Welcome to this special edition of the SCRT Jomey, which cetebrates the theme "Partnersin MMsby." In this e we honor the donors who make the immense variety of SCN ministries across the world possible through their genemsky, prayem, and actions. In this double-hsue we'll take you on a brief tour of SCN mhkfrfes across the world. Tqether, we'll travel from a new pmgram for women and & d m in India to the development of a
2 SCN Ceiitri Uelizr Dt.<lic,itrd
3 "Hope" springs eternal for We women and children of 4 'Ti+,
Ithought you were
5 K N Environmental-activities
in light of rerponsibleinverting
7 Crltherine Spalding House provides "heart space" for the people of Broc!&n, Mas. 9 Parbren in Minisby 16 Pelican Club.Members
LwisvilleRegion Receives Enterprise M m wGrant
minishy centerin Bmckton.
Massachusetts,among many others. Unfortunately space does not permit us to share all of the diverse minisMes of SCNs. From operating shelters for runaway kens to performing legal aid for the poor; from pmVidhg care for AIDS patients to working with migrant farm families SCMS m sdngthe oppressed all over the world. We are also d e l i t e d to share with you a piece of ourselves -informatson about who we are as a congegation, where and
cc o#mooomoo
how we serve, a gtlmpse into our future, and our stewardship oP your dollars. Among these pages you will fmd something equally i m p o m to all the stories we share a list of those who give to the SCN minishies by atate, followed by
a list of OUT special "Pelican Club Members," and Diocaes who genemusly allow SCNs to speak and take collections in their parishes. This year we also rejoice in the conbibutiorw of SCFI Associates and the women who continue to Join the congregation. Each of these gifts is an incredibly imprtant part of the E N mls sion,so please take a few moments to see who your partners are in thls SCN ministry. Thank you again forjourneyins with us into the next miIlennium as we seek to do Christ's work1
SCN Center Belize Dedicated on Feast of St. Vincent de Paul The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth dedicated the new 8CH center Belize in Belize cityonSeptember27. 1998 (the F a s t of St. b7mcent de Pad). Bishop O.P. Martin blessed the center, which wlll be the home of many SCN ministries. 7be house
director, Higinia Bol, prenavlce and a teacher at Holy kdeemer Prfmary School. present at dedication ceremony were scpls Irene Locado,Paschal Femicola, Rosemarie Kirwan. Barbara ptores, and Vice President Mary Eliuzabeth Miller. More than 20 associates travelled by bus from Danfor religjous congregations. neighbors and friends.
long been asJmbol for the congqption.) A special highlight of the W&wasWeun
mous donor who was one of her former students gave $50.900 to offset the costs OF purchasii and renovating the S C N Center Belize. He cited her inspiration as a teacher and menbr for forming his faith and shaping his values. Her influence on him as an eighthgrader 50 years ago both chdenged and strengthened Mm as he moved through his life. The house was purcha%d by the congrqation earlier in the year, alter nearly 25 years of SCN presepce in 1) a house of hospRalii for group of college students who wish to perform vot-
tt far ten groups have utilized the facility since itr opening in March. â&#x20AC;?
unteer service during their school b&, &end retreats or wolkshops, 21 a boarding place where several women from outiiisMcts who are older and pdng to get their high school and college educations will be provided with tubring and a suppartive learning community, 3)an SCN Formation
inkrested in becoming SCns would live, pray, study and work l h e centefs dimtor, Brenda Gonzales, SCNt reports that so far ten groups have utilized the f M t y since its opening in March. The S C N CMce of corglrs
functlonal for thm minisMes. For more information about the SCN Center
OfRce of Cmgregakional Advancement, rwarekh, KY 4
- "Hope" springs eternal for the women and children of G-n, The Sisters of Charity of chased for the promotion Raiweth la coJlaboratlon of justice and basic human with the Movement of st. rights for women and chilFmcis Xavier -a lay dren. The "House of Hope" organization based in Italy (&&a Niwas) reaches out - hiiated a ministry of to women and children shelter for women and children in Qmgmn, Ha~~aria~ hdla in February 1998.This mini* is a followap of the work done by Shalini D'souza. SW. an Nay& for the past six y m in the red UgW areas of Delhi. In early 1&8, through the assistance of the SCN Ministry Fund, t k Conference of 6ishops in Italy, and the Movement of St. , - Francis Xavier, a residence in a suitable area was pur-
of marginalized sections, espedal€ythw in urban slums and In the profession of prostitution. The two slums identified for community develop ment house approximately 400 families. prosramS conducted within the slums pmmote IiiFacy, healthcare and social awareness. Theseoutreach programs are designed to meet the needs of children of migrants and construction workem, many of whom are bonded laborem. In July 1998 a residency program for chlldren from marginalized sections of sodety was initiated. and at present it serves six N1-
time residents and 12 daycan? ~ c i p a n t s . Sister Shalini left her work at the House of Hope Sep tember 1, 1998 to mume the pcdtion ofMdent of the SCN Congregation. However, r(ayak and numerous others are continulng the work that Sister Shalini helped to begin there. Sister Shalini summed up her feelings about the ministry of the House of Hope by quoting a prayer that she feels gives her a mandate for mintshy among the poor: "Wewalk together along the road of human tenderness and compasston -in hope we search for one another's hand on the journey. Believing that we are never alone!" "Iplese participants know Uley are not alone," she continued, "and together there is always hope for we are one1 To quote Mother Theresa, 'The work that we do is only a drop in the ocean - but the ocean wouId be less without that drop.'"
"Sister, I thought you were retired...
Anmrw&&4&dk physIcian for a dtecitq~. when he asked about her
sWc3refaCin$c,mf~ ~e~~~~~ energy, their mtnistry of pmym and sde&g is powmfhl. Some contime to lnidskrtom~ts-
replied, "swa,I thught you were mtlred..."
yearsofselvicetosodety and the ChuJch, continue to be in mhkhyasmuch as pcxBslble during their &rement years as well.
in the contextof m'Wion. for el&@ members were all part of an Ovemtl flnanhas ent
in soUWty with the w e nomially p r . Though t h f 9 m i s n o ~ t & ~ hy of onee care for the h-, the home& or the they have dl8enft-m-d, instead become a voice for the volcelesg, seeking more l O n g 4 f m solutfonsto Social chanengeS.
gmsrnenlwomen. they phone the White How switchboard to make known Wviews,l-bthe edfhon of local newspapers. They make the time and annmihnenttoexercisetheir rightsascitizeninthename ofchr$tKno\uingthereis stntngtb in numbers, offen
needs funded suffictenw so that our newex members cottld continue to serve the poor," said SCN President Marka Bracato.
n has ken
SCN Environmental activities span the globe boys in massive rallies proThe thud tree of h&toflc testing the felling of trees dgniticanceis the H i p p d c plane Oath. a type of andb=ts,wto@= to b u d roadside &ens, sycalllore, that also stands behind Lourdes Shrine. This W i g m trees in generic n w b , pmtedng tree,named Hippocdic migramy birds. Plane Oath is an authentic offshoot of the tree, still For all who feel the need to standing in We.e.ce, where raise their kid of emlogid H i p ~ t o d c u S e 0 ~ Since 1995the Nazareth Iitetacy (ecoliteracy),s p a l a Hipporntic oath. UniversHy bvironmental (irounds Team,following Seminars under the dho In India TarUmitra the stw the designed plans of a dent movement with which tion of SCN Phyllis Hannon, horticultm specinlist, has offers a ten-week series of annually replaced damaged scp( Sarita Manavalan is lectures and discussions to a n d a i U n g ~ . ’ I h e g t u ~ involved, pmtects and proemployens.with skibgained motes a healthy environment heip raise the level of ecw literacy among participants. in North India through the through workshops and efforts of hundreds of high their own feel for the earth Experience has shown €hat thrO@mdnbin Nazareth’s prayer- schoolsand Wlla person having eculcglcal out India. Wta engages ful environment. Special awareness or undersknding a m have been set aside girl students to join their or one who demonsttates endeavors along with the to &w the earth to bring great ecdcglcal concern, forth wild flowers,ferns and other natural beauty. SGNs Fat Hill and Lucy Carrim, wh at the
Scrrs recycling aluminum m,paper and plastic containem m u d the globe are bound to be making an ecological Wemnce in our world. Journey re@ on three areas where SCM re cycle and more in the& guest to ‘care fop the earth.‘’
continue to plant new trees each yeax Among the wide varieties they set out, three bearthedistinctionofbeing “HistoficT m . “ so named ~ofthespedalevellts that took place beneath the bmches ofthe pamttrees.
one is called the ciovernom’ Tree because seven Kentucky Ctovemom took the oath of a c e under its progenjbr. This inaugural elm stands in front of
Village Two. The Pinchot behind hWes Shrine honors the name of the k i t envimnmentalists in the United States.
- one of
even to the point of taldng action on environmental issues is not massadly
= spal& in$s seminar sesions
move the partidpants along the scale from action and beyond. “HATYOUCAADO:
Join SCNs in fulfilling their mission to care for the earth by parliidpittins in WaJrecrclina Programs and learning more about ewlogy through books, lectures, and volunteer activities available in your area.
lighlights of the Journe!
SCN Committee on Corporate Responsibility reflects mission in lightof responsible invdng What does buying a new pair of athletic shoes have to do with the quality of life for a young girl in Asla? What does the selection of a mutual fund have to do with polluting the environment? These issues are in fact very clcsely related if you consider that the athletic
holder resdutionr and meeth w i t h coqJoâ&#x201A;Źateafficials on the stripmining and land rerlamaton issues. since that time shareholder re&
otutions have been the pivotal point for addredng ofher soclai concerns: militarism, women's and other minorities' issues, the enshmmpanymaybe~ vironment Recently CCR members have studied ing child labor to produce its product, or that a power maquiladoras, the Security and Exchange Commission, company selling stock o p global 6nance and commutions may be polluting a nity economic development, river in the area where its South Africa, Northern plant is located. Ireland and Burma. To the SCN Committee on The congregation is the Corporate Responsibility, through ICCR with several investment or withdmwal of Region M congregational resources in vaious compa- representative of the Inter- military contractors. The faith Center for corporate nies empowers SCNs and purpose is to use thw other investors to influence lkqmwibm.KXR has over holdings in such a way as 25 yeam of experimce in the way w m p i e s impack to make the corporation their employees. the natural s o c i a y y r e s p o H s i b l e ~ ~a better place in which to ~ecauseof its reputation, environment and its miwork and invest for a w e r expertise, large and diverse @ O M mclety. reIiious membership and e membem are portfolio, the SCN CCR CB ed by the Execu~ve files resolutions thmugh C0m.W for a threeyear ICCR term.The Executive SecreBeaevolent Institution, Most signiicmt of recent tmy of CCRkeep the m(RLBI) investments be activitfes channeled through mittee updated on colporate the SCN CCR was the tcu policies and other issues Uvough two sophbtiicated and aytns to effect change through stock hold@% CCR &ally concluded that it was time to diUe5tm1 to stock By next June, CCR will be co-tlling resolutions on militarism
m e t Journal and other means. The committee also provides educational infor-
ing the lanc
mtion for other investors on the impmce of SOclaHyresponsible investing.
you CIIR DO:
If you have investments or
are thinking about making investments, examine carefully the policies of wle companiesyou ~ I E&e&ng, What do their corporate records reflect in the areas of worker's dghts, responsibility toward the environment, the safety and health of their customers, etc.? For more information. contact the SCN Committee on Cof prate Responsibility at (502)3@-1577, cosbyccrQ p.0.Box 206,N w i ~ 3 hKY , 4004& 0206.
m n e 5 eding House provides "head I space" for e people of Brockton, Mass. "Welcome to our home," SistersAnn Whittaker, Anna Marie NaUey, Anne Marie O'Shea and Jane Elizabeth I O'ConnelI say in greetlng I seveml times aach day. "You are invited to take a seat at the hearth, the place where sparks of hope ignite into the tlame of new -." Each day the doors open at catheriie spdding ~buse, 179 Summer Street, Brockton, Mass., welcoming Haitian and Jamaican neighbors, the women and their families who dwell in surrounding neighborhood housing p m jects.Here, these poor immigrants receive the word
they no longer needed to the SCN Northern Region. Their gift made this minislxy ofpresence possible in a community where it was sorely needed. Young women also come to the house seeking commu-
the neighbors where they are. "Women strumg with addictions, women who are Howma imprisoned or ill, people the m'nirtryof searching for wholeness ~&klftk @&f[& invite us to come bring living water," Sister O'Shea Mi= explained, They receive fwh@ ifS.w& healing from the Spring of Life, holy waters offering e h ' py;enir$ they discern an SCN vocaJFeeds pf &e tion. SCN Associates aather refreshment, renewal, &en? &yak?. here to snmusly offer their cleansing." gitb, their talents, their lives The SCNs at Catherine for others as they too d e s k Spalding House hope the ofsod, in &&tion to nurhu; to live out the SCN Mission spirit of flames from their ins. and ew, Statement. welcoming hearth will ignite sparks of hope which will However, the minlshy of This gathertng place was spread thmughout a comathefine Spalding house opened in the summer of far beyond its W a s to munity in need. 1998 &er the Qilmd family needs of of Brockton donated a home meet the pr-ing 1
SCN Areas of Ministy
Women in Various Stages of SCN Formation
Totak 71
.. :I
rn m
lZz2LlB $952,4a6.02" 'Unaudtted figure
!y of Nazareth gratefully acknowledge their..
Partners in Ministry:Sept. 1,1997 thru Aug. 31,1998 BeLlze Brenda clontslcs SCN
J& and sarah Mitchell
Sharon (fraot (kace and Jose
Leela momas m y t V a W
601. and MIS. Kulp Federte "ilA WlUIam and E&ha Child6 James E. CU-~ M.D.
Thomas David DlOc&9? ofBinni&m Alaixnm Mr. and Mrs. Chatla R ~~l Dennis Miller WdOrla c. Roa9
EdnaandWsadle (ieorge and Dana Wenha Millon and Mary TwMS, MarthaWFakysGPvI
ZUT4ZER9 aorta M. AUen M s l y A. Men Michael and Sharon AweU ,- WamnandMatthaBaldwin Dolores h Baltz Dr.and MIS. my Barn@ Ruth Brenke
Carrie F. Bwhmiaer MaryJeanette Cambmn SUY Louisz Campbell Mr. and Mrs. W a r d h Wzeek Chris and Janet k n l n Fullton and Ruth Daniel Justin and HaUene wlier Diocese of M e RockiIrkanras John and oebora Doyk Josephine D118JeX Laurie M. Owyer Edward and Ruby tl@erald Jim Mew aene and m e m e
IAllWmA Ms. Leola D o w SCNA Ms. Lude F. F2hitlt SCNA
mlynm C Eand Eileen pmd
Wayne Millex Louise and Joseph Mudd
Shlrle) E. RmeU and Trad M. h w e n Rasa J. aillean Jim and Pmky (Ilover Ray and W e e n Hlghtower W n e tlabbs scpl WNlm andBetty Hubbard BUI and Diana Hwer Nark and Laura numphries MS. Karla JohNxln
Damlan and Shfrlev Rmers
myKeogh Kni!#tSof~lmlbW
Ida M o m Mr. and Mrs. Anton M. lyabholr Edmund and EmmaNabW Thomas and Barbara Nabholz Charles and CharlotteNabholr MI. Robert D. Nabholz Rose Made Nabholz Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L Nlcbok Helen N u g a WlUiam and Eleanor Oponnell Noel and Cynthia Oman France Otten Barbara E. Page Alan and ~ a n c ypapa Mary SuSal Parker Todd and Tonya Pam ME~IYT.Pqer EWabeth Frado Randy and Carolyn Rickett KauUyn 8. Pagan Mr. and Mrs. P R Reynolds. Jr. Shahm and Usa Rlahl Maude F. Rqlers Henry and Elinor Rohlman Mr. Chades Sanford SCNA Stephen and S h m n Shmyer X N W e Rock) Samuel and Carolyn smith St E d w d s Mothers Shdallty st Vincent i n h s l y Medical Center Suzanne a. Stabnick Carmen Stover Monlur Strack Bart and Nancy- Strand Ray and Angela Thesing Paula W i n g Ms. Anne Conte Thompson Clara Tmlllet P. David and Clarlssa C. Ueiiing Wliliam and M s l y Wetem Robert and Vidd We?krfleld Otto and Dolorls W l e d m MI. and Mw. A J. Wnpe,Jr.
LeawIer Bmthers, Inc dSuslelowmer AnnMaSSandU Mr. and Mrs. EdwatklJ. Mayer WargwA McpIeil Ms. NOW Medlock
u phymia Abraham Archfflocese of Los Anpk-3 Joe and Nancy B&rd Ester B.%nue$ Claire h e n E. M. and Josephine Breen Stephen and wc*i â&#x201A;Ź%fdp Josephhe Burch Antonh and Maria Cabral Jean Carbeny Lynn C M m Conrad wton Fund for SMem Quentin D'Souza Diocese of San Jose
Diocese of Montwey Diocese of 0-d M o s t Rev R e r e Dumaine Tom and philomena eccles Rob and Marla F'edeiie Eulabeth %her Albert0 and Martha Ctloria Cornelia Ciwdff Catherine Elder W d Walter and M d a Ha~Unser M d a Herb Ann Kochupatambll -wLegeay BarbarakMeehan Richard and Fbye Miltenbelger Ms. Virginia M. wlesse
DEWUBABE Camilne Cirmbddge Vincent Dlleomdo 5.M. Patrida WuUng Tmst WUllam MoshoI& Raskob Foundation for Catholic Mivttles. Ine PCOROW
Deane C Allyn RoseAmpRa l thumw ChatWke Bischoff Church of St M a w l c e John Coulns Cnngre#ion of the passion Bonnie Dcs Rosiers
Jean Dickerson
aracy Faradd
Wocese of Palm Beach Florida
h m n c e and chartcue Pebllta Vwnla Reask& Patti RoEunni Dennis and Anita Rummew Joan Scheetz Phyllis Shane John Shearing Charles splalm
v l w auma CedUa Hamilton Robert and Vir!$nia Hill Koch Foundation Inc Carol and pradeep Kumw Lt.
c. (Ret)chas A.
and MIS. L a n W Mr. and Mrs. h e s t Iangune Domthy Murk5 Lud and Pam WcKay LeoMMBan Be& Nclson N. K Newsom
Anne k a n Ronald BomhoR Kevin M. Bublck John E. Cmwley, 51. Diocese of Pueblo Colorado Edward and Clayre Dragon stella m a n Rex and Reberm Hogan Oaig and Laura Kelso Wllllam and Mary Lambehm Alice Lewis Aldo and Peage Nc+mimni Paula Palotay Robert and FWenwy Powers
Eleanor Rtts WaJter kgers Frank and Wlma Rudolf Mr. and Mrs. Cefeho Santana Helen R SantaM MIS. -la Skoog Leonard Smith ThOmlrs and Mary SPaldllwJ M@ibnS(enltenSCPl James Sulllvan Joseph and PegavTaylo~ MIS. M d E. Veldonch Joseph 5. Ward WeshmodReoidentModation
James and Mary Sullivan
We T h w n SCNA Richard and Convyn Welton
WiWamaodJeanBarber Ruthmodgett WdandBarbara* Mocese of Plorwlch Connecticut RanclsandWleenDenelan Kathteen Dunlea
aEoB(tlA m t a card ion^ a
m FC
&Anne M. BIaiOre S u m and James Boone Tinmthy and Cathleen Canfn@n James Davis Dr. Nasrolah R Famkhl and Dr. Beth M i
Cornellamlton Barbara OConnor EUrabsth RandUl
Dr. and Mrs. plimds R Trainor Dr. and MIS. WUWn J. W DlSlIZXXopMwIIpIBu.
Card and Lawrence mume Rev H m y W. J m b s Robert Don and Anna M e m Made Nash and Stephen J. Maloney Helen RelUy Dc Elvis J. Stahr Rlchard and anfly swarte M. Denise West ti@ and Anne whwng&on Elleen and James Topby
AnnnandLemyFu.% K o o m / F e n Y l ~ LuqandaslyLee Paul and Shamn McKb~is Mr. and Mm Alan S. Nee& Luke and Ellen Nichd phuip Norton Lamnce L. M@ Lois h Patrizla Paul and W e wolips Debra R&en
vlPewac.m Dr. and Mrs. F. k
Samp, Jr.
Partners in Ministry: Sept. 1,1997 thru Aug. 31,1998 (continued)
Jane m
OrB Mae B m f k i d SCN
Allan and L w d golunitt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Okiy Our lady of Perpetual Help Sch. Batty Pace
V m n Shaw
Uslamma Abraham andmmRtchard and Maq Ba@ewskl Claudeand Elaine 8a@y Grace cheevm
Ed Paulus Mm. M+
Barbam Renn Samuel and Dlana ROm
M. Jane Eaves Suzanne Foody mbert and m a Tlm0fhy and TIU~GHanincJton Glenda James
MI. and Mm. Wllllam M. Bwm, Jt
cn&S and Kay c u m
C ~ C @ ~ M i I d l W ~ ~ Fmvn C. Tretter Richard and Loretta L M e r k k Charles I:Walkcr
Judith Vow& Wen Wegt~er Catherine and Peter Wem madaeus and aeana ?e@a
Carl and FllayWCiUBNl Agnes Elleen Young Gemidhe Zehr
W e M. Aben
Jan Alexander
SCN of Leavenworth Mr. and Mls. Ed* K&mluxY
H. WMngex
Louise Adams . . ...
Christine plarla A@ad scN Ma~garetE l o k Wad SCN Anonymoln Emily Ann Appleton SCN
thia Mamsslaten Qfuy and Susan Folkman
Alice Armow Helen Arneit Catherine Amold X N Eunice Ann Amold SCN Louis Arm
John Earl and P a W L Bmdy Gabtieile 6eSCN
Anna Marle Canary SCN Edward L and Mary Ruth Canary Helen carbol SCN
Mr. and Mra. Catesby Clay Phyllis Clay Tom and Rita Clements Rev Richard Clernents Spalding Ciements Bridgid CiUTord SCN Rita Apes CIIAord Marlanna Coady Chenytle Coleman Dr. Dermot J. Collins Cleveland and Bet&Combs Anne 8. Conboy SCNA Audrey Connell SCM Shamn A. Cook Mary Angelita Coomes SCN Anna Catharine Coon SCN Margaret Marla Coon SCN Mary PWgaret Cwper SCN Byron and Kay Corbett Miriam Cowran ScF( J m Corey Raymond and Mary costelle Diana Cotton Maureen Caughlin SCN Nary C. Courtney Mr. and MIS. Anthony Covatta May Crenshaw Luvenia W e n d o n James Palrfck Cronin SCN Thomas Miriam C ~ i s SCN e Emtiiana Cryan SCN Thomasine Daley SCN awrge and Louise Dant
marSaretS. D
Tom Dada Betty Damell MIS. M. L. Davenport Margaret Uillan Davenport SCN Martin and Mary Deeley Mary and Pete Defoe Mary V. Dellinger Joyce Denuek aerald and Jane Dentinger Miutha and Thomas Depenbrock
Theresa Desensi Theresa A. Dickerson Pkqaret Y. Dickey SCNA Jane Nary D&lwan SCN Mr. and Mrs. Hany T Dickman Rev John W. Dickman Marian DlFiore SCNA Ms. Rosarme D. DUlon SCNA A@
~ioceseof Covin$m KY
Diocese of kxinwn KY Diocese of Owensborn KY Mr. Lawrence Dltbneler SCNA Manha M. Dltbneier James and Darcy mepker Jerome and Eleanor Domek Dominican Sisters Mary Austin Donown SCN Wllliam and Polly Dotson Janice mums E N Dorothy E. Downs SCM
Sister Carmelita D m SWY Thomas and mnna Durn
Ceclila Pinneran Helen Finneran Rasemary Wer Ed and Beverly Fister John Fister SCN Lillian Fitzgibbon Eleanor Mzpatrick and Mary L. pox Marie Victoria Pimimmons SCN Sam and Rosemary Floyd Samuel and Chri&ne Fodera Mary Foeclcler SCN Mary Foiey JuUa Clare Fontaine SCN Mary Fdwardine Foose SCN sauy mds Marya.FrankSCplA Earl pranks Ben and Barbara Freeman Lucy Ma@e Frelhen SCN Mary French Bernard and aeraldine French
Miriam Frenke SCN Margaret m y Dennis and Miutha Wsch Mary A. Fueglein SCNA Philip Maria Fuhs SCN Tom and Chariene Qandolfo Mar= 8. clardner am* and JO Ann aates
a& SCN
Norton and N ~ J aaa I
Chlts and Julie DuPont Ethel Durbin %Ti Rose Kathleen Durbin SCN Susan and C. Dykes MarianS eaton John and Catherlne Edelen S w n P. Edlin Louise Maria Efnnger SCN Ann Jeanette Efnnsr SCN Mary Kevin EgM SCN David and Patti Eichstadt Al and Jean Eisenbeis Martine Eider Mr. and Mrs. Patrick ti. Eider Joseph and Mary Elder aeorgia Ellinger SCplA Frank aannon and Mary R. EUington Mary Ellington CMsthe Ellis SCN Maria Cecilia EmanuelU SCN John and Irene Fmhgton Ftancis Richard Endres SCN Rita Englert SCN Sally Evans Christina mem Agnes Fanell Cecil and Ruth Fern Mary Fedler Xfi Rudy and Luda Felty samh Femeii SWY Mamie Feniolo Mei and paye ~ e n y
Alvls 0e-n Jennie 0-w EeUy and D. Oerrein Theresa W i n o SCN Rev Linus alesier Mr. and Mra. Chariea M.
aipprich. Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam a s h 111 Blanche (liunchlgllani David and KeUy alaser Mary and Ken (Ilaser Paul and ~ a r aoof y Celeste and William Oorman Paul and Mary a d
nmi amt
Rev Robert oray Althaire Oreen SCN ~oloresareenwell SCN
Khnberly and Robert CMwnn ~ a r8 y.ambmyer SCNA R O W and Anne (Iross MWaueida Martha Maria aueng SCN ~ e authrie e LUra Hablch Eugene Hack Joe Hafner Anne Hagedorn SCN Antta Hager SCN Victor and Barbara Hagman David and Mary Hdi C h k s and Martha Hamilton Janlce Namllton SCN Joe and Jan Hamilton Rev Water tiancock Paul and Rita Hanke Katharlw Hamaban SCN Arthur and Barbara Hamolt Mary Hardesty. M.D. Ann Hardman Mary Harley Ruby Harned Martha A. Nanis John and Beay nart Rev W i l i h C. HaMage Hartstern Elemenmy PTA Miriam Louise HauSer SCN Diane nawkins SCNA Frances Elizabeth Hawks SCN Rose Haws Ann Hayden SCNA Mary Vldorla Hayden X N David and m;ny Haydon Nary L. Hayea Bemardine C. Haysley Louis Frances Head SCN aeraldine Marie H d n SCN Mary Hedges Mike and Jan He& W e Hell Carol Hellman Helen and oeorge Heie James and Tern Hen@old celegtine Maria Hemhaw S C N Mary Nerche James and R@a Herdt
FlarsKet M@
Martha and Cometius Hickman Mike and Kelley Hicks Angela Hlcks SWY Qeorge and Marie lfiemr Mra. Ruth M. Higdon Ed& and Mary HUer X a M e and m L x t h Ht&r
Rev, Domaid M. HiU
Wta Marle Hill SCN Joe and Irene Hlnton Clora 8. Hixon Catherine Raoch Hoar SCN Laura Hobb SCN MUton and Marilyn Hoehier Alk&Hoffer %Ti
Ellzabeul Hoffer SCN Lots HoITm Qeorge and Viola Hoffmar Paviciatlofmann Alice Hofmann SWY MargaRl Hohman SCN Thomas and Beveriy Holan Sue M. Holbett Holy Family School Holy Name school Emanuei J. Holzknecht Rita Hommkh SCN Caroline Horn Joseph and Connie Hornsby car01A. nosch Jane Houck Fir. W. E. H o w d Elizabeth Howard Jean Carmel Howard SCN Nary Howell Rita Hudepohl Lillian Hudson James Wen HuffSCN William and Rebecca Hunter Shirley and Eddle Hutchins Thomas and Virginia Hutsell tfyland Mary Jane hman Sheila M. lsing Helen Maureen lvem SCN Mary Eugene lvie SCN Charlene Jacobs SCN Dr. and Mrs. DeMb Jankowski William and Kathy Jeffers Bethl and DoMld J&es M. &d Mm. Prank Jemley, Jr. Horace Jenkins Madeleine Jenne Bobby and lrene JenHelen Jett Mary EUen Johnson SCN Edward and Shirley Jones P W Jones Rose M A Jones Diane Jones Mardeth Jones Nancy KaeUn Theresa and Robert Kahmann Evelyn m b h h Mary Pauietta Kane SCN mrothy mppesser
RaseKaufman 0.D. and Vlvjnla E Kaufman Cathe* Keams Thekla KeUer SCN Beatrice Ann Keller SCN MyrUe and Richard Keller May KeUer Patricia KeUey SWY Edward end Ann W p e r Pat Kenoyer SL KentuckianaMeboverslty inc
Partners in Ministry: Sept If1997 thru Aug. 31,1998 (continued)
John and Jean Rtbar phyn
M a r ~ a I eRlchmond l Rev cword wede m t = N
-%s REV
w. JW rnw
Wy and Hekn Riney John Michael Rttchie SL Joan Robisbaw SCN Thecla Robban
N (Bard. P W ) N (Bard.Saint Thomas) SCN (Bard. W. Broadway1 SCN (IKX 567 Bob 0Llnkl SCN (Lex.583 Bob 0 W) SUI (LOU., wevale)
m (Lou uarks Ln.) SCN (Lou. Illinois)
SCN ILoU. J W ? ) SUI (Lou.Lisbon1 SCN (Lou.Meyers Ln,)
SCN (Lou. Monaco) SCN (Lou. Newburg 303) SCN (Lou.Newburg 304)
Susan M. RobLeon, Jr.
amst 8. RobLeon
Margaret-= Domymtl&scFlA cam^ Wers SCN
Thelma Rogers James and Mary Raps Pdlnes mihe and Elizabeth Rcpm Catherlne Rosine SCN l'aul and EdyUle Rosins M tRass SCN Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roth Louise Rath
M ~ I Ymwe
Charles an4 Matha Rueff Kenneth L. and Mlldred Rueff, Sr. Rev. Albert tulsctlman l.ouueUyn R W l SCN FaMce Rymamwlw Wara Ann Sabel scpi Mary We Jane SaJyer
Bennis and Rita S m n h Antonla Scheibert SCN Thelma Schmidt t-Mamer Char Trust and BarbaraSchneider mrsinia Schneldei rrargaret Schnelder Mary E. Schnekier SCNA Catherine Schuhmm Nellie Schwalb SCNA Alicia K. Schweinhart
m a SCOP
Shade Madlyn Shed SCN Charlea N. Sheeran Bet@k Shelton John Shelton ton SCN d Mary Sheridan Ruby Sbuil E d h and Elizabeth Shuman Jack and Vlcgthk Shutts Zvelyn %mem lona and Jerome Simon ,- DonandMarthasimon AnnettasiInaneauscFl John JWph Simpson (6aAxuvllle)
SCN (Lou.S. 3"1 SCN (Lou. S. 179 SCN (Naz. 2 West) SCN (plaz.David 101) XFI (Naz. David 102) SCN IW.Davfd 103) SCN (W.Davfd 202) SCN ma.David 2031
SCN (plaz. David 305)
SCN (Naz. Mothemouse) SCFl (plaz Russell Hau) SUI [naz.Scn Center) SCN (Park,st W S ) SCN pssodates SCPI. Louisvine Pqlon SCN Motherhouse CeramicsDept. scp1 Motherhouse Mini-Shop
SUI Russell Hall Arts and Crafts
XFI, SOuUlern Raon Slsters of Lomtto
Slstem of St Joseph the worker Mr. and MIS. Eai Suer James Sliga~ Mts. W i a Smith Evelyn Smlth Fran.&s Smith Mr. and MIS. Thomas L. Smith Marie Smith SCN Thomas and Fonda Snyder Edna Solomon Frsnk and Minnle Sower Ceclla Uare W d h g SCN Florence Spoldins SCNA Joseph M. Spalding Spaldhg University St Barnabas School
St Benedict School St Bernard Church St. Cathellne of Skna Chumh St Wegory School St Maryschool (â&#x201A;Ź'arb) StM~ofTheWocdsSch~l St Thdm More Mlsslon Club St Vincent Church Stamps/Post c;od M i n W Ms. Elinorstan h i s C. and Nary Beth Segner Leo and Theresa W n e r b b e r t L. and ~ a r Ann y stenger nenlietta stenken Mr. and Mrs. AIM StewM VIrgWa Louise Stacker SCN
U l h stokes Owen and Zilpha Stovall Dr. and Mrs. Nmth Wegel Louisestmthman MaIYAlmaSmckrSCn .Agnes L. suulvan SCNA M a w SuEvan SCN Mr. &d MIS. Dank1M SuUhran m t h y suuivan Mr. and MI6. CharteJ R. Sweat Mary Jo Sweeney SCNA Ton1 SweeWy ScPvL Joan Switt SCNA and Donald Swill Mary SwUt Ed and Christy Sychay Carolyn and Paul Tapp Lois Taurman Bemadlne -off SCN Mm. Nark A. 'IWssen
~ohn'Iheobald J m p h and M tmenemen Carol Thompson Albert LouLseThompson SCN Rank and Aletia Thompson Shmt and EmmaThmpsOn Nr. and Mrs. Albert Thcinpson Molly Thompson scpl .AgnesJude ThombMy SCN JamesUarCThombenVSCN ~ e and d Madellne Thoinbeny J m i n e and James Thornbeny Theodora Thomsbeny SCN Joan H. Todd Pea11 Toon I(listln m ud
M tMpklf Catherine E. Tucker M i u y D. Turner noace Ulmer Royce and Dorothy Vancleave Dorothy R VandMoff EUzabdA b n u c c i SCN Mary Rlta Vaughan SCNA
m m n c e veenemen
Edward and Unda Veeneman Vlrglnla Veeneman SCNA Mr. and Mw. Qentld Veeneman B e m a d e Vetter X N A May R YltEenty Richmi and Barbara WUmer John and Tlna Vorbeck Betty Wade Rlchard and Rose m e r Jeanette A. Wahl Doris Waldeck n@ and k u a willker Rcae Anndrew Waller SCN ~ a r and y nerman Wrlllitsch Joseph Maureen W s h SCN Daniel and Beverly Walsh Frances M. Walter kM w& Rose and Tom wargel Helen Warren Jasephine Wathen SCN 6. J. Wathen P e g y Watson Reba Webb Elinabeth Ann Webb SCN Charles and Thema WeMary Wedding SCN Dr. and Mrs. C e lmWeW
lmetta Weller SCN Mary W e b Charles and J u U Werner Clrarles and Mary westerman Mr. and MI6. Don W e s t v m a n Angela Wethinston SCn J W p h Ma& Whpatley SCN Henry and Joanne Wheeler Mary Whew SCNA and Wayne Whelan Ann Whelm SCNA
oeageP.andW&D. Whwe, Inc.
Agnes WhUe Ms. Barbara WhKlQCkS N A (irace Mmy WhimtKer SCN Teresa Carmel WhHtlnghiU SCN
JKnesAlbertWigglnsSCN Rita W n t o n OSU Michael and Bomk Wllcome Uare Benedkt Wdeman SUI Clara Willett SCN Eleanor WUlett SCN Rachel WNett SCH rub Ann winett SCN charla and Mary wulett Dr. and MIS. J. E. Willett Idas$hrWUlettpamgy M a s t Rev J Kendrick WWams AnnLeoWOsonSCN
JoanWUsonSCN M y Wilson SCN Rev Albert L Wilson Ciuthrle and Julia vnlson camlyn Wilson SUI MS. Mary T. W l W SCrvI rrSy W k l d SCN
Lois Wlntergemt Mr. and MIS. Charles A. W M Claudia Wlm SCN May L. Wiss, N.D. Arqda WOlWlg K a t h y and Kenneul Wuknnann Beth Wood Augusta M. W m d SCNA Mary Wurdeli Q e q e and Margarer Worland Pahicla Ann Worley %Ti Dr. John C. W @ t , N.D.
Maitha mrth m\lhuth Mary Yekr Donald Young Frances L Yowaiskl SCN Imelda Yuhr Mary Imelda Yurt X N
mra Yurt
Zehnder Hemy and Mary Zena Dr. wla~zdmmer zurkuhlen SCNA
Diocese of Lafayette Louisiana Jennie DeCe inm WidC and w M. Sam Htghtowei MIS, C a m W
e , Jr.
?mSsA20th Century Cathollc Club f&dWlp9&14)
Partners in Minisby: Sept. 1,1997 thru Aug. 31,1998 (continued) Dr. and Mrs. Jack Cireen, M.D. amce a arlbos Mary W. Mrs. Robbrt HaeW MIS. men B. nagat O d d and Genevieve Hanin@m Pa!aiciah Heatey SCN Mr. and Mrs. Leo Heaiy Margaret Hendemn Pat and Wq Hennessy Ms. Marie E@ns Marle Hlll SCN Shlrley Hoar m e r Hogan Lawrenceand Mayetta molt Ann Marie noughton SCM Judith and Stepben Howe Sbldey Ann Howe SCN Mary Joyce aertrude M. -~EI Cornelius SCN Mrs. aertrude Eeek SUsBn Keueher
Vincent Ban@
Mary Waley SCN
B e r n I. Bxoolls Jaequellne BraM
DoIWJteaBrowne Mar(caret Budce Rita cahlll stephen and A r n e Callan
Mr. and MR. Herbert F. carter CLairC Chase EUen Clemons Eugenle W9 SCri.4 Helena Wey
ms Marion Coughlin Helen C.m$tilin Margaret Crowley SCN John cnrlse
Cathleen Cwran Marylme and John D a W maid and Ludlk Damis Helen Deme m e DiSilva Nell Doherty John D o n m u e Mary E. Donohue Janet Douaherty SCN M m E. Doyle Julb Dull- SW PhylUs Ann mea Scn mema ~ u n f o d Frank and Yo!anda Fmulam Maureen Fenton Anne E. F'mc,zi Yolanda A. Fenoco J~aIldNiWkFWQW8Id
Willlam and Pat ~ t z s ~ m o n s Catherine plaherty John and Kathleen Fleming
Robert OMeara Nancy Jane 07teDy SCN aeorge and @therine qyr Joan P. Power M&ry Ranm PIfor Emily Pugb SCN Marietta Putdg SCN Marion Reardon SCN Helen Rogers Everest Rue1
Doyle, JC Father Andrew White SI xttool John and Kathleen Farley aertrude ~ltzsknmow Erwin and Katharine puller Mary Domitllla amSon SCN
~ a r aoode y
Toe T w Ucewmy ri.4
Kathryn Hickey LomheandCraigiiom 0. W l h Kalendek DIane Keith C M e s and lanaim Wch oudky U n w y Beny and John 1 John Edith CYMeara Ms. Elizabeth Oley Thelma Peteraon Vincent Petrone do Anne and C M e s R P w James and Mary RBmwater
St. John Ch&Stcm Parish St P A c k CCD k' CYO
M a r W Sheehan Mary Luclna llze
SCN (Qulncy Shore, NCR$II QUhCY) SCN, Notthernikgion
SCN Wuth Boston1
PenntS and Molly KeUey Robert and Mary KeUy nd
marctaret W n Chester and Lue LeBlanc SCNA Catherine Lee SCN Robert and S u m h i r e F X h f a and Marie Leonard
€ran& and Florence LZBSE MI. and Mrs. Russell Undenfeleer Mary Ann Marre Ueanor Mantn 9cFI MW and W i U h Miutin Dora maurea Katherine T. MCAvov EUen M. McCabe Alice McCatthy Kathleen M Mccarthy Mary McConnack Ellen Paul MGUovern SCN E V a p M. MCOWan Mary M. Kc(ifath Ruth McIauahun m.J. 9. M&ughlln Owen McMahon SCN Mary Jane PlCMaldn SGN Helen McNulty SCN Ruth MCnuUy Eileen McVa&h James and onis Mohan Fzr. and Mrs. Janeph L Moore Helen M. Mon~an Elfrabeth and Terenm La& Murphy P w d a N & W SCN sllsan Nirsh PaMda Norton Scn MiuynUaent Shlriey Nugent SCN Jane Euzabew O'QnneU SCN
SCN (Stonetiam) SCN Ovlnshlp Dr. wakefieid] SCN (Yale, Wakefield) SCN (West m b u ~ y ] SCN (SBedfod. Woburn) John and Terese SmigldSld Rank and Pahicia Spiritn StamMrn GaKb Minishy
aerald Sweeney Maureen T d e SCN Mm. Eleanor m o Joseph C$reTerlo SCN ~oseph Terlo Louise vose SCNA andUlarlasW MI. and MIS. b u l s (7. Wahl Mattha Louise Walsh SW M-t Walsh M. Judith West Mary A. Whitney Alice Wills SCN Mr. and Mrs. Heman I. WOerner Harrlet Wright F'aMcla Wrlght SCN
St JOhn%hQd
Marilyn SchW h u b and Marie 4hanlcs Michael and Wbble Shoemaker SCN (Leon Ivu and pa n Betty Stone John and Mary Taylor
Anne Tennimn SCNA and James Tennison
Drs. Kannarkat and Annie V m h w
Ms.M&ry Judith W&h FXW and w
W a c o Coprailon Rev Mzhael Wlkon
Alice Tema wood SCN Nary Weod
Xwlerlan Brother&American Central Pmvfnoe
MIS. Mary Cruise
Kate and Jlm Maguire Ralph and Theresa rully
Archdlcume of Bsitirnore MI. and MR. James M.
nandEnna!Wlas MI. and Mrs. Jam- B. JackBond JaqueUne Bond Tho- and Glenda Buchanan Wuuam and me Caldweli Michael and Cynthla Canary wriam C a p m
apamuy Kathteen Klnney Ludoe M W carol Rempe Tim and Mary Rey
aemrosa L Collins -A
o b a. e m, ~ a, Susan and M e Dean
m.and MIX. ~
Helen Brooks Collins of Whma WmeWa
MaCese of Manchester MI
Ken and Belly h c k Eady and Lee uupulst Fred and Theresa Philibert
Mr. and Mrs. Florbett Arens RuthBamberger MI. and Mrs. Vincent Brinker David and Ann Chopin Richard Deverell Margaret and Tedford Lewis Charles and Maxine Pmther Mary and James Smlth John and FAinor Thompson IwsGIssw1 ~~~~~~
Rances Rita W a r d SCN May Monica Boll SCN Pat Cash Catholic Diocese of Jackson oun er SCN Mr. and Flrs. Richard preibert Dr. FayeT. Hagan Joann Jones MIS.
w. 0.Lucken
Rev. J. Leonard Oaiesby SCSIA SCN SCN
kStich M a q M. Stoner Rosie Thomas Memorial Fund Jeanne Mary Wathen SCN Malymm Catherine Wilson SCN lwlmlcAmL4nA Shirley Bohnert Paul Cush Unda and Kenneth Hwlgins Irene Kozbwskl Timothy and Staples Kute Corina Porn m n a Stowe AoaTB DAKIXA Emeq B&ke Sharon Mormann iwmusKA of Omaha NE ne Averin Mr. and Flrs. Ed A. ,Jr. Tom F&m Rank and Dorothv Fdcherl Robert and Shardn Helmerman Carol Jimusek Carolyn Payne Mr, and Mrs. J. Peter Ricketts
NEwtuIwstllBE WgInia Brow
lsabelle ctothey Ruth Desantls Romeo and Rachel Dube Winston and ~eniseam@ Judith LeUair Rrother Rene E. Mnin Thomas and Slobhan Quhm Vera Thompson Doris and Leon Vamsse Snzanne Wade ~.
Rebecca and Steven whltmeyer NEW J E m Y Bellemead Development Cop.
J. D. OxEgpn, ph.D. Edward and Mary Caha Church of the Holy Spirit Diocese of Newark NJ Diocese of Mehuhen NJ am aonalez Helen (iranwehr Pauline Howard FlaryJAnnamma Joseph and Joseph Matthew Annakutly Jaseph
Mary and John Mannamkeq Ann McLaughlin Bob and Carolyn WUWQ 5. Menzel Mr. and Mrs. &ph J. Roma Robert and Reglna KuaseU Edward and Eloise Sawckl
rnW m John and Betty Haibleib Helen and Herbert Keller IUWAD.4 Diocese of f(eno.Las Vegas Nevada
Domthy Mawpln Kathteen Zimmerman and BhagWan Thacker REW YOBK Butler Fmda!ion. J. Homer Ann CreUy Dr. and Mrs. D. p. DeAfqeUs Dime.%of Suffak NY
Dlocese of Broolclvn NY of s)Iaalie m Albert and Elise D I M John Donovan m i e l and ahia h y e r Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Fall& M. T. R i t E m t h FIW Bernard FoaSe Richard M. M,D. and Joanna Ham Wllllam and Fhytlis Hoar Robeit and Hoar John and Helen Jones Fmnces Killian Robert and Cheryl Kitchin John 8. Klalber Rose Kulsn@m Cathy Ann lavender Mr. and Mrs. Allen Leavens Mrs. M. L e m Arne Lufkus FaMck A. Mangan Dr.and m.a m p O'ConneU Robert and Phul!h Wlacek Leelamma S e b d a n h:and Mrs. Joasuin Soler Charles SUlliMn Veronica Tbanlcatt Adrienne Alsgnuna J. Thdam James and Rary Yorhe
Zudom and wand Amrein Marie H. Andriano Rev. Bennett Applegate Arehdimese of Clmlnnatl
Fraok n Barton David Dr. and Flrs. Charles S. Blase, M.D. Luke Boiarsld SCN Rmeann Bonamlco a e o p mwes Euaabeth M. Boviman W a n d Bill Brauntz Charles Burns Albert and Carol B w k Charles Camnna, M.D. and Debonth Kennedycuanna. M.D. Eileen Carpino Megan Chamberlain Ann Chambers Kathryn uark aewge and m t clayt~l John E. Coup Ms. Maria Re$na C o w y CeceUa Cope Mr. and MR. William C.b e Thomm J. Crowe Wayne and Ann Dards Joseph and Geraldhe Davis Eugene and Maq De Temple Rita Dematte SCN Roger and Joan Dlcksrson Mz and Mrs. Lany Dkclclraus Ms. Vera Dlgiola DioEeSG of Columbus OH Mary Ellen Doyle Dow&5 Drenih equin and Kathleen Dwkwo@~ Dennis and W i l e Durbln Mrs. Maxine Dye Camline and Carolyn Engfdhardt MslgaretktreUXNA Florence m k e
Mark and Catherine Prey
awtseann prey
LeaeMFullOng Kathleen Furlong Andrew M a a m SCFl Cienerd U&c Aircraft FqInes security Department ROM
and EIizabeth Waser Robert W h y MWaoff &ria and Robert Oongok aannie(lr0om
Antoinette auua Edmund Hamburger Elaura and Ed HamlEOn Wda Hdek Louige Herndon Terrence and Anne Hodapp CharlRs tlolmes Donald and R@a Hope m k Huber and Mary tiinas may Rlta nuber Immaculate Heart of School Mr. and MIS. Do* P. Jqlian Dan and Domthy Kaighin mark and Llsa Kawllc Sand1 Kaudc JeanneWanaugh Bernadette Kinney
Kay and John Kices
Nancy Leatherman William and Diane L e d Joyce M. Lynch Anne Magruder SCN Lena Malolepsy Helen Masterson Martha M
Dorothy Me& Jeffrey and lrslle Miller Alice M. Missler John and Mariha Mueller Flr. and Mrs. John M u d i n g Dorothy Nun
Office of C h l l s t l ~Porm.
Dio.of Steuknvllk Rob and FlheMreda mermeyer Chester and M q Pabm Melba M. Pearon Most Rev M e 1 f. PUmzyk Mr. and Mrs. tdward R PolU Virginla and Henry Potnick MU and Stella pnnick Mr. and MR. Bernard Pottmeyer David and Anna RIdr Robert and Maq Pucke Buenlce Reulmann Judy and Richard Reuning Mr. John 8. Rice Maq Roblnrn Jean Rom Wilma Ross SCN
CaUlerine Royer Mmsaret Ryan Robert and Rita WhaFShter John Sand Paul and Margaret Scholl Fred and Donna S h i W Jasephine SUon Mary and Robert SJosoom SCN (Columbus) SCN ('Nitonnille) SCN Mlnrshy Foundation SCN vocations Network Louise SmHh SCN John J. Sptga Sr.
Florence Stenger Carolyn S t r a w and Carolyn Kacsmar
Harold stricker Rita Strinsr Amelia Ynsslon SCNA John and Beay Swintek Richard and Marcella Tabkr Haany and Dlane Tabk DeMh and Sue Tabler Alice Tabler bretta mier CamlynThomas SCN FUomena Tiberi Anna M. VaUoric Ann Vass
Partners in Ministry: Sept 1,1997 thru Aug. 31,1998 (continued) aiida and a. s. HenEon
David and Patricia Batorv U Coi. and Mrs. J. T. canvlle Mlidred Cubbage Mr. Steve M. Dankeri DiocesedTuLsaOK ~ n n uviqston e Stephen OISuUIvan Jeny Thommn
Mna D'Ambresia Fi?mlWLYrn Barbara k h a n Diooese of PIttShumh P A 01- of suantoi FA ChuMyla Doqhty Valerie and David Ranh FredandndcaroiBrank
wM w e w
sisterJohn Chrlslopher L+@oni Patrick and Vi$nia Murphy
Margaret and John P&nka Steve and MarceOa miinps Pabicia Skeran andJohnwhite Mn. WiUlam h willett Sister M. Yoianda
nmtmmm ~iancai'emandez B ~ODEm w m
aovmcAlLouM Ruth Me w
Patrick Kennedy Mary immacuiata Kuehner SCN Tony and Nancy LanisaR
Ruth Laf8on
Anna H. (hlF
and Marion m e a y
Dr. and M n . Bany D. Lkhter Mr. and Mra. H. p. Ldttlepon, SF. -Low
Fred and Frances Martln
MarllynfWUfWSSCPVI Mr. St-n McRedmond ~emorialnospital Mr. and Mm W. E. M&Usr
Mary Louise Aste Ann and Tom Barnes Mrs. Rob& J. &urm Mane V. Button SCNA Rev Elbed Caub Denise and Don. M nter James and Jeanne CaS Mr. and MIS ' . J. 8. Claxton M e s and Estelle MelllM Joanne Meman CharksandpuDacoM1 Mex and Patcrhrelu SCM lianel and C a t h m Cmne Ween Crone Winlam and Camme DatTmn Herman and Helen aahlberg muip Darmo ! & and I & Maiy Nmmi Elder A M Elliott men M. P e k Howmd and Mmgmet FerUy Leona Fisher Robert FOUntein Dr. and MI'S. Thomas F. FYM
FrW Fuundation e aman
Rena Henehan Maiyzltanwscrr
John and MW J o h a n n m n OteUa Jurcak Maria and Abraham Kennedy Willlam I(lelne Candida Menwether Jettie and Richard Parker Mr. and Mrs. Joe N. Pem MW C FUthuchhayl Ran Rigling Edwin and Ruby Saidanha J u l l and Kathleen sehmider Mr. M h a l l W. Sprigs Laura mrJma.5 ElsamWThottvn Ralph C. and Mary Lou Tlemey
Marle CeUne Osbourn SCN Our lady of Petpetu.4 Help tieien and aarge powers Michael PNJsand Jerrn HavUn Judy Rilley SCN Ann Robllio Mrs. Kenneth Rush monw and PahtcaRyan
Maria n SCN Dr. and Mrs. Hamld A. Schwa& Elizabeth Smith MatgaretSpaldina SCN
Ethel Arnold Vilginla and Mlchael Bare Elilabeth Bobinskl Mn.Mary I? Brennan DomtbyCanalyPlMs TOmandWtaCanafv Edmund and Sarahkas3
Prank cepolha William and keene Clark Lindsay Collins D. J. and Ruth Cwper James and lloei Cosby PWM De carlo Raymond Deiadurantaye I\ngeUne Drlscoii SCN Timmy and Norma DriswU Pahe E d @ Davld and Cmfstine Emem Tink Ewa!d Dr. and MI'S. J. P. Will Samuel and Nancy a0nrefes
Ms. Eebice V. Qwa lLBwHmm Mark and Ruth Dundon Jacaby
Joe and MargaCet IUW M a r y i p and Marion Kareoki James and Kathleen M m LUra c. Myws
Archdiocese of Milwaukee Wi
(leame Wne
Remy Lirfas Mr. Raymmhd Patin St.
Lawrence Bemfnary
M m Maadakne CathOUe
~ a r susan y awdykwntz
catholic D n q h t of Am=. cf. of Joan of Arc
and Mrs. Robert Dank0 Robert and M q w m Maser mrothv and nenrv .n& . MI.
Theresa %hM
Marianne and John tiUn
Helen .. TitlotsMI Mary Walker M w g a r d W d i n g Wathen SCN
Wnald and Ann KaR Dr. and Mn. Rebut Keeley Mark and Marilyn fGunse Ma"& ffirtln
vmncent minen
Lois Wilson kremd and u~enztegler
Catherine Swan
Donald and Dnothea Wac Constance Marie Tarallo SCN
Stephen T q b r Bonnie Tingle
James and Matietfg Anthony
Juanita M&
BertandReglnaScan FiancesJosephine SmiM SCN
Donald and m LMllSe(hlgc0
(IraCeF%3li+%S&SCIY Rank Saino
Anne OIShea
Hoiy Rosary Chureh Theresa Hudson W e d n e iseie Claudine James Jeanine Jaster SCN Jlm B M n s Foundation Cam1 L. Jordan
Wttmine Lawrence James ~awi-ence JoeandAMeLewls Joseph and Maria Matby
RqlerMcDonafd Ellis and
m W
Manastender Dr. and Mra. Rob3t E.Turner
Louise Legllcr
MaMaMakuano John and James M
EveiylIN~ Mary Mitgch Nestor and ShMey M Helen Smith
e Mitan
Mary Noon Anne Ross W Mrs. MIS.
Daniel and Relchei Dr. Louis p. Ripiey
adoresM. Ross Jim and Helen Rawe Timothy and Mrnrraen R w C h k Sampseile 6UI and Manor Setdell aeorge sharp
AMmsslJ?mW&m Lemy Burba Mine and Alan Quschtng Janette and Bob Jacob Libby Minous Mary M. O'wlen
m. OLSary Ramon H. ou$es
Kenneth Powm Enen Schuemann
Pelican Club Members Praachm R e V R O M W
ones. Inasimilarspiiftof love, the SCNs live out life and mission. hi honor of this selfaacrif* spirit,
men Auemang
Mr. HennaRAues Rase hMmw Qnw Ann Ev)p1p*MI aai
Archbishop Wul$ms High School
donors who @vebefneen $100 Md $249 gnnuaUy are given membership in the SCN F W m i Club.
ahel Arnold
Donors who $ve W e e n
mapgaretAlwdsaakaysa S h m n Baldy sw1
$250 and $899 annually
The pelican b the fradittonal symbol o f the Sisters of Charity of hzamth. Legend tells how this unique bird wi0 feed her yomg with her
Ruth c. A l h f s e
Mary LOUIS3 h94e Attanta cantiolqly omyp pc
are named Silver Pelicans, those who give W e e n
Thomasand hb&e Ballad
$LOO0 and $9.999 annuijliy are called Golden Pelicans. and those giving m ual @Is
&JaokT zMane h "w'Bany
er means over $10,000 are honored .Tfie as Diamond Pelicans. Our pelican then will $ve her special thanks go to these He in order to save her Me special donors: ' Y I
WimmandJeaABarbSr &eeekler
a d
I W M ~ ~igh
Dr. and Eula Blan&tord m.uuuies aai s, Blase RM ~ 1 -
m e BWw
Roseann Bbnamico SwanandJaRIesBOone
W B o Y c e
_, -
Louisville Region Receives Enterprise Ministry Grant
fab buiMirtg wm pmChasedforllSedtumG ture. These arejust afew wayg the $5000 was ~ M c h e d to help so many people. %e Louimine R@n is awaiting news h u t
anothwgrantfmmthis organizalon for this year, Any company/who w l s b t s
badr" to the local community where they are m be assuredthatIpantsto the SCNswill be used increativewaysthatwiu directlyimpact~poor
Mary Ellen C q l e MI. and plrs. Don 0. Dulude Ethel Durbin SCN Swan p. Edlin David and PBttl EW3W am& IIulnger XNA David and uulsthle EmJim Flaherty Ann and Leroy Fuss
Stephen Oofi7net Dr. FayeT. Hagm John and 6ett~Halbleib DI. and MrS. Richard Ham rimothy and Tmde Hartington Mr. and m Leo Healy James and T m Hemehold Fat and Kay H e w Celestine Marla Henshaw SCN
Sue R. H O W Hoiy A r n e &hod Margaret Hyland Immaculate Heart of Mary School Katherine lsele Dr. rrnd MIS. Den& Jankowski Cornelius MthgS C N Dr. and MIS. Robert W e y Susan W&eJ Thekia W e r Sâ&#x201A;ŹN Leonard and Mary Kemen ?wan and Steve ~ u t e
Jameslawrence NirnoyLesWleJIlWl
m. wmum L k h r SCi-i.4 Ckolge and Wei
Lorn aene and Mardl h w e Ludan and Margaret LupWki Ann Richard LYOn 9wy MaqaretM. Lyon Nary Mamn X N A Ann McCadeY Ann MecoNlcll Marilyo MclQness XNA Memorial Hmpltal Jon and Connie Meyer
Evelyn Futsch William m o l d e r Charksand Charlotte Nabholz Edmund and Emma HabhOlz Cathdne Nh SCN A!do and P@e Notarlannl Dlane and J m p h N W U DI. and Mrs. Wiam 0"M
sandra ower MMam ThSeSe OlabmifXS scpl
Ms. Euzabekh Oley Jettle and Richard Parker
Todd and Tonw paflls lawrenre L Pari& __ . ... James and Theodora PetoSa Laurlne Poal SCN Projects -Sales, Etc.
carol m
Mr. and Mffi. J. Peter Rick& Em& 6. Roblson
me@ Roeers Patti Rotund
Robert and W n a Russell ~ i a and n Luann SCJosephine Sllon sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
Slsters ofCharity (S.31tiLou.)
sistersof CharihJ
(winship, Wakefleld) Th st
st st
st ThMDap More rmspion Club Jacquelyn md Frank Stlch Gemidhe Shozler Dorothy swllivan James Sullivan John and MaryTpybw w e and Dana Telenko ~UauBThesshy( Vincent 7hillen h n I w and James T h O I n b m y
Bonnle Tingle Duane km Baxtel Nmy Wed9cpI
Richard and Convyn Welton M. DenLFe West Edward and Msly Weyhlng Auce Teresa Wood X N J Anonymous CiOJJnm zaT42m Louis Arm David and Patricia Batow
Rose Mwvinne, SCN
Li 'Come, you who are blessed by the Holy One, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, / was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomcxi me, naked and you clothed me ill and you cared for me, in p r i m and you visited me. ' Then the just will ask: 'When did we see you hungry and feed you or see you
SEsterRaseSchWedied onAllgust 17 atFlagetPÂśe
niKy.attheageof was a native of Coiumbm, Ohio,and a member of the sistersof~ofNa2wth for 66 years. Sister Rose med as a teacher in schools in Kentucky, Ten nessee, Ohio, Alabama and Vhginia. She is survived by seven4 nieces and nephew.
Patricia Hohtlgnn and a b m thee, LX.James L. Hofmann. both of LouisvUle, Ky.
Jean Ddom Phipps, SCN Sister Jean Dolores phipps
years. Sister Alice Maria taught in LouisvBle Ky., at t h e m 3t.Miohel's WIOOI,
Razareth Home in Louisville, Ky. She was a native of BelleMle, Ky., and a member of the Sisters of Ch&t~ of N a m e t h for 54 years. pattment at our Lady of Sister Jean Dolores sewed Peace Hospital for 17 years. Expressions of sympathy asakacherandinChiIMs Ruth Angela Homes in Kentucky, May Pswers,SCN land, Mgssachusetrs, Ohio Sbter Ruth Angela Powers Six& LouMie, KY 40203. and Tennessee. She also died on August 17 at sewed as a nurse's aide CARITAS Medical Center, and switchboard operator at m M a e Louisville, Ky. at the age the Nazareth Mothehouse. Brownfield, SCN of 90.She w8s a native Siter Ora M a e BmWeld of Hawemilk, Ky., and a Claudia Wirtz, SCN (formerly kflown a9 sister member of the Sisters of Sister Claudia W h died on Veronica Maria) died on Charity of Nazareth for 68 September 23 at CARITAS October 18 at Suburban years. (Note:SlsterRuth Medical Center in Louisvillee Hospital in Louisville, Ky. Angela requesfed that her Ky. at the age of 73. She at the age of 78. She was a minishfes not be Wed in was a native of areen my, native of Loui&e, and a her obftuaty).She is surWis., and a member of the member of the sisters of vived by several nieces Wdcom ysu away SistersofCkaIityofMazareth Charity of Nazareth for 57 from home or clothe and nephews. for 53 years. Sister Claudia years. Sister Ora Mae served as a Teachec Activb as a nurse in hospitals in you in your &h? Nice Hofmann, SCN t i e s D i r e c t o r and Chaplain bubviUe, L i e Rock Ark., When did we visit pu Sir Mce Hofmann died in Kent-, induding Holy Mokama India and Nm&h when you were ill or in on September 2 at Nazareth Famity School,presentation Infirmary. Survivora include prim?'The Hdly One Home in Louisville Ky. at Academy and Bethlehem three brothen and one o f 76. She was a the age Hi@School.shebm sister; RoberE Lee, John will answer them: 'I native of b W i e , and a by a d s h MIS. F' a tHRotunni Clifford, Francis Heman ~SSUJTyou, as often member of the sisters of of Glendora, Cal. And a and Mn. M m y Louise as you did it for Charity of IYamreth for 58 nephew and his Wae, John Craven. years. Sbter Alice sewed as and Lisa Rotunni of senone of the lead of dora, Cal. mybrothesandsistets, a teacher and principal in schools in KentucRy and you did it for me'. " Tennemee and as a libmian -Matthew E:34-@ in the Louisville Free F'ubUc Alice Maria eeaeeeeam
Ubraty. S d v m include
Goode, SCN
two sisters,Jemne Dentin of Frammgham, Mm.,and
sister Alice Maria Goode died at Nazareth Home in
Memorid and Honorary Gifts received between July 21, 1998 and September 30, 1998 ELEANOR 4WmVlCH) C i i A M O N Lawence\Mayattir Hoit 9. BETIYE ROSE UJIRK XNs, LouhiUe w o n srs. Ellen Psul\shirtey H. S. Claudia Wirtr la~ise auasco 9. cLE*1ENnA CVIRK Mary\Lawence Bower STACEY Lmpl COW S.Mary Imelda Yurl Patrlda H o h S. Anna Marie canary Sm Pat W.\phylgS D.
S.Josephine M e a u JOSH CONDOR SCm, laulsvtlle R@on TONI A. CQFUWHIS
S. Helen McNulty L E S m c a o M E s SIE. Anne wta M.\BrabaraJoseph L MARlomcoyF(E
MrAMrs. James Banzgdn
Anne ISCIYA)\James Tennison
Aruc4lAmz SCW, LoulsvlIle R q b n S.JOAN ELw( uIEo(t S. Eleanor Martin
Ann Chambers Claire chase Mildred CanLy Kathleen Tierney
Kathleen Breen RENDY CXUITENDON Srs. Emily Ann\ELline
JtrsaN CKOWE sls. Anne wtaM.\BrabaraJaseph L MILDRED J. C R O W Y Mary Nugent MARY FELDlNKA D'A(1UST1NO MaqWBt KeUW S. Marie John Kelley
s.mowme MIBY SCNs, Loulsvtlle Region Friend in Loulsvtlle Re&n
KEN DAVIS MaqWBt Clarke DOLORES DE COSTE Mary Cruise MAROARET (PEQ)DEELY Eileen McVarish Mary \Thomas Kennedy Peg sheehan Srs. Fat W.\Phylk D. 808 DIu(eK3ON SCm, MothemouJe 2 west S. Mary Imelda Yurt JOSEpn KIM3 DISCHER SCNS, Louisviue Region I
I J A aw w p 1 6
Leola Downs, scpw S. BEPIEDICTA DUKE Kaurryn HI* 5. JAMES U C ? J DUFlpoRD suls,laulmllk Region S.Cornelius Keaang lERF2AmRD scrrs, l a m Region S.Cornelius K ~ z i l b g S. E!UEN EOAN Ilrs.Joseph W o WUdJLRD ELOER S. Miriam Ccfwran MAKaAKETmETT S.J u h Dullea A l y I I A m p I m
SCNs, Lo&ville Kq&n ANNE C. FlTzpATKICK S m Ph$ilis D.\Barbara M. FRANCIS PTIZSIMMONS S.Dorothy Petemn S.Alice Marita Kern
Anonymous S. Cathedne Qtifi?n S . W C ~ F O w L e R Cecilia Smith ERIC FRAZlW 9. Mluchael Leo M u l l a n q . H B m puns Ruth\S. Helen McN!Aty
Louls\Domthy purtado MARIO CWJXCCI S.Nation Reardon LAVERNE aLE"0N SCNs, David HaU 203 ELLZABEll CifIEEN !Ada Downs, XNA BeRUNtlWFYlM Mary WLmoatt SCNA
W ~ T E Aamm
Louis, aorovly R u t a d o \ m t i y ALTON HAM. Mary Wise HUBWT HAKDEs1y SCNs,lauisville Region FLOKEXE E%lWiAN Polly H o d WUSE MRRlS Scm. Lo!Asville Region RAY HAVRY John J. MOM Jr.\pnmces (IEORCIE HAYES S. Alice Marita Kern AnonymOuS
I 1 I
(continued on page 22)
Ann Kernen S.Catherine Arnold m s , 108 w. Bmsdwag. S. Janice DowRg S.
sls. Anne KU?lM.\EfubamJoseph h west
SW. Mary D . \ W M.
9. Ann Maureen
Mr.\Mm. F. C W&ckel
iCatk&eOga? SCRi, OLN Convent 5. M
~LolIiSeFlrstaE\JohnLOI&3M Dr. Mary Fox S Mlchael Leo MUQawy 6. Mary NInette Elnmaing 5. Dam etare b t ~ c k FMNCFB A. HOLLAND
S. Mary B u m LESUE KopIvoM) 5. Maiie Hill BILL HOKNEECK
isvilk Reapen HOWABD W.\Mr& James FltzgeraId
a la&e W W
S.Cornelills Ke&g MARK KEMPER
Scns. LoulsvUle Region HHAROLD KORFTIACIE s. LoUlSe Mar& E m m m m v \ ANN KRWPWWI Joseph\Martha Oldigea S. Alice Mta Kern Grace B w e MAWlAlWN
flany2DW Tabler Dennis\ Sue TBhler Lois\BIU B m W Florence Fwnks Berenice ReuMvllltl mmmy PMt AUce Taler Joseph\Dotty Wlta!&o Ran Joseph\Pqgylkylor
rnlRegina S m W MARY ALINE MATnnaLY S. Alice Adam EIIwlBEpn EBBSIE) ME€llEY S.cathmine ~amesEain S. Dorothy Dray S.Anna Marie Canw
JAMES MKlEplT JK Owen McMahon
~ane&\~ary ulen MeUen MARK 0'8m
n 8 AONB
5.Martha la-
mmor ram
ALXA nmnnrs
MBlr wlm3att. SmA ROSE JACKSON Alice M&a Kern
Sm.Ann VkMaMtoInette Mary WlmaatC 9oyA DR. EDWARD JOSEPII dARBOE Petrenka SCNE, Louisrille Regim S. MARY EDWARD JOHNSON SCNS. mm1e w&n
C I A Breen
Scpls. h u b m e Region
JULM LOONEY Peg Sheehan U y The Hemessy M JEAN M. LYONS Matgam Sheehan MAaQllEwTE LYONS meen w e n t FMNCES maulie SCNs, LouWUe Ke@a JAM~S maum S€.Ns, LouMIle Ke$on ALICE MAnom SCNS Louisvule Reqion Q W D I N E MAlSH
Anonymous 9. Louise Maria Effinger M S. Kitty Wllson .%XIS, touisvllle Reapon s. AUce Merits Kern MARY JOSEfW camplls servfce Ceferino Santana B: am. vid IiaU 203 Srs. Anne Rita M.\Barl?amJmeph L J OYCE EILEEN MARK S. M W Ludna Sheehan CATREIUNEKAELM S. Mary Imelda Yurt DOROTHY MARKS SCNS, Louisville RqIon WSE KPJM OMce of Congrqational M v . Dr.\Mrs Madn S t r l e g e l ~ ~ ~ lElsie Huber\Mary nines s. WALTER ANN KAPE Mary Wesley S. Mary Jane McMakln Kelly Newsom S.Marlon Reardon Weshvocd Resident Assodation Srs. Ellen Jane\Juiia D u l h Eleanor fit@ sls. mice a.w= F. DavidlMarianne Meyer Srs. Shirley H.\Euen Faul M OE AlrcraR emJlnes srs.Pat wrlghttlphyws ma Catherine\PWr Wemn SCNs,Northern Cha!ies\Ellen heastar Richard\Marcefla T a l e 4
s. Mary Imelda yurt Mary mn S. Susan Kilb
s. Anita Huger Maybelle Floyd SCNS, Russell Hall S.Alice A d m TIQNAS MEMMEE S. Cscilia ckre Spading t%TIWMOORE Leah Mattlngly HUGH MOO=
s. JERF] W r n ~
m a Thler Nlutha\Joxph 016Iges Orace Busse 3.AUce M&a Kern sm. wara\Rachei wett
SE.. m y ~ . \ ~ h e r ea.~ a R i M \ M c e N
Don\Shlrley Westerman
s. corndills Keatiq DAN NUSON Donatua\Ran Cecil Alice Mae Lewls DONALD N W N Ran\Papw C d
AUce Lewis LORAINE ML30N SCNS, Louisville Won LINDA NES Everest Rue1 EDWARD NOLE Berenlce Reulmann PKANCFS (EABCIA)NOVELLI 5. Anna Mmie Canary
PhWp Dattllo HENRY fV"S
s. RUTH maw Fran\Donatus Cedi W. P. McOovern W.\Mrs. Wallace s. Quinn Dlana Cotton Frankihn J O h m Kenneth Powers srs.cara\Rachel Willett M a y Wlmsatt SCNA CherleslMarUla Hamilton SEVERINm a S. Mr%$nla Loulse Sacker MUSE QUICK Scpls, LoubulJle Region QUICK FAMiLY Leola Downs, SCNA WIREN WIMOCKI Srs. Pat W.\phYl& D. Sm.Mce G.\PegglF. SCNS, Northern Ke$m
Memorial and Honorary Gifts received between July 21, 1998 and September 30,1998 A
SCN Associates strengthen programs action of the 252 members in Belize and in the United Skbs. 17ofwhommade Associate program? Is It ulesphitml compownt their commitment on the -six formation weekends feast of St. Vincent de Paul spread over a period this year, reminiscent of the responses to St.Vincent by for c m n t SCNk, an4 the the laity of Paris? process for introducing inq h r s to members thereby 1s it the partnemhip in miniShythatpromptSeachSCN'4 fmterlng the development to go to berm workpi of a lay spirituality which each day with a sense of emphasizes the charisms bondednesss to the total of Vincent de Paul, Louise SCN Congre@on in India, de Mdac and Mother Nepal, Belize, and W?M & n e Spalding? Is it the spirlt of SCN A% ,w Is it the volunteer faith& What constitutesthe most stgniflcant part of the SCN
datesca@mdintheir~ scbus &&to carve away& beinginchurchandsoclety? All of the above end more. Wtiw ChwM Urget Mos The love of Christ impels the SCN assodates to work side by side with SCNs in carrying out the mission of the congqatton. For more hform&on about
contact Marlene Lehmkuhl, SCN at (502)3481521, mal8337&, P.O. Box 172, Nazareth. KY.
. ..
US. Poshge Ofice of Congregational ent RO.Box 9 Na7lrreth, Kentucky 48048-oo09
Forwardiig service Reguested
Louisville, KY Permit lt715
We Sisters of Charity of Nazareth are an international Congregation in a multicultural world. lmpelled by the love of Christ, in the tradition of Vincent de Paul and the pioneer spirit of Catherine Spalding, we and our Associates are committed to work for justice in solidarity with oppressed peoples, especially the economically poor and women, and to care for the earth. We risk our lives and resources, both personally and corporately, as we engage in diverse ministries in carrying out this mission.