Tommy Morgan 20160707

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Will Troxler

Ron Smith


Michelle McAuley



Brenda Spencer

Kevin Knight

April Haynes

Will Troxler

Carol Horne

Kevin Knight

Keith Henley

James Hunter

Brenda Spencer

Linda Swinney & Casee Becker

Kim Wood

Chanda Cossitt

Dennis Cox

Tina O’Quinn


Brenda Spencer

Amanda May

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W Main & Lawndale - Great locaAckia Trail - Wood lot in nice neigh- tion on busy Main St. Corner lot. borhood. Owner will consider any $298,000. 12-1473 - Tommy Morganreasonable offers. $6,900. 15-998 - 662-871-5408. James Hunter- 662-871-8658. Ackia Trail - Lg building lot. Nice neighborhood. $7,900. 15-997 James Hunter- 662-871-8658. Lot 46-48 Belledeer - Beautiful 2.09 acres. $178,500. 16-992 - Brenda Spencer- 662-231-8909. Lot 20 Bentwood Dr - Tree covered lot, ready for building! $59,900. 1034 - Brenda Spencer- 662-231-8909. Briar Ridge Excellent access & exposure. $11,750. 15-255 - Keith Henley - 662-213-5599 Chesterville Rd. - 2.5 acre wooded building lot adjoining Meadow Lake Subdivision. $50,000. 16-437 James Hunter- 662-871-8658. Coley Rd. - 2 parcels of commercial Land. Seller will consider subdividing. Agent related to seller. $250,000-$312,500. 16-763/16-764 Jessica Dozier-662-231-5320. Lot 130 Columbine Dr - Corner large lot in garden home area of Springlake. Beautiful building site. $38,000. 15-1720 - Call Judy Simpson- 662-871-9123.

Subdivision. 88.7 X 181.9. $36,000. owner. $75,000. 15-3643. Merisa 16-226 - Melissa Knotts - 662-825- Baker-662-488-5720. 0416.


Lot 2 Emily Lane - Beautiful lot in culde-sac. This upscale neighborhood Cedar Ridge - Build your dream 1716 McCullough Blvd. - High traffic is a perfect home site. $20,000. 16- home on top of a hill overlooking count w/traffic signal at intersec- 131 - Melissa Knotts- 662-825-0416. lake. 5.17 ac. $45,000. 15-3250 tion. Several hundred feet of highLinda Swinney- 662-401-1196 or way frontage. $1,300,000. 15-3621 - Hwy 278/Old Hwy 25 - 15 acres join- Casee Becker- 662-871-9056. James Hunter- 662-871-8658. ing Amory's Ackia Country Club. $750,000. 15-3347 - Melissa Knotts- CORINTH McCullough Blvd. - Commercial 662-825-0416 or James Hunter- 662- Hwy 72 W - 11 +/- commercial acres land right next to Renasant Bank. 871-8658. in Corinth City limits. 800 feet of High traffic area. Agent is related frontage. $750,000. 15-954 - April to seller. $150,000. 16-1024 - Jessica Main St & Earl Frye - Commercial Haynes- 662-706-3248. Dozier- 662-231-5320. 0.40 acre. $40,000. 15-2221 - Linda Swinney- 662-401-1196 or Casee DENNIS 1723 McCullough Blvd - 2 ac. at Becker- 662-871-9056. intersection of McCullough & Mt. CR 34 - 28 wooded acres near CotVernon. $249,000. 15-328 - Chanda Stockton Rd. - Calling all duck & ton Springs Boat Ramp. $84,000. 15Cossitt- 662-871-7222. deer hunters - 39.2 ac. with water 2146 - Anita Nunnelee- 662-488access. $57,500. 16-439 - Call Linda 1755. Medical Park Cr. - Located on cul- Swinney- 662-401-1196 or Casee de-sac, cleared and ready for con- Becker- 662-871-9056. ECRU struction. $175,000. 16-654 James Hunter- 662-871-8658. Vinegar Bend - Need more space Bost Ave. - 24.4 ac. All city utilities while doing business on Main located at the property. $150,000. Nation Hill Dr. - Lot 4-A Nation Hills Street? Check out this lot!!! $15,000. 08-2278 - Todd Jordan- 662-231subdivision. Zoned Mixed Use Resi- 15-3346 - Melissa Knotts- 662-825- 9181. dential. $115,000. 16-1250 - James 0416. Hunter- 662-871-8658. Nelle St. Commercial 0.48 acre lot. BALDWYN Mostly level & cleared. $7,000. 15- Grisham St (Lot 1) - Approximately 3084 - Amanda Miller-662-213- 2.3 acres. $65,000 - 15-881- James 2764. Hunter- 662-871-8658.

Old Belden Cr. - Commercial 2.47 ac. lot w/ 317 ft frontage. $59,000. CR 183 - 78 +/- acres. No restrictions. 15-676 - James Hunter- 662-871Small pond on property. $234,000. 8658. 16-906 - Jennifer Harrelson- 662871-3574. Lot 230 Springlake (Zinnia Cv) - 0.98 ac. Restrictive covenants. 720 Daybrite Dr. - 3.4 acres fronting $150,000. 15-1036 - Call Judy Simpon Daybrite Dr & President Ext. son- 662-871-9123. Zoned Mixed use employment. $350,000. 14-160 - James Hunter - Lot 232 Springlake (Zinnia Cv) - 0.77 662-871-8658. ac. w/ community pool, tennis

Grisham St (Lot 2) - Approximately 0.5 acre. $25,000 - 15-882 - James Hunter- 662-871-8658. Grisham St (Lot 3) - Approximately 5 acres. $100,000 - 15-883- James Hunter- 662-871-8658. Grisham St (Lot 4) - Approximately 13 acres. $275,000 - 15-884 - James Hunter- 662-871-8658.


348 Hwy 366 - Approx. 35.24 acres courts, and clubhouse. $150,000. Debeau Dr. - Building lot on Debeau 15-1039 - Call Judy Simpson- 662- with lake. $235,500. 16-980 - James Hunter- 662-871-8658. in Parc Monceau. $100,000. 16-1689 871-9123. Call James Hunter- 662-871-8658. Windance Dr (Lot 5) - ApproximateLot 233 Springlake (Zinnia Cv) - 1.33 ly 0.5 acre. $25,000 - 15-885 - James N Gloster - Great buy for building ac. Springlake subdivision $150,000. Hunter- 662-871-8658. lot. Located just north of Academy 15-1040 - Call Judy Simpson- 662Sports & Trace Ridge apartments. 871-9123. Windance Dr (Lot 6) - Approximate$99,000. 16-1740 - James Hunterly 5.1 acres - $90,000 - 15-886 662-871-8658. James Hunter- 662-871-8658. Lot 235 Springlake (Aster Cv) - 1.08 ac. Restrictive covenants. $125,000. 1011 N Gloster - 4 acres located in 15-1041 - Call Judy Simpson- 662BELDEN the heart of hotel, restaurant & 871-9123. commercial development. Broker Lot 11 Country Club Estates - Great Owned. $1,180,000. 15-2468 - Lot 236 Springlake (Aster Cv) - 1 ac. corner lot just a hop from the golf James Hunter- 662-871-8658. w/ community pool, tennis courts, course. $87,000. 15-2783 - Chanda and clubhouse. Restrictive Cossitt- 662-871-7222. 2601 S. Gloster - 5.5 ac. w/ good covenants. $125,000. 15-1042 - Call frontage, many uses. $550,000. 15- Judy Simpson- 662-871-9123. Hwy 178 (McCullough Blvd) - PRIME LOCATION Just minutes from the 2235 - James Hunter- 662-871-8658. Lot 237 Springlake (Aster Cv) - 1.4 Toyota Plant. $2,880,000. 14-2697 S. Gloster - 16 acres adjoining Sun- ac. Springlake subdivision w/ com- Sue Golmon-662-346-1388. shine Mills. Frontage on Gloster & munity pool, tennis courts, and Hwy 6. $1,280,000. 15-2232 - James clubhouse. Restrictive covenants. Hwy 78 & McCullough - 29 +/- ac. corner of US Hwy 78 & McCullough Hunter- 662-871-8658. $150,000. 15-1043 - Call Judy Simp- Blvd. $2,610,000. 14-2923 - Tommy son- 662-871-9123. Morgan- 662-871-5408 & James S. Gloster - 7.8 ac. great for develHunter- 662-871-8658. opment. $546,000. 15-2236 - James Springlake Lots -. Approx 37 lots Hunter- 662-871-8658. available for individual & builders. 11671 Hwy 9 - 86.5 gently rolling, $36,500 - $150,000. 15-1117 - James partially wooded acres on the 273 S Green St. - Downtown Tupelo. Hunter-662-871-8658. edge of Pontotoc county. Owner will sell or build to suit. $499,000. 14-360 - Amanda Miller$119,000. 16-433 - James Hunter- Stone Creek Blvd. - Nice commer- 662-213-2764. 662-871-8658. cial lot with road frontage on two sides. $199,900. 15-3662 - Brad Summerlin Subdivision - 29 available. 0.21 - 0.55 acre. Some deed Greenwich Park - Exclusive N. Tupe- Franks- 662-871-7344. restrictions. Broker Owner. $22,700 lo lot off Lakeshire. Broker Owner. $98,000. 15-3302 - Brenda Spencer- Lot 45-46 Timberlane - 2 great build- $28,700/lot. 15-2836. Kim Wood662-316-3812. 662-231-8909. ing lots 1.9 acres. $59,900. 14-2318 April Haynes-662-706-3248. 2704 McCullough - 160x210 lot. Greenwich Park - Great lot for build$152,000. 15-3240 - Tommy Morganing in exclusive neighborhood. Cor- Veterans Blvd. - Commercial prop662-871-5408. ner Lot. Broker Owner. $89,000. 15- erty located at the southeast quad3303 - Brenda Spencer- 662-231- rant of Veterans & I-22. $342,500. 16- 2738 McCullough - Vacant lot. 8909. 1608 - James Hunter- 662-871-8658. 160x210. $152,000. 15-3243 - Tommy Morgan-662-871- 5408. Lot 6 Greystone - Beautiful 1.6 ac. West Road - 2.5+ acres, partially wooded lot. $139,000. 10-2694 - wooded lot w/access to private. McCullough Blvd. - Premium locaMichelle McAuley- 662-401-0015. $25,000 16-356 - Will Troxler-662- tion with traffic signal, corner lot. 3.4 ac. $595,000. 15-1085. James 231-6362. Hunter- 662-871-8658. Harrison St - Beautiful shaded wooded lot in an established neigh- Lumpkin - This acreage is covered borhood. $20,000. 15-2720 - Linda with a mature forest, including a Old Belden Circle - Ready to Build Swinney-662-401-1196 or Casee large variety of trees. $80,700. 16- on! 0.20 ac. $13,950. 15-2143 - Keith Henley- 662-213-5599. Becker- 662-871-9056. 1831 Call James Hunter-662-8718658. 5155 Hwy 6W - 42 +/- acres, comBLUE SPRINGS mercial & residential. Good CR 41 - 63 Wooded acres Pontofrontage. $199,000. 12-3341 - James toc/Lee County line, bordered by CR 180 - 34.28 ac. $90,750. 16-1266 Hunter - 662-871-8658. paved road on 3 sides. 15 acres in Kim Wood- 662-316-3812. CRP with remainder being mature Hwy 145 - 18 +/- ac. north of mall. volunteer growth. $165,000. 16-1999 Lot 1 CR 278 - 5.7 acres. Great location, just minutes from Tupelo. Seller is a MS licensed real estate Call James Hunter-662-871-8658. $39,000. 16-1316 - Kim Wood- 662broker. $390,000. 15-958 - James 316-3812. Hunter- 662-871-8658.



220 S Industrial - 187x300 commercial lot. Nice building site. Hwy 145 - Mostly flat land with road $100,000. 16-175 - James Hunter- frontage on Hwy 8 & Hwy 145. Zoned C-2. $105,000. 16-922 662-871-8658. James Hunter- 662-871-8658. W. Jackson Ave. - 4.4 acres currently zoned residential. $90,000. 14-138 41314 Hwy 45S - Great commercial property. 5 ac. Level topography - Amanda Miller- 662-213-2764. and ready for construction. $50,000. Lake Piomingo - Wooded lot w/ 16-513 - James Hunter- 662-871restrictive covenants. $7,000. 16-359 8658. - Will Troxler- 662-231-6362. Lake Piomingo - 0.77 ac. building lot AMORY with views of lake. $14,900. 16-403 - Lot A Ackia Golf Club Dr. - RiverApril Haynes- 662-706-3248. birch subdivision. 88.7x191.9. $36,000. 16-225 - Melissa Knotts Lot 3 Lackey Lane - 138 x 140, The 662-825-0416. Grove subdivision. $35,000. 14-404 Brenda Spencer- 662-231-8909. Lot B Ackia Golf Club Dr. - Riverbirch

NEW ALBANY Bratten Rd. - Prime commercial space in extremely high traffic area, 2 sides of road frontage. $2,000,000. 15-2334 - Chanda Cossitt- 662-871-7222.

toc school district. Located on a quiet dead end road. $25,000. 161208 - Dennis Cox- 662-419-2175. Lot 5 Rosalba - 8.17 ac. Close to schools and shopping. Owner will finance w/ $3,500 down to qualified buyer. $30,000. 15-3760 - Kim Wood- 662-316-3812.

CR 107 - Ingomar area. 9.74 acres w/ gas, electricity & water. $45,000. Lot 6 Rosalba - 10.15 ac. Owner will 15-1278 - Kim Wood- 662-316-3812. finance w/ $3,500 down to qualified buyer. $38,500. 15-3761 - Kim Wood- 662-316-3812. Lot 1 CR 278 - 5.6 acre. Owner will allow NEWER doublewides. No singlewide. $35,000. 16-1375 - Kim Lot 7 Rosalba - 10.43 ac. located in the Longview area. No deed Wood- 662-316-3812. restrictions. $38,500. 15-3762 - Kim Lot 2 CR 278 - 4.7 ac. Doublewides Wood- 662-316-3812.

are allowed. Owner will finance. $35,000. 16-1376 - Kim Wood- 662- Lot 8 Rosalba -16.44 ac. located in the Longview area of Pontotoc. 316-3812. $48,000. 15-3764 - Kim Wood- 662Lot 3 CR 278 - 5.2 ac. Ready to build 316-3812.

on, this property has been cleared with some trees & has gas, electric, Timber Creek Dr. - Beautiful 2 ac. & water. $35,000. 16-1377 - Kim corner lot in an excellent neighborhood. $48,000. 15-2313 - Dennis Wood- 662-316-3812. Cox-662-419-2175.

Lot 4 CR 278 - Great location, 5.5 beautiful acres, mostly open with 1185 Robbs Rd. - 208 acres, lake some trees. $35,000. 16-1378 - Kim and nice 40 x 60 metal building. FULTON Land borders Hurricane Creek. Wood- 662-316-3812. $362,336. 16-1361 - James HunterBarrett Rd. - Rolling 44 acres. Great site to build a home with trails and CR 326 - 15.09 ac. in Ingomar Com- 662-871-8658. hills. $115,000. 16-1236 - Tina munity. Great Development propO'Quinn -662-791-4456. erty. $105,000. 15-1771 - Kim Wood- Cedar Ridge Dr. - .88 acre lot of usable land ready for your new 662-316-3812. home. North Pontotoc Schools. Autumn Ridge - Near Fulton Country Club. 0.33-1.01 ac. $36,000- CR 368 - 1.57 acre in Ingomar $14,000. 16-1540 Call Dennis Cox$72,000. 07-4260 - Carol Horne- 662- School district. North Oaks subdivi- 662-419-2175. 321-2204. sion. $29,500. 15-3237 - Sheli McClellan- 662-266-2212. RIPLEY Derby Dr. - Crown Plantation Subdivision - 1.52 acres - located in a cul- CR 47 (3.75 ac) - Ingomar commu- CR 808 - 36.65 ac., power & water de-sac. $33,000. 16-817 - Deborah nity. 2 sides of road frontage. Deed on site, no restrictive covenants. Tierce- 662-790-5331. restrictions $34,000. 15-1379 - Kim $69,900. 15-2898 - Amanda Miller662-213-2764. Wood- 662-316-3812. Lot 11 & 12 Dylan Dr. - 248 ac. On corner lot in Chapel Grove. Deed Lots 1-7 Eastview - 7 lots in well restrictions. $40,000. 16-107 - Kevin established neighborhood, Restric- SALTILLO Knight- 662-401-2913. tive covenants. $74,900. 16-162 - CR 931 (Auburn Rd.) - 17.7 acres of Amanda Miller-662-213-2764. partially wooded, gently rolling hills. Hwy 178 E - 5.40 ac. east of Fulton. Seller related to agent. $64,900. 16Beautiful building spot, hilltop, tree Lot 22 North Oaks - Ingomar 1.93 846. Will Troxler- 662-231-6362. covered. $45,000. 16-1101 - Kevin acre lot. Restrictive covenants. Knight- 662-401-2913. $29,000. 16-167 - Amanda Miller- RD 1802 - 20 acres w/ rolling hills. 662-213-2764. $91,000. 16-423. Call Will TroxlerE Main St. - 43 acres near down662-231-6362. town. $145,000. 16-116 - Brad 717 Monticello - Ready to build lot Franks- 662-871-7344. with shop & a storm house in Mag- Ridge Farm - 7 lots available. Ready nolia Hills Subdivision. Great loca- to build on. Neighborhood lake. Piercetown Rd - 2.1 acres partially tion. $32,000. 16-2000 Call Dennis Saltillo schools. $32,500 - $34,900. wooded located near Wal-Mart. Cox-662-419-2175. 16-1011 - Megan Robinson- 66215-3740. $182,500. 4.20 acres can 322-7132. be purchased for price of $360,000. OKOLONA - Linda Swinney- 662-401-1196. 2433 N Veterans - Well located


Hwy 41S - Approx. 60 acres +/- of Possum Trot - Waterway, 1 acre lot. industrially zoned land. 1300 sq ft. of $8,000. 12-2382 - Brenda Spencer- road frontage. $285,000. 16-995 662-231-8909. Jennifer Brown- 662-509-2704.

commercial property within 400 yds from I-22 at Veterans Blvd exit. $250,000. 15-3196. James Hunter 662-871-8658.




Hwy 25 - 8 acres of Commercial land located across from Smithville school on Hwy 25. Smithville school district. 1275 feet of road frontage. $80,000.16-1849 Call Melissa KnottsHwy 6 W (Parcel 1) - Well suited for 662-825-0416. Lot 4 Silver Lakes Rd. - 3.3 ac. build- convenience store or retail. Broker ing lot. $32,500. 14-2768 - Frances owner. $250,000. 15-1578 - Martin Mesecke- 662-715-1111. SHERMAN Dempsey- 662-422-9337.

373 RD 2848 - 4 beautiful, cleared acres. Level with septic system & utilities already in place. $44,900. 16-613 - Jennifer Harrelson- 662871-3574.

Lot 2 Silver Lakes Rd - Beautiful wooded lot is ready to build your dream home. 3.1 acres $35,000. 161724 - Jennifer Harrelson-662-8713574.

MANTEE Hwy 46 - Hunters Paradise with deer & turkey woods, pond & creek. Good trails through property. $425,000. 16-1616. Call Ron Smith662-205-6221.


Hwy 278 - 22.4 ac. of prime development property where University Ave. meets Hwy 6. $3,200,000. 15327 - Mark Prince-662-871-1971.

Hwy 6 W (Parcel 2) - Great Commercial location on Hwy 6 east of Oxford. Broker owner. $250,000 151580 - Martin Mesecke- 662-7151111.

Magnolia Way - 150 +/- ac. development land. Owner will subdivide. $2,243,100. 14-3041 - James Hunter 662-871-8658.

Lot 2 Twelve Oaks - Ready to build? 1.94 acre lot in North Pontotoc Schools, $39,900. 15-3134 - Frances Endville Rd. - The Arbor subdivision, Dempsey- 662-422-9337. 6 platted residential lots (8.3 acres). Restrictive covenants. $90,000. 161389 - Amanda Miller- 662-213- THAXTON 2764. Hobby Coop Rd. - 56.17 ac. w/ Lot 4 Altie - 3.37 ac. located in Pon- plenty of timber, pond & several totoc Co. No deed restrictions. home sites. $109,000. 16-300 - Den$10,000. 15-3758 - Kim Wood-662- nis Cox- 662-419-2175. 316-3812.


Eastridge Subdivision- 1 - 3 ac. lots. Mooreville School District. Restrictions apply. Broker Owner. 15-820 Casee Becker- 662-871-9056 or Hwy 15N - 17.26 commercial acres VERONA w/ frontage on Hwy 15 & Tangle- 136 Calloway Ave. - Great for resiLinda Swinney- 662-401-1196. foot Trail. Broker owner. $300,000. dential development! $59,000. 1615-1992- Dennis Cox- 662-419-2175. 1331 - Susan Griffin- 662-542-6315.


Wildwood Subdivision - 30, 2-2.6 Hwy 15N - 8.5 acres of prime develacre lots for sale. Priced $25,000- opment Broker owner. $790,000. 15$28,000 per lot. 15-3051 - Kim Wood- 1993 - Dennis Cox- 662-419-2175. 662-316-3812. Lot 1 Hwy 6 East - 4.34 ac. No deed restrictions. Owner will finance to NETTLETON qualified buyers. $15,000. 15-3756 Lot 2 CR 278 - Perfect for building Kim Wood- 662-316-3812. CR 1463 31.5 acres. Great opporyour new home. 5.3 wooded acres. tunity for huntingfarming house $35,000. 16-1321 - Kim Wood- 662253 N Hwy 15 - 0.42 ac. Commercial site. $60,000. 16-755 - April Haynes316-3812. lot in a great location. $80,000. 16662-706-3248. 368 - Dennis Cox- 662-419-2175. Lot 3 CR 278 - 7 ac. Gas, electricity & water to property. East Union 185 CR 1501 - 2.90 acres partially Maggie Dr. - 17.68 acres of comschool district. $29,500. 16-1319 - cleared & wooded w/ road mercial property, easy access to Kim Wood- 662-316-3812. frontage. $12,000. 15-2021 - BranHwy 6/278. $178,500. 15-2668 - Dendon Allred - 662-401-1217. nis Cox- 662-419-2175. 2166 Hwy 178 E - Great investment near Toyota plant. Agent is related Lake Estates - 1 ac. building lots on to seller. $567,000. 15-2777 - Anita Lake Nettleton. $18,000/lot. 14-3132 Lot 2 New Hope Rd -15.02 ac. Paved road, electricity, and water. Nunnelee- 662-488-1755. - Casee Becker- 662-871-9056 & Close to town. $45,000. 15-3757 Linda Swinney- 662-401-1196. Hwy 348 - 4.96 ac. with restrictions. Kim Wood- 662-316-3812. Property has utilities & is leveled. 267 Lake Estates Phase II 1.5 ac. buildft of road frontage. $28,000. 15-1759 Lot 3 New Hope Rd - 14.27 wooded ing lots on Lake Nettleton. - Kim Wood- 662-316-3812. ac. No deed restrictions. $42,000. $31,500/lot. 14-3132 - Casee Beck15-3759 - Kim Enis -662-316-3812. er662-871-9056 & Linda SwinneyHwy 348 & Hwy 9 - 11.42 acres w/ several building spots. Agent 662-401-1196. Rabbit Creek - 2 acres. South Ponto-

WOODLAND Hwy 340 - Approximately 6.2 acres with easement. $10,000. 16-262 Whitney George- 662-567-2573. CR 419 - 103 acres w/ mostly hardwoods and some pines. $245,000. 16-263 - Whitney George- 662-5672573.

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2 Stanford Dr.


Fulton Waterway – 2 or 3BD/3BA home located on a waterfront 1 acre lot. Screened porch, multi-tiered deck, screened gazebo, pier/dock, shop, boat/RV awning & more. 152902. Call Amanda Miller- 662-213-2764. Itawamba

430 Brown Cove


Fulton - Adorable 2BD/2BA house within walking distance to waterway. Less than one year old! Great layout. 16-1492. Call April Haynes-662-706-3248.

1737 Joe Wheeler Brown Rd.


108 Sidney Dr.


1400 S. Adams


Fulton/Waterway - Spacious & beautiful 3BD/2.5BA home with open floor plan within walking distance from waterway, fireplace, custom cabinets, built-ins, large covered patio, 3.5 acres. 16-1481. Call April Haynes- 662-706-3248.

Fulton - Family friendly 3BD/3BA home offering eat in kitchen, formal dining, sunroom, covered deck, walk out basement, and single attached & double detached garage. 16-287. Call April Haynes- 662-706-3248.

Fulton – Great 2BD/2BA investment property. Possible residential or commercial use. Seller is related to agent. 16-497. Call Jessica Dozier- 662-231-5320.

509 W Sheffield

2450 Burntfields Road

555 Justice Road

480 Country Club Rd.


Autumn Ridge – Near Fulton Country Club. 0.33 – 1.01 ac. 07-4260. Call Carol Horne- 662-321-2204.

700 S Cummings


Fulton - Charming inside and out cottage. Updated 2 years ago. Hardwood flooring, walk up attic, tons of storage, sunroom, tons of curb appeal. 16-1304. Call Carol Horne- 662-321-2204.


Fulton - Spacious older home on 1.5 acres in the middle of Fulton. 4BR/2.5BA. 16-759. Call Carol Horne- 662-321-2204.



Fulton - Immaculate home on manicured property - 3BD/3BA on 9.6 acres - storm shelter, detached 2-car garage, fruit trees, paved drive-way. Country living at it's best. 16-1905. Call Deborah Tierce- 662-790-5331.

Fulton - Unique 3BR/2.5BA home w/ 2BR/2BA guest house or mother-in-law qtrs. 3 car garage, sun porch, pool w/ new liner, hot tub, security system & storm shelter. 15-2639. Call Deborah Tierce- 662790-5331 or Kevin Knight- 662-401-2917.

199 Pine Grove Rd

708 S Cummings

3575 Nita Lake Rd.

Fulton - Beautiful 3BR/2BA home on 4 acres with open concept & split floor plan. Fresh paint throughout, wood floors, tile backsplash, huge yard! Must See to Appreciate! 16-1915. Call Deborah Tierce-662-790-5331.

Fulton - 3 BR, 2 BA recently renovated home near downtown. Beautiful lot, large living room with stone fireplace. 16-1695. Call Judy Simpson- 662-871-9123.

Fulton – Custom, 1 owner, 3BD/4BA, lg living areas, all on one level. Approx. 9 ac of land., Attached & detached garages, workshop w/ elect. & barn w/ power, water & propane. 15-2709. Call Judy Simpson- 662-871-9123.

75 Gray Rd.

101 Houston Lake Road

765 W Evans

SOLD 1107 E Main St.


900 Wilemon Rd.


Fulton - One owner, 4BR/2BA home on edge of town. 1.4 acres with huge backyard, split floor plan w/ formal living, new roof & HVAC. Must See! Sold AS IS, in present condition. 16-1284. Call Deborah Tierce- 662-790-5331.

Investment Property/Fulton - Apartment Complex. 3 apartments: Apt 1 is 2BR/1BA with stained concrete floors. Apt 2 is 2BR/1BA with wood/tile floors. Apt 3 is 1BR/1BA with huge walk-in closet and stained concrete floors. Seller is a MS licensed real estate agent. 15-2758. Call Deborah Tierce-662-790-5331.

701 E Walker

905 S. Adams




Fulton - Very well maintained 3 BR/3 BA home. Beautiful lot with mature trees. Inground swimming pool. 16-1698. Call Judy Simpson- 662-871-9123.

Fulton/Commercial - Great space with over 3,000 sq ft on 1.9 acres. Ideal set-up for office/retail/restaurant space. Unlimited potential. 15-1540. Call Kevin Knight- 662-401-2913

Fulton - Spacious main house w/ 5BD, soaring ceilings, kitchen w/ Viking gas range, double ovens & keeping room, gigantic recreational room. Pool w/ pool house overlooking 46 acres. Additional guest or rental house w/ 2BD. Easy access to Hwy 78. 15-3345. Call Kevin Knight- 662-401-2913.

4308 Hwy 178 W

2705 Joe Wheeler Brown

110 Miles Dr.




Fulton - Charming 3BR/2BA starter home on 1 acre just outside Fulton city limits, open concept features new floors, paint, cabinets, S/S appliances, renovated baths. 16-1840. Call Kevin Knight-662-401-2913.

Fulton - 6BD/4.5BA, sprawling 60 acre estate. Includes a sun porch w/ brick flooring, rustic 1200 sf basement, huge patio, pool & pool house, pier on the Tenn-Tom Waterway & boathouse. 15-2044. Call Kevin Knight-662-401-2913.

Fulton/The Timbers - Well maintained 3BD/2BA home on 0.90 acre lot. Split floor plan, new HVAC. Great work shop, garden spot. 16-1662. Call Kevin Knight-662-401-2913.

24 Cotton Gin Road

24 Gholston Road $149,900

3354 Hwy 371 N, Mantachie $159,900

Fulton - 3BR/2BA home on 2.6 acres in Clay community east of Fulton. Fireplace, large kitchen with island, formal dining. 16-1947. Call Kevin Knight-662-401-2913.

Great investment!! Laundromat & carwash - 3 bays w/ vacuum - Laundromat has 20 washers & 10 dryers - Vending machine - Coin machine - 1 owner over last 20 years. 16-86. Call Kevin Knight-662-401-2913.


Tremont - 1 owner 3BD/2.5BA on 1.5 acres, full basement, large living, family room, great storage. 15-1541. Call Kevin Knight- 662-401-2913.





Fulton - Recently renovated 4BR/2.5BA with large bonus room - 24 x30 shop with half bath - on 5 acres. 15-352. Call Kevin Knight- 662-401-2913.

Fulton - Country splendor, 14 acres, 3 ponds, cabin w/ two porches. 16-209. Call Melissa Knotts- 662-825-0416.

404 Mimosa Dr.

2085 Nita Lake Rd.



Fulton - Updated with the extras. 2BD/2BA, open floor plan, large living room with fireplace, sunroom, storage room, storage building. Inside Fulton city limits. 16-121. Call Kevin Knight- 662-401-2913.

Fulton - Great starter home on 6.8 acres with 4BR/2BA, large living, private setting, split floorplan, storage building and fruit trees. 16-1792. Call Kevin Knight- 662-401-2913.

465 Walton Cemetery Rd.

1272 Maple Springs Road


Mantachie - Custom built Farmhouse on 7 acres with large wrap around porch, outdoor fireplace, open floor plan, shiplap interior walls, large bonus room. 16-425. Call Kevin Knight- 662-401-2913.


Mantachie - Great 3BD/2BA country home on 1 acre. Large family room with hardwood floors. Quiet family friendly community. 16-1247. Call Susan Griffin-662-542-6315.

SOLD 246 Devaughn


Mantachie - Cute starter home in Mantachie. This 3BR/1BA needs just a little TLC. Great location, great price. Outside 25 x 48 covered building for vehicles. 15-2980. Call Brandon Allred – 662-401-1217.

160 Hillview Dr.


Treeside/Mooreville – Beautiful front porch on this traditional home featuring a playroom, pool & 1BD/2BA pool house, 15.40 ac., barn, lake & fenced for horses. 15-2992. Call Brenda Spencer- 662-231-8909.

1001 A CR 255


Union/Pontotoc County - 14 beautiful acres with 4BR/3.5BA home. 2000 sf shop attached that can be great for business or recreational room. Property also has stocked pond. 15-1284. Call Kim Wood-662-316-3812.

1494 Hwy 348


Blue Springs - Spacious 4BD/2BA doublewide located in East Union school district. Above ground pool, new metal roof. Don't miss out on this home today - 16-762. Call Linda Swinney- 662-401-1196 or Casee Becker- 662-871-9056.

Lot 1 Hodges Drive $152,500 New Construction in Mantachie. 3BD/2BA, split floorplan, open concept, 9ft. ceilings, stainless steel appliances. 16-2007. Call Kevin Knight-662-401-2913.

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50076 A Sink Rd.


50005 Fox Road


60076 Phillips School House, Amory $577,777

501 N 10th Ave.


907 5th Ave N


Amory - River frontage home with decks and parking structure. Fun getaway for the weekend. 16-1889. Call Brad & Tiffany Franks- 662-871-7344 or 662-871-7366.

Waterway/Aberdeen - Charming 2BD/1BA cottage on the Chuck-A-Yuk Pa water canal leading into Tombigbee Waterway. Approx 260 ft of water frontage & boat dock. 16-1436. Call Linda Swinney- 662-401-1196 or Casee Becker- 662-871-9056.

Total sq ft is approximately 10,600. Building has metal roof, scored concrete floors and carpet in main building. 15-2715. Call Merisa Baker- 662-488-5720 or James Hunter- 662-871-8658.

Amory - Completely remodeled in 2011. Brick home, 3BR/2BA, new roof, 2663 sq ft, totally updated kitchen, new cooling and heating units, original hardwood floors. 15-3212. Call Melissa Knotts- 662-825-0416.

Amory - Charming home with 2 bedrooms downstairs & 2 bedrooms upstairs, hardwood floors, adorable kitchen, large fenced in backyard. 16-182. Call Melissa Knotts- 662-825-0416.

510 9th Ave N

100 Hwy 6, Amory

409 Kenwood, Amory $704,500

310 Melwood Dr.

60085 Phillips Schoolhouse Rd. $39,900




Amory - Wake up to a beautiful view of McAlpine's lake. 2 or 3 BR, 2BA brick home. Approx. 1726 sf with gorgeous fireplace, sunroom & lots of additional storage. 16-929. Call Melissa Knotts- 662-825-0416.

High traffic area with 1.7 acres. 3rd generation car lot. Approx. 1520 sf storage, 2800 sf shop, 1116 sf office. 15-2781. Call Melissa Knotts- 662-825-0416 or James Hunter- 662-871-8658.

Investment Property Package - 12 properties total- 9 residential homes, 2 duplexes, 1 commercial property. Monthly income generated $6340. 15-3292. Call Melissa Knotts- 662-825-0416.

Amory – 3BD/2BA cottage in cul-de-sac. Fenced in backyard w/ covered porch, fireplace w/ gas logs & in a desirable neighborhood. 15-3667. Call Melissa Knotts- 662-825-0416.

814 Rose Ln.

50076 Sink Rd

1117 Trace Church Rd.

151 Simmons Dr.





Amory - Adorable 3BD/1BA in the country. Front porch, back deck, cute kitchen & large laundry room. Please call today for appt. to view. 16-1018. Call Melissa Knotts- 662-825-0416.

945 Country Road 600


Amory – Beautiful, updated, 3BD/3BA home w/ updated kitchen w/ SS appli. & large dining area, roomy master suite, large fenced in backyard & great area for entertaining. 16-127. Call Melissa Knotts- 662-825-0416.

Tenn-Tom Waterway/Amory - Cozy cabin is a 2BD/2BA home w/updated kitchen, hardwood floors, lovely deck & pier. A shop & 3-Car detached carport included. 16-1691. Call Melissa Knotts-662-825-0416.

Tenn-Tom Waterway/Amory - Need to get away?! Check out this adorable 2BD/2BA cabin. This quaint little spot has a screened in porch, 170 sea wall & pier, & gorgeous views of the water! 16-605. Call Janet Suggs- 662-346-3489 or Melissa Knotts- 662-825-0416.

Shannon - Cute 3BR/2BA home, move-in ready, hardwood floors, crown molding, stainless appliances staying. Split level, nice size master with beautiful master bath. Won't last long! 16-806. Call Jaz Buchanan-662-523-5840.

Shannon - Attention Investors - 1102 sq ft, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath home situated on 1 acre, needs TLC; great buy. 16-1770. Call Sue Golmon- 662-346-1388

4488 Union Ave.

125 Flurry Dr.

4755 New Chapel Rd.

1590 CR 164

463 CR 190


Nettleton - Historic older home. Completely remodeled 7 years ago. 3BD/3BA with office. Large outside storage building/office space. Built ins. Retaining original features. 16-1380. Call Carol Horne- 662-321-2204.


Nettleton - 3BD/2BA mobile home situated on 2.20 acres. Home features an eatin kitchen, master has separate shower & garden tub. Two storage buildings. 16836. Call Jennifer Brown- 662-509-2704.


Nettleton - Nice ranch style home with approx 70 acres. Large shop w/ electricity & another home w/ $300/mo rental income. 16-158. Call Chanda Cossitt- 662-871-7222 or James Hunter- 662-871-8658.



Van Vleet - Charming 2 bedroom, 1 bath home sitting on 1.1 acres in the Van Vleet community. 16-830. Call Whitney George- 662-567-2573.

Houston - Peaceful living! 3BD/2BA home completely remodeled from the ground up! Sitting on 8.9 acres with 8 year old pines and two ponds. 16-1293. Call Whitney George- 662-567-2573.

2504 Hwy 389

237 CR 413

SOLD 166 CR 202


215 Jamison


338 Woodland Cr.




Houston - Almost brand new! Built in 2015, 3 bedroom, 1 bath home sitting on approx. 4 acres. Only 5 minutes from town. 16-832. Call Whitney George- 662-567-2573.

Houston – 2BR/1BA great move in ready home in the heart of Houston! 16-273. Call Whitney George- 662-567-2573.

Houston - Great Family Home in Woodland Circle! Home has 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, with a fenced backyard! Close to schools. 15-2268. Call Whitney George- 662-567-2573.

Sparta Community - Move in ready & in very private setting. Double garage, fenced backyard, screened back porch, lg walk in closets, tile showers in both bathrooms, storage shed & blt-ins. 16-1217. Call Whitney George- 662-567-2573.

Houlka - Beautiful 4BR/4BA country home plus. 2BR/2BA guest or mother-in-law home, 4 stall barn w/ studio apartment up, 40x40 shop w/metal bay. All on 67.4 ac w/ fencing & ponds. 15-1420. Call Brandon Allred – 662-401-1217.

121 Woodland Circle

223 CR 178

90 B CR 123

1001 Wildwood Ln

1038 Ridge Road


Spacious family home on Woodland Circle. Walk to city park, tennis courts, baseball fields and football field! Great place to raise a family. 16-1283 Call Whitney George-662-567-2573.


Okolona County Club - Freshly painted 3BD/2BA overlooking the #3 green on the golf course. Lg family rm w/ FP, vaulted ceiling & blt-ins, custom cabinets, formal living & dining, ample storage. Agent is related to seller. 16-815. Call Jennifer Brown- 662-509-2704.


Walnut - 3/1 brick home on a 1.1 ac lot in Tippah County Schools. Sold in Present Condition. Go to or for more info. Case # 281-372001. 16-1643. Call Angela Mohr- 662-213-9007.


Myrtle/New Construction - Beautiful 4BD/2BA on 2.90 wooded acres. Featured is 9 ft. ceilings throughout, walk-in safe room & 2-10 warranty provided. 16-1318. Call Kim Wood- 662-316-3812.


Golden - This great 3BD/2BA home just needs a little TLC, beautiful acreage in the country, yet close enough to town, partial basement & plenty of closet/storage space. Must See!! 15-1742. Call Deborah Tierce- 662-790-5331 or Keith Henley- 662-213-5599.

SOLD 700 W. George E. Allen Dr.


Booneville - Luxury gated estate located on 40 ac. of meticulously landscaped grounds w/ 2 lakes- 5BR/6.5BA, magnificent w/ sweeping marble staircase, grand hall, media room. 15-2068. Call Judy Simpson- 662-871-9123.

200 W Loveless


Booneville - Nice, quiet area with large yard. 30 x 30 storage building/barn. Convenient to town with the peacefulness of the country. 16-1195. Call Sheli McClellan- 662-266-2212.

506 CR 3501


Near Bay Springs Boat Ramp - Perfect hunting & fishing cabin. Shop w/ Living Quarters, full bath, kitchen, 30 x 40 deck w/ steel purlins underneath-all appliances remain! 16-614. Call Deborah Tierce- 662-790-5331.

286 Bryant Lane


Belden - 3.9 acres, 3BD/2BA, one owner, well maintained, shop. 16-1848. Call Dennis Cox- 662-419-2175.

767 Galloway Rd.


Pontotoc - Rustic Cabin on 92 acres with lots of privacy, pond, barn, 4 acres fenced in, with plenty of wildlife, beautiful wood walls & ceilings on lots of the interior. Built in safe room. 16-1538. Call Dennis Cox-662-419-2175.

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SOLD 9851 Hwy 341


6982 Hwy 342


386 Northridge Dr. $299,000

1871 CR 143


300 Winbrook Cv. $174,500

Pontotoc - 3BR/2BA, well maintained home on 6.5 acres with large pond, 40 x 62 shop, 10 x 16 storage building, kid's playhouse. South Pontotoc schools. 16-1721. Call Dennis Cox- 662-419-2175.

Convenient to Pontotoc & Tupelo - Updated 2BD/1BA farm house on 2 acres. New wiring, new plumbing, new floor covering, updated kitchen. 16-1301. Call Dennis Cox-662-419-2175.

Pontotoc - 5BR/4BA, fantastic neighborhood, deck, patio, irrigation, security system, double attached & detached garages, landscaped & on approximately 2 acres. 16-585. Call Dennis Cox- 662-419-2175.

Houlka - Excellent country location, 3BR/2BA, very large front and back porch. Double garage, gas logs, very peaceful on 5 acres 15-3344. Call Dennis Cox-662-419-2175.

Pontotoc - Huge living area, extra clean, updated appliances, large den, master bath with jacuzzi tub and 2 closets, all rooms are nice size. 16-261. Call Dennis Cox- 662-419-2175

4 Twelve Oaks

2333 Hwy 15 S

147 W Oxford

1492 Hwy 348

872 CR 115






Twelve Oaks/Sherman - 5BD/3.5BA home sits on 2.14 acres, large living area, eat-in kitchen, granite w/ sleek modern farmhouse finishes, finished basement & 1,500 sq ft unfinished shop/garage. 16-821. Call Kevin Knight-662-401-2913.

Pontotoc - 3 bedrooms, 2 bath home on 4.37 acres has a bonus room and large shop with electricity. 16-1910 Call Merisa Baker-662-488-5720

Pontotoc - Older stately home close to downtown. 3BD/2BA on 1 acre. AHS Home Warranty provided. Seller related to agent. 14-3158. Call Todd Jordan- 662-231-9181.

Blue Springs - Well maintained 3BD/2BA. Only minutes from East Union school. Fenced backyard & covered patio. Hurry, it won't last long! Sold in present condition. 16-786. Call Linda Swinney-662-4011196 or Casee Becker-662-871-9056.

New Albany - Luxurious home on 10 wooded acres. 5BD/4.5BA. Home features family room, game room, 2 fireplaces, wd floors, office, wine cellar, decks, beautiful wooded acreage. 15-2912. (House & 74.83 acres for $799,000.) Call Kim Wood- 662-316-3812

1018 Sarah Grace Ln

301 Garfield

1021 Sarah Grace Ln

1031 Ridge Park Dr.

115 Parkside Cove






New Albany/North Oaks - Phase 3. Beautiful home with granite countertop, 3BD/3.5BA, office area, formal dining, and bonus room. 16-1434. Call Kim Wood- 662-316-3812.

New Albany - Charming home located in the heart of New Albany. Features 3BR/2BA. Original wood doors, beautiful built in hutch & lots of character. Perfect starter home. 16-313. Call Jennifer Brown- 662-509-2704.

New Albany - Just 2 years old in the North Oaks Subdivision. 3 or 4 BD/2BA, garden tub, tiled walk-in shower. Great area. Won't last long! 16-1965 Call Kim Enis Wood-662-316-3812.

Mt. Vernon Plantation – Southern Charm galore in this 5BD home with a brick front porch, heart pine floors, wonderful kitchen w/ SS appliances, overlooking a lg deck. 15-2247. Call Brenda Spencer- 662-231-8909.

North Ridge/New Construction - French Country 4BD/2BA w/ open floor plan, gourmet kitchen w/ walk-in pantry & huge island, split BR plan. Broker Owner. 15-3372. Call Brenda Spencer- 662-231-8909.

2118 Briar Ridge Rd.

1501 Greenview Dr.

1641 Lakefield Dr.

906 Lynn Cr.

2403 Parkway Dr.






East Tupelo - Unique property on 3.4 acres. Home + separate guest/studio/ office & shop. Main home offers 3 FP, 9 ft. ceilings, beautiful wood floors, sun room, huge master & storm shelter. 16-1200. Call Brenda Spencer- 662-231-8909.

Pinecrest – Immaculate, move in ready 3BD/2.5BA, all on one level. Large BRs, kitchen opens to den, master BA w/ walkin tile shower, covered patio, located in family friendly neighborhood. 16-509. Call Judy Simpson- 662-871-9123.

Lakefield – 3BR/2.5BA, great room w/ FP, kitchen with lots of cabinets. Large master, deck along back of home & fenced back yard. A must see! In family friendly neighborhood. 14-2103. Call Judy Simpson- 662-871-9123.

Sharon Hills - New roof, flooring & freshly painted. Open floor plan, wonderful sun porch & large master bedroom & salon style bath. Great family friendly neighborhood. 16-669. Call Judy Simpson- 662-871-9123.

Rogers Acres - Unique custom built home in one of Tupelo's most desirable neighborhoods. 4BD/3.5BA, great floor plan with abundant storage. 16-1759. Call Judy Simpson- 662-871-9123.

191 Poplar Springs

1506 Valley Rd.

146 Country Oaks Cr.

1189 Dogwood Dr.

314 CR 885


Deer Park - Beautiful custom built home located in a gated community on over 2 acres. Open floor plan, gourmet kitchen. Lg master suite w/ FP & sitting area & salon style master bath. Heated pool & hot tub. 16-827. Call Judy Simpson- 662-871-9123.


Sharon Hills - One story 3BD/2BA with light airy feel. Remodeled kitchen, wood burning fireplace, updated baths, spacious laundry room/butler’s pantry & indoor workroom or shop. 16-902. Call Judy Simpson- 662-871-9123.


West Tupelo - This incredible 5BD (4 on main level), 5BA, sits on 1.3 acres & features an open floor plan, vaulted ceilings, solid wood doors throughout, theatre room, bonus room, pool & SO much more! 15-2910. Call Sadie Smith- 662-678-3033.


Springlake - This beautiful home features a media room, office & bonus room in addition to 4BD. Wonderful for entertaining w/ the outdoor kitchen, massive patio & outdoor spa. 15-2930. Call Sadie Smith-662-678-3033.


Saltillo - Country living with city conveniences . Nice 2BD/2BA home. Fireplace, 2 sunrooms & covered patio. Won’t last long! 16-587. Call Tina O’Quinn-662-791-4456.

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2080 St Andrews


Near Tupelo Country Club - Space & charm in this 6BD/3.5BA home. Great room, den that overlooks pool, remodeled gourmet kitchen, dining room, lovely landscaping, pool & hot tub. 16-739. Call Judy Simpson- 662-871-9123.

1109 Chester Ave $179,900

Joyner - Adorable 3BD/2BA cottage w/ very unique, flexible layout. Beautiful architectural details throughout. Guest house may be purchased at an additional cost. 16-757. Call Meredith Martin-662-401-0811.

111 Apple Blossom


Saltillo- Adorable 3BD/2BA w/ 3 arched entry ways from kitchen into living room, gas FP, open living/dining, nice sized BRs, fenced backyard and patio. Seller is a MS licensed real estate agent. 16-650.

552 W Jefferson (Unit 1) $54,900

Freshly renovated, hardwood/tile floors, ground unit condo, all appliances remain, near Downtown. Very convenient. Cheaper than Renting! 16-591. Call Keith Henley-662-213-5599.

1220 Dogwood Dr


Springlake - Immaculate 4BD/3.5BA, bonus room, updated kitchen is open to the living room w/ gas logs & a den. Home also offers a formal dining room, breakfast area & a covered back porch. $349,900. Call Jennifer Harrelson-662-871-3574.


1464 Remington Dr. 16-413

Gun Club - Immaculately kept, move in ready, 2BD/2BA, open floor plan w/large living room, vaulted ceiling, gas logs, private fenced backyard perfect. $98,500. Call Will Troxler- 662-231-6362.

118 Ridge Cove


North Ridge Crossing - Quiet cul-de-sac, professionally landscaped w/ privacy fence. Covered arbor adjoining screened in porch. Lg storage room above garage. $159,000. Call James Hunter- 662-871-8658.

241 North Ridge Dr.


Northridge Crossing - Gorgeous 3BR/2BA home w/ hrdwdfloors in the living room, oversized master bedroom, split floor plan & back yard backs up to trees for added privacy! $169,900. Call Jennifer Harrelson-662-871-3574.

211 Kids Cove


Fulton - Completely redone, new kitchen cabinets & appliances, new solid surface countertops in kitchen & baths, new hdwd, great colors, 2 double attached garages, patio, and situated on large lot. 16-1292. Call Carol Horne-662-321-2204.

3701 Lansdowne Dr.


W. Tupelo - Renovated 3BD/2BA in cul-desac. Genced back yard w/ patio, storage building w/ private side yard, attached storage room & covered parking. 16-1084. Call Amanda Miller- 662-213-2764.

D D D D D L L L L L O O O O O SN 3 DAYS S 14 DAYS SIN 8 DAYS SN 12 DAYS S 1 MONTH I I N N 710 James Dr.


Tupelo – 3BD/1BA. New roof, totally remodeled kitchen w/ stainless appliances, formal dining area, hardwood floors & spacious closets. Large fenced backyard & outdoor storage. 16-823. Call Amanda Miller-662-213-2764.


117 Deerfield



Guntown – This one has it all! Immaculate 5BD/3BA, stainless appliances, lots of granite, pantry, hardwood & tile flooring, 2 tile showers, lots of closets & hug bonus or BR up, & fenced backyard. 16-481. Call Dennis Cox- 662-419-2175.

1322 Morning Glory Circle $355,000 Springlake – 4BD/3.5BA, wood floors, large bonus room w/ space for office. Updated kitchen w/ granite countertops, 3 car garage, spacious backyard. 16-671. Call Michelle McAuley- 662-401-0015.

2194 Crabapple Dr.


West Tupelo - Conveniently located 3BD/2BA, split floor plan, large living room, formal dining & eat-in kitchen, new flooring throughout, repainted inside & updated light fixtures. 16-506. Call Will Troxler-662-231-6362.

12 Cambridge Dr


Stonegate - Cozy Convenient Condominium. 2BR/2BA all on one level w/ gas logs & private patio. Hassle-free yard maintenancefee $35/mn. No annual fee. Private patio with fence. Just move in and enjoy! 16-52. Call Deborah Tierce-662-790-5331.

D D D D D L L L L L O O O O O S S S S S S S S S K TH K Y Y E E N A A E E O D D W W M 9 7 IN IN N2 IN 2 N1 IN


25 Montgomery St. $59,900 Belmont- Updated brick home near school. 3 Bed/1 Bath, newer roof, wood floors, central heat/air, mature trees and 20 x 24 work shop. 16-598. Call Keith Henley-662-213-5599.

301 N Cummings St.



Fulton - Great Investment! 4BD/2BA home 1 block from ICC Campus, covered parking, storage room. 16-792. Call Kevin Knight- 662-401-2913.

1015 E. Main St.


Fulton- Great investment property or start up home. 2BD/1.5BA. Zoned for commercial or residential. Remodeled in 2010. New roof 2015. Storage building. 16-828. Call Jessica Dozier- 662-231-5320.

1546 Jefferson Rd. $169,000 Houlka- 3BR/3BA, 8 acres, 4 storage buildings, gameroom, office, land connects to the Tanglefoot Trail, no neighbors in sight. 16-939 Call Dennis Cox-662-419-2175.

234 Apostolic Cr.


Pontotoc- 3BR/1.5BA, City schools, new flooring downstairs, new paint throughout & fenced backyard. Great starter home. 16-656. Call Dennis Cox- 662-419-2175.


166 Forest Dr.


Pontotoc - Secluded & move in ready. Hardwood, tile & brick pavers throughout. 10 ft ceilings, 8 ft doors in all rooms, 2 large closets in master, tile shower, large study. You won't be disappointed. 16-652. Call Dennis Cox-662- 419-2175.

65 Stahl Dr.


4BR/2BA, super clean on 1 acre in South Pontotoc schools. Above ground pool, deck, screened porch, extra large master bedroom and laundry room , open floorplan. 16-889 Call Dennis Cox-662-419-2175.

8809 Hwy 336


Thaxton- 3BD/2BA, well maintained brick home on 1.59 acre lot. 16-938 Call Merisa Baker-662-488-5720.

208 Old Marietta Road


Prentiss County - Quiet country community. 3BR/2BA on nice lot. Sold AS IS-Sold in present condition. 16-974 Call Angela Mohr-662-213-9007.

30823 McAllister Rd. $299,900 Okolona - Custom built 4BD/2.5BA Craftsman on 14.8 ac. Cook's kitchen w/ stainless appliances, upstairs playroom & dbl garage w/ unfinished bonus rm. Oversized front porch, screened patio. 16-667. Call Amanda Miller- 662-213-2764.

D D D D D L L L L L O O O O O S S S S S S S 3 DAYS S K Y Y YS E A A A E D D D W 3 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 IN IN IN IN IN 1099 S Hwy 15


New Albany - Custom 5BD/6BA + office on 4 acres in IngomarSchool district. Lots of amenities including an intercom, central vac & security system. Hardwood floors & granite countertops add to the appeal. Home Warranty provided. Agent owned. 16-490 Call Sheli McClellan- 662-266-2212.

1942 Northshire Drive$285,000 Northshire - Beautiful 4BR/3BA French Country home, large open family room, split bedroom plan, great kitchen with granite countertops, island, pantry & keeping room opens to covered back porch. 16-1002. Call Frances Dempsey - 662-422-9337.

390 Willena Cr.


Westwind Don't miss this like new 3BD/2BA home, open living area. Qualified owner occupants can choose FHA financing for $100 down program. Sold AS IS. 16-510 Call Angela Mohr- 662-213-9007.

1708 Broadleaf


Woodland Heights - Like-new custom 3 bed/2 bath, formal dining or office, hardwood floors, high ceilings, outdoor fireplace + over-sized patio in the fenced-in back yard. 16-160. Call Amanda Miller-662-213-2764.

3404 Forest Hill Dr. $139,900 Woodland Heights - Nice 3BD/2BA home. Home Warranty provided. Fenced backyard. 2 car garage. 16-417 . Call Todd Jordan- 662-231-9181.

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