6 minute read

Featured podcasters

Peter Yeo

Peter Yeo, Better World Foundation #75

Sustainable peace cannot be achieved if human rights are not respected.

As President of the Better World Campaign, Peter Yeo leads the Campaign’s strategic engagement with Congress and the Administration to promote a strong U.S.-UN relationship. Under Yeo’s leadership, the Better World Campaign has helped ensure multibillion dollar payments from the U.S. government to the UN. Yeo also serves as the Senior Vice President at the United Nations Foundation. Yeo joined the Better World Campaign in 2009 with over twenty years of legislative, analytical, and management experience, including senior roles on Capitol Hill and in the State Department. Prior to arriving at UNF, Yeo served for ten years as the Deputy Staff Director at the House Foreign Affairs Committee chaired by Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA) and Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA). He has worked on a broad range of foreign policy and foreign aid issues. On behalf of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats, he led the successful negotiations for the landmark HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Act of 2003, commonly known as PEPFAR, as well as the successful $50 billion reauthorization of the law in 2008.

Elizabet Sahtouris

Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris, Evolutionary Futurist, #787


“We have to stop hostile competition.”

Elisabet Sahtouris PhD is an internationally known evolution biologist, futurist, author and speaker. With a post-doctoral degree at the American Museum of Natural History, she taught at MIT and the University of Massachusetts, contributed to the NOVA-Horizon TV series, is a fellow of the World Business Academy, and an advisor to Ethical Markets.

She is the author of EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution; A Walk Through Time: From Stardust to Us; and Biology Revisioned with Willis Harman.

She says, “We now have time to reflect on the Oneness of our human family, on the harm we have done to each other and to our Earth, on the ways of living that no longer serve us, and finally on the possibilities that are still available to us” Another interview with Dr. Sahtouris.


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… people creating a more peaceful world

Mark Oettinger, World Court of Human Rights #80

Who is going to enforce our rights?

Mark Oettinger, an international attorney, educator and author, with extensive experience in Judicial Systems and Rule of Law, is working with the World Service Authority, founded by Garry Davis, to develop a World Court of Human Rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights created in 1948, by the United Nations confirmed that everyone on Earth has certain rights and freedoms. In 2012, Mark was appointed Director of the World Court of Human Rights Development Project by the World Service Authority of Washington DC. This is a project endorsed by the Chief Justices of the World. Who is going to protect our freedoms… and the most basic right of all — the right of our species to survive on Planet Earth? How can we help create the World Court of Human Rights? https://worldcourtofhumanrights.net/

Mark Oettinger

Benjamin Ferencz, Prosecutor Nuremberg Trials

“War makes murderers out of decent people.”

Benjamin Ferencz, is the last living prosecutor of the biggest murder trial in history for the Nazi War Crimes after World War ll. A determined 27 year old lawyer, all 22 men on trial were convicted. As an enlisted man under General Patton, he fought in most of the major campaigns in Europe. As Nazi atrocities were uncovered, he was transferred to a newly created War Crimes Branch of the Army to gather evidence of Nazi brutality and apprehend the criminals. Now at 100, Ferencz is an historic figure still advocating for the rule of law and creator of the International Criminal Court. His website reads: LAW. NOT WAR. More at: https://benferencz.org/


Ben Ferencz on 60 Minutes sharing his message of peace for today’s world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZHTtfTXjrA

Ben Ferencz


NEW: Peace Book Club (online)

Prophet The Hatmaker’s Son by Douglas Gillies

Margaret Mead called him “the most brilliant man in the UN.”

Robert Muller experienced the devastation of two World Wars. One night while standing in a dark battle field weeping for all the young people whose lives had been squandered, he swore that he would devote his life to peace. Robert left everything behind and joined the UN in its third year and spent the next 40 years following that dream he never gave up on. His enthusiasm and optimism led him to became known as a prophet of hope.

This book is a treasure-chest of largely unknown events based on extensive interviews with Robert and his experiences with world leaders.

Taking one of the eleven chapters per week, this book club will have time to savor Robert’s development from intern to the Assistant Secretary-General, his philosophy, as well as the early development of the United Nations.

To bring this book alive, the weekly discussions will be led by people intimately familiar with Robert and his work, including his wife, Barbara Gaughen-Muller, the author, Douglas Gillies, and the Hon. Douglas Roche, O.C., former Canadian Senator, parliamentarian, diplomat, author, and long-time friend and associate of Robert’s. (The podcast with Douglas Roche is #38.)

Join Us on ZOOM!

11 meetings beginning Sunday, April 3, 2022 ... 9:00 am, Pacific (All meetings will be recorded and available on PeacePodcast.org)

Peace Bookclub Zoom: 847 6098 0621


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“Prophet - The Hatmaker’s Son is the inspiring, true story of Robert Muller, a man who lived through the atrocities of World War II and then dedicated his life to peace. Gillies brings to vivid life the remarkable achievements and astounding story of this great global citizen. Prophet is a reminder to every reader why war does not work– and offers a path to a better way.” – Mary Manin Morrissey, author of Building Your Field of Dreams and No Less Than Greatness

“Robert Muller has had a very large, positive influence on me. He has a wonderful, global outlook and a loving, kind-hearted attitude of forgiveness and understanding and patience. I have great admiration and respect for him. He’s one of the greatest men to come along in a long time” – Ted Turner, AOL TimeWarner

“Robert Muller has seen our species at our worst and still ebulliently believes in our best. In his presence, you want to rise and rise and rise again to whatever occasion is before you. He is a global treasure–and so will you be if you let his spirit enter your life. I did … and look what happened!” – Vicki Robin, coauthor of Your Money or Your Life

“When the true history of the Twentieth Century is told, Robert Muller’s name will stand out as one of the greatest world servers of all time. This powerful book is filled with stories and anecdotes that delight as they illumine the path of greatness. He is a spiritual giant as well as a hugely original thinker, and the story of his life is a testament to the glory of the human spirit.” – Jean Houston, PhD, author of Jump Time

… people creating a more peaceful world

Prophet: Now Available! A limited quantity of this inspiring book is now available to readers of this Peace Community Magazine. $10 (includes shipping) Send check or cash with your address and phone number to: Barbara Muller PO Box 91844 Santa Barbara, CA 93190-1844


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