CO . X , I G r, .:.;p . _ • F I Hci !' -s
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Volume 80 - Number 196
-~-- ------
• Entered at the pof't office in TupeJo, Miss ., as second.class man .
Tupelo, Mississippi, Thursday Morning, November 16, 1950
Shannon Wreck Injures ThreeOne Seriously
Member Audit Bureau of Circulations.
Allies M ove Up On All Fronts To Fill Gaps Left By Chinese Defense Boosted By Korean Reds
New Stati on Wagon And Its Traile r In Pileup Wi th Truck By T AYLOR REESE Th ree . persons were injured, one senously, Wednesday afternoon when a new Chevrolet station wagon pulling a house trailer collided with a large trailer tr uck on Highway 45 just south of Sh annon at the Chiwappa Creek bridge. Seriously injured was E,. L . Grosh, 49-year-old farmer of B owen, Ill., who . suffered a n eck
Along East Coast Temperatures Fina lly Rise Above Freezing As Sun Comes Out
Full United Press Leased Wire
TOKYO, Thursday, Nov. 16<U.P.J-United Nations forces surged forward at dawn today in a general attack all along the northwest front to fill up the void left by mysteriously withdrawing Chinese Communists. B ut on the East Coast, North Korean Communists reinforced their positions with a seaborne landing of nearly 1,000 men to join enemy troops that drove back the Republic Capitol Division 21h miles. Front dispatches said the U. S. 24th Division, the British Commonwealth Brigade and the 1st, It's Sadie Hawkins Day at Ole Miss today and Daisy Mae's got L'il Abner for keeps, it seems. 6th, 7th and 8th South Korean D ivisions opened drives lo exNorris Caldwell, Jr., of Tupelo and Miss Jackie Walker of Pascagoula, shown in the above photo, pand the western anchor of the represent Al Capp's favorite characters in the eve nt. Other fe atures include a greased pig race, L'il UN battleline. Abner's trial for breach of promise to Daisy Mae, open house at the fraternity houses for the On the extreme left end of girls, and a backward dance, The Dogpatch Stomp. -Phc:to by George P eters the line the Commonwealth Brigade and 24th Division units began advancing · to enlarge their
fracture, cuts on face and neck, shock and bruises. His wife suffered a severe bruise on her side Taken at the height of the explosion, this picture shows flying debris peppering the area and and shock. ,. smoke mushrooming black and white Wednesday at the GM&O ya rds in Okolona with the "dropCharles Harris of K enn ett, Mo., ping" of the 500-ton coal chute. Before and after pictures may be found on Page 8. 23-year-old driver of the ' trailer -Staff Photo by V:ir!an truck, was uninjured in ; t he • • * • * • wreck but received a severe e lec• tric burn on his leg when he cam e into contact with a power line whi le trying to assist Mr. a nd Mrs. Grosh to get out of t heir badly damaged station wagon. All three were brought to Commu n .. ity Hospital for t reatment. Both vehicles w ere headed south. · When the trailer truck, d riven by Harris, a ttempted to p ass the station wagon-house trailer, d riB y TONNY VARTAN, Journal Roving R ven by Mr. G rosh, the t wo veOKOLONA, Miss.- A 500-ton Cost of building such a chute Four days of preparation were hicles sideswiped about t he cen symbol of a passing railroad age today, with its· sturdy foot-thick necessary for the bomb-like de- ter of the bridge. T heir ;momen rumbled to earth at 12:32 p.m. walls of reinforced concrete, was tonation which took place Wed- tum carried t hem off t he south Wednesday in the GM&O yards estimated at between $100,000 and nesday. F urther dismantling is end of the bridge and d own · a pbr~~?:s~e;:~ here with the split-second maj- $150,000. n ow in progress. ' ' steep · embankment on· t he e ast ports but a 24th Division report esty of a fiery volcan o. But dropping of the chute was The coal chute had to go and it side of the highway. One of the m ~ ent toppling to its knees for the only recourse left to the rail- went with the grumbling grace of struck a power p ole an d sn ap ped said they were meeting no opultimate dismantling was the last road, with the · passing of the a giant w ho had outlived his use- it into, letting the highly charged coal chute on the Southern Re- steam locomotives. fulness. lines fall near t he two mac h ines. ~ree in att~~: d~~! gion of the GM&O line. 'ren of the concrete guard p osts treezing mark and the sun was The brownish, steel-reinforced on the trailer-truck's side of the shining after some sleet early concrete chute, which resembled bridge were knocked loose and this morning. This was in sharp a huge barn on stilts, finally gave the connecting pipe w as b ad ly contrast to the bitter 20-belov.r way to the diesel engine when bent. T ire marks s howed the By GENE GRATZ temperatures reported in North150 pounds of dynamite packed in truck wheels were a t on e point ' east Korea. The is~uance of $1,050,000 Despite the impending millio~ lowed by sta te law. the east pillars and ch ute base running on top of the .two-footEast of the American and Britwere detonated. Currently, the city has $585,high bridge sid ew all ·a nd that w orth of water a nd sewer bonds, dollar load to be d umped on the only the guard p osts had prevent- expected to be sold here Dec. city's bond books to finance the 900 worth of bonds still to be ish units the South Korean 1st Comple ted in 1914, the chute. ed the l arge . truck from plung- 19, will push the city's long term water and sewer eonstruction pro- paid, All are general obligation Division shoved off at daw n and ha.c;! a. tQp <;Qlll <;s\pa.dty of 550 tons ing down som e 20 fe et into Chi- bon d debts to a new high of gram, the city's total bonded in- bonds and include general muni- by 11 a.m. had driven nearly a nd a t the height of its activity $1,635,900, official figures show- debtedness will be considerably cipal, school and water works three miles north and northwest wappa Creek. was u sed to coal 15 t o 20 freight below the maximum level al- bonds. The to tal includes $88,- betwee n Pakchon and the YelBoth Mrs. Grosh and M r . H ar- ed Wednesday. engines a day. It served during 000 in 1950 airport bonds and low Sea coast. They, tbo, were ris told State High way P a t roltwo World Wars and the interval JACKSON, Miss. (U.P.J.- Purser Better dairy management, b tit· man J . A. J:,ove that the house$180,000 Temaining to be u a id meeting no opposition. p eace yeats, supplying coal for from the $200,000 Day -Brite steam e ngines which hauled ba- Hewitt, managing editor of the tei schools, especially for negroes, trailer appeared to wabble a bit uilding issue. n anas, cattle, tires, far.m equip- Jackson Clarion-Ledger, w a, s improved.roads _and .increased tel- just a~ the truck was passing anfl ment, perishables an d other named new president' of the Mis- ephone · installatton ere suggest - possibly caused the t wo . eAlthou gh the water and s wer sissippi Baptist Convention late ed as goals for a five-year agri- hicles to collide. Both vehicl es freight through Okolona. onds · will add another million cultural and .rural life p rogram. v,rere . wide and t here was•' not H ere for the "dropping" of the Wednesday. dollars to the city's bonded inHe succeeds Dr. W. E. Greene at a meeting w ,, ln esday after- much ,room on the hi gh w ay for ch~te was W. H. F orlines of Jack- debtedness, the fact t hat the nool'l of 14 Lee County farm and them to pass each other. , son; T enn., superintendent of t he of Newton. bonds are revenue type will k eep Other officers elected included business leaders in the City-Coun• T he l ong truck trailer owned n orthern division of GM&O, and the cio/ well within the bonded by L. E . Akers of B ra gg Cjty , U.. J . G . Taylor of Meridia,n, t rack Retiring Congressman Will Whit- ty building. debt limits set by state law. Also suggested was t he estab· Mo., came 'to a stop y.ith its back supervisor of t he southern divi- tington of Gree nwood, second State law limits a city's total lishment of an organization for vice-president. wheels n ea r the t op of the e msion, who is in charge of dismantbonded indebtedness through youths past the 4-H Club age, Election of officers highlighted bankment and its front end ling t he chute. general obligation bond s · to a BERLIN < U .P.lThe Russians BALDWYN (Special) A. the adoption of sheep r·aisin g p r o· ·sessions of the convention and against t he t r uck cab . It was P resent also were R. C. T homaure based on 15 per cent of son , trainmaster at Okolona, and various reports on wor k of the grams on a community basis a nd empty as Mr. H arris was enroute charged, Wednesday night that W. (Pug) Ya rbrough, prominent fig Tupelo's 1950 Community Fund encouragement to farm families to Florida for a load · of grape an America n jet fighter plane merchant and farmer of B ald- the total assessed valuation of drive has taken a definite turn Marvin Smith of Okolona, bridge past year also were delivered. real and pefson a l property in to raise m cl e of their food needs Tuesday n ight, after a heated fruit. •I gan g foreman here for the disfor the better in the last t hree· fired on a Soviet transport plane The house t railer came to a which took ailing F re nch Com- wyn and the P ratt Community the city. For Tupelo, the lim it days, camp aig n chairman L. T. mantling job. Mr. Smith served debate lasting unttl just before on the farm. is approximately $2 ,025,000. n ear here, died of a sudden heart G uthrie Allred, Brewer farmer, ·s top with its rear w h eels at the munis t Leader Maurice T horez as foreman for this same chute midnight, the conventioi! voted McClellan reported Wednesday. R evenue bonds, which are redown a proposal to close tlhe Mis- pointed out that da irying is t he top of the embankment. It had to Moscow by way of Germany attack Wednesday afternoon in from 1916 to 1919. As of Wednesday night, Mr. Pushing the plunger on the de- sissippi Woman's College at H a t- coming thing in this area and said broken loose a nd turned over last week end. M eridian where he was attend- paid by money-making city op- McClellan said, a little more than that better management practices one time before comin g to rest on erations such as the proposed t ona tor was A. S. (Jack) Baker tiesburg. Maj . G en . Vassily Chuikov, ing a Masonic meeting. He was water and sewer w orks here, are $13,000 had been collected toT.he Education Commission, were needed for Lee County dair- it s wheels. of Carroll, Tenn. ward the $15,775 goal. The total 48. chairman of the Soviet Control ' not included in the law limitMrs. Grosh said sh e a nd he r At the detonation, there came which had recommended closing ymen to get best results. Arrange ments for funeral ser- ing the total amount of general last Friday, original date for County Agent W . J. P ernell also husband were e nroute to B rad- Mission, made the charge to a thunder-like clap and then the Bapti13t-supported school, A merican High Commissioner vices were incomplete Wednes- obligation bonds, which. are re- lurnin« in reports, had stood at black and white smoke mush- te nde red its resignation follow- said "we mus: turn from just enton, F la., for a vacat ion . day night. Waters Funeral Home payable through a general prop- 40 per cent off the pace at $9,Assistin g P atrolman L ov e in J ohn J . McCloy. roomed from the chute as con- ing the vote. However, delegates milking cows to a program of 600. Protesting against the alleged is in charge. erty tax levy. crete chunks, parts of slate rooi declined to accept the resigna- dairy management that will bring making the investigation · and m attack, Chuikov said that an Mr. Yarbroug h, member of a Mr . McClellan urged. all camin the highest return s for the keepi n g the • high way clear of and other debris whistled through tion and referred the matter to In addition to the revenue-type cars were P atrolmen Bean and American A ir Force F-80 Shoot- pioneer and prominent P ra tt water a nd sewer bonds, city of- paign workers who have not yet t he air for 100 to 150 yards. the Nominating Committee for work and feed used." ing Star jet fighter a ttacked the Community family and a leader tur n ed in their reports to do so Miss Margaret Dur>h, county K elly from Oko lona. When t he smoke had cleared, further action. ficials figure the bond pictu re D amage amounting to several S oviet C-47 transport about 30 in many activities of the area, 'lS brighter because of the "self- as soon as possible and today if t he chute lay top pled over near The commission had reported home demonstration agent, urged miles west of F rankfurt, in the was the owner of the A. W. Yaran embankment to the east. that the college had not been that a program be started to en- t housand dollars was done to t he America n occupation zone . The brough an d S on general mercan- liquidating" form of t.he Day- possi ble. '·We'll not be able t o make an Even after dismantling, the properly supported and that en- courage farm families to raise two vehicles. plane was bound from P aris for tile store here as well as of ex- Brite bonds. The 20-year Day- accurate check on our progress chute-which has not been in use rollment had been small since more of the products they use a t Brite bonds are being repaid Moscow. tensive areas of land aro und until all reports have been turnsince the GM&O was completely it was reopened four y ears ago. home. She said that in man y Chuikov said the jet fighter Pratt. He was a member of the t'hrough building ren:tals from ed in," Mr. McClellan said. "We're in stances children do not have dieselized abou t two years agothe company, w ith the one and p ilo t shot at the plane "at a disBaldwyn Masonic Lodge and of enough milk fo r healthy growth. urging all workers with re ports will continue to serve the railtance of 10 meters (33 feet) from the Christian church. at P ratt. eight- tenth interest the only still out to help us clean up the road. . expense to local taxpayers. In under its right wing." He deHe leaves his wife; Live sons, The electric motor for powering General municipal bond is- remaining reports by bring ing WEST P OINT , M iss. <U.P.>- F un - manded that the American oilot Boyce Yarbrough of B aldwyn; t he hoist, chains, steel spouts and sues, which have paid for such them in as soon as possibl e." · eral services will be held today who, he said, was responsible Rex, Walton, Marlin and M ickey other material will be scrapped. varied civic improvements as Yarbrough, a ll of P ratt; one for Dr. Richard C. R ichard son , for the attack, be punished. The concrete will be broken into street paving and jail repairs afThorez was en route to Mosdaughter Mrs. I,,arkin Agnew of No · meeting of the Lee County who d ied early W ednl!sday at h is " rip-rap" to be use~ for bank proMERIDIA , Miss. (U.P.l- Funter the tornado, account for tection along the !me. eral services will be held here ,American Legion post will be home in nearby P heba. He was cow for treatment after suffer- Franklinton, La.; a · brother, W. $450,500 of the cun-ent bonds reing a cerebral h emorrhage. Rusheld tonight, Commander Gus J. Yarbrough of P ratt; two sis72. The chute, which had coaled today for 70-year-old Dr. Mark R ichardson had been a Missis- sia sent S oviet F oreign Minister ters, Mrs. L on Duke and Mrs. maining to be paid. t housands of smoke-billowing lo- Whmingham Gantt, presiderit of Beane said Wednesday, since the Outstanding school bonds toNovember 11 program and supsippi doctor sin ce 1901 and w as An drei Vishins ky's private plane L ude Bruton, both of Baldwy n ; comotives in its era, was 75 feet the Mississippi Old Age Pension per t ook the place of the regular one of the state's old est praction- to Paris to take him to Moscow. and one grandson, Scotty Yar- tal $50,400 and water works high and 38 feet square _a t the Association. bonds remaing to be paid add up Three L ee County girls will It took off f.rom Paris Sa turday. brough. ers. base. It was used for sanding, as An optometrist for 50 years, meeting this month. t o $85,000. receive recognition for their acwell as coaling, engines. Gantt died at his home late Mon City officials are en couraged complishments in 4-H Club work day after an extended illness . by the fact that old-time, high- at the a nnual 4-H Club RoundHe was a noted speaker, writer interest bonds are r apidly dis- Up today and tomorrow in Jackand religious leader and in the appearing from the city's books. son. . thirties was an unsuccessful canStill to be paid however, . be Each a winner in the Northeast didate !or governor. fore the high-Lnterest bonds arE Mi sissippi D istrict the thl:ee Survivors include hi s widow, gone, are $4,000 worth o( water were awarded the trip to the two sons and two daughters. murder works bonds, sold in 1931 and rou nd-up for their work. T hey PALATKA, Fla. (U.P.l- A truck- brother, G il, a nd two p hotog- Car ter took McRae to nearby technical charge o f BOONEVILLE - (Special) bearing a high 51/.i per cent in- are: Shirley Francis, Tupelo, first Interlachen where he was remov- against him. T he Boy Scout Fun~ Camp~ign ing firm president trailed his wife raphers and follow ed her. terest rate; $12,000 wor th of 1934 in health; Lillian Agnew, Cedar ed to the hospital. will get its start with a kickand a J acksonville city commisT he trail led down a sandy r oad Mrs. McRae, the mother of a paving bond s carrying the same H ill, first in entomol ogy; a nd B rowning tel ephoned Sheriff off breakfast at 7 o'clock this sioner to a lonely lakeside cabin to the cabin on the shore of Gin W . J . Revels of Putnam County . 16-year-old son, was an active expensive in terest rate ; and $6,- S adie P atton, Cedar Hill, first in moTning, Fred Houston, chairRevels summoned a coroner's worker in the Parent-Teacher As- 000 worth of 1926 school bonds, achievement. man, announces. CORPS, Fra n ce (U.P.>'- Fifty- Wednesday and blasted tl;l.em to Ho use Lakt;. on L evy's P rairie 20 The girls were scheduled to The campaign will be conduct- four bodies, all that could be death with an a utomatic ·shot- miles from Pala tka. T he fo ur jury which viewed the bodies and sociation and in. the School Boy on which the city still pays five per cent interest. leave this morning, accompaned today by representatives of found of 58 persons killed in the gun as they lay in an embrace on men arrived in less than a n h our was to report its verdict today. Patro l Association. a narrow bunk. Remaining bond issues to be after S utton an d Mrs. McRae en- Both pho tographers testified beSutton, whose wife was reportied by Miss Martha Can, assistall civic clubs in town. All pros- crash of a Canadian chartered Joel P . McRae, m ember of a tered the cabin. Sutton's ca r w as fore a prelimina ry inquest late ed out of the state, was elected a paid carry considerably lower ant county home demonsh·ation pective donors have been con- airliner here Monday, were in the day. a city councilman in 1947. · He interest rates, ranging from three agent, for the round-up which tacted prior to this time, and brought part of the way down prominent Jacksonville family, p ark ed n earby. Ca r~ing a n a utom atic 12-guage The sheriff said the co u ple were was a lieutenant colonel in G en. per cent to the record low of one includes a tour of the city of donations will be sqltc1ted m the frozen slopes of Mount Obiou staggered to the front stoop of the cabin after the shooting and shotgun, loaded with D ouble-0 "so close together" that the first George S. Patton's Third Army and eight-tenth s being paid on Jackson , a reception at the ~ovboth business houses and private Wednesday night. collapsed from a h eart attack. bu ckshot, McRae enter ed the ca- blast of the shotgun was suffi- in Europe in World W ar Two. He the D ay-Brite issue. ernor's mansion and a banquet homes during t he drive. Behind him in the cabin lay his bin. His bro ther an d t he photog- cient to kill both Sut ton and was graduated from the Univer! Although revenue bonds ge n- ton ight. Round-up headquarters Chairmen of advance donations wife, Mrs. Marie. Ellis McRae, 33, raphers, J. R. Carter and Albert Mrs. McRae instantly. sit y of Florida in 1936 with a law erally carry a higher rate of in- are at t he H eidelberg Hotel. The are U. H. Davis and Joe Duckan attractive PTA wor ker, and Browning, brought along to take "B ut he fired again b efore degree . terest, city officials are hoping girls will Teceive recognition ·at worth. R. D. (Dick) Sutton, 39, Jackson- pictures for a J?OSsible divorce wal kin g out," Revels said. Sutton rose fro m the National to sell the water a nd sewer the banquet. --~~o~~~ville safety commissioner. case, waited outside. R eve ls added that McRae ap- G uard rank of private in 1940 to bonds at between two and three Saturday the girls will also reA banquet in honor of this Their heads were blown off by "I heard two shots," Gil Mc- parently fired from a distance of lieutenant colonel and was deco- per cent. ceive recognition at the annual year's Lee County Home D emon- the shotgun blasts and their bo- Rae said . "I ran inio the house about four feet. The barrel of the rated with the Silver Star, Lee County Achievement Day strntion Council will be held at dies lay grotesquely on the ca- when the shots were fired. I shotgun was splattered with Bronze Star with a Cluster, and program. LONDON (U.P}- Film Star Hotel Tupelo Nov. 29 for which bin's only crude bed, bathed in passed Jake (his brother) in t he blood , he said. the Belgian Croix d e Guerre. -~~~o,-~--James Stewart underwent an Tupelo Attorney Sam H . Long blood. front room. The sheriff said the shooting He had been at odds with Mayemergency appendicitis operation will be speaker. The event is McRae was tak~ to Glendale "I heard two shots," Gil Mc- w as reported by Brownin g who or Haydon Burns over alleged W ednesday and the hospital re- sponsored by chain store man ag- hospital where he was held un- Rae said. "I ran into the house walked several miles through city-wide gambling in JacksonMississippi Considerable ported he was "resting comfort- ers of Tupelo. der guard Wednsday n ight on a when the shots were fired. I p as- sand and brush to reach a tele- ville . JACKSON, Miss. -(UR.>- Gov. cloudiness today and Friday. ably." technical charge of murder. sed Jake (his brother) in t he front phone. Su tton's cabin was locat ed 20 Fielding Wright will hold a n ex- Cooler, with a few showers FriLawrence Able, prominent LonTipped that his slender, beau- room. McRae, a victim of a heart at- miles west of P a lat ka and two tradition hearing here Friday for day, and in the extreme northdon surgeon , performed the optiful wife, who said she was gotack only two weeks ago, was re- mil es of the J acksonville-Gaines - Floyd P icken s.who is being ·held west portion today. Moderate to "J ake told me, 'it's over.' " erati on on the ac tor, who fell ill Spots closed steady with mid- ing to a P arent-Teach ers Assofres h southerly winds on the Carter said the husband col- por ted in " poor" condition at the ville highway. The sheriff said in Columbus. Monday night after attending dling at 42.65, up 65 pounts. ciation meetir (J, was actually lapsed with a hear t attack as he hospi tal. The sheriff talked to t he rough structure was a pparPickens is wanted in St. L ouis coast, shifting to strong northerthe royal variety performance. Sales totaled 4,687 bales. meeting Sutton, McRae got his walked out of the cabin door. him only briefly and fil ed the ently built for fishing. County, Mo., on an assault charge. ly Friday.
• •
500-Ton Giant" Bows To Age Of Diesels As GM&O Blasts Coal Chute At Okolona Dynami te Charge Se nds 75-Foot-High Concrete Structu re Top pli ng To Its Knees- Bu t Pro ud Symbol Of Two Wars Dies Gallant Death
M,illion Dollar Bond Sale December 19 ~~~~:c~~~e n:t~~e WI·11 pUShCI•ty BOn d De bts T. 0 New HI•Qh ::fi~:fr:u:~st ·But Bonded Indebtedness Here Will Still Be Considerably Lower· · _
Woman's College Five-Year" Plan To ·main Open Outlined Here Newspaperman Heads Baptist Convention
Than Sta te Laws All ow-Limit He~e Is Well Above $2 Millfon Ma rk
Improved Cond itio ns Disc ussed In Meeti ng
Russians Charge A.W. Yarbrough
Fund Drive Here Shows Promise
Plane Fired·Upon DiesSuddenly Claims S. Jet Took Shot At Soviet C-47
Services Merid ia n Today For Dr. Gantt, Head of Old-Age Setup
Farmer A~d Merchant Heart Attack Victim
More Tha n $13,000 Has Been Collected
Dr. Richardson Dies At Pheba; Was 72
No legion Meeti ng Is Planned Tonigh t
Trio Of Lee County Girls Get Recognition Today In Jackso n
Husband Follows His PTA·-Worker W'ife And Another Man To Lonely Cabin, Blows Their Heads Off, Has Heart Attack
Boy Sco ut Fund Drive Is Scheduled Today In Booneville
Only 54 Bodies Found At Scene Of Crash
Ji!l'l my Steward Is Ill; Undergoes Operation
Sam H. Long To Speak At HD Council Banquet
Extrad ition Hea ring Pla nned By Governo r
Weathe r Forecast
New Orleans Spots
Take Advantage Of
he Season's Big· arga1ns During Tupe lo Thrift Days