Journal of Homes 10.29.22

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HOMES NORTHEAST MISSISSIPPI JOURNAL OF homes • commercial • apartmentsOctober 2022 vol.7 issue 10
2 JOURNAL OF HOMES October 2022 Is ittimetomakeamove? ColdwellBankerSouthernRealEstatecanshow you thebestoptionsin NortheastMississippi. We specialize inhelpingfindthebestchoices forthatbigdecision. Whether you’re afirst-timebuyer,downsizing, investingorneed relocationservices, we canhelp youwithall your realestateneeds. 2021 wasa record yearand we helpedhundreds ofclientsfindthehomeoftheirdreams.Makethebest move today by callingColdwellBankerSouthernReal
October 2022 JOURNAL OF HOMES 3 662-620-2232••GenaNolan,ManagingBroker
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October 2022 JOURNAL OF HOMES 5 I-22/HWY78/PriscillaLN Tupelo,MS MLS#14-1702•$450,000 +/-14.7acres 616RomieHillDrive Shannon,MS MLS#20-60•$339,900 +/-18,563sq.ft. DukeLoden,Broker cell:662-321-9173 MarthaHood,Realtor® cell:512-466-8258 2222 W. MainStreet Tupelo,MS LEASE-$8,200/month+NNN +/-3,111sq.ft. P.O. Box1366, Tupelo,MS38802 205East Troy Street,Suite301 Tupelo,MS38804|(662)842-4076 7215WillRobbinsHighway Nettleton,MS MLS#22-2531•$215,000 +/-8,000sq.ft. 1186CliffGookin,SuiteA Tupelo,MS LEASE-$1,042.50/month+NNN, +/-1390Sq.Ft. 2255North VeteransBlvd Tupelo,MS MLS#22-2291•$8,000,000 +/-24.5acres 3429JeffHomanBlvd Tupelo,MS MLS#22-2873•$317,770 ±6000sq.ft. 107AAirparkRoad Tupelo,MS LEASE-$3,399.00/month, +/-6569Sq.Ft. ±10.85acres,Landoffof McCulloughBlvd Tupelo/Belden,MS MLS#22-1806•$532,000 SOLD SOLDPENDING NEWLISTING NEWLISTING
6 JOURNAL OF HOMES October 2022 NATURAL&ARCHITECTURALSTONE 2695MCCULLOUGHBLVD.TUPELO 662.407.0490 Serving Tupelo&theSurroundingCommunities 177CR1758,TUPELO,MS|662-844-7007| MILLWORK CABINETS We design&buildcustomcabinets,countertops&specialmillwork. LocallyOwned&Operated
8 JOURNAL OF HOMES October 2022 SettingCabinetStandardsin Northeast MississppiSince1971 3449Hwy6|662-844-1368| Letushelpmake yourdreamkitchen. Neednewcabinets thisholidayseason? 662-534-9611 Helping You Stay Comfortable Since 1974 120 Snyder Street • New Albany, MS
October 2022 JOURNAL OF HOMES 9 Home &Businessoutdoorlightingisveryaffordable,andstudiesshowthatitiseffectivein reducingcrime,vandalism,andaccidentsduetotripping.Foryourbusiness,yourcustomerswill feelsaferandmoresecurein awell-litparkinglot.Andwhetherit’sforyourhomeorbusiness, outdoorlightingaddsvisibilityandaninvitingatmosphere. DON’TBELEFTINTHEDARK!CALLUS AT 841-6460ANDLEARNHOWYOURHOMEORBUSINESS CANBENEFITFROMOUTDOORLIGHTINGORELECTRIC WATERHEATERS. $120REBATE Giveus acallaftertheinstallationofyournew electricwaterheater.Uponverificationofinstallation andproofofpurchasetherebatewillbepaid. When YouInstallanElectric WaterHeater Why AddOutdoorLighting? 1,000 WattSpot/Flood (Luminaire) ........$49.16 400 WattSpot/Flood (Luminaire) ...........$25.92 100 Watt (Luminaire) ..........................$8.62 *Additional$2.75feeif30-footwoodpoleisneeded LAMPSIZE MONTHLYCHARGE
10 JOURNAL OF HOMES October 2022 DanMoore•P.O. Box266 3031 Hwy371 -Mantachie,MS38855 Phone:662-282-7683 •Cell:662-213-3415 AllTypesofCountertops&Cabinets • Kitchen • Bath • Mantles • Desk • Built-ins • Islands Residential • Commercial • Computer Design • Free Estimates Meals &Memoriesmadehere 63 Carnathan Drive• Tupelo,MS38801•662-840-5101 Mondaythru Friday: 8:00am to 5:00pm| CallNow TOSCHEDULEYOURFREECONSULTATION&ESTIMATE WAGES ROOFING, LLC. FamilyOwned&OperatedSince1972 Licensed,Bonded,&Insured The Name That St ands forQuality
October 2022 JOURNAL OF HOMES 11 Naturalandarchitecturalstone highestqualitystoneandinstallation 3050McCulloughBlvd|662-840-6800 | TUPELOSTONECO. TUPELOSTONECO. TUPELOSTONECO. LetUs Work While YouPlay! LetUs Work While YouPlay! SCRUGGS LAWN CARE LANDSCAPING •IRRIGATION •FREEESTIMATES •REASONABLERATES 397-6486 411CLARK ST.|TUPELO|844-4481 FREEESTIMATES LICENSED&INSURED Wheeler Roofingspecializesin reroofing commercial,industrialand residentialproperties. With fourgenerationsof roofingknowledge anda commitment to usingthefinestproducts available, we continue to strive forourgoalof customersatisfaction. LREADERS EECOUNTY TUPELO , MS choice 2022
12 JOURNAL OF HOMES October 2022



Tupelo,MS.I wouldlove



budget.But,Ialsounderstand wanting “pretty”

business Kevin,myhusband,suggested “Af forda-


much.Iamtruly grateful foreachcustomerthathasputtheir

well-known businessesintheNortheastMississippiarea.


October 2022 JOURNAL OF HOMES 13 SomeofthebusinessesI’vehadthehonorof workingonare •MagnoliaCivicCenter-New AlbanyMS-InteriorPainting. •CedarShadowsChapel(new wedding venueopeningNovember2022) PontotocMS-ExteriorPainting. •Connie’sChicken- TupeloMS- Wallpaper •Butler’sFishandSteak-New AlbanyMS-Interior/ExteriorPainting. •ShearEnvy- TupeloMS- Wallpaper. •Holland’sBarandGrill- TupeloMS-InteriorPainting. •FirstUnitedMethodistChurch- TupeloMS/ Wallpaper. Andmany,manymore! MypaintstoreofchoiceisClassicFinishes-BenjaminMoorein TupeloMS. Theirpaintisjusttopnotch!Jimmy,Sandy,JohnandtheentirestaffatClassic Finishesaretheabsolutebestatwhattheydoandhaveguidedmethroughmany stepsinthisbeautifuljourney. Ihavealsobeenblessedwithacrewthathasthesamepassion forpaintingthat IhaveandI LOVETHAT! OurNortheastMississippi communityhasbeensogoodtousandbecauseofthat we at AffordablePainting wouldliketogivebacktoour community. Overthenext3months,October,NovemberandDecember,5%ofourlaborfrom eachpaint/wallpaperjobwillbedonatedtoacharityof
•Ceilings•CeilingsScraping•Trim • Walls• Cabinets•NewConstruction•Interior •Exterior•Sheetrock Repair• Wallpaper • Residential•Commercial• FancyPantry Remodel•Classy Closet Remodel• Affordable •PaymentPlan•SmallBusinessOwned AFFORDABLE
If youdon’tknowme,mynameisJanetAbelandIownAf fordable Paintingin
theopportunitytoshow youthat yourhouse,withabitoffreshcoloror wallpaper,canbetransformedintosomethingbeautifulthat
Whenmymother, Kay Sheltonpassed away 3 years ago, Iturnedmypaintingintomymedication.Shealways
Ididthathadtodowithartorpainting. Asasinglemomwho raisedthreeboysby myself, Iunderstandlivingonatight
thingswhilelivingona budget.WhenI wastryingtothinkofaname formy
ble Painting?!”Isaid,PEFRECT!BecauseI wanttohelpothers at af
business,Ineverdreamedit would growso
trustinmetohelpthemturntheirvisionintoabeautiful reality. Af fordable Paintinghashadthehonortopaintand wallpapersome

Strategic use of appliances in a home can help consumers reduce their energy bills by a significant amount.

Tricks to trim your utility bill

A rapid rise in the cost of living will undoubtedly prove to be one of the major stories of 2022. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, energy prices rose by 41.6 percent in the 12-month period that ended in June 2022, marking the highest 12-month increase since April 1980.

The significant spike in energy costs is somewhat misleading, as the BLS considers motor fuel prices, which rose more than 60 percent in the 12-month period ending in June 2022, part of the energy category. However, during that same period, electricity prices rose by nearly 14 percent while natural gas prices increased by 38 percent. Both of those increases were more significant than the more publicized rise in food prices, which rose by right around 10 percent.

Families need to eat and many professionals now must re turn to in-person work after years of pandemic-related remote working, which means they must confront higher fuel costs. That leaves little room to save money in those areas. However, there are ways for families to reduce home energy costs with out adversely affecting their quality of life.

• Run appliances during off-peak hours. According to the United States Department of Energy and the U.S. Environ mental Protection Agency, the best time to use appliances in a home is when overall electricity use is low. Though this time changes depending on the season and can vary based on geography, the DOE and the EPA both note that after 9 p.m. and before 9 a.m. are generally the off-peak hours in most areas.

• Strategically use your shades and blinds. The energy provid ers at ConEd estimate that about 40 percent of unwanted heat comes through windows. Strategic use of curtains, shades and blinds can keep heat out on hot days, thus allowing homeowners to turn the thermostat up on their air conditioning units in summer. Opening curtains, blinds and shades on winter mornings and afternoons will allow more sunlight in, allowing homeowners to control heating costs more effectively.

• Reorganize your refrigerator. There are plenty of contradic tory strategies regarding how best to store foods in a refrig erator so the unit consumes as little energy as possible while still keeping foods fresh and chilled. But various energy pro viders, including ConEd, recommend that consumers avoid packing a fridge too tightly. By allowing cold air to circulate within the refrigerator, the refrigerator won’t need to work as hard, and thus consume as much energy, to keep foods cool. It’s important to note that the opposite should govern how the freezer is packed. Packing frozen items tightly in the freezer will help the refrigerator work a little less hard.

• Turn off the lights. Estimates from the U.S. Energy Infor mation Administration indicate that electricity for lighting accounts for around 10 percent of electricity consumption in homes. A concerted effort to turn off lights in rooms that aren’t being used can help consumers save money.

Rising utility bills are compelling millions of people to seek ways to trim their energy consumption. Thankfully, there are many ways to do that without upsetting daily routines.

14 JOURNAL OF HOMES October 2022

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October 2022 JOURNAL OF HOMES 15

Easy ways to cut grocery costs

Consumers might not think it, but eggs are an expensive commodity. As of August 2022, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statis tics reported the average price of a dozen Grade A, large eggs was $3.12.

Eggs are just one example of foods that have become sig nificantly more costly over the last year or more. Flour, butter/ margarine and dairy products also have become more expen sive. According to CNBC, food prepared at home now costs 10 percent more than it did a year ago. Comparatively speaking, restaurant prices have risen by 6.9 percent, making it more affordable for some people to eat out than prepare meals at home.

Despite rising food costs, it is possible to save money by cooking at home.


Switching to generic brands can immediately bring about savings over “premium” counterparts. Generics cost less be cause manufacturers don’t have to offset the cost of advertis ing. Many generic brands are made in the same facilities that produce name brand items.


Take a few moments to jot down meal ideas for the week. This can streamline the process of buying meals and help a person use fewer ingredients. Plus, meal plans can be based around which items are on sale. One can meal plan from scratch, or utilize a meal plan from a website that helps utilize

all ingredients in various ways, such as turning leftover meat loaf from one night into sloppy Joes on another.


When meal planning, check out the pantry first to see what’s on hand, and then mark down the items needed. Buy only what is listed, resisting the urge to make impulse purchases. For those who can’t avoid throwing a few extra items in the wagon, utilize stores’ shop from home services, where it’s pos sible to keep track of what’s being spent in real time. Simply check out and then do a curbside pickup.


When comparing prices, be sure to check out the net item, net pound or net ounce price. This enables shoppers to see if a sale is really a value, including whether it’s best to buy pre-packaged products or individual items.


Make the bulk of meals with less expensive ingredients, such as beans, whole grains and vegetables. Chicken drumsticks or thighs are generally cheaper than steaks or even chicken breasts and cutlets.


Opt for water at home rather than bottled, if possible. Pur chase iced tea powder or tea bags and whip up brews. Water with lemon juice can replace lemonade.

These are just a few ways to save money on groceries as prices continue to rise.

16 JOURNAL OF HOMES October 2022
October 2022 JOURNAL OF HOMES 17
18 JOURNAL OF HOMES October 2022 •Premier office space available in Journal Business Park •5,700 square feet available (former Circadence office) •High quality,flexible,fairly priced •Parkingfrontandrear •Rearloadingdockaccess •Rentasisorcustomizetobetterfityour needs.Ownerwillingtocovercapital investmentneedsaspartofthelease. JournalBusiness Park canbetheperfectfitforyou. JournalBusiness Park CALLFORINFORMATIONONTHISSPACE.678-1505 1150S.GREEN •BLDG-1/SUITES D&E•TUPELO,MS

The basics of pickleball

A court sport is sweeping the nation, and it isn’t tennis or basketball. According to the Sports & Fitness Industry Associ ation, 4.8 million people played pickleball in 2021, marking a nearly 15 percent growth in the total number of players from the year prior.

Data from the SFIA suggests pickleball is popular among people of all ages. Total participation among players between ages six and 17 (21 percent), 18 and 34 (29 percent) and 35 and 54 (20 percent) is significant, and players 65 and older also are well represented (18 percent).

As the popularity of pickleball grows, now is a great time to explore the basics of this game that’s become a go-to pastime for so many people.

What is pickleball?

USA PickleballTM notes that pickleball combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong. That game is played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes and can be played both indoors and outdoors on a badminton-sized court with a slightly modified tennis net. Much like tennis, pickleball can be played in a singles (one-on-one) or doubles (two-ontwo) format.

How long has pickleball been played?

Despite a recent and meteoric spike in popularity, pickleball has been around since 1965. The brainchild of three fathers from Bainbridge Island (which is just a brief ferry ride away from Seattle), the game was invented as a means of entertain

ing bored children. It has since evolved from those roots and become a wildly popular game across both the United States and Canada, and the game has even begun to spread into Europe and Asia.

How is pickleball played?

An extensive list of the rules of pickleball can be found at rules-summary/. A game is typically played to 11 points, and a team must win by two. Tournament games may be played to 15 or 21, and a team must win by two.

Does pickleball utilize referees?

Recreational games of pickleball can rely on the honor sys tem much like pick-up games of other sports do. However, USA PickleballTM notes that referees and line judges are important components of tournament play. More information about becoming a pickleball referee can be found at https://usapick

Why should I play pickleball?

Players enjoy the game of pickleball for a multitude of reasons, including the thrill of competition, the chance to socialize and the opportunity to exercise outside of a gym or home fitness center. But many play the game because they find it fun.

Pickleball has experienced a notable spike in popularity in recent years. More information about the game and how to get involved is available at

October 2022 JOURNAL OF HOMES 19



20 JOURNAL OF HOMES October 2022 Baldwyn Termite& PestControl ProtectionThruExperience 869-2593 •Over30 Years Experience • Residential&Commercial • Integrated Pest Management •LICENSED•BONDED•INSURED Mobile#231-9157 • 403IndustrialParkRd. • Saltillo,MS38866 DudleyBaldwyn-Owner HOMES NORTHEAST MISSISSIPPI JOURNAL OF Journal of Homes is a monthly publication for the Northeast Mississippi Board of Realtors and published by Journal Publishing, Inc. All houses subject to prior changes without notice. Neither advertisers, Northeast Mississippi Board of Realtors nor Journal Publishing are responsible for any errors in the ad copy. Northeast Mississippi Board of Realtors reserves the right to refuse any advertising which we may deem unsuitable for our publication. No liability assumed for errors or omission of advertisers. All real estate advertising in this magazine is subject to the Fair Housing Act
1968 which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familiar status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” For advertising information on
Northeast Mississippi Journal of HOMES, Call your Daily Journal consultant or call 662-842-2622 Online... go to HOMES
October 2022 JOURNAL OF HOMES 21 Available at Since1972 OverheadDoor GarageDoors& GarageDoorOpenersDeliverSuperior • Performance• Style• Reliability 711ROBERTE.LEEDR.•TUPELO•662-844-4540 OverheadDoorCo.of Tupelo We have beenselling&servicing overhead doors for over 50YEARS! If youneedserviceor repairsgiveusacall today 844-4540 COMFORTENGINEERING YOURHOMETOWNCARRIERDEALERSINCE1936 SALES SE RVI CE IN STAL LATI ON RESIDENTIAL COM MER CIAL IND USTRIAL HEATIN G AIR CONDITI ON IN G VENTI LATI ON 824 NORTH GLOSTER TU PE LO, MS 662-842-1602 Riley Building Supplies, Inc. Complete Line of Electrical, Plumbing, Building Materials, Paint, Doors, Windows, Roofing Supplies Special Ordering Available Fulton, MS • 662-862-3149 I Mantachie, MS • 662-282-4233
22 JOURNAL OF HOMES October 2022 ColdWeatherisjustaroundthecorner GiveUsACall Today To Schedule AMaintenanceCheck-UpOn YourUnit Before The Cold RollsIn Or LetChrisShow YouHowANewHigh EfficiencyUnitCan Keep You Warm& CUT YOURENERGYBILLS! NATE Certified Technicians CHRISALLRED CALL662-842-7426 *Subject to creditapproval.See Store fordetails. FINANCING* AVAILABLE 1696CliffGookinBlvd• Tupelo Heating & AirConditioningInc. Visit for aVirtual Tour AFFORDABLELUXURYAPARTMENTHOMES CALLFORSPECIALS Choose From1, 2or3Bedrooms(662)823-1470 OFFICE (662)823-1474 FAX 111GRANDOLEOAKSDRIVE BELDEN,MS38826 JaneBillingsley,Manager AshleyDoubleday,Manager
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