Emily Taylor

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Love yourself first and the world will love you

One girl from the study was WOMEN are incredespecially inseible. We are intelcure, but being ligent, caring, hard a size six with working and we look naturally blond good doing it. hair she had Nevertheless, it is only a figure and the rare woman who is Elle and Mellissa from ESSE real woman campaign copyright© colettemedia look that most completely happy with women would But why can’t we strike that ESSE would like to herself. crave. Her out and not admire, rather than cerAsking a group of only set give in to tain celebrities whom twenty girls what they back was this idealhave a wealth and thought revealed that confidence ised view of lifestyle so far removed only two would not and akthe perfect from that of the normal change anything about though we woman. girl. their appearance. tried to The difAt ESSE I believe that Coming from how coax her into showing ference between the we could start a revowomen are viewed in how beautiful she was celebrities and models lution. A revolution in society, this is not unushe would not cave. of the media world beauty and the way sual but it is discouragThe way women view is that they have no you are meant to look ing. each other can also concept of how their with only real women cut into images influence others. ever allowed to adorn our own Super skinny women the front cover of our insecusuch as Cheryl Cole, magazines. rities. Nicole Scherzinger, Real women from all Magaand Victoria Beckham sorts of professions zines all have made fortunes on and backgrounds, from around showing off their figures the lolly pop ladies to the and faces but what they high powered business world have is teams of stylists woman. will and physical trainers to Each of these women always maintain that look. will be able to have the show I have found that chance to get a profespictures incredible women can sional make over to of beaucome from all sorts of allow them to reveal tiful shapes and sizes, and their inner beauty and models from different backthen reveal all in a and cegrounds. Some have shoot which will rival lebrities, pulled through the most any celebrity. showing difficult of situations For more information what we yet their outlook has about being on the should still remained positive cover of ESSE please Elle, Mellissa and Chelsea strike a pose copyright© colettemedia look like. and its these women visit www.esse.co.uk By Emily Taylor

Reveal every woman’s inner beauty

2 ESSE Magazine issue 1

Hi Everyone and welcome to a new and exciting magazine all about you and who you want to be. This issue will focus on breast cancer as women all over the country are donning pink and pulling on their trainers to race for life. At ESSE we believe that women should embrace their bodies and their boobs and bare all loving their bodies and wearing the right bra to suit their size. Happy Reading Emily Taylor Editor

IN THIS ISSUE Emma McAsey - Running Race

for life- page 4

Stats page - Survey on women reveals their attitude to their appearance-page 6 Janet Meadows tells of her experience with breast cancer-page 14 Race for Life - What it is and why so many women are joining in page 32 Body image the importance of checking your breasts - page 12 If you have any stories you would like to tell ESSE, please feel free to contact our editorial team on 0845 3223 3223 or email at mystory@esse.co.uk

Body Image - How wearing the

right bra can help you - page 10 Fashion - Top 10 lingerie - page 36 Blue Bell Lingerie - becoming a Blue Bell Rep - page 30 Horoscopes - find out what this Summer holds for you- page 39 Kate Middleton lookalike tells Esse how she has achieved fame since the Royal Wedding - page 20 Real Women get a make over with the ESSE real woman campaign- page 25 Real Life - The girl who had a double vasectomy at 19 - page 23 Fashion- What will be on the catwalks this summer page 18 NEXT ISSUE - Fall Styles and maintaining that summer body + How to boost your confidence and more...

ESSE Magazine issue 1 3


“Most people have a reason for running race for life. I have three”

by Emily Taylor

EMMA McAsey is an inspiring woman. At just 20 years old she is on her third year of running race for life after three close friends died.Yet Emma is not alone, this year she will join thousands of women in raising money for cancer research. I interviewed Emma to find out about her experience. Hi Emma it is lovely to meet you . Nice to meet you too So what triggered you to run race for life? Well I first decided to run race for life when I was 17 after my friend from high school died at 16 from cancer. A lad I worked with who I was quite close to, his mum also died of cancer the year before we started and my old neighbour too and they are three people who we always do it for.You know when you have to write

Emma McAsey holding her Race For Life number copyright© colettemedia

on the back what you are sponsoring for well I have three reasons. Who do you do it with? The first year I did it with my mum and my sister, the second year I did it just with my mum and the last year we did it with the gym that my mum used to work at and this year it is just family again

“My friend from high school died at 16 from cancer”

4 ESSE Magazine issue 1

So how fast do you aim to complete it? Will you walk, run, jog, skip? We jog it, and we do try and time it, so we try and take a minute, two minutes off the year before. So we have to do it in half an hour this year but its only 5k so I think we will do it That sounds hard work to me though. How do you train? We go to the gym, we do a little bit of training round roads and stuff

and we kind of have to keep the same pace as everyone else so we train with others as well. Where do you do it Well I live on the Wirral so I do it around there and there are nice routes around there So do you know how many people have signed up for your race? Theres quite a lot, last year I think 20,000 people did it What just in the Wirral?

was bothered or really caring and it was just like you know you are there to complete it for a cause. I was really close to the people who died and its brilliant to be able to do it for them. How much money One of the race for life events last year which have you has thousands of participants. raised so curtesy of raceforlife.org far? Yeah we do it in the For this year not a park you have like the lot as I have only just , the joggers runners started and I have just the walkers, It has got got my forms and stuff this massive buzz about sent off but in the past it and you can see it its been like £200/ £500 from miles away all the Do you know where pink and its brilliant as your money is going everyone to? is there for “Last Year You get a the same phone call cause with 20,000 people afterwards sayfamily or did it” On the ing your money friends and paid for this Wirral its just a How much really nice are you hopatmosphere.You aren’t ing to raise this year? there for long but you I have put My target as do the warm ups at £150 the beginning and then Wow well I hope you when you achieve it.Thanks finish its like a massive very much. accomplishment. You Thanks to you too. even get a medal If you want to sponIts just a really nice sor Emma please thing to do the whole visit www.raceforlifeatmosphere surroundsponsorme/emmaming it. We got soaked last year but no one

DID YOU KNOW? There are over 300 race for life events around the country this year.

690,000 women took part last year

1/5 of the Cancer Research UK’s income is generated from Race for Life



ESSE Magazine issue 1 5

WHAT WOMEN WANT Esse interviewed over 100 women about their bodies their, their attitudes and their knowledge. This is what we found out If you could have a boob job what would you get? The most popular

breast surgeries showed

Breast Reduction 14%

Breast Enlargement 57%

6 ESSE Magazine issue 1

Breast Lift 29%


Ov er 8 wo me 6% of nd get on’ a b t fitt r a ing the w y ge hen bra ta new What women loved most about their bodies Bum 24%


Stoma Feet

Legs 34%

Hands Arms


Boobs 28%


Arms 2%

50% of women were not happy with their bodies

Hands 2%

Stomach 6% Feet 4%

46% of women bought their underwear from

next page >>>>> ESSE Magazine issue 1 7

ey h t d i a s n 65 wome ed in t s e r e t n i would be for e c a r n i t r taking pa re u t u f e h t life in One w oman said th a thing s t the he hat ed mos t abou t her ap pearance w as her toes

20% of women had a history of breast cancer in their families Of those 20% 1/3 didn’t know the risks

youabout hate most about your body? What womenWhat hateddomost body hair their bodies 2% Stomach arms 3%

back 2%


thighs 8%

bum 7%

hips 3% nose 2%

Stomach 51% legs 15% Stretch Marks Ribs 2% 3%

8 ESSE Magazine issue 1

68 w ome Stretcht Marks n sai h a t legs d they g wou nose et ld hipsc osm back etic g bum er y if t surarms hey coul d aff thighs ord body hair it Ribs

Height 2%

copyrightŠ colettemedia

ESSE Magazine issue 1 9

“Wearing the right size bra helps keep their shape, hold them in position and makes you feel fabulous” Amy Harrison, Debenhams bra fitter It is said that around seven out of 10 women are wearing the wrong size bra. Amy Harrison a veteran bra fitter at Debenhams told ESSE the ins and outs of getting a bra fitting “The right size bra changes the whole body shape from D so ebenha m s

clothes fit and look better. “It supports the breast tissue and gives support. “I would recommend to always get your bras fitted when you get a new one as different bras and styles can fit differently and shops vary hugely. “Measuring is not an exact science . When women come in you

can see roughly what size they are based on whether the cup or the band she is wearing is too big or too small. “The correct band should fit tight, as a guide you should be able to put two fingers between the skin and the band.. Anymore of a gap makes it too big. “The cup is measured by eye and it should not gape or dig into the tissue at any point,. “The most important thing is that it needs to be comfortable. “Women shouldn’t be scared coming in to get measured. All fitters are trained and see so many boobs that we are never shocked by anything. Except perhaps when the men turn up”

The Ultimo Bra right is great for giving extra lift and cleavage for girls who want that little bit more. Ultimo have a great range of sizes and styles to suit any woman. The Corset below by Bluebella is ideal for pushing boobs up but also for creating a great silhouette

Right one of our real women models a babydoll from La Senza which is ideal if you want to hide those little lumps and bumps and still look sexy.

The Bra on the right is from B by Ted Baker at Debenhams. This full cup balcony bra is ideal for a fuller bust woman as it has thicker straps and provide much needed suppport.

The La Senza Bikini left is just one of thousand where you can mix and match the bottoms and bra. This especially useful for girls who have uneven body shapes. Tie backs also mean that you can adjust the fitting to exactly how you want.

DEBENHAMS have also joined in the campaign for Breast Cancer bad wagon, but with these fun and stylish t shirts and bras above.Soon these latest designs will be high street must haves. So to stay in fashion must haves and to raise money for charity get yours now.

Elizabeth Baine worked as a bra fitter at John Lewis This Reger by Janet Reger Moira Bra right is from an exclusive colection at Debenhams. The colour is ideal to wear under those floral summer dresses and with the neutral colours it is understated sexy.

“The funniest time was when we would have transsexuals come into the department to get bra fitted. A particular man that stands out was one that came in the laciest silkiest red lingerie I had ever seen in my life. But he wasn’t exactly a transsexual rather he was just a man in a bra., wearing builder style clothes with a paunch and a shaved head. It reminded me a bit like my dad but in a bra. Not wearing a wig or anything but just a man in a red bra. He was in his fifties and the colour didn’t really suit him.”

give your breasts some


1 in 8 women in the UK will develop breast cancer at some point in their lifetime but catching it early is only a matter of TLC. Breakthrough for Breast Cancer gives some pointers on what women can do to keep healthy and cancer free. next page >>>>>

copyrightŠ colettemedia

12 ESSE Magazine issue 1

by Emily Taylor

recently released a definitive guide for people BREAST Cancer with an increased risk is one of the most of developing breast common cancers, cancer due to their with 48,000 women family history. being diagnosed Chris Askew, Chief each year and 1000 Executive of Breakwomen dying of the through Breast disease each month. Cancer, says, Being aware of “Although familial your the risks is the or hereditary breast one thing that all breasts. Can cancer is unusual, women can do to it is important for you feel anything prevent the dispeople at higher risk ease. of breast cancer to unusual? Breakthrough for have access to the Breast Cancer most vital services they need. recent estimate sugThis will help them to gest over half a million find out how to manage women are alive in the their own risk and get UK having had a diagnothe most appropriate sis of breast cancer. breast screening, so that for if cancer does develThis is amazing, showing everyop, it is caught early. changes one the incrediThese guidelines will Is there any serve as an essential ble work researchers are doing in tool for a significant change in shape fighting cancer. proportion of the and texture? What is also population and their important is what families in helping you can do to help, and to reduce the fear of that is just a simple breast cancer.� matter of TLC. The guides provide All women can folinformation for those low these guidelines whose risk may be because no one knows greater than others. It you body better than includes expert opinyou do. ions and advice as up if Whether lying down, well as a number you notice standing up, showerof stories of real ing or getting dressed women with famanything unusual administering some ily history of the with your doctor. TLC is all you need. disease. The guide Having a history of is available nabreast cancer within tionwide and will your family can also put be a useful addition to you more at risk with GP and practice nurses’ one in five people diagarmoury in the battle nosed with the disease against breast cancer. having a history in their For more information, family. Breakthrough please visit breakfor Breast Cancer have through.org.uk









300 men nosed are diag st a with bre y ver cancer e year It is estimated that 80% of women diagnosed with breast cancer in England and Wales will survive for at least five years

80% who a of women with c re diagno anc sed to live er are estim at for at least fi ed ve years

8 out of 10 women diagnosed now survive breast cancer ESSE Magazine issue 1 13

“I can’t let the cancer beat me.” JANET Meadows is cancer Janet now has a woman hit with is secondary which bad luck. 21 years means that it spread ago, she was diagfrom her breast to nosed with Guillain- other areas of her Barré syndrome body. There is no cure, and is now disabled but it can be conand to top it all at trolled. The likelihood the age of 47 “The sup- of Janet living she found a port from for more than lump. She has five years is Christies unlikely but breast cancer. and breast she has the Six years later and she still has care nurses bonus of benot been given ing treated on was the all clear but the Worldbrilliant” renowned incredibly, she is still positive Christie Hosclaiming: “I can’t let the pital in Manchester. cancer beat me.” She said: “The support The type of from Christies and


breast care nurses was brilliant and I also had my family with me. My husband would take me to appointments and my kids helped in any way they could.

Christies Hospital, World Reknown Cancer specialists curtesy of press office

14 ESSE Magazine issue 1


ght© cole

ws copyri net Meado

“When I was first diagnosed, I was terrified. I knew I had to have an operation and I was in fear. Fear of the operation and fear of what was to come

Breast Cancer Gene Discovery

Janet Meadoes without adornments copyright© colettemedia

in the future” is expected they are What complicates often not thought of. and worsens matters “I feel my husband is the Guillain-Barré coped least well due syndrome that she to fear of losing me. was diagnosed with 21 Initially I thought my years ago. Guillain-Barkids coped well but ré syndrome is a rare they were only bebut serious condition ing brave for me. I that is characterised found out later that by widespread dysmy daughter would function of the periphget quite upset when eral nerves. In layman’s she was on her own. I terms the body befeared for them more ...be comes slowly than myself.” paralysed positive. It “If I was to working up advise anyone helps yourfrom the going through legs to the self and your this I would whole body. family... have to say is be Although the positive. It helps disease can be cured, it yourself and your famis a slow process and ily, although at times in the case of Janet it this can be hard, but has left her disabled. if you think positively Family is always a the process can see worry in cases such more bearable.” as this as not only do For more information they have to see their on secondary breast loved ones go through cancer please visit the painful process. www.breakthrough. They have to remain org.uk or for Guillainstrong and although Barré syndrome please they are told what visit www.gbs.org.uk

Breakthrough for Breast Cancer scientists have recently discovered three genes linked to the most common form of breast cancer. 37,000 women are diagnosed with hormonal breast cancer in the UK each year. These findings may be the key for new ways to treat and prevent it. The genes were found directly next to the oestrogen receptor gene, the main driver of hormonal breast cancer. Study author Dr Anita Dunbier, from the Breakthrough Breast Cancer Research Centre at The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) in London, said: “This is a surprising discovery. We found these genes in a place we thought we knew a lot about - it is like finding gold in Trafalgar Square. “We now have to look further at how these genes work, but the discovery could lead to possible new therapies that will benefit women with breast cancer in the future.” By finding out how these genes work ESSE Magazine is-

together the scientists may be able to understand more about the cancer and ultimately save the lives of multiple women. Dr Dunbier and her colleagues studied 104 patients with hormonal, also known as oestrogen receptor (ER) positive, breast cancer. They wanted to find the genes that were most closely linked to the oestrogen receptor. Professor Mitch Dowsett, who leads the team at the Breakthrough Breast Cancer Research Centre at the ICR, said: “This research is exciting because it shows that while the oestrogen receptor is the main driver of hormonal breast cancer, there are others next door to it that also appear to influence breast cancer behaviour. We now need to better understand how they work together and how we can utilise them to save lives of women with breast cancer.”

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GoWild with Newfragrance Embrace theanimal LACOSTE

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