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David H. Weinstein, Esq. May 18, 2016

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Mission Statement Gratz College provides a pluralistic education rooted in Jewish values and engages students in active study for personal and professional enrichment. Through degree and non-degree offerings and cultural programs, Gratz enables students everywhere to become leaders in their professions and communities.

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PROGRAM M.C. - Pat Ciarrocchi *Lavish Hors d'oeuvres Buffet and open bar*


The Jewish Chorale of Greater Philadelphia

Acknowledgements Guest Speaker - BRET STEPHENS

Wall Street Journal, Deputy Editorial Page Editor

Award Presentation To DAVID H. WEINSTEIN, Esq. Chairman, Gratz College Board of Governors


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Letter from the President On behalf of the Board of Governors, faculty, students and administration of Gratz College, we are pleased to shared this gala evening with you. Your support of the College and this event helps to ensure that the impact of a Gratz education will continue! Gratz College provides high quality Jewish educational programs at the BA, MA and doctoral levels for degree-seeking students; innovative and engaging academic, educational, leadership and service-learning programs for 8th - 12th grade students in the Jewish Community High School; and life-enhancing adult education programs. All of these promote lifelong Jewish learning, building community by doing so. Gratz is committed to providing today's students, wherever they live, with access to Jewish learning at the highest levels of excellence. The entire Gratz family joins in honoring our outgoing Board chair, David Weinstein, for his tireless dedication to and exemplary leadership of the College. The Hebrew word for gratitude is hakarat hatov, which means "recognizing the good," and tonight we recognize David for the wisdom, expertise, leadership skills and countless hours he has given us, and all in good humor! David's personal commitment to Jewish learning and his contributions to the Jewish community show that he leads by example. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to have worked with and learned from David over the last years. In addition to honoring David, tonight's event pays tribute to Jeffrey B. Plevan, z"l, a beloved alumnus of the College, whose passion for life, the Jewish community and Gratz was inspirational. Jeff represented in the best of ways the values that characterize Gratz College, and we thank his family for their ongoing support. I want to thank everyone who contributed to making tonight's event a success and all of our supporters for their commitment to excellence in Jewish education.

Joy W. Goldstein

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Dear Friends and Gratz College Supporters, As Chair of the Gratz College Board of Governors, it is my distinct honor and privilege to welcome you to this evening’s Gala. For 120 years, Gratz has provided a pluralistic education and engaged its students in active study for professional growth and personal enrichment. Many of Gratz’s programs reflect our historic focus on Jewish studies and education—whether for individuals in their teens, those preparing for or advancing their professional careers, or adults seeking to enrich their lives. With a broad commitment to its diverse constituencies, Gratz College helps students everywhere to become leaders in their professions and communities. We can achieve these goals, however, only with the help and support of our community. This Gala is a significant component of that support, and the College is truly grateful for it. So, on behalf of the Board of Governors—and individually as this evening’s honoree—I extend to each of you a heart-felt todah rabbah, thank you, for attending this evening and for generously supporting this vibrant and vital star in the American Jewish communal constellation! A special thank you goes, in addition, to Jo and Sandy White, and Beverly Rubman and Mark Goldfus for co-chairing our Gala this evening, and most of all, to my dearest Elli, who supported me and enabled me to assume the responsibilities of Board Chair these past years. B’Shalom,

David H. Weinstein

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Dear Fellow Celebrants, David Weinstein may be a darn good lawyer, but he is an even better Jew. Let us explain. In the 1960s and 1970s David (and Elli and their sons, Dan and Josh) lived at Kibbutz Yotvata, in the Arava Valley, deep into the Negev desert. Legend says that the ancient Yotvata spring was where the Queen of Sheeba refreshed on her journey to wed King Salomon. In fact, the Weinsteins were among the first permanent settlers there since the Nabateans, perhaps a millennia and a half earlier. The Arava was a harsh place to live – a reference not limited to the brutal desert heat. Yotvata literally abutted the Jordanian border. From Yotvata, Saudi Arabia was in sight and the Sinai border was even closer. In those days, the neighbors were not very neighborly. Yet, among its modern Jewish pioneers, the Arava was less a region than an ideology It was seen as an embodiment of the Zionist ideal: young, educated Jews rejuvenating their ancient land. To say that you were from Yotvata was to instantly garner respect from the more northern residents of Israel (meaning, just about everyone). Israelis recognized that few among them were willing to endure the physical hostility and isolation of such an environment. Those that did were, like the Weinsteins, invariably idealists. Only a handful of the Arava pioneers had by then enjoyed a 30 th birthday. And, they were so few in number that the entire population could picnic together on a small Red Sea beach on Israeli Independence Day.

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Day after scorching day, David drove tractors, tended to livestock, and shoveled you-know-what (the latter, presumably appropriate for a Berkeley-educated lawyer). Elli worked throughout the kibbutz; most notably, hosting the snack bar that grew famous throughout Israel. After circumstances brought the Weinstein family to Philadelphia, David’s vocational focus shifted to a notable career in law. But, he has never wavered in his devotion to Judaism and the Jewish people – a commitment that led to major leadership positions in Philadelphia’s Jewish institutions. As Gratz College faced the challenge of maintaining relevancy in the 21st Century, it sought David’s wisdom, judgment and energy. Of course. David has served as a member of Gratz’s Board of Governors, soon becoming the Board’s Chair. His tenure’s success is illustrated by, among many other accomplishments, the enhanced online presence, innovative new academic programs and, most importantly, Gratz’s continuing tradition of exceptional faculty scholarship. And, add to these remarkable achievements this evening’s successful Jeffrey B. Plevan event. Reflecting their love of both the Philadelphia region and Israel, David and Elli maintain a residence in each – to the unending gratitude of yet another Jewish institution, El Al. Our deepest appreciation to each of you for joining us in this special celebration of Gratz College and David H. Weinstein, Esq.

Beverly Rubman

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Mark Goldfus

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We are most honored to have co-chaired the Jeffrey B. Plevan Event – Gratz College’s Annual Gala. Recognizing David’s many achievements and the life of dedication that he has always led is but a small gesture for this deserving man. We have known David and his wife Elli for over 35 years and we have grown close as friends, as our family of choice. His wisdom and guidance are constant touchstones as is his willingness to work for the causes and institutions he believes in to “get things done”. Gratz College has been fortunate to enjoy his leadership and stewardship. Thank you to our fellow co-chairs Beverly Rubman and Mark Goldfus, the distinguished Tribute Committee, the Gratz College Executive and Administrative Staff and each of you for your participation and support of this celebration and Gratz College.

Jo White

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Sander White

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JEFF PLEVAN 1977-2013 Nothing came easily to Jeff. He was diagnosed with severe delayed speech at the age of 3, and attended special education schools until he was 16 years old. He graduated from the University of Arizona in December, 2000, and then, after working for several years at the American Jewish Historical Society in New York City, he spent 3½ years at Gratz College, earning two master’s degrees. Jeff’s second Gratz master’s degree was in Jewish Communal Service, and as part of that program he interned with the Gratz Development Office. That led to the fulfillment of Jeff’s dream – a job in the Jewish community, as the first Jewish development professional at Hunter College Hillel in New York City.

Jeff was devoted to Judaism and Israel, and greatly appreciated the support and encouragement he received from Gratz and its faculty. If Jeff turned in an assignment that did not measure up, the professor would invariably hand it back to Jeff, tell him he could do better, and give him the opportunity to resubmit the assignment. Everyone who knew Jeff, personally and professionally, was taken in by his positive spirit, his good humor, and his evident desire and drive to overcome life’s obstacles. Jeff represented the highest fulfillment of the challenge of Reb Zusya, who taught that God does not ask us why we were not like Moses, but rather whether each individual has lived up to his or her own potential. Each year Jeff came back to Gratz to attend its annual event, to meet old friends and show his support for the Gratz community. On April 30, 2013, at the age of 36, Jeff died in Philadelphia unexpectedly and suddenly of a heart attack, on his way to that year’s annual event. The Plevan family now supports that event in loving memory of Jeff who, but for his untimely death, would be here with us tonight.

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Honoree David

H. Weinstein, Esq.

David Weinstein grew up in Oakland, California, which, at that time, had three Jewish congregations, one Reform, one Conservative, and one Orthodox. His parents, Betty and Selig Weinstein (z”l) were committed to providing their children the best Jewish education available in order to enable each of them to make informed decisions about their Jewish lives as they grew up. In 1969, David and his beloved wife Elli— with their two young sons — made aliyah to Israel, where they settled at Kibbutz Yotvata in the Negev. They returned “temporarily” to the U.S. in 1972, and in 2014 re-established themselves as Israelis and became citizens of Israel. In those intervening years, in addition to practicing law and raising his family together with Elli, David became active in his Jewish community. After almost 30 years of service as a director, president, executive committee member, and in numerous other capacities, he is now an honorary director of Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El in Wynnewood. David’s commitment to Jewish education is serious and personal. He and Elli, upon their return from Israel, sought a pluralistic Jewish day-school education for their sons at what were then known as Solomon Schechter Day School and Akiba Hebrew Academy. For more than 16 years, he participated continuously in programs of daily learning, completing a cycle of Bible and the entire Mishnah, and more recently studying Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah on a nearly daily basis. He has also studied Hebrew texts in a weekly hevruta with Rabbi Neil Cooper. When in Jerusalem, David frequently studies at the Conservative Yeshiva, and he has taken innumerable adult Jewish education courses, including at Gratz College. David has also taught a number of topics for his synagogue’s annual Torathon night of learning David and Elli have twice been honored by TBHBE. On the occasion of Israel’s 40th anniversary, they were selected as the Israel Bond honorees, and more recently, were TBHBE’s annual Ruth N. Maltzman Memorial Event Honorees.

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When he was asked to join the Gratz College Board of Governors over five years ago, David felt he was following in the footsteps of his father, who chaired his synagogue’s Education Committee and later helped form and then served on the community-wide board of Jewish education in the East Bay area near San Francisco. David was honored to be appointed Chair of Gratz’ Board of Governors in 2013. While his term ends in June 2016, he looks forward to continuing to serve on the board. In addition to involvement in the Jewish community and in Israel, David is engaged in the broader American community, especially in the legal profession. He has served on the board of directors of the Public Justice Foundation, has co-chaired the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Professional Guidance Committee, is a life member of the American Law Institute, and a member of the Committee to Save the Antitrust Laws. David has lectured on various topics in courses for practicing lawyers, including one course in Gratz College’s continuing legal education program, and on invitation in undergraduate economics courses at the University of Pennsylvania. A highly respected attorney, David is a member of Weinstein Kitchenoff & Asher LLC, a Center City Philadelphia boutique law firm, where he concentrates his practice in complex commercial litigation matters, primarily in antitrust and consumer private and class actions. As part of his law practice, David has pursued litigation imbued with the public interest. For example, he was appointed by the supervising federal judge to serve pro bono publico as lead counsel coordinating over 100 separate legal proceedings brought by Chinese refugees seeking asylum in the United States. For these efforts, David and his legal team were awarded the Human Rights Award of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. David was one of two co-lead counsel who negotiated a unique nationwide settlement in which defective plumbing systems in approximately 340,000 homes nationwide were replaced free of charge to the consumers. For achieving this result, David and his legal team earned the Public Justice Achievement Award of Trial Lawyers for Public Justice. Currently, David is one of four lawyers appointed by the federal court in the District of Columbia to serve as interim class counsel in a suit against Hungary and the Hungarian National Railway on behalf of the heirs and survivors of the approximately one-half million victims of the Holocaust in Hungary. With all of his communal and professional achievements, David is most proud of his family. Through more than 52 years of marriage, he and Elli have raised two wonderful sons, Dan and Josh, through them acquired two fabulous daughters (in-law), Sharon and Einat, and through all four of them, become grandparents of six incredible grandchildren, Hannah, Sophia, Dalia, Michael, Tamar, and Naomi, who range in age from 25 to 6. Today, with half of their family located in Jerusalem and the other half in the Philadelphia area, David and Elli are members of both communities and live part of the year in each city.

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Special guest speaker Bret


Bret Stephens was awarded the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for Distinguished Commentary for his incisive columns on American foreign policy and domestic politics, often enlivened by a contrarian twist. Mr. Stephens is the deputy editorial page editor responsible for the international opinion pages of The Wall Street Journal. He also writes “Global View,” the paper’s weekly foreign-affairs column, and is a member of the Journal’s editorial board. He is a regular panelist on The Journal Editorial Report, a weekly political talk show broadcast on Fox News Channel. Mr. Stephens joined the Wall Street Journal in 1998 as an op-ed editor and moved to Brussels the following year, where he wrote editorials and edited a column on the European Union. He left Dow Jones in January 2002 to take the helm of The Jerusalem Post. He was just 28 at the time — the youngest ever editor-in-chief at the paper. At the Post, he was responsible for the paper’s news, editorial, international and electronic editions. He oversaw the paper’s most extensive redesign in its then 70-year history and also wrote a weekly column. Mr. Stephens returned to the Journal in late 2004. In January 2005, he was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. He has won numerous journalism awards, including a 2006 award from the South Asian Journalists Association for his coverage of the Kashmir earthquake, the 2008 Frank Knox Award for his coverage of military affairs, the 2008 Eric Breindel Prize for excellence in opinion journalism, the 2010 Bastiat Prize for his writings on economic subjects, and the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for commentary. Mr. Stephens was born in New York and raised in Mexico City. He has an undergraduate degree, with honors, from the University of Chicago, and a Master’s from the London School of Economics. He lives in New York City with his wife Corinna, a music critic, and their three children.

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Thank you to the

Gratz College Board of Governors David H. Weinstein, Chairman Paul Auerbach, Esq. Daniel Cohen, Esq. Lowell Dubrow, Esq. Kathy Elias, M.A.J.S *Alan S. Fellheimer, Esq., Secretary *Judith E. Fellheimer, Esq., Chair, Finance Committee *Lawrence B. Fine, Esq., Chair, Academic Affairs Committee Rabbi Albert Gabbai Bennett Goldstein *Joy W. Goldstein, President *Bruce H. Holberg *Leon Levy, Chair, Endowment Committee Sandra O. Lilienthal, Ed.D. Morton Mandell, M.D. Larry Pitt, Esq. Jack Porter, Ed.D. *Michelle Portnoff, Esq., Chair, Development Committee *Jill Rosen, Chair, Jewish Community High School Committee Murray Shusterman, Esq. Rabbi Lance J. Sussman, Ph.D. Saul Wachs, Ph.D., Faculty Representative

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* Member, Executive Committee

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Gala Co-Chairs Jo & Sander White Beverly Rubman & Mark Goldfus

Tribute Committee

Judy and Paul Auerbach Carroll W. Baylson Jane and Lee Bender Gail and David Bigio Rickie and David Brawer Judith Beck and Richard Busis Louise and Daniel Cohen Mindy and David Cohen Sara H. Cohen Sherry and John Cohn Lori and Rabbi Neil Cooper Sara and Allan Crimm Susan David Daphne Goldberg and Jonathan Dichter Marjorie Stanek and Lowell Dubrow Rachel and Joshua Dunaief Kathy and Robert Elias Vicki and Gary Erlbaum Michelle Weil and Charles Fax Judith and Alan Fellheimer Marjorie Stein and Lawrence Fine Lenore and David Forsted Judith and Oren Friedman Rabbi Albert Gabbai Beth and David Galinsky Lewis Gantman Bennett Goldstein

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Joy and Brian Goldstein Michele and Larry Goldstein Ethel Hofman Roslyn and Bruce Holberg Caren and Stuart Hosansky Sharon Liebhaber and Rabbi Alan Iser Abbey Frank and Rabbi Marc Israel Cindy and Yossi Kimchi Roberta and Robert Kitchenoff Ariele and Steven Klausner Mitchell Klevan Lauren and Ken Krivitzky Ilana Krug Rachel and David Krug Yaffa and Ari Krug Sharon and Alan Lesgold Terri Lesgold Karen Morris and Alan Levenson Sharon and Jonathan Levin Fran and Leon Levy Sandra Lilienthal Susan and Leonard Lodish Ann Krupnick and Joe Loewenberg Rhea and Morton Mandell Lisa Richman and Jeff Marmon Luci and Richard Markowitz Sara and Jay Minkoff

Frank Morris Debbie and Gary Nightingale Phyllis Meloff and Larry Pitt Jack Porter Michelle Portnoff and Scott Schley Cynthia and Lloyd Remick Amy and Douglas Ress Jill and Brian Rosen Amy and Cantor Eugene Rosner Beth and John Rothschild Taffy Sassoon Sheila and Daniel Segal Diane and Warren Seider Murray H. Shusterman Barbara and Eugene Spector Gloria and Robert Spitz Susan and Ben Stein Liz and Rabbi Lance Sussman Diane Cover and Saul Wachs Einat and Josh Weinstein Elli Weinstein Joe Weinstein Sharon and Dan Weinstein Yigal Weinstein Rochelle and Nelson Wolf Linda Zacher

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Degree and Certificate Programs Graduate Studies

Ed.D in Jewish Education Master of Arts in Education Master of Arts in Holocaust & Genocide Studies Master of Arts in Israel Studies Master of Arts in Jewish Studies Master of Arts in Jewish Education Master of Arts in Jewish Communal Service Master of Science in Non-Profit Management

Graduate Certificates

Holocaust & Genocide Studies Jewish-Christian Studies Jewish Communal Service Jewish Education Jewish Non-Profit Leadership Jewish Studies

Undergraduate Studies Jewish Education Jewish Studies

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• Earning COLLEGE CREDITS while in high school is a great advantage when applying to highly selective colleges and universities. • Students in JCHS and JOLT earn college credit for Jewish Studies and Hebrew classes. • Students who spend a semester in Israel with the Reform or Conservative movements also earn Gratz College credits. • Students enrolled in synagogue high school programs in New Jersey and Michigan also earn Gratz College credits.

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rt Over 100 teens • From 25 Synagogues • From 37 middle schools and high schools

27 students earning college credit 52 Weekly Courses, including 5 levels of Hebrew

27 seniors graduating on June 5, 2016

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• NEXT offers mentoring and professional development classes in Greater Philadelphia. • NEXT also offers online classes throughout North America in partnership with eight other central agencies and federations. • NEXT participants have come from 19 states and 2 Canadian provinces so far. • 638 participants since Summer 2015 –just three years!

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Jewish Studies and Hebrew classes for 8th – 12th graders across North America. Many students are able to fulfill high school foreign language requirements by taking our online Hebrew classes. 11th and 12th graders both Hebrew and Jewish Studies classes for college credit

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Adult Jewish Learning Gratz College is the premiere address for continuing adult education in Greater Philadelphia. Gratz Scholars Program - For adults who enjoy learning in an intellectual atmosphere with

highly regarded faculty, Gratz Scholars offers a broad range of topics that include Bible, Jewish history, literature, ethics, Israel and the Middle East, music, Torah and Talmud study and more.

Hebrew Ulpan - For adult learners who want to learn modern conversational Hebrew, Hebrew language courses are offered at Gratz College, on the Main Line and in Center City Philadelphia.

Yiddish Language and Culture - Gratz offers several different ways to explore the rich

language and culture of Yiddish, including three levels of Yiddish language instruction and “A Yiddish Journey,” which explores Yiddish expressions, folk songs, poems and short stories.

In partnership with Federation Housing, Inc., Gratz Scholars offers ongoing courses at

the Samuel Greene House in Elkins Park, PA and at the Florence Green House in Trevose, PA.

Community Lectures and Programs – Gratz College offers distinguished scholar lectures, programs, movies, events and lunch and learn sessions for the community.

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Gratz College Values

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Respect for knowledge

Inspiring study

Academic excellence

Respect for the individual

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Dynamic, dedicated Advocate, advisor Visionary, volunteer Innovating, inspiring Devoted, distinguished Humerous, humble, happy A wonderful journey so far ....let it continue

‫באהבה‬ Elli DIAMOND Journal crw4.indd 22

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On behalf of ourselves and those no longer with us, we express our love and gratitude to David Weinstein who has been a boundless source of pride and inspiration. We celebrate your broad talents and heart-felt dedication and feel fortunate to witness your contributions to Gratz College and so many other good and important endeavors. With Love, Your children Dan and Sharon, Josh and Einat. ‫אדם שיש בו מעשים טובים ולמד תורה הרבה למה הוא דומה לאילן שעומד על‬ ‫ אפילו ארבע רוחות העולם באות אין מזיזות אותו ממקומו שנאמר‬... ‫המים‬ )‫והיה כעץ שתול על פלגי מים (אבות דרבי נתן כ"ב‬ DIAMOND Journal crw4.indd 23

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Betsy and Ken Plevan for sponsoring this gala event in memory of Jeffrey Plevan (z�l) and for their commitment and generosity in supporting the mission of Gratz College DIAMOND Journal crw4.indd 25

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Mazal tov to Gratz College and the honorees on another successful year. We want to give special recognition to President Joy Goldstein. Joy's discerning talent for understanding and executing the essential work of this institution is critical to its impact in Greater Philadelphia and well beyond. Mazal tov Joy for another successful year in ensuring that Gratz College fulfills its mission.

Debra and David Magerman

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Fellheimer & Eichen LLP

Alan S. Fellheimer 2 Liberty Place 50 South 16th Street 34th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 215.253.6631 Fax 215.359.1981 Five Greentree Centre Suite 104 525 Lincoln Drive: Route 73 South Marlton, NJ 08053 856.817.6215 Fax 215.359.1981 45 Rockefeller Plaza Suite 2000 New York, NY 10111 646.833.0383 Fax 215.359.1981

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Julius Caplan Charity Foundation

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David H. Weinstein, Esquire Chairman of the Board of Governors Richard Gering, Stephen Scherf and Mark Bradford are proud to support

Gratz College

Financial & Economic Consultants Focused on Forensics, Valuation & Intellectual Property 215 S. Broad Street 3rd Floor 575 Lexington Avenue 4th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 215.893.9901

New York, NY 10022 646.495.9340

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To David & Elli, Thank you for a half-century of friendship. Love, Beverly & Mark “In my despair, he lifted me out from the dung heap.” Pirkei HaNohagim

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Congratulations to David Weinstein on this well deserved honor. Fran and Leon L. Levy GOLD Journal crw4.indd 32

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Firstrust proudly supports Gratz College. Our congratulations to David H. Weinstein.

on this w

For preserving Jewish culture and traditions, and being an exemplary leader in our community, we applaud you.


Timothy Kochanasz Vice President Business Banking


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We are very proud to be associated with this wonderful, vital organization and its excellent leadership. Judy and Paul Auerbach

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In memory of Ann Newman Ida and Milton Newman

For their many years of association and dedication to Gratz College

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Mary Miller Lansbury Fund

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Pirke Avot records it. Shammai said it. David lives it. “Make your Torah study a permanent fixture of your life. Say little and do much. And receive every man with a pleasant countenance.� To our dear friend, Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor. Jo and Sandy

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In honor of Uncle Dave, An honor well deserved; So clearly dedicated to Jewish education Clearly evidenced by your own unending Growth and education As well as your dedication to making Jewish education a value for the family and others You are definitely inspirational and deserving of this honor. With Love, Yaffa and Ari Krug and family

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In appreciation of Lowell Dubrow

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Marcy Gringlas and Joel Greenberg Seed The Dream Foundation are proud to support Gratz College

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Mazal Tov to

David Weinstein

and to Gratz College. Thank you for teaching our students and our teachers. Susanna Lachs Adler and Dean Adler

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Blank Rome is proud to support Gratz College and joins in congratulating honoree David Weinstein For 70 years, community service has been a cornerstone of our Firm, and we are pleased to support organizations that strengthen the communities in which we live and work.

Boca Raton • Cincinnati • Fort Lauderdale • Houston • Los Angeles New York • Philadelphia • Pittsburgh • Princeton • San Francisco Shanghai • Tampa • Washington • Wilmington

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Rose Feldman Endowment Fund

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Thank you David for your contributions to Gratz College James Meyer Chief Investment Officer Tower Bridge Advisors Investment management services for individuals, families and select institutions. 101 West Elm Street, Conshohocken, PA 19428 Contact Nick Filippo 610-260-2222

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With appreciation for David Weinstein and Gratz College, Martin and Lois Bachman

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B’nai B’rith Educators Unit #5290 Extends Congratulations and Best Wishes for Continued Success to Gratz College

Debra B. Drossner, President

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David, our whole community is grateful for all the good work you do for such an important institution. You are the definition of a mensch. With love, Judy Beck and Richard Busis

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Your Passion for our community and Gratz is an inspiration. Thank you for the hard work and dedication. Bonnie and Mitchell Benson

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MAZEL TOV to The students, staff, alumni and supporters of

Gratz College The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia joins you in supporting Gratz’s vital work. Thank you for helping strengthen our community.

Bud Newman, President

Naomi L. Adler, Esq., CEO

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Mazel tov to David Weinstein and Gratz College Marjorie G. Stein and Lawrence B. Fine

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Make for yourself a teacher, acquire for yourself a friend, and judge every person favorably. (Avot 1:6)

In honor of David Weinstein with appreciation for your tireless leadership and for being a role model to all of us. Joy and Brian Goldstein

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"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other."

John F. Kennedy

Congratulations to David H. Weinstein, Leader, Scholar, and Friend. Roz and Bruce Holberg

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‫כל הכבוד‬ Kol Hakavod to Gratz College! Rabbi Philip Warmflash, Executive Director Jonathan M. Broder, President

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Congratulations on this well-deserved honor. You have been and continue to be our example of what it means to be a Mensch. Your ethics at work, care for our community, love for Elli and devotion to your family, calm nature, grace under pressure, ability to keep things in perspective, sense of humor, punmanship, and selfless interest in others have been our example of a life well lived. Thank you for showing us the way. Fondly, Rob & Roberta Kitchenoff

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Mazel Tov and Kol HaKavod David on this most deserving honor! Toby and Ken Mallin BRONZE Journal crw4.indd 61

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Find yourself a teacher and get yourself a fellow-student. Mazel Tov to David Weinstein for helping Gratz College achieve its Jewish learning goals. Luci and Richard Markowitz

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Kol HaKavod - David - for your service as a great Board of Governors Chairman, and as a terrific baritone! Nashirah-The Jewish Chorale of Greater Philadelphia Julia Zavadsky, Artistic Director

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In Recognition and Appreciation of the Gratz Family for their commitment to excellence in Jewish Education Bryna and Alan Paston BRONZE Journal crw4.indd 65

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David Congratulations on this most deserving honor. You are a special guy. Thanks, Lloyd Zane Remick Esq. Remick Cabott Law Offices One Liberty Place 1650 Market Street 56th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 Phone (215) 575-3803 Fax (215) 575-3801 Email WEB SITE

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TO DAVID WEINSTEIN, It is a special privilege to be able to honor a man of such integrity, commitment and personal faith, who leads by example, and with such brilliance and kind-ness. David, we are so pleased to honor you, and to count you as a friend to us and a champion of all that is just and good for the greater Jewish community everywhere. CONGRATS ON THIS WELL DESERVED HONOR, AMY AND DOUG RESS

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We’re proud to support The Gratz College Gala, honoring David H. Weinstein, Esq.

At RSM, we’re committed to giving back to local communities where we live and work. The Gratz College Gala enriches the lives of people in this community. And it’s our pleasure to support them.

RSM US LLP is the U.S. member firm of RSM International, a global network of independent audit, tax and consulting firms. Visit for more information regarding RSM US LLP and RSM International. AP-NE-ALL-ALL-0516

McGladrey is now RSM. Learn more about our unified global network at

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In honor of our friends Joy and Brian Goldstein and their commitment to Gratz College Rachel & Ian Scheinmann BRONZE Journal crw4.indd 69

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Congratulations to Gratz College You prepare your students well For future Jewish leadership. Murray H. Shusterman Robert J. Shusterman

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It is not what one says, but rather what one does, that makes all the difference in the world. We salute our Senior Partner, colleague, mentor and friend on his recognition by the Gratz community. We are proud of all that he has done, is doing, and we are sure will continue to do to enhance the condition of the Jewish People.

100 South Broad Street, Suite 705 (215) 545-720 Philadelphia, PA 19110-1061


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In honor of the wonderful teachers who have taught us at Gratz College. Thank you for your wisdom and your knowledge. Violet & Richard Zeitlin

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David Weinstein, longtime parter of Steve Asher (z'l) and Rob Kitchenoff, has shown time and again that he is smarter than the average lawyer. More important, he applies his talents for the good of the community. Mazel Tov!

Louie Asher Congratulations, David Weinstein! We have known you for over 40 years and many generations of family. Your special spark – interest – wit (how many puns can you think of?) touches so many people. The way you focus in on each person makes them feel important.

The Bigios (David, Gail, Joyce, and Teri – Ariel, Jamille, Eric and Sika)

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CBIZ Congratulates

David H. Weinstein CBIZ Insurance Services, Inc. is proud to support the Gratz College Gala honoring David H. Weinstein, Esq., recognizing his oustanding career and devotion to education and justice. We enthusiastically acknowledge his achievements and express our sincere gratitude for his exemplary service, his admirable professional contributions, and his enduring involvement and commitment to the community and beyond. CBIZ Insurance Services, Inc. is one of the country’s largest publicly-owned property and casualty insurance brokers, offering a wide range of comprehensive business and risk management solutions.

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We salute with admiration and affection our dear friends, And the dedication to Jewish learning of the deserving honoree,

David Weinstein And the talent and hard work of gala co-chairs

Jo and Sandy White And the leadership of

Joy Goldstein. They are an inspiration to our community, and we are fortunate to have their friendship.

Sherry and John Cohn

Mazel Tov, David! Thank you for all you do for the Jewish community!!

Rachel and Josh Dunaief Journal crw4.indd 77

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Mazal Tov and Best Wishes to David Weinstein, my dear friend, mentor and brother-in-arms. May you go from strength to strength.

Chuck Fax kjhkjhkjh

Mazel Tov to David Weinstein A Truly Well Deserved Honor Susan and Lewis Gantman Journal crw4.indd 78

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Congratulations to David Weinstein from the Law Offices of Paul G. Gaston

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Mazel Tov to David on a well deserved award. Shelley and Larry Goldstein

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Dear David, Thank you for your commitment To Jewish education and your dedication to Gratz College.

Kol HaKavod and Mazel Tov! Ariele & Steven Klausner Journal crw4.indd 81

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We congratulate our dear friend, David Weinstein, on this well deserved honor for his lifelong commitment and demonstrated leadership to promoting Jewish learning and scholarship. Mazel Tov, Hon. Anne Lazarus & Mitchell Klevan "The Torah sheds its grace upon those who study it." Talmud Sota

Joseph Levine & Sons understand the importance of celebrating the life and heritage of our community. It’s this attitude and commitment to our traditions that has made them a central part of Philadelphia’s Jewish community since 1883. And today every funeral becomes a celebration of life – all the lives that have shaped the way we live.

4737 Street Road Trevose, PA 19053

Jonathon D. Levine, Supervisor

2811 West Chester Pike Broomall, PA 19008

Brian M. Levine, Supervisor

Joseph Levine & Sons remains committed to our families, our community, and our history. And by honoring our loved ones’ memories, they have succeeded in celebrating the life of Philadelphia’s Jewish community for five generations.



Haym Salomon Memorial Park 200 Moores Road Frazer, PA 19355 A Levine Family Company Adam D. Levine, Supervisor


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Thank you, David, for your contributions to Gratz College. Jim and Susan Meyer David, Thank you for your tireless dedication to Gratz College and the Jewish community. Congratulations on this wonderful honor. Warmly, Sara and Jay Minkoff Journal crw4.indd 83

5/13/16 7:50 PM

In tribute to the leadership of David H. Weinstein, Esquire “The more learning, the more life” .‫ מרבה חיים‬,‫מרבה תורה‬ 2:8 ‫פרקי אבות‬ Kol Hakavod Dr. Jack Porter Member, Board of Governors

Mazel Tov To David Weinstein For Your Vision, Leadership, and All You Do For Gratz College. Jodie and David Rittenberg

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Mazal Tov to David Weinstein! Todah Rabbah to Joy Goldstein, the faculty and administration of Gratz College for your commitment to Jewish Education. Jill & Brian Rosen

In Memory of Jeffrey Plevan & In Honor of Gratz College, Ruth Sandberg & Jack Ringlestein

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Congratulations, David, on this richly deserved honor. Many thanks for your dedicated leadership in serving Gratz College, Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El, and the rest of the Jewish community. Sheila & Dan Segal David, We appreciate your friendship over many years and extend our congratulations for this Gratz College recognition of your contributions to Judaism, education, and leadership. May you and your family be blessed with good health and happiness and may you continue your distinguished service for many years to come. Diane and Warren Seider Journal crw4.indd 86

5/13/16 7:50 PM

Congratulations David on this well-deserved honor. Mazel Tov, Barb and Gene Spector Congratulations to David Weinstein! Your passion for Gratz and your leadership are an inspiration. Sima & Steve Sussman

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David, Mazal Tov on this much-deserved recognition and thank you for all you do for us, for Gratz, for the Jewish community and for Israel. With friendship and respect, Rabbi Neil S. Cooper & The Board of Directors of Temple-Beth Hillel-Beth El

Congratulations to David, A great leader and a dear friend. Diane R. Cover and Dr. Saul P. Wachs

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Mazal tov, David! Shelly and Nelson Wolf

“Walk with the wise and become wise� --Proverbs 13:20 I have learned so much from you. Thank you for being my friend and my second family! Love, Linda Zacher Journal crw4.indd 89

5/13/16 7:50 PM

In honor of David H. Weinstein for all you do for the Jewish community and our beloved institution. ghjk

May you go from strength to strength, The Students, Faculty and Administration of Gratz College

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Thank you, Beverly Rubman and Mark Goldfus and Jo and Sander White for ensuring a successful event for Gratz and David!

Kol Hakavod!

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5/16/16 12:12 PM

7605 Old York Road Melrose Park, PA 19027 215-635-7300

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