3 minute read
from 2020-21 MBJ NEXT magazine
by Journal Inc
your high school counselor:
Remember—there’s plenty of help available as you plan for college. You don’t have to do it on your own! Start by setting up a meeting with your high school counselor. Here are a few questions to get you started.
1. What options do I have to continue my education past high school? 2. Where do I start my college search? 3. What classes should I take to be ready for college? 4. Can you review my transcript so that I know which areas I can improve? 5. What colleges, universities or technical schools do students from our school typically attend? 6. Can you put me in touch with students who graduated from my school and who are attending colleges on my wish list? 7. Where can I go for additional college planning advice or counseling? 8. Where can I fi nd information about upcoming college fairs or college recruiter visits? 9. Can you provide me with information to help me explore career options
Do you have a list of private scholarships?
your college admissions recruiter:
Whether you visit the campus in person or online, it’s important to ask questions to help you determine if the college or university is a good fi t for you. First of all, try not to ask questions you can fi nd the answers to on the website such as, “Do you have a nursing degree?” Most importantly, do not ask questions that aren’t really important to you. Here are a few questions to get you started.
1. Can you describe the admissions process? 2. Can you share some common challenges students face as they go through the admissions process? 3. What support services, such as career counseling or tutoring do you offer? 4. How does your college match roommates? 5. What is campus life like on the weekends? 6. Can you tell me more about the surrounding community and opportunities to get involved? 7. What transportation options are there on and off campus? 8. What makes this school different from others offering the same progam? 9. What types of internships or job opportunities are available on campus or nearby? 10. If you could do your college search again, what would you do differently?
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