Clearly d e t t i m m Co rt 2012 nnual Repo Summary A
Key to symbols Working together on reliable high-voltage networks – About Joulz
Pagina 14-15 Clear about results
Key figures
Editorial and publishing information
‘ At all levels within Joulz I’ve seen people like Jon who all contribute to a better world in their own way’ –
Management Board
Pagina 13
You pro sustain making benefit –
Joulz’s operations are CO2 neutral – Pagina 40-41
omote nability by g long-term ts tangible
‘ Really good that Joulz, with committed employees such as Edwin, and together with the government, is helping to provide a green environment. Clearly in step with our times!’
– Pagina 30-31
Investing in expert knowledge by training and development – Pagina 26-27
Pagina 39
‘ Like Joulz, we believe that working safely is essential. The knowledge session on engineering and fitting responsibility, which Mike initiated, was very illuminating’ – Pagina 29
2 – 3
Report of the Management Board –
Cornelie Kaptein, Anja Vijselaar. Peter Beij, Geert Meijer, Gerard Vesseur, Ronald van Peperstraate, Joanne Meyboom
4 – 5
Clearly committed Clearly committed, that is what Joulz stands for. Our way
construction industry, we are faced with declining demand,
of working embodies our commitment to our customers,
but unlike most, we still manage to win new customers.
employees and environment. Even in times of economic
Accordingly we are maintaining the strategic direction we
headwinds, we are honest and open about our strategic
adopted a few years ago: Joulz is developing into an
direction, our performance, the measures we are taking
independent energy expert with a diverse customer base,
and areas in which we can and must do better. We set
providing top quality at competitive prices.
great store by transparency in our interactions with our customers, employees, shareholders and our environment.
A restructuring provision that we recognised in 2012 significantly distorted our financial results in 2012.
The market conditions are challenging us to step up our
We reported a loss of over EUR 15 million that is
efforts and inventiveness. Like many businesses in the
largely attributable to this provision.
Close and committed
It enables us to set ourselves apart from our competitors
The commercial growth of our business is steadily
and we aim to continue to do so going forward.
continuing. Despite the difficult economic climate, we proved able to win new customers and to expand our relationships
Service quality
with existing customers. Slowly but surely we are broadening
Service quality is a major cornerstone of our strategy.
our coverage within the Netherlands, as exemplified, for
It is not just a key differentiator in our competitive market.
instance, by our presence in North-Brabant after we took
It is also the main enabling condition for reliable, efficient
over the maintenance of Essent’s heat networks in
and safe energy supplies. Service quality is second
April 2012. We now provide maintenance for 43,000 heat
nature to our people. We have always taken pride in our
connections in this province for Essent. Our activities in
ceaseless care and maintenance of the energy networks.
the provinces of North-Holland and Gelderland for grid
We have proved how committed we are and that we will not
operator Alliander are growing continually. We are active
rest before energy supply is restored, for instance when
throughout the Netherlands for TenneT. And since the start
we resolved a number of major outages in Rotterdam
of the year our business unit CityTec has been providing
and Nieuwegein.
all public lighting in Zeeland and three municipalities in West-Brabant. While we are traditionally close to our
Joulz and Stedin: committed partners
customers in the regions of South-Holland and Utrecht,
Service quality is more than swiftly resolving an outage
we are now equally so in our new operating areas
or properly executing work on the networks. It is also
following the opening of new work locations.
about consulting with the customer on good, reliably coordinated work processes, assessing risks and
Prepared for the future
meeting agreements. Our customers want these basics
These successes were accompanied by a reorganisation
to be handled properly. We are therefore particularly
that we initiated in 2012 to enable us to weather the
pleased with the new partnership agreement with Stedin.
recession while remaining financially healthy. By reducing
The word partner is key: Stedin and Joulz will jointly,
management, support departments and technical
as committed partners, endeavour to provide continually
support, we managed to improve the ratio of revenue
secure energy services and further improve service quality.
to indirect costs. The full benefits of these steps will
We act together in meeting our social responsibility and
manifest in 2013. They dovetail with our strategy
complement each other.
of further cutting our costs with a view to becoming an even more efficient business, while not cutting back on our quality of execution. We are preparing for an outflow of experienced specialists who are set to retire in the next few years and we have deliberately opted for recruiting and retaining technical staff. Specialist knowledge is very valuable to a company such as ours.
6 – 7
Proud of our social role
Traditionally, more men than women have worked in
Together is also a term that Eneco Group, of which Joulz
technology. Joulz emphatically strives for diversity in its
is part, has adopted as a cornerstone. Joulz actively
organisation. We are doing well in that regard, with no
contributes to achieving Eneco’s mission: sustainable
fewer than three women on a board consisting of seven
energy for everyone. We translate that into commitment.
people, and with 51 women in senior positions. Naturally,
Our commitment to people, the environment and society
this can be further improved by recruiting more women
is second nature to us. With a history such as ours, which
in technical positions. For this to be possible, it is
stretches back over 100 years, it is self-evident that our
important for more girls to enrol in technological studies.
horizon also extends far into the future. And, accordingly,
Together with other companies in our sector, we are
that the standards and values we apply go beyond each
endeavouring to make technology attractive for school-
new day’s urgencies and exigencies. We seek to engage
going children by means of guest lectures and the
in lasting relationships with our stakeholders. We help
nationwide campaign ‘Watt?’
our customers in their efforts to operate more sustainably by putting sustainable energy solutions in place together
And we do more. Every year, several dozens of employees
with them. For instance by providing active input into
can donate EUR 500 euro to a personal charitable cause
customers’ design of financing models with which they
in which they are actively involved themselves. This form
can achieve their sustainability objectives. We also
of social sponsoring helps us ensure that our employees
believe that our own operations must be sustainable.
feel that Joulz really is right beside them and will back
To that end we are aligning ourselves with the objectives
them up. We are also gaining recognition for our social
of the Eneco Group to substantially reduce CO2 emissions.
performance. In 2012 Joulz was the first company in the
What that means for Joulz is that we must have reduced
Netherlands to achieve the fifth and highest rung on
our CO2 emissions per employee by 25 percent in 2013
the CSR performance ladder.
compared to 2007. At the end of 2012 we had achieved a reduction of 16.6 percent compared to 2007.
Moving forward on the road taken Joulz is a company with a character of its own, a company
Joulz is a socially committed company. We communicate
that is at the centre of society, where it has an important
this to our environment by launching initiatives ourselves
role to play. We take pride in the performance of our
and committing ourselves to social activities. Our
employees who are fully committed to ‘their networks’.
commitment is highlighted for instance in the learning/
With our team of skilled professionals, we will continue
work programmes that we provide for people who find
our clear commitment to the road taken in 2013.
themselves sidelined in the labour market. We invest
Together, we will work hard to raise our customers’
in long-term employment contracts and want to know
satisfaction with our services, further reduce our costs
whether employees feel at home at our company and
and increase the quality of our services even further.
connect with what we want to achieve together. Development, empowerment, safety and well-being
Joulz Management Board
are the cornerstones of our social policy.
Rotterdam, 29 March 2013
About Joulz Profile – Joulz, a specialist in energy infrastructure, offers products and services to its customers throughout the Netherlands in the chain of Conceiving (design and engineering), Constructing (construction and connection) and Conserving (maintenance and breakdown & emergency services).
Our strength lies in optimally coordinating these three
electricity, gas, public lighting and traffic control systems,
phases. With over 100 years’ experience, Joulz is
control technology and sustainable energy, such as heat,
committed to delivering high quality at minimal costs
wind, CO2 and steam.
throughout the lifecycle of an energy facility or energy network. Our technological innovation and continually
Our expertise is focused in four specialist business units,
developing expertise help us to stay ahead of the market.
each of which offers its own knowledge and experience
With around 2,600 employees, we are at the ready 24/7
to customers. The business units strengthen and support
to ensure secure energy services, everywhere in the
each other.
Netherlands. Our areas of technological expertise include:
8 – 9
Purchase and Logistics
Heath, Safety and Environment
Service Provider
About Joulz Mission, vision, strategy – Mission
the interests of customers, employees, shareholders and
Joulz is a leader in the sustainable design, construction
the environment in which we work. We are a company
and maintenance of future-proof energy infrastructures.
where professional, committed employees enjoy working
We achieve this by investing continually in technology,
and with which customers are eager to work. Delivering
knowledge, safety and the expertise of our employees.
quality for customers delivers value for shareholders and for society, which is highly dependent on the effective
operation of the energy infrastructure. Grid operators
Joulz is a healthy company that puts the customer first.
and road administrators are our largest customers, in
We are robustly and confidently positioned in the world
addition to which we focus on projects in the markets
of energy infrastructures and work safely under any
of energy producers, industry, rail management and
and all circumstances. We thoroughly take account of
non-residential construction.
10 – 11
Strategy As part of the Eneco Group, Joulz has developed into an autonomous, healthy company. Service quality, business development and cost control are our strategic cornerstones. We see operating safely, motivated employees and care for our environment as self-evident enabling conditions. These cornerstones and enabling conditions have been underlying our strategy for several years. Every year we refocus the activities within those cornerstones and enabling conditions in response to internal and external influences, such as the economic climate for example. In addition we pursue close alignment with the strategy of the Eneco Group, of which we are part.
12 – 13
ly r a e l C d e t t i Comm mers custo to our
‘ At all levels within Joulz I’ve seen people like Jon who all contribute to a better world in their own way’ Rob Vriens (Kiwa) on Jon Stikkolorum (Joulz)
Working together on reliable high-voltage networks Caroline van Dalen (TenneT), Marc Nijhoff (Joulz), Simone van den Hurk (TenneT)
Clearly d e t t i m m o C ctures ergy-infrastru to reliable en
14 – 15
Governance – Ethical business
Officer. The Integrity Issues Reporting Centre dealt with
The customers’ wishes are at the heart of Joulz’s business.
the reports in conformity with the guideline on ‘Reporting
Our customers are entitled to good service and expertise.
and Responding to Integrity Issues’. Not all notifications
We create clear expectations and present a realistic
represent actual incidents. For 30 out of the 65 notifications,
depiction of our products and services. We say what
it proved impossible to establish that they involved an
we do and do what we say. And that holds true for each
integrity issue. The number of verifiable reported incidents
and every Joulz employee: from office staff to technicians.
in 2012 was 35. Three cases of discrimination were
We set great store by the privacy of customers,
reported in 2012. Following investigation, no regulatory
employees and suppliers and treat all information with
breaches were established for these reports. There were
due care. To fulfil our social role effectively, it is essential
no reports of cases of corruption.
for us to conduct our business honestly and ethically. We comply with statutory and regulatory requirements
Our core values
and generally accepted standards of conduct, for which
- Committed
purposes we apply a code of conduct with rules that our
We are committed in everything we do. We are there
management and employees are required to follow and
for each other and for our customers. ‘We are always
for which all employees have signed up. Joulz has an
there when needed,’ that is typical of us.
Integrity Issues Reporting Centre and a Compliance Officer. - Cooperation
Integrity Issues Reports
We actively pursue cooperation, both inside and
In 2012, 65 integrity issues were notified to the Integrity
outside our company. Besides technology, people and
Issues Reporting Centre and/or the Joulz Compliance
networks of people make the difference. That is why it
16 – 17
is so important for growing numbers of parties to work
operators prompted by complaints reported to them can
with each other on the basis of a variety of approaches.
be received via a range of channels. Complaints and
We make the connection and act on the basis of
claims are registered in the Complaints Management
shared interests.
System. The reporting party will receive a confirmation of receipt within 2 working days. Joulz aims to complete
- Expertise
processing of complaints within 15 working days and
Our expertise sets us apart. We combine many years’
of claims within 20 working days. In 2012, 73.6 percent
experience with continual investments in technology,
of all complaints and claims were handled within the set
knowledge, expertise and safety to create future-proof
timeframe. It is not always possible to complete
energy infrastructures.
processing of all cases within the set timeframe, for instance because some of them are routed via an
- Customer focus
insurance company or because more information is
We listen to our customers and transform their wishes
needed from the reporting party.
and requirements into specific solutions. We will either know or find a solution.
In 2012, 220 complaints (2011:84) and 716 claims (2011: 572) were handled. In 2012 we started registering
Complaints management
a wider number of complaints and claims, such as
Joulz has a complaints scheme. Complaints and
complaints concerning work planning, which had
claims as well as requests for information from grid
previously not been recorded.
Key figures –
* Footnote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
MV = Medium voltage LV = Low voltage See Table: Overview of energy consumption and CO2 emissions In 2010 we reported the number of women in management positions. From 2011 we report the number of women in senior positions (from scale 9). The number of women in management positions was 16 in 2011 and in 21 in 2012. Joulz annually offers work/trainee positions for trainees via Work and Expertise. Those trainees are employed by Work and Expertise for the duration of their two-year work/trainee period. Commitment is the degree of identification employees experience with the organisation. Employees who are committed feel a personal involvement with the company and consider themselves to be well-matched to the organisation and its objectives. LTIR = Lost Time Injury Rate. LTIR is calculated by multiplying the number of lost time injuries (longer than 24 hrs) of own employees and temporary staff, including trainees and interns, by 1,000,000 and dividing by the product of the number of hours worked (1,560 hrs) and the number of FTEs (own employees).
18 – 19 Shareholders
2012 2011 2010
Net revenue
€ 508 Million
€ 512 Million
€ 535 Million
Operating result before restructuring costs
€ 2,6 Million
€ 15,0 Million
€ -0,6 Million
Operating result
€ -15,9 Million
€ 11,3 Million
€ - 13,2 Million
Working capital
€ -27,2 Million
€ - 10,0 Million
€ - 35,4 Million
Capital and reserves
€ 23 Million
€ 37 Million
€ 30 Million
Customers Number of MS outages resolved 1
Recovery time for MS outages (average) Number of LS2 outages resolved Recovery time for LS outages (average) Number of employees in breakdown service Environment and society
50 Minutes
58 Minutes
65 Minutes
89 Minutes
125 Minutes
119 Minutes
5.225.628 kg
4.530.617 kg
3.207.000 kg
5.894.551 kWh
6.858.169 kWh
6.152.133 kWh
4.141 kg/fte
4.505 kg/fte
4.664 kg/fte
Women in senior positions
Trainee technicians (started in:)5
48 47 30
Commitment score6
Waste and residue streams disposed Power consumption (green energy) CO2 emissions per employee3
Female 4
not applicable
Age structure
15 - 24 years
25 - 34 years
35 - 44 years
45 - 54 years
Safety performance
measured as LTIR
1,38 2,15 2,11
y l r a e l C e l b a n i a Sust ghting le LED li b a m im with d
You promote sustainability by making long-term benefits tangible Jeroen de Jong (Province of South Holland) and Wilfred Akerboom (CityTec)
20 – 21
Clear about results –
22 – 23
Consistent direction in difficult market
agreement for the provision of services that expired on
The recession that commenced in 2008 is lasting longer
1 January 2013. Together, we are working to improve
than expected. The construction industry has been hit
service quality by better alignment of procedures in
particularly hard. The stringent austerity measures being
primary chain processes in which we both play a part.
implemented by the government also have an impact on planned investments in road systems and rail infrastructure,
Outage recovery time
and therefore substantially less building and rerouting of
The outage recovery times achieved by Joulz for gas
energy infrastructures is being undertaken.
and public lighting are in line with its agreements with Stedin. The outage recovery time for low voltage electrical
At the same time, many Dutch energy grids, which were
infrastructures was too long in 2012. Joulz has agreed
built several decades ago, now require renovation or
with Stedin that we will jointly play an even more active
replacement. Grid operators are investing in renovation
role in preventing and resolving outages. In addition to
and maintenance to maintain grid quality at a high level.
intervention teams tasked with outage prevention, a number of work groups, consisting of employees of both
Despite the challenging market developments, Joulz
companies, analysed outages in 2012. This led to joint
consistently adhered to its strategy. We remain fully
proposals for grid improvements and outage recovery.
committed to the business development of our company. We are pursuing efficiency gains and further cost
Central outage coordination
reductions, for instance by increasing the proportion of
Joulz aims to centralize outage coordination. At present
direct revenue-earning employees to the total number
this is decentralized, and as a result, even the scarce
of employees. The restructuring provision that we
Work Supervisors are often required to work standby shifts.
recognised is the reason why we had to report a loss
The need to deploy these specialists - who are in short
for 2012. We also continued working in 2012 to further
supply in the Netherlands - more efficiently and thereby
improve the quality of the services our customers expect.
ease the demands placed on them prompted the launch of
Service quality
The quality of our services is important in connection with
a pilot using 24/7 central outage coordination. Following the success of this pilot phase, the wider roll-out of central outage coordination will be progressed in 2013.
the security, safety and reliability of energy infrastructures. By doing our work properly, delivering what we promise
Improving customer processes
and taking rapid action when things go wrong, we are a
As many activities require input from several business
valuable and committed partner for our customers.
units, cooperation is essential. Internal cooperation was intensified in 2012. Customers were given a single point of
Partnership agreement with Stedin
contact for complex projects involving several disciplines
The new cooperation agreement signed between Joulz and
within Joulz.
Stedin is a major milestone. That agreement replaced the
Engineering & Consulting department
offset declining revenues at Stedin by new projects in
Joulz believes in the commercial potential of its engineering
the free market.
and consulting activities and combined these in the Joulz Engineering & Consulting department as of 1 January 2012.
Commercial order intake for 2012 totalled € 125 million
Initially, its prime focus is on high-voltage technology.
(2011: € 240 million). Commercial revenues rose significantly
Business development
from € 90 million in 2011 to € 105 million in 2012.
Since Joulz adopted a commercial direction a few years
Grid operators
ago, we are successfully offering more than a century’s
Grid operator Stedin is and remains our largest customer.
worth of knowledge and experience in the field of energy
In line with the strategy it adopted in 2008, Stedin is
infrastructures to nationwide and regional grid operators,
publicly tendering an increasing number of projects,
road administrators and railway network operators,
however. We successfully compensate for the lower
industry and non-residential construction, and increasingly
share of revenue from Stedin by means of other projects,
to energy producers as well. We continue to be able
from other grid operators for instance. We are working
to win new customers and acquire new projects from
extensively for the grid operators TenneT, Alliander
existing customers. We did not yet manage to fully
and Enexis.
24 – 25
TenneT Joulz is one of the four service providers of TenneT. We maintain a part of the 110-150 kV high-voltage grid, providing engineering, construction and maintenance services. In 2012 we also won several new projects, including the conversion of energy transmission stations in Zwolle and Roosendaal and the renovation of the Eemshaven station. Enexis Enexis has in-house expertise for the maintenance, commercial operation and expansion of its energy grids. If the workload exceeds the capacity available, Enexis calls on other companies, including Joulz. For instance, our technicians work in the breakdown service of Enexis and we carry out various projects for Enexis. An example is the remediation of gas In 2012 we were able to advance further towards our
connections in the municipality of Raalte (Overijssel
ambition to attain nationwide coverage in our services.
province). We are also carrying out the conversion of
With decades of experience in working for grid operators,
a high-voltage station in Roosendaal for Enexis.
we meet the high quality and safety requirements set by these customers. The grid operators want the work on
Road administrators
the infrastructure to be carried out very conscientiously
Joulz aims to be the market leader in sustainable
to ensure that the new or renovated portions of the grid
public lighting in 2015. The activities in the field of
can be used for at least another forty years.
public lighting are carried out by our business unit CityTec. CityTec aids municipalities in greening their
public lighting by deploying energy-saving LED lighting
Cooperation with Alliander is proceeding well and
and dimming technologies.
expanded in 2012. In addition to the master agreement for the greater Amsterdam region, we were also awarded
Zeeland province
extra plots for implementing gas remediation projects
The Association of Zeeland Municipalities (Vereniging
in Nijmegen and Arnhem. We had previously executed
van Zeeuwse Gemeenten - VZG) and the Province of
a smaller-scale gas remediation project for Alliander
Zeeland awarded a four-year maintenance contract to
in Nijmegen.
CityTec for public lighting. This encompasses some
85,000 light masts across the entire province. As from 1 May 2012 CityTec has provided both maintenance and project-based work on the masts and associated equipment. Brabant province CityTec has expanded its activities into West-Brabant. It now also provides maintenance for the public lighting of the municipalities Bergen op Zoom, Roosendaal, Etten-Leur and Gilze and Rijen. Four main cities At the close of 2012, CityTec was awarded the management and maintenance of public lighting in the municipality of Utrecht. CityTec is now responsible for the public lighting in the four main cities in the Netherlands: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht.
Industry A.P. Maersk Terminal 2 Joulz has been engaged by the combination Dura Vermeer/GMB/Imtech to build part of the A.P. Maersk Terminal 2 on Maasvlakte 2. We will provide the link between the Stedin’s purchasing station and the customer’s main medium-voltage facility. Rotterdam Antwerpen Pijpleiding (RAPL) RAPL pumps crude oil to refineries near Antwerp. An explosion occurred on 5 October 2012 at RAPL’s energy purchasing station. Joulz took action immediately to put in place a temporary facility. As a result, it was possible to start up the first pump again after five days, and RAPL was also able to start the second pump again after two weeks.
26 – 27
Eaton Electric Eaton has entered into a 20-year master agreement with Stedin to extend the life of the medium-voltage COQ switchgear. Joulz is acting in partnership with Eaton to execute this contract.
Non-residential building The economic downturn is manifest in the non-residential building segment, where the number of new-build projects has decreased. Joulz has consequently shifted its focus to the sub-segments (new and existing) data centres and hospitals. We won new projects in both of these sub-segments: a temporary power supply by means of power units for a data centre in Delft and an expansion of the medium-voltage station for the Groene Hart Hospital in Gouda. The expansion of the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital in Amsterdam necessitated an expansion of the capacity of the energy supply, for which Joulz built a new medium-voltage facility.
Energy producers Joulz provides the energy infrastructure for new power stations, enabling the energy generated to be fed into the regular power grid. Bio Golden Raand Joulz built the 3.4 kilometre 110 kV connection including a 110 kV switching station, connecting Eneco’s new biomass power station Bio Golden Raand in Delfzijl with TenneT’s high-voltage grid in Weiwerd.
Sustainable energy infrastructures All our activities in the field of sustainable energy
infrastructures are carried out by the business unit GreenTec. To achieve energy savings at our large
corporate customers, we are increasing our focus on
ICT cost savings
comprehensive solutions in the field of construction,
In 2012 Joulz saved EUR 2.2 million on its own ICT
maintenance, management and energy management.
infrastructure, for instance by tighter control in 2012 of (the number of) licences from key software suppliers and
Wind energy
by integrating the IT network of CityTec into that of Joulz.
We built the energy infrastructure for Wind farm Zwartenbergseweg, Wind farm Houten De Staart and
Romerswaal (Kreekrak) for Eneco Wind, and that of
The productivity of our direct revenue-earning staff is
Wind farm Maasmond on Maasvlakte 2 for Stedin.
a measure of our efficiency. The ratio of revenues to indirect costs deteriorated as revenues decreased while
We also built the energy infrastructure for wind farm
costs remained unchanged. We responded to this with
Giesenwind for Giesenwind BV. Joulz will build the
several specific measures to improve that balance,
eight kilometre underground 150 kV connection, from
including a reduction of the number of managers and
the beach at Noordwijk to a high-voltage station in
support staff. A total of 200 positions were eliminated in
Sassenheim, as part of the construction of the wind
2012 and the majority of the employees concerned had
farm Eneco Luchterduinen.
left the company as of 1 January 2013.
Cost control
In the past few years, the inflow of technicians has
Joulz wants to offer customers high quality at competitive
been higher than the outflow, reflecting our selective
prices. In 2012 we continued to pursue efficiency
recruitment drive in anticipation of an expected outflow
improvements throughout our organisation by means of
of specialists set to retire in the next few years. We are
smarter process design, enabling the work to be done
aiming for further productivity increases in the period
by fewer people while maintaining quality and safety.
ahead, which are expected to enable us to achieve the same revenues with slightly fewer technicians.
Cost focus
Accordingly, we are currently moderating the inflow
It is essential for us to foster a keener cost focus in our
of technicians to match their outflow.
workforce. We do so by tighter management geared to accurate costing of our projects and by holding each other
We are reducing the number of temporary staff as well
accountable for budget discipline. But most importantly we
as indirect out-of-pocket expenses. At the same time, we
achieve this by ensuring that employees continually examine
have implemented various organisational adjustments,
whether there is a genuine need for the costs they incur.
including the merger of several locations and the transfer of the project administrative and accounting records from individual operating planning and control departments to the Finance organisation.
28 – 29
Clearly Safe
ions ge sess knowled e iv s n exte owing to
‘ Like Joulz, we believe that working safely is essential. The knowledge session on engineering and fitting responsibility, which Mike initiated, was very illuminating’ Cees van Diest (Van Oers United) on Mike Sterkenburg (Joulz)
Investing in expert knowledge by training and development KEI teacher Johan Naaijkens at work in the practice training room
30 – 31
y l r a e l C d e t t i Comm chool ining s a r t e s in-hou with an
Corporate Social Responsibility – Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is in our genes. We view safety, ethical employers’ policies and care for the environment as core aspects of CSR.
mobility and accommodation was approved by the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), and Joulz consequently attained the Lean and Green Mobility status. We will receive the associated award on 16 May 2013. We were also nominated for the Yes
CSR policy
We Care-award for the greater Rotterdam region in 2012.
The CSR policy adopted by Joulz was rewarded in 2012 when Joulz, as the first company in the Netherlands, was
ranked on the highest rung (5) of the CSR performance
Safety and health are of supreme importance. Safely
ladder, after having already reached the fourth rung in
handling intrinsically unsafe products (electricity, gas and
2011. In 2012 Joulz was nominated as Sustainable
heat) is our core activity. As a people business we have
Innovator and also won the Smart Grids Innovation
only one key asset: ‘our people’. Accordingly, we place safety
Public Award. In 2012 the Action plan for sustainable
at the top of our agenda under the motto: Not safe = No go.
32 – 33
Our safety performance continues to improve. The LTIR for 2012 was 1.38 (2011: 2.15 and 2010: 2.11).
KEI in the year 2011/2012
There were six lost time injuries in 2012.
- 2,251 Joulz employees took a training course,
test or a course of study via KEI.
- 189 intermediate vocational education
As a specialist in energy infrastructures, we propagate
MBO diplomas in Gas or Electrical technology
maximum availability of energy grids. We can only deliver
were obtained (level 1, 2, 3, 4).
on this promise to our customers if we aim to deliver the
- Of these 189 MBO graduates, 80 employees
best possible quality. Our specialists work 24/7 to provide
obtained their MBO 4 diploma via Accredition of
this. Therefore we view our employees as our most
Prior Learning (EVC procedures).
important assets. We work to keep them motivated, to train
- 250 Joulz employees followed training/work stages.
them well and to devote special care to their well-being.
Table: Internal employee survey 2012 Scores on
Previous survey fourth quarter 2012 (n=140)
Survey fourth quarter 2011 (n=88)
National Joulz themes Satisfaction index (2012)
Satisfaction 7,3 6,8 7,5 Motivation 7,1 7,0 7,1 Commitment 7,3 7,9 7,4 Involvement * 6,7 - 6,5 Loyalty 7,5 7,5 7,6 Sensitivity to staff absenteeism 7,7 7,7 7,8 Sensitivity to staff turnover 7,7 7,5 7,8 Effectiveness 7,2 6,8 7,1 Efficiency 6,2 5,4 6,3 Leadership* 7,1 - 6,9 Customer-focus 7,5 7,1 7,3 Performance 7,1 6,8 7,2 * Involvement and leadership were added to the survey in 2012.
Progress of reorganisation
A redundancy plan premised on work-to-work support
As of 1 January 2013, virtually all employees whose
is applicable for the supernumerary employees.
positions were eliminated had left. This concerned
Employees will be employed by an organisation that
22 temporary contracts (20.8 FTEs), 51 temporary
supports them in moving to another job. Employees were
staff (47.8 FTEs) and 89 employees with open-ended
also able to opt for severance pay. Supernumerary status
contracts (82 FTEs). In addition, Joulz successfully
was determined on the basis of eliminated positions, key
provided customised solutions for 29 employees
positions and the legally required proportionality and was
(27.9 FTEs) and 6 employees (5.6 FTEs) left on the
reviewed, in line with agreements in place, by the works
basis of natural attrition. This concerned positions at
council’s review committee. On the basis of the hardship
the management and corporate service levels and in
provision, exceptions were made for some employees on
technical support. We are following a separate procedure
social grounds. We were able to re-deploy 24 employees
for a group of work planning engineers, for which we
within Joulz or with Stedin and Eneco (record date
are opting for maintaining quality. This procedure will be
31 January 2013).
completed in 2013.
34 – 35
Table: Employees Age ranges
Senior Management
Technical personnel
A. < 25
B. 25 - 34
C. 35 - 44
D. 45 - 54
E. 55 >
35 2,620
Female Total 2012
Total 2011
Total 2010
Senior management (board) Management (employees with supervisory indication in SAP HR) Technical personnel (Non-supervisory technical personnel, except interns) Staff (Non-supervisory administrative personnel, except interns)
2,499 (90.1%) (9.9%)
2,251 248 2,418
(90.1%) (9.9%)
2,178 240
Care for our environment
Energy consumption
Joulz applies its social commitment in three ways:
In 2012 Joulz consumed 13 percent less gas and
sustainability for customers, sustainability of its own
14 percent less electricity compared to 2011. Home-work
business and our committed role in society.
commuting accounted for 18 percent (2011: 18 percent)
Sustainability for customers
of our total CO2 emissions in 2012. Joulz has reduced those emissions by 33 percent since 2007.
Joulz helps customers to attain their sustainability targets by means of specific services. We review their overall
Car fleet
energy supply and then come up with smart solutions
Over 66 percent of the total CO2 emissions are attributable
offering substantial energy savings. From generation
to our car fleet. Our car fleet grew 6.6 percent (2011: 1,513;
to use and consumption.
2012: 1,614) and the absolute CO2 emissions increased by 8.5 percent in 2012. This last increase is attributable
CO2 target
to the fact that the frequency and volume of our activities
Joulz contributes to the achievement of the Eneco Groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
throughout the Netherlands are increasing. Our technicians
objective to reduce CO2 emissions by 50 percent per
accordingly drive more miles with their company vehicles
employee by 2013 compared to 2007. To attain this
and consume more fuel.
50 percent, Joulz is required to achieve a CO2 reduction of around 25 percent per employee compared to 2007.
Joulz currently uses 23 electrical vehicles. We will continue
At the end of 2012 we had achieved a reduction of
the greening of our car fleet.
16.6 percent compared to 2007. For short business journeys, our employees can use Joulz
Care for the environment
bicycles and electrical scooters in various locations. Joulz
We have designated five key themes in our environmental
currently has thirteen electrical scooters and twelve bicycles.
policy with which we can make a difference. Waste Accommodation
Joulz has a contract with a waste-processing company
Joulz pursues an accommodation policy that maximises
for non-recyclable waste. This stream of waste produced
sustainability wherever possible. For instance, Joulz
CO2 emissions of 133 tonnes in 2012, compared to a total
deliberately opts for sustainably redeveloping existing
of 5,226 tonnes of waste. We achieve these low emissi-
office buildings for the purpose of relocations. In 2012
ons because the large majority of the waste is recycled:
a sustainably renovated office was taken into service
88 percent. This includes asbestos.
in Heinenoord. This site in Heinenoord is also the first renovated building in the Netherlands that has the
Breeam qualification Excellent for the Use rating.
As a result of all measures, the use of paper was reduced by 17 percent compared to 2011 and the associated emissions by 18 percent compared to 2011.
36 – 37
CO2 offset
Our prime objective is to reduce our CO2 emissions, now
Joulz employees work expertly and in healthy and safe
and in the future, and where we are unable to do so yet,
working conditions. Needless to say we are certified
we opt to offset our CO2 emissions to ensure that our
accordingly. Joulz holds certificates that reflect a specific
operations are climate-neutral.
degree of quality in the fields of safety, the environment and working conditions: CKB, ISO 9001, ISO 14001,
Internal campaign
OHSAS 18001, VCA**, BTR, CSR performance ladder
In the autumn of 2012 Joulz and Stedin planted 0.5 hectares
level 5, CO2 performance ladder level 5, GRI B+.
of forest in the nature conservation area Bentwoud in Benthuizen, in conjunction with the National Forest Fund.
Sponsorship and employee initiatives
This initiative is a direct result of the internal sustainability
We support organisations or projects that are committed
campaign ‘Green idea, good idea’. This campaign is
to charitable causes or parties that are committed to
designed to increase our employees’ sustainability
sustainability, CO2 reduction and energy savings. This
awareness. The campaign resulted in 233 ideas as
is reflected in our support since 2012 for the Picosol
at the end of 2012, in tangible recognition of which
foundation, which executes small-scale sustainable
Joulz planted these 0.5 hectares of forest.
energy projects, such as water wells with solar-powered pumps, in developing countries. Activities or associations
Sustainable purchasing
that are committed to safety, an aspect that is of prime
Joulz aims to green its chain and cooperate with
importance in our operations, are likewise eligible for our
like-minded suppliers. Joulz has accordingly formulated
support. The support we provide to the lifeguard brigade
a Supplier Code of Conduct that is derived directly from
at Hoek van Holland is an example.
its SRP policy (Socially Responsible Purchasing). All our contracted suppliers have been informed of the Supplier
In 2012, EUR 31,000 was spent on sponsoring.
Code of Conduct. By asking our suppliers to sign this
Joulz supports employee initiatives with a financial
Supplier Code of Conduct, Joulz aims to ensure that
contribution if they meet the general, social conditions
they endorse and comply with the CSR and SRP policies
of the sponsorship policy adopted by Joulz.
pursued by Joulz and apply them for every purchase order. In 2012 Joulz started auditing its suppliers’ correct
In 2012, EUR 37,000 was assigned to social initiatives
application of the Supplier Code of Conduct.
undertaken by employees. A number of employees and departments at Joulz combine the annual staff outing with voluntary work.
‘ Really good that Joulz, with committed employees such as Edwin, and together with the government, is helping to provide a green environment. Clearly in step with our times!’
Linda Groeneveld (Dutch National Forest Service) on Edwin van der Hoff (Joulz)
Clearly Sustainable by planting our
own forest
38 – 39
Joulzâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s operations are CO2 neutral
40 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 41
Clearly Sustainable
with electric transportati on
Editorial and publishing information â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The annual report and this summary are published by Joulz B.V. P.O. Box 2400, 3000 CK Rotterdam, the Netherlands For information or feedback
Walker Language Consultancy
Cover models
Bondt Communicatie and Joulz
Heleen Hanemaaijer (traineesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; counsellor at Joulz) and Jailson de Barros (trainee technician)
Concept and design wijZE Creativiteit voor merken, Rotterdam
All photographs published in this annual report are subject to copyright.
Photography Sicco van Grieken, Marcel Rozenberg, NFP Photography
The full annual report is available at Joulz Plaza and