The Journey Summer 2024

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Featured Story: Cline Church Nursery

The Generational Blessings of Faith, Perseverance, and Hard Work

(left to right - Cline Church, Amber Scott, Alex Church, Ellen Church)

Also Featured in this issue: Ben Cox, Emily Dinsmore, Eric Henderson, George and Megan Shinn and Jeff Smith

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A Teaching and Introduction to The Summer Journey 2024

Written by Ben Cox


Written by Maggie Watts, Caroline McCrorey and Ben Cox with the Church family


Written by Emily Dinsmore with Caroline McCrorey


Written by Eric Henderson with Caroline McCrorey


By Caroline McCrorey with George & Megan Shinn & Ben Cox


Written by Jeff Smith with Terry Henry, Caroline McCrorey and Ben Cox


Being the Hands and Feet of Jesus in the High Country

A Teaching and Introduction to The Summer Journey 2024

I am so excited about the stories you are about to read!!! Every one of them accentuates how each person followed Jesus into his or her calling and gifting. Then they joined with the rest of the Body of Christ in spreading the good news of the Kingdom of God to a world that so desperately needs it!

The Kingdoms of this world are in chaos, but the God who created us has a plan to correct all that, which was already in place before He created the Universe!

So, what’s the plan? Our Creator’s plan is to welcome any human, who is willing, into His eternal kingdom of righteousness, justice, peace, and joy.

However, Jesus Himself told us that the only way we can enter His eternal Kingdom and experience abundant life for an eternity is to repent!! Repentance simply means that we humans must humble ourselves and acknowledge our need to understand and walk in Our Creator, God’s higher ways.

Thousands of God fearing Jews and converts to Judaism had come from many nations to celebrate the feast of Passover. These religious Jews were well acquainted with the Hebrew Bible, which Christ followers call the Old Testament. So, after Peter preached to them from their own Holy Book, convincing them that Jesus, who the religious and civil authorities had crucified, was indeed their Messiah. Here’s what happened according to Acts 2:37-38,

“When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, ‘Brothers, what shall we do?’ Peter replied, ‘REPENT and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.’”

These passages of Scripture are just 2 among many where the Lord reveals His plan in His Book.

Consider Mark 1:15 where Jesus says this: “The time has come. The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!” In Acts 2, we see the Apostle Peter emphasizing repentance, just like his Rabbi Jesus had taught him! Here’s how it went down:

We know His Book is called the Holy Bible written by prophets, priests, kings and apostles and inspired by the very Spirit of God. But we also know the Bible is a must read for anyone who claims to be a seeker of truth.

“The Kingdoms of this world are in chaos, but the God who created us has a plan to correct all that, which was already in place before He created the Universe!”

“But we also know the Bible is a must read for anyone who claims to be a seeker of truth.”

When people ask me what my favorite book is, I’m starting to tell them I don’t have one favorite book, I have 66 favorite books in one volume called the Holy Bible. This book was miraculously written and preserved by one of the greatest continual Divine interventions that our world has ever seen. What I mean by this is that our Creator God inspired many people, over a long period of time, to record His historical account of His chosen people’s waywardness in comparison to His absolute perfection.

Then, when God sent His only Son Jesus to fulfill the Messianic prophecies that He revealed to His chosen people in the Old Testament, this ultimate Divine intervention of God coming to Earth as a human, changed the course of human history!! After that, the apostles and other followers of Christ were led by the Spirit to help us connect the dots of the Old Testament to the New Testament just like their Rabbi Jesus had done for them. Now through God’s Word and by God’s Spirit, people are still responding to Jesus’ call to become His forever followers.

In light of this and our own personal faith encounters with God, any serious follower of Christ knows that the Bible was written by the Divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit through His Holy People. These people were not perfect people, but they were whole-hearted in their love and devotion to God.

Therefore, after our initial salvation experience, we can and should devote ourselves to following Jesus by allocating large chunks of our time to reading His Word and learning at Jesus feet. Then He will teach us by His Holy Spirit like He promised He would.

shall know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Therefore many of us are learning together that the more we read God’s Word, digest it, and hold each other accountable to obey it, with the Holy Spirit teaching us, the more free and whole we become.

The “unity in our community” that these stories represent reveal many different kinds of giftings, callings and service from imperfect people who have learned the value of being continually transformed into whole people as we follow our perfect Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. By God’s Spirit working in our lives we are sanctified to be “conformed to the image of Jesus Christ” (Romans 8:29).

According to 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11, 1 Corinthians 12:27-31, Romans 12:3-8, Ephesians 4:7-16 & 1 Corinthians 7:6-7 there are approximately 24 “Gifts of the Holy Spirit” given to believers when we are born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus pours these gifts out on us in different ways so that we can form One Body of Christ to be His hands and feet that shines His light in a messed up world.

When this whole idea of spiritual gifts is first mentioned by the Apostle Paul in God’s holy and inspired Word, here’s what was said in 1 Corinthians 12:1-7:

Therefore many of us are learning together that the more we read God’s Word, digest it, and hold each other accountable to obey it with the Holy Spirit teaching us, the more free and whole we become.

In addition to this, we will also allocate time to gather with other believers around His word to study together and “spur each other on to love and good works” (Hebrews 10:24).

Bible belt Christians must realize that our Holy Bibles are not merely meant to be placed on our coffee tables or in our places of worship or businesses and only paid attention to on Sundays, during revival services, or Vacation Bible School. Jesus said, “you

“Now about spiritual gifts, I do not want you to be ignorant… There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same work of God. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.” In the rest of the passage, a total of 17 supernatural “manifestations of the Spirit,” are listed. Those gifts of the Holy Spirit should be at work among us. Furthermore, in Romans 12:3-8, Ephesians 4:7-16 & 1 Corinthians 7:6-7, God’s Word informs us that there are at least 7 more gifts in addition to those mentioned!!

And what are we, as followers of Christ supposed to do with our different giftings? Use them to be a blessing to all we encounter both within and outside the Church!!!

“The unity we experience in our community has very much to do with the many people of deep faith in Christ who came to settle in these mountains as long ago as the late 1700s. But it also has much to do with the many “transplants” to the region who were led here to fulfill their unique calling and purpose from God!”

Three of the 6 articles in this edition of The Journey are from people who were born and raised in this region. They have found and fulfilled their purpose and calling in the High Country to bless, strengthen and uplift us in one way or another. The other three articles are from transplants to the region.

The unity we experience in our community has very much to do with the many people of deep faith in Christ who came to settle in these mountains as long ago as the late 1700s. But it also has much to do with the many “transplants” to the region who were led here to fulfill their unique calling and purpose from God!

The Cline Church family and Eric Henderson come from families who have been rooted here for generations. Pastor Jeff Smith was raised here but left to follow his calling to be a pastor in the Body of Christ in South Carolina. Though he thought he’d never return to this

area, his calling to follow Jesus to come to Boone and pastor First Presbyterian Church is a joy to read.

Transplants like Emily Dinsmore and George and Megan Shinn were also led to come to our community, as you will see in their wonderful stories of obeying God’s call to bless our region with the good news of the Kingdom of God.

Reading these stories has also caused me to reflect on my own giftings and calling from God for my wife, Connie, and I to move to Boone, NC 47 years ago. Little did we know that we would still be here in 2024, still fulfilling our call to minister here in the Body of Christ.

So now I invite you to read these testimonies of 6 people who have answered God’s Call, while discovering the power of the Holy Spirit to give them gifts and talents to keep shining the Lord’s lights of love to a world in need.

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When Cline Church began planting Christmas trees through his Beaver Creek High School Future Farmers of America (FFA) program in Fleetwood during the 1970s, he never imagined that one day his farm would be growing the White House Christmas tree. But God had plans for Cline beyond what he could see.

Here’s how Cline tells how he got started: “My dad had some land on the farm that he let me start using and planting on. It was some of the roughest land on the farm. But of course, at that time, Christmas trees were such a new crop that a lot of farmers didn’t think it would ever become a lucrative industry.” The industry had really only begun in the 1950s nationally and there were still a lot of unknowns.

with the Forestry Service to promote Christmas tree farming throughout NC. The Forestry Service pledged that for every tree seedling the FFA students bought, they would give students another seedling for free.

“We were beginning to see that there was a Christmas tree industry. There were already a few growers here,” Cline said.

Cline also met his future wife, Ellen, in high school. Ellen recalls spending her sixteenth birthday helping Cline plant Christmas trees on the family farmland.

At this time, the Christmas tree industry was young in North Carolina. Farm-grown Christmas trees were gaining popularity on the West Coast, but not yet in North Carolina. Cline said the North Carolina Forestry Service and North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension wanted to promote the Christmas tree industry in the state.

The FFA program partnered

“Ellen and I started becoming friends, and even a little closer than friends, at a very early age. We were still in high school. I was driving the school bus route that she lived on. So she caught my eye. And next thing you know, I was pleading with her to go out with me,” Cline said. “I was fortunate enough a couple of years later to end up marrying her at a very young age.”

“I look back at those days and think, ‘God had to be in it,’” he said. “God is sovereign. He knew what he was doing because He knew what was ahead.”

Cline and Ellen chose to elope during their teenage years in the mid-1970s. While this de- Cline and Ellen Church’s wedding day in 1974

The Church Family Farm, where all the growing and blessings happen.

cision might have garnered disapproval from some, the churches in their community welcomed them back from their honeymoon with unconditional love.

“We took off and we got married, and we didn’t have anything when we came back,” Ellen said. “Both churches where we went, and another church in the community, they all gave us showers. I’m still using pans and different things that I got then.”

Cline shared, “Ellen’s father is probably the greatest man I’ve ever known,” and, “after we had gotten back, we were at church the following Sunday and he laid his hand on my shoulder, and he said ‘Everything will be alright.’ I’ll never forget that.”

When Cline and Ellen were married in the mid-1970s, the North Carolina Christmas tree industry was still in the preliminary stages of becoming what it is today. The couple faithfully planted Fraser Fir and White Pine seedlings.

tending Vacation Bible School every summer and regularly participating in youth group events.

Amber recalls growing up in the church but having a personal encounter with Christ as a teenager.

“We know that God had to be in it to give us the faith to plant little seedlings, and to think and believe that they were going to become something in seven or eight years that we could sell,” Cline said.

“All farmers are optimists,” Ellen added. “Christmas tree farmers are the ultimate optimists,” due to how long it takes the crop to become harvestable.

Eleven years later, Cline and Ellen had their first child, Amber. Two years later, their son, Alex, was born. Amber and Alex were raised in the church, at-

“I remember it vividly. I was in my bedroom by myself, and that conviction just came over me. I knew what to do”, she said. “I prayed. And I got up the next morning, and I felt different…I knew that I needed to be baptized. So, I was baptized when I was 17 in the river, down by the church I grew up at.”

God’s hand has remained over the Church family. The family has continued to faithfully follow Him and look to His guidance for running their Christmas tree farm over the decades. In the process, Cline Church served on the National Christmas Tree Association for 14 years and he met other Christian Christmas tree farmers from across the nation.

“I served on the board with several followers of Christ, like-minded people. I got to know a great Christian guy from Michigan and a great Christian family from Oregon,” Cline said. “A lot of Christmas tree growers don’t honor what the Christmas tree represents. But I was so fortunate to be able to get to know some of these other believers across the United States. And I’m so thankful they were there because they were an inspiration to us.”

The first Christmas tree can be traced to 16th-century German Protestant reformers. Many people be-

The Church family in front of the White House Christmas tree.

lieve Martin Luther decorated the first Christmas tree and passed the tradition on to other believers. The first Christmas trees were decorated as a way of celebrating Christ’s birth.

“It’s just so great to be part of an industry that represents such a great thing in the birth of Christ,” he said. The Christmas trees grown at Cline Church Nursery stand for the true meaning of Christmas—the birth of Jesus Christ.

As Amber and Alex grew up, they became interested in Christmas tree farming as well. Cline, Ellen, Amber, and Alex now own and manage the Christmas tree farm together.

Amber said she feels like she and Alex are reaping the benefits of generational blessings. “We’re truly reaping the benefits of a generational blessing in being able to come in and take over a business that Mom and Dad have worked their whole lives for—harder than we are going to have to work because it’s already off the ground. All we can do is sustain and maybe grow, but they’ve paid a lot of the dues,” she said. “That generational blessing of faith and hard work is what I hope that we can carry out and instill in our children too.”

In 2022, Cline Church Nursery was awarded National Reserve Grand Champion, meaning they would provide the official tree for the Vice President’s residence, the Naval Observatory. The Churches met Vice President Kamala Harris and presented the champion

tree to her – a 10 foot, North Carolina Fraser Fir. Nearly 30 of Cline Church Nursery’s trees along with garland and wreaths were purchased to round out decorating the Naval Observatory.

Every other year, the National Christmas Tree Association hosts a national tree contest to elect the winners for the next two years. Winners are selected by industry officials and customers voting on the individual who will provide the White House Christmas tree. Cline Church Nursery was selected for the year 2023, and their tree sat in the Blue Room of the White House during the Christmas season. “We’ve competed in multiple competitions to achieve this accolade,” Amber said.

“A tree that size in the White House is a symbol of perseverance.”

The tree that was selected was planted in 2004, when Amber and Alex were in high school.

“A tree that size in the White House is a symbol of perseverance. We have a lot of diseases that we combat with these trees. One that old and that big, that still looks good enough to where you can walk all the way around it and decorate all the way around and everything, is a big thing.

Amber, Alex, Cline, and Ellen before the tree was taken off to Washington DC!
“But God’s been preparing us and laying the way, and He completely went before us. That’s exactly what Deuteronomy 31:8 teaches.”

You know, you have to persevere with whatever you’re doing,” Ellen said.

“We were astonished when we actually went into the field and found six different trees that would actually meet the specifications. Often they only have two or maybe three to choose from,” Amber explained.

“I don’t know how many times I’ve read Deuteronomy 31:8 in the last two months, but God literally went before us,” she said. “We didn’t know what field we were going to. We were so shocked that we won. I don’t know that we were prepared. But God’s been preparing us and laying the way, and He completely went before us. That’s exactly what Deuteronomy 31:8 teaches. He’s just laid out a path, and we didn’t even know it.”

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

Deuteronomy 31:8

God has plans for us beyond what we can see. He goes before and behind us, guiding our every step. Even though we do not know what the future holds, God holds it in the palm of His hand.

Throughout their journey from planting small tree seedlings to presenting the White House Christmas tree, Cline Church Nursery has been amazed by the support from the High Country community.

Prior to sending the tree to Washington, D.C. Cline Church Nursery held a big, community

cutting and send-off party on November

15th. This date is a big deal because it is not easy to dedicate time to one tree during this season. However, the party was more than just a celebration, it was a commissioning for the mission of the tree. Amber shared, “it may sound ridiculous, but you pray over a purpose right? We wanted it to have a purpose and a mission.”

Joye Perry, pastor at New River Calvary Church, led the prayer for the tree.

“It’s been almost unbelievable. The support that we’ve had, basically all of our career, from the people around us and in the community. People that we’ve looked up to and the mentors that we’ve had,” Cline said. “We’ve been so fortunate to have that throughout the years.”

The Church’s opened this event to the public and were surprised by the turnout. They had between 200250 people at their facility. Many were family, friends,

The Church family at the White House tree selection event. From left to right: Amber with husband Josh and their children, Violet and Annabelle; Ellen and Cline Church; Jill Biden; Alex with wife Ashley and their children, Sawyer and Jackson.

neighbors, and church families, but there were also community members who the Churches did not know who wanted to support the business and pray over the tree. Likewise, the Churches felt like it was important to involve the community. Many community partners including the Ashe Chamber of Commerce, North Carolina Christmas Tree Association, and Ashe County Christmas Tree Association helped them throw this party.

On Monday, November 20th, the Church family headed to Washington, D.C. to present the 18.5 ft Fraser

Fir to the First Lady, Jill Biden. Along with the Church family was a representative from the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, representatives from the National Christmas Tree Association, and Jennifer Greene with the North Carolina Christmas Tree Association. A week later, the First Lady announced the White House Holiday Theme: Magic, Wonder, and Joy. It was powerful for the Church family to see the tree they had faithfully watched grow stand tall in the Blue Room of the White House. For Amber and her brother, Alex, it was special to see three generations of Churches there.

On December 16th, 2023 the Church family was invited back to the White House to attend a holiday reception. During the reception they were able to freely circulate the first floor and take in the Christmas decorations. Amber shared that there were 98 Christmas trees throughout. She said, “It excites me. It should excite us as Christians that they are decorating for [His] holiday. And it was beautiful. Plus, they’re supporting real Christmas tree farmers. They have an option; they could use artificial trees but because the industry has been diligent in keeping and supporting that relationship, we’ve been able to keep real Christmas trees in the White House since the 60s.”

Cline Church Nursery is continuing to provide the High Country Christmas trees after 46 years in business. The Church family hopes to continue being good stewards of the resources that God has given them. “Rain, sunshine, and temperatures is 75% of what we do and it is completely out of our control,” Amber stated when sharing how this industry truly teaches one to depend on the Lord’s provision.

From the support of the local community to growing

The Church family was invited to the Vice President’s Residence for a family reception. The whole family was able to come: Josh, Amber, Violet, Annabelle, Scott, Alex, Ashley, Sawyer, Jackson Church!

the White House Christmas tree, the Church family has seen God’s blessing upon their lives and business

firsthand. Although they do not know what the future holds, they know God holds it in His hand■

Picture of Churches in the field from the late 90s. L to R: Ellen, Alex, Amber, and Cline.
Amber Scott and Jackson Church wining the NC Christmas tree wreath contest.
Church family at their farm in Ashe County, NC.L to R: Ellen, Alex, Amber, and Cline.

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Finding That Jesus Brings Fullness of Joy

I grew up in Maryland and went to a catholic school and mass every Sunday with my family. I knew about God and believed He existed but thought it was more about following a bunch of rules rather than a personal relationship with the Lord. It wasn’t until I was in high school that I started to see the difference between just believing and fully surrendering. I thought for a long time that following Jesus was legalistic but turns out that following Jesus brings fullness of joy!

Psalm 16:11 “you make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Through this time the Lord continued to draw and soften my heart.

It was a Wednesday night in December of 2008 when the Lord saved me! Our youth group participated in an event called “The Gather” where multiple youth groups came together for one night. It was held at our church and our youth pastor spoke at the event. He gave a beautiful presentation of the Gospel and it was that night that I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior.

Right before my senior year of high school, a field hockey teammate and friend, Kendall, invited me to a beach retreat with her youth group from church. On that trip my perspective on what it meant to know God shifted. I learned more about Jesus and how He wanted to have a personal relationship with me. I also learned about how much He loved me.

It was from there that I continued to attend youth group on Wednesday nights with Kendall.

Romans 10:9 “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

For the first time I understood beyond just my head knowledge, I also understood with my heart and soul. I understood that we are all sinners in need of a savior. Faith and repentance are inseparable experiences from the

Romans 3:23-24 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus”

Lord’s grace. So, I confessed and believed.

By His grace: In February 2023, Emily got to baptize Katie, a young girl she disciples through the college ministry.

I Don’t Always Have to Have it ‘All Together’

Later, after I was saved, I found out that my friend Kendall had been praying constantly for my salvation for months; she would write her prayers for me in her journal. There is so much beauty in living on mission for Christ and I am so thankful that my friend Kendall did just that.

After coming to Christ, my whole life changed for the better. I was no longer living for myself; I was seeking the Lord and to glorify Him in everything that I did. The first few years of faith I continued to learn and grow. I am thankful for the way others faithfully walked with me and guided me in those early years and even now today.

I am thankful that I don’t always have to have ‘it all together’. I am thankful that Christ died for me. I can rejoice in the simple truth and have a hope that is unshakeable.

Sharing the Gospel Through Coaching

Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

A common misconception in salvation is that once we know Christ, life is always perfect. It is true that there is so much joy in our salvation, but we are still living in a sinful, broken world. Things aren’t always perfect, but the beauty of the Lord is we don’t have to rely on our own strength. Day by day, we are dependent on Him. We can trust Him in all circumstances because we know He has our best intentions at heart, even if we don’t understand in the moment.

Isaiah 41:10, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

I moved to the High Country in Fall of 2017 when I was hired at Appalachian State as an assistant Field Hockey coach. I had applied to a number of universities, but the Lord made it clear that this was where He wanted me. I have always been passionate about sports ministry – because of my teammate, Kendall. Coming to App State was an opportunity to share the Gospel through coaching. I have been blessed to serve as a coach and in the college ministry at my church.

Our theme verse for our college ministry is Acts 20:24:

“But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”

I pray that my life as a coach – and in general –would exemplify this mission. I want to testify the gospel of the grace of God!

Growing in Faith: Emily playing Field Hockey in college at Liberty University.

Numbers 6:24-26, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”

I just finished my first year as head coach. Thankfully, I was an assistant coach here at App

energy. I can often find myself attempting to rely on my own strength to get through the next task instead of relying on the Lord. I have had to pray through saying no to more things and for wisdom as to not put too much on my plate. Being in this position has really taught me a lot about dependency on the Lord and how to walk in obedience.

My Mission Field

1 John 4:19, “We love because he first loved us.”

My job as coach is my mission field – on and off the field. I want to honor and glorify God in all that I do and be a light to my team. My team here at App state is a gift. The Lord has entrusted me with them and I want to love them like Jesus loves them. I love my team dearly only because I have experienced the greatest love of all from what Christ did for me on the cross.

It is my greatest joy to serve the Lord here at App State, even when it is challenging. Spending time daily in the Word and in prayer is the only way I am able to live out my faith. It has to be through His strength and not my own. State for six years before becoming the head coach and it helped prepare me for this new role. The Lord has used the past year to sanctify me and is continuing to.

I don’t have it all figured out, but I have an anchor which is my strength day by day. While there have been challenges at times, I have seen the truth of Numbers 6:24-26 in so many ways as I have stepped into this head coach role.

Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Romans 12:12, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

All for His glory: Emily prays that her team would know the love of Christ because He loved her first. She lives her life for His mission on and off the field.

Yes, this new role has been very demanding. Yes, this new role consumes more of my time and

As a staff, we pray every morning. It has been such a gift to start the morning this way and pray for our team on a consistent basis. C.S. Lewis says this

Emily Dinsmore just finished her first year as Head Coach for App State’s Field Hockey team.

about prayer, “I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I’m helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God. It changes me.” We are called to constantly be in prayer as we walk with Jesus. In the song Lord I Need You the opening lyrics state,

“Lord I come, I confess,

Bowing here I find my rest,

Without you I fall apart, You’re the one that guides my heart.”

We are helpless without Jesus. We need Him every hour of every day. He is the one who guides our heart and He is the one worthy of all of our praise.

It is my prayer that when others see me they see Christ. The only thing I want to be

known for as a coach is how much I love Jesus. For me, it is not about the wins, the awesome plays, or the stats, but rather, how I am able to minister to my team.

As humans, we naturally talk about what we love. I pray that I would talk about Jesus more than anything else. At the end of the day, I want our team to know that I love them deeply and that the root of that love comes from God first loving me.

My faith impacts the way I conduct myself in all spheres of life. I truly want to be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever I go■

1 Corinthians 10:31 “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

Emily Dinsmore celebrating with assistant coach Azure Fernsler.
Being the hands and feet: Emily serving dinner at Bible Study for Perkinsville College Ministry.

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Iwas born and raised in Boone, I am a Watauga County native. In 1970 my parents, Buck and Marcella Henderson, had their third child, me. Both of my parents were also born and raised in Watauga County; we come from a deep heritage on both sides of my family where faith, family, and community were woven into the fabric of our character from the time I can remember.

Growing up my family went to Mount Ephraim Baptist Church. I was a 5th generation member there before moving to Mount Vernon Baptist Church, where I currently serve as one of the pastors on staff.

Fearing the Lord

As a young child I recall attending a “singing” at Mount Ephraim. If I remember correctly, they were called the Singing Echoes. It was a big deal to have a

God put the fear of the Lord in my heart that night and I could do nothing else but respond in faith.

group arriving in a huge bus to sing at our little church. What I did not know is God had great things in store for my soul that evening. One of the singers was sharing the gospel and gave an invitation to anyone who needed Jesus to rescue them from their sins. God put the fear of the Lord in my heart that night and I could do nothing else but respond in faith.

I was young, but for the first time in my life I felt the Holy Spirit working in my heart. Shortly after that night I was baptized in Elk Creek, just across the road from the church. I will never forget that day for as long as I live. Like I said, I was young and didn’t really know a lot about ‘religion’ or true saving faith, but, I knew God was speaking to me through His Spirit like never before. From that moment on my life really didn’t change for me because I was so young and as a part of a family of faith, life just went on as usual. Yes, I truly believed but there was no real call for repentance for such a young believing child.

The Henderson Family (L to R): Hayes Henderson, Eric Henderson, Angela Clarie Henderson, Kimberly Henderson, and Jake Henderson.
Eric preaching at Mount Vernon.

Growing up I was in a culture that professed you’re truly a ‘man’ at 12 years old. Meaning, you could be married at 18 with a full time career and children. This culture caused me to grow up fast and fearless in independence. With all that independence, freewill grew more dangerous; whatever my selfish heart desired, especially pleasure of any kind, I chased.

Not all the things were inherently bad, but as I look back now it is and was a very dangerous lifestyle. It was a mentality of whatever you want, whenever you want

Learning and living through many difficult experiences, God has never left my side no matter how far I have drifted.

it without truly seeking God’s will for my life. I will spare the details of my sinful past, but I will say that the bible is correct, sin is fun for a season but in the end it leads to destruction and pain (Hebrews 11:25).

He is Faithful To His Children

Learning and living through many difficult experiences, God has never left my side no matter how far I have drifted. Thirty plus years removed from this lifestyle and it brings great assurance to me that as the scripture teaches, our security of salvation is through Jesus Christ. According to Deuteronomy 31:8, He promises to never leave you or forsake you! God is and has been faithful to me no matter what I did and that is a promise to all of His children.

As I grew up, despite many of my bone-headed decisions, God continued to bless me. He gave me a wife, Kimberly, and we have been married for 27 years. God called and gifted her to teach. She currently teaches at Cove Creek Elementary. We have experienced a lot of life together and God has used each and every one of those moments to shape us for His glory.

My wife and I started attending Mount Vernon in 2002. At this time God really started working in our lives as we grew as young parents. God has called me to ministry and affirmed that calling during our early years at Mount Vernon. We have been serving at Mount Vernon for 17 years now. To say the least, a lot of life has happened from 2002 to now.

We cannot share our testimonies apart from how God used problem pregnancies to reveal His miraculous power to us. God did things that doctors could not

explain; as the faith community knows, it’s just God being God. God has blessed us with three beautiful children in which we are very proud of: Hayes, 24, Angela Clarie, 19, and Jake, 18. There were problem pregnancies, but God got us through them all and our children are healthy, vibrant young adults serving God as they

In the winter of 2006, God woke me up in the middle of the night with the revelation that His will for my life was to use sports to reach kids and families for Christ in the High Country. Throughout

God had everything He needed in place to birth Equip Ministries at Mount Vernon that summer. As we say, the rest is HiStory!

Equipping the next generation: Eric and those that serve with him have been able to reach the hearts of so many young boys for Christ through sports.

do life. Everyday Kimberly and I are humbled by His amazing grace.

I know now that God had a call on my life to serve Him at a very young age post-salvation. I, like many who serve in ministry, ran from that ‘call’ originally. I truly had no clue how or why He would choose me to do anything. I didn’t have confidence in myself and didn’t trust myself. God continuously reminded me that it was not my talents or abilities He was after; He was after a willing heart. God handled the rest once I fully surrendered to the call on my life to do whatever He wanted me to do. It was then that He revealed the vision of birthing a sports ministry.

Answering the Call to Equip Ministries

In the winter of 2006, God woke me up in the middle of the night with the revelation that His will for my life was to use sports to reach kids and families for Christ in the High Country. We had no money, no field, no nothing! All we had was a burning desire to see it through – we relied completely on prayer and God showed up in big and mighty ways. We needed a backstop for the little field and days later one was donated. Then we needed brick dust and days later a load of brick dust showed up. Bats, balls, helmets, field hands, you name it, we prayed for it, and God provided it.

Chuck Cassada, the youth pastor of Mount Vernon at the time, had a great hand in helping us get Equip Ministries off the ground. A few weeks in, he asked me, “what are you going to call this thing?” My wife and I turned to the scriptures to search for the answer. The act of equipping people came up over and over again, and thus we landed on the name Equip Sports Ministry.

God had everything He needed in place to birth Equip Ministries at Mount Vernon that summer. As we say, the rest is HiStory!

Fruit, Purpose, and Opportunities of Equip

It is all God’s and all for His glory. Equip Sports now has 4 baseball fields with sports lighting and an outdoor pavilion on church property. God has blessed us to have a partnership with our area Optimist Club and we have been leasing two fields and facilities for over 4 years now. All of these facilities allow us to reach more families in this area of the world for Christ. Behind each one of these facilities is a huge move of God to accomplish His will. In all this we

The first night Equip Ministries had sport lights for the fields they celebrated and called it “let there be light night!” L to R: Jamey Hodges, Jameson Hodges, Jake Henderson, and Eric Henderson
Boys praying on the field before a game.

are humbled to see Him provide all our needs. Keep in mind God answers prayer and sees His plans through for His Glory!

Now that God has shaped recreation ministry here at Mount Vernon, we see and believe that He has a promise for Christian discipleship through sports if we are obedient to His word. I explain it like this: Jesus chose 12 and turned the world upside down; He chose a team, invested in them and they were transformed into His image through discipleship. As followers of Christ the ultimate goal is to become His image barriers. In most everything in life – whether it’s sports or not – there is an opportunity for discipleship to happen. The world wants us to choose someone or something to be like or become – we are all disciples of something. We as members of the body of Christ are commanded to make disciples of Christ.

At Equip Sports this is our heart’s desire: to display the love of God by openly sharing the Gospel and investing in our coaches, players, and families. Young or old, we know that God has a plan and a purpose for everyone. It is God’s will that no one should perish but all have eternal life in Christ. Sports have a great way of pulling all walks of life together and we use this to point all to Christ.

the opposing teams if we can have a moment at home plate or the pitcher mound. One of our players or a coach will then share the glove with them. This glove is multi colored and each color helps tell the story of the Gospel (

For over 14 years we have been a part of the “Coaches Outreach” ministry. It is a non-denominational ministry with the desire to reach coaches for the gospel. The ministry was started by legendary football coach, Tommy Mackwell of Texas A&M. After coaching he felt God leading him to start a ministry to serve high school coaches. In his retirement years Tommy went to seminary and started this ministry that we and many are blessed by today. The study material is written from coaches for coaches.

Spread the Word: This is the ‘God Glove’ that Equip Ministries uses to evangelize to teams they are playing with

Over the past 18 years, Equip Sports has provided a variety of sports and ministry opportunities. It is amazing to see the different facets of the High Country we have been able to reach.

Currently Equip Ministries offers youth football and baseball. Equip Baseball offers what we call “Challenge” baseball, single age based teams that compete in tournaments. These teams are based on commitment level, skill, and tryout. Our Challenge program gives us a greater opportunity to invest in our players and families. This is where we have seen the greatest growth in relationships and in our Christian discipleship.

When our teams travel we use a tool called the God Glove to share the good news of Jesus with the opposing teams after the games are played. Our coaches ask

One reason we are passionate about this ministry is because coaches have one of the highest divorce rates in our country due to the demand and strain placed on families. In light of this, Coaches Outreach offers couples retreats. We do believe that Godly coaches are on the front lines of ministry – it is a calling for sure! Even the great Billy Graham is quoted saying, “a coach will impact more people in one year than the average person in an entire lifetime.” We have seen God use this area of our sports ministry to greatly bless and grow us to be more like Christ.

Our recreation ministry at Mount Vernon has been a part of the county wide church basketball league since its existence, over 45 years! This league consists of participating churches in Watauga County for high school boys and girls. This is one of the most beautiful secrets in the High Country. We see churches of all denominations coming together for one purpose. That common purpose is to reach the youth in this county for Christ! Kinda sounds like “the great commission” (Matthew 28:16-20), right?

We live and serve God in one of the most amazing communities in the world. We are so blessed to have such amazing people who love God and want to make a difference in the lives of the folks around them. We

have certainly not completed the task God has given us and there is no place for pride in the body of Christ. If we boast we boast of Christ and we pray that we are living exactly in the center of God’s will. Answer the “Call” on your life, God will not disappoint! It will not

We live and serve God in one of the most amazing communities in the world.
When our teams travel we use a tool called the God Glove to share the good news of Jesus with the opposing teams after the games are played.

be easy and you will get discouraged but in the end it’s all for Him anyway. Just Do it, you and those around you will be blessed■ God Bless, Eric

Sharing the Word: After a game they ask the opposing team to sit down on the field with them to take a moment to share the gospel. This is typically done using a ‘God Glove’.



When you drive past Cornerstone Christian Bookstore it stands out against the landscape of Boone. It is a beautiful stone building that contrasts the hustle and bustle of Blowing Rock Road, the main strip of town. George and Megan Shinn believe that “you can feel the peace and presence of the Holy Spirit when you walk through the front doors.” The high ceilings, beautiful lumber detailing, and great customer service reflect this statement.

Passing on the Cornerstone

George and Megan Shinn recently became the new owners of Cornerstone Christian Bookstore. John and Pat Pope sold it to them after building up the business for over 40 years. The Shinns have had an affinity for this special place in Boone since the first time they visited. It was a storm of perfect opportunity under God’s providential hand.

The building that stands out -- this elegant building is placed in the middle of the hustle and bustle of town.

The Shinns have a vacation house in Linville that they frequent often. George shared that whenever they have guests, Cornerstone would be the first place they would bring them to see. He has always been impressed with the store and thought the Popes had done a fabulous job. They would always purchase books, art, or gifts for their loved ones and friends when browsing.

When George heard that the Popes were potentially selling the bookstore, he felt the Lord leading him to contact them and find out more. John Pope told George he had to make him a prom-

ise: the bookstore would stay a Christian bookstore. In George’s mind this was not even a question, he feels that Christian bookstores are extremely important. After doing some research, George found that over 1,000 Christian bookstores have closed their doors in the past 10 years – this process was expedited by the pandemic. George has a dream of changing this narrative starting with Cornerstone.

For George this deal was a done deal, no matter the cost. He shared that, “I felt the Lord had tapped me on the shoulder telling me this is something I need to do.” George feels that his previous business endeavors have prepared him to not only maintain Cornerstone Bookstore, but expand it.

George and Megan’s Personal Cornerstone

During the early part of his career, he built one of the largest chains of private business schools in the nation. After selling the schools, George dedicated all his efforts to bringing the Charlotte Hornets NBA franchise to North Carolina. With God’s help, and an incredible team of people, George was able to pull off a miracle and bring professional basketball to the smallest market in the NBA. It was during this time

George came up with his mantra “you gotta believe.” George and Megan have been seeking the Lord in how to most wisely expand the business so more people can encounter Jesus.

The Shinns know the importance of deliberately putting God first in business endeavors, or rather in everything. When George was pitching to franchise the Charlotte Hornets he prayed, “help me get through this and I’ll let you be the chairman of the board. I will follow your lead all the way.” This is the point when George says he really turned his life over to God.

George and Megan are passionate about Cornerstone Bookstore because of their love for the Lord. They hope that through investing in Cornerstone to potentially expand they will be able to reach others for the kingdom.

George grew up in Kannapolis, North Carolina in a Christian household. George was raised around the church, but began really growing in faith in college. George had financial struggles in college but said “I knew that God’s presence was there” because the Lord always provided through jobs and close, important relationships.

George’s mom would always make fried chicken on Sundays after church. Except one Sunday George

George and Megan Shinn enjoying a cup of coffee from the complimentary in-store coffee bar.

The beautiful details, vaultled ceilings, and art work make the space feel so peaceful. There is so much to explore!

mistakenly did not go to church and he was disappointed to find out that this meant he did not get his weekly fried chicken. His mom said, “you didn’t go to church” and George argued, “well, I still gotta eat.” But he was told, “Well, you can fix your sandwich.” He shared that his mom would use little tricks like that to motivate him but she had a positive, loving attitude.

His mom had always told him that he needed to focus on the Lord first to be successful in life. In his college days he really learned the importance of this along with prayer. George is grateful for the ways God has blessed him. In some of his hardest times George shared, “I just had the feeling that God was walking right beside me.”

Megan grew up in Dover, Massachusetts which is farmlands right outside of Boston. As a child Megan became very ill, later in life it was diagnosed as lyme disease. Megan shared that this is when her personal relationship with Jesus began, “I asked Jesus to save me and guide me. Through His love and mercy he came into my heart.” Not only was she saved, but she was healed of this disease by “God, the great physician.”

Megan shared that she continues to grow in her faith today and sees it as such a joy to share her testimony of what God did in her life with others. Through her testimony she wants to share that God is the ultimate healer, both physically and spiritually.

Casting a Vision for Cornerstone

Megan felt the Holy Spirit leading her to have Cornerstone partner with churches around the country through an online bookstore. The first steps for Cornerstone is to develop a virtual bookstore tour so people can shop the iconic store from the comfort of their home all over the country. George shared that when they partner with churches everyone will benefit, not only financially, but also spiritually.

The idea is that customers can feel like they are walking through the bookstore. It is a more encompassing experience than traditional online shopping. If the virtual tours are successful, this will lead the way to physically expanding Cornerstone Christian Bookstore in interested markets.

The Shinns are excited about continuing to embark on this new journey with God at the center of it all. They are grateful that the Pope’s sold the business to them and the legacy of Cornerstone Christian Bookstore can live on instead of it becoming a restaurant or apartments which would fit in with the typical landscape of Boone.

Megan stated that, “this is the heart of Jesus, right here.” It is true, in the middle of Boone there is a constant standing reminder that our King is to come and His body is here.

Owners George and Megan Shinn on the right, managers Joe and Tiffany Ingrham on the left.
Former owners, John and Pat Pope
Book displays at Cornerstone Christian Bookstore.
George and Megan Shinn purusing Cornerstone Christian Bookstore.


My father and mother were young and living in Lenoir, NC when I was born. My mother went into labor while my father was driving her to the hospital. So, I had an unorthodox birth, because I was born in the backseat of my grandmother’s car on the way to the hospital at a stoplight. I jokingly say that I have red hair because the red light beamed on my head when I was born.

My mom was 17 years old when she gave birth to me, and my father was just a few years older than her at the time. They came from homes that believed in God, but they were not involved in church at that time. I wasn’t raised in what one would traditionally call a “Christian home,” not because they didn’t believe in God, but because neither were actively engaged in their faith at that point in their life.

My grandfather also took me to Wednesday night service, and that’s when I first heard the gospel presented to me through the Royal Ambassador program.

“Glad to be back in my hometown shepherding people who have poured into me.”

Around age 10, my grandfather began to take me to Central Baptist Church in Lenoir, North Carolina. I would go to the children’s Sunday school class while he was in his Sunday school class. My Sunday school teacher gave out Juicy Fruit bubblegum if we were good, paid attention, and listened. I would do what I needed to get my gum.

My grandfather sang in the choir. So, when I would get out of Sunday school, I would go to service and sit in the sanctuary by myself and wait for him to get done singing. After they did their anthem, he’d come down and sit with me for the rest of the service.

I didn’t know much about the Bible or God, but I heard that Jesus loved me, that He died for my sins, and that if I asked him into my heart, he’d come into my life. So, I went home one Wednesday night and I bowed down on my knees at my bedside. I asked Jesus to come into my life – and I believe He did – I was excited about it. When I shared this with my parents, they didn’t really know how to deal with it. My parents were divorced at that time and I was living with my father. Not long after this, he married a preacher’s daughter and we moved to Blowing Rock. Her father, Rev. Carson Eggers, was the minister at Laurel Fork Baptist Church and we went to church there.

While attending church there, I was baptized by Carson at 12 years old. I rededicated my life to Jesus at Laurel Fort Baptist Church on February 26th. I don’t remember the year, but I remember the day and that the baptistry was very cold because the water heater was broken. When I went down into the water, I came up so fast, that I slipped and went down in the water a second time. I got baptized and re-baptized all at once. When people ask me if I remember my baptism, I say, “Absolutely, I remember it like it was yesterday.” I will never forget it.

My father and his second wife split up years later and my dad quit going to church. As a high school student, I got involved with First Baptist Church in Blowing Rock. One day, I received a phone call out of the blue from the new youth director there. She heard that I played basketball and was friends with some of the guys on the church basketball team, so she invited me to come be a part of it. Church basketball led me back to church again, and through that, I became involved with the youth group. Throughout high school, I was very involved in the church on my own accord. God used my youth director and my friends to influence me and God began to work on me and through me. Being able to drive changed things, I was able to go to church by myself even though my dad didn’t attend. However, by the time I graduated high school, my father became very involved with the church.

The Call to Pastor

My youth director had been affirming a call to ministry in my life for awhile. But I kept pushing it away. When she would say, “I think you have gifts for ministry,” I would reply, “Well, I appreciate that, but I don’t think so.” I would laugh it off because I was not interested.

Jeff graduating from Montreat College: an experience that ended up being more than basketball. L to R: Charles Smith (Grandfather), Jeff Smith, and Jeff B. Smith (Father).

I’d given my life to God when I was younger, but I didn’t understand what it meant at that time; I guess I probably thought at that young age, “Well, I get to go to heaven, which is great.” As I began to mature, I started to understand the importance of living for God and being a witness for Jesus.

While attending Montreat, I was required to go to chapel services and I was also taking some required Bible classes. My professor began to articulate the same things my youth director was saying. He would say things like, “I think God’s given you gifts to be used in the church.” So, I began to hear this call in multiple directions, but I continued to push it away until I came home on a Christmas break. I worked at the Parkway Cafe at the Tanger Outlets in Blowing Rock as a waiter on school breaks.

“I discovered that I was there (Montreat College) for a greater purpose than just playing sports and began to recognize God’s calling into ministry.”

I was very close with my youth director because she had had a similar upbringing. She went to a small Presbyterian school called Montreat College. Through her guidance and support, God led me to the same school, more so because I wanted to play basketball than anything else. But once I got there, I discovered that God had me there for a greater purpose than just playing sports and I began to recognize God’s call into ministry.

One night while I was serving tables, there was a lady eating by herself at one of my tables. She was very nice and polite; we chatted a little bit. When I brought her the check she said “You’re a Christian aren’t you?” I told her yes. Then, she said, “Well, God wants me to tell you something. God wants you to know that He’s got great things in store for you if you will just listen. God is calling you into ministry and you need to listen to that.”

I had never met this woman in my entire life. To me, she was another tourist who’d come to enjoy a weekend here. It was the most bizarre encounter I’ve ever had.

People I knew had encouraged this calling, but hear-

“When I brought her the check she said “you’re a Christian aren’t you?” I told her yes. Then, she said, “Well, God’s got something for you… He wants me to tell you something. God wants you to know that He’s got great things in store for you if you will just listen. God is calling you into ministry and you need to listen to that.”

ing this from a random stranger really caught my attention.

I thought, “How could this woman know that I am a Christian and that God is trying to call me into ministry?” I began to realize that God was really trying to get my attention. I had been stubborn, maybe it was time for me to start listening.

sible what seemed so impossible to me.

I wasn’t sure where to start, but I declared a major in Bible and Religion and began a youth ministry concentration. God continued to guide me along the way. I had to support myself through college, but God made a way for me to be there. I worked multiple jobs to pay my tuition. Every semester God made postrance Process Station (MEPS) program in Charlotte, securing my job.

I’m a first-generation college graduate and that is special to me, but it was God who made it possible and helped me through; it was nothing I had done on my own. As I was preparing to graduate college, I was trying to discern what I was supposed to do in life.


began to realize that God was really trying to get my attention. I had been stubborn, maybe it was time for me to start listening.”

I’ve got a Bible degree, what do I do with this thing?

I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to serve in a church or do something else. I had a professor who was in the army as a military chaplain. He was encouraging me in the direction of chaplaincy. So I went through the whole recruitment process and did the Military En-

I was prepared to be an assistant chaplain in Honolulu, Hawaii. I was going to suffer for the Lord! Everything was set for me to go, but I had also put out feelers for positions serving as a youth minister in a church. At that time in my life, I was free to go anywhere God called. So, I began to apply to positions all over the US.

I prayed saying, “Lord, I’ll do whatever you want me to do, but I need a sign from you.” I decided to apply to 10 churches. I prayed, “If you prefer that I go

Jeff never thought his kids would be going to the same schools he did growing up. L to R: Jeff Smith, Lawson, Angela, and Brennan.

into the military and be a chaplain, then I would like to be rejected by all 10 of these congregations; but, if you don’t want me to serve in the military, let there be only one congregation that wants me so it is clear where you would have me be.”

God was faithful to my prayers. One by one, I started getting rejection letters. I celebrated each one I received. My friends thought I was crazy, because who rejoices over being rejected for a job?

Yet for me, it was one less decision I had to make.

Eventually, it came down to two congregations, of which both were Presbyterian churches. I grew up in the Baptist Church, but none of the Baptist churches would hire me because I had gone to a Presbyterian College – ironic, huh?

First Presbyterian Church, a small church from a rural farm town in Bennettsville, South Carolina reached out asking for an in-person interview. I went and interviewed with them. A few days later, they called and said, “It’s unanimous. We feel this is where God’s calling you to be. We want you to serve our children and youth as our Director of Christian Education.” I told them I needed a couple of days to pray about it, and God made it clear that this is where he was calling me.

I knew my attraction to the place had to be a call from God.

I began to realize that maybe I was really a Presbyterian all this time and I just didn’t know it. God called me to be an evangelical Presbyterian. God used my Baptist upbringing to enhance my Presbyterian theology and love for evangelism.

During my first year of service in Bennettsville, I married Angela, a close friend of mine from college. We were both working and serving the Lord together in this small town. She taught at the local private school and directed the choir at church, while I coached the junior varsity and varsity girls and boys basketball teams at her school. It was great, and we loved it.

God blessed our ministry during our time there, for when I started at the church, they only had six students in the youth ministry, and four years later we had 80 kids involved which was awesome. These short four years were rich and very special to us.

After Bennettsville, God called us to the First Presbyterian Church in Spartanburg, South Carolina. I went from a 150-member congregation in a rural farm town to a 3,000-member congregation in a suburban area. I was hired as the Director of Youth Ministry there.

“I began to realize that maybe I was really a Presbyterian all this time and I just didn’t know it. God called me to be an evangelical Presbyterian.”

As a young, 21-year-old, why would I want to go to Bennettsville? There was nothing there for people my age. The biggest restaurant was Pizza Hut. There wasn’t a Walmart, or a movie theater, none of the stuff I was used to in Boone. It was a small, quaint place to live.

So, I went and began working in the church and spent four years serving that congregation doing youth ministry. I had no idea what I was doing, but I had a great minister who came alongside and mentored me. We prayed together, read Scripture together, and read and discussed theology books together. He helped me grow and mature in my faith.

God’s Provision for Seminary

After two years of serving that congregation, God called me to seminary. I’ll never forget the interim minister pulling me into his office and telling me it was time for me to pursue seminary. He said that God was calling me, and I needed to listen to him. The church supported my efforts towards education and provided all the funding necessary through a theological endowment they had.

Jeff Smith preaching at First Presbyterian Church Boone.
“I had been away from Boone for 20 years, but it still felt like home. I serve a congregation where the people who taught me in high school are now the ones I teach.”

So, I began a five-and-a-half-year, part-time seminary experience. When I had about a year and a half of seminary education left, God called me away from the church in Spartanburg to serve as an associate pastor at Eastminster Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina. I wrapped up my seminary studies while there and was officially ordained and installed as associate pastor at that congregation, still working in youth ministry, but also doing evangelism ministry.

After four years of wonderful ministry at Eastminster, God surprised me with a call to First Presbyterian Church in Boone. A mutual friend reached out to me and tried to convince me to speak with them about the possibility of being head of staff. I initially pushed it away because I wasn’t looking for a position and was content with my current call.

Angela and I had purchased a house; we thought we were going to be there long-term. Angela was up for a very large promotion to be the CEO of the nonprofit ministry she was working with. But, throughout the interview process with First Presbyterian, it seemed clear that God was calling us to Boone. God has a sense of humor; calling me back home to serve a church I had not grown up in.

I Was a Boonerang Before it Was Cool!

I had been away from Boone for 20 years, but it still felt like home. I serve a congregation where the people who taught me in high school are now the ones I teach, a congregation where classmates that I went to school with or played little league ball with are now my

parishioners. I have baptized their children and even a classmate who made a profession of faith for the first time. It’s a special and unique situation that a lot of ministers can’t say that they’ve ever experienced.

I never thought I would be back here in my hometown sending my children to the same schools I attended. It’s been an interesting journey and a huge blessing, and God has been faithful every step of the way. God’s gracious hand has led me along the path – from high school to college, from college to serving congregations, from seminary and doctoral studies to help me grow in faith and as a pastor.

I’ve had the pleasure of serving with wonderful ministers, who’ve been very encouraging and very supportive. I’ve learned a lot from them and that has helped me grow my faith and prepare me for each step along the way. When I look back, I can see God’s hand over all of it.

I just recently finished up my doctoral work on evangelism. Presbyterians haven’t embraced that word very well. I think my upbringing played a strong role in my passion to share Christ and God is using that now as I share this fruit with other congregations in our denomination.

It’s been an honor and a privilege to serve in this capacity. Never in a million years would I have thought I’d be doing this. It’s certainly not what I sought out, but what God pursued in me. It’s been a blessing to be back in my hometown. I often jokingly say that Jesus said that a prophet is not welcome in his hometown, but I say, “Thank God I’m a shepherd and not a prophet.”


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