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Jacqueline Aceto, SCN, helped administer COVID-19 vaccinations in Louisville, Kentucky, as part of her front-line work to be a proactive part of the solution to combat the pandemic.
Joan Robishaw, SCN, is a very active "retired" Sister. She has been busy throughout the year making mittens, scarves, and hats for children. Together, Sisters Joan and Barbara Joseph Lammers sent four scarves, four hats, and 28 pairs of mittens to those in need in Newburyport, Massachusetts.
In Belize, Living Independently in Full Existence (LIFE) aims to improve the quality of life of seniors in Belize City. Because of COVID-19, they could not gather for Christmas, however, Sister Carlette led the effort to take the party to seniors by delivering meals. In India, Sisters Anne Marie Thayilchirayil and Ann George Mukalel celebrated a diamond jubilee; Sisters Ann Scaria Menonparampil, Teresa Kotturan, and Vinita Kumplankel, as well as SCNs Jean Kulangara and Ann Moyalan had a golden jubilee; and Sisters Jyoti Kerketta, Mary Grace Xalxo, Monica Tigga, and Sophia Joseph Pampackal celebrated a silver jubilee.

In Botswana, Africa, Sisters reached out to 50 families in Kanye, Lobatse, Metsimotlhabe, and other villages to give them provisions and supplies. Many families who are laborers, self-employed, or have small businesses have lost their source of earning and are struggling.
During jubilee celbrations in Bangalore, the release of a book of poems titled “Musings of a Nature Lover” by Sarita Manavalan,SCN, was announced. In February, the Sisters at Caritas in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, had a nice surprise as Benedictine Sisters Karen Brink and Barbara marked the second anniversary of the two communities temporarily living together.
A book on the six Sisters of Charity of Nazareth pioneers to India, "A Dream Come True," authored by Sister Marianne Puthoor, SCN, has been officially released. The book chronicles the origins of SCN ministries in India since their beginnings in 1947.
Left to right are Karen Sloan, SCNA in Chattanooga, with Carol Reese, Hamilton Co. Sheriff’s Office. SCNAs donated “home starter kits” to the FUSE initiative, a program to help the mentally ill, sponsored by the Sheriff’s Office.