grills Go plc directors over risky exposure to gaming client after French court threatens €100,000 daily fine against Go subsidiary

Matthew Vella 6 May 2015, 7:02am

A former chief executive officer of Maltacom plc, the forerunner to telecoms company Go plc, yesterday demanded to know why a subsidiary of the company was retaining a gaming client at the risk of incurring a €100,000 daily fine from a French court. Stephen Muscat raised the question during an otherwise uneventful annual general meeting held on Tuesday 5 May, at the Hilton in St Julian’s, when the shareholder asked for an explanation on a contingent liability. Muscat said shareholders needed more information on why Go was retaining a gaming client when a French court had threatened its subsidiary with a daily fine of €100,000 for hosting its severs. “Is this client providing the equivalent in daily income to Go plc, to continue to be given a service?” Muscat


GO Direct maltatoday.com.mt 6 May 2015 € 145.00

asked, calling on the directors to explain what measures were being taken by the board to mitigate such risks. In its annual report, Go said the court judgement required that the subsidiary “implements measures to prevent a specific client from providing certain services” and pay €100,000 per day unless and until the company complies with it. Go has said that on the basis of its legal advice, it has not been yet been correctly served with the judgement and that the judgement can only be enforced in Malta only in the event that it is declared so by the courts in Malta. Go said its legal advice was that there were “serious doubts on the enforceability of the overseas court judgement in Malta and accordingly no provision has been recognised as the directors are of the opinion that an outflow is not probable.” In 2014, a similar case was instituted against the same subsidiary but no judgement has yet been delivered by the court. In replying to Muscat, company secretary and head of legal services Francis Galea Salamone elaborated further that the French decision was against a Malta-licensed gaming company that uses a Go subsidiary to host its servers. He confirmed a second court case, on the same merits, and that the situation is being closely monitored by the company. Galea Salamone said the board had relied on the legal advice given. There was a brief moment of hesitation at the question, with directors and senior officials at the top table slow in taking the lead to answer the question before Galea Salamone stepped in. Apart from a handful of questions on Go’s shareholder loyalty scheme and its property portfolio, little came out of the question on the potential €100,000 daily cost to company revenues from the plc’s directors. The meeting also approved a dividend of €0.07 per share, after the company announced pre-tax profits of €20.3 million, up 30% over 2013. “We are transforming our core telecommunications business [and] we are pursuing a number of initiatives which allow us to focus on areas with growth potential,” Go chairman Deepak Padmanabhan said on the company’s strategy for growth. Go’s immediate parent company, at 60% ownership, is Emirates International Telecommunications (Malta), which is ultimately controlled by Dubai Holding LLC, owned by Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Makhtoum.


GO Direct maltatoday.com.mt 6 May 2015 â‚Ź 145.00

Go controls 50% of Cypriot company Forgendo, which subsidiary, together with Massar Investments has a 50% stake in Cypriot company Giradena. Forgendo and Giradena hold investments in Forthnet (Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A), a Greek company listed on the Athens Stock Exchange. Go plc also owns a â‚Ź50 million property portfolio of 11 immovable properties, owned by subsidiary Malta Properties Company Limited.


GO Direct newsbook.com.mt 7 May 2015 € 120.00

GO tistieden lill-pubbliku biex jesperjenza l-internet tal-futur Karl Wright - 07/05/15 01:11 PM

Wara li kien mħabbar il-proġett Fibre-To-The-Home (FTTH) Internet b’investiment ta’ aktar minn €50 miljun, GO qed tistieden lill-pubbliku biex jesperjenza Internet b’veloċità qawwija fosthom l-opportunità li jippruvaw l-aħħar teknoloġija fid-dinja tal-logħob virtwali – l-Oculus Riftvirtual reality headset. Matul l-erba’ Sibitjiet ta’ Mejju, stand speċjali se tkun miftuħa f’The Point, Tas-Sliema. Minbarra l-Oculus Rift, l-istand se tkun qed tesibixxi l-Ultra High Definition TV u tagħmir ieħor dipendenti fuq Internet b’saħħtu peress li qed ikun mistenni li jsiru aktar komuni hekk kif l-Internet b’veloċità qawwija ssir iktar aċċessibbli. Il-viżitaturi li jżuru l-istand għandhom wkoll l-opportunità li jsiru jafu aktar dwar is-servizz ta’ GO fibre. Kurt Camilleri, il-Kap Kummerċjali ma’ GO qal li “l-aħbar tal-Fibre-To-The-Home ta’ GO iġġenerat interess qawwi dwar kif Internet b’veloċità qawwija tista’ taffettwa l-ħajja tagħna ta’ kuljum. Fil-fatt hemm dinja sħiħa ta’ opportunitajiet ġodda fl-oqsma tan-negozju u divertiment, u se jbiddel ħafna affarijiet milli nagħmlu ta’ kuljum bħal per eżempju l-preparazzjoni tal-kolazzjon. Matul dawn l-erba’ Sibtijiet, li se jibdew mid-9 ta’ Mejju, dawk kollha interessati fil-futur qed ikunu mistiedna jżuru The Point u jduqu xi tfisser li jkollok fibre connection li tasal direttament fil-kumdità ta’ darek.” Diġà iktar minn 17,000 dar, l-aktar f’tas-Sliema, San Ġiljan u Ħal Lija jista’ jkollhom aċċess għall-konnessjonijiet tal-FTTH, u dawk abbonati ma’ GO f’dawn iż-żoni jistgħu jaqilbu s-servizz tal-Internet tagħhom għal wieħed fibre, u anki jżommu l-istess abbonament tal-Internet. Il-klijenti f’dawn il-lokalitajiet li jixtiequ jibbenefikaw mill-GO fibre mill-ewwel se jkunu jistgħu jagħżlu mill-pakketti tal-Internet li dalwaqt se jitħabbru. Artikli kummerċjali għandhom jintbagħtu fuq karl@newsbook.com.mt.

CLIENT: GO Direct MEDIUM: independent.com.mt DATE: 7 May 2015 AVE: â‚Ź 145.00

GO invites public to experience the internet of the future Thursday, 7 May 2015, 13:03

Following the recent announcement of a â‚Ź50 million plus investment in Fibre-To-The-Home (FTTH) Internet, GO is inviting the public to experience the superfast Internet world of the future, including the opportunity to try out the much talked about Oculus Rift virtual reality headset. Over the next four Saturdays, starting 9 May, a special stand will be open at The Point shopping complex in Sliema. In addition to the Oculus Rift, the stand will also showcase Ultra High Definition TV and other Internet powered devices which will become common household items with the roll out of superfast Internet. Visitors to the stand will also be able to learn more about GO's fibre services. Kurt Camilleri, Chief Commercial Officer at GO, said, "GO's recent announcement about the roll out of Fibre-To-The-Home has generated a lot of curiosity about what superfast Internet will actually mean in our daily lives. There is, in fact, a world of new opportunities opening up, in business, leisure, entertainment, and even in how we manage the more mundane things like

CLIENT: GO Direct MEDIUM: independent.com.mt DATE: 7 May 2015 AVE: â‚Ź 145.00 making breakfast. Over the next four Saturdays, starting 9 May, anyone who is interested in the future is welcome to come over to The Point and get a taste of what having a fibre connection that goes straight into your home modem actually feels like." More than 17,000 homes, located mostly in Sliema and areas of St. Julian's and Lija are in fact already able to access FTTH connections and GO internet subscribers in these areas can now switch their Internet service to fibre, even if they choose to remain on their current Internet plans, in order to future proof their homes. Customers in these areas who wish to start enjoying the benefits of GO fibre immediately will also be able to select from new superfast Internet plans which will be announced shortly


Melita Direct independent.com.mt 5 May 2015 â‚Ź 145.00

Melita offers the best value internet service in Malta - Swiss research Tuesday, 5 May 2015, 16:02 Last update: about 22 hours ago

The first 'Best Buy Award' independent market research conducted in Malta by Swiss organisation ICERTIAS has certified Melita as the best value for money provider for both fixed-line and mobile broadband internet services in Malta. Customers responding to the survey confirmed that Melita offers Maltese consumers the best price-quality ratio for fixed-line broadband and mobile broadband internet services. The superfast FibrePower broadband internet that Melita launched in 2011 offers a high-quality product at a very affordable price for customers in Malta. Similarly on mobile broadband services, melitaWIFI is seen a strong contributor to customer satisfaction looking to use internet on their smartphones or tablets. ICERTIAS - International Certification Association - measures consumers' experience and satisfaction regarding the price-quality ratio of marketed products and services. The questions in the Best Buy Award research were open-ended and respondents were not offered a choice of responses. They could freely state the names of producers and


Melita Direct independent.com.mt 5 May 2015 â‚Ź 145.00

service providers, which according to their experience offered the best price-quality ratio on the market. The Best Buy Award research results represent the personal experience, opinion, satisfaction, and perception that consumers use to gauge the price-quality ratio of goods and services on the market. "We are very glad that our customers appreciate our efforts and investment in making superfast broadband internet faster, and more accessible. The recognition of Melita as best value provider for mobile broadband is also a significant recognition of the investment in melitaWIFI. Customers love Wi-Fi and this Next Generation Wi-Fi service provides seamless access to high speed internet in Malta's busiest entertainment and social hubs, as well as in some 50,000 indoor hotspots. There are no bill shocks with a massive free 10 Gigabyte bundle and they don't need an expensive 4G handset to access the service", commented Ms Mireille Muscat, Head of Marketing at Melita. For more information on the Best Buy Award visit www.bestbuyaward.org whilst information on Melita's fixed-line and mobile broadband internet services is available onwww.melita.com


Melita Direct maltatoday.com.mt 7 May 2015 € 145.00

Melita offers the best value internet service in Malta - Swiss research ICERTIAS - International Certification Association - measures consumers' experience and satisfaction regarding the price-quality ratio of marketed products and services. 7 May 2015, 9:54am

The first ‘Best Buy Award’ independent market research conducted in Malta by Swiss organisation ICERTIAS has certified Melita as the best value for money provider for both fixed-line and mobile broadband internet services in Malta. Customers responding to the survey confirmed that Melita offers Maltese consumers the best price-quality ratio for fixed-line broadband and mobile broadband internet services. The superfast FibrePower broadband internet that Melita launched in 2011 offers a high-quality product at a very affordable price for customers in Malta. Similarly on mobile broadband services, melitaWIFI is seen a strong contributor to customer satisfaction looking to use internet on their smartphones or tablets.


Melita Direct maltatoday.com.mt 7 May 2015 € 145.00

ICERTIAS - International Certification Association - measures consumers' experience and satisfaction regarding the price-quality ratio of marketed products and services. The questions in the Best Buy Award research were open-ended and respondents were not offered a choice of responses. They could freely state the names of producers and service providers, which according to their experience offered the best price-quality ratio on the market. The Best Buy Award research results represent the personal experience, opinion, satisfaction, and perception that consumers use to gauge the price-quality ratio of goods and services on the market. “We are very glad that our customers appreciate our efforts and investment in making superfast broadband internet faster, and more accessible. The recognition of Melita as best value provider for mobile broadband is also a significant recognition of the investment in melitaWIFI. "Customers love Wi-Fi and this Next Generation Wi-Fi service provides seamless access to high speed internet in Malta’s busiest entertainment and social hubs, as well as in some 50,000 indoor hotspots. There are no bill shocks with a massive free 10 Gigabyte bundle and they don’t need an expensive 4G handset to access the service”, commented Ms Mireille Muscat, Head of Marketing at Melita. For more information on the Best Buy Award visit www.bestbuyaward.org whilst information on Melita’s fixed-line and mobile broadband internet services is available onwww.melita.com

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