Top Fuzzy Logic Systems Research Articles of 2020 - International Journal of Fuzzy Logic Systems

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Top Fuzzy Logic Systems Research Articles of 2020 International Journal of Fuzzy Logic Systems (IJFLS)

ISSN : 1839 – 6283

FILTER-BASED ACTIVE SUSPENSION SYSTEM WITH ADAPTED REFERENCE INPUT Adel Djellal1 and Rabah Lakel2 1Department of Second Cycle, Higher School for Industrial Technologies, Annaba, Algeria 2Department of Electronics, Badji Mokhtar University, Annaba, Algeria ABSTRACT In this paper, the Active Suspension system is controlled using a PID controller with an adapted reference point. After the derivation of the quarter car suspension model. Three approaches were applied: passive suspension system, Active Suspension system with constant reference and with adapted reference. The proposed approach was focusing on system life span; how to reduce brutal controller actions, that can cause car body damage, and assure a certain ride comfort? Simulation of three approaches has been done using the quarter car system and Matlab simulation model to implement the proposed technique and compare performance variation in different cases: road bump and other road disturbances. KEYWORDS Active Suspension system, PID controller, Quarter car model, Passive Suspension system FULL TEXT : VOLUME LINK :

7th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CoSIT 2020)

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BUILDING A BI-OBJECTIVE QUADRATIC PROGRAMMING MODEL FOR THE SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE Mohammed Zakaria Moustafa1, Mohammed Rizk Mohammed2, HatemAwad Khater3, Hager Ali Yahia4 1Department of Electrical Engineering (Power and Machines Section) Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt 2Department of Communication and Electronics Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt 3Department of Mechatronics, Faculty of Engineering, HORAS University, Damietta, Egypt 4Department of Communication and Electronics Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt ABSTRACT A support vector machine (SVM) learns the decision surface from two different classes of the input points, in many applications there are misclassifications in some of the input points. In this paper a biobjective quadratic programming model is utilized and different feature quality measures are optimized simultaneously using the weighting method for solving our biobjective quadratic programming problem. An important contribution will be added for the proposed bi-objective quadratic programming model by getting different efficient support vectors due to changing the weighting values. The experimental results, give evidence of the effectiveness of the weighting parameters on reducing the misclassification between two classes of the input points. KEYWORDS Support vector machine (SVMs), Classification, Multi-objective problems, weighting method, Quadratic programming. FULL TEXT : VOLUME LINK :

8th International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (SIPP 2020)

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ENHANCING NETWORK FORENSICS with PARTICLE SWARM and DEEP LEARNING: THE PARTICLE DEEP FRAMEWORK Nickolaos Koroniotis1 and Nour Moustafa1 School of Engineering and Information Technology, University of New South Wales Canberra, Canberra, Australia ABSTRACT The popularity of IoT smart things is rising, due to the automation they provide and its effects on productivity. However, it has been proven that IoT devices are vulnerable to both well established and new IoT-specific attack vectors. In this paper, we propose the Particle Deep Framework, a new network forensic framework for IoT networks that utilised Particle Swarm Optimisation to tune the hyperparameters of a deep MLP model and improve its performance. The PDF is trained and validated using Bot-IoT dataset, a contemporary network-traffic dataset that combines normal IoT and non-IoT traffic, with well known botnet-related attacks. Through experimentation, we show that the performance of a deep MLP model is vastly improved, achieving an accuracy of 99.9% and false alarm rate of close to 0%. KEYWORDS Network forensics, Particle swarm optimization, Deep Learning, IoT, Botnets FULL TEXT : VOLUME LINK :

7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIAP-2020)

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A SELF-ATTENTIONAL AUTO ENCODER BASED INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM Bingzhang Hu and Yu Guan School of Computing, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK ABSTRACT Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) have received increasing attention in recent years due to the rapid development of Internet applications and Internet of Things. Anomaly based IDSs are preferred in many situations due to their capabilities of detecting novel unseen attacks. However, existing works have neither considered the intrinsic relationships within the network traffic data nor the correlations shared among the sub features (i.e. content feature, host-based feature, etc.). In this paper, we propose a self-attentional auto-encoder based intrusion detection system, namely the STAR-IDS, to effectively explore the intrinsic structures of network traffic data and evaluated it on the NSL-KDD dataset. The experimental results show that the proposed STAR-IDS has achieved state-of-the-art performances. KEYWORDS Intrusion Detection System, Auto Encoder, Anomaly Detection, Self-attentional FULL TEXT : VOLUME LINK :

6th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ISPR 2020)

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MULTIPLE LAYERS OF FUZZY LOGIC TO QUANTIFY VULNERABILITIES IN IOT Mohammad Shojaeshafiei1, Letha Etzkorn1and Michael Anderson2 1Department of Computer Science, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, USA 2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, USA

ABSTRACT Quantifying vulnerabilities of network systems has been a highly controversial issue in the fields of network security and IoT. Much research has been conducted on this purpose; however, these have many ambiguities and uncertainties. In this paper, we investigate the quantification of vulnerability in the Department of Transportation (DOT) as our proof of concept. We initiate the analysis of security requirements, using Security Quality Requirements Engineering (SQUARE) for security requirements elicitation. Then we apply published security standards such as NIST SP-800 and ISO 27001 to map our security factors and sub-factors. Finally, we propose our Multi-layered Fuzzy Logic (MFL) approach based on Goal question Metrics (GQM) to quantify network security and IoT (Mobile Devices) vulnerability in DOT. KEYWORDS Computer Network, Network Security, Mobile Devices, Fuzzy Logic, Vulnerability, Cyber Security FULL TEXT : VOLUME LINK :

9th International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies and Applications (ICAITA 2020)

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A NEW INTELLIGENT POWER FACTOR CORRECTOR FOR CONVERTER APPLICATIONS Hussain Attia Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering Department, School of Engineering, American University of Ras Al Khaimah, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE ABSTRACT This paper presents a new design of a unity power factor corrector for DC-DC converter applications based on an Artificial Neural Network algorithm. The controller firstly calculates the system power factor by measuring the phase shift between the grid voltage and the grid current. Secondly, the controller receives the absolute value of the grid voltage and the measured phase shift through the designed ANN, which predicts the duty cycle of the pulse width modulation (PWM) drive pulses, these PWM pulses are used to drive the Boost DCDC converter to enforce the drawn current to be fully in phase with the grid voltage as well as to improve the level of Total Harmonics Distortion (THD) of the grid current. MATLAB/Simulink software is adopted to simulate the presented design. The analysis of the simulation results indicates the high performance of the proposed controller in terms of correcting the power factor, and improving the grid current THD. KEYWORDS Power factor corrector, artificial neural network, Boost DC-DC converter, Total Harmonic Distortion, MATLAB/Simulink. FULL TEXT : VOLUME LINK :

9th International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies and Applications (ICAITA 2020)

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A REVIEW OF BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS OF COLLEGE STUDENTS Wei-hong WANG, Hong-yan LV, Yu-hui CAO, Lei SUN and Qian FENG School of Information Technology, Hebei University of Economics and Business, Shijiazhuang, China ABSTRACT Student behavior analysis plays an increasingly important role in education data mining research, but it lacks systematic analysis and summary. Based on reading a large amount of literature, this paper has carried out the overall framework, methods and applications of its research. Comprehensive combing and elaboration. Firstly, statistical analysis and knowledge map analysis of the relevant literature on student behavior analysis in the CNKI database are carried out, and then the research trends and research hot spots are obtained. Then, from the different perspectives of the overall process and technical support of student behavior analysis, the overall framework of the research is constructed, and the student behavior evaluation indicators, student portraits and used tools and methods are highlighted. Finally, it summarizes the principal applications of student behavior analysis and points out the future research direction. KEYWORDS Student Behavior; Knowledge Graph; Behavior Analysis; Student Portraits; Data Mining FULL TEXT : VOLUME LINK :

10th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (CCSEA 2020)

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CODING WITH LOGISTIC SOFTMAX SPARSE UNITS Gustavo A. Lado and Enrique C. Segura Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina ABSTRACT This paper presents a new technique for efficient coding of highly dimensional vectors, overcoming the typical drawbacks of classical approaches, both, the type of local representations and those of distributed codifications. The main advantages and disadvantages of these classical approaches are revised and a novel, fully parameterized strategy, is introduced to obtain representations of intermediate levels of locality and sparsity, according to the necessities of the particular problem to deal with. The proposed method, called COLOSSUS (COding with LOgistic Softmax Sparse UnitS) is based on an algorithm that permits a smooth transition between both extreme behaviours -local, distributed- via a parameter that regulates the sparsity of the representation. The activation function is of the logistic type. We propose an appropriate cost function and derive a learning rule which happens to be similar to the Oja's Hebbian learning rule. Experiments are reported showing the efficiency of the proposed technique. KEYWORDS Neural Networks, Sparse Coding, Autoencoders FULL TEXT : VOLUME LINK :

10th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (CCSEA 2020)

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APPROACHES TO FRAUD DETECTION ON CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE METHODS Yusuf Yazici Department of Computer Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey ABSTRACT Credit card fraud is an ongoing problem for almost all industries in the world, and it raises millions of dollars to the global economy each year. Therefore, there is a number of research either completed or proceeding in order to detect these kinds of frauds in the industry. These researches generally use rule-based or novel artificial intelligence approaches to find eligible solutions. The ultimate goal of this paper is to summarize state-of-the-art approaches to fraud detection using artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. While summarizing, we will categorize the common problems such as imbalanced dataset, real time working scenarios, and feature engineering challenges that almost all research works encounter, and identify general approaches to solve them. The imbalanced dataset problem occurs because the number of legitimate transactions is much higher than the fraudulent ones whereas applying the right feature engineering is substantial as the features obtained from the industries are limited, and applying feature engineering methods and reforming the dataset is crucial. Also, adapting the detection system to real time scenarios is a challenge since the number of credit card transactions in a limited time period is very high. In addition, we will discuss how evaluation metrics and machine learning methods differentiate among each research. KEYWORDS Credit Card, Fraud Detection, Machine Learning, Survey, Artificial Intelligence FULL TEXT : VOLUME LINK :

10th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (CCSEA 2020)

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ANALYSIS OF THE DISPLACEMENT OF TERRESTRIAL MOBILE ROBOTS IN CORRIDORS USING PARACONSISTENT ANNOTATED EVIDENTIAL LOGIC EĎ„ Flavio Amadeu Bernardini1, Marcia Terra da Silva1, Jair Minoro Abe1,Luiz Antonio de Lima1and Kanstantsin Miatluk2 1Graduate Program in Production Engineering Paulista University, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2Bialystok University of Technology, Bialystok, Poland ABSTRACT This article proposes an algorithm for a servo motor that controls the movement of an autonomous terrestrial mobile robot using Paraconsistent Logic. The design process of mechatronic systems guided the robot construction phases. The project intends to monitor the robot through its sensors that send positioning signals to the microcontroller. The signals are adjusted by an embedded technology interface maintained in the concepts of Paraconsistent Annotated Logic acting directly on the servo steering motor. The electric signals sent to the servo motor were analyzed, and it indicates that the algorithm paraconsistent can contribute to the increase of precision of movements of servo motors. KEYWORDS Paraconsistent annotated logic, Servo motor, Autonomous terrestrial mobile robot, Robotics FULL TEXT : VOLUME LINK :

7th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (CSEIT 2020)

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STABILITY ANALYSIS OF QUATERNIONVALUED NEURAL NETWORKS WITH LEAKAGE DELAY AND ADDITIVE TIME-VARYING DELAYS Qun Huang and Jinde Cao School of Mathematics, Southeast University, Nanjing, China ABSTRACT In this paper, the stability analysis of quaternion-valued neural networks (QVNNs) with both leakage delay and additive time-varying delays is proposed. By employing the Lyapunov Krasovskii functional method and fully considering the relationship between time-varying delays and upper bounds of delays, some sufficient criteria are derived based on reciprocally convex method and several inequality techniques. The stability criteria are established in two forms: quaternion-valued linear matrix inequalities (QVLMIs) and complex-valued linear matrix inequalities (CVLMIs),in which CVLMIs can be directly resolved by the Yalmip toolbox in MATLAB. Finally, an illustrative example is presented to demonstrate the validity of the theoretical results. KEYWORDS Quaternion-valued Neural Networks, Stability Analysis, Lyapunov-KrasovskiiFunctional, Leakage Delay, Additive Time-varying Delays FULL TEXT : VOLUME LINK :

International Conference on Big Data, IOT and Blockchain (BIBC 2020)

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