1 minute read

Dream Big, Start Small

by Bryan Lefelhoc

Have a business idea that you have always wanted to try? Either a new business startup or something inside the business you already run? Perhaps an improvement to a current process?

Was there something you wanted to do last year that is still on the list? When will it happen? Tomorrow? Soon? Maybe next year? When the economy improves?

That sounds like “never.”

Try this exercise: Fast forward to 12 months from today. Pretend you did those sit ups every day, or read a chapter each night, or skipped using sugar. Pretend you started that thing 12 months ago and did it every day.

How are you looking now? Pretty good, right?

Congratulations! In this imaginary world, you did the most important thing: You started.

In the real world, starting is the hardest part. The reason could be fear or timing, or it could simply be that you are making it too hard.

Business owners are dreamers, and they dream big. Big ideas, big return, big impact in a big world.

So big that sometimes the end is all that can be seen. It is hard to imagine how something so big can come from nothing at all. Suddenly, the “big” seems impossible.

Planning big is good, but avoid stalling by starting small instead of shelving that dream for later.

Identify every step it takes to make it all happen, no matter how small.

Then start.

Try not to think about tomorrow. What can be done today?

It does not have to be perfect. Perfect never comes.

Tell someone what you are doing. Show someone what you are doing.

Do it. Test It. Then take the next step tomorrow.

The first step to running a marathon is lacing up the shoes. Start small. Start today.

That is how dreams come true.

Bryan Lefelhoc is founder and president of Bryan Media Strategies LLC, a boutique “company of one” marketing firm. Learn more about Lefelhoc and his expertise at https://bit.ly/3FqMBfl Email Lefelhoc at bryan@bryanmediastrategies.com

Congratulations to Kent Von Der Vellen for earning the status of Certified Financial Planner. The certification is based on experience, education, examination, and ethical requirements as well as being committed to adhering to the standards of the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. He also is the “Gems” columnist for this magazine.

Has your business or an employee done something that should get applause or does your nonprofit have an announcement? E-mail the information to Joy@ BlakeHousePublishing.com and put “Applause” in the subject line.

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