19 minute read
Hammers Of Hope
To God be the Glory! Hammers of Hope
Pontotoc’s hammers delivers hope to those with falling floors, leaky roofs and no handicapped ramps
Construction photos courtesy Hammers of Hope
Some people see their mission field in Africa, others in South America and still others in Iowa or the Mississippi Gulf Coast. And then there are those God has called to minister in the most difficult place one can; their own back yard.
Seven years ago, in 2014, God brought together a group of men and their wives to do the work of His ministry here in Pontotoc County and Northeast Mississippi. Through His timing, Hammers of Hope, a 501c3 organization was formed to help those in need of a roof, floor, or handicapped ramp. These jobs are organized weeks in advance and the actual work is done in one day, usually the third Saturday each month, through the help of other volunteers.
The board includes Jeff and Kim Cooper, Johnny and Ginger Pettit, Randy and Belinda Young and Danny and Michelle McGee. The leader that God called to do the ministry was Jeff Cooper, who leaned forward and rubbed his thin gray beard as he looked back over the years.
Hammers of Hope
Jeff Cooper President
Kim Cooper Secretary
Randy Young Vice-President
Belinda Young Treasurer
Johnny and Ginger Pettit Danny and Michelle McGee
Send donations the following ways By Mail: Hammers of Hope 79 Cooper Road Blue Springs, MS 38828
Via PayPal: hammersofhopems@gmail
Direct To Bank: Renasant Bank-Hammers of Hope account
CONTACT By Email: jdc38828@gmail.com 662-871-1605
IF YOU WANT TO VOLUNTEER See Their Facebook Page: Hammers of Hope - Mississippi Jobs are listed before the third Saturday.
Through silver framed glasses he glanced fervently over at his wife, Kim. “I didn’t want to do local missions,” he said. “I spent years running from God. I went to different states with Eight Days of Hope and helped rebuild homes after hurricanes, tornadoes and floods. That was good for me. I could go, do my work and come home and did not have to worry about those projects. I didn’t want the heartache and pain of having to deal with people in my own back yard so to speak.” So like the prophet Jonah, he began running.
But God was doing something greater in Jeff’s heart than he could ever imagine. He planted an older gentleman, Tommy Pound, along his path that kept telling him he needed to meet this guy named Johnny Pettit. And Pound had been telling Johnny Pettit that he needed to meet Jeff Cooper. These two men live not 15 or 20 minutes from each other, but don’t go to the same church, so their paths never purposely crossed until a third man, Randy Young asked Jeff to go on a mission trip with him a hundred miles south of Pontotoc.
“It was there that I met Johnny and when we shook hands both of us knew this was a God appointment,” Jeff said.
Meantime, on a Sunday morning God’s gentle insistent knock echoed on Jeff’s heart, He sent a message just for the modern day Jonah.
“We were between pastors at Thaxton Baptist Church and Bert Harper filled in,” he said. Bro. Harper told the congregation which passage to turn to in the Bible, “which happened to be where Jesus told Peter to walk on the water. He said the title of his sermon was ‘Get out of the boat,’” Jeff related. “I turned to Kim and in an audible voice like I’m talking to you now I said, ‘I do not want to hear this. I am not listening to this.” He paused, and a faint smile traced his face. “And she told me to shut up and listen to what he had to say.”
So all through the long agonizing sermon he had to hear how Jesus walked on the water toward the disciples in the early morning and Peter telling Jesus to invite him onto the water as well, and Peter got out of the boat. And God spoke to the young carpenter, who finally had an ear to hear and a heart to obey.
“After it was over, instead of going to the back to greet people Bro. Harper stayed up front,” Jeff said. “I went up and shook his hand and said I enjoyed the sermon; then he told me something that floored me.”
Bro. Harper told Jeff that he didn’t obey God’s voice that day, “He said that God told him to call me out and let everyone else go home if they wanted to. God said this message was for you and a team that you would get together,” he told me.
Not long after that Jeff and Johnny met and God began organizing His team for the work; people came together who were of one mind and heart, to use physical needs to share the Gospel of Jesus.
“We are all in agreement, it’s not about
the roofs or the floors or the ramps, but the Savior who gave His life for us,” Jeff said. “In fact when God brought Danny McGee and Randy and Johnny and I together they all said the same thing to me. They said when I get to worrying about money or how many people didn’t show up they would go home. We are all firm believers that God supplies that out of His own hand.”
Jeff’s help meet in life, Kim, who has been his greatest cheerleader, coach, solid rock to lean on when times were tough and gentle smile every day, was right there in the thick of things, agonizing for her husband during those years. “I prayed a lot,” she said. “I prayed that God would show him what he was to do and to settle him. It was hard for me to watch him go through this because I am a fixer. I wanted to fix everything, but I couldn’t fix this.”
Tears streamed down her face. “Those were some tough years,” she admitted. “I felt like I was walking around on egg shells all the time. When I saw Jeff surrender, he finally had that peace and to see the peace in his heart, it thrilled my heart. I finally had the man back that I married and that I love dearly. When the head of the household has peace, it flows down to the rest of us the way it should.”
And that was just the beginning of her work. From there she went on to helping feed the team, going with Jeff to assess jobs and a multitude of other things, “But we are together. It is a family work.”
Jeff readily admitted he couldn’t do it without Kim. “It’s always hard to go do something with out her. If she wasn’t on hand it would be Jeff doing what he wants to do.”
He paused as tears gathered. “Not long ago I went to share at a church about our ministry and Kim had to work. Our daughter went with me, but it wasn’t the same. I missed seeing her, a part of me was missing.”
Explaining some of the logistics side of the ministry, Jeff said they all realize that everyone that calls has a need. “Every other month Kim and I spend a Saturday and go assess projects so we can get an idea of what we are looking at in terms of repair so the right materials can be ordered.
“A lot of the people we minister to are single mothers and older ladies. Kim is in there visiting with the person while I’m assessing the house. He has given her the gift of discernment and she is right away ministering to them whether we are able to take the job or not.”
He said they put new roofs on from October through April and the summer months are devoted to inside work or the handicapped ramps.
They are also mindful to be good stewards of the money God has entrusted them with, “we give the best quality we can so that we aren’t looking at a leaky roof, or a cheap faucet having to be replaced. We want the homeowners to get the good out of our work.”
Randy Young grew up watching missions in action through his parent’s lives. “My mama and daddy, Larry and Bobbie Young have gone on trips, giving of their time and talent so I know the impact it has on someone’s life.”
But as is the case with Randy, God calls us to be active in our own giving of time and talent to Him. “A long time ago a couple of guys, Allen Maxey and Harry Patterson, asked me to come and help put a roof on someone’s house. I didn’t know how to hammer a shingle on, but I went to help anyway,” Randy related. He smiled broadly. “I found that I enjoyed it.” And from that point he went on several mission trips with Eight Days of Hope and the Baptist Men’s Association.
“When Jeff and I started talking, I knew this is the direction God wanted me to go. God calls us to be His disciples right in our own Jerusalem first.
“It’s easy to say I’m going to some far-flung place to serve and get home and say ‘I’ve done that little thing. Got that little box checked off.’ But until I started helping Jeff, I didn’t realize the need in our own back yard. You are living the gospel when you are helping others. When you meet people’s needs you have the opportunity to share Jesus.”
“You have to show kindness,” put in Jeff.
Kim nodded. “It’s easy to put the blinders on to the need at home but Jesus met their need, then addressed their sin.”
Randy smiled. “We make sure before we leave that every home has a Bible. In meeting their need, we want to give the Word that we follow and shows why we do what we do.”
Randy readily admits the work could not go on without the wives. “Our wives are our prayer warriors,” he said. “They are the one who keep us going. The kids and grandkids too. When God calls one he calls all of you.”
His wife and help meet, Belinda, has been right there with him. “This is something we can do together to help local people in our area,” she said. “I like hearing their stories and how this has affected their family. We just want to follow God’s direction and have been blessed that we can help them.”
She also finds it is a way to include her whole family. “Our children are involved as well,” she said.
Johnny Pettit’s involvement in the ministry has a circle of it’s own. Johnny not only didn’t want to do mission at home, he didn’t want to do missions at all. But when he married Ginger, she was enthusiastic about doing missions and truly wanted to get out there and help people.
“God showed me early on after I got saved that I wanted to do missions work,” Ginger said. “And I wanted Johnny to go with me, but he just wasn’t the least bit interested.” But she didn’t just sit down and pout when she couldn’t get her way. She served the Lord and waited on Him to open the door of her husband’s heart. He was finally convinced to go with her to Smithville after the tornado ripped that town apart, and just drive the bus.
“That’s all I was going to do,” Johnny said. “Just drive the bus.” But his carpenter expertise was soon discovered and he was put to work. And the missions bug bit. He went on several trips with Eight Days of Hope. When he met Jeff and listened to his heart, Johnny knew it was what God was calling him to do.
“I was so glad to see God lead Johnny into missions,” Ginger said. “I wanted us to be used by Him together.”
“She supports me completely,” Johnny said. “I couldn’t do these projects without her. She is the best cutter (of wood) and hauler I have. She is important to me even when she can’t be there she is praying for me.”
Ginger smiled thoughtfully. “You know scripture says iron sharpens iron. It is important for him to have that time with other men that are there helping to sharpen him.”
Johnny grinned. “You can just forget everything else in your life and just do the job set before you and share the gospel.”
And now that they are seven years down the road ministering together, the brothers and sisters know each others heart. “Jeff and Kim pray about the projects first,” Johnny said. “I know if he calls he has done the prayer work and the checking. I love to give to Hammers of Hope.”
He looked earnestly, “But if we ever start giving ourselves the credit instead of God the glory, I’m out. Everything I have is God’s. It’s not my money, it’s not my talent. Our money, talents and possessions belong to God. We came into this world with nothing and will leave with northing. All that matters is that your name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life.”
Danny McGee is one of those quiet servants whose wisdom and work is invaluable to the work of this ministry. When he helped with his first Hammers of Hope project he was soon asked to serve on the board.
“I went and saw the work they were doing and the dedication they had to serve. When Jeff asked me to serve, I prayed about it and God has led me to serve.”
McGee said he knew Jeff and he knew “he would do a good job and wouldn’t cut corners.”
His wife, Michelle said she is delighted they can come alongside and help in the ministry. “We are able to help others in the community who have great needs.” And the work has opened her eyes.
“It has helped me see how much of a need there is out there. I’ve taken the basic things we have for granted that are a blessing from God and it has helped me to be more thankful.”
Michelle said she appreciates that it is not “our” ministry, but God’s ministry. “We are a team and we pray for one another.” And when they are on the ground with the people who are in need, “we want them to see Jesus as we make their home more livable.”
And the greatest need the homeowner and the team has is prayer. “Prayer is the key to the whole thing,” she said. “We are only on this earth for a little while and we need to be about the Father’s business and prayer.”
Danny said he is blessed to be part of the small close knit organization. “Everyone gets along and if there is an immediate project we can approve it and go on with getting it done,” he said. “Serving alongside Christian brothers and sisters and seeing the people smile when they realize that somebody does care about them is my greatest joy.”
And if you are hesitant about wanting to get involved because you may not think you have the expertise, “Don’t be,” he advised. “Everybody learns something when we get together. There is a place for everyone. We need people to haul shingles, pick up nails, toss water to the people on the roof, all kinds of things. No job is too small or unimportant. You might be missing out on the greatest blessing of your life. It’s not about your ability, but your availability.”
Through these past seven years the band of sometime carpenters and all the time witnesses have seen God marvelously supply time and time again. And it has built their faith. And it has built the faith of their children. And their children’s children.
“God sends just the right amount of money every time,” Johnny said. “People stop and make donations to us in the middle of the road sometimes when we are helping a homeowner.”
Randy nodded. “When we decided God was going to take care of money and people, He has been faithful.”
“I remember one time we had a donation made for the next project while we were working on the current one,” Ginger put in.
And then Jeff shared of a special specific giving time. “The monies that were coming in were being spent entirely on the projects that we had lined up,” he explained. “There were no extra funds for any extra tools. You see, we use our own tools and equipment so that the money donations can go to the homeowner project.”
Jeff said they build a lot of wheelchair ramps and it takes some time to dig all the holes that are needed for each of the posts.
“I told the board I felt like we needed to buy a gasoline powered auger to help expedite the digging part,” Jeff said. “They agreed and Kim and I spent a Saturday looking for one. Those are seasonal, and obviously weren’t in season when we went to look. After going to four stores, we finally found one and paid $358.29 for it that Saturday afternoon.”
Three days later, on Tuesday, when mail was being opened there was a check in an envelope, “and the man said in his note that he had no idea what the money was for just to use it on our needs. The check was for $358.29.”
And the auger and other tools have been used to minister to 70 families, giving them sound floors, water tight roofs and a way to get to their doors in a wheel chair.
Johnny laughed. “I remember the hottest job we did was at Immanuel Baptist Church and the coldest day was the day before the ice storm this year. We had heaters going full blast.”
Their ministry is also a blessing to other’s ministries.
“We repaired the floors for a lady in Booneville,” said Jeff. “She wanted to foster children, but couldn’t because her floors were not in good condition. While we were there doing the job, she got the call to get some children. It was a special moment.”
Kim said the hardest part of their assessing a job is “When we have to say ‘No. We can’t do it.’ Sometimes homes are beyond simple repair. Those are heart rending because you still see the home and the need and you can’t help,” she said.
And then there are times of rejoicing. “We fixed a roof for a lady that had multiple layers of blue tarp, an old billboard on it, there was just layer after layer,” said Jeff. “It took us two days to get that job done because there were so many layers to pull off. They were happy to get their roof because they didn’t have to put buckets in their house any more to catch the rain water.”
And through all this the gospel of Jesus is shared. “Our main verse is John 3:16,” said Kim. “We started with one in Hebrews, but our focus is sharing the gospel. We are sinners. Jesus, God’s Son gave his life to forgive our sin. If we confess our sin to Him he will forgive us and we can start a brand new walk with Him. Just like we give that homeowner a brand new roof that gives them a new lease on life, Jesus gives us a brand new life. And just like the homeowner has to ask for the help, we have to ask Jesus and He is gracious and He will forgive.”
The core team of Hammers of Hope love being the hands and feet of Jesus as they nail shingles, dig holes and talk to folks, but their greatest joy is seeing others get the blessing they do when they come to help.
“Our greatest need is prayer,” Jeff said. “We covet the prayer warriors praying for us more than anything. If you want to volunteer, great! We can use you. If you want to give, great! That’s between you and the Lord. But our plea is that you cover us in prayer.”
And through the prayers of the saints and ringing of the Hammers of Hope, God is getting the glory for great things He is doing.
To God be the glory great things He hath done; So loved He the world that He gave us His son, Who yielded His life an atonement for sin, and opened the life gate that all may go in. Oh perfect redemption, the purchase of blood, To every believer the promise of God; The vilest offender who truly believes, that moment from Jesus a pardon receives. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the earth hear His voice, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice! O come to the Father, thro’ Jesus the Son, And give Him the glory, great things He hath done. Fannie J. Crosby