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Iv 0 l ume 80 . - N um b er 185 .
Entered at the post o£rice in Tu pelo, Miss., as second-class mail.
T upe Io, M"1ss1ss1pp1, · · · F p"d ay Morn1n · g , November 3, 1950 .
International Roundup Nets 100 Suspects
Tax Le ies For Current Year To Be Sef Tuesday
Nationalist Leaders Implicated In Attempt On Truman's Life
Municipal Budget Of $1,134,000 Up 9 Per Cen t From Last Year
Member Audit Bureau of Circulations.
Full United Press Leased Wire.
- --------------------------------- --------·--------:-----
Murderous Pre-DaWn Attack Forces SO-Mile U.S. Retreat 1
* •
Indian Massacre Technique Revived As Reds Swoop Down To Slaughter Sleeping Americans
Second Night
Ass ult Threat
By GENE GRAT Z WASHI NGTON <U.P.l- The surTOKYO, Friday. (U.P.l-A com- ing to the sides of tanks, others fense were fruitless. viving P uerto R ican assassin who bined North Korean and Chinese swimming the icy Ku ryong River. The Americans ran b~ca use The city administration ex- attack in which the enemy seem- Many of the tried to shoot President Truman survivors were they had no other choice. pects t o announce the 1951 tax was formally charged with mured to materialize out of the wounded. Lt. W. C. Hill, a platoon leadlevies that will finance a third smoke-filled air, caught sleeping der Thursday and police began Survivors said it was about 3:00 er, was at a battalion command of t he city's record-breaking $1,Americans in their foxholes and or 3:30 a.m. when a few drowsy post. a rr.ass international roundup of Oscar Callazo, survivor of the attempt to assassinate President 134,000 budget at the regular No- sent two regiments of perhaps 8,- men in foxholes heard the dispossible co-conspirators who also " I thought I was dreaming," Reserve U. S. Forces vember meetin g of the board of Truman, is shown lying critically wounded on the Blair House aldermen Tu esday, Mayor George 000 men fleeing in headlong, con- tant notes of a bugle sounding he said, "when I heard a bugler may face the death penalty. T hrown Into Battle fused retreat. taps. sounding taps and the beat of :Mr. Truman, unharmed and un- lawn. Maynard said Thursday. An estimated 800 men out of an They joked that some GI must horses hooves in the distance. ~ .. ruffled by the first attempt on • • The board will set the levies original 2,000 remained in the be practicing late . Then as though they came out of To Halt Serious Loss \ his life, went about his business needed to bring $339,341 into the two tra pped battalions, and they Then all hell broke loose. a burst of smoke, shadowy figas usual and took his customary TOKYO, Friday. (U.P.l - Chinese treasury to finance the opera- had with them at least 150 wounDrumming hooves of horses ures started shooting and baY.early morning stroll through tion of the city and schools for ded. of enemy cavalrymen joined the onetting everybody they could and Korean Communist forces ex1::1 wntow n Washington. But his the current fiscal year. Last year's The savage, Indian-style massa- thunder of large and small arms find." ploded another pre-dawn attack ·( every movement was guarded by total ad valorem tax levy was 28 cre oJ. the Americans and South fire. Men roused from their foxLt. Patrick J. MacDonnel of against United Nations troops in a heavily-reinforced secret sermills. Koreans retook Unsan for the holes to find themselves raked Vancouver, Wash., said "there v ice detail. The expenditures budgeted for enemy and folded the whole Un- by burp and tommygun fire at was no such thing as fighting northwest Korea today, continuThe intensive search for conthe next year represent an $89,ited Nations line back. . ranges of only three or four feet. back. The chances were great- ing a three-day drive that has Surviving Would-Be Assassin, Oscar Collazo, spirators stretched from the capi000 increase over the amoW1ts United P ress correspondent Tanks burst into flames around est that you would hit one ot yo ur forced American spearheads to _tal to New York's teeming P uerto own men rather than the enemy." withdraw as much as 50 miles. Says tie Hoped Truman Death Would Spur Revolt spent the preceeding fiscal year. J oseph Quinn who escaped with them. :Fl..ican district and to San J uan, Between July 1, 1949, and Sep t. the Americans and South KoreNorth Koreans and ChineseSome men tr ied to organize deThe new Red drive, signalled Puerto Rico, where more than WASHINGTON <U.P.l- Oscar for slaying a White House guard. 30, 1950, the cost of operating ans from Unsan reported th at some in North Korean uniforms, fenses around tanks until those by bugle calls, cut deeply into 100 arrests were made. Collazo, surviving would-be asthe South Korean 7th and 8th Police officers said he refused the municipality and the city early estimat es of dead and woun- some in Chinese quilted attire, too became flaming targets. To White House visitors, Mr. sassin of President Truman, was to sign a formal confession, but schools amounted to $1,045,611. ded may make the battle one of others in white peasant dressHundreds, including women Divisions after overrunning two Truman expressed bewilderment charged with :(irst degree murder talked freely of his part in the This year's budget is up approxi- the costliest of the war. appeared as if by magic inside the and children, were cut down by regiments of the United States that Puerto Rican Nationalists and held without bond Thursday plot to break into Blair House mately 9 per cent from 1949. S urvivors escaped the massa- fighting lines. E fforts of offic- enemy machine gun and mortar 1st Cavalry Thursday morning should want to kill him after he after confessing that he and his and cut down the President. He The "15 month year" was caus- cre as best they could, some cling- ers to organize any kind of a de- fire. and forcing them to withdraw has worked for political freedom slain partner struck as lone was under heavy guard in Gal- ed by 'an act of the 1950 legislanine miles. and economic progress in the wolves for Puerto Rican inde- linger Hospital. ture setting the start of the new The Red gains struck within 17 United States i!• and territory. p endence. fiscal year for Mississippi cities miles of the big American supply slight and curly-haired, Collazo, But he shrugged off his own esat October 1. Thus, .the city of base and airfield at Sin anju on The fanatical nationalist trigcape as proof that "I n ever have ger man lay in a barred hospital said he met co-conspirator Gri- Tupelo was required to finance the west coast and threatened to selio Torresola in New York's any bad luck." a "15 month fiscal year" from snap shut a trap around four prison ward as United States The P resident, who was dozing Commissioner Cyril S. Lawrence Pue1·to Rican district only two July 1, 1949, to Sept. 30, 1950, South Korean and two American • in his underwear in an upstairs ordered him held without bond weeks ago. divisions which had been racing order to start the 1950-51 year 0 "Our homeland is enslaved and in bedroom at the time of the atfor t he Yalu River. on the legislative scheulde. our politicians are tools of the officials and civic Municipal lisher and leading figure in the tack. voiced deep sorrow over the Lt. Gen. Walton H . Walker, Increased spending for the United States," he was quoted next death of Guard L eslie Coffelt, commander of the United States fiscal year is ref_lected in leaders of 11 Northeast Missis- forming of a similar organization as saying. sippi towns will mee'( at llotel in northwest Alabama, will ada personal friend. "It makes me 8th Army, met the threat by callall departments of the city. sick," he told reporters. "We decided to take the law ing the fresh United States 2nd The general fund, which finan- Tupelo- Monday night at 7 o'clock dress the group attending the FBI Chief J . Edgar Hoover into our own hands. " Infantry Division out of reserve ces the operation of the police to discuss plans for launchin g an meeting bere, explaining the need threw his far-flung investigative The pair did n ot know Mr. and fire departments, pays the area-wide industrial development for and ourpose of such an area- Lee Bar Association · and throwing it into line along wide pr , ~ram. · force to t he aid of the Secret Truman was in Blair House at salaries and expenses of city hall program. the Chongchon River northeast J. P. Nanney, t emporary chairService in digging out the botthe time of the a ttack Wednes- p ersonnel, and provides for the of Sinanju. T om Johnson, manager of the Backs Amend ment To t om-most roots of the conspiracy. day. They " just took a chance," street department and other man, said that delegations from North Alabama Associates who The Red attack in the northOfficials were convinced the Collazo asserted. The chief exe- smaller departments, calls for' Columbus, Starkville, West Point, was· recently successful in obtain- . Enlarge High Tribunal west hit the United States 1st assassination attempt was directly cutive was in a second floor bed- thl! spending of $321,160 in the Corinth, Okolona, Aberdeen, Am- ing a $35,000,000 plant for DeCavalry Divisi on n ear Unsan, 50 A four man committee of the miles south of the Manchurian connected with the abortive Naroom ·napping in his underwear. coming year compared to- $290,- ory, Pontotoc;. Booneville, New catur, will also be here to answer Albany, Fulton and Tup elo were Lee County Bar Association ' tionalist uprising in P.u erto Rico Torresola, fatally wounded by 346 spent in the past year. border, early Thursday morning questions regarding operation of invited to the meeting. Thursday began a pre-election and inflicted the worst setback earlier this week. slugs from the gun of slaid guard the program. Wage hikes and the mounting being Were Linked Together Barrett Shelton, Decatur pubcampaign designed to put on a The Nationalist P arty is a Leslie Coffelt, supplied the two cost of supplies and equipment to American arms since World Harry Rutherford, editor of the small but fanatical splinter group German -made pistols carried by account for the increased spendJournal, will make a short talk local level the State Bar Associ- War II's "Battle 9f the Bulge." As Much As 14 Years ation's support of the proposeJ seeking immediate independence In its opening phases Wednesthe pair, Collazo said. He de- ing, Mr. Maynard said. on the need for industrial devefor Puerto Rico . Gov. Luis Mu- Ago In Puerto Rico lopment in this area and will ex- constitutional amendment in- day the attack chopped up the nied anyone else was involved. The park and recreatio n decreasing the membership of the South Korean 6t h Division north noz Marin has charged that its plain what steps have been taken The gunmen, who lived in New partment will spend $14,500 the S~ate Supreme Court from six to of Unsan. Thursday mornin~ it WASHINGTON <U.PJ- Records York City, · arrived from there next year compared to $6,2.35 exoperations are Communist-institoward organization to q~J~. gated, and the Justice Depart- of the House Committee on Un- an dregistered separately in a pended the past year. hit the United States 1st Cavalry Following the discussion of the n ine. Appointed by the state associ- and South Korean 1st Division at Activities showed downtown ment has branded it subversive. American Washington hotel program by Mr. Shelton and Mr. The general fund is budgeted Police in San Juan , Pue1-to Thursday night an association Tuesday under assumed names. to receive $176,160 from sources Before dawn today it Johnson as it operates in Ala- ation, the committee is headed Unsan . Rico, promptly arrested Nation- b etween Puerto Rican revolu- They met a bout 2 p.m. the next other than taxes, · and the rebama, Mr. Nanney will obtain a by Ramon Burgess. Other mem- hit the South Korean 7th and 8th alist Party leader P edro Albizu tionists and the Communist Par- day and took a taxi to within a maining $145,000 in taxes. The tentative expression of opinion bers are Guy Mitchell, J r., Divisions south and east of UnCampos and more than 100 of his ty that dates back at least 14 block of Blair House, where they major sources of income for that from as many as possible of the Claude Clayton and C. R. Bolton. san and spread within 21h miles Mr. Burgess said the local com- of Kunuri, 14 northeast of cohorts, including Ruth Reynolds, years. delegates from towns of this area again separated. fund will inclu\ie $22,000 from the veteran Nationalist ~gita from and will set a date for a meeting "1ittee wanted to point up to I\ e Sinanju. They show · that President PeCollazo said he was tbe first sak of privilege licenses, $18,000 Thursday night's and Friday of a smaller group to get to work County voters the urgent necesthe United States. Several ar- dro Albizu Campos, of the small to start firing, though his gun from police court fines, $30,000 on organization plans. • sity for an increased membership morning's attacks against the rests were made among New Puerto Rican Nationalist Party, jammed for a second. He fired from parking meter collections, First Of Kind Will on the State S upreme Court and ROK 7th and 8th Divisions were The dinner meeting is being York's 300,000 Puerto Rican resi- even then was receiving favors 12 shots in al.. and $30,000 from the light c!,eBe Launched From sponsored by the Industrial Com- the advantages of an increased made by an estimated three Comdents. from the Communists. Albizu Asked how he thought Mr. Tru. partment in lieu of taxes. , membership to each Mississipmunist divisions armed with mittee of the Tupelo Commu:fty T he Justice Department said Al- Wi.JS arrested in San Juan Wed- man's death would help Puerto To finance the $14,500 P ark 13,700-Ton Cruiser Foundation, of pian. The state votes on the tanks; artillery, mortars and RusDevelopment bizu and others may be brought nesday night after two of his Rican independence, Collazo told an-:! Recreation program, the city amendment at next ' Tuesday's sian multiple-rocket launchers of here for trial on charges of aid- followers tried to assassinate interrogators they planned to expects to get $13,000 from taxes WASHINGTON <U.P.l- The Na- which J ulius Berry is chairman. general election. the type used by the Red ar \1y Tupelo's city officials have aling and abetting murder, which President Truman. start a revolution in this coun- and $1,500 from swimming pool vy revealed Thursday that it is "There are many people," Mr. carries a death penalty. A 1944 report by the commit- try which would spread to his receipts. starting "limited production" of ready expressed definite interest Burgess said, "who feel that the against the Germans in World in forming an area-wide indusWar II. Chairman Joseph C. O'Maho- t ee contains the following quotes homeland. 'Ihe water and light depart- the first guided missile. proposed amendment increasing In their retreat the Americans ney, Democrat of Wyoming, or- from the 1936-37 International Officers who spoke with Col- ments operate on fun ds gained It was the first official an - trial development program with the Supreme Court membership dered the staff of his Senate In- Labor Defense yearbook: lazo said he exhibited a martyr from their own operation and do nouncement that guided missiles, a full-time contact representative is largely for the benefit of law- left behind an estimated 1,000 men from two battalion s of th(:) terior Committee to investigate "Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos was complex and boasted he would go not depend on tax support. The long considered a "Buck Rogers" t p run down payroll prospects · yers." two r egiments. This force was the assassination attempt and a.nested and charged with oppos- down in history as a "hero" to water w.orks expenditures, are weapon, had moved out of the "Actually," he contin ued, "the trapped behind the Communist gathe r "all a_vailable informa- ing the authority of the United his compatriots. budgeted at $86,975. The electri- purely experimental stage into incr eased membership on the Mississippi, Arkansas lines. tion" on the Nationalist move- States by force, inciting rebelHe was calm as he lay in bed cal department expects to spend actual production. court would directly benefit the A tank force of the 1st Cavalry m ent. The committee handles lion against the United States gov. for the preliminary hearing, Simultaneously, the Navy re- In Class By Selves (Continued on P age 7) citizens of our state more than Division began fighting north late legislation dealing with island ernment and recruiting soldiers speaking onl y seven deliberatelyvealed it in ·converting a ship, it would members of the bar in Thursday to rescue the two batterritories. · in Puerto Rico to serve in armed spaced words during these prosaid to be a 13,700-ton cruiser, WASHINGTON. (U.P.l - Final tha t persons coming into court, Chairman Estes Kefauver, hostilities against the United ceedings. These came when Comt o carry and fire the missile as 1950 census figures released either in criminal or civil cases, talions, last reported hemmed into Democrat of Tennessee, said his Sti:.tes. With him seven associates m i£sioner Lawrence asked if he a "primary" an.ti-aircraft wea- Thursday showed Mississippi with would get the benefits of a spee- a small pocket three miles south of Unsan. special Senate crime investigat- also were arrested on the same wanted to have his arraignment pon. It alr eady h as b een fired a population of 2,178,914, a drop dy appeal of their cases." The rescue tanks fought withi ng committee also will "see if charges. from a submarine and from the of 4,882 persons from the 1940 put off. Noting the heavy increase in in seven miles of Unsan J:,y dark there are .any aspects of this matNavy's experimental guided mis- total. 'Attorneys Gilberto Concep"I think I will have counsel," the number of cases appearing Thursday before they ran into ter that come within our juris- tion of Puerto Rico, Congressman he replied evenly. siles ship, the Norton Sour\ 1. The only other southern state before the supreme court and the ' 'ction." The twin disclosures came as to show a loss for the past 10 resultant s10w down in action, heavy Red resistance. The tankVito Marcantonio and Isador PolAsked specifically if he wanters stopped there for the night Defense Secretary George C. years was Arkansas. .lier of New York, and Arthur D. ed counsel, he replied, "Yes." (Coniinued on P age Seven) and prepared to drive on the last 75 Delega tes Expected Marshall named Maj. Gen. K. D . Formal arraignment then was £ From u n·1on County Hilly of Boston are conducting three miles to the trapped AmeriNicholas as fulltime deputy to .;, the legal defense of Campos." set then for 10 a.m., Nov. 21. cans this morning. For Meeting Here K. T. Keller, recently-appoint ed The prisoner was moved early - eave For Army; Civic The report said all eight were A spokesman fo the 1& Corps director of the armed forces guidconvicted. Thursday to Gallinger from The Northeast Mississippi Dis- ed missiles program. Nichols has said · the ROK 7th Division was Leaoue Gives Brea kfast The International Labor De- E mergency Hospi'tal where he trict of the Boys' Hi ..Y will meet heavily hit during the night and NEW ALBANY - (Special) - fense, for which Marcantonio and was taken after t he "Battle of at the Milam Junior High School b een head of the armed forces driven back an undetermined disspecial weapons project since Sixteen men left here Thursday others acted in behalf of the Na- P ennsylvania Avenue." here Monday afternoon and eventance after being "pretty badly morning for the induction station tionalist Party leader, has been ing, it was anno unced by Arch April, 1948. chewed up." in Jackson where they will be as- described by the Justice DepartOROVILLE, Cal. (U .P.lWhile ehind him, took an automatic b McCormack, principal. The spokesman said the situsigned to camp for basic training. ment as "the legal arm of the the clerks catalogued her charms, pistol from her purse, and said: ation in the Unsan area was "not Weather Forecast !The purpose of the conference Funeral Services Those leaving were Frank Scott Communist Party." "Cut out this damn foolishness, an "extremely good-looking girl" is to study program planning for as good as it could be and not as Wilbanks, Jack Clarence McMilMarcantonio is a candidate for M ississippi -Considerable Hi-Y Clubs and to provide a gen- For Swep Shumpert held up the manager of a food this is a stickup." good as we would like it to. be." len, James Burnice Bagwell, Hen - reelection to Congress in next cloudiness, scattered showers and eral discussion on making Hi-Y Bowles 01,?ened the store's safe market here and escaped with With good weather predicted dis Mayes Reed, Kendric Hayes week's general election. His New cooler in west and south portions more effective in the schools of loday At New Chapel $2,500. and gave her the $2,~\ 'l cash for today, squadrons of fighters NETTLETON (Special) Reed, Claude Holcomb Black, ' York City constituency is heavily Friday, and in southeast portions the distr ict. P olice w ere aided in the search there. She took it away in a an d bombers roared off r unways Benjamin Fra nklin P otter, Joel populated by Puerto Ricans. Saturday. Appr oximately 75 delegates re- Services for Swep Shumpert, life. for the bandit by one of the most plain brown shopping bag. in both Japan and Korea to blast Jeffers Prather, Billy Gene Brid- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - presenting 10 clubs are expected long resident of this area, will detailed descriptions of the banBowles and the clerks gave po- the Reds in the Unsan area for ges, S t anley Carlton Wilkins, to attend the conference which be he.Id at 3 p.m. today at the dit they ever received. It even lice this description of the girl: the second straight day. # Carlton Stokes Hall, William Ar"Extremely good looking, five opens Monday afternoon at 4 o'- N~w Chapel Methodist Church, included the color . of the zipper ----0 nold Prince, James Homer Crus~. feet-three inches t all, 115 pounds, clock with John Whitw orth of six miles e:ist of here with the on her skirt. Jr., James Haskell Claunch, Jyles Ripley Gets $325,000 Rev. Leo Bailey offiicati ng. He Herb Bowles, a partner m the 26 years old, dark brown" hair, Pontotoc, former state Hi-Y preE dward Brawley, Billy Quitman was 77. store, said the c.ark-eyed and dark comolexion, smooth-talksident, presiding. Du ggar. Mr. Shumpert, who was a shapely girl wandered around ing voice, •wearing a dark knit For Power Extension Jimmy Trapp of Milam Junio:: P rior to their departure, the WASHING TON - <U.P.l- Th e High School will give the address bachelor, was known to his may the store for a half hour while slipon sweater, kelly-greene corUnion County , Red Cross gave a BOSTON W. P.L- A "flash of Harvard astronomers said the of. welcome and Charlie L enz, friends as "Uncle Swep" and had the clerks watched her, apparent- duroy skirt with gold zipper, full Rural Electrification Administrabreakfast in the Rainey H.otel light" apparently caused by a meteor must have been a large general secretary of the Mississip- made his home with his· brother, ly more in admiration tha n dis- length hosiery, low- heeled san- tion Thursday granted Ripley, coffee shop for the indu / tees. meteor turned night intoday for one to have been seen for such pi YMCA, will lead the devo- Gordon Shumpert, in Nettleton, trust. dals, clothes new and extremely Miss·., a $325,000 loan to expand Malcolm Houston was the speak- a few seconds Thursday night a distance. electric service in farming areas. for a number of years. Then, he said, she walked up well fitting." tional. er for the occasion. The New th1oughout the northeastern secThe afternoon session will conThe flas hoccurred at 7:33 Albany Civic League was host tions of the United States and p.m. according to reports from sist of a program of song, felfor the breakfast and Mrs. Law- Canada. Montreal, Boston and Hartford, lowship, worship and a discusrence Kennedy was its represenNe wspapers in New England Corm. In each of those cities t he sion period. tative. and New York state were floodThe ni.ght session, which will M rs. Ann Daniel, secretary of ed with calls asking what the flash was described as a bright begin at 6:30, will feature an inblue light that illuminated the the Selective Service Board here, flash was. And in Waterbury and spirational talk by Halsey Worannounced that the next pre-in- New Haven, Conn., residents went whole sky. In Vermont and Montreal wit- ley and a program centered duction ca ll has been set for the out into the streets to see if it nesses said the flash lighted the around building a Hi-Y progr am Nov. 16 with 10 men scheduled would be repeated. and countryside "j ust like in conjunction with the needs to report for examinations. At Harvar d Observatory in streets and interests of its members. d;iy." ----0 Cambridcge, Mass., officials said All clubs and members in the Many witn esses said the strange they "toncluded" from reports area are invited to attend the sesFall Is Fatal To Will light was preceded or followed received · that the flash was· a Bailey, 77, Of Houlka · "very bright meteor which fell by a huge ball that seemed to be sions. HOULKA - (Special) - Will in the area." They said, however, traveling northward. There apparently was .no sound Methodist Planning B ailey, 77-y ear-old retired ~a~m- that there was no evidence that accompanying the flash in New Largest Le~dership er of near Houlka, died of mJ~- it had struck the earth. Astronomers at Toronto said England or New Yor k, but one ies he received in a fall while visiting at the home of his son, they believed the meteor might World War II veteran at Masse- Training Series have landed in the Georgian Bay, na, N. Y., said he "ducked beChester Bailey, near here. The Rev. J. E. Long, exes:utive He leaves seven sons, Carrol east of Lake Huron. W.eather sta- hind a tree because the sight re- secretary of the Board of Educations at Saulte Ste. Marie, Ont. , Bailey, with whom he reside~; minded me-of a bomb exploding." tion of the Methodist Church, Chester Bailey and L eonard_ Bai- and in Michigan said that low • Another resident there said "the said here Thursday that plans l ey, both o fnear Houlka ; Millard lying cloud banks north and w est whole sky seemed to open up have been laid for the largest and J. W. Bailey of New Jersey ; of Buffalo, N. Y., woula have in a white glare with a huge red leadership training course ever D urell Bailey of Chattanooga, prevented seeing the meteor in streak flashing through the mid- held by the chwTh in Northeast Tenn.; Reeder Bailey of West that area. dle." He said it appeared to be Mississippi. P alm Beach, Fla. ; one daue;hter, But an airlines pilot landing heading north. T he sessions will be held at Mrs. Bernice Bailey of Oxf<1 ·d; a at Willow Run Airport in DeGilbert S ummers at St. Johns- .Guntown, Nov . 26-29, and later A passerby comes to the aid of a White House guard who was Lying in a pool of blood at the foot of the Blai r House sister, Mrs. Addie Reeder of Houl- troit radioed that he saw a "bril- bury, Vt., said the flash was a at Ripley, Holly Springs, Booneshot down during the pistol battle in which Griz lio Torresola wRs ka· and a brother, the Rev. Wes lian flash in the clouds." He said "bright green, blue light th;it lit ville. Corinth, Nf'W Albany ;ind steps is wou ld -be assassin Grizelio Torresol~, who was fatally , Ba'iley. wounded , killed. he thou 9hl it was an explosion. up the wh ol vaile ," lu1'-il ,
To Two Divisions
Assassination Attempt 'Lone Wolf Revolution'
11 Towns Will Plan Industrial Development
Rebels And Reds In Partnership, Say Committee
Local Support For Nine Member Court Organized
Navy Starting
Production Of Gided Missile
District Hi-Y Session M.onday
Easy O·n The Eye, Hard On Bankroll: She Gets $2,500
Night .Turned Briefly T.o Day By Falling Of Huge Meteor
Dead Assassin And Heroic Guard Who Killed Him