Sou sum thweste me rn cha rs were ngi life insp ng and ired pers g r o w ona th. l -Elis ” e Ma lan, MTSU
Mission The Southwestern Company’s mission is simple: to be the best organization in the world at helping young people develop the skills and the character they need to achieve their goals in life. We build people: the people who sell our products; the consumers who benefit from them; and the people who become members of our team of employees. We build people and t h o s e p e o p l e a r e b u i l d i n g a g r e a t c o m p a n y.
Brief Histor y T h e S o u t h w e s t e r n C o m p a n y, b a s e d i n N a s h v i l l e , Te n n e s s e e i s A m e r i c a ’ s o l d e s t d i r e c t s e l l i n g c o m p a n y.
We build people. and those people are building great companies.
Why should I work with Southwestern?
College and university students from all over the world participate in the Southwestern Company’s summer selling program. From the independent RESUME BUILDERS • BUILD A PERSON CLIENT BASE • FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE • RELOCATE • RUN ALL ASPECTS OF A BUSINESS • PROFESSIONAL SALES TRAINING
student sales force, 21 sister companies have been started using the capital, students and resources of our summer program.
All of our interns relocate each sumer to see new places and to meet new people. MONEY On average our first year interns make around $8,400 in a 12-week selling
“build your own business while you’re still in college!” -Diana Roderiguez, Auburn University
All of our interns receiver $2,500 worth
Lifeguard, waiter, office clerk...we have
of professional sales training before
all done these jobs, but at the end of the
they ever prospect or approach
day are they REALLY resume
anyone. Sales and Marketing Magazing
worthy? The type of student we are
rated it “the best in the country.” All
looking for rises to a challenge and
of our training takes place in May in
embrases effort based pay. We feel you
Nashville, Tennessee.
grow the most as a person through challenges.
get out of it what you put into it.
At Dolore ut bene ratis duis gilvus jugis hendrerit suscipit regula populus. Quae ludus os qui eu, gemino aliquip conventio.