The Judgement of Homosexuality

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The psychological perception of individuals and homosexuality: Why judging is wrong. In modern times the term “gay” is widely used among quite a few people especially adolescents by using terms such as “that's gay” or “this is gay” while there is actually no possible link between an item or a place and homosexuality the term is generally used as a negative expression which subsequently, has no meaning. One thing that particularly interests me is the obsession of people perceiving individuals as homosexual by their behaviour. A few weeks ago Andrew Stone from Pineapple Dance Studios entered the Celebrity Big Brother house, practically every member of the house thought he was gay because he dressed, acted and behaved differently to ordinary men. It even led to people insisting he was gay whether he said so or not. I think this is wrong, as society doesn't have a right to perceive someone as something which they are not. Surely, an individual knows more about themselves than a stranger or a member of society. Observing myself and listening to what others have said about me I acknowledge the following: I wear fake tan, I hate sports, I smile a lot, I get on with girls better then boys, I dress differently, I am quiet and shy, I wear foundation, my voice is particularly higher then that of a male man, I have never had a girlfriend, I put on dozens of creams a day and I walk differently. For this reason, 95% of people who meet me or know me think I am gay. Chances are you probably think I am homosexual from the above description. But lets observe the situation further, As a sufferer of a severe anxiety disorder I am preoccupied with thoughts of how ugly I am, this is down to being body dysmorphic which is a mental condition where you are preoccupied with thoughts of how ugly I am. When I look at myself in the mirror I see pure unattractiveness. I have been told by countless people that I am not ugly and that I am actually quite physically attractive but someone suffering from body dysmorphic just can't understand this or even believe people thinking they are lying. In modern society an attractive person is someone who is well tanned, muscled, clear skinned, dresses smartly among others. I apply fake tan In an attempt to make myself that 1% more attractive, I wear foundation to cover up any spots which would make me even more repulsive, I put on creams to prevent any such skin conditions. On a physical basis a person's voice is down to complete biological function the fact my voice is higher than others doesn't mean I am attracted to men, as It is something that cannot be controlled. I have tried to avoid this anxiety encouraging voice by smoking up to 50 cigarettes a day just to try and make myself sound croaky so people don't think I am gay with my high voice. I am quiet and shy due to a social anxiety disorder were I am physically and mentally scared of people. This is also the reason I have never had a girlfriend as I fear people as well as believing no one is interested in me due to my unattractiveness (body dysmorphic), I get on better with girls because from past experience males have been particularly nasty to me, my mother was attached to me and never let me get involved with sports for this reason I have never liked sports and I walk differently because my anxiety makes me think I’m being watched in a negative way so I try and walk positively. Looking into these reasons I may not be homosexual after all. Societies obsession with homosexuality is likely to be down to the fact that it Is unconventional. The truth is even a gay rights activist like me sees homosexuality as unconventional and so does everyone because unless every man in the world was gay It would still be seen as something different and unconventional. People are fascinated, have opinions, discussions and thoughts on unconventional items because they are simply interesting such as UFOs and Ghosts and other things which society is simply not sure about. For this reason it is likely that people will be obsessed with homosexuality for ever, and there is nothing we can do about it. A male teenager walking down the street happy and smiling may be seen by people as being gay simply because the stereotypical male teenager is grumpy, miserable, depressed and possibly even aggressive. For this reason smiling and positivity among other teenagers is seen as unnatural and that's why for years I have been called gay by peers, colleagues, friends, family and strangers. Perhaps it's society that causes social anxiety.

The psychological perception of homosexuality is simply a judgement based on difference. The same go's for madness. If someone thinks, acts or behave in what appears to them an 'odd' manner people will say they are mad, while these are personal opinions society seems to have teamed up together as a whole to make a public perception on someone. I'm not saying there is a wrong or right answer it's just things need to be taken into a greater consideration, is Lady Gaga a mad attention seeking woman who wears meat dresses or is she simply a person who is trying to get a message across using a physical artistic way. When in a shop if an individual in a queue Is moving about in discomfort are they a very rude and impatient person? Or do they simply need to go to the toilet and are holding their bladder. My one aim and probably only aim in life is for people to look at things more intensely to prevent inadequate judging which causes anxiety, stress, discomfort, feeling of being disliked, untrustworthy of people, paranoid and depressed. We have yet to discover most of what go's on in our brains so we have no right to say someone is this or that just because they are different to a standard human. There is no set requirements to being a human, people can freely chose to do what they want and a lot of the time it is down to other people why thousands of individuals a year are diagnosed with anxiety, paranoia and depression. As explained above on why I act, behave and so on the way I do it is particularly hurtful to be called something you are not, even if you do begin to ignore it. No body is perfect, when someone does something which is considered bad people are very quick to judge and make particularly nasty comments when in actual fact it's highly likely you will do something equally bad if not worse, in which case you would be uncomfortable thinking people are saying and talking about you negatively.

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