October 2020 : Top Ten Cited Article in Fuzzy Logic Systems

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October 2020 : Top Ten Cited Article in Fuzzy Logic Systems International Journal of Fuzzy Logic Systems (IJFLS) ISSN : 1839 – 6283 https://wireilla.com/ijfls/index.html

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Citation Count – 149 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF AHP AND FUZZY AHP MODELS FOR MULTICRITERIA INVENTORY CLASSIFICATION Golam Kabir1 and Dr. M. Ahsan Akhtar Hasin2 1Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Bangladesh University of Science and Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh 2Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Bangladesh University of Science and Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh ABSTRACT A systematic approach to the inventory control and classification may have a significant influence on company competitiveness. In practice, all inventories cannot be controlled with equal attention. In order to efficiently control the inventory items and to determine the suitable ordering policies for them, multicriteria inventory classification is used. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the best ways for deciding among the complex criteria structure in different levels. Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) is a synthetic extension of classical AHP method when the fuzziness of the decision makers is considered. In this paper, a comparative analysis of AHP and FAHP for multi-criteria inventory classification model has been presented. To accredit the proposed models, those were implemented for the 351 raw materials of switch gear section of Energypac Engineering Limited (EEL), a large power engineering company of Bangladesh.

KEYWORDS Analytic Hierarchy Process, Chang’s Extent Analysis, Inventory Classification

For More Details : https://wireilla.com/papers/ijfls/V1N1/1011ijfls01.pdf Volume Link : https://wireilla.com/ijfls/vol1.html

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Citation Count – 110 Bipolar Fuzzy Hypergraphs Sovan Samanta and Madhumangal Pal Department of Applied Mathematics with Oceanology and Computer Programming, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore - 721 102, India ABSTRACT In this paper, we define some basic concepts of bipolar fuzzy hypergraphs, cut level bipolar fuzzy hypergraphs, dual bipolar fuzzy hypergraphs and bipolar fuzzy transversal. Also some basic theorems related to the stated graphs have been presented.

KEYWORDS Bipolar fuzzy hypergraphs, cut level bipolar fuzzy hypergraphs, bipolar fuzzy transversal.

For More Details : https://wireilla.com/papers/ijfls/V2N1/2112ijfls03.pdf Volume Link : https://wireilla.com/ijfls/vol2.html

REFERENCES [1] M. Akram, Bipolar fuzzy graphs, Information Sciences, doi:10:1016/j.ins.2011:07:037, 2011. [2] R. H. Goetschel, Introduction to fuzzy hypergraphs and Hebbian structures, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 76; 113 -130, 1995. [3] R. H. Goetschel, Fuzzy colorings of fuzzy hypergraphs, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 94; 185 - 204, 1998. [4] R. H. Goetschel and W. Voxman, Intersecting fuzzy hypergraphs, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 99, 81 96, 1998. [5] A. Rosenfeld, Fuzzy graphs, in: L.A. Zadeh, K.S. Fu, M. Shimura (Eds.), Fuzzy Sets and Their Applications, Academic Press, New York, 77 - 95, 1975. [6] S. Samanta and M. Pal, Fuzzy threshold graphs, CIIT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 3(12), 360 - 364, 2011. [7] S. Samanta and M. Pal, Fuzzy tolerance graphs, International Journal of Latest Trends in Mathematics, 1(2), 57 - 67, 2011: [8] . Samanta and M. Pal, Bipolar fuzzy intersection and line graphs, Communicated. [9] S. Samanta and M. Pal, Fuzzy k-competition graphs and p-competition fuzzy graphs, Communicated. [10] L.A. Zadeh, Fuzzy sets, Information and Control, 8, 338 - 353, 1965. [11] W.R. Zhang, Bipolar fuzzy sets and relations: a computational frame work for cognitive modelling and multiagent decision analysis, Proceedings of IEEE Conf., 305 - 309, 1994.

Citation Count – 48 A NEW OPERATION ON HEXAGONAL FUZZY NUMBER P. Rajarajeswari1, A.Sahaya Sudha2 and R.Karthika3 1Department of Mathematics, Chikkanna Government Arts College, Tirupur-641 602 2Department of Mathematics, Nirmala College for women, Coimbatore-641018 3Department of Mathematics, Hindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore641028. ABSTRACT The Fuzzy set Theory has been applied in many fields such as Management, Engineering etc. In this paper a new operation on Hexagonal Fuzzy number is defined where the methods of addition, subtraction, and multiplication has been modified with some conditions. The main aim of this paper is to introduce a new operation for addition, subtraction and multiplication of Hexagonal Fuzzy number on the basis of alpha cut sets of fuzzy numbers.

KEYWORDS Fuzzy arithmetic, Hexagonal fuzzy numbers, Function principles

For More Details : https://wireilla.com/papers/ijfls/V3N3/3313ijfls02.pdf Volume Link : https://wireilla.com/ijfls/vol3.html

REFERENCES [1] Abhinav Bansal (2011) Trapezoidal Fuzzy numbers (a,b,c,d):Arithmetic behavior. International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, ISSN-2010-1791. [2] Bansal,A.,(2010)Some non linear arithmetic operations on triangular fuzzy numbers(m,B, a). Advances in fuzzy mathematics, 5,147-156. [3] Dubois.D and Prade.H,(1978) Operations on fuzzy numbers ,International Journal of Systems Science, vol.9, no.6.,pp.613-626. [4] Dwyer.,(1965), P.S. Fuzzy sets. Information and Control, No.8: 338–353. [5] Fuller.R and Majlender.P.,(2003), On weighted possibilistic mean and variance of fuzzy numbers, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol.136, pp.363-374 [6] Heilpern.S.,(1997), Representation and application of fuzzy numbers, Fuzzy sets and Systems, vol.91, no.2, pp.259-268. [7] Klaua.D.,(1965) ,Über einen Ansatz zur mehrwertigen Mengenlehre. Monatsb. Deutsch. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 7, 859–876 [8] Klir.G.J., (2000), Fuzzy Sets: An Overview of Fundamentals, Applications, and Personal views. Beijing Normal University Press, pp.44-49. [9] Klir., (1997) Fuzzy arithmetic with requisite constraints, Fuzzy Sets System, vol. 91, ,pp. 165– 175. [10] Kauffmann,A.,(1980) Gupta,M., Introduction to Fuzzy Arithmetic :Theory and Applications,Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. [11] Malini.S.U,Felbin.C.Kennedy.,(2013), An approach for solving Fuzzy Transportation using Octagonal Fuzzy numbers,Applied Mathematical Sciences,no.54,2661-2673 [12] Nasseri.H(2008) Positive and non-negative, International Mathematical Forum,3,1777-1780. [13] Rezvani .S.,(2011).,Multiplication Operation on Trapezoidal Fuzzy numbers, Journal of Physical Sciences,Vol no-15,17-26 [14] Yager.R.,(1979) On Solving Fuzzy Mathematical relationships, Information control,41,29-55. [15] Zadeh,L.A.,(1965) Fuzzy Sets, Information and Control.,No.8 pp.338-353. [16] Zadeh,L.A.,(1978) Fuzzy set as a basis for a theory of possibility, Fuzzy sets and systems, No.1,pp.3-28. [17] Zimmermann,H. J,(1996) Fuzzy Set Theory and its Applications, Third Edition,Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Massachusetts. [18] http://debian.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/~cathy/SoftCpu/FUZZY_BOOK/chap5-3.pdf. numbers.



Citation Count – 36 A FUZZY MODEL FOR ANALOGICAL PROBLEM SOLVING Michael Gr. Voskoglou School of Technological Applications Graduate Technological Educational Institute, Patras, Greece ABSTRACT In this paper we develop a fuzzy model for the description of the process of Analogical Reasoning by representing its main steps as fuzzy subsets of a set of linguistic labels characterizing the individuals’ performance in each step and we use the Shannon- Wiener diversity index as a measure of the individuals’ abilities in analogical problem solving. This model is compared with a stochastic model presented in author’s earlier papers by introducing a finite Markov chain on the steps of the process of Analogical Reasoning. A classroom experiment is also presented to illustrate the use of our results in practice.

KEYWORDS Fuzzy Sets, Analogical Reasoning, Problem Solving

For More Details : https://wireilla.com/papers/ijfls/V2N1/2112ijfls01.pdf Volume Link : https://wireilla.com/ijfls/vol2.html

REFERENCES [1] Gentner, D. & Toupin, C. (1986), “ Systematicity and surface similarity in development of analogy,Cognitive Science, 10, pp. 277-300. [2] Gentner, D. & Markman, A. B. (1997), Structure mapping in analogy and similarity, American Psychologist 52, pp. 45-56. [3] Holyoak K. J. (1985), “The pragmatics of analogical transfer, in G. H. Bower (Ed.), The psychology of learning and motivation, Vol. 19, pp. 59-87, New York: Academic Press. [4] Klir, G. J. & Folger, T. A. (1988), Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainty and Information, Prentice-Hall, London. [5] Klir, G. J. (1995), “Principles of uncertainty: What are they? Why do we need them?”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 74, pp. 15-31. [6] Novick, L. R. (1988), “Analogical transfer, problem similarity and expertise”, Journal of Educational Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 14, pp. 510-520. [7] Shannon, C. E. (1948), “A mathematical theory of communications”, Bell Systems Technical Journal 27, pp. 379-423 and 623-656. [8] Voskoglou, M. Gr. (1996), “Use of absorbing Markov chains as a measurement model for the process of analogical transfer”, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 27, pp. 197-205. [9] Voskoglou, M. Gr. (1996), “An application of ergodic Markov chains to analogical problem solving”, The Mathematics Education (India), Vol. XXX, No 2, pp. 95-108. [10] Voskoglou, M. Gr. (2003), “Analogical Problem Solving and Transfer”, Proceedings of the 3d Mediterranean Conference on Mathematical Education, pp.295-303, Athens. [11] Voskoglou, M. Gr. (2009), “Fuzziness or probability in the process of learning: A general question illustrated by examples from teaching mathematics”, The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 17(3), pp. 679-686, International Fuzzy Mathematics Institute (Los Angeles). [12] Voskoglou, M. Gr. (2009), “Fuzzy sets in Case-Based Reasoning”, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Vol.6, pp. 252-256, IEEE Computer Society. [13] Voskoglou, M. Gr. (2011), “Measuring students modelling capacities: A fuzzy approach, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 8(3), pp.23-33 [14] Voskoglou, M. Gr. (2011), Stochastic and fuzzy models in Mathematics Education, Artificial Intelligence and Management, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany. [15] Voskoglou, M. Gr. (2011) Case-Based Reasoning: “History, Methodology and Development Trends”, International Journal of Psychology Research, 6(5), pp. 505-530, Nova Publishers, N Y.

Citation Count – 35 Brain Tumor Segmentation using hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Minakshi Sharma1, Dr. Sourabh Mukharjee2 1. Assistant Professor in the Department of IT in GIMT kanipla, kurukshetra, India. 2. Associate Professor in the Department of Computer science in Banasthali university, Rajasthan ABSTRACT Medical image segmentation plays an important role in treatment planning, identifying tumors, tumor volume, patient follow up and computer guided surgery. There are various techniques for medical image segmentation. This paper presents a image segmentation technique for locating brain tumor(AstrocytomaA type of brain tumor).Proposed work has been divided in two phases-In the first phase MRI image database(Astrocytoma grade I to IV) is collected and then preprocessing is done to improve quality of image. Second-phase includes three steps-Feature extraction, Feature selection and Image segmentation. For feature extraction proposed work uses GLCM (Grey Level co-occurrence matrix).To improve accuracy only a subset of feature is selected using hybrid Genetic algorithm(Genetic Algorithm+fuzzy rough set) and based on these features fuzzy rules and membership functions are defined for segmenting brain tumor from MRI images of .ANFIS is a adaptive network which combines benefits of both fuzzy and neural network .Finally, a comparative analysis is performed between ANFIS, neural network, Fuzzy ,FCM,K-NN, DWT+SOM,DWT+PCA+KN, Texture combined +ANN, Texture Combined+ SVM in terms of sensitivity ,specificity ,accuracy.

KEYWORDS ANFIS, Brain tumor(Astrocytoma), sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, MR images, Neural network, Fuzzy, ANFIS,FCM,K-NN, GLCM, Genetic algorithm.

For More Details : https://wireilla.com/papers/ijfls/V2N4/2412ijfls03.pdf Volume Link : https://wireilla.com/ijfls/vol2.html

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Citation Count – 32 INTERVAL-VALUED INTUITIONISTIC FUZZY CLOSED IDEALS OF BG-ALGEBRA AND THEIR PRODUCTS Tapan Senapati#1, Monoranjan Bhowmik*2, Madhumangal Pal#3 #Department of Applied Mathematics with Oceanology and Computer Programming, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore -721 102, India *Department of Mathematics, V. T. T. College, Midnapore- 721 101, India ABSTRACT In this paper, we apply the concept of an interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy set to ideals and closed ideals in BG-algebras. The notion of an interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy closed ideal of a BG-algebra is introduced, and some related properties are investigated. Also, the product of interval-valued inntuitionistic fuzzy BG-algebra is investgated.

KEYWORDS BG-algebras, interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IVIFSs), IVIF-ideals, homomorphism, equivalence relation, upper(lower)-level cuts, product of BG-algebra.

For More Details : https://wireilla.com/papers/ijfls/V2N2/2212ijfls03.pdf Volume Link : https://wireilla.com/ijfls/vol2.html


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Citation Count – 20 Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Expert System for the Probe and Prognosis of Thyroid Disorder Imianvan Anthony Agboizebeta.1 and Obi Jonathan Chukwuyeni2 . 1Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. 2Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. ABSTRACT Thyroid disorders are common disorders of the thyroid gland. Thyroid disorders include such diseases and conditions as graves disease, thyroid nodules, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, trauma to the thyroid, thyroid cancer and birth defects. These include being born with a defective thyroid gland or without a thyroid gland. Thyroid disorder can be caused by hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, goiter, hyperparathyroidism and postpartum thyroiditis. Thyroid disorder are usually characterized by life threatening symptoms such as insomnia, irritability, nervousness, unexplained weight loss, heat sensitivity, increased perspiration, thinning of skin, warm skin, fine hair, brittle hair and thinning hair. Neuro-Fuzzy Logic explores approximation techniques from neural networks to finds the parameter of a fuzzy system. This paper which demonstrates the practical application of Information Technology (IT) in the health sector, has presented a hybrid neuro-fuzzy Expert System to help in diagnosis of thyroid disorder using a set of symptoms. The system designed is an interactive system that tells the patient his current condition as regards thyroid disorder.

KEYWORDS Neural network, Fuzzy logic, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Thyroid Disorder

For More Details : https://wireilla.com/papers/ijfls/V2N2/2212ijfls01.pdf Volume Link : https://wireilla.com/ijfls/vol2.html

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Citation Count – 20 Framing Fuzzy Rules using Support Sets for Effective Heart Disease Diagnosis E.P.Ephzibah1, Dr. V. Sundarapandian2 1 School of Information Technology and Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, TamilNadu, India, 2Research and Development Centre, Vel Tech Dr. RR & Dr. SR Technical University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, INDIA. ABSTRACT Significance and relevance of certain features are obtained by various techniques. Feature subset selection involves summarizing mutual associations between class decisions and attribute values in a pre-classified database. In this paper genetic algorithm is used to find the relevant set of features by optimizing the fitness function and using the operators like crossover and mutation. Fuzzy logic is a form of knowledge representation suitable for notions that cannot be defined precisely, but which depend upon their contexts. In this work the fuzzy rules are framed with the help of support sets. The classification done using fuzzy inference system provides results that are better than other techniques.

KEYWORDS Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy logic, Medical data, Disease diagnosis.

For More Details : https://wireilla.com/papers/ijfls/V2N1/2112ijfls02.pdf Volume Link : https://wireilla.com/ijfls/vol2.html

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Citation Count – 17 A NEW METHOD FOR RANKING IN AREAS OF TWO GENERALIZED TRAPEZOIDAL FUZZY NUMBERS Salim Rezvani1 1Department of Mathematics, Imam Khomaini Mritime University of Nowshahr, Nowshahr, Iran

ABSTRACT In this paper, we want proposed a new method for ranking in areas of two generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. A simpler and easier approach is proposed for the ranking of generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. For the confirmation this results, we compared with different existing approaches. 2010 AMS CLASSIFICATION: 47S20, 03E72.

KEYWORDS Generalized Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers, Ranking Method.

For More Details : https://wireilla.com/papers/ijfls/V3N1/3113ijfls02.pdf Volume Link : https://wireilla.com/ijfls/vol3.html

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Citation Count – 16 COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT T-NORM OPERATORS IN CLASSIFICATION PROBLEMS Fahimeh Farahbod1 and Mahdi Eftekhari2 1Department of Computer Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran 2 Department of Computer Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran ABSTRACT Fuzzy rule based classification systems are one of the most popular fuzzy modeling systems used in pattern classification problems. This paper investigates the effect of applying nine different T-norms in fuzzy rule based classification systems. In the recent researches, fuzzy versions of confidence and support merits from the field of data mining have been widely used for both rules selecting and weighting in the construction of fuzzy rule based classification systems. For calculating these merits the product has been usually used as a T-norm. In this paper different T-norms have been used for calculating the confidence and support measures. Therefore, the calculations in rule selection and rule weighting steps (in the process of constructing the fuzzy rule based classification systems) are modified by employing these Tnorms. Consequently, these changes in calculation results in altering the overall accuracy of rule based classification systems. Experimental results obtained on some well-known data sets show that the best performance is produced by employing the Aczel-Alsina operator in terms of the classification accuracy, the second best operator is Dubois-Prade and the third best operator is Dombi. In experiments, we have used 12 data sets with numerical attributes from the University of California, Irvine machine learning repository (UCI).

KEYWORDS Pattern classification, Fuzzy systems, T-norm operators.

For More Details : https://wireilla.com/papers/ijfls/V2N3/2312ijfls03.pdf Volume Link : https://wireilla.com/ijfls/vol2.html

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