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photos by FlashBang Photography

Jackson Gamsby looks like he is riding on the lap of a ghost as he flies above his sled instead of on it!

Not even a pandemic could stop the enjoyment of sledding at Green Leaf Park, 1674 S. Medina Line Road, Sharon Center.

Anderson Schuster flies over the snow.

Lexi Ingersoll and Henry Crumbaker

It was a day out with dad for sledding! From left, back row: Daniel and dad Eric Swart; front row, McKenna and Tyler Swart.

Customers for the fish fry waited for their names to be called to pick up their take-home meals.

The fish fry crew, from left: Kirk Gegick, grand knight of Wadsworth Council 3213; Alan Beery; Bill Bees; Tony Spitaleri, council warden; Vincent Vetter; Cecelia Bees, a loyal supporter; Francis Vetter, chief in charge of fish frys; Paul Slota; James Kiel, the Knights of Columbus hall manager; Killian Mendel; and Roger Petrey, the fish fryer.

Fish frys are popular community pre-Easter fundraisers for several organizations, including the Wadsworth Knights of Columbus. All proceeds went to charity.

Tony Spitaleri worked as cashier while Vincent Vetter and Cecelia Bees helped distribute dinners in the background.

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