A supplement of the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal
The Daily Journal proudly presents the best and the brightest of Northeast Mississippi in our 2014 graduation section. The students on these pages have excelled in the classroom and in athletic and artistic endeavors. They have also served selflessly in their communities. Highlighted on the front page are this year’s Daily Journal All Stars, a sampling of the high achievers from area high schools. We congratulate all our graduates in Northeast Mississippi. LUKE THOMAS BALL
PONTOTOC HIGH SCHOOL STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Band trombone player-Most Improved Sophomore, Pride Award, Most Outstanding Marcher, Points Plus Award. Exceeded 1,000 letterman points when minimum was 600 points. Band letterman patch. Northeast Mississippi Band Directors Association Honor Band. Mississippi State University Honor Band. Delta State University Honor Band. Tenn-Tom Marching Classic first place overall. Star Student in Accounting. Star Student in Pre-Calculus. Scholars Bowl. Second place in ICC Scholars Bowl Competition. Top 10 percent in Math and Science Competition. Top 10 percent in Mississippi College Math and Science Competition. Top 10 percent in Blue Mountain College Math and Science Competition. Marching Band. Concert Band. Jazz Band. Symphonic Band. Scholars Bowl captain. Beta Club. Mu Alpha Theta president. Debate Team. Junior and senior plays. PARENTS: Beth and Jimmy Ball FUTURE PLANS: Attend Mississippi State University and pursue a degree in mechanical engineering
Matthews II
SALTILLO HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN AND STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: 4.0 GPA. SAT – 720, 640, 700. 34 ACT. National Merit Finalist and Semifinalist. Mock Trial Most Effective Witness. Highest GPA in Chemistry, U.S. history, Accelerated English III, Business Law, English I. Honor roll. Anchor Club vice president. Beta Club. Future Educators of America vice president. Scholars Bowl. Class president. Student Council. Tennis team. Active member Tupelo First Presbyterian Church. Active in community. PARENTS: Robert and Dorothy Carswell FUTURE PLANS: Attend Georgia Tech and major in biomedical engineering.
NEW ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN AND STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: National Merit Finalist. Honors graduate. Subject area awards in Comprehensive Health, Mississippi Studies, World Geography, U.S. History, Gifted English II and II, AP English III, Algebra II, Geometry, Chemistry I, AP Chemistry, Art I, Spanish I, Oral and Electronic Communication. Most Studious. Most Likely to Succeed. Most Artistically Talented. Blue Mountain College Math/Science competition – second place individual geometry. University of Mississippi History Bowl – second place in quiz bowl. NEMCC Math/Science competition – Top 10 in math. MSU College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship Competition – first place in chemistry. Perfect score on MS English II Writing Assessment. HOBY. Student Council. Yearbook editor-in-chief. Anchor Club historian. Spanish Club. Mu Alpha Theta. National Honor Society. Girls bowling team – third place in MHSAA state championships. National Art Honor Society. New Albany Church of Christ Senior Bible Bowl team. PARENTS: Darrell and Patricia Crow FUTURE PLANS: Attend Ole Miss as an honors student and major in either graphic design or computer science.
Roberts Society. Interact Club. Salvation Army Bellringer. Tree of Life Free Medical Clinic Volunteer. Harrisburg Baptist Church. Tupelo Community Theatre. Don’t Be Cruel Barbecue Festival. PARENTS: Dr. Larry and Robin Newell FUTURE PLANS: To attend Mississippi State University and be part of the Shackouls Honors College, majoring in chemistry with concentration in prepharmacy.
MANTACHIE HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN, STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITES: Student Council member and officer. Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society. Beta Club president. Junior Civitan, member and officer. Captain of Math and Science Competition Teams. Captain of MHS Scholars’ Bowl Team. Senior Class vice president. Statistician/announcer for school athletic teams. Emcee for school events. High school office assitant four years. Itawamba County Top 20 Under 20. Itawamba County Youth in Motion. UM McLean Journalism Scholarship. UM Bledsoe Scholarship. UM Chancellor’s Leadership Class Scholarship. UM Academic Excellence Scholarship. Hall of Fame. PARENTS: Dennis and Teresa Farris FUTURE PLANS: To attend the University of Mississippi with a double major in broadcast journalism and public policy leadership.
bra II Award. Trigonometry Award. Spanish I Award. Academic All-Star. First place in regional Science Fair. Fourth place in state Science Fair. Graduation Honor Guard. Most Intellectual. Student Council secretary. National Beta Club vice president. Interact. Anchor Club. FCA. ICHS Brave Voices. Marching band. Color Guard. TCHS Bravada. Active in church and community. PARENTS: Jeff and Gail Lyles FUTURE PLANS: Attend Mississippi University for Women and major in nursing with a minor in vocal music.
completing medical school at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.
ABERDEEN HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Highest GPA in class for 12 years. ACT 26. Highest average in all subjects. Show choir. Student Government. Aberdeen Bands’ Tenn-Tom Marching Classic. Northeast Miss. Community College Dixie Marching Classic. State Marching Festival. First chair tenor saxophone in Aberdeen HS All-Superior Symphonic Band. Lead tenor saxophone in Jazz Band. Basketball team. Attended MHSAA Concert Band FestiMARGARET DAVIS val. Sophomore class president. Drum TUPELO HIGH SCHOOL major. ICC Summer Band Camp. First VALEDICTORIAN chair alto saxophone in Aberdeen HS OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: RoAll-Superior Symphonic Band. Lead tary Scholar. Highest average in Spanalto saxophone in Jazz Band. MSU ish III, Trigonometry, Algebra III, AP Honor Band. Escort in annual King and Psychology, AP U.S. History. OutstandQueen Delta Sigma Theta Pageant. ing Foreign Language student. OutSARA LYLES Selected to attend Boys State. Senior standing freshman choral student. TISHOMINGO COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL class president. Beta Club president. Outstanding Madrigal. Mississippi High VALEDICTORIAN AND STAR STUDENT Mississippi Bandmaster’s Association School Honor Choir. Rotary Youth OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: 4.0 All-State Band Clinic. Active in both Leadership Association Conference. GPA. 30 ACT. AP English Literature and church and community. ACT scholar. Chorus. Madrigals. Show Composition; AP Chemistry. College al- PARENTS: Leigh Matthews-Brown Choir. Jazz choir. Fellowship of Christgebra. Mississippi Treble Song Honor (Ernest Brown) and Eric W. Matthews ian Athletes member and officer. NaChoir. Geometry Award. Biology Award. FUTURE PLANS: To go to Mississippi tional Honor Society member and English Award. World Geography State University and major in biomedofficer. Anchor Club. Future Educators Award. Technology Discovery Award. ical engineering with hope of becomof America. National Spanish Honor Anatomy and Physiology Award. Algeing an orthopedic surgeon after
TUPELO HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Hall of Fame, ACT scholar. 5-year Rotary Scholar. Editor-in-chief of Tupelo HiTimes. October Senior Student of the Month. Student Leader of Teaching Tolerance. Vice president of National Art Honor Society and member. French Club. Film Club. Glee Club. Visual Arts Club. Hip Hop dance instructor. Superintendent’s List 2010 to 2014. Highest average in World History, U.S. History, Geometry, English II, French II and III, Human A & P. Outstand Student in English III and ACT Scholar. Attended the Trent Lott Leadership Program at University of Mississippi. Student leader/co-president of Gay-Straight Alliance, now called Teaching Tolerance. Quorum leader at church. Serving homeless in Washington, D.C. Dance benefit to raise money for Tupelo soup kitchen. Clean yards for church members. National Honor Society. Writer’s Guild. Shakespearean Literature Society. PARENTS: Mickey and Jennifer Murphy FUTURE PLANS: To attend Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York for their BFA in writing; plan to be a freelance writer and playwright.
MOOREVILLE HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN, STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: 4year member of All-State band. Member of All-State choir. President of Student Council. Member of East Heights Baptist Church. National Merit Scholar Finalist. PARENTS: Mike and Nita Pate FUTURE PLANS: To pursue a degree in music education at the University of Mississippi.
SHANNON HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Citizenship Award. National Technology Student Association Conference. GEReagan Foundation Scholarship. AXA Achievement Scholarship in association with U.S. News & World Report. Miss Mississippi/Miss America Scholarship Pageant. Student Council member and officer. Ambassador Program. Beta Club. HOBY Youth Ambassador. Future Farmers of America. Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Miss Amory. Miss Tupelo Outstanding Teen. Miss Riverland Outstanding Teen. Miss Dogwood Outstanding Teen. Miss Magnolia Outstanding Teen. National Leadership Merit Award by the U.S. Achievement Academy. Selected to serve as page for Gov. Phil Bryant. Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding 4-H-er of the Year. Mississippi Trailblazer Youth Promising Award 2013. National 4-H Congress delegate 2012, 2013. Congressional Award Spokesperson with fellow Gold Medalist Canary Brooks for Channel 12, 2012. CREATE Youth Council. Girl Scouts. World Vision Sponsor. Ballet Company member of Tupelo Academy of Dance Arts. White Hill Missionary Baptist Church. Hill Top Ministries. PARENTS: Kenneth and Teresa Fields Roberts FUTURE PLANS: To obtain a master’s degree in communications with a focus in broadcasting and minor in Spanish. To become a professional anchor at a major news network.
CORINTH HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: National Honor Society. AICE Art, 1st place. AICE Global Perspectives, 1st place. Economics - 1st place. IGCSE Physics, 1st place. AP Calculus, 1st place. AICE English Literature, 1st place. Mu Alpha Theta Award. 2014 Mississippi Scholar. Academic Team Member four years. Blue Mountain Math & Science Competition three years. Scored Top 10 in math at the Northeast Mississippi Community College Mathematics and Science Competition as junior. Scored Top 15 in math at Mississippi College Invitational as senior. Won 1st place team award in division at Mississippi College Invitational as senior. Girl Scout Gold Award, 2012. Girl Scout Silver Award, 2010. Girl Scout Bronze Award, 2007. Selected to represent CHS at Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Conference, 2012. Junior Leadership Alcorn, 2012. The Alliance Youth Spirit of Service Award, 2012. Rotary Student of the Month. CHS Hall of Fame, 2014. Art club. C Club. Cheerleader. Environmental Club. FCA. First Methodist Church Youth Group. Foreign Language club. Historical Society. Interact Club. Key Club. La Femme Fatale. Mu Alpha Theta. Pep Club. Science Club. Thespian Society. Mayor’s Youth Council. Designed 2014 United Way Drive brochure. Created United Way Campaign video for 2014. Leader at Vacation Bible School. Helped with Rotary 5k Race. Stuffed food baskets for Rotary Christmas Food Drive. Taught art to 3rd-grade classes for a day. PARENTS: Beth Whitehurst FUTURE PLANS: To attend Mississippi State University where she has been accepted into the Shackouls Honors College. She plans to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering.
OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL STAR STUDENT OTHER ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Captain of the Envirothon Team, co-captain of the Science Olympiad Team, captain of the math-and-science Quiz Bowl team. Member of the robotics team. National Merit Finalist and an AP Scholar with Distinction. U.S. Presidential Scholar. PARENTS: Mei Wang and Jianping Zhao FUTURE PLANS: Plans on majoring in electrical engineering in college.
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SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 2014
12th grade. Class of 2014 sec- CHRISTOPHER FOWLER retary. Student Government As- BIGGERSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL sociation secretary. Beta Club SALUTATOreporter. FBLA; Spanish Club. RIAN Varsity basketball, varsity track, OTHER HONKATELYN MILLER varsity cross country and ORS AND ACALCORN CENTRAL HIGH band/pom squad. JIG Dance TIVITIES: SCHOOL Company, clogging instructor Beta Club. VALEDICTORIAN AND STAR for Senior Sounds. Active in Mississippi STUDENT community. Scholar. FEA. Fowler OTHER HON- PARENTS: Steve and Sybil “A” Team. AdORS AND ACLeggett vanced on all TIVITIES: Beta FUTURE PLANS: To obtain a four SATP1. Numerous class Club presibachelor of science degree in awards including Plant Scident. FBLA nursing from the university of ence, Nutritional Wellness. treasurer. Stumy choice Child Development, French I dent Governand others. Community ConMiller ment JULIANA S. PLAXICO nections mentor. Volunteer in Association ALCORN CENTRAL HIGH church activities. vice president. Art Club presiSCHOOL PARENTS: Adam and Paula dent. Spanish Club. Cheer STAR TEACHER Fowler squad. Senior class treasurer. EDUCATION: FUTURE PLANS: To major in HOBY delegate. Homecoming B.S. in biology history education queen. Most Likely to Sucand chemistry ceed. Hall of Fame. 4.0 GPA from Blue SCOTT PARVIN and 32 ACT. Active in comMountain Col- BIGGERSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL munity. lege STAR PARENTS: Vicki Miller and Rick TEACHING TEACHER Miller EXPERIENCE: EDUCATION: Plaxico FUTURE PLANS: To attend the 16 years Bachelor’s University of Mississippi and teaching high degree, Mispursue a career in pharmacy school science sissippi State PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND University MADISON LEGGETT ACTIVITIES: STAR Teacher TEACHING Parvin ALCORN CENTRAL HIGH twice EXPERIENCE: SCHOOL 25 years SALUTATORIAN KATELYN MORTON PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIBIGGERSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: STAR Teacher TIES: Hall of Fame. Coaches VALEDICTORIAN AND STAR eight times Award in basketball. Most ImSTUDENT proved in OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIKATIE ELIZABETH track. National TIES: Student Government JONES American Association president. Senior CORINTH HIGH SCHOOL Miss. Missisclass president. Mississippi SALUTATORIAN sippi Pre-Teen. Scholar. DAR OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIMiss MissisGood Citizen TIES: Hall of Fame. First sippi OutstandAward. SeUnited Methodist Church ing Teen Top lected for member and Leggett 10. Rotary APEX Leaderyouth group Club Student ship Summit. member. Girl of the Month. Academic Rotary Club Scouts Gold awards – second place TechStudent of the Award. Internology Discovery, second place Morton Month, Beta act Club, Driver’s Education and third Club. FEA. community place English I in ninth grade. FCA. Community Connecservice. JuJones Second place in Algebra II, sections mentor. Alcorn County nior Leaderond place in English II, second Fair volunteer. Perfect score ship Alcorn. place in Anatomy and Physiolon Algebra 1 SATP2. AdPrincipal’s Honor Roll four ogy, third place in World Hisvanced scores on English II, years. Woodman of the World tory, Outstanding Achievement Biology I and U.S. History Award, 2013. Academic Academically in Health Science SATP2. Numerous class Team. Participated in the Technology, FBLA Business awards including English I, Competition Play, spring muMath district 6th place and English II, English III, Biology sicals as performer and direcFBLA Business Math state 6th I, Biology II, Chemistry, tor. Mu Alpha Theta. Key Club. place in 10th grade. First place Geometry, Algebra II, AdFamily and Consumer Sciin U.S. History, second place in vanced Algebra and ence Club. Future Business Chemistry, Woodmen of the Trigonometry, Calculus, EngLeaders of America. Drama World American History Award lish IV and others. Club. Environmental Club. Pep and FBLA Marketing district PARENTS: Carroll Morton and Club. Foreign Language Club. first place in 11th grade. FBLA Cindy Morton Science Club. Historical SociAccounting I district second FUTURE PLANS: To major in ety. Fellowship of Christian place, other awards pending in English education Athletes. National Honor Soci|
Daughter of Ken & Mary Barron TUPELO HIGH SCHOOL
Son of Phil & Selena McGregor NORTH PONTOTOC HIGH SCHOOL
ety. International Thespian SoBusiness at ciety. Student Council. C. state level in Club. Varsity track. Varsity FBLA compecross-country. Heart of a Wartition. Several rior Award. MVP Award. Allmath and sciDistrict runner three years. ence awards. Two-time All-State Runner. Mentoring. Wooten PARENTS: Dr. William and Rilla Food Pantry Jones volunteer. FUTURE PLANS: To attend Mis- PARENTS: Dr. Darwin and sissippi State University and Theresa Wooten major in biological sciences. FUTURE PLANS: To attend medical school.
CORINTH HIGH SCHOOL STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Hall of Fame. Mississippi Boys State Representative. Rotary Student of the Month. Most Likely to Succeed. Student Body secretary. FCA Park president. Mayor’s Youth Council Parliamentarian. PARENTS: Brenda Park FUTURE PLANS: Shackoul’s Honor College at Mississippi State University to major in mechanical engineering.
CORINTH HIGH SCHOOL STAR TEACHER EDUCATION: Mississippi State University, Bachelor of Arts. University of Mississippi, Master of math education TEACHING Shirley EXPERIENCE: 39 years PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Mississippi Power Foundation Scholars Award. IMPACT II Award. Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics. Mississippi Christa McAuliffe Fellow. National Tandy Technology Scholar. Educator of the Year Award - Milken Family Foundation. National Board Professional Teaching Standards AYA Mathematics. Bio-Math Team - Rutgers University. Teacher of the Year.
KOSSUTH HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Ninth grade – English Award, A honor roll, third place in Business Math at FBLA competition. 10th grade – Chemistry Award, Keyboarding Award, Trigonometry English Award, Algebra II Award, Drama Award, Spanish I Award, A honor roll, third place in Business Math at FBLA competition, second place in Algebra II at Blue Mountain Math and Science Competition. 11th grade – Anatomy and Physiology Award, Information Processing Award, A honor roll, Electric Power Association Youth Tour member (traveled to Washington, D.C.), third place in Future Business Leader in FBLA competition. 12th grade – second place in Advanced Science at Blue Mountain Math and Science Competition. Rotary Student of the Month. FBLA. National Honor Society. Student Government Association. Interact Service Club. FCA. Math and Science Club. Spanish Club. FBLA reporter and secretary. NHS reporter and secretary. SGA senator, reporter and secretary. Math and Science Club vice president and president. Spanish Club treasurer. PARENTS: Mark and Lisa English FUTURE PLANS: To attend Northeast Mississippi Community College and Mississippi State University and complete a degree in special or elementary education. During my senior year at MSU, I plan to dual enroll at Mississippi University for
Daughter of Glenn & Penni Cooper BOONEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL
Daughter of Jeff & Carolyn Green; Randy & Cheryl Gillentine
Son of Darren Herring; Sammy & Marilyn Reed MOOREVILLE HIGH SCHOOL
Daughter of Steve & Kim Palmer MOOREVILLE HIGH SCHOOL
Son of Jason & Ann Palmer TUPELO HIGH SCHOOL
Son of Ronnie & Karla Robbins NORTH PONTOTOC HIGH SCHOOL
Women and complete courses necessary for acceptance in speech pathology program. I plan to become a speech language pathologist in an area school or hospital.
KOSSUTH HIGH SCHOOL STAR TEACHER EDUCATION: B.S. degree in secondary education, Mississippi State University. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Kossuth High School for six years. PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND Byrd ACTIVITIES: 2012-2013 Alcorn County Teacher of the Year. 2013 Corinth Rotary Teacher of the Year. 20102013 Star School MSAT honoree. Head coach Kossuth Middle School basketball and Kossuth High School junior varsity basketball. Assistant coach Kossuth High School varsity basketball. |
ASHLAND HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN PARENTS: Rodney Bryson and Patricia Long FUTURE PLANS: AtBryson tend University of Jackson, major in healthcare administration.
ASHLAND HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Beta Club. Tutor. PARENTS: Tipler Ralph and Lucy Tipler FUTURE PLANS: Attend MSU or JSU to become an anesthesiologist.
Son of Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bishop
(Photo Cred: Mary Petit Photography)
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HICKORY FLAT ATTENDANCE CENTER STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: 3.65 GPA. 26 ACT. Advanced in English II and U.S. History and Proficient in Biology and Algebra I in state standardized tests. Campbell Beta Club. HOSA president. 60 + Club. Senior yearbook committee. Member of Pine Grove Baptist Church. AQHA. Second place in both district and state HOSA competition in Forensic Medicine. First place in HOSA district competition in Forensic Medicine. First place in HOSA state competition in Forensic Medicine. Honor roll. Superintendent’s list. PARENTS: Chris and Stephanie Campbell FUTURE PLANS: To attend Northeast and then continue to the University of Mississippi to pursue a degree as a pharmacist.
HICKORY FLAT ATTENDANCE CENTER STAR TEACHER EDUCATION: Graduate of Ashland High School, 1979. Graduate of Blue Mountain Thompson College, 1993. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Taught first year at H.W. Byers in Marshall County, then took a position in Benton County. I have taught in this county for the past 20 years. |
CALHOUN ACADEMY VALEDICTORIAN AND STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Highest GPA in multiple subjects. All A’s honor roll. Football All McCormick District honorable mention. Senior class president, ABC competition. District Science Fair winner. School Reading Fair winner. Most Intellectual. Most Likely to Succeed. Quiz Bowl Team. FCA. Beta Club. Football. Basketball. Drama Club. PARENTS: Craig and Lori McCormick FUTURE PLANS: Attending Delta State University and majoring BS-MIS
CALHOUN ACADEMY SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: ABC competition. District Science Fair winner. Best All Around. Super Senior. Senior class treasWashington urer. Football awards. Basketball awards. Scholar Athlete. Quiz Bowl team. FCA. Beta Club. Football, basketball, baseball and golf. Drama Club. PARENTS: Scott and Jonna Washington FUTURE PLANS: Attending ICC for two years, then Mississippi State University and majoring in electrical engineering
annual staff. PARENTS: Eugene and Mitzi Baecher FUTURE PLANS: Attend Blue Mountain College and major in biology and become a college professor.
VARDAMAN HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Beta Club. Student Council, member and president. Mu Alpha Theta. McClain Future Farmers of America. Annual staff. PARENTS: Robert McClain and Angie Coleman FUTURE PLANS: To attend Mississippi State University and major in Wildlife and Fisheries, become a wildlife biologist.
VARDAMAN HIGH SCHOOL STAR TEACHER EDUCATION: B.S. and M.S. in mathematics from the University of Mississippi. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Vardaman High School, Harrell 2000-present. Northwest Mississippi Community College, fall of 2010. Houlka Attendance Center, 1993-2000. PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Teacher of the Year, 2006, 2011. Delta Kappa Gamma. iHigh Hall of Fame, 2011. Top 100 Website, 2010 and 2011. |
CALHOUN ACADEMY STAR TEACHER JAMES DILLON EASLEY EDUCATION: HOULKA ATTENDANCE CENTER MARY BETH COLLUMS Bachelor of VALEDICTORIAN BRUCE HIGH SCHOOL Professional OTHER HONVALEDICTORIAN Accounting ORS AND ACOTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIfrom MissisTIVITIES: TIES: 4.0 GPA. Completed Acsippi State SuperintenWashington celerated English I, II and III. University dent’s honor Enrolled in two college TEACHING roll. Leadership classes – algebra and public EXPERIENCE: 20 years. Teach awards. Highspeaking. EnComputer 1 and II, Accounting est average in Easley rolled in sevand Journalism trigonometry, eral advanced PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND Algebra I and classes. Beta ACTIVITIES: STAR Teacher II, Earth science, English I, II Club vice three times. Yearbook sponand III, U.S. history, world hispresident and sor. Quiz Bowl sponsor. Beta tory. Beta Club. FCA. Anchor president. JuClub sponsor. Club. Frontline Club. Varsity nior class and baseball – MVP, 300 Club, 400 Collums senior class CHELSEA VANCE Club, Defense Award, NEMpresident. Stu- CALHOUN CITY HIGH SCHOOL CABB All-Star baseball game. dent Council vice president. VALEDICTORIAN Varsity basketball – All Division Advanced scores in English II, OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIhonorable mention, Defense Algebra I, U.S. History, CPAS. TIES: 4.0 GPA; Award, Hustle Award. 2011 Principal’s honor roll. HOBY. 23 ACT; Beta high school state champion in Bruce Fine Arts Juniorettes. Club; annual bass fishing, fourth place in Interact Club. 4-H. NSHSS. staff editor; southeastern regional. Awarded a bronze and silver FCA; cheerPARENTS: Burt and Jan Easley medal in the Congressional leader; StuAward program. Woodman of dent Council; ROBERT CRAIG PEDEN the World Award. Rotary Youth Art Award; Ju- HOULKA ATTENDANCE CENTER Vance Leader. Miss BHS. Hall of niorettes; cho- SALUTATORIAN AND STAR STUFame. Best Dressed. Special rus; Lyrix; DENT honors graduate. Numerous Anatomy and Physiology OTHER HONHighest Average Awards. Award; English III Award; EngORS AND ACPARENTS: Gary and Melissa lish I Award; Concepts of AgriTIVITIES: Beta Collums science Award; STEM; Youth Club. NEMFUTURE PLANS: Attend Northin Arts; Child Development CABB. Anchor west Mississippi Community Award; Family Dynamics Club. Football, College to major in biology Award; principal’s honor roll; basketball and and transfer to Mississippi Accelerated Reader; active at Peden baseball. State University to finish my Pleasant Hill Baptist Church; Chess Club. degree. I plan to go back to active in community. DAR American History Award. Mississippi State to get my PARENTS: Lee and Beth Vance PARENTS: Cindy Peden and Robmaster’s and Ph.D. degrees in FUTURE PLANS: Attend Holmes bie Peden epidemiology. Community College and work FUTURE PLANS: Basic and AIT toward a degree in accounttraining for U.S. Army and then KHADIJAH RA JEAN ing. attend college full time.
BRUCE HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Beta Club. Basketball. Tennis. Color Guard/band. Youth leadership educational tour. Thompson Personal leadership class. 4.0 GPA. Studied Alllied Health and Allied Health II at Career and Technical Center in Calhoun City. AP English I-IV. Rotary Youth Leadership Award. Scholar Athlete Award. Principal’s honor roll. Student Council. HOSA. Highest average in Biology I and Algebra I. Freshman, sophomore and junior class representative. PARENTS: Ivory Freelon and Willie Thompson FUTURE PLANS: To go to college and get my degree in physical therapy.
CALHOUN CITY HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN PARENTS: Marshall Coleman and Bernadette Coleman FUTURE Coleman PLANS: Attend Ole Miss, earn my bachelor’s in nursing and pursue a career in radiology.
FUTURE PLANS: To attend Blue Mountain College and major in music education.
SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 2014
cine to become a nurse practitioner and then a podiatrist.
PARENTS: Steve Tomlinson and the late Jewell Tomlinson FUTURE PLANS: Attend East Mississippi Community College and then transfer to Ole Miss to pursue a law degree.
OKOLONA HIGH SCHOOL REBEKAH GRACE SALUTATORIAN RINEHART OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIHOUSTON HIGH SCHOOL TIES: Peer helper. National VALEDICTOHonor Society KHIANTE FALLS RIAN president. WEST POINT HIGH SCHOOL OTHER HONPARENTS: VALEDICTORIAN, STAR STUORS AND ACKawanna and DENT TIVITIES: FCA. Danny OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIBeta Club. AcBuchanan and TIES: National tive member Bobby Ward Honor Society. of Parkway FUTURE Academic Rinehart Ward Baptist PLANS: Attend Achiever. ACT Church. Rust College 21 Club. StuPARENTS: Dr. Randy and Pam and major in computer scident Council. Rinehart ence Honor graduFUTURE PLANS: Attend Blue ate. Cheer| | Falls Mountain College and earn a leader. degree in history education. PARENTS: Florence Falls-Smith, Corey KRISTEN BLACK Smith, Elvis Jones HOUSTON FUTURE PLANS: To attend colHIGH SCHOOL DARREN CRAIG WADE lege and obtain a doctorate in VALEDICTOHEBRON CHRISTIAN SCHOOL nursing. RIAN VALEDICTORIAN PARENTS: OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVISHENIKA SHAQUITA Leigh Ann and TIES: Academic Betterment ROBERSON Ken Gann competition competitor for WEST POINT HIGH SCHOOL FUTURE five years. Attended Rotary SALUTATORIAN Black PLANS: Attend Youth Leadership Academy. OTHER HONthe University Volunteer work. Highest averORS AND ACof Mississippi and participate age in many subjects. Dual TIVITIES: in the early entry pharmacy enrolled at Mississippi program. East MissisScholars gradsippi Commuuate. Honor KAITLYN O’BARR nity College. graduate. NaHOUSTON HIGH SCHOOL Student Countional Honor Roberson VALEDICTORIAN cil. Senior Society. OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIclass presiPARENTS: TIES: Anchor dent. O’Neal and Emma Roberson Wade Club secrePARENTS: FUTURE PLANS: Enlisted in the tary. MissisDarren and U.S. Air Force and plan to sippi Anchor Linda Wade work on degree through the district treas- FUTURE PLANS: Attend EMCC Air Force. urer. Beta to become a registered nurse, Club. Captain then to MUW to gain a BSN. SHERYL WICKS of cheer Future plans are to become a WEST POINT HIGH SCHOOL O’Barr squad. Octonurse practitioner. STAR ber Student of TEACHER the Month. ICC Indianette. SUBRINA SHIANNE EDUCATION: Homecoming maid. OSWALT BS in busiPARENTS: Stanley and Christy HEBRON CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ness; MA in Watkins and the late Dale SALUTATORIAN technology O’Barr. OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITEACHING FUTURE PLANS: Attend TIES: Academic Betterment EXPERIENCE: Wicks Itawamba Community Colcompetition participant in 24 years in lege, then transfer to the UniEnglish I, II, III, IV. Highest Aveducation, 13 years at West versity of Mississippi to major erage in Mississippi Studies, Point in business education in neonatal nursing. World History, Physics, GovPROFESSIONAL HONORS AND ernment, Economics, English ACTIVITIES: Walmart Teacher KOBY HILL IV, English III, Citizenship of Year 2009. Teacher of HOUSTON HIGH SCHOOL Award (3 times), Advanced Month. VALEDICTOMath, Chem| | RIAN istry, KeyOTHER HONboarding. ORS AND AC4-County TIVITIES: Youth LeaderBand. Anchor ship, 1st Club. Four place. Rotary CHRISTOPHER ERNEST years with at International WALTER Hill Oswalt least two adScholarship. ITAWAMBA AGRICULTURAL vanced Junior AuxilHIGH SCHOOL classes each year. Academic iary Scholarship. EMCC Acad- VALEDICTORIAN Achievement Award. emic Achievement and OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIPARENTS: Mike and Michelle Ambassador Scholarship. TIES: Special Honors. Hall of Hill Daughters of American RevoFame. National Honor Society. FUTURE PLANS: Get a master’s lution Chapter winner. Athletic Mu Alpha Theta. Leadership in chemical engineering at Hall of Fame. Softball Best Award. Rotary Student of the Mississippi State University, Hustle, Best Outfielder, Best Month. DECA chapter presithen get a job at entry level Attitude, Most Stolen Bases, dent and and work my way up. Best Base Runner. Track Best 2013-14 DisSprinter (3 times). Cheerleadtrict Vice PresCAMERON BYRNE ing Best Flyer (3 times), Leadident of the HOUSTON HIGH SCHOOL ership, Senior Award. State Officer VALEDICTOBasketball MAIS All-District Team. Tennis RIAN AND 3A first team (3 times), North team. IAHS STAR STUState Tournament Team (two Band. Walter DENT times), All-State Tournament Zacharias OTHER HONTeam, Scholastic Award, Best Leadership ORS AND ACDefensive Player, Heart of a Conference. ILEAD. Student TIVITIES: Champ, MAIS Most Valuable Relations Committee head of Latin Award. Player District 3A, MAIS AllStudent Council. Byrne Art I Award. Star Team, Co-Most Valuable PARENTS: Steve and Lisa Walters BancorpSouth Player, Co-Most Outstanding FUTURE PLANS: To attend MisAward. Woodman of the World Defensive Player. Honor Socisissippi State University and Award. DAR American History ety. Mayors Youth Council. Acmajor in software engineerAward. Anchor Club. Beta tive youth group participant. ing. Club. Colorguard line. Band. Northeast Mississippi Youth Foundation. PARENTS: Tom and Carol Byrne FUTURE PLANS: To attend school at Spring Hill College and study liberal arts.
HOULKA ATTENDANCE CENTER STAR TEACHER ASHLEY GATES EDUCATION: Northeast MissisOKOLONA HIGH SCHOOL sippi Community College, VALEDICTORIAN Mississippi State University OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIand Arkansas State. Currently TIES: Peer helper. National working on specialist degree Honor Society parliamentarin administration. ian. National Technical Honor TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Bruce Society. Health High School, 2004-2013. Occupation Houlka High School, 2013Students As2014. sociation. Class treasBETHANY HOPE urer. Student RINEHART Council. GenNICOLE BAECHER HOUSTON HIGH SCHOOL eration Free. Gates VARDAMAN HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN Okolona Dollar VALEDICTOOTHER HONfor Scholars. RIAN AND ORS AND ACAcademic honor roll. 4.0 GPA. STAR STUTIVITIES: FCA Highest SAT algebra and U.S. DENT president. History score. Student of the OTHER HONBeta Club. AcMonth. Tennis team. Band. ORS AND ACtive member PARENTS: Annie Jean Gates TIVITIES: Beta of Parkway and Terry Gates Club presiBaptist FUTURE PLANS: Attend Baecher dent; Student Rinehart Church. Northest Mississippi CommuCouncil vice PARENTS: Dr. nity College and major in president; Mu Alpha Theta; Randy and Pam Rinehart nursing with a minor in medi-
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SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 2014
ITAWAMBA AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Council. National Honor Society. Junior High Beta Club. JuSpencer niorettes Civic Club. Random Acts of Kindness Club. VBS teacher/leader. Drama Club. DECA. Track and Field. Mu Alpha Theta. Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Community service at nursing homes. Rotary Club. 27 ACT score. 4.0 GPA. Secretary of Student Council. Junior Maid. American History Award. Drama Award. Engish Award three years. Psychology Award. Special Honors. Algebra I award. World Geography Award. World History Award. African American Literature Award. PARENTS: Jerry and Brenda Spencer FUTURE PLANS: To attend ICC and major in nursing and then transfer to MUW with the hope of becoming a traveling nurse
ITAWAMBA AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCHOOL STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Scholar’s Bowl (A-Team Captain, qualified Wilson for NAQT Nationals). Pride of Itawamba band. Math and Science Team. Mu Alpha Theta. National Honor Society. National AP Scholar Award. PARENTS: Joseph Johnson Sr. and Charolette Johnson FUTURE PLANS: To attend Brown University for undergraduate study. Is considering a dual major in biology and mathematics, with plans to pursue and career as a research scientist and university professor.
ITAWAMBA AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCHOOL STAR TEACHER EDUCATION: Bachelor’s in acountancy from Mississippi State University. Johnson Master’s in education theory and practice from Arkansas State. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 13 years at IAHS teaching AEI-III, Gifted Humanities and AP Lit & Comp PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Scholars Bowl Coach. Student Council advisor. Bible class teacher at Fulton Church of Christ. 8th Star teacher recognition.
MANTACHIE HIGH SCHOOL STAR TEACHER EDUCATION: Bachelor’s degree, Mississippi University for Women. MasFranks ter’s degree, University of Mississippi. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Retired mathematics instructor with 28 years experience.
TREMONT ATTENDANCE CENTER VALEDICTORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Beta Club secretary. Student Council secretary. Senior class secreMelson tary. Math and Science Club. Who’s Who. Basketball, softball and bowling. Anchor Club treasurer. SADD. A’s and B’s honor roll. Algebra I Award. Driver’s Education Award. PARENTS: Rodney and Darlene Melson FUTURE PLANS: Attend ICC and Mississippi State University and major in elementary education.
TREMONT ATTENDANCE CENTER SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Top 20 Under 20. Hall of Fame. Beta Club president. Senior class Todd president. Homecoming queen. Most Athletic. Best Personality. Miss THS. PARENTS: Barry and Tamara Todd FUTURE PLANS: Attend ICC and the University of Mississippi to obtain a degree in pharmacy. |
LAFAYETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Algebra I Award. Basketball Most Improved Award. Westbrook Scholar Athlete Award. First year academic pin. AllState in track. Spanish I Award. Second year academic pin. State champions in 4-by-4 relays. Second in the state for 300m hurdles. Beta Club. Third year academic pin. Placed first in state for 400m dash. Oxford Eagle All Area. Varsity basketball captain. First team All Division 2-4A in basketball. Student Council. National Honor Society. Mu Alpha Theta. Nominated All District first team 4A basketball. Student of the Month for February. State champion in 400m dash. PARENTS: Calvin Malone and Jessie Malone FUTURE PLANS: Attend the University of Mississippi for accounting.
MANTACHIE HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: National Beta Club. Science Club. Mu Alpha Theta. Math Competition team. 2013 Junior Maid. McMillen 2014 Homecoming Queen. 2nd place at State JACOB RYAN ROBERTS Science Fair 2013. 2012-13 LAFAYETTE HIGH SCHOOL 3rd place State Science Fair SALUTATORIAN AND STAR 2014. All division 2-3A girls STUDENT basketball. 2013-14 All DiviOTHER HONsion 1-2A girls basketball. 4ORS AND ACyear member of varsity girls TIVITIES: basketball and cheerleading. Accelerated 2014 Hall of Fame. All AmeriBiology can Cheerleader nominee Award. Accel2011, 2012, 2013. Received erated GeomRoberts calculus, AP calculus and etry Award. English IV subject area Journalism awards 2014. All A honor roll Award. AP Chemistry Award. four years. Member of student AP Economics Award. World leadership team and choir at History Award. AP GovernBethel Baptist Church. Activist ment Award. Amerion Legion for End It Movement to help Scholars Award. DAR David end human slavery. Employed Reese Chapter District Essay by Owl Bee Boutique. winner. Exchange Club StuPARENTS: Tracy and Michelle dent of the Month. McMillen Oxford/Lafayette Leadership FUTURE PLANS: To obtain a Council Leadership Award. bachelor of science degree in Lindy Callahan District nombiochemistry and apply to a inee. Neilson’s Best All school of optometry Around Boy Award. National Security Languard Initiative
for Youth Scholarship to China. Public Speaking STAR STUAward. Scholar Athlete. Mu DENT Alpha Theta president. CoOTHER HONchair of Mayor’s Youth CounORS AND ACcil. TIVITIES: PARENTS: Darren and Ann Member of Redding Roberts robotics FUTURE PLANS: Received and team, Fellowaccepted an appiontment to ship of Christian Athletes the United States Military and Envirothon team. Active Academy at West Point. with the youth group at his church. Science Olympiad TAYLOR LANGFORD co-captain and German club LAFAYETTE HIGH SCHOOL president. STAR TEACHER PARENTS: Melinda and Steve EDUCATION: Bachelor and Redding master’s degrees in second- FUTURE PLANS: Plans on maary education/chemistry. joring in computer science National Board certification in college. in Science/Adolescence and Young Adulthood. CYNTHIA TORMA TEACHING OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE: STAR STUDENT Seven years OTHER HONat Lafayette ORS AND ACHigh School. TIVITIES: PROFESPoetry Out SIONAL Loud state HONORS semifinalist, Langford AND ACTIVIcaptain of the TIES:STAR OHS swim Torma Teacher 2012, 2013. LHS team. Intel InTeacher of the Year. FIRBST ternational Robotics Team mentor. AsScience and Engineering sistant cross country and Fair finalist. National Merit track. Finalist and an AP Scholar with Distinction. BRIAN CLANCY PARENTS: Eva Bodnar and OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL Tibor Torma STAR STUDENT FUTURE PLANS: Plans on maOTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIjoring in linguistics and bioTIES: Swim team, mathchemistry. and-science team, FIRST Robotics JOELLE YOUNG team, EnviOXFORD HIGH SCHOOL rothon team, STAR STUDENT Science OTHER ACTIVITIES AND HONOlympiad, ORS: TreaAsian hersurer of the itage club. German Club. Active in his Member of Clancy church youth the Envigroup. AP rothon Team. Scholar. National Merit PARENTS: Sally and Thomas Finalist. AP Young Clancy Scholar. MisFUTURE PLANS: Plans on masissippi joring in business in college. Music Teachers Association State Piano Competition MATTHEW FORGETTE winner. State winner in the OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL American Math Competition. STAR STUDENT PARENTS: Shae Wang OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVI- FUTURE PLANS: Plans on maTIES: Debate joring in molecular biology team co-capand psychology. tain and has twice been CHRIS BAUGHMAN named a Na- OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL tional Debate STAR TEACHER Tournament EDUCATION: qualifier. University of Forgette State finalist Mississippi, mock trial B.A. team member and a memTEACHING ber of the state champion EXPERIENCE: Oxford tennis team. National Ten years Honor Society. National total teachBaughman Merit Finalist. ing; presently PARENTS: Karen and Rick Forteaches AP gette calculus, trig/pre-cal at OHS. FUTURE PLANS: Plans on ma- PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND joring in international studACTIVITIES: First Year ies and economics. Teacher of the Year, 20042005; STAR Teacher, 2012CONNOR GOGGINS 2013 OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL STAR STUDENT BARBARA LOWE OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVI- OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL TIES: MemSTAR ber of the TEACHER FIRST RobotEDUCATION: ics team, the Tulane Unimath-andversity, B.A.; science team, Simmons debate team, University, Science M.A.; UniverGoggins Lowe Olympiad sity of Missisteam and the sippi, Ph.D. science team. Active with TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 31 OHS Theatre. AP Scholar total years teaching; with Honor. presently teaches debate I, PARENTS: Patricia Krueger II, III at OHS and Paul Goggins PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND FUTURE PLANS: Plans on maACTIVITIES: STAR Teacher, joring in computer engineer2013-2014; Mississippi ing. Speech, Debate and Theatre Teacher of the Year 2013SHREYA MATHUR 2014 (MHSAA) OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL STAR STUDENT JAMES REIDY OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVI- OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL TIES: Member of the robotSTAR TEACHER ics team, EDUCATION: Science University of Olympiad Mississippi, team, mathB.A.; Univerand-science sity of Oreteam, Key gon, Teacher Club, Anchor Certification Club, and the TEACHING Mathur Reidy National EXPERIENCE: Honor Soci24 years ety. At the 2012 International total; teaches Science Fair, placed 4th in physics/chemistry at OHS Mathematics and 1st in PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND American Statistical AssociACTIVITIES: Named STAR ation Awards. Teacher 10 times - 2000, PARENTS: Masisha and Dr. 2001, 2002, 2005, 2008, Sunil Mathur 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, FUTURE PLANS: Plans on 2014; Presidential Scholar’s studying biostatistics in colMost Influential Teacher, lege. 2013; Who’s Who Among American High School JOSHUA REDDING Teachers, 1998-2004, OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL 2006-2008, 2010, 2012.
OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL STAR TEACHER EDUCATION: University of Mississippi, M.Ed ABD in Curriculum & Instruction, Secondary English Movitz TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 22 total years; teaches AP lit & comp (12th grade) at OHS PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: National Board Certification; Phi Delta Kappa - Outstanding English Secondary Teacher; Published in NCTE’s English Journal; taught at Mississippi Governor’s School
Helps with classes at The Painted Wren Art Studio. Vice president, treasurer of Junior Civitan. Secretary Future Business Leaders of America. Student Council representative. PARENTS: Greg and Esther Sanders. FUTURE PLANS: To attend the University of Mississippi to major in biology and pursue a degree in physical therapy.
MOOREVILLE HIGH SCHOOL STAR TEACHER EDUCATION: Bachelor or Arts in Elementary Education, University of Mississippi; Master of Education in EdSTEFANIE BEAM ucational OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL Leadership, STAR TEACHER University of EDUCATION: Mississippi. Cates Mississippi TEACHING College, B.A. in EXPERIENCE: Foreign Lan2002 to 2004, first grade, guages and Mooreville Elementary; 2004 International to 2011, second grade, Trade; UniverMooreville Elementary; sity of Missis2011 to 2013, academic Beam sippi, M.A. in coach, Mooreville ElemenGerman tary; 2013 to present, assisTEACHING EXPERIENCE: Four tant principal, Mooreville years total; German grades Elementary. 9-12 at OHS PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Mississippi ANNE STEEL Professional Educators; OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL Winner of ExPECT and STAR TEACHER Donors Choose grants; EDUCATION: trainer for LCSD; Parent InBoston Univolvement Coordinator. versity, B.A., M.Ed Special MILLICENT COLLEEN Education; COGGIN University of NETTLETON HIGH SCHOOL Mississippi, VALEDICTORIAN Latin CertifiOTHER HONORS AND ACTIVISteel cation TIES: 4.13 GPA. Varsity TEACHING cheerleader. UCA All-Star EXPERIENCE: Three years Cheerleader. Varsity powertotal; Latin at OSD, retired lifter – national winner, third PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND in state, division winner. VarACTIVITIES: Received sity tennis. Future Problem Teacher of the Year, two Solvers. Literacy magazine. times Youth Praise Band singer. RENEE’ DAYAN Piano. Who’s OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL Who Among STAR TEACHER American EDUCATION: Stephen F. Austin High School State UniverStudents. sity, B.S. Beta Club. Coggin math & sciQuill & Scroll ence Society. PeoTEACHING ple to People Student AmEXPERIENCE: bassador to Europe. 17 years Academic subject area total; teaches awards. Homecoming Dayan science 10queen. Miss NHS. Class 12 at OHS president. Student Council. PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND Active in community and ACTIVITIES: Teacher of the CrossPointe Fellowship. Year, 2003; Lafayette County PARENTS: Tommy and Beth Soil and Water Conservation Coggin District Teacher Award, 2012 FUTURE PLANS: To attend the & 2013 University of Mississippi and pursue a bachelor’s degree MARNI HERRINGTON in the field of medical techOXFORD HIGH SCHOOL nology. Then I plan to obtain STAR TEACHER a master’s degree in microEDUCATION: Mississippi State biology. University, B.S. in secRYAN GILLENTINE ondary eduNETTLETON HIGH SCHOOL cation; SALUTATOUniversity of RIAN AND Mississippi, STAR STUM.Ed. DENT TEACHING OTHER HONHerrington EXPERIENCE: ORS AND AC12 years TIVITIES: total; taught AP biology at Beta Club OHS, now Assistant Principal Gillentine president. at OHS Student PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND Council president. Jr. CiviACTIVITIES: STAR Teacher, tans president. Class fa2013; Jack Holliday Memorvorite. Future Problem ial Award, 2012. Solving Club president. Scholars Bowl. | | PARENTS: Rodney and Candy Gillentine FUTURE PLANS: Attend ICC and later Ole Miss and pursue a career as a medical MYRIAM SANDERS technologist. MOOREVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN COREY SUMMERFORD OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVI- NETTLETON HIGH SCHOOL TIES: Highest academic av- STAR TEACHER erage - 9th grade. Academic EDUCATION: Graduate of Excellence Scholarship from Tishomingo County High the University of MissisSchool. Atsippi. Eminent Scholar. 2014 tended NorthLiving Ad for east Junior AuxilMississippi iary Charity Community Ball. Inducted College. Transinto the MHS ferred to UniHall of Fame. versity of Summerford 4.0 GPA. 31 Mississippi ACT score. and graduated Sanders Top 5 percent in 2006 with a major in social in graduating science education and a minor class. Mississippi Scholar. in math. Beta Club Member. AcTEACHING EXPERIENCE: Eight cepted into the Sally Mcyears at Nettleton High Donnell Barksdale Honors School. College. Member of the var- PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND sity tennis team. Member of ACTIVITIES: Beta Club sponLawndale Presbyterian sor. Scholars Bowl sponsor. Church and youth group. AP U.S. History certified.
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SALTILLO HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Special distinction graduate. Student Council president. Mississippi Scholar. DAR Citizen of the Year. Senior maid. Most Likely to Jumper Succeed. Most Intellectual. Beta Club. UM Emerging Leaders Conference. Northeast Miss. Youth Foundation secretary. North Mississippi Medical Center Health Career Scholarship. Tennis team. AllState Show Choir. All-State Honor Choir. Treble Song Girls Choir. Math and Science Team. Anchor Club. Bible drill team. Vocalist for First Baptist Church Saltillo praise team and choir. PARENTS: Les Jumper and Clay and Marcy McRae FUTURE PLANS: Attend Northeast on academic, leadership, tennis and Campus Country scholarships, then transfer to MUW to complete bachelor’s degree in nursing in hope of becoming a surgical nurse.
OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: National Honor Society; National Beta Club; Headmaster’s List; Academic Awards winner; senior class treasurer; varsity cheer; varsity tennis; all A’s honor roll; senior project treasurer; Hamblin FCA; student group chapel leader; Academic Excellence Award and Scholarship Recognition winner – the University of Mississippi. 4.31 GPA. PARENTS: Bill and Dana Hamblin FUTURE PLANS: I plan on attending the University of Mississippi in the fall 2014.
TUPELO CHRISTIAN PREPARATORY SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: National Beta Club; National Honor Society; all A’s honor roll and Headmaster’s List; Wendy’s High School Heisman winner for the JENNY SIMMONS state; varsity SALTILLO HIGH SCHOOL swim, tennis, STAR TEACHER cross country EDUCATION: and track; B.S. degree in Cockrell basketball; mathematics FCA; TCPS education, Student Ambassador; student Mississippi group chapel leader; choir; State UniverSuper Summer participant; sity. M.Ed. in Eminent Scholar and ACT curriculum Achievement Award winner in Simmons and instructhe State of Mississippi (29 tion, University ACT); ACT Achievement and of Mississippi. Academic Excellence ScholarTEACHING EXPERIENCE: 30 ship, Mississippi State Univeryears for Lee County Schools. sity; Lindy Callahan school One year at the University of winner. Hawaii. PARENTS: Ricky and Cathy PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND Cockrell ACTIVITIES: 2012 and 2014 FUTURE PLANS: Attend Mississtate finalist for Presidential sippi State University, major in Award for Excellence in Mathinternational business and ematics and Science Teachminor in interior design. ing. Mississippi Council Teachers of Mathematics CADE LUEDTKE Board member, 2010-2012. TUPELO CHRISTIAN PREPARASaltillo High School Teacher of TORY SCHOOL the Year 2006. National Board STAR STUDENT certified teacher, 1999. ReOTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIcertified, 2009. TIES: National Honor Society; Headmaster’s List; 31 ACT; all JAYLA FOSTER A’s honor roll; National Beta SHANNON HIGH SCHOOL Club. Lettered in academics, SALUTATORIAN cross country, OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIsoccer, track, TIES: Student Math Club and Council. Union band. Cross Baptist 4H. County All Mississippi State Team Scholar. 1A, All Region PARENTS: 4-1A. First Marcus Foster Luedtke place team and Jennifer University of Foster Pannell Mississippi leadership proFUTURE gram. Weston Reed Soccer PLANS: To attend Itawamba Award, Soccer Best Skills Community College and major Award, Div. 4-1A High Hurdles in business management with first place. FCA; marching an emphasis on accounting band; concert band; pep and minor in psychology. band; swim team; baseball team; robotics program direcGRANT D. THORNTON tor and lettered. Numerous TUPELO HIGH SCHOOL Math Club awards. STAR STUDENT PARENTS: Kathy and Greg OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVILuedtke TIES: Team Captain - Tupelo FUTURE PLANS: Attend MissisHigh School sippi State University and Academic major in chemical engineerTeam. Board ing. member Northeast CLARK B. RUSSELL Mississippi TUPELO CHRISTIAN PREPARAYouth FoundaTORY SCHOOL tion. Tupelo STAR Thornton High School TEACHER swim team. EDUCATION: National Honor Society. Key B.S. in chemClub. istry, Lehigh PARENTS: Dr. Barry and J.J. University, Thornton Bethlehem, FUTURE PLANS: To attend the Pa. MBA in Russell U.S. Naval Academy, and go Management, on to be commissioned officer Golden Gate in the U.S. Navy or Marine University, San Francisco. Corps. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Fourth year at TCPS.
lege in general education and continue her education at the University of Mississippi in the field of dentistry, where she plans to specialize in orthodontic care.
BYHALIA HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: President of the BHS Future Farmers of America Chapter for two years. Member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Volleyball team. PARENTS: Podewils Chris and Becky Podewils FUTURE PLANS: To attend The King’s College in New York City to pursue a degree in political science with hopes of becoming a lawyer.
BYHALIA HIGH SCHOOL STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Clerical assistant for BHS. Advance Placement for English and Chemistry. PARENTS: Cindy Hooper FUTURE PLANS: To attend Northwest Hooper Community College and major in speech pathology with a minor in language communication. She plans to continue education at the University of Mississippi to complete her degrees. She hopes to become employed by a major hospital and work with people with communication disorders.
H.W. BYERS HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Senior class president. Beta Club. Miss Volleyball. Varsity volleyball captain. Office aide. Basketball team. Track and field team. FCA. Junior class president. National Honor Society. Sophomore class president. Freshman class Collins president. Miss Freshman. Peer Power Foundation tutoring. Acceptance at five universities. Played with AAU basketball team Tennessee Glory. ASVAB score, 78. Basketball state championship. First place in 4/400 meter relay state championship. Second place in high jump state championship. Third place in 4-200 meter relay state championship. Third place in high jump state championship. PARENTS: Lance and Turkesha Collins FUTURE PLANS: To attend Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Ga., and major in psychology.
H.W. BYERS HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: 3.9 GPA. 23 ACT. Varsity basketball team captain. Cross country team. Track and field team. Class treasurer. Beta Club secretary. Principal’s honor roll. State finalist in track Thompson and field. LUCAS SMITH State champi| | TUPELO HIGH SCHOOL onship in basketball. Miss STAR TEACHER Sophomore Maid. SuperintenEDUCATION: BS in kinesiology dent’s list. Highest chemistry TEACHING average (94). Leadership ConEXPERIENCE: ference in Oxford. Peer Power 13 years CRYSTAL RENEE KELLEY tutor. Homecoming queen. AcPROFESBYHALIA HIGH SCHOOL ceptance at eight universities. SIONAL HON- VALEDICTORIAN PARENTS: Jessie and Carrie ORS AND OTHER HONThompson ACTIVITIES: ORS AND AC- FUTURE PLANS: Attend MissisTeacher of TIVITIES: Beta sippi State University to reSmith Distinction. Club. Senior ceive a degree in accounting Extra Mile class treaswith a minor in pre-law. Award. Multiple Teacher of the urer. Reporter year awards. for Fellowship ELIZABETH SKELTON of Christian MARSHALL ACADEMY Kelley EMORY KATHLEEN Athletes. VALEDICTORIAN HAMBLIN PARENTS: OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITUPELO CHRISTIAN PREPARADavid and Rhonda Kelley TIES: Student Council PresiTORY SCHOOL FUTURE PLANS: To attend dent, vice president. Secretary VALEDICTORIAN Northwest Community ColBeta Club, Key Club, Anchor
Club. Class president and reporter multiple years. All American Cheerleader. Performed in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade 2013. President of Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Ms. Junior High Marshall Academy. Class Favorite. Homecoming Maid and Skelton Queen. Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award. Academic Excellence in Spanish, Physical Science, Geometry, Honors English, Health and Biology. Hall of Fame. Mackey Rodgers Booster Club Scholarship. Apex Leadership Summit. Dr. Donald Zacharias Leadership Conference. Zack Ross Memorial Leadership Award. George Hill Memorial Award. Basketball. Softball. Annual Staff. Science Club. Spanish Club. Bible Study. Pilgrimage Volunteer. PARENTS: Melinda and Trent Skelton FUTURE PLANS: To attend University of Mississippi and major in radiology technology
MARSHALL ACADEMY SALUTATORIAN, STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Marshall Academy Hall of Fame. DAR Good Citizen. Lion’s Club Scholarship. UM Luckday Lusby Scholarship. UM Academic Excellence Scholarship. Bledsoe Scholarship. PARENTS: Joe and Patty Lusby FUTURE PLANS: To attend the University of Mississippi and major in business.
MARSHALL ACADEMY STAR TEACHER EDUCATION: MA in Early U.S. History, Mississippi State University. BA History, Athens State University, Athens, Ala. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Marshall Academy, 2012 to present
POTTS CAMP HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN AND STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Beta Club president. Future Farmers of America president. Family Community Career Leaders of America president. Mu Alpha Theta. Annual staff. Student Council historian. Mock Trial lawyer. Senior class president, Miss PCHS. Prom queen. Assistant director Holtzlander of school play 2014. PARENT: Dana Holtzlander FUTURE PLANS: Attend Northeast Community College and Mississippi State University to major in biology
POTTS CAMP HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Annual staff. FCA. Beta Club. Football queen. Most Likely to SucReid ceed. PARENTS: Kerry and Kristi Reid FUTURE PLANS: Attend FreedHardeman University and continue to medical school to become a pediatrician.
POTTS CAMP HIGH SCHOOL STAR TEACHER EDUCATION: Master of science, Industrial Forestry Operations, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va., 1998. Bachelor of science, Forest Management, Mississippi State University, 1996. High school diploma, W.P. Daniel High School, New Albany, 1992 Shannon TEACHING
SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 2014
EXPERIENCE: August 2011present, agricultural environmental science and technology instructor, Potts Camp High School PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: 2012. Mississippi FFA Alumni Association Rookie Ag Teacher of the Year. Member of Mississippi Association of Vocational Agricultural Teachers. Member of Mississippi Association for Career and Technical Education. Member of Potts Camp FFA Alumni chapter. Board of Registered Forester certificate, State of Mississippi. Member of Union County Forestry Association. Member of Northeast Miss. Society of American Foresters chapter. Member of Mississippi Forestry Association. Certified grower for New Albany/Union County Farmers’ Market.
Award. Softball Slow Pitch and Fast Pitch Teammate Awards. Active in community. PARENTS: David and Dee Boyd FUTURE PLANS: Accepted into the Early Entry Pharmacy Program at the University of Mississippi and will pursue a career in pharmacy.
AMORY HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: 4.0 GPA. Crown Club. Upwards basketball coach at Meadowood Baptist Church. Amory Students for Change leadership team and copresident. Basketball. Tennis. FCA. SADD. HOSA president. Spanish Club. Greenhill Central Spirit | | Committee president. MSMS Math Competition. Scholars Bowl. Nike’s Most Improved tennis player. AHS Most Improved CAMERON JACQUÉZ tennis player. Most Valuable BELLE tennis player. ACT 21 Point ABERDEEN HIGH SCHOOL Club. ACT 25 Point Club. SALUTATORIAN AND STAR Most Intellectual. Rotary STUDENT Youth Leadership ConferOTHER HONence. Girls’ State. Rotary Girl ORS AND ACof September. National TIVITIES: Honor Society. Youth LeaderNational Beta ship Council. Silver Club. Club. Band. Honor roll. Student Council Basketball. secretary and senior class Mayor’s Youth president. Career and TechBelle Council. nical Scholar. National TechPARENTS: nical Honor Society. Cecil Jeremy and Amber PARENTS: Tommy and Angel Belle Greenhill FUTURE PLANS: To attend the FUTURE PLANS: Attend MSU in University of Mississippi and the fall, majoring in biomedmajor in pre-medicine. ical engineering, then attend medical school to continue KAREN HOWARD my studies in pediatric onABERDEEN HIGH SCHOOL cology. STAR TEACHER EDUCATION: B.A. from MUW MALLORY LAUREN with 4.0 GPA. Currently purMCCARLEY suing a mas- AMORY HIGH SCHOOL ter’s degree VALEDICTORIAN in educational OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIleadership. TIES: National Honor Society. TEACHING National EXPERIENCE: Technical 16 years at Honor SociAberdeen ety. Band. Howard High School. Color guard. PROFESIn-door SIONAL HONORS AND ACAward. ASFC. TIVITIES: STAR Teacher, HOSA. McCarley 2003, 2013, 2014. National PARENTS: Board certification, 2007. Mike McCarWho’s Who Among America’s ley and Amy McCarley Teachers, 1997-2005. FUTURE PLANS: Attend Itawamba Community ColBAILEY BOYD lege, then transfer to MUW. AMORY HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN LESLEY PARKER OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVI- AMORY HIGH SCHOOL TIES: 4.0 GPA. 27 ACT. Lindy VALEDICTORIAN Callahan Scholar Athlete OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIScholarship. Wendy’s HeisTIES: National Honor Society. man winner at local level. ACT 21 Club. Co-editor of University of Mississippi Panorama Provost Scholar. Rotary Stustaff. Diadent of the Month for Octomond Girl. ber 2013. National Honor Rotary Girl of Society. Varthe Month. sity soccer Pilot Club Girl team – varof the Month. sity letter Crown Club. Parker each year, PARENTS: Dr. captain, Daily Gerald and Journal All Jane Parker Area soccer FUTURE PLANS: To attend Boyd player. Varsity Itawamba Community Colslow pitch lege in the fall. softball team – varsity letter each year. Varsity fast pitch SHELBY SWEATT softball team – varsity letter AMORY HIGH SCHOOL each year. Defensive Player VALEDICTORIAN of the Year in Division 1-4A OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIsoftball. Amory Students for TIES: 4.0 GPA. Active at Change. Panther Pal tutor for Meadowood Baptist Church. elementary students. FCA. East Amory Panther mascot. HomecomElementary ing junior maid. Teacher’s School Panaide. Spanish Club. Math ther Pal. competition Calculus Team. Spanish Club Selected to play in Miss. Aspresident. FCA sociation of Coaches All-Star president and soccer team – representing vice presiSweatt the North Half in Division dent. Amory 4A/5A/6A. Selected to play Student for in Miss. Association of Change. Students Against DeCoaches All Star fast pitch structive Decisions. Math game. Girls State delegate. competition. Diamond girl. Most Athletic. Most Likely to Phantom of the Opera cast Win Survivor. Student Counmember. Panther mascot. cil – secretary of freshman Volleyball. Praise Band. Naclass. Superintendent’s tional Honor Society. Student honor roll. Amory Students Council secretary. Honor roll. for Change Gold Award. MorRotary Girl of the Month. ris Hunter Sportsmanship Beauty Revue’s Most BeautiAward. All-Division 3-4A ful. Homecoming maid. Volsoccer team and 2-4A socleyball Award. Most Musical. cer team. Most Assists Cutest Couple. Best Smile. Award in soccer. NHSAA Best Dressed. National AnSoccer Scholar Athlete team. them soloist. Most Valuable Mid-Field PARENTS: Dr. Lloyd and Rita Player in soccer. MVP DefenSweatt sive Player in slow pitch FUTURE PLANS: Attend Mississoftball. All-Division in 1-4A sippi State University and slow pitch softball and fast major in biological sciences pitch softball. Lady Panther to become an optometrist.
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AMORY HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: 4.0 GPA. East Amory Elementary School Panther Pal. Varsity band – first chair marching band, first chair symWatson phonic band, first chair jazz band, section leader. Varsity archery team. Homecoming float team. FCCLA. Amory Student for Change co-president. FCA. Panorama yearbook business manager and advertising manager. NSHSS. Student Council vice president. North Mississippi Worship Center active member. Miss. School for Math and Science competition. Rocket Team. Scholars Bowl Team. Miss. Lions All-State Band. Miss. Lions All-State Jazz Band. Delta State University Honors Band. Mississippi State University Honor Band. NE Miss. Band Director’s Association Honor Band. MidSouth Honor Band. Miss. Bandmasters Association Honor Band Clinic. USM Trumpet Festival. Miss. Scholastic Press Association Yearbook Competition – first place for double-page spread. ICC summer band camp. MSU Marching Honor Band. ICC National Day of Writing essay winner. National Honor Society. Varsity band Most Outstanding Musician. Woodmen of the World Award. Boys State delegate. Superintendent’s list. ASFC Gold Club. Rotary Boy of the Month. ACT 24 Club. Most Musical. Most Intellectual. Best Tech Wiz. PARENTS: Tony and Tammy Watson FUTURE PLANS: Attend MSU to major in communications in order to become a film and video editor.
AMORY HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN AND STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: National Honor Society. Eagle Scout. Announcer for Shelton baseball and soccer. Sound/light technician for high school football. Amory Students for Change Leadership Team PARENTS: Brad Shelton and Robyn Shelton FUTURE PLANS: Attend Mississippi State and major in biological engineering.
AMORY HIGH SCHOOL STAR TEACHER EDUCATION: B.S. and M.S., Mississippi State University. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 22 years Black teaching chemistry, physics and AP physics. PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: AHS Teacher of the Year. Miss. Teacher of the Year, 1999. National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (AYA Science 2008, 1998). Sponsor Community Service Club and Rocket Team.
HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Senior class vice president. Most Intellectual. Most Talented. MS HHS. Senior homecoming Bryan maid. HOBY representative. DAR Leadership Award. Blue Lion Award. Beta Club. Rotary Scholar. National Honor Society. National English Honor Society. National Science Honor Society. Mu Alpha Theta. CREATE Foundation. Discover. Hamilton Lady Lions slow pitch and fast pitch softball teams. Member of state championship team in 2009, 2012 and 2013. Center Hill Baptist Church, active in
Bible drills with All Superior rating. Recipient of valedictorian and leadership scholarships to ICC. PARENTS: May Bryan and Chris Eaves and the late Allen Bryan FUTURE PLANS: Attend ICC and transfer to MUW to major in nursing and become a nurse practitioner
HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Most Dependable. Most Athletic. Senior class secretary/treasurer. Beta Club vice president. National Honor Society. National English Honor Society. National SciHyland ence Honor Society. Mu Alpha Theta. Beta Club. Rotary Scholar. Honor roll. NEMYF. Blue Lion Award. Senior homecoming maid. Most Beautiful 2013. Lady Lions slow pitch softball team. Numerous awards in softball, All-Division, All-State, First Team, All-Area, Player of the Year. State champs 2009, 2012, 2013. Lady Lions fast pitch softball team. All-Division and Mississippi Fast Pitch Al-Star Team 2013. Lady Lions basketball team. Center Hill Baptist Church. PARENTS: Michelle and Michael Hyland FUTURE PLANS: Attend ICC, then transfer to MUW or MSU and pursue a degree in finance
HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: National Honor Society. National English Honor Society. National Art Honor Society. National Science Honor Evans Society. Mu Alpha Theta. Honor Club. Rotary Scholar. Scholar-Athlete. Beta Club. Star Student of the Month. National English Honor Society president. Word Wright English State Champion. Mississippi Girls State delegate. Best All Around. Class favorite. Homecoming queen. All-American Cheerleader. Cheerleading captain. Student Council. Active in church and community. PARENTS: Darryl Evans and Teresa Miller Reeves FUTURE PLANS: Attend Harding University in Searcy, Ark., after graduation
HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL STAR TEACHER EDUCATION: B.S. degree and M.S. degree in English education, Mississippi Oswalt-Daher State University. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 20102011, ninth grade English at Tupelo High School. 2011present, AP English teacher at Advanced Learning Center for Monroe County School District PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: 2012-2013, ALC Teacher of the Year. 20122013, STAR Teacher.
HATLEY HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN AND STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Hall of Fame. Beta Club. Band. Honor Club. Advanced on all MSATP. NaLochridge tional English Honor Society. Mu Alpha Theta. National Science Honor Society. National Art Honor Society. Superintendent’s Academic Award. PARENTS: Rick and Tammy Lochridge FUTURE PLANS: Attend ICC and pursue a degree in mathematics or science.
OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Beta Club. Drama Club. Honor Club. National English Honor Preston Society. Mu Alpha Theta. National Science Honor Society. National Art Honor Society. Hall of Fame. Superintendent’s Academic Award. PARENTS: Buddy and Marie Preston FUTURE PLANS: Go to ICC in Fulton. Considering a career in medicine.
doctorate in curriculum and instruction from Mississippi State University. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Nevins Teacher for 11 years. Teaches seventh/eighth grade math. PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Teacher of the Year. Most Outstanding Teacher. Graduate Student of the Year at MUW. Board member of MAMIE. Conducted workshops at Mississippi School for Math and Science. Mississippi Hall of Master Teachers.
vice president. Beta Club. Mu Alpha Theta. Library Club. Scholars Bowl Team captain. Yearbook staff. PARENTS: Jeff and Jane Stepp FUTURE PLANS: Accepted into the Early Entry Program at the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy.
Award for North Missississippi 1993. Received key to the City of Booneville for service to youth and schools 1995. Delta State University Alumni Hall of Fame 2004. Phi Beta Mu Outstanding Band Director Award for the state of Mississippi 2007. National Federation of High Schools Outstanding Music Educator Award for the southeastern United States 2008. National Band Directors Association Citation of Excellence 2010 and 2012. President of Mississippi Bandmaster’s Association 2007. Phi Beta Mu International Band Directors – Mississippi President 2012.
NORTH PONTOTOC HIGH SCHOOL STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Beta Club. Mu Alpha Theta. Band. Russell Tennis. TSA | | CHERYL LOFTIN president. BARRY LANE HATLEY SCHOOL PARENTS: Marcia and Clay RusWILLIAMSON STAR TEACHER sell SOUTH PONTOTOC HIGH EDUCATION: FUTURE PLANS: Go to MissisSCHOOL Graduate of sippi State University and get a VALEDICTORIAN AND STAR Aberdeen High EMILY TURNER degree in mechanical engiSTUDENT School. Bach- STARKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL neering OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIelor of science STAR STUDENT TIES: Mayor’s Task Force and master of OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIJOE HUNSUCKER treasurer. Student Council. education deTIES: National Merit Finalist. NORTH PONTOTOC HIGH Cross country team. Golf grees, MissisStudent Body SCHOOL team. Founding member of Loftin sippi president. STAR TEACHER Math and SciUniversity for Governor’s EDUCATION: B.A. in secondary ence Team. Women. School for the math education, University of School play. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: CaleGifted. OutMississippi, 2004. Beta Club. donia Elementary School, standing JuTEACHING EXPERIENCE: 10 Piano student. eight years, taught kindernior, years at North Pontotoc. Last Spanish Club. garten, first and fourth Sophomore eight years teaching Algebra West Heights grades. Aberdeen Elementary Turner and Freshman I. Baptist Church School, one year, taught third Girl. MVP of PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND Williamson youth worship grade. Hatley School, 16 tennis team for three years. ACTIVITIES: Teacher of the leader. Memyears, taught sixth and sevMSU High School Honor Band. Year, 2007-2008. ber of Pure Heart worship enth grades and title. Wind ensemble. First chair band and Holy Pursuit worPROFESSIONAL HONORS AND French horn in wind ensemANNA KENNEDY SHOCK ship band. National Art Honor ACTIVITIES: Teacher of the ble. Section leader in march- PONTOTOC HIGH SCHOOL Society. FCA president. BaseYear, 2008-2009. Walmart’s ing band and wind ensemble. VALEDICTORIAN ball and football. Archery Teacher of the Year, 2008Outstand Musician at 2013 OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITeam. Academic awards in 2009. Annual dedication, State Music Festival in TIES: Gumtree Writing ConChemistry, Physics, Algebra II, 2012. Natchez. Mississippi High test, second place, narrative. Geometry, Trigonometry, AcSchool Activities Association Gumtree Writing Contest, celerated English II, Biblical THOMAS M. CARROLL All State Tennis Team 2012, third place, poetry. English II History of the Middle East, SMITHVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 2013, 2014. Basketball team. Accelerated Star Student World History, U.S. history, VALEDICTORIAN AND STAR Tennis team. UN Model SecuAward. SpanSTEM, Calculus, Spanish III, STUDENT rity Council. Mu Alpha Theta. ish II Star Stufour-year science, four-year OTHER HONEnvironmental Club. Jackets dent. AP math, four-year English. Hall ORS AND ACin Motion Service Club. Key English III Star of Fame. TIVITIES: Mu Club. Records head stones at Student PARENTS: Jimmy and Lisa Alpha Theta. city cemetery. High school Award. VolleyWilliamson Beta Club. Natennis clinic for children. Math ball Lady War- FUTURE PLANS: Attend William tional Honor tutor at SHS. Member of First rior Awards. Carey University to major in Shock Society. NaUnited Methodist Church. Mississippi biology with an emphasis in tional English FUMC Youth Council. FUMC Governor’s pre-med, become a doctor of Carroll Honor Society. Brass ensemble. FUMC Steel School. Volleyball Defensive osteopathic medicine. Calculus Drum Band. FUMC Youth Most Valuable Player Award. Award. Spanish Award. AdGroup. Soccer Scholar Athlete Award. ALEX BUCKNER vanced World Geography PARENTS: Jenny and Steve 4.0 GPA. Volleyball team. InSOUTH PONTOTOC HIGH Award. Accelerated English II Turner teract Club. FCA. National SCHOOL Award. Monroe County AdFUTURE PLANS: To attend MisHonor Society. Soccer team. SALUTATORIAN vanced Learning Center. Algesissippi State University as a PARENTS: Jan and Roger Shock OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIbra II Award. English I Award. Presidential Scholar and FUTURE PLANS: Attend Ole TIES: Cheerleader. Hall of Honors Biology I Award. Mismajor in architecture. Miss in the fall and be active Fame. Four-year Science sissippi Studies Award. Honor in the Honors College. Award. StuClub. ANDREW LARK dent Council. PARENTS: Tom and Jean-Marie STARKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL CALEB WARREN FCA. Most Carroll STAR TEACHER PONTOTOC HIGH SCHOOL Likely to SucFUTURE PLANS: Attend Missis- EDUCATION: Mississippi Valley SALUTATORIAN ceed. Most Insippi State University and State University, 1993, Bache- OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVItellectual. major in mechanical engilor of Arts TIES: Class president senior Homecoming neering cum laude. and junior year. Beta Club court. TEACHING vice president. NEMYF presi- Buckner PARENTS: TYLER HOOD EXPERIENCE: dent. NEMYF vice president. Bryan and SMITHVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Starkville High Star Student Award for biolLisa Buckner SALUTATORIAN School Visual ogy. Star Student Award for FUTURE PLANS: Attend MissisOTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIArt Director Algebra II. sippi State University to purTIES: 4.21 GPA. 22 ACT. Sub1997 to presStar Student sue a degree in elementary Lark ject area awards in ent. Award for education. Pre-Algebra, ICT I, Geometry, PROFESPsychology. Spanish I and II, Algebra II, SIONAL HONORS AND ACStar Student VICKIE DOWNS World History, TIVITIES: Visual Art director. Award for SOUTH PONTOTOC HIGH Sociology, BiDepartment chairman. GoverTrigonometry. SCHOOL ology II, and nor’s Award in Art Education. FCA. Mu STAR TEACHER Warren Geography. Teacher of the Year. 2001Alpha Theta. EDUCATION: A.A., Northeast Honor Club for 2002. Third Congressional Spanish Club. Mississippi Community Colall A’s. NaDistrict Teach of the Year National Society of High lege. B.A. in education, Unitional Honor 2003. Mississippi Teacher of School Scholars. Varsity basversity of Society. Nathe Year 2003. State of Misketball. Basketball Built for Mississippi. Hood tional English sissippi National Teacher of Others Award, Sharpshooters Master of edHonor Society. the Year 2003. Award and All-Division Honucation deBoys’ State delegate. Scholorable Mention. First Baptist gree, Walden | | ars Bowl. MCTM Math TourChurch youth group in PontoUniversity. nament. National Spanish toc TEACHING Honor Society. Mu Alpha PARENTS: Bryan and Kim WarEXPERIENCE: Downs Theta. High school ambassaren 31 1/2 years – dor. Student Council presiFUTURE PLANS: Attend MissisAlcorn Central dent. Beta Club president. CHANDLER STEELE sippi State and major in bioHigh School, Oxford Junior FCA. Class president. Football NORTH PONTOTOC HIGH logical science and pursue High School, Booneville High – three-year letterman, SemiSCHOOL medicine School, Wheeler Attendance nole Award, Division 1-1A VALEDICTOCenter, South Pontotoc High Super 22 Receiver, Region 1RIAN VANCE WIGGINTON School. 1A Offensive MVP, All-State OTHER HON- PONTOTOC HIGH SCHOOL PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND running back, Daily Journal ORS AND AC- STAR TEACHER ACTIVITIES: Member MPE. All-Area Top 11. Northeast TIVITIES: Beta EDUCATION: Bachelor of music Teacher of the Year, 2013, Miss. All-Star Football Game Club. Mu Alpha education, Delta State Univer2014. Player. Baseball – three-year Theta. Band. sity | | Steele letterman, second team AllTennis. TSA TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Division player, first team Allvice president. Served as director of bands at Division player, Region 4 Endville Baptist Church youth the following schools: Offensive Player of the Year, group. Duke University TIP Booneville All-State Player, Northeast Scholar. Schools, SoMiss. All-Star (NEMCABB) PARENTS: Terry and Jeana corro High JUDITH S. GRIFFIN Player. Active member of Steele School in El BALDWYN HIGH SCHOOL Smithville Baptist Church. FUTURE PLANS: Major in mePaso, Texas, STAR TEACHER PARENTS: Randy and Jennifer chanical engineering at the Vicksburg EDUCATION: Hood University of Mississippi. Schools, TuSoutheastern FUTURE PLANS: Go to college pelo Schools College, B.A.; Wigginton and become a P.T., then settle JESSICA STEPP and Pontotoc University of down and have a family. NORTH PONSchools for a Alabama, M.A. TOTOC HIGH total of 29 years and EdS. HEATHER A. NEVINS SCHOOL PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND TEACHING SMITHVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATOACTIVITIES: Received A. E. EXPERIENCE: Griffin STAR TEACHER RIAN McClain Outstanding Young 36 years EDUCATION: Bachelor of sciOTHER HONBand Director Award for the PROFESence and master of educaORS AND ACstate of Missississippi 1990 SIONAL HONORS AND ACtion, Mississippi University for TIVITIES: and George Henry Schultz TIVITIES: Teacher of the year, Women. Currently pursuing a Stepp Senior class Outstanding Band Director three times.
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BALDWYN HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN, STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: HOBY Advanced Club. Beta Club. Baldwyn Main Trollinger Street Players. Spanish Club. Football - 3 years. History Club. Mayor’s Youth Council. Interact member and president. RYLA. DECA, 1st place district and state. FBLA, 1st place district and state. SGA, vice president and president PARENTS: Ted and Susanne Trollinger FUTURE PLANS: To attend Freed Hardeman and study accounting
BALDWYN HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Beta Club. Rotary Scholar. Interact. FCA. Varsity baseball for five years. All-Division 12A baseball Kirk team. MACS All-State second team. HSSports Ms AllState first team. BHS baseball team MVP. Misshsaa Scholar-Athlete. Lindy Callahan Scholar/Athlete. Class office. Baseball 300 Club. Baseball Most Outstanding Pitcher. Baseball Coach’s Award. Who’s Who Most Courteous. Advanced Club. Selected to play in NEMCABB All-Star game. Selected to play in Crossroads Diamond Club All-Star game. PARENTS: Hunt and Kathy Kirk FUTURE PLANS: Attend Northeast Mississippi Community College, then Ole Miss, majoring in pre-physical therapy/kinesiology and become a sports physical therapist.
BOONEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Blue Devil Band. FFA officer. Anchor Club Hamm president. National Honor Society. Mississippi Scholars. Honor graduate. Hall of Fame. PARENTS: James and Kim Hamm FUTURE PLANS: I will further my education at Northeast Mississippi Community College, followed by Mississippi University for Women with the ultimate goal of being a speech pathologist.
BOONEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Spanish Club president. Interact Club vice president. Senior Maddox class reporter. Art Club. National Honor Society. Rotary Student of the Nine Weeks. DAR Good Citizen Award. Mississippi Scholar. Honor graduate. Hall of Fame. PARENTS: Bob and Trina Maddox FUTURE PLANS: Attend Northeast Mississippi Community College for two years, then transfer to MSU to major in mechanical engineering.
BOONEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student body president. FFA vice president. Rotary Student of the Warren Nine Weeks. National Honor Society. Art Club. Interact. Spanish Club. Track and field team. Cross country team. Mississippi Scholar. Honor graduate. Hall of Fame. PARENTS:LaSonya Shumpert
and John Warren FUTURE PLANS: Attend Ole Miss and major in pharmacy. After college I want to start out working in the hospital as a pharmacist, then open my own pharmacy.
College and transfer to a university to obtain a degree to become a social worker.
THRASHER ATTENDANCE CENTER ALLISON GROSS VALEDICTOBOONEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL RIAN STAR TEACHER OTHER HONEDUCATION: Associate degree, ORS AND ACItawamba Community ColTIVITIES: lege. BAcheSuperintenlor’s degree, dent’s list. Fugitt University of Beta Club. Mississippi. Yearbook M.Ed, Universtaff. Student Council. VBS sity of Missisworker. Friendliest Freshman. sippi. 18 Superstar Student. English I graduate Award. Geometry Award. BiolGross hours in Engogy I Award. Mississippi Studlish, Univeries Award. Art I Award. sity of Mississippi. Spanish I Award. Knowledge TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 18 Bowl. Spectacular Sophoyears – nine years at second more. English II Award. Algegrade, five years of kinderbra II Award. Advanced garten and four years at high Algebra Award. Discrete Math school. I have taught various Award. World History Award. English courses at NorthBiology II Award. Art II Award. east. Beta Club president. FCA PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND Club. HOSA – first place disACTIVITIES: Four consecutrict conference in medical tive years of Teacher Extra photography. Friendliest. EngMile Award. lish III Award. Trigonometry and Pre-Calculus Award. U.S. JUSTICE DAKOTA JASCH History Award. Chemistry JUMPERTOWN HIGH SCHOOL Award. Jason Memorial VALEDICTORIAN Knowledge Bowl. Health SciPARENTS: Stacey Palmer and ences Award. Spanish II Micheal Award. American History Nichols Award. Beta Club vice presiFUTURE dent. Mississippi Scholar. Duel PLANS: Atenrollment at NEMCC in Engtend Northest lish Composition I and GenMississippi eral Chemistry and College Community Algebra. Most Likely to SucCollege, ceed. Jasch transfer to PARENTS: Kim Stark and Tim MSU to beFugitt come a basketball coach FUTURE PLANS: Attend Northand history teacher. east Mississippi Community College with a major in secHEATHER MORRISON ondary education with a conJUMPERTOWN HIGH SCHOOL centration in English SALUTATORIAN education, then transfer to OTHER HONMSU to complete my educaORS AND tion. ACTIVITIES: Prom queen. MORGAN RAEANN Homecoming HORN maid. Most THRASHER ATTENDANCE Influential. CENTER Most Intellec- SALUTATORIAN AND STAR Morrison tual. Student STUDENT of the Month OTHER HONfor August. ORS AND ACPARENTS: Rhonda Russell TIVITIES: and Larry Morrison Beta Club. FUTURE PLANS: Graduate FCA Club. from Jumpertown High HOSA Club – School and go to Northeast second place for at least two years and in Dental TerHorn major in liberal arts. minology at district level, MARLEE ERIN TAYLOR second place in Nutrition at NEW SITE HIGH SCHOOL district level. Annual staff. VALEDICTOCheerleader. All American RIAN Cheerleading Award. Fast OTHER HONpitch softball. STIX team at ORS AND East Booneville Baptist ACTIVITIES: Church. Superintendent’s 4.0 GPA. Hall honor roll. First place at of Fame. Red Reading Fair in school and Cord recipidistrict. 110 Percent Fast Taylor ent. Class 2A Pitch Award. Knowledge Scholar AthBowl. DAR Good Citizen. Nalete. Rotary Club Student of tional Technical Honor Socithe Month. Most Likely to ety. Succeed. Senior class sec- PARENTS: Jerry and Melissa retary. Lady Royal basketHorn ball team. Student FUTURE PLANS: Attend MissisGovernment Association. sippi State University as a Beta Club president. Bible student in the Shackouls Club. Yearbook staff. FCA Honors College. Biochemco-captain. Quiz Bowl istry major with a pre-med Scholar. Active at Siloam concentration. Later enroll in United Methodist Church. medical school and earn an Superintendent’s List stuM.D. in emergency medident. Awards in Algebra I, cine. Biology I, World Geography, Geology, Physical Science, LESLIE MAE CROWSON English II, Geometry, AlgeTHRASHER ATTENDANCE bra II, Chemistry, World HisCENTER tory, Family Dynamics. STAR TEACHER North Mississippi basketball EDUCATION: Northeast MissisAll-Star. Division 1-2A Allsippi CommuDivision team. nity College, PARENTS: Rod and Lori Taylor Freed-HardeFUTURE PLANS: To obtain a man Univerdegree in occupational thersity, Blue apy and help my patients Mountain Colimprove their quality of life. lege, Walden University. Crowson SHELBY STRICKLEN TEACHING NEW SITE HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE: SALUTATORIAN Byhalia High School, Okolona OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIHigh School, Nettleton Junior TIES: FCA High School, Thrasher Attentreasurer. Judance Center. nior maid in PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND homecoming ACTIVITIES: MAE. court. Basketball maid in CARTER SWINNEY homecoming WHEELER HIGH SCHOOL court. DAR VALEDICTORIAN Stircklen Good Citizen. OTHER HONRotary Club ORS AND ACStudent of the Month. Lady TIVITIES: Royal fast pitch softball and Student body basketball. All-Division 1-2A president. freshman year. Most InfluenPARENTS: Steven and Robin tial. Most Stricklen Likely to SucFUTURE PLANS: Attend North- Swinney ceed. Best All east Mississippi Community Around.
Higher Flight Show Choir. Rotary Club Student. Anatomy and Physiology Award. Basketball and baseball varsity team member. Eagle Award. Most Intellectual. Civics Club. Beta Club. FFA. Math and Science Club. Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Chorus. VBS program and youth group. Lads to Leaders Year-Round Speech. Good Samaritan Service Program. All-Division 1st Team in baseball. Hustle Award in basketball. Defense Award in Baseball. class president. Editor of school newspaper. Quiz Bowl team member. PARENTS: Todd and Melanie Swinney FUTURE PLANS: To attend Northeast Mississippi Community College, then transfer to Freed-Hardeman University.
SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 2014
ing a “black belt” in Common Core.
PINE GROVE HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN GUNNAR DUNNAM OTHER HONFALKNER HIGH SCHOOL ORS AND ACVALEDICTORIAN AND STAR TIVITIES: STUDENT Slowpitch and OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIfastpitch softTIES: Accepted into Early ball teams. Entry Program at MSU’s ColCross country. lege of Veterinary Medicine. Beta Club. Pannell Highest Algebra I, English II, PARENTS: U.S. History SATP scores. Clinton and Highest school Karen Pannell score on SATP FUTURE PLANS: To attend Biology I, AlNortheast Mississippi Comgebra I, Engmunity College and perhaps lish II, U.S. later attend a university. History. Modern Woodman CAYTEE RODGERS of the World PINE GROVE HIGH SCHOOL Dunnam Award. Most STAR STUDENT Intellectual. OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIMost Likely to Succeed. Most TIES: Beta Dependable. Many subject Club. SGA offiarea awards. Senior class cer. Archery. HANNAH BOZEK president. National Honor SoOverall High WHEELER HIGH SCHOOL ciety president. Student GovSchool SciSALUTATORIAN, STAR STUernment Association. Beta ence Award. DENT Club secretary/treasurer. Rotary StuOTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIMath and Science Club. dent of the Rodgers TIES: Church FCCLA secretary/treasurer. Month. Choir activities. Hall FBLA vice president. Art Club. member and of Fame. Varsity golf president. Varsity assistant youth leader at The Honor gradufootball. Active in community. Sanctuary of New Albany. ate. Perfect PARENTS: Kathy Frank and Greg PARENTS: Michael and Sarah Attendance. Dunnam Rodgers SuperintenFUTURE PLANS: Attend Missis- FUTURE PLANS: To attend dent’s List four sippi State University to purNortheast Mississippi ComBozek years. FFA. sue a bachelor’s degree in munity College as a business FCA. Civics. biological sciences and earn a administration major. Senior class president. Beta doctorate of veterinary mediClub. Academic Team. cine. SUZANNE DIXON PARENTS: Malessia and PINE GROVE HIGH SCHOOL Christopher Bozek JADE CAMPBELL STAR TEACHER FUTURE PLANS: To attend Uni- FALKNER HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: B.S. in English Edversity of Mississippi and SALUTATORIAN ucation from become a pharmacist OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIBlue Mountain TIES: Subject area award in College. MasMICHELLE SHAW English, ter’s degree WHEELER HIGH SCHOOL Geometry, from Walden STAR TEACHER Creative WritUniversity EDUCATION: BS Mississippi ing, MissisTEACHING State University; MS Walden sippi Writers, EXPERIENCE: Dixon University Algebra II, Jan. 2006 to TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 2002 Spanish I, May 2006 to 2004, West Lauderdale World History. Hickory Flat Attendance CenCampbell High School; 2004 to presMost Dependter. Aug. 2006 to present ent, Wheeler High School. able. SuperinPine Grove school. tendent’s honor roll. Most PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND | | Intellectual. Most Likely to ACTIVITIES: 2006 Teacher of Succeed. Senior homecomthe Year at Hickory Flat; 2012 ing maid. Luckyday Success Star Teacher at Pine Grove. Scholarship. Golf team. Beta Club. FCCLA Club. FCA. Math MALLORY CHAPMAN JAMAL DONTAE KNOX and Science Club. National RIPLEY HIGH SCHOOL BLUE MOUNTAIN HIGH Honor Society. Eagle staff. Art VALEDICTORIAN SCHOOL Club. FBLA. Student GovernOTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIVALEDICTORIAN AND STAR ment Association. TIES: Enriched Honor Student. STUDENT PARENTS: Dennis and Patricia Advanced Star Award in U.S. OTHER HONCampbell History exam. ORS AND AC- FUTURE PLANS: Attend the UniRotary StuTIVITIES: versity of Mississippi pursuing dent of the Academic a degree in chemistry with a Month. AdTeam. Varsity focus in pre-medicine in the vanced Star basketball. hope of becoming an anesAward in AlgeVarsity basethesiologist one day. bra I exam. Knox ball. Cross Mississippi Chapman country. PATSY BRADDOCK Scholastic Archery. Beta Club. Student FALKNER HIGH SCHOOL Press AssociaCouncil. Science Club. FCA. STAR TEACHER tion – second place in page FCCLA. 4-H. Spanish Club. EDUCATION: Attended Northeast design, third place in depth PARENT: Priscilla Knox Mississippi report, third place in featuring FUTURE PLANS: Attend the UniCommunity writing. Enrichment math versity of Notre Dame beginCollege and tutor. National Honor Society. ning in the fall and major in Mississippi FCA. Spanish Club. Teenage mathematics and pre-profesState UniverRepublicans. Enrichment Sersional studies. sity. B.S. device member. School newspagree in English per staff. National Art Honor AUSTIN SPEARS education Society officer. William Braddock BLUE MOUNTAIN HIGH from Blue Falkner Festival. Masque SCHOOL Mountain ColAward from Ripley Arts CounSALUTATOlege. Post-graduate work at cil. Best of Show RHS Art ExRIAN University of Mississippi. hibit. Memphis Scholastic Art OTHER HON- TEACHING EXPERIENCE: First Show Award. Stage manager ORS AND ACyear at Ashland Elementary and assistant stage manager TIVITIES: School, then 33 years at in school theatrical producMentoring Falkner High School. tions. Softball team. Team younger kids PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND manager and statistician in at elementary ACTIVITIES: STAR Teacher, volleyball. Spears school. Help2011. NHR’;s Outstanding PARENTS: Terry and Robin ing clean up American Teachers. Who’s Chapman local park. Helping with Who Among America’s Teach- FUTURE PLANS: To attend Misfundraisers for school. ers. Biltmore Who’s Who sissippi State University and PARENTS: Barbara Breatz and Among Professional Women. major in kinesiology to pursue Victor Spears a career in occupational therFUTURE PLANS: To attend ANNA FRYAR apy. Northeast for basics and then PINE GROVE HIGH SCHOOL go to an art-based institution. VALEDICTORIAN MATAVIA COX OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIRIPLEY HIGH SCHOOL SARAH MILLER TAYLOR TIES: Highest GPA (three SALUTATORIAN BLUE MOUNTAIN HIGH years). All Di- OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVISCHOOL vision and All TIES: 4.07 STAR TEACHER County in GPA. 24 ACT. EDUCATION: B.A. degree, comSlowpitch and FCA. Basketmunication, fastpitch softball – 3A state Mississippi ball. All champion, diState UniverCounty, All Division and sity, 2003. vision and All north half Fryar M.A. degree, State in Baschampion, Cox English, Misketball. Beta state runnersissippi State Club. FCA member and offiup team, Daily University, cer. RAK. Youth Advisory Journal All Area basketball Taylor 2007. Council. Slowpitch, fastpitch team, District 2-4A Offensive TEACHING and basketball teams. Pianist MVP, Northeast Mississippi EXPERIENCE: High school at Pine Grove Baptist Church. Robertson’s Sportswear AllEnglish six year (four years at PARENTS: Robert Allen and Star Team, All County, Best OfMarshall Academy, two at Cathy Fryar fensive Player, Tiger Award. Blue Mountain). Adjunct colFUTURE PLANS: To attend Track. Cross country All Star lege English instructor for five Northeast Mississippi Comteam. Spanish Club. Rotary years. Taught at Marshall munity College and play basClub Student of the Month. EnCounty Correctional Facility ketball there, then go to richment Honors. (men’s prison) for two years. University of Mississippi Med- PARENTS: Marlon and Nicole Cox PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND ical Center in Jackson to work FUTURE PLANS: To major in biACTIVITIES: Student Council on a master’s in occupational ology and enter the field of sponsor. Senior sponsor. Earntherapy. pharmacy or anesthesiology.
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SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 2014
RIPLEY HIGH SCHOOL STAR STUDENT OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: 3.98 GPA. 27 ACT. Northeast Miss. Youth Foundation. Enrichment Honors. National Honor Society. National Art Hobson Honor Society. Mississippi Scholar. National Society of High School Scholars. Superintendent’s honor roll. Baseball – All County, State Games Team, USSSA Best Players, All Division first team, NEMCABB All Star baseball team. Football – Best Linebacker Award, Head Hunter Award, Defensive MVP, All County, All County Freshman of the Year, Defensive Player of the Year, All Division, All Division Player of the Year, All Division Super 22, team history awards, All State second team, All Endzone team, Miss. Bernard Blackwell All Star football team defensive captain. Active in the community. PARENTS: Chris and Mimi Hobson FUTURE PLANS: Attend Northwest Community College and play football.
Math and Science Team. 11th grade class treasurer. 12th grade class secretary. Hall of Fame. Most Dignified. Most Intellectual.Active in community. PARENT: Karen Timbs FUTURE PLANS: Attend ICC with a major in business, then transfer to the University of Mississippi.
BELMONT HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Shiloh Missionary Church member. FBLA – president and state and national competitor. SADD Pounds vice president. Beta reporter. KEY secretary. FEA reporter. Spanish Club. TATU. Hall of Fame. Fast pitch and slow pitch softball. PARENTS: Andy and Rita Pounds FUTURE PLANS: Attend ICC and major in engineering, then transfer to Mississippi State to obtain a degree in chemical engineering.
BELMONT HIGH SCHOOL STAR TEACHER EDUCATION: MARTHA EDGE A.A., Northeast BRANNAN Mississippi RIPLEY HIGH SCHOOL Community STAR TEACHER College. B.A. EDUCATION: B.S. in education and M.Ed., from Blue University of Mountain ColMississippi. Stanfield lege. TEACHING TEACHING EXPERIENCE: EXPERIENCE: 14 years. 17 years – PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND Nine years at ACTIVITIES: Member of MisNorth Pontosissippi Public Educators. Brannan toc and eight Member of National Certified years at Ripley Counselors. STAR Teacher High School. three times. PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: National Board TODD MICHAEL SMITH certified. MPE. STAR Teacher TISHOMINGO COUNTY HIGH three years. Teacher of the SCHOOL Year, four years. Claes Nobel SALUTATORIAN Educator of Distinction proOTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIgram by National Society of TIES: 4.0 GPA. AP Calculus, High School Scholars. English III/Literature. College calculus and KAYLA J. BATES English/literaWALNUT ATTENDANCE CENture. Geometry TER Award. AccelVALEDICTORIAN erated English OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIII Award. World TIES: Beta Club. Youth LeadGeography ership Award. TechSmith Council. Scinology Discovence Club. ery Award. Academic General Music Award. Biology Team. Who’s I Award. Algebra II Award. AcWho Among celerated English II Award. American High Health Award. Trigonometry School StuAward. AP English/Literature Bates dents. 1st Award. Physical Science Place AdAward. Academic All Star. Amvanced Science Award. ateur Duke Scholar nominee. PARENTS: Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Beta Club. Basketball team. M. Bates Foreign Language Club. SADD. FUTURE PLANS: To attend Interact Club. Senior Sensation. Northeast Mississippi ComCo-op program. Active in munity College and enter into church and community. the radiology program with PARENTS: Joey and Marie Smith the intention of becoming an FUTURE PLANS: Becoming an X-ray technologist. electrician and living in my hometown of Iuka.
WALNUT ATTENDANCE CENTER SALUTATORIAN OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITES: Senior class president. Beta Club president. FCA officer. MemBraddock ber of the Youth Leadership Council. Math and Science Team. Math and Science Club. Slow-pitch softball. PARENTS: Steven and Jennifer Braddock FUTURE PLANS: To attend Mississippi University for Women and major in kinesiology in hope of becoming a pediatric physical therapist. |
TISHOMINGO COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL STAR TEACHER EDUCATION: B.S. in English education, Mississippi State University. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Howie 19 years – one year at Ackerman High School and the remaining years at Tishominog County schools. PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: National Board certified for 15 years. Teacher of the Year at Iuka Middle School in 2005. Walmart Teacher of the Year, 2005. 2014.TCHS Teacher of the Year and District Teacher of the Year, 2014. |
FCA. Anchor Club. Chorus. Club. Lady Falcon fast pitch Yearbook staff. MCT2 Math softball team. Academic Award. Algebra I Award, Adawards in Biology I and Engvanced SATP. Biology Award. lish I. 10th grade class treasTSA. Student Council. Reading urer. FBLA – vice president, Fair – first place in school, president, fourth place in district and regional, third state in Emerging Business place in state. A&P Award. SoIssues, fourth in district and ciology Award. Sophomore fourth in state in Business class reporter. TSA reporter. Law, Northern District vice TSA treasurer. SADD reporter. president. Math Club. Science Anchor Club president. Junior Club. Manager of Lady Falcon class treasurer. Best All softball team. Academic Around. Most Dependable. awards in Anatomy and PhysEnglish III Award. Chorus. iology, English II and Spanish Apex Leadership Conference. I. FCCLA. Math and Science HOBY. Theater. SADD presiCompetition at NEMCC. dent. Anchor Club president; Placed second and third in TSA vice president; Beta Club state in Miss. State Prostart reporter. Senior class treasCulinary Invitational. Outurer. Student Council treasstanding Student Award for urer. Yearbook co-editor. Miss Culinary Arts I. East Union. Most Influential. PARENTS: Larry Staten and PARENTS: Jerry and Mary Ann Deanna Staten Denton Bishop FUTURE PLANS: Attend NorthFUTURE PLANS: Attend east Mississippi Community Itawamba Community College College and major in culinary and pursue a career in elearts technology. Further my mentary education, following education at the Mississippi up at a university. My goal is University for Women and to bring God’s glory into the major in baking and pastry lives of children. arts in hope of fulfilling my dreams of becoming a pastry CAROL ROSE COKER chef and baker owner. EAST UNION ATTENDANCE CENTER MORGAN CLAIRE KELLY SALUTATORIAN INGOMAR ATTENDANCE CENOTHER HONTER ORS AND ACSTAR STUTIVITIES: DENT Student CounOTHER HONcil secretary. ORS AND ACClass presiTIVITIES: dent. HOBY. Chorus. Track Northeast and field Coker Miss. Youth team. Beta Kelly foundation. Club. Student Top 10 Miss Mississippi’s Council secreOutstanding Teen. Miss Dixie. tary. FBLA. SADD. Math Club. President’s Academic Award Anchor Club. Woodmen of the for Excellence. Mid-South World History Award. Special Spelling Bee Top 12 finalist. honor roll. Homecoming court. NEMCC art competition – first Class favorite. place. Union County Heritage PARENTS: Shawn and Shelia Museum Art Competition Best Kelly in Show. MVP cheerleader. FUTURE PLANS: Attend the Multiple officer positions in Mississippi University for TSA. Numerous subject area Women and get a nursing deawards. Special honor roll. gree. Active in church and community. JENNIFER W. NANCE PARENTS: Larry and Paula INGOMAR ATTENDANCE CENCoker TER FUTURE PLANS: Attend the Uni- STAR TEACHER versity of Mississippi and EDUCATION: major in liberal arts. Ingomar High School. UniWANDA OWEN versity of MisEAST UNION ATTENDANCE sissippi, B.A. CENTER in history and STAR TEACHER M.Ed. in curEDUCATION: riculum and B.S. in educa- Nance instruction. tion, MissisTEACHING sippi State EXPERIENCE: 20 years, all at University. Ingomar. M.Ed., Univer- PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND sity of MissisACTIVITIES: National Board sippi. One certified teacher. Member NaOwen year post tional Council for the Social graduate, UniStudies. STAR Teacher, 2002, versity of Mississippi. 2006, 2010. Ingomar Teacher TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 38 of the Year, 2012-2013. years, all at East Union. English, Social Studies, , creative RACHEL PEELER writing, public speaking, MYRTLE ATTENDANCE CENTER world literature, gifted. AdVALEDICTORIAN junct English instructor for OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVINEMCC in the past. TIES: AcadePROFESSIONAL HONORS AND mic awards in ACTIVITIES: East Union Reading, Teacher of the Year, 2005, World History, 2011. National Board certifiScience Techcation, 2006. STAR Teacher nologies Engiseven times. neering Mathematics, Peeler CARLEY FORESTER Biology, EngINGOMAR ATTENDANCE CENlish I, Health, TER World Geography, Geometry, VALEDICTORIAN World History, driver’s EducaOTHER HONORS AND ACTIVItion, Personal Finance, ComTIES: 4.0 GPA. putations in Business Math, Math Club. Spanish I, Innovative ApplicaScience Club. tions Using Technology, PreAnchor Club. Calculus, Keyboarding, Beta Club. Computer Applications, FBLA. SADD. Physics. FBLA – qualified for Chorus. state competition, third place Acteens. in district in Public Speaking Forester Honor roll. II, second place in district in Highest averPublic Speaking II. Beta Club age in Algebra I, Introduction vice president and president. to Biology, and Anatomy and SADD. Anchor Club. Cross Physiology. First place in country – four state 1A chamschool science fair. Second pionships, All State. Track – place in regional science fair. two state 1A championships, PARENTS: Jimmy and Amy Most Improved, Track Hawk Forester Award, All State, Run-a-Thon FUTURE PLANS: Attend Northwinner for most miles run. east Mississippi Community Basketball. 4-H – Horse Bowl College with a major in prewinner. Active at New Albany pharmacy and further my Church of Christ youth group. studies at the University of PARENTS: David and Sharon Mississippi. Peeler FUTURE PLANS: Attend NorthJESSYE LEIGH STATEN east Mississippi Community INGOMAR ATTENDANCE CENCollege for two years in the TER veterinary medicine program. SALUTATOTransfer to Mississippi State RIAN University to major in animal OTHER HONsciences and specialize in ORS AND ACequine medicine. TIVITIES: 4.0 GPA. 24 ACT. BREANNA COBB Beta Club. MYRTLE ATTENDANCE CENTER Staten SADD. Anchor SALUTATORIAN
OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: HOSA. FBLA. Anchor Club. Beta Club. Cobb SADD. Senior class treasurer. Active in community. PARENTS: Danny and Mindy Cobb FUTURE PLANS: Receive a bachelor’s degree in nursing.
graduate. ACT Achievement scholarship. Leadership achievement scholarship. Counselor Achievement scholarship. PARENTS: Roger Garner and Lorie Garner FUTURE PLANS: To attend ICC and major in secondary math education
WEST UNION ATTENDANCE CENTER SALUTATONEAL SCOTT RIAN MYRTLE ATTENDANCE CENTER OTHER HONSTAR STUDENT ORS AND ACOTHER HONTIVITIES: ORS AND ACSpecial honor TIVITIES: Beta graduate. Ole Club. SADD. Miss OpportuStudent Coun- Turner nity Scholarcil vice presiship. dent. Varsity Academic excellance scholarbaseball. Varship. Bledsoe scholarship. Scott sity basketPARENTS: Jams and Robin ball. Turner Bethlehem Methodist Church FUTURE PLANS: To attend the youth group. English I Award. University of Mississippi and Biology Award. U.S. History pursue a degree in occupaAward. Woodman of the World tional therapy Award. PARENTS: Mike and Susan ELIZABETH HASLEY Scott WEST UNION ATTENDANCE FUTURE PLANS: Attend the UniCENTER versity of Mississippi in the STAR STUDENT Sally McDonnell Barksdale OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVIHonors College and eventually TIES: Acbecome a doctor. cepted to Sally McDonnell CORINNE BUTLER Barksdale MYRTLE ATTENDANCE CENTER Honors ColSTAR TEACHER lege at UniverEDUCATION: University of Missity of sissippi, 1987, Mississippi. Hasley bachelor of Special honor court reportgraduate. ing. University Doris Raymon Honors Scholof Mississippi, arship. Academic excellence 1989, bachescholarship. Bledsoe scholarlor of arts in ship. Union County Alumni secondary edScholarship. Butler ucation/Social GRANDPARENTS: Albert and Studies. Patricia Hasley TEACHING EXPERIENCE: South FUTURE PLANS: To attend the Panola High School, 1989University of Mississippi and 1994. New Albany Middle get an undergraduate degree School, 2004-2005. Myrtle Atin psychology, then attend tendance Center, 2005-presmedical school with a goal of ent. specializing in pediatric onPROFESSIONAL HONORS AND cology. ACTIVITIES: STAR Teacher, 2008, 2010, 2012. AP certiRAQUEL MORRIS fied in U.S. history. WEST UNION ATTENDANCE CENTER DARBY MILLS STAR TEACHER NEW ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: AA at Northwest SALUTATORIAN Mississippi OTHER HONORS AND ACTIVICommunity TIES: Homecoming maid. College. BA FCA. Student and MA from Council. APEX University of Leadership Mississippi Summit. AnTEACHING chor Club EXPERIENCE: treasurer. Var- Morris Three years sity volleyball inDeSoto – captain, All County. Seven years in Union Mills Division secCounty. ond team. Var- PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND sity tennis – 2012 and 2013 ACTIVITIES: Frances James 4A tennis state champion. Memorial Award for outstandScholar Athlete. FCCLA presiing academic achievement in dent and district president. anthropology. West Union ACT 30+ Club. Spanish Club. Teach of the Year - 2009-10. Technology Students of AmerSelected as one of seven ica. SADD. Garden Club. Mu Tremendous Teachers New Alpha Theta. National Honor Albany, Union County 2013. Society. National Technical Honor Society. National Science Honor Society. Who’s Who Friendliest. Wittiest. Trigonometry Award. Pre-Calculus Award. Nutrition Award. PARENTS: Darlene Lawrence Mills and David Mills FUTURE PLANS: Attend the University of Mississippi and major in accounting; earn master’s degree and pass the CPA exam, then hopefully work for a firm and someday open my own business.
NEW ALBANY MIDDLE SCHOOL STAR TEACHER EDUCATION: Graduated with honors from Potts Camp High School. GradWatson uated summa cum laude from Blue Mountain College. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Began teaching career in 2000. PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Teacher of the Year in 2002, STAR Teacher 2013-2014.
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Madison Christian waits in line before the start of the Mooreville High School graduation ceremony May 24 at the BancorpSouth Arena.
SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 2014
Scenes from Northeast Mississippi graduations
The Houston High School Class of 2014 fling their caps into the sky at the end of graduation ceremonies May 22. A capacity crowd filled the stands to watch 99 students receive their diplomas. Hamilton senior Alison Atkins receives her diploma from Tim Dickerson, Hamilton principal during graduation May 23. LAUREN WOOD | BUY AT PHOTOS.DJOURNAL.COM
Tupelo High School valedictorian Margaret Davis shakes principal Jason Harris’ hand as she is recognized during graduation May 16 at the BancorpSouth Arena.
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| SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 2014
Bill Benson Chancery Clerk
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Ha i r H an d l e r s
Karen Jenkins • Owner, Stylist Christy Smith • Stylist Melissa Cayson • Stylist
Congrats Will Pate & All Seniors From Congratulations LOGAN ABEL & MOOREVILLE 2014 SENIORS
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SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 2014
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Chase your dreams Burst out at the seams Never stop trying Never stop learning Live life to the fullest Give it nothing but your best
Congratulations Graduates! City of Saltillo Mayor & Aldermen
Congratulations Saltillo High School Class of 2014!!
127 TOWN CREEK DRIVE • SALTILLO 662.869.1833
City Hall • 869-5431 Park & Rec • 869-5668 Police • 869-5454 Fire Dept • 869-8656 CONGRATULATIONS CLASS of 2014!
Bill Benson Chancery Clerk
Phone 662-841-9100
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
For Information Concerning: • Passports • Prior Year Property Tax • Recording Deeds
• Recording UCC’s • County Financial Info • Recording Deeds of Trust
Document: E015DJS060114.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 520.70 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: May 29, 2014 11:52:29;JPC 72 DPI
Accounting Taxation & Management Advisory Services
Bill Benson
Guntown, MS • 348-2800
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• Recording UCC’s • County Financial Info • Recording Deeds of Trust
Congratulations from
Lee County Constable Tom Henry “Punnie” Lyles
Congratulations Class of 2014 from Continue Your Education For Your Future!
Old Hwy. 45 South • Shannon, MS
Buzy Bee Grocery
4990 Raymond Avenue Verona, MS 38879 (662)566-7727 Cell:(662) 567-7603
“Our Job is to Keep You on the Road!”
Congratulations Shannon Senior of 2014
| SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 2014
• Passports • Prior Year Property Tax • Recording Deeds
For Information Concerning:
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Phone 662-841-9100
Chancery Clerk
Class of 2014
Shannon High School
Congratulations Class of 2014
2604 W. MAIN STREET P.O. BOX 883 TUPELO, MISSISSIPPI 38802-0883 PHONE 662 620-7711 FAX 662 620-7761
Brewer Tree Service
Congratulations We Love You DEVON MERRELL & Congratulations to the SHS Class of 2013 from
Trey McMasters
Congratulations Class 0f 2014
Gas • Deli • Friendly Service
Brewer Grocery
Congrats Graduates of 2014!
SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 2014 |
Congratulations Class of 2014
Congratulations TCPS Graduating Class of 2014!
Congrats Grads!
Congratulations from
LLC www.centurycr.com
405 E. Elizabeth Street / Tupelo
(662) 842-2638
Guntown, MS • 348-2800
Congratulations Grads!
Congratulations Class of 2014
Class of 2014
Home of the $189 Window 4979 Cliff Gookin Blvd. Tupelo
Sandwiches • Salad Bar Soups • Desserts Catering Available
505 North Robins Street Tupelo
662 842 5080
1101 West Main • Tupelo, MS 842-3774
Congratulations to the CLASS OF 2014
Congratulations #35 Matt Cates & the TCPS Graduating Class of 2014!
Chancery Clerk
Daniel H. Kellum, D.D.S. Thomas N. Kellum, D.D.S.
Bill Benson Phone 662-841-9100
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
For Information Concerning:
“A Medical & Professional Community”
143 N. Coley Rd • Tupelo, MS
• Passports • Prior Year Property Tax • Recording Deeds
• Recording UCC’s • County Financial Info • Recording Deeds of Trust
Document: E017DJS060114.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 520.70 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: May 29, 2014 11:58:23;JPC 72 DPI
Leading students, in partnership with Christian families, to know Christ and make Him known through rigorous academics, challenging athletics, stimulating arts, and servant-hood activities.
MCCULLOUGH BLVD 662.269.1075
Congratulations Class of 2014
Congratulations Maddi!
Congratulations Graduates
• Passports • Prior Year Property Tax • Recording Deeds
• Recording UCC’s • County Financial Info • Recording Deeds of Trust
(662) 844-1308 (662) 231-0349
206 Pleasant Ridge • Mooreville
662-842-4162 888-892-4162
South Gloster TUPELO
“You Always Get More At Dossett Big 4”
www.dossettbig4.com www.dossettbig4.com
105 Parkgate Drive • Tupelo 662-844-7231
Peter L. West, D.D.S., P.A. Chris S. Hester, D.M.D., P.A.
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Congrats McKenzie Darnell! Love, Gran & Dandy
1400 N Harper Road ¥ Corinth 662.287.5297
SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 2014
For Information Concerning:
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Phone 662-841-9100
Chancery Clerk
Bill Benson
Congratulations Graduates of 2014
CLIFF GOOKIN 662.269.1072 662.205.8932
Class of 2014 from
Congratulations from
Sandwiches • Salad Bar • Soups Desserts • Catering Available
Congratulations to all graduates
1101 W. Main • Tupelo • 842-3774
Congrats Graduates of 2014!
Free Estimates • Automotive
(662) 844-6690
2520 South President Tupelo, MS 38801
Vinyl Tops • Carpets • Seats • Headliners Convertible Tops • Leather Interiors
Tim Kesler, Owner
Congratulations from
Guntown, MS • 348-2800
Congratulations from
A Full Service Law Firm
Document: F013DJS060114.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 520.70 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: May 28, 2014 11:09:03;JPC 72 DPI
E-Mail: greg@keenumlaw.com
A Full Service Law Firm
(662) 728-1140 • (662) 728-1340 Fax • (800) 565-5251 Toll Free 219 West College Street • Booneville, MS 38829
Hwy. 4 West • Booneville • 662.728.5041
Congratulations from
Jumpertown High School From
Congratulations Seniors!
Congrats Graduates of 2014!
Congratulations Class of 2014