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In Service to the Mission
Spalding Hurst has been named director of the Office of Mission Advancement (OMA) effective Sept. 1, 2021. Spalding is replacing Patsy O’Toole, SCNA, who retired from the director position after 21 years in the office.
Spalding has served as communications specialist for the Congregation since December 2008. Over the past 13 years, Spalding has traveled to many of the ministry sites of the Sisters, both domestically and internationally, and has forged strong relationships with Sisters across the Congregation. He has contributed in many areas of the Congregation, and as communications specialist, he has enhanced the Congregation’s efforts in design and technology, video production, website development, livestreaming, graphic design, and social media.
“My desire to do well is due to my predecessors in this role and their belief of what is possible,” says Spalding. “I will do my best to be an asset to SCN leadership and the Congregation as a whole, always. It is my hope that OMA always remains a reflection of the great work of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth.”
Spalding, his wife, Jennifer, and two children live in Bardstown, Kentucky. Spalding serves on the board of directors for Communicators for Women Religious, New Pioneers for a Sustainable Future, and St. Vincent de Paul Mission Store and Food Pantry. In addition to his community service, Spalding enjoys whitewater kayaking and adventure travel.
Sangeeta Ayithamattam, SCN, remarks, “Spalding has demonstrated his commitment to the SCN mission in countless ways and his expertise has enhanced our efforts in communicating our mission to the broader public. We are confident in his abilities to lead the Congregation’s advancement efforts into the future.”
Through communications, fundraising, the volunteer program, and the visitor center, the Office of Mission Advancement works to inspire involvement in furthering the mission of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth.
Spalding can be reached at spalding@scnfamily.org or (502) 348-1593.

Spalding Hurst, bottom row center, is pictured with the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth during the 2018 General Assembly held in Bangalore, India.