Study china magazine Laura Riggall2

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Study China Official Magazine

How to Apply What to do before you go Easter 2011 Review





Summer 2011

Summer 2011, Study China Programme Official Magazine

About the Study China Programme History

The programme was announced by Bill Rammell, Higher Education Minister in March 2007. Its stated purpose was to encourage UK students to study abroad and to develop skills and awareness to live and work in the global economy. The programme was originally funded by the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) and was open to all undergraduates at English Universities and Further Education colleges. When it started in the Summer of 2007, over 1300 applications were received from 90 English Universities. The 200 successful candidates spent three weeks in Beijing at Beijing Normal University. The programme details and student feedback can be found here. For the Easter 2008 programme the Scottish government joined in and funded some places on the programme for undergraduates at Scottish Universities. The Northern Ireland government joined the programme for Summer 2008. Since then programmes have been run every Easter and summer sending roughly 450 students per year. After the Easter 2011 programme costs had to be reduced slightly so the programme was reduced to 17 days but this should not be a signifant reduction in the quality of the experience.

website: programme-contents Contents page 1 What to do first page 2 2 Key dates page 2 3 Staying Safe in China page 4 4 What to do once you’ve been accepted page 3 5 Getting your vaccinations page 3 6 How to get you visa page 3

Programme Contents

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Language Classes The language classes comprise 40 hours of tuition by qualified teachers of native Chinese speakers in small groups of no more than 20. If you already have some ability in Chinese language there is a short selection test at the beginning of the programme in order to place you in a class that is suitable for your current level. Text books are provided which are yours to keep after the programme. The lessons move quite quickly and students are assigned a small amount of homework.

Lectures There are a number of lectures in the programme totaling around six to eight hours. Subjects may include: - the Chinese economy, Confucianism, modern chinese history, chinese customs and folklore. Cultural Classes A range of cultural classes are offered. They may include such subjects as Tai Chi, Kite Making, Calligraphy or Paper Cutting. Visits and Excursions The programme includes cultural visits and excursions. Previous trips have included visits to the Beijing Opera, a night cruise on the Huangpu river, acrobatics displays, tea museum, silk factory, visits to museums and other local points of interest. The programme includes overnight trips to nearby towns and cities. Business Visits Various local businesses agree to let our students visit. This includes tours of factories such as the Bao steel plant, the General Motors factory, the Coca Cola factory and many more. This gives you the opportunity to see working life in China as well as the way Western businesses have integrated into China. Student Volunteers A large group of English-speaking student volunteers from the host University are recruited to work on the programme. They help as ushers when the various visits and trips set off but also join in the excursions, welcoming the opportunity to practice their English. (taken from the study china website) programme-contents Facebook: http://www.facebook. com/group.php?gid=41373606754

7 Booking flights page 3 8 Staying for longer page 4 9 What to do before you go checklist page 4 10 On the Programme page 5 11 Previous students views on the programme page 6 12 Diary of a student page 7- 10

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Summer 2011, Study China Programme Official Magazine

What to do first To take part on the study china programme the first thing you need to do is apply for a place on the study china website and to do that you need to need to know some key dates see the key date section below.

TIPS don’t write straight on to the application you can’t save and come back later you must write and submit the applicationin one sitting to make sure you say everything you want to a spell everything correctly it is advisable to write your answers in a word document first.

you also need to get a member of staff at your university or higher education college to confirm your student status. Remeember to ask them early and have a backup person the programme will not accept a late reference because you coldn’t get in touch with your personal tutor why not try a member of the administrative staff who may be able to help. Make sure your passport is up to date it’s no good finding out on the day you leave for China that your passport expired 3 weeks ago.

Check for announcements on the interested in going facebook group and check your email on the date that results are announced. Don’t worry if you miss this the programme will track you down but it makes things alot easier if you recieve the email. Check with your refernce that they are getting in touch and confirm they have completed the reference form as study China programme will only send you a confirmation of this once they have recieved your application. If you are having problems with the application or site please let the programme know. otherwise sit back and wait to see if you got on the programme.

Key dates for Summer 2011 intake: TBA

Application and reference forms for Summer 2011 programme are already on the website.

TBA Belfast - in Adelaide Street Belfast

13/05/11 at 5pm Closing date for applications and references this is already an extension on the reference deadline so there is unlikely to be extension past this date


TBA Edinburgh - in Edinburgh Confucius TBA London - somewhere very central TBA

03/06/11 at 5pm Announcement of successful

19/07/11 Tue

candidates, reserve list and unsuccessful applicants. Keep Checking your emails


05/06/11 Confirm receipt of offer you can do this by email but if you don’t the programme will phone you on the numbers you provided in the application.

graduation Ceremony

03/08/11 Wed End of programme and 04/08/11 Thu

Two weeks after offer of place Send all required

Departure Day

documents these need to be in but can be updated especially flight details right up to you go to China


27/05/11 at 5pm Announcement of reserve list offers so don’t stop checking emails

30/08/11 Tue End of programm and

arrival date

Two weeks after offer Send all required documents Pre-departure Briefings these are great places to get to know others on your trip so don’t miss them. TBA Manchester - in University of Manchester

Information taken from study china website.

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Summer 2011, Study China Programme Official Magazine

once you’ve been accepted

Getting your visa

There are seversl different ways to get your visa you can send of by post complete online or collect in person these each of benefits collecting in person is by far the cheapest and if you live in Manchester Edinburugh ot London quite easy to do as you have a consul near to you if you live further away you may have to take in to account the cost of travel (especially if you don’t have your own car compared to the ammount saved. if you go in person you need to make an appointment online or by phone and bring with you your completed form which again you can find on the website. Also remember to take your passport with you . you will pay on collection so unless you go for an express service will not need your money with you when you go the first time.

extend your visa The Manchester consul can be found at seventy five Mosley street in the city centre . Chinese Visa Application Service Centre, First floor, 75 Mosley Street, Manchester M2 3HR The Edinburgh 55 Corstorphine Road. Edinburgh EH12 5QG The London Chinese Visa Application Service Centre, Morley House, 26 Holborn Viaduct London, EC1A 2AT

if you decide to get your visa by post this wil cost a bit more but you don’t have to travel to collect your visa which can be especially expensive if you have to take a train twice to collect it Remember you need to apply for a tourist visa not a student visa as student visas are for thoses who are studying courses available at Chinese Universitys instead get a tourist visa which will last for three months from the date you get your visa so do not under any circumstance get your visa more than three months before the end of your visit as it would be very difficult to try and

Booking flight Booking flights is part of your trip which the study china programme is not actively involved in in that it will not tell you hich flights to take or when you should arrive in china other than by a certain date. you may arrive earlier in the programme if you wish and stay in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai in hostels as many participants have done before to learn more about the country on your own. The study china programme however, does need to know your arrival dates so that when you arrive in your selected destination for the programme representaties can be sent to meet you at the airport. so look out for when you need to let the programme know by. Check your flights all the way through the programme and check with others on the flight to make sure no mistakes have been made. According to Matteo Ferrini who participant on the Easter 2011 Jinan programme “I was told I didn’t have to change airports and then I met up with someone on the same flight and found out I did if I hadn’t met up with others I would have been at the wrong airport and missed my flight.” Also make sure you know how long before the flight you need to checkin.

Getting your vaccinations

Before you go to china you will need to have several vaccinations which can be given by your GP there are several available which your GP may suggest and you can look at the NHS travel website to help you understand which vaccinations you will need. please remember that the study china programme will not take you in to any are with a high risk of malaria and so malaria tablets may not be offered by your GP . the most necessary vaccinations are tetinus, hepetitus A and typhoid all other vaccinations can be discussed woth your GP who will be able to advise you of any other health recommendations. for example sun tan lotion, mosquito repelant and foods to avoid to avoid the risk of ill health Does and don’t your GP will tell you Don’t drink the tap water in China this i s something which may be said to you about many countries but is especially true of China as the Chinese people will also not drink it . it is alright if boiled so can be used for hot drinks but don’t use even to brush your teeth. Bottele water is very cheap and can be found for the equivilent of 20p and is available in many places take medication with you that you may need such as diorrea tablets paracetamol medication for cold and flu, as the pharmacists will not speak English and while if you become ill on the programme a chinese student will be sent withyou to translate , it will be much quicker and easier if you have the basics with you. Stay away from animals China has rabies the UK does nto try to avoid stroking local animals as if they bite you . you wil have to go get a rabies injection as rabies can be fatal Wear suntan lotion and mosqito repelant especially if you are on the summer programmee And one that may not be recommended by you doctor take moisuriser and chapstick - many students male and female have found that the weather in China dries out their skin and lips and while this is not a serious health problem it can be irrating so its easier if you are well prepared. Take alll these into consideration but don’t worry and have fun while your there.

Summer 2011, Study China Programme Official Magazine

Staying for longer Laura Riggall

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Staying Safe in China China and especially the areas the programme will take you to is a relatively safe place to be. But crime exists everywhere and it is worth being on your guard in crowded places, such as public places or market areas for pick pockets. Also don’t flaunt your money as items are quite cheap in China from a British perspective you may feel an urge to overspend, however, the Chinese do not consider things so cheap and may see you as a rich tourist you are more likely to get conned or pick pocketted if you put across this impression.

Easter 2011 participant Matteo Ferrini explores the Great Wall photo by Laura Riggall You may find that you feel the length of your trip in China is not enough that you want to have more time to explore a country with such a long and varied history or that where you are going on the programme is not the only place you wish to see. You can do this and many students do every year by extending your trip either before the programme has started and /or after theprogramme . But you will have to organise this yourself, which is where the facebook groups come in handy, for example, all the students who want to see Beijing can choose betwen themselves the hostel they will stay in and arrange to meet up and explore on there own or through trips offered by the hostel . For example, in the Easter programme the students where going to one of three locations with the programmme either Jinan, Nanjing or Hanzhou. thosse going to Hanzhou and Jinan on the whole considered Beijing the place to explore mainly becaus it was easier to get to the programme afterwards while the Nanjing group

chose Shanghai. They agreed on facebbok where the would stay the pheonix hostel in Shanghai and the Happy Dragon in Beijing they booked online and swapped mobile numbers - this is very important as facebook is a banned site in China and while some peopl emay have ways of getting on to it this may not be your situation when you arriveso make sure you can contact people. People in the Easter programme took trips to the great wall the forbidden city, explored markets and simply explored. And made friendships which continued on into the programme.

No one on the more recent trips has been conned as far as the programme is aware but according to co-ordinator Andrew Taylor a number of students over the years have been caught out by tea scams. “these are when students have been approached by chinese people who know about the programme and even people on it and are invited to a tea house, the student soon finds themselves with a huge bill to pay.” Andrew’s advice is not to go off with Chinese people you don’t know even if they claim to know people on your trip. Unless the person is a buddy on the programme politly decline the invitations. He also advices that students use their common sense as they would do back in the UK.

Staying after can be a little different as you can discuss this with friends on the programme you may stay at the same hostel as before or pick a totally new one for you all to stay at .

What to do before you go (Checklist) Have your visa

check your flights

had your vaccinations

have mobile numbers

Checked ith your bank if you canuse your card in China

address for hostel (of applicable)

Checked with your mobule phone opporator if you can use your phone in China Change money over to Yuan (£300-£400 should be enough,)

phrase book

Chinese market street photo Laura Riggall

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Summer 2011, Study China Programme Official Magazine

On the programme all students will arrive on the sameday whether you will arrive by plane to the nearest airport bus from a more major airport set up by the study china programme or make your own way is up to you. Although the study China programme reccommends the first two options. there is nothing planned on this day apart from your arrival so if you arrive early enough this may be the perfect time to explore the local area but try to make sure this is in a group. all students will be paired up with a roommate maybe you’ll arrive together or there may be some waiting around to find out who you will be sharing the programme with, you can swap roommates if you wish but please let reception know afrwe you do so you can be contacted by th e programme if necessary. the next day is when everything will begin and while there maybe differences on your programme this magazine will use the Easter 2011 Jinan group as its main example of what students will do on the programme. On the first day you will go to an introductory kecture and choose your optonal excursions on the trip on this programme there was a choice between a trip to a middle school or to a power station there was also a choice of two out of three lectures one being religion, politics andfolk music. you willl also be given a living allowance from the university and then you will go off to have a group photo taken and meet your chinese buddy, this is the chinese student you will go to for help if you need it and will help to show you round while your in China you will also recieve a campus tour, make sure to exchange contact details with your buddy you don’t know when you might need some help.

students perform at the graduation ceremony Easter 2011 Photo taken by Laura Riggall to a family who will show them real Chinese life and around the local area in previous years soem students were taken to thousand Buddha mountain, local musuems, to the families apartments to enjoy traditional meals to lakes and natural springs.

differences in courses, culture or just to have a chat. there will be many opportunities to explore Chinese culture on the course and if your lucky possibly including and opportunity to see the Beijing opera and even try on the actrs costumes before hand.

This is once in a lifetime opportunity to go on a govstudents have aloo had the opportunity to have a ernment funded programme to China and so enjoy social evening with students where Chinese and every minute see you in china! British students have an opportunity to show everyone there talents be they singing, dancing, acrobatics, martial arts or anything else. There is also an opportunity to meet students on the same course as you and discuss similarities in

there will be time for luch in the canteen or outside the university and then it time to get put into your language classes - each student will be assesed and told the room number they need to go to and then will have their first languageclass. Many of the afternoons/evenings will be free time allowing students to explore the area around the campus and go out for meals to bars or take an opportunity to visit a kareoke bar - it wouldn’t be a visit to china without at least one trip to KTV. previous trips on the programme have included climbing mount Tai, visits to and ancient veichle musuem and kite making with the opportunity for student to make there own kite. there is also the opportunity for students to spend a dau with a local family, the students will be split in to groups of two or three and assigned

British and Chinese students enjoying thousand Buddha mountain photo by Laura Riggall

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Summer 2011, Study China Programme Official Magazine

What did the students of previous years think of the study China Programme

The students views Laura Riggall

On the 29th April 2011 the students on the Easter 2011 programme of the study China programme left there accommadation in China and set of either back to the UK or onwards to spend alittle bit more time in China before they headed home but it is something that they will remember for the rest of there lives the expereinces they have had and the friendships they have made will stay with them for a lifetime. As student representative Ahsan Feroze said “the programme has exceeded my expectaions it was a truley magical experience.� Gifts were exchanged with the chinese students and teachers and promises to see each other if students were ever in each others countries and plans are already being made by some to return to China. Such as Matteo Ferrini student on the Jinan Easter

2011 programme who is currently considering moving over to China ro study at one of the Universities over there possibly even Shandong University where he spent the programme. Many others share the same opinion and have joined facebook groups which will let them know of job opportunities which come up in China

Summer 2011, Study China Programme Official Magazine

Diary of a Study China Programme student Student Grace Sadiq describes to Laura Riggall her experiences of the study China programme 7th April 2011 - arrive at Manchester airport to start my journey to China got on the plane at 17.40 stop over in Amsterdam to arrive in China tomorrow. 8th April 2011 - arrived in Beijing airport at 12.40 pm China time and took a taxi from the airport to the Happy Dragon Hostel cost around 70 Yuan (around £7) settled in then met up with other study China programme students in the hostel bar and and enjoyed a dumpling making evening held weekly at the hostel - attempted to use chopsticks to eat the finished products and failed misrably! Organised with others to go on a trip organised by the hostel to the Great Wall at 7.30am tomorrow. 9th April 2011 - Had Swiss breakfast at the hostel and then were taken to the Great Wall by minibus paid to take a cable car up to the Great wall was a very scary experience as the cable cars resembled rickety ski lifts and was convinced the cable was going to break. Enjoyed exploring the wall and took many photos bought suveniers on the wall including a plaque saying i had climbed it. Took a taboggan back down this was lots of fun and a lot better than the way up, lunch was included on the trip so this was next - chopstick skills still not good but managed to grab some food with some help and advice from those around me, and then back to the hostel where met up with some others from the programme to explore the city before returning to spend the evening in the bar. 10th April 2011 Left the happy Dragon at 9am and got a taxi with others to Beijing airport, where I split from the others as I will travel to Jinan by plane instead of the bus which the others have decided to take. Despite some difficulies with the flight, my ticket some how seems to have been cancelled, I am finally on a flight to Jinan and arrive at 2.30pm where I am met by Chinese volunteer students and other students arriving at the airport at the same time, and we are taken by minibus to the University campus and finally shown our rooms. My roommate hasn’t arrived when I get there so I wait to meet her and then we went out to find somewhere to eat nearby.

11 April 2011 Get up for introductory lecture we arrive at the meeting point at 9am and are led over to the international building where we will have most of our lessons for the programme. After listening to speaches we are asked to choose the lectures we would like to attend, I chose religion and politics it is a choice of two out of three and we pick one of two optional excursions either to a middle school or a power station or a school and I chose the school we were then given a living allowance of 900 Yuan around £90. We were then had a group photograph taken and then split in to groups where we met our Chinese buddy, the person ment to be on hand to help us when ever we need it. In the afternoon we had to be assigned to our language classes this included a quick assesment and then we had our first language class lasting 2 hours.

Grace’s room at the Happy Dragon photo by Laura Riggall

After class exlored the area around the campus with other students. 12th April 2011 Went to language class at 9am and the teacher gave us Chinese names to use in class. In the afternoon went to the first of the lectures this one was the religion lecture on Confuscious it was an interesting talk if a little long! Went shopping around the campus with some of the people on the programme and my roommate, the shops this close by are not very good need to be able to get further away from the campus soon. 13th April 2011 9am language class then went with Matteo and Sam to a local bakery for lunch class at Shandong University Jinan Photo by Laura Riggall and we arrived back just in time to get on the coaches for the middle school. We were told we had to give a presentation in small groups to one class but as each class was made up of 72 12-13 year olds this was quite a scary experience! After I went with my roommate and Katrina and my buddy to a restaurant the food was very nice although very different to the Chinese food found in the UK. We then went to see a fountain which does a show at 9pm and then looked around a shopping centre before returing to campus. 14th April 2011 Had to get up quietly this morning as I have a politics lecture this morning and my roommate does not meaning she has a chance to lie in and I have to try not to wake The fountain photo by Lauta Riggall her. The lecture was quite interesting and explain

Summer 2011, Study China Programme Official Magazine a lot of things I didn’t understand about the political situation in China. Language classes were in the afternoon today and a lot is covered in three hours of class. This evening we have a ‘social gathering’ with the Chinese students which basically means its a party where students are able to show their talents whatever that may be I enjoyed watching but didn’t take part although I did get up to dance at the end. 15th April 2011 had to get up early today as we have a trip today to the Ancient vehicle museum and Kite making placemuch better than I thought it would be and we got a chance to make our own kites as well. Lunch was a bit awkward as we had to interupt a wedding to get to where we would be eating and most of the guests found us ‘westerners’ more interesting to photograph than the couple! For dinner we attempted to try a Chinese chain called yon ho did not enjoy the food.

Children at the middle school photo by Laura Riggall

Shops in downtown Jinan photo by Laura Riggall

Downtown Jinan photo by Laura Riggall

16th April 2011 today is our only free day on the programme and I used it as an excuse to stay in bed till noon! I enjoyed the sun for a while and at 4.30pm went with my Buddy Cathy my roommate, and friends Katie and Katrina to a market that Kathy knew well. We then went for dinner and then walked through the night market back to campus. 17th April 2011had Kung-fu and tai chi class today from 9 - 12 it was incredible to watch the teacher show us the moves but was very difficult to copy had a lot of fun trying though! I have decided to join some others in asking for extra classes which will start tomorrow at 7am. Went with Matteo to a local Italian restaurant for lunch not very adventurous I know but it was nice to have the occasional familiarity of home by having pizza. Then it was time for another three hours language class afterwhich we had half an hour before we had to leave for the Beijing opera we walked to the theatre with our buddy’s and then had the opportunity to go backstage before the show started the costumes were fantastic and although we couldn’t understand all of what was going on onstage it was a very entertaining and a fantastic evening. 18th April 2011 Got up early for my Kung -fu class enjoyed it alot and it only cost 40 yuan a day £4 but I don’t think I’ll continue as I don’t feel I can get up this early everyday especially as it is often followed by a 9am language class. Had another pizza lunch with Matteo. Then went to meet a chinese buddy called Monica who took us to KTV the local Kareoke bar. I wasn’t sure at first but had great fun especially singing along to Killing in the name by Rage against the machine! We then went for hotpot a meal that

Summer 2011, Study China Programme Official Magazine you cook for yourselves on the table its a meal I would recommend for anyone going to China. 19th April 2011 had language class in the morning and caligraphy in the afternoon was very interesting and got to keep the work as a souvenier. We then went out with Cathy to a market and had a meal in a restaurant before going back to the hotel. 20th April 2011 another 9am language class wish they would have them a bit later! In the afternoon we met chinese students who took similar subjects to us I was really interested to meet some history students and my roommate got a chance to meet some journalism students and we were able to find out how restrictions on journalists had changed as well as learn the students views on politics and history. Then went out for a meal with Matteo, Sam, Megan, Katie, Evie and Lauren from the group.

Actor puts makeup on backstage photo by Laura Riggall

21st April 2011 went to a 9am language class which was a little odd today as we learned a song from Mulan in Chinese as so many of the class had asked for the translation, and then watched a Chinese film called Aftershock it was a very powerful and sad film which left me in tears. We then met up with Cathy who took us to several markets where I bought some gifts for home. Unfortunatly the weather was not as good today and we ended up getting soaked. 22nd April 2011 Had a language class at 9am for three hours then after went with Matteo to a market he had found we were quite proud of ourselves to have made it there without the help of any Chinese students! bought more souveniers and had a meal before getting a taxi back. Went for a meal in the evening with my roommate and some others and then went to see the Black tiger springs, a local natural springs.

the Beijing Opera photo by Laura Riggall

23rd April 2011 today we have a day with a local family we were put in to groups of two or three and assigned to a local family who would show us round the area. I was paired up with Megan and the family we went to spoke very good english. They first took us to a friends apartment to show us how normal chinese families live we made traditional dumplings together and then ate with the families. We then went on to thousand Buddha Mountain which was fantastic it was so beautiful and I took lots of pictures. The family then took us for a meal in a park across the way from the mountain before returing us to the campus. We spent the evening exploring the local shop and then went back to the hotel. Chinese buddy at the opera photo by Laura Riggall

Summer 2011, Study China Programme Official Magazine 24th April 2011set off for our overnight stop in Qufu the hometown of Confucius. Saw a lot of confuscius temples before resting at the hotel and went out for a meal in the evening before going for a walk to explore the local area. 25th April today we climbed Mount Tai we drove there in the morning and then went half way by minibus but the rest of it was up to us it took two hours to climb up to the top and we had a meal at the top before coming back down in cable cars which was a relief as i’m not sure I could have walked both ways. And then went back to the University after we got back me, my roommate and Matteo went to the market by bus and had a meal. 26th April 2011 Had the morning free today so went to the market again and got a taxi back in time for Chinese class in the afternoon. After class we went with some others to Thousand Buddha mountain again and climbed higher than we had been able to with the Chinese family it was an amazing view we went for a meal afterwards with my roommates language class.

the graduation ceremony photo by Laura Riggall

27th April 2011 We had a language class in the morning and a test in the afternoon which I managed to pass in between I went to lunch with my language class and tutor the food was fantastic. Went to the market again after the test and then for a meal as tomorrow will be our last night. 28th April 2011 today was the day of our graduation which included many speeches and performances. Me and my roommate then went to Baotu springs the most famous springs in Jinan before going to yet another market! Went to a meal with Cathy and said goodbye to the first people leaving the programme. 29th April 2011 Flight back to the UK. the graduation ceremony photo by Laura Riggall 30th April 2011 arrive home.

Baotu Springs Photo by Laura Riggall

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