The 'Ville - November 2021

Page 26


Restoration of historic Phoenix Mill nears completion

The refurbished Phoenix Mill includes original radiators from the former Ford factory.

By Michele Fecht | Photos by Bryan Mitchell


hen we last caught up with Rick Cox and Greg Donofrio, co-principals of Critical Mass LLC and owners of the Phoenix Mill on Northville Road, renovation of the 1922 Henry Ford village industry factory — or the Henry Project — was well under way. In the year since our last look, the renovation is nearly complete with a new tenant — award-winning architectural

firm Grissim Metz Andriese Associates — occupying the upper level, and the ground level event space primed for bookings through Phoenix Mill Events. A new entryway (soon to feature a 1922 Model T), refurbished restrooms, an elevator, 100-vehicle paved parking lot and a brick plaza facing Hines Park have all been completed. The Henry Project is about to make its public debut. As if this multi-year restoration (during COVID, no less) was not enough to tackle, the two coprincipals recently The 1922 structure pre-renovation. Photo courtesy of purchased Richard Cox the Wilcox

24 The ‘Ville

Critical Mass principal Greg Donofrio points out original interior masonry.

Mill in Plymouth from Wayne County -- after the county’s original agreement with Plymouth artist Tony Roko fell through. Still working out details of that acquisition along with their earlier purchase of the Newburgh Mill in Livonia, Donofrio said the partners are continuing due diligence on both of those properties with the hope of moving forward in the first quarter of 2022.

If the details can be hammered out, Critical Mass will own all three of the historic mills originally put up for sale as part of Wayne County’s Mill Run Placemaking Project. Cox and his wife Diane own Northville’s Water Wheel Centre, the former 72,000 square foot Ford Valve Plant, also a Henry Ford village industry factory. The Albert Kahn-designed plant – now an

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