Organic SEO and Link Building What Is Organic SEO?
Put in the simplest manner possible, organic SEO is search engine optimization done manually using no black hat methods, no underhand methods and no automated scripting. It is the purest form of optimizing your website for the benefit of search engines, while still retaining interest for your site visitors, and done well it is exactly the thing that search engines are looking for in a website. Once they find it they will reward your site with better rankings and improved positions within the search engine results pages. Throughout the course of this article it will be referred to as simply SEO.
Understanding The Search Engines
Understanding Search Engines and their general concept is vital to the use of effective SEO methods. Search engines enable their visitors to enter a specific word or term, known as keywords. Once submitted, all pages containing those keywords that can be found in the search engine’s directory are listed on the search engine result pages. Each page is “ranked” according to relevancy, popularity and a few other factors. Therefore, in theory, the more relevant a page is to a given keyword the more likely it will appear at the top of the listings.
Introducing The Search Engine Spiders
Another important factor to remember about search engines is that they don’t use real people to crawl the billions of websites and judge how relevant they are. Instead they use automated software called a “spider” or a “bot” that does this work much quicker. The calculations that the search engine uses to determine the ranking of a website are called algorithms and in the case of the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN these algorithms are changed on a regular basis. The changes and the specifics of the algorithms are not released to the public in order to prevent black hat SEOs from manipulating their sites to reach the top of the pile despite containing to information relevant to the search query or keyword.
Optimizing For Search Engines – Optimizing For Visitors
Of course to some extent, all of us reading this article are probably guilty of altering our web pages to meet the whims of search engines but it must be done in a positive and organic
way. We understand that optimizing a page purely for the benefit of search engines spiders may massively detract from the actual value of the site to your visitors. Search engines understand this too, hence the evolution of the algorithms. With each new algorithm created and usually patented by search engines like Google, we are getting closer to a structure whereby sites are genuinely judged on their value to visitors. It may sound like an Isaac Asimov novel but the algorithms and the spiders are basically becoming more human like.
Basic Components Of SEO
The actual methods of optimizing your website are saved for another article, but the basic components of an SEO campaign are broken down into on page and off page optimization techniques. On page SEO includes factors like keyword inclusion, content optimization, page structure etc… whereas the main contributing factor of off page optimization is inbound links. There are many different factors to each of these areas and different SEOs will give you varying information on which factors are the most relevant to gain higher rankings. These extensive differences in opinion occur because nobody is certain of the algorithm criteria.
The Benefits Of SEO
SEO is probably the most beneficial way to conduct Internet promotion. It is highly cost effective, can yield long term results and the leads it generates are opt in and targeted. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider trying out alternative methods of advertising your site. For many, banner advertisements, press releases (can actually be used as part of an SEO campaign as well), PPC campaigns and sponsored listings prove to highly beneficial and including these will help your site’s popularity.
To Cost Effectiveness And To Life
The cost effectiveness is easily determined when you look at the potential of an SEO campaign compared to the method that many consider to be the next best thing – PPC. A PPC campaign will usually cost you anywhere upward of 5 cents per visitor generated. This means that for every thousand visitors you receive you will have paid $50. Some fairly basic SEO work on a web site containing ten pages will generate this kind of traffic on a monthly basis relatively quickly.
$50 doesn’t sound much but consider that you pay this in one month to receive the desired one thousand visitors. Over the space of a year you will have paid $600, and so on. Now consider that you are competing for a relatively competitive keyword and you find that you need to be paying a minimum of 50 cents per click to generate just the one thousand clicks in a month. All of a sudden you’re paying $6000 per year and you are still only getting one thousand clicks every month. $6000 will buy you an awful lot of SEO work and you should find that within a few months you are generating a lot more traffic using SEO.
Targeted Leads
Targeted leads are the best type of leads you can generate. It means that the visitors to your site are already predisposed to the basic topic of your site and are interested in what you have to say. It means that they will be more likely to purchase goods or services from your site, click on affiliate links or click Google ads to earn you revenue. Because SEO leads are physically searching for the topic that your site relates to you are guaranteed that they are interested in whatever you’re offering. First of all they search using keywords relevant to your site. They then read the description and name of your site and this further compounds their interest in the page in question and click on the link. Already they have become highly susceptible to the message of your web page.
So Remember…
SEO is a webmaster’s greatest tool but treated badly it can quickly blow up in your face. By ensuring you stick to the very letter of the law and do not use any underhand methods you should soon benefit from powerful leads that will frequent your site and earn you revenue.
7 Things Every Webmaster Should Know About Link building Link building in a nutshell, is the process of getting other web sites and web pages to link to your web site. These links will not only drive direct targeted traffic to your pages; but more importantly will increase your overall search engine visibility and rankings. Building a solid incoming linking structure for your site is one of the most effective techniques used by search engine optimization professionals to improve your search engine rankings and boost the overall amount of traffic any given web page receives. However the process of building incoming links to your site can be a daunting and tedious task when just getting started. The purpose of this essay is to outline the importance of building a strong linking profile for your site as well as offer a handful of key strategies that any webmaster regardless of marketing budget can employ to climb to the top of the search engine ladder.
1.) Purchasing Links & Sponsored Reviews
Paying other web masters to place a link on their site back to yours is probably the easiest and most straight forward way to generate links to your site. However the down-side of purchasing or renting links from other web masters is that it can become a very expensive venture, not to mention you need to pick and choose your potential candidates vary carefully. There are many services out there to help connect you with other web masters that are interested in selling links from their web pages, however you will save yourself a lot of time, and money by working directly with other web masters as apposed to paying a middle man to act as a link broker. Unfortunately there is no set standard on determining what any given link is worth: however you should pay careful attention to a few key factors before cracking open your wallet and spending your hard earned money on a paid link. These things include but are not limited to the number of incoming links the candidate site itself has, it's overall page rank, the age of the site and finally the search engine saturation (number of pages indexed in the major search engines) of the site. When approaching a web master to purchase links from make your goals as clear as day - and ensure that he or she knows you're interested in purchasing a link for Search Engine Optimization reasons. You need to ensure the link will not be cloaked (hidden from search engine spiders) or nofollowed (marked to inform search engines not to follow the link with the rel="nofollow" attribute) as either of these conditions will make the link relatively worthless from an SEO stand point.
2.) Comment and Post on Related Blogs & Message Boards
Even a web novice can find a litany of blogs and message boards for any given niche or market to post comments and feed back . I strongly encourage you to register on message boards related to your topic or subject and include links within the signature of your posts and messages. The same goes for blogs and commenting. There are many blogs that will allow you to include a link back to your site either within the content of your message, or make your user name a clickable link back to your site. However there is a fine line between spamming and offering valid comments, posts and responses to community based web sites and blogs. Making obvious spam posts such as "Cool site, check my site out at ..." will likely get your IP address banned from the web site or network, and can negatively impact the reputation of your brand or web site. If you don't have a valuable view point, or comment to offer other readers of the site you're posting on, you're better off not commenting at all.
3.) Write User Testimonials & Product Reviews
Writing user reviews or testimonials is an under appreciated technique to create a wealth of back links to your site. Most often when you write a review for a product or service you've had success with, the web master will include a link back to your site in the signature of the review. This technique is simple and straight forward; if you've purchased a product or service write up a short 100 - 300 word review for the product outlining it's strengths and your positive experiences and include your full name, and web site address in the signature of the review. Nine out of ten times the web master of the site you've written the testimonial for will be more than happy to include and activate the link when they post the review onto their website.
4.) Develop a Free Online Service or Software Application
Most people wouldn't even consider spending their valuable time developing an application or online utility to give away for free. However the benefits of creating and distributing a free online utility or software application can create several 1,000 back links to your site very quickly. A perfect example of this is creating a small, easy to use Mortgage Calculator with javascript and offer the code to embed the Mortgage Calculator onto other web pages. Include a link back to your site within the coding of the Mortgage Calculator perhaps in a copyright statement at the bottom of the application and require the link as a condition for using your free application.
5.) Write Articles and Distribute Them Online
Assuming this isn't the first essay you've read on improving the amount of links to your web site, you should be well aware that writing articles and submitting your articles to the popular article directories is a fantastic way to generate many back links to your web site. The premise is simple yet effective; Write a handful of articles geared toward your topic and subject matter and distribute them to the many article directories on the Internet. Often times when your article is posted on these article directory sites they will include an authors bio, or resource box. Within the authors bio area you want to include a little information about your company or product(s) as well as a link back to your site. Whenever your article is picked up by other web masters or syndicated across other popular web sites you will receive a free one way link back to your site. Repeat these steps over and over to build several 1,000 links back to your web site. This is an amazing technique as your only investment is a little time to write and submit an article.
6.) Submit Your Site to Directories
Over the past few years links from directories or web indexes has become less and less valuable. However there are still a handful of well trusted and high quality directories that you should consider submitting your site to. This will boost both your linking profile, as well as your page and trust rank. Some of the most notable directories to submit your web site to in no particular order are DMOZ, The Yahoo! Business Directory, JoeAnt, Gimpsy, GoGuides, Linkopedia and Uncoverthenet. Though most of the directories l've mentioned here are not free to submit to, the cost of submission is well worth the price as the links you'll receive from this investment are quality one-way links that carry a good amount of page trust and rank. When submitting your site to any of these directories, pay special attention to the category you are submitting your web address to, make sure that you are submitting your site to the most relevant, and related topic to the subject of your own web site. As this will ensure that you're submission is not denied, or skipped by the directory editors once it gets reviewed.
7.) Exchange Links and Build Partnerships
Link exchanges or trading links with other web masters is another technique that has lost a little of it's gusto over the years, however this method of generating back links does still hold a bit of value and should not be overlooked. Many webmasters dedicate a page of their site titled references or resources and use this page to link out to other web pages that have agreed to link back to their site. As mentioned above this technique is not as effective as it once was; however picking and choosing web sites that are well trusted and ranked by the search engines and that are related to the topic and subject mater of your own site promise to be well worth the effort. Finding other web sites that are prime candidates to exchange links with are those that are linking out to other relevant sites in your field or niche. Once you've found a web site that you'd be interested in swapping links with, contact the web master via email with your offer. When soliciting another web master for a link you want to write a personal email message and refer to specific content and aspects of his or her web site. Doing so will show the prospective linking partner that you've actually taken the time to give their site the once over before sending your solicitation; as a result you will be far more likely to receive a positive reply. As with purchasing paid links you want to ensure that the site you are requesting to exchange links with doesn't end up cloaking it's outbound links (hidden from search engine spiders) or nofollowed (marked to inform search engines not to follow the link with the rel="nofollow" attribute) as either of these conditions will make your link relatively worthless from an SEO stand point.
In this article we've discussed 7 of the most effective, and commonly used methods to generate a massive amount of incoming links to your web site. With any luck, after reading this article you should have a handful of ideas and techniques in your tool box that you can employ to kick-start your web site's model for success. Building links to your web site is by no means a <i>set-it and forget-it</i> facet of web marketing and requires time, dedication
and ongoing analysis. You can never have too many quality incoming links to your site and once you've had a small taste of success with link building I'm confident you'll be hungry for more.
Resources Learn more about SEO and link building at U
U at link building strategies U
U at Google ranking and post penguin SEO U
Post Penguin SEO News and Updates and Tips
For those of us who enjoy sitting back watching free organic search engine traffic to our websites, things are looking pretty good post Penguin.
Some of our EVO PRO members sites were hit after Google changed their Algorithms, good news is most of them have come back or nearly come back.
This was primarily after we introduced the Penguin Repair feature in our EVO PRO SEO Software.
You can check if your need to use the Penguin Repair feature here. AHREF site provides anchor text found in links by percentages, its an excellent free tool.If your site has any keyword phrase in Anchor text over 20% , then your site needs some work getting more keyword phrases distributed evenly.
Pre Penguin update, the more the better in terms of getting your target keyword phrase out there. Now, your main keyword phrase needs to be mixed in with many other keyword phrases, with no more than any keyword phrase above 20% here's the link U
Tips for post Penguin. Keyword Phrase in Domain works extremely well. Additionally EMD anchor text works great. e.g your domain name as anchor text.
OnPage SEO. Less is More these days and has been for a very long time, but now, more so post Penguin.
Best Tip re OnPage. Title: Keyword Phrase MUST be at the front of the title. If it isn't, fix it now, and you'll see immediate jump in rankings. No1's are still achievable with great linking strategies, though much easier if Keyword Phrase is first in title. If your SEO Client cannot do this, then tell them You can achieve rankings though will take longer.
Adsense? Some of us are finding that Google is loving their own content, try this, it only takes a second. Put an Adsense add on your site as a test, see if there are any improvements in rankings, 50% of you will find there is :)
Try embedding a Youtube Video on a page, this may well help in rankings as well. (Its not really that surprising that Google is giving preference to sites these days that host their own content huh?)
Linking Diversity is your friend Post Penguin, gaining links from varied locations and sources, EDU domains are providing lots of link love these days, so make sure you have these as a part of your mix. Wiki sites are also providing a lot of link love these days Post Penguin, especially high PR and EDU wikis.
Web 2 properties providing links above the fold and in context in articles as previously are still holding up very well in providing nice quality links and pushing our sites up in the serps.
So obviously we've added all the above to our EVO PRO software.
Post Penguin, we've added a whole bunch of High PR EDU Web 2 properties, New database full of high PR Wiki's and lots of these are EDU wikis.
Added our Penguin Repair Feature, allowing vast distribution of keyword phrases to links pointing to our websites. Our members are tracking their anchor text via Ahref site above and getting stellar results.
Shortly we'll have our Video distribution module back, providing even more diversity to our linking campaigns. Simply enter the URL of any YouTube video and our system handles the rest, my server does all the work so your not waiting there for it. You'll be emailed the results. Of course you can post a URl of your own video to be distributed across the 10 Best video hosts on the web.
And Yes, I'm personally still paying for everyone's captures :)
I've got to come clean and say my passion for SEO over the last 15 years took a bit of a hit there after Penguin, well for a couple of days at least. But when you have a great team behind you, problems like penguin become challenges and overcoming these challenges is where the fun is! We are having a heap of fun these days. Having a lot of fun with our new Pinterest software that is part of the EVO PRO membership
We pride ourselves on producing the most user friendly SEO software on the planet. Simple wizard style operation, and the software handles all the strategy for you. This is why so many SEO companies use this solely as their SEO software of choice, why? so easy to outsource. You know your doing something right when one of your customers has 25 licenses :)
We have an awesome bunch of members lots who have been with us since 08 and 09 who provide us as a group untold information about what's happening out there, so between
us all we've always been on top of all SEO situations on the fly as they occur.
If you haven't been with us and would like to enjoy the ride, you can test all the above for only $1 for a full 5 days. Is 5 days enough to boost your rankings? well that depends on your site, for older sites maybe, though you'll get to see how easy it is to operate our software and see with your own eyes all the work its doing, one run of EVO PRO to do manually would now take a couple of weeks to do by hand, plus you need to know what to do. EVO PRO handles all that for you. U