1954, November 28 - A Hint of Action

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Week-End Edrtion 10c




NEWSPAPER BI : !}U:G DF'P l . 220- 30 S0U'l!i'F' !R8T ST .


• KY.

Volume 84. ....:.. Number 206.

IA Hint Of Action ·in U.S. Note To Reds (UP)-1

·tt Happened· ~n '


Defense Hits

Sfate'sTrail Of Blood Theory

ly" withholding .the names of the two civilians last June when Chinese and American officials met in Geneva to arrange the Korean '. . truce. It denounced the action as "reprehensible.'' MERIDIAN - Meridian Poiice The two civilians, John T. Downhave started a crackdown on ey and Richar d G. Fecteau, v.lere CLEVELAND, 'O., Nov. 26- (UP )punchboard operators. aboard a Civil Air Transport plane The defense in the Dr. Samuel H. Police Chief 0. A. Booker has which disappeared two years ago Sheppard wife-murder trial began announced that aU ty pes of punon a flight from Korea to Japan. tearing down the prosecution's conchboards were banned ' in M,eriThe note said Red China's sen- tention today that the killer left · dian. He says a numb.er of punchtencing of the airmen was "grossly a trail of blood as he wandered contr,ary to the substance and sl)ir- through the house after bludgeon· boards offering prizes were reit of all recognized international ing M r s. Marilyn Sheppard to ported in the city and he warned standards as to the protection of death July 4. that it is a · violation of the law prisone1·s of war." ,a nd .arrests will be made if the It declared that all the men Cleveland police laboratol'y ex-· boa·r ds are not removed, were in planes which were at- pert Henry Dombrowski has testified he found a "trail of blood · tacke? over the recogi:ized coi_nbat spots" iu the house. Under cross111 K°.rea, or over mternation~l examination today he admitted zone .. ,POPLARVILLE Th r e e waters, "m the course ?f the (?hi- -'some of the st a.ins h ad tested· prisoners sentenced to t~rm~ at nese Comrn_umst agg_ress.ion agamst negatively explaining that either Parchman State : Pentitentiar_y READING . THE SECESSION PROCLAMATION - As part of Dixie Wee_k now underway at the Uni~orea_. The!r detent1.on is a. p_a_t~nt the:\' wete 'not human blood or that have escaped from the Pearl _Riviolation ot the Korean aimistice the quantity was too small to react v er County jail at Popla1.V1tle. versity of Mississippi students seceeded from the Union to stage their Dixie celebration for the remainagreement. positively. · Sheriff Buford Walker· report- der of the week. Ernest Duff of Columbia, president of the student body, reads the secession proclamaThe state brought out earlier that ed the prisoners broke a, doo1· to tion from the balcony of the Student Union Building. The two secessionists· at the rigl1t are John Whit50 spots were detected on stair-. esc:ap.e early this morning then worth of Pontotoc (partially hidden) and Lyle Carroll of Natchez. ~~tni:;~i~tci~~·t;.~= \ T . ways between the basement, main made their getaway in a truck. spons1blc for the " unJust'. ' Ja1lmg U · floor and upstairs where the crime of the 11 airmen and two civilians. 'l"liey wer e identified as B~rnaoccurred. It has picttu·ed Sheppard The note did not say what action • . • bus . Servick, a Negro convicted as wandering about the house in ·of a warehouse .robbery; Roscoe could be taken u Red ,China re· , A g a 1 n confusion after t).1e bludgeon-kllling fuses to r elease the men. But Herbert a Negro convicted of of his 31-year-old wife, dripping I ' President Eisenhower had said this assualt ·with intent to kill and nation is ready to do everything WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 (UF)- shaking hands with admirers in blood from his clothes and the Herbert Stewart a white man murder weapon. "humanly possible" short of war to Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy. · will Milwaukee. whose sentence was not learned check out of the l10spital Sunday Because of the 10-day interrup- . The defense says the blood spots win their freedom. · Indignant men'lbers of Congress j,riig~t to resume his. fight ~onday ti~n, som~ senator s fear the Senate probably were left by the Sheppard . immediately. A quartet of farm, home and I group of invited guests from out 11ave suggested several ·courses of agamst the Senate resolut10n to might fail to settle the censure dog, Koko, when she was iri heat. action, including a blockade of the censure him, his attorney . said ~uestion before t\1e Dec .. 24 deadThe murderer was an intruder, STATE COLLEGE, Miss. (Spe- community specialists will come of town. l:ne for the special session . Sheppard's lawyers have said, who CORINTH - Newly • elec!ed ciall - In an effort to keep the into Tupelo next week to open The general public is invited to Red China coastline. The United today. Officials at the Naval Medical Sen. J . William Fulbright (D. later attacked the young osteopath · Kiwanis club officials from five vandalism that sometimes acco1'l- the final phase of the 1954 RCDC the RCDC meeting. which w ill states also .could ask Russia to North Mississippi cities will be panies the Mississippi State-Ole contest. begin at 8 p. m. that night at the intervene in the matter or place it Center at Bethesda, Md., ·disclosed Ark ) called on the public and press when he went to his wife's rescue. Mcarthy left the hospital for a today to demand a decisive vote Sixte.en photographs showing the orlefted on their duties •a t a meet- Miss football game at a m inimum, The three men and a woman- high school auditorium. Featured before the United -Nations. Henry Cabot Lodge J'r ,, U. S. ~hor t ti1:1e Thursday_ to go .for a before the Ch~istmas Eve adjourn- stairways with the spots circled _in ing at Corinth Monday. the Student Association at Mis- from Alabama , Mississippi nnd speaker will be Dr. ·Pierce Har- ambassador to the U. N . cited the Thauksg1vrng Day dn ve. menl. Otherwise, lie sa1d, the dechalk were introduced, including About 25 officials from Amor y, sissippi State and Ole Miss have Tennessee-will ,begin judging ris. widely ' known Atlanta mini- impr.isonment· Thursday ~s another Edward Bennett Williams, attor- bate coulcl "drag 011" without a one s'11owi11g five other spots in the Booneville, Corinth, Ne'N Albany reached a 'mulual "'responsibility" th.is year's contes't Wednesday ster and · daily newspaper col- in the Jong list of rea~ons '_',~hy nc;r ~?r ~he Wiscon,~in Republican, conclus~ve res ult. attached garage. . :tnd Tupelo clubs are expected agreement. moming. They will be here Wed- umnist. the unspe akab le gang 111 Pe1p111g sa:td he 11 be there Monday· when Fulbright also urged both Repub-: Defense attomey William J . Cor• . to attend. . The agreement includes a pro- nesday_ Thursday and FridayMr. Brooks· emphasized that is unfit · to sit in the United Na- the Senate resumes debate after a lican and Democr atic leaders lo 1·iga11 began borfog in after JJom•. Speakers will include H. M. vision that the Student A ssocia- evaluating re~o~ts and making the meetin g in the high school tions." He- did not say whether the 10-day r e cess called when McCar- move to limit debate if, he said, browski finished telling of the Bay>, 0. M. Wood and Cecil Mur- tion at State will pay the cost of on-the-scene visits to the rural auditorium was open to ev ery- matter would be laid before the thy's right elbow began troublipg it becomes appare11t pro-McCarthy "trail of blood" . thmugh tl1e house. dock of Corinth, Chauncey God- any damage to the Ole Miss cam- communit jes of Lee .and Itaw.w n- one, him. forces are using " delaying tactics'' lle .brought out that between the woi·ld organization. win and Ed Godbold of Tupelo pus by ,a State student. The Ole ba counties. The United -S tates delivered the Willlarns said McCarthy may to stall action. time of the murder and July 23, and W. M. Scott of Memphis. Miss Student Association has aWith community reports in, note through Britain a fter the Red , wea~' '. 'some_ ~.rd of a cast" over l!,ulbright proposed such a limit when Dombrowski made his first Chinese consul general in Geneva the mJured Jornt, but he described ·b efore the Senate recessed but examinations,, there were many greed to the sa~e te~ms. ,, a staff of four persous at the ignored an American demand that the senator as "still in good shape.'' failed to get the necessary unani- police officers in the house. urc I The nev.: policy JS the re,,;11t ,Community Development Foundabe meet with Consul - General McCarthy entered the hospital mous consent. He said a joint plea Dombrowski was· quizzed on hls LEXINGTON, Miss., Nov. 26 of ~ mee_tmg held at Ole M'.ss tion office was busy compiling Northeast Mississippi - Part- Franklin E. Gowen' for a personal Nov. 17 for trea.t ment of an infec- by Republican leader William F. examination 0£ the murder room, (IPl _ The First Methodist Church earl1s_er this month when sevei 3.l the accomolishments in farm a nd ly cloudy through Saturday presentation of the bitter protest. tion his staff said developed after Knowland and Democratic leader where he said on direct examinaof Lexington today announced op- State ,students _and fa~ulty mem- home fields of the hundreds of he bumped his elbow agaiµst the Lyndon B. Johnson \vould carry tion he had found beneath the position to a stand taken by the bers talked with th~ir counter· families who live in the or gani- and cooler. Gentle southerly edge of a glass-topped table while more weight. murder bed " a chip of tooth, a winds becoming northwesterly, Methodis,t' Council of Bishops 'ln par.ts there 01! ~1?,e subJect of van- zed communities. piece of foil, a minut e particle of urging compliance with the dahsm by v151ting students. The 1954 contest will b e climax- High Saturday 58·62, insect and a piece of a match." Supreme Court's anti-segregation ed Thursday nir:!ht, Dec. 9, when], H!l said he had checked the walls, rulings. -~ the annual RCDC banquet and · Fivf! day exiended forecast ceiling and furn itlll'e. / The ,Lexington Ch Ur di board. mee ting w ill be held in Tu oc!.o. for Mississippi today through ''We did not check for blood spots 8 adopte·d a -resoluti<?n saying, "This r • Itawamba County will hold it;: Wednesday - t e m p e r atures board , disavows said stand and re~ 1_2)1 the- carpet: · he s aid , " because 11 ~ ~ 1..-'t- . "i .'fb,ere wa i obvio1J~ly ~o much blood 1 pudiates any suggestio11 that t.h is i·. t!c . . ~ ~ veme~t.. mt""ii will average normal in the easi . 1 j .. µ,. the ' room we aid not think it . c rch is botmd ~ their st,and." , " RCE>C .Manager Tr uman Brooks and 3 1to 6 degrees above norSCHAMBEHVlLLE, Miss., No\'. camp slaying, escaped from the worth while." • 1 26 (UP ) -A woman opened a closet state mental hospit al at Whitfield, ' Corrigall asked if · Dombrowski said plans were being made · to · mal in the west. Normal mini• ree I S Z recd about 600 persons who will ma 36-42 '·except 42-52 in the Spikes ldooP , here tody . and out ste~ped about85mileswest_ofhere,Oct._16. ki'.'ew Mr s.S~eppard'sblood-soa~ed JACKSON, Miss., Nov. 26 (UP)attend the banquet at three Tup- extreme south. Normal maxima . . Luther Musselwlute, escaped kil,ler Mrs. Gressett said he fled rnto bedclothes ' hi!d b <; ~ n . ~a!'n~<i Three moonshine stills were seized Lee County legislator Byron elo s chool cafeterias, which are: 58-68. Cooler in ihe northw:esi w ASHING TON Nov. 26 (U.P.l - who has eluded posses half way the )"'Oods and she notified author• loose down the stairs and not in and more than 12,700 gallons .of Long, ,Jr., Friday took issue with La._w):ion, Church St. and Milam. Sen. Allen J. Ellender (D-La) aceoss Mississippi for 41 days. jties. a hamper?" Dombrowski said he rye and sugar mash confiscated in the Jackson Daily News, which Invited to .the banquet are fal Sa1urday and in :the northeast moved today to kill off a· drive The bearded Musselwhite, wearBloodhounds put on the trail led did not_. · . Sunday . . :Warmer in the east Holmes County this week, Alcohol criticized the Tupelo attorney for milies of the rural ·communities, b y tw o other cotton state sen a- ing old clothes a nd a red-checked officers to an qld duffle bag about Corrigan . queried closely . on Tax Unit agents said today. . his avowal that he would not be members of the Community, De- and south · Saturday, Littl'e or tors for legislation to relax gov- cap, b1·uslled past Mrs. A. C. Gres- a mile from the home. D0mbrowsk1's metpod of testing Officers said the "nest" of stills a "rubber stamp" for Gov. White 1 t F d f d ernment planting curbs on cot- sett and fled b ack into the woods, Authorities said it ·was certa.in spots ~ Y t~e •benzidine met hod to was located between Lexington and on the question of the private ve opmen oun a !..011· an a po precipitation indicated. ton: The Highway Patrol, aided by Lau· Musselwhi•te was the man Mrs. determine 1f th~y were blood, hl!,Tchula. One white man and five school amendo1ent. Ellender is slated to b ecome derdale County and Meridian offi· Gressett found in the ·closet. man or _otherwise. He asked iI Negroes were arrested. in the· raid. The Jackson newspaper, ed itchairman of the Senate Agricul- cials,, bloodh~unds and a helicopter The search had been centered other things might ~o.t react · the ed by Maj- ' Fred Sullens, recom -· t ure C'brnmittce next y ear. His m oved h1 immediately for an ex, Thursday near, Union. in Newton same ~s blood to this test. Dommended in an editorial that Mr. 0 osition appeared to end any tensive sear ch of the area, some 12 County, about 20_ nul~s west. of browsk1 a geed they C?1;Jld.-- • crfnce of the controv ersial pro- miles northwest of Meridian. here . Musselwh1te' s fmgerprmts . Dombrowski then recit.ed a listK&OXVILLE, Nov. 26 (UP)-The Long use "as much gumption as God gave geese in dealini w ith posal becoming law . , Mrs. Gressett, alone in the home were found bY highway patrolmen "cau ots, P~,rsley, . radishes ~nd Tennessee Valley Authority and this all-impotant question." , . ·. · "·h· t 1-.,11 t d" t of a r elative , said Musselwhite told in ..a fai'm pumphouse owned by I or~ge 1~ulp - stams of ';Vh1ch the Atomic Energy Commission toFriday, the Lee County Iegislatte said 1~ is s 0 b e ~ her· " won't hur t you I just want Hershel Tay10r Taylor found some- might hnn g out the tell-tale blued day announced they will resume · tor replied that "I am sure that a vacate big~er P an .mgs n ex so~etliing to eat." ' · one apparently had been sleeping green color . . 1 • n'.egotiations on the Dixon-Yates the people whom I represent are 1 Three churches or the Ver ona-1 Palmetto church, located on tl1e yea,~ bde~aur ~ \ tsult only She said he told her he was try- in the puril1>house when he ·returnD?mbro_wski also ~?ld ·of testing power contract next Thursday. glad to know that I u se 'horse Plantersville Methodist Charge Verona-Pontotoc Road five miles m 8; i as ic cu.· m . le gover1;1- ing to £ind his wa y back to Jackson ed home for Thanksgiving, various "implements . ~t the _ShepTechnical staffs or the two agen, d. , 0 HUPP. wice for ldo~on..m to give himself up. Musselwhite, Musselwhite was believed to have pard home July 23, mclu~mg. ,a cies will be meeting £or the fifth sense an not g,oose gumpti<,m' will climax a building program west of Verona, has just observed 11 in dealing with all public mat- and burn their debts behind them its one hundred and second bir thts w f ofu e ., a- 33 from Columbia · Miss who was spent sever al nights in the pump- hatchet, a hammer and f1res1de . · t he ~ait t-ime in efforts to work out details ters, including the amendment in Sunday at dedication services day. gaSms t Je m ereOs . oE· . atrlmedrs.(D co~1vic~ d of murder in'' a fisl1ing hom;e. implements. He also said pieces of of the controversial private power question." . . ens. i:lme~ . t;as an wood f r o m the fireside basket conducted . at the thre~ b)'. the Just little mo1·e than a year deal which would replace TVA Mr. Long continued: "Most Miss) and ~1ste_r Hill . (D-Ala) were checked. · Rev. Marvm A. Frank~m. b ishop ago the church was brick veneerJJOWer going to AEC facilities at people know that geese will Corrigan app-arently anticipated r oposed leg1slat10n which w oul~ of the Jackson Methodist Area. ed and a sidewalk was added in padd 1_,400,000 acres to n ext year s . _ the state's contention that the kil· Paducah.. blindly and unthinkingly follow The churches-_U nion Methodist. It is valued at $10,000 at ler wandered about the house drip• a leader to certain death and de- Palmetto l\~ethod1st, and Planters- present • day costs. Attractive plantmg allotment of _18,100,000 I struction. That would provide 19 1-2 I ping blood. "Did you ever test how Methodist-will be dedica- rose beds stand south of the acres. million acres or 1,900,000 less than . far ·blood can be carried on hands "I venture to say that if Ma- ville ( GREENVILLE ; Miss., Nov. 26 ted. by · t~e Bishop in services church. and /a cemetery ,vhere was planted this year · · or clothing?" he asked. (UPl-James K. Purkey, whoopee- jor Sullens and his paper would wluch begm at 9:30 a . m . rest many of the pioneer settler s East~and ,an~ Hill conceded in. 1 ated a small harness and saddle stop trying to castigate and exUnion's services will b e at that of this ,a rea is at the north side. proposmg their plan last Thurs[ repair shop here for 50 years, died coriate public officials who hon' ' today at Washington General Hos- estly disagree with the official hour. They will be followed b':v The church in 1953 was named day that it would stand little if Beginnin g in today's Week-end Saturdays a11d qn Thursdays, · · line of the Jackson Daily News Palmetto at 2:30 p. m. and by second in Mississippi for Church any chanct; of adoption w ithout . pital. backmg from the Cotton Edition, the D aily Journal v; ill when The Worry Clinic also is . sol td Plantersville at 7 :OO P. m . Nearof the Year hol'.)ors. and lift their eyes out of the gutPurkey, 82, was born at MorrisThe Plantersville church h as Belt. pr esen t twice a w eelt America's presented t o Journal readers. town, Tenn. A bachelor, he is sur- ter lon~ enough to observe the capacity attendance is expected 1 widely known column Ol'l person_ Among other articles of un- . vived by two brothers, J. L. Purkey, clear blue sky for. a while, they at all three . dedications; the Rev been called one of the outstandal affairs. " Mar y Hawor th's Mnil.'' u sual interest in tqday's edition · · and W. J. Purkey; and a sister, would also recogmze this fact of R. L. Long, minister of the charge, ing churches' of the conference. nature." said. A $20,000 . church school annex Ban Reader interest survevs on nu- will found: "Miss Lida C. Purkey, all of MorI For these three churches dedi- V{as completed three years ago . ri.!l:town. merous leading American p ape-rs The st or y of the ·south's. w ealcation climaxes a long fund-ra is- The total evaluation is $45,000. - including all t h ose in the city thiest woman , a 62-year -!)ld diFuneral services will be held hei'e t o m o r r ow morning with ing campaign which h:).S seen ma- P lantersville during the past conBe of W ashington- have shown Mary dow who · run s a 400-million-dulburial in Liberty Hill cemetery at jor improvements at all three. ference year showed a Sunday Haworth to rate higher than an y lar empire, never uses cosmetics, FULTON - A ban against S'..m- other columnist of any kind. and has never been to ·a beauty Morristown. Tupelo firemen will he out Their total value today is more school attendance which was 'i5 The 18 month penitentiary term , per cent of the total enrollment. day hunting in Itawamba County Her appeal has p erhaps best parlor. j again Saturday rooming to col- than $75,000. handed against cafe operator 1 Union church, situated on State This charge's building and im- will be rigidly enfor ced, Sheriff been s ummar ized b y t he Rev. An article on the day s w h en J immy Brown w as · deduced to 1ect funds for the muscular dyHighway 6 b etween Pla,n tersville provement programs wer e fan. Joe Sheffield has announced. Ho ward Anderson, a Washington Tupelo was proud ·of its saloonsstrophy drive. 12 months in P archman Fridny I and su pplied liquor by the ju g by acting Judge C. R. Bolton. ''There'll b e n o more Sunday clergym an,' in these words: The fire fighters will d rive and Nettleton. is most r ecent of .1 11ed by former pastor the R ev . the three to close its debts .. The ' L . P. Jumper. The progressive hunting if I can stop it," he said. "The compreh en siveness of h er to half a dozen surrounding dry 1 B r own was found ·guilty of Hunting on Sunday is against inter est and w isdom is a constant counties. 1 e~;c1~rift~i81!~~: church paid the last note only spirit was boosted along by the passing a worth less check in exlast week, and its total valuation next pastor, the Rev. Leo Bailey. the law h e r eminded and deou- sour ce of marvel and admiration PONTOTOC .- Sheriff I<' ulton a blast on the siren. A defense of one of America's change for a load of watermelons. . And it is fo·r the present pastor, ties w Tupeloans have been asked to is at $20,000. , -T utor :eported Friday. !hat want, ili b e watchinb.s' throughout to me. H er com inents run the best known Olympic starts. Bob He has appealed the convictThe church for three y ears the Rev, Lqng, to lead the coned. notices have bee:1, issued for give their contributions to the the coun t y_ Violat ors . will be fu]l gamut of human n eeds." . ion to the Mississippi Supreme Mary Haworth's column will Mathias, of today's younger gen- Court. H is appeal bond was set thieves who broke mto the Ru- firemen when they make their used th e Lord's Acre project to gregations Sunday in their cele- charged b y the· justices of the net $3,500 for its building fund. brations of progress. therford hardware ,5tore here appearance on the streets peace, he said. ~ppear in the Daily Journal on er ation. at $3,000. · ' * • • • • .• ' sometime Wednesday night • · The action in regard to Brown·s C. L. Rutherfoi-d stated the sentence was the only major ocbreak-in w as discovered about curance at a brief session of Lee 10 a. m . Thanksgiving Day. ThieCounty · circuit court Friday morves broke in the glass of the ning. There will be no court tofront door, he said. to gain entry. fay in deference to the Ole Mis; . , Stolen were two Remington 12 Mississippi State foo tball gamt!, gauge shotguns. two· automatic Winchester rifles, .22 anq .351 calibers, three cases of shotgun shells, ten or 15 cartons of rifle Due By .s hells, a hunting coat and some Tuesday_ Nov. 30, is the final small change. , day on which reports on practices • carried out under the Agricultu:.-al Conservation Program may , .be made, Josh Vinson, Lee Cour!tY ASC manager. said Friday. The .deadline appiies to repor ts on veget at ive pract ices and not to mechanical practices. WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 The United states angrily demanded today that Communist China release "forthwith" 13 Americans jailed on trumped-up spy charges in violation of international law and the Korean truce. In a blistering note sent Red China through Britain, the State Department also strongly hinted that the American people are losing patience in the face of repeated Communist insults. The implied v arning echoed indignation both in and out of Congress over the jailing of the Americans. The note cautioned Chinese officials to "bear in mind" that "the long list .of Chinese Communist outrages against American nationals, which th e. American people have borne with restraint thus far , is significantly extended" by imprisonment of the rnen. The State Department also told the Peiping regime this government reserves the right to claim

Punchboord Crackdown

. ThrPe Esr.:ape Jail


students W'llI

Kiwanians To School


' F inal Phase Of '54 RCDC Pay Fo.r Any Vandalism Today Contest Next 2 Weeks


h Stan d H·t



LOng "·· . S A . 0SWer

St.II Se'·, ed


Police Expert In Sheppard Case Admits. So.me Stains Negative

ICe n.·s·ure· Deb~ te o Sta rt Mon·day Mo·rn1ng


Cotton Acreage Boost Doomed·.

Horse .s·e·nse • Noi· ·

-'Go·0·s.e. en· s.e' Is

The note was delivered (jy the British Foreign Office to the Red Chinese charge d'affaires in London. Britain also was asked to deliver it directly to the 'Chinese Communist government in Peiping. The note was made public as the Ccmmunist Peiping Radio broadcast that the Americans had " con!eJsed" in a "show trial" and had been sentenced to terms ranging from fou.r years to life imprisonment. The Communists claimed three of the Americans had admitted being agents of the Central Intelligence Agen·cy. The "confessions" had been expected ever since Red China disclosed the men had been jailed. The Defense Department predicted l;.st Tuesday the spy charges would be bolstered b y "confessions," "evidence" and " so-called investigations ." T,1 e U. S. note accused the Red Chinese o! "wilfully and deceitful-


Opens Her Close' t Door And lf 1tle~ (),ut Stene. Escnped , ·ti'.

Ellender Opposition . Early Hopes



Dedications Sunday For. Debt-F·ree·:Rural Churches

D,.Y Talks To Resume






Ne·w COIumn f or , women .IS· presente ·d- By DQI. y. Jo·urna I 1


-Harness Maker Dies


Pon to toc Hardware .F_.lrm Entere d; Guns~ . :Shells Are Taken

f ~

Sunday Hunting In Itawamba County To Enforced

Firemen To Seek M-.. D Funds Today


Brown ,sTerm Cuf TO1l· MonthS - Circuit Court Quits Until Monday Morning



Farm P·ractice Reports November 30


Grass Fires Draw Tuoelo Firemen


Tupelo firemen answer ed two alarms Friday . The calls came ' at 1:30 p . m. and 1:45 P. m. Truc),s were dispatched to West Main Street at a grass fire near the Modern Cleaners an q to Chest-n ut S t reet, at the city park. No , d~mage was reported.

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