National Post published 'Putting Power Back in the Hands of Jordan's Rape Victims

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Citizens gather to protest Article 308 of Jordan’s penal code, which permitted pardoning rapists if they married their victims. CREDIT: COURTESY OF JHR Citizens gather to protest Article 308 of Jordan’s penal code, which permitted pardoning rapists if they married their victims. CREDIT: COURTESY OF JHR

Journalist Remaz Mussa uses data journalism to Journalist Remaz Mussa uses data journalism to put nalistput Journalist Remaz Mussa Remaz uses Mussa data uses journalism data journalism to put to put honour killing on national agenda and help honour killing on national agenda -- and help change our killing honour on killing national on national agenda agenda and help and change help change change a law to better protect women from rapists Journalist Remaz Mussa uses data journalism to put a law to better protect women from rapists Remaz Mussa Remaz Journalist uses Mussa data uses Remaz journalism data Mussa journalism to to uses putputdata to putjournalism to pu wnalist to honour aJournalist better law toprotect better women protect from women rapists from rapists Journalist Remaz Mussa uses data journalism killing on national agenda - and help change ourhonour killing national onhonour national agenda killing -agenda and help national -help and change help agenda change - and help chang ahonour lawkilling toonkilling better protect women from rapists on national agenda -on and change watolaw abetter law toprotect better women aprotect law tofrom women better rapists from protect women from rapists to better protect women from rapistsrapists Citizens gather to protest Citizens Article gather 308 of to Jordan’s protest Article penal 308 code, ofwhich Jordan’s permitted penal code, pardoning which rapists permitted if they pardoning marriedrapists their victims. if they married CREDIT: COURTESY their victims. OF CREDIT: JHR COURTESY OF JHR

defend their family’s honour, risk being revelations. Princess Basmaor urged the slain by family defend their family’s honour, defend or risk their being family’s slain honour, or risk being slain media tomembers. keep up the pressure and push for Jordanians, including the late King Hussein’s by rapists family members. by family members. Citizens gather to protest Article 308 of Jordan’s penal code, which permitted pardoning if they married their debate victims. CREDIT: COURTESY OF JHR a public about honour killings and sister, ed by Mussa’s Jordanians, including the Jordanians, latewere Kinghorrifi Hussein’s including the late revelations. King Hussein’s Citizens gather to protest Citizens Article gather 308toofprotest Jordan’s Article penal 308 code, of Jordan’s Citizens which permitted gather penal code, topardoning protest which Article permitted rapists 308 if of they pardoning Jordan’s married rapists penal their code, if victims. they which married CREDIT: permitted their COURTESY victims. pardoning CREDIT: JHR rapists COURT if th Article 308. Princess Basma urged media to keepOF up sister, were horrified by Mussa’s sister, were revelations. horrifi ed bythe Mussa’s revelations. the pressure and push for a public debate about Mussa’s stories, widely circulated on social urged thedefend Princess media toBasma keep urged up CREDIT: the media to keep their family’s honour, or risk beingup slain Citizens gather to protest Article 308 of Jordan’s penal code, which permitted pardoningPrincess rapistsBasma if they married their victims. COURTESY OF JHR honour killings the pressure and push forby the a public pressure debate andand about push for a 308. public debate about family members. media and cited inArticle outlets thatbeing included defend their family’s honour, defend or their risk family’s slain honour, or risk Mussa’s stories, widely circulated onHussein’s social honour killings and Article honour 308. killings and Article 308. Jordanians, including the late King Human Rights Watch, helped trigger by family members. by family members. media and cited in outlets that included Human theirstories, family’s honour, orrevelations. riskon being slain Mussa’s stories, widelydefend circulated Mussa’s on social widely circulated social sister, were horrifi ed by Mussa’s debate in thehelped Jordanian parliament. JHR’s largely been avoided by other outlets least three years, provided the victim was BY LEE-ANNE GOODMAN Rights Watch, trigger debate in the Jordanians, including the Jordanians, late King Hussein’s including the late Kin mediamedia and cited in outlets media that included and cited Human in outlets that included Human Princess Basma urged the media to keep up by family members. pardoning rapists married their victims of of dataand to develop human rights stories. Jordanian parliament. JHR’s team in in Jordan BY LEE-ANNE GOODMAN sister, were horrifi ed by sister, Mussa’s revelations. horrifi ed by Mussa’s reve team in Jordan followed up with online inusing Jordan, it was difficult toWatch, dig uphelped data between 15 and if18they years old. Proponents Rights trigger Rights debate Watch, inand the helped trigger debate the the pressure push for the a were public debate about Jordanians, including late King Hussein’s and stayed with them formarried at of least three years, The honour killings story had largely been followed up with online forums pardoning their rapists victims if they their victims using data to develop human of rights data stories. to develop rights stories. Jordanian parliament. JHR’s Jordanian team inparliament. Jordan JHR’s team inradio Jordan honour killings and Article 308. GOODMAN For BY LEE-ANNE Princess Basma urged the Princess media Basma toand keep urged upshows the media to k sister, were horrifi ed by Mussa’s revelations. forums and radio shows that kept attention tousing back up the terriblehuman accounts Mussa was the provision argued it helped “protect the years inGOODMAN Jordan, it waspardoning both rapists if they married the victim was 15 and 18 yearsstoryavoided by other media outlets in Jordan, andonline it that kept attention on the issue and kept the and stayed with them for provided and at least stayed three with years, them forbetween at The leasthonour three years, killings The had honour largely been killings story had largely been followed up with forums followed and up radio with shows online forums and radio shows Mussa’s stories, widely circulated on social the pressure and push for theathe public pressure debate and push about for a public de Princess Basma urged media to keep up on the issue and kept the debate alive. The hearing from families and NGOs. honour” of rape victims. conventional wisdom and the law: better For years in Jordan, it was both conventional old. Proponents of the provision argued it18 helped was diffi cult to dig upitdata to back upattention the and terrible debate alive. The result? As of Aug. 1 2017, provided the victim was between provided 15 theand victim 18 years was between 15by and years avoided other media outlets avoided in by Jordan, other and media outlets in Jordan, it that kept on thethe that issue kept and attention kept the on the issue anddebate kept the media cited inpush outlets included Human pressure andArticle for athat public about 308. honour killings and honour 308. killings and Article wisdom and the law: better for a rape victim to “protect the honour” of rape victims. accounts Mussa was hearing from families and rapists can no longer get around prosecution by result? As of Aug. 1 2017, rapists can no He began searching court records for data, Due in no small part to the courageous for a rape victim to marry her rapist – she’s rdan, it was both For years conventional in Jordan, it was both conventional old. Proponents of the provision old. Proponents argued it of helped the provision argued was diffi cult ittohelped dig up data was to diffi backcult up to thedig terrible up data to back alive. up theThe terrible debate result? debate As of Aug. alive. 1 2017, The result? As 308. ofdebate Aug. Rights Watch, helped trigger the honour killings and Article Mussa’s stories, widely circulated Mussa’s stories, on1in2017, social widely circulated marry her rapist –law: she’s damaged goods, after Due inthe no small to the courageous NGOs. marrying their victims. he law: betterBY wisdom forLEE-ANNE a rape and victim the to better a rape toall, of rape “protect the honour” “protect victims. of rape victims. accounts Mussa was hearing accounts fromdata families Mussa was andhearing from families and get around rapists can stories. no honour longer rapists can prosecution no longer by get around prosecution by pardoning rapists if part they married their victims of using to develop human rights Jordanian parliament. JHR’s team in Jordan GOODMAN longer get around prosecution by marrying reading the decisions in hundreds of reporting ofhonour” Jordanian journalist Remaz damaged goods, after all,for and willvictim bring Mussa’s stories, widely circulated on social media and cited in outlets media that and included cited in Human outlets and will bring shame and dishonour to her family reporting of Jordanian journalist Remaz Mussa, He began searching court records for data, What’s next for the courageous Mussa? He’s that includ st – she’s damaged marry her goods, rapist after – she’s all, damaged goods, after all,no Due in no small part toand the Due courageous in no small part courageous NGOs. NGOs. marrying marrying their victims. stayed with them forto atthe least threefinally years, The honour killings storyand had largely their beenvictims. media followed up with online forums and radio shows their victims. and cited in outlets that included Human killing and rape cases, developing Mussa, the Jordanian government shame and dishonour to her family since Rights Watch, helped trigger Rights debate Watch, inkept helped theusing trigger debate since no bring one else will and marry her. the Jordanian government finally voted reading the decisions incourt hundreds of honour setting hisMussa? sights on Jordan’s gender gap, shame and dishonour and will to her shame family dishonour to her family journalist reporting of Jordanian reporting Remaz of Jordanian Mussa, journalist Mussa, HeRemaz began searching He records began for searching data, records for data, What’s next for it the courageous What’s next forHe’s the courageous He’s provided the victim was between 15 andto 18repeal years court avoided by other media outlets in Jordan, and that kept attention on the issue andMussa? the Rights Watch, helped trigger debate inMussa? the next for the courageous a to series of infographics showing how voted to repeal Article 308 inargued August. one else will marry her.up Ityears was perhaps aitstep from honour killing, Article 308 in GOODMAN August. The blogger killing and rape cases, and developing a series ofJordan’s hisWhat’s JHR data reporting know-how investigate pardoning rapistsBY iffithey pardoning married their rapists victims if26-year-old they married theirdata victims pardoning rapists if they married their victims of using develop of human using rights data toback stories. develop human rights stories. of using data to develop human rights stori Jordanian parliament. JHR’s Jordanian team parliament. in to Jordan JHR’s team in GOODMAN BYher. LEE-ANNE GOODMAN LEE-ANNE lse will marry since no one else will marry her. the Jordanian government the nally Jordanian voted government to repeal fi nally voted to repeal reading the decisions in hundreds reading the of honour decisions in hundreds of honour setting his sights on setting gender his sights gap, using on Jordan’s gender gap, using For in Jordan, was both conventional old. Proponents of the provision it helped was diffi cult to dig up data to up the terrible debate alive. The result? As of Aug. 1 2017, pardoning rapists if they married theirfor victims of using data toshowing develophow human rights stories. Jordanian parliament. JHR’s team in Jordan BY LEE-ANNE GOODMAN the talked-about practice ofand family used his training from Journalists infographics authorities had dealt the lack of women in leadership inwith Jordanian He’s setting hishonour sights on Jordan’s authorities had dealt with them 1995. The 26-year-old blogger used his training Itfrom was perhaps step up from honour stayed them for and at least stayed three with years, them for atHuman least three years, and stayed with them forfamilies atsince least three years, Thecases, honour killings story had honour largely killings been story had been The killings story had followed up with online followed forums and up radio online shows forumsbeen and haps a step up Itrarely was honour perhaps aa step up from honour Article 308 inkilling, August. Article 26-year-old 308 in blogger August. 26-year-old blogger killing and rape and killing developing and rape aThe series cases, ofand developing a series oflargely his JHR data reporting know-how his JHR data tono investigate reporting know-how to investigate wisdom and thekilling, law: better for a rape victim to withThe “protect the honour” ofThe rape victims. accounts Mussa was hearing from and rapists can longer get around prosecution by largely and stayed with them for at least three years,to link The honour killings story had largely been followed up business. with online forums and radio shows members murdering female relatives who Rights (JHR) on data-assisted reporting with them since 1995. politics and ked-about practice the rarely ofthe family talked-about practice ofprovided family used his training Journalists used his for training from Journalists for Human infographics howother infographics authorities had showing dealt how authorities dealt lack ofhad women inand leadership the lack in oftheir Jordanian women inthat leadership inkept Jordanian marry her rapist – she’s damaged goods, afterhad all, Due in noHuman small part to 18 the courageous NGOs. marrying victims. the victim was provided between the 15 and victim years was between 15 and 18 years provided thecaused victim was between 15that 18 years avoided by media avoided outlets in byJordan, other media and it outlets in Jordan, and itavoided by other media outlets Jordan, kept attention on the issue kept and attention the on theinissue andak gender using JHR reporting Mussa’s reports athe sensation given from Journalists Human (showing JHR) killing, rarely talked-about practice offrom provided the victim and wasfor between 15Rights andto18hold years avoided by other media outlets in Jordan, andthey it that keptgap, attention onishis the issuedata and kept the been sexually “interfered with” in an attempt to honour killings Article 308, and the Mussa’s reports caused a sensation given Lee-Anne Goodman a Toronto-based rdering female members relatives murdering who had female relatives who had Rights (JHR) on data-assisted Rights reporting (JHR) on to data-assisted link reporting to link with them since 1995. with them since 1995. politics and business. politics and business. and will bring shame and dishonour to her family reporting of Jordanian journalist Remaz Mussa, He began searching court records for data, What’s next for the courageous Mussa? He’s ordan, it was For both years conventional in Jordan, it was both conventional For years in Jordan, it was both conventional old. Proponents of the provision old. Proponents argued it of helped the provision argued it helped old. Proponents of the provision argued it helped was diffi cult to dig up data was to diffi back cult up to the dig terrible up data to back up the terrible was diffi cult to dig up data to back up the t debate alive. The result? debate As of Aug. alive. 1 The 2017, result? As of Aug. know-how to investigate the lack of they laid bare the dreadful choice faced by on data-assisted reporting to link honour family members murdering female relatives For years in Jordan, itattempt was both conventional old. Proponents ofhold the provision argued it helped waslaid diffi cultthe toreports dig upthey data toa sensation back upbythe terrible debate alive. The result? of Aug. 1 2017,by the restore the “honour.” government account. bare dreadful choice faced Jordanian freelance writer. JHR’s inAs Jordan is supported “interfered been with” sexually in anfamily’s “interfered to with” in an attempt honour killings andtohonour” Article honour 308, and killings toto and the Article and to reports hold thecaused Mussa’s a sensation Mussa’s given caused given they Lee-Anne Goodman is a families Toronto-based Lee-Anne Goodman is aMussa Toronto-based since no one else will marry her. the Jordanian government fi308, nally voted to repeal reading the decisions in hundreds of honour setting his sights on work Jordan’s gender gap, using he law: better wisdom for a rape and victim the law: to better for a rape victim to wisdom and the law: better for a rape victim to “protect the of “protect rape victims. the honour” of rape victims. “protect the honour” of rape victims. accounts Mussa was hearing accounts from Mussa families was and hearing from and accounts was hearing from families rapists can no longer get rapists around can prosecution no longer by get around pros wisdom and the law: better for a rape victim to “protect the honour” of rape victims. accounts Mussa was hearing from families and rapists can no longer get around prosecution by women in leadership in Jordanian politics Jordanian rape victims – either marry their killings and Article 308, and to hold the who had been sexually “interfered with” in Article 308 of Jordan’s penal code permitted At a 308 JHRinto workshop, Mussa learned the basics choice rape victims –Jordanian either marry their rapists Government of reporting Canada. mily’s “honour.” restore the family’s “honour.” government to account. government account. laid bare the dreadful laid faced bare the byrape dreadful choice faced Jordanian freelance writer. JHR’smarrying freelance Jordan writer. isdata supported JHR’sbywork theknow-how in Jordan istosupported by the It was perhaps from honour killing, Article August. The 26-year-old blogger killing and and developing a to series ofwork in his JHR investigate st –marry she’s damaged marry her rapist after –a step she’s all,up damaged goods, after all, marry her rapist she’s damaged after all, Due in no small part tosmall Due the courageous in– no part togoods, the courageous Due incases, no small part toby the courageous NGOs. NGOs. NGOs. their victims. marrying their victims. rapist –goods, she’s damaged goods, after all,workshop, Due inhis no to small the courageous NGOs. marrying victims. andlack business. rapists to defend honour, or government topart account. an attempt toofrestore the family’s “honour.” of Jordan’sher penal Article code 308 permitted Jordan’s penal permitted Atcode afamily JHR Mussa At learned a JHR workshop, the basics Mussa learned the basicsmarry rape victims – either rape their victims rapists – either to their marry their rapists Government oftoCanada. Government of Canada. the rarely talked-about practice of used training from Journalists for Human infographics showing howfamily’s authorities had dealt the oftheir women in leadership in Jordanian shame and dishonour will bring toand her shame family and dishonour to her and will bring shame andMussa, dishonour to her family reporting offamily Jordanian journalist reporting Remaz of Jordanian journalist Remaz Mussa, reporting of records Jordanian Remaz Mussa, He began searching court He began searching forjournalist data, court records for data,next Hecourageous began searching records for da What’s next for the What’s next Mussa? forcourt He’s theHe’s courageous M and and willmembers bring shame dishonour to her family of Jordanian journalist Remaz Mussa, He began searching court records for data, What’s for the courageous Mussa? murdering femalepenal relatives who had reporting Rights (JHR) on data-assisted reporting tothe link with them since 1995. politics and business. Lee-Anne Goodman is gender adecisions Toronto-based risk being slain by family members. At ano JHR workshop, Mussa learned Article 308 of Jordan’s code else will since no one else will since one else will marry her. the government the fiJordanian nally voted government to repeal finally voted todecisions repeal thedecisions Jordanian finally voted toof repeal reading the in reading hundreds theofadecisions honour in hundreds honour reading in hundreds honou setting his sights on Jordan’s his sights gap, using on Jordan’sofgender sincemarry nobeen oneher. else will marry her.marry Jordanian government fi nally voted repeal reading the ingovernment hundreds of honour setting his sights onsetting Jordan’s gender gap, using sexually “interfered with”her. in anJordanian attempt tothe honour killings and Article 308, and to to hold the Mussa’s reports caused sensation given they Lee-Anne Goodman isthe a Toronto-based freelance writer. JHR’s work in Jordanians, including the late King basics ofAugust. using data to develop human permitted pardoning rapists ifArticle they married haps a It step up Itfrom was perhaps killing, afrom step up from honour It was perhaps ainstep up from honour killing, 308 killing, inArticle August. The Article 26-year-old 308 August. blogger The 26-year-old blogger Article 308 inand August. blogger was perhaps afamily’s step up honour killing, killing and rape cases, killing developing and rape a The cases, series and of developing a series killing of and cases, andis developing a ser 308 in The 26-year-old blogger killing and rape cases, developing aJordanian series of his JHR data reporting his JHR data toisJordan investigate reporting know-how to his JHR data reporting know-how to investigate restore thehonour “honour.” government to account. laid bare theand dreadful choice faced by26-year-old freelance writer. JHR’s know-how work inrape Jordan supported by the SUPPORT JHR’S WORK supported by the Government of Canada. Hussein’s sister, were horrifi ed by Mussa’s rights stories. The honour killings story had their victims and stayed with them for at the rarely talked-about ofpractice family usedthe hisAt training from Journalists for Human infographics how authorities had dealt the lack ofJournalists women in leadership in Jordanian ked-about practice theArticle rarely of talked-about family of family rarely practice of family used his training from Journalists his training for Human from Journalists for Human usedshowing his training from Journalists for Human infographics showing how authorities showing had dealt how authorities had dealt infographics showing how authorities had d the lack of women in leadership the lack of in women Jordanian in leadership in Jo 308 of practice Jordan’s penal code permitted aused JHRtalked-about workshop, Mussa learned the basics rape victims –infographics either marry their rapists to Government of Canada. Human Rights SUPPORT JHR’S WORK SUPPORTfor JHR’S WORK members murdering female relatives had (JHR) (JHR) onmurdering data-assisted reporting to with link them sincewith 1995.them politics and business. rdering female members relatives murdering who had femalewho relatives who Rights had members female whothem hadwith Rights on data-assisted Rights reporting (JHR) on to data-assisted linkrelatives reporting to link Rights (JHR) on data-assisted to link since 1995. since 1995. reporting with them since 1995. politics and business. politics and business. and the Toronto Star present Journalists for Human Rights Journalists for Human Rights been sexually “interfered with”to in an attempt to honour killings and killings Article Mussa’s reports caused a reports sensation given they Lee-Anne Goodman isRights a Toronto-based y “interfered been with” sexually in an attempt “interfered with” in an attempt been to Article sexually “interfered with” in308, anthe attempt to honour killings and honour 308, and to308, hold andand Article theto hold and to hold thehonour killings and Article 308, and toLee-Anne holdStar the Mussa’s reports caused aMussa’s sensation givencaused they a sensation given they Mussa’s reports caused a issensation given Goodman isToronto a Toronto-based Lee-Anne Goodman a Toronto-based Night for 2017 and the Toronto present and the Star present restore the family’s “honour.” government to account. laid bare the dreadful choice faced by Jordanian freelance writer. JHR’s work in Jordan is JHR’s supported the Oct. 5 2017 | JHR’s 6 p.m. Mattamy Athletics Centre, Toronto mily’s “honour.” restore the family’s “honour.”government to account. restoregovernment the family’sto “honour.” account. government to account. laid bare the dreadful choice laid bare faced thebydreadful Jordanian choicefor faced bywriter. Jordanian laid|work bare the dreadful choice faced by Jorda freelance freelance inRights Jordan writer. is 2017 supported work by by the in Jordan is su Night Rights Night for Articlepenal 308 ofcode Jordan’s code permitted At a JHR workshop, Mussa the basics rape victims – either marry their rapists tolearned Government of Canada. Gala Tickets, $750; Gala Table SUPPORT JHR’S WORK 8 of Jordan’s Article 308permitted of penal Jordan’s penal code permitted Article 308 of Jordan’s penalMussa code permitted At a JHR workshop, Mussa At alearned JHR workshop, thelearned basics learned the–basics arape JHR workshop, the basics rape victims eitherAt marry their victims rapists – either toMussa marry their rapists to rape victims – either marry their rapists to Government of Canada. Government of$6,000 Canada.


Oct. 5 | 6 p.m. | Mattamy Athletics Oct. 5 |Centre, 6 p.m.Toronto | Mattamy Athletics Centre, Toronto After Party sponsored by Bruce Power. Journalists for Human Gala Tickets, $750; Gala Table $6,000 Gala Tickets, $750; Gala TableRights $6,000 Buy tickets at After Party sponsored by Bruce Power. After sponsored by Bruce Power. SUPPORT JHR’S WORK andParty Toronto Star present

#Night4Rights2017 Buy tickets at Buy tickets at for Journalists for Human Rights Night Rights 2017 #Night4Rights2017 #Night4Rights2017 Oct. 5 |and 6 p.m. | Mattamy Athletics Centre, Toronto SUPPORT JHR’S WORK the Toronto Star present

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: SUPPORT JHR’S WORK JHR’S WORK Gala Tickets,Dallaire $750; Gala Table SUPPORT $6,000 Journalists for Human Rights Lt.-Gen Roméo (Ret’d), founder of Night for Rights 2017 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: KEYNOTE SPEAKER: After Party sponsored by Bruce Power. Journalists for Human Rights Journalists for Human Rig and the Toronto Star present the Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative p.m. founder of Lt.-Gen Roméo Dallaire (Ret’d), Lt.-Genfounder RoméoOct. Dallaire of 5 | 6(Ret’d), Buy tickets at and theInitiative Toronto Star present and the Toronto Star prese Night for Rights 2017 the Roméo Dallaire Childthe Soldiers Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative Mattamy Athletics Centre, Toronto #Night4Rights2017 Oct. 5 | 6 p.m. | Mattamy Athletics Centre, Toronto Night for Rights Night 2017 for Rights 20 Gala Tickets, $750; Gala Table $6,000

Oct. 5 | 6After p.m. | Mattamy Athletics Oct. 5by | Table 6Centre, p.m. |Power. Toronto Mattamy Athletics Cen Gala Tickets, $750; Gala $6,000 Party sponsored Bruce KEYNOTE SPEAKER: After Party sponsored by Bruce Power. $750; Buy tickets at Lt.-Gen Roméo Dallaire (Ret’d), founder of Gala Table $6 Gala Tickets, $750; Gala Table Gala $6,000 Tickets, Buy tickets at the Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative #Night4Rights2017 After Party sponsored by Bruce After Power. Party sponsored by Bruce Po

services. Rania’s work addressed a clear need to raise awareness among host and services. Rania’s work addressed services. Rania’s a clear work addressed a clear #Night4Rights2017 Buy tickets atKEYNOTE Buy tickets at LEY SPEAKER: communities onamong the rights need to raise awarenessmigrant need among to raise host and awareness hostofand #Night4Rights2017 #Night4Rights2017 Lt.-Gen Roméo Dallaire (Ret’d), JHR-trained Dana Gibreel (centre) with JHR’s program in the Middle East and migrants to legal aid, in order to avoid the KEYNOTE SPEAKER: migrant communities on migrant the rights communities of on the rights of the award she received for reporting on founder of the Roméo Dallaire Child of North Africa is working in partnership dangers of fleeing Jordan illegally across the Lt.-Gen Roméo Dallaire (Ret’d), founder JHR-trained (centre) Dana with Gibreel (centre) with am in the Middle JHR’s program East andin the Middle East to and migrants legal aid, inmigrants order to to avoid legalthe aid, in orderJHR-trained to avoid the Dana Gibreel KEYNOTE SPEAKER: KEYNOTE SPEAKER: police brutality in - another zone Soldiers Initiative with the Community Media Network and Jordan Mediterranean Sea. the Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative the award she received thefor award reporting she received onJordanfor reporting on is workingBY North inIRENE partnership Africa is working in partnership dangers of fleeing dangers illegally of fleeing across the Jordan illegally across the services. Rania’s work addressed a clear (Ret’d),Roméo founderDallaire of (Ret’d), fo services. Rania’s2015, work addressed a clear BY IRENEFLATLEY FLATLEY AND LATIFA ABDIN of that JHR-trained journalists put in theLt.-Gen Roméo Dallaire Lt.-Gen the for Defending Freedom • In November Jordanian police in Jordan police - another brutality zone in Jordan have - another zone mmunity Media withCenter the Network Community and Media Network and Mediterranean Sea. need Mediterranean Sea. JHR-trained to raise awareness among hostbrutality and spotlight. CREDIT: Courtesy of JHR the Roméo Dallaire Child the Soldiers Roméo Initiative Dallaire Child Soldiers JHR-trained Dana Gibreel (centre) with the need to raise awareness among host and Journalists in Amman, Jordan. In operation journalist Ezz Alnatour published a story JHR-trained journalists that JHR-trained have put injournalists the have put in the or Defending theFreedom Center for ofDefending•Freedom of 2015, JHR-trained In November • In November Jordanian 2015, JHR-trained Jordanian migrant communities on that the rights of award she received for reporting onof police Courtesy spotlight. ofDana JHR CREDIT: Courtesy JHR since 2013, theAmman, project trains journalists featuring the account from therights of a CREDIT: JHR-trained Gibreel (centre) with n Amman, JHR’s Journalists Jordan. In operation in Jordan. In operation migrant communities onpublished the of the journalist Ezz journalist published Ezz alegal story Alnatour aspotlight. story JHR’s program in the the Middle Middle East andAlnatourmigrants program in East and to aid, in order tomother avoid brutality in Jordan - another that JHRand journalism students in human rights Jordanian man imprisoned in sinceofthe human rights journalism award for her the award she received forzone reporting on he project North since trains 2013, journalists the trains journalists featuring the account from featuring the of mother the account ofaid, a in from theIraq mother a Africa isisproject working in dangers fleeing Jordan illegally across the migrants to legal order to avoid the North Africa working inpartnership partnership trained journalists have putin theher spotlight. reporting and data journalism. war in 2003. Alnatour’s story, published on reporting on police brutality Jordan. police brutality in Jordan -inanother zone services. Rania’s work addressed a clear sm students and in journalism human rights students in human rights Jordanian man imprisoned Jordanian in Iraq man since imprisoned the in Iraq since the human rights journalism human award rights for her journalism award for with the Community Media Network and Mediterranean Sea. BY IRENE FLATLEY dangers of fleeing Jordan illegally across the with the Community Media Network • Rania Sarayreh, JHR-trained prompted the release of another Dana interviewed the family in members ofJHR that JHR-trained journalists have put of in the CREDIT: Courtesy d data journalism. reporting and journalism. war in journalist 2003. war story, in 2003. published Alnatour’s on among story, published on brutality reporting on police reporting in Jordan. on police brutality Jordan. need•, to awareness host and the Center for data Defending Freedom of Alnatour’s Inraise November 2015, JHR-trained Jordanian spotlight. CREDIT: Courtesy ofofJHR at the Arabic daily newspaper AlRania’s prisoner from an Iraqi jail and bolstered 27 citizens and seven security personnel Mediterranean Sea. and theleading Center forJHR-trained Defending Freedom of migrant - SPONSORS yreh, JHR-trained • Rania Sarayreh, journalist journalist, prompted the, release of prompted another the release of another Dana interviewed the family Dana interviewed members of the family members Journalists in Amman, Jordan. In operation journalist Ezz Alnatour published a story services. work services. addressed Rania’s a clear work addressed a clear services. Rania’s work addressed a clear communities on rights of LEY BY IRENE FLATLEY BY IRENERights FLATLEY Ghad, began collecting large data sets Al Human (HRW) reports who were killed during security raids with g Arabic at the newspaper leading Arabic Al daily newspaper prisoner an Iraqi jail prisoner and bolstered from anWatch Iraqi jail bolstered 27and citizens andofseven 27 citizens personnel and seven security personnel since 2013, the project trains journalists featuring theto account from the mother ahost security Dana Gibreel (centre) • JHR-trained In December 2015, JHR-trained JHR’sdaily program inin the Middle East and • In November 2015, JHR-trained migrants to legal aid, in order to avoid the Journalists Amman, Jordan. In from operation need to raise awareness need among raise host awareness and among and need to raise awareness among -host and SPONSORS - SPONSORS on the regional migrant crisis between describing the Jordan conditions endured by between January 2013 and October 2015. on collecting Ghad, large data began sets collecting large data sets Human Rights Watch (HRW) Human reports Rights Watch (HRW) reports who were killed during who security were raids killed during security raids journalism students in human rightscommunities the award she received for reporting Jordanian man imprisoned in Iraq since the rights journalism award for her North and Africa is working in partnership dangers of migrant fleeing illegally across the migrant on the rights communities of on the rights ofhuman migrant communities on the rights of Jordanian journalist Dana Gibreel won Jordanian journalist Ezz Alnatour since 2013, the project trains journalists Syria and Jordan in early 2016. Her report Jordanian prisoners in Iraq. He challenged She led an investigation into the failure nal on crisis the between regional migrant crisis between police brutality in Jordan -in another zone describing the and conditions describing endured the by conditions endured by and between January 2013 between October January 2015. 2013 and October 2015. reporting and data war in migrants 2003. Alnatour’s published on reporting on police brutality Jordan. with the Community Media Network and Sea. JHR-trained Dana Gibreel (centre) Dana with Gibreel with JHR-trained Dana Gibreel (centre am migrant in the JHR’s Middle program East and injournalism. the Middle East program infeaturing thestory, Middle East migrants to Mediterranean legalJHR’s aid, in order toto avoid legal the aid, inaccount order to avoidand the migrants toJHR-trained legal aid, in order to avoid(centre) the JHR’s annual human journalism published aprompted story the and journalism students human rights provided information on in the services the legality of sentencing procedures of law enforcement to rights comply with legal that JHR-trained journalists put inofthe rdanthe in early Syria 2016. and Her Jordan report inJHR-trained early 2016. Her report • In Jordanian prisoners in Iraq. Jordanian He challenged prisoners inthe Iraq. He challenged She ledJordanian ananother investigation She into led the an failure investigation intohave the failure • Rania Sarayreh, journalist, release of Dana interviewed the family members Center for Defending Freedom of November 2015, JHR-trained the award she received the for award reporting she received on for reporting onthe award she received for reporti aormation is working North in partnership Africa is working in partnership North Africa is working in partnership dangers of fleeing Jordan dangers illegally of fleeing across Jordan the illegally across the dangers of fleeing Jordan illegally across the available to refugees and migrants, while inflicted upon imprisoned Jordanian procedures and transparency around award for her reporting on police brutality from the mother of a Jordanian man reporting and data journalism. spotlight. CREDIT: Courtesy of JHR on provided the information on the services legality ofAlsentencing theprocedures legality of an sentencing lawbolstered to comply of law enforcement with legal tosecurity comply with legal at theinservices leading Arabic daily prisoner from Iraqi jailofprocedures and 27 citizens and seven personnel - SPONSORS Journalists Amman, Jordan. Innewspaper operation journalist Ezz Alnatour published aenforcement story police brutality in Jordan police - another brutality zone in on Jordan - another zonepolice brutality in Jordan - another mmunity with Media the Network Community and Media Network and with the Community Media Network and Mediterranean Sea. Mediterranean Sea. Mediterranean Sea. debunking widespread misconceptions soldiers. His report also brought to light these casualties. Increased pressure refugees migrants, to refugees while andlarge migrants, whileimprisoned inflicted upon inflicted Jordanian upon Jordanian procedures and transparency procedures around and transparency around Ghad, began collecting data sets Human Rights Watch (HRW) reports who were killed during security raids in Jordan. Dana interviewed the family imprisoned in imprisoned Iraq since the war inthat 2003. •available Rania Sarayreh, JHR-trained journalist sinceand 2013, the project trains journalists featuring the account from the mother of a JHR-trained journalists that JHR-trained have put in journalists the have put in the that JHR-trained journalists have put about this phenomenon. 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CREDIT: Courtesy o copies of students her report initially college students Iraq ahuman practices restoring civilian trust in the Courtesy n Amman,Syria Journalists Jordan. Inin operation Amman, Jordan. In operation Journalists in Amman, Jordan. Intowere operation journalist Ezz Alnatour journalist published Ezz a story Alnatour published story journalist Ezz published a story of JHR henomenon. about Thousands this phenomenon. of Thousands ofmany the fact that Jordanian the2003. fact soldiers that many were Jordanian soldiers law enforcement to law theenforcement improvement led toAlnatour the and Jordan in early 2016. Her report Jordanian prisoners in Iraq. He challenged She led anand investigation intoimprovement failure reporting and data journalism. war in Alnatour’s story, published on ledreporting on police brutality inthe Jordan. personnel who were killed during security refugee camps and across local townships prompted the release of another prisoner to take advantage of low education fees. rule of law. Ghad, began collecting large data sets on report were copies distributed of journalists her the report to project were distributed to the initially college students initially who came college tosentencing Iraq students who came tothe Iraq practices and restoring practices civilian trust and in restoring the civilianwith trustlegal in the provided information on the services the legality of procedures of lawafeaturing enforcement toaccount comply he project since trains 2013, trains journalists since 2013, the project trains journalists featuring account featuring from mother the account of a from mother of the from the mother of a • RaniabySarayreh, JHR-trained journalist which, prompted2015, the JHR-trained release of another Dana interviewed the isfamily members aid and relief organizations, • In December Jordanian JHR’s work Jordan supported byOctober the of ps across refugee local camps townships and across local townships raids between January 2013 and to take advantage of low to education take advantage fees. of low education fees. rule law. rule ofJordanian law. in from an Iraqi jail and bolstered Human available to refugees and migrants, while the regional migrant crisis between Syria man inflicted upon imprisoned Jordanian procedures and transparency around smand students andlegal in journalism human rights students inJordanian human and journalism students inofhuman imprisoned Jordanian in Iraq man since imprisoned the inrights Iraqrights since the man imprisoned in Iraq since human journalism human award rights for her journalism award for the her human rights journalism award for her at the leading Arabic daily newspaper Altheirrights prisoner from an Iraqi jail and bolstered 27 Government citizens andof seven security personnel - SPONSORS reported a spike in applications for journalist Dana Gibreel won JHR’s annual Canada. and relief organizations, by legal aidand and which relief organizations, •Her In December 2015, JHR-trained •Rights In December Jordanian 2015, JHR-trained Jordanian JHR’s in Jordan is on supported JHR’s work bybrutality in the Jordan is supported by the debunking widespread misconceptions soldiers. His report also to light these casualties. Increased pressure on published 2015. She led an investigation into the Watch (HRW ) brought reports describing and Jordan in early 2016. report d data journalism. reporting data journalism. reporting and data journalism. war inwhich 2003. Alnatour’s war story, in 2003. published Alnatour’s on work story, published onwar in 2003. Alnatour’s story, on reporting police reporting insecurity on Jordan. police brutality in Jordan. reporting on police brutality in Jordan. Ghad, began collecting large data sets Human Rights Watch (HRW) reports who were killed during raids pike in applications reported for a spike their in applications for their journalist Dana Gibreel journalist won JHR’s Dana annual Gibreel won JHR’s annual Government of Canada. Government of Canada. about this phenomenon. 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