Joy of Medina County Magazine July 2020

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J U LY 2 0 2 0 VOLUME 3, NUMBER 6


WIN $100 in PRIZES! PG. 9

Always Rising Just when you think you know her story, Janine Sarnowski will smile and, with a twinkle in her eye, share another curve in her life’s journey. PG. 4 A locally owned, independent publication dedicated to higher standards of journalism


Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020


Stealing Character by Amy Barnes Something you learn pretty quickly after starting a business is that if there are people working for you, it is guaranteed you are going to have to make rules that you never thought you would. One such rule at Joy of Medina County Magazine headquarters is the one against plagiarism. It is not tolerated and results in immediate termination. In fact, because of an incident in the magazine’s very early months, everyone who writes for the magazine now has to sign an agreement that they understand that plagiarism is not acceptable. Thankfully, everyone who is writing for the magazine not only already understands what plagiarism is but also how serious it is. It was a rule I never thought I would have to make. I thought it was a given, but it turned out I was wrong. I have always been grateful that I caught the infringement before it made it into the magazine. The rule against plagiarism is simple, it goes back to what we learned in second grade: Do not copy from someone else’s work. So, it has been with a rather large amount of dismay that I have seen a surge in the past several months in the number of people who are willing to steal another’s work to make a profit. It seems everywhere you turn anymore someone has created, in a wide range of forms from crocheted figures to rugs and more, countless licensed, trademarked and/or copyrighted characters and is selling them for personal profit. Do they not care or do they just not realize that these characters are owned by other individuals and companies and are considered intellectual property? Do they

not know that this is stealing? Do they excuse their actions because the owner already makes millions or because everyone else is doing it? It truly blows my mind. As long as it is for personal use, it is allowed to copy such characters, but it crosses the legal line when they are put up for sale. Stealing is stealing, no matter the size of the company or entity stolen from. And where is the line drawn? If someone is willing to steal from a big company, how small does a company have to be before that person will not steal from it? I was in contact a few months ago with a festival organizer who recreates trademarked, licensed characters and sells them as sculpted decorations at a local event. Before doing business with her, I asked her if she had the necessary licenses and/or permissions. Her response was no, and that they have never had a problem with it. I have a problem with it. I just cannot bring myself to have the magazine participate in the event or do business with a company that has demonstrated a willingness to steal intellectual property. Even though I could choose a general, unowned character to be carved to represent the magazine, I will not and cannot do business with her company knowing she is willing to cross that ethical and legal line. Just as I do not want the copyrighted material in the magazine stolen, I am not about to steal from someone else.

PUBLISHER Blake House Publishing, LLC EDITOR Amy Barnes ART DIRECTOR Danny Feller PHOTOGRAPHERS FlashBang Photography Ed Bacho Photography CARTOONIST Jerry King CONTRIBUTORS Bob Arnold Kelly Bailey Hunter Barnard Paul McHam Crystal Pirri Michelle Riley Robert Soroky Austin Steger Kent Von Der Vellen THE READING NOOK AUTHOR Christopher Barnes MASCOT Rico Houdini ADVERTISING SALES AND OFFICE 330-461-0589 E-MAIL WEBSITE Learn more about the staff at Behind The Scenes, Open positions are listed on the website at Open Positions. JOY of MEDINA COUNTY MAGAZINE is published monthly by Blake House Publishing, LLC, 1114 N. Court, #144, Medina, Ohio 44256. It is distributed as an e-edition and in a print edition. Both editions can be found at Copyright 2020 by Blake House Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or pictorial content without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Any unsolicited materials, manuscripts, artwork, cartoons, or photos will not be returned.

Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020




DETERRING ANT TROOPS by Michelle Riley There are organic ways to keep ants outside, where they are so important.



CRUSTLESS QUICHE recipe by Susan Russell Only five ingredients and an easy cleanup, this recipe is perfect for those on the go.


MEXICAN QUINOA BOWL by Crystal Pirri Limit time in a hot kitchen with this spicy quick-fix meal.



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STREETWISE STREET RIDE by Robert Soroky Safety and current laws governing bicycling on roadways.




by Amy Barnes

by Kelly Bailey

There have been so many twists and turns in Janine Sarnowski’s life, even she has to check her resume to keep up.

No more skipping! Time to get back to working out.



ONE WEEK WITH KYLE HODGE by Christopher Barnes Our story ends, a contest begins, and it is your chance to win a prize!




Beautiful weather inspired people and pets to get out and about, bees to work, and flowers to bloom.

FOR THE LOVE OF A HORSE by Kent Von Der Vellen It took one horse to change the path of a local woman’s life and lead to the healing of many.

OH, SNAP! photos by Amy Barnes and FlashBang Photography




PROVING COMMUNITY SPIRIT Thanking companies that have been giving back to the community.



USED SMARTPHONE CHECKLIST by Austin Steger Before buying or selling a used phone, be sure to verify these three things.





by Jerry King ROLL ’EM!




by Hunter Barnard

by Bob Arnold

It is easy to assume the worst if you do not take the time to know someone.

Tired of networking without results? Try these tips!





ALIEN INVASIONS ARE SIMILAR by Paul McHam Hospital stay brings home similarities between invaders of home and body.

On the front and back covers: photos by Amy Barnes Janine Sarnowski at home.

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Find the letters, and solve this month’s puzzle.


ACTING LIKE JANINE Search for words that are woven through Janine Sarnowski’s life.

Be sure to call ahead before making plans.


Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020

story and photos by Amy Barnes


ith a career and life that have spanned everything from being a minister and a notary public to playing a bald zombie, it almost would be easier to say what Janine Sarnowski has not been. Perhaps the best way to sum up Sarnowski’s success is that it has not been about what she already knew, but more about what she was open to trying. She graduated high school in 1968, but it was not until she was 51 years old that she decided to pursue her interest in acting. That was when she decided to audition for a part in “The Christmas Carol,” which was being presented by a local theater production company. She laughs when she recalls that first attempt to audition. She “drove out, chickened out, and drove back home.” The next day, she was determined to try again. Once again, fear made her turn back toward home, but this time, as she drove home, she decided that giving into fear was not what she wanted to do. She turned her car around once more and this time made it into the theater and auditioned. She earned a small part in the chorus. In the years that followed, she performed in more than 12 theater productions, as well as commercials, training videos, and more than 27 movies that included such titles as “Revenge of the Spacemen,” “The Cleveland Vampire,” “Melon Heads,” and “Far Away.” She continues to work in the entertainment field through her production company, Cardinal Entertainment, LLC. A few years ago, Sarnowski even got her mother, 96year-old Dorothy Bowles, involved in acting. A photo of Bowles was used on an American Greetings card, and she has done a few commercials. Some of the twists Sarnowski’s career has taken include working at a fitness gym, body building, proofreading at a law firm, and becoming a minister. She even was a stocks and bonds clerk at National City Bank after working her way up from being a general clerk.

Janine Sarnowski loves surrounding her house with gardens and yard ornaments.

Her husband, Conrad, and she had His and Her Fitness gyms in the early 80s. In the late 80s and 90s, they started a company that provided employee training. Janine Sarnowski conducted weightlifting and exercise classes during the day, while working as a proofreader at a large law firm in Cleveland at night. She also sold VHS tapes of her exercise classes. Eight hours a night at the law firm while teaching 20 exercise classes a week all over Medina County were a hefty part of her schedule. “I was busy,” Sarnowski said, smiling. She even competed and won trophies for body building. She was credited with having the top and hardest exercise classes in three counties. As a minister, as is Conrad, Sarnowski greatly enjoys performing wedding ceremonies and has officiated same day and same sex ceremonies, as

Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020


well as ceremonies for various nationalities in a variety of locations. Always ready to meet a challenge, Sarnowski once performed a wedding ceremony in both Spanish and English, even though she had taken only a few Spanish classes in high school. While attending Brecksville High School, Sarnowski was in drama club, the choir and played violin in the orchestra. She said her likeness is on a plaque hanging in Brecksville High School for having been Volunteer of the Year at the school. She also had worked as a junior teacher in Brecksville when her dream still was to be an elementary teacher. Her courageous life has not been about not being scared but about doing things even when scared. In 2007, she was battling lung cancer and was told she would soon die. The cancer had struck where her lungs were damaged from a severe case of childhood pneumonia. She had surgery to remove the cancer and part of a lung with it. Despite the steps that were taken, she was told she had only three months to live. She was given the option of going through an extremely aggressive chemo and radiation treatment to try to save her life. At the time, Conrad was mayor of Seville, and Sarnowski was a minister through Universal Life Church, an actress and filmmaker, a gift shop owner, the human resource coordinator at the Medina A wall of Janine Sarnowski’s house has a display of some of the County Engineering department, an independent movies she has worked on. contractor-merchandiser, mother, and grandmother. She decided to undergo the treatment. Sarnowski treatments because she was so outgoing and continued working and said she did not feel sick but encouraging to other patients there, she said. remembers feeling tired during the treatment. Sarnowski said she enjoyed getting everyone there Doctors and nurses at the hospital told her how laughing. much they enjoyed when she was there for her “ ‘You are the most upbeat, outgoing, happiest person, you are going to beat this,’ ” she said one doctor told her. She lost her hair and wore wigs, even taking advantage of being bald to play a bald zombie in one of her movies. That is Sarnowski, though. She has a way of looking at the cards she has been dealt and creating a positive outcome, without complaint, and reaching out to help others at the same time. Prior to her battle with cancer, she had volunteered for 12 years with the Medina County March of Dimes helping with their WalkAmerica fundraiser, collecting donations, setting up the walk route, obtaining prizes, and scheduling entertainment and volunteers continued, Page 6


Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020

continued from Page 5

planning director for North Canton. As a teen, she babysat for Bob “Hoolihan” Wells, who was part of the “Hoolihan and Big Chuck Show,” a movie-hosting show, on Channel 8 in Cleveland. She has attended five colleges, among which were BaldwinGoldfinches visit Sarnowski’s feeders. Wallace College, from the late 80s until the end of the 90s. Sarnowski Wayne Technical also established a Skate-a-thon to increase funds College and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. raised. Net funds raised averaged between $12,000 While working as a waitress at Howard Johnson’s to and $45,000. pay her college expenses at Cuyahoga Community She also worked with Medina County’s College to earn an elementary education degree, she ProjectLEARN, teaching adults and prisoners in the entered and won the college’s billiards competition. Medina County Jail how to read and write, which she She decided to change careers, so she left college calls “a very enlightening experience.” and started working in graphic arts in the early 70s. In the early 70s, when she had the music store, She married her first husband in 1969 and had two Music Shop East, in Bedford Heights and the children, Kelle and Brion, but was divorced soon Southgate Shopping Center, she taught piano, guitar afterward. Since then, four grandchildren were and drums to beginning musicians. She also backed added to the family. several bands and let local bands practice in the When she wanted to attend a local modeling studio. school, her second husband, Conrad, paid for her One of the things about Sarnowski is that no sooner lessons. His faith in her paid off. By her third lesson, do you think you know her, than she casually refers she was offered a job handing out samples in stores. to a past job that is a complete turnaround from the She loved the work and the product she was expected. Then her eyes twinkle at the surprised promoting. She said she was popular with the reaction from her listeners. company whose product she was promoting because Sarnowski was born in Maple Heights to Thomas every time Sarnowski did an in-store demonstration, and Dorothy Bowles. She grew up with her brother, their product’s sales rose. Eric, who would go on to become the economic and

Two chipmunks square off in a fight for territory. Soon after the photo was snapped, they were chasing each other around the feeder.

Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020


She enjoys frequently peeking out her kitchen window to watch the birds, squirrels and chipmunks battling for seeds at the feeders. On a walk around her yard, she examines her hummingbird feeders and, for just a moment, she is sad and berates herself, saying she did not get them out soon enough to let the hummers know food was available there. She said the feeders really need to be hung out by the end of April at the latest, no matter what others say. She knows what works for her and what gives her success. Then she smiles as she peeks at the duck who has nested in her flowerbed, watches the antics of a chipmunk, and shakes her head at the birdhouse a squirrel redesigned. A squirrel decided a renovation was needed and enlarged the birdhouse doorway. Her favorite place is sitting on her backyard deck, She said that while other students in the school did overlooking her carefully planned gardens, and not seem to understand her success, she thought it watching the assortment of animals that visit. She is was simple. excited each year to see what plants return, she “If you don’t project yourself, no one is going to knows no matter how well planned the garden, there notice you,” she said. are always surprises. Through an audition at the modeling school, where she made up the song she performed as she sang it, To see some of Sarnowski’s work, go to she was offered a chance to go to California to and to learn more about her participate in the International Modeling and Talent career and volunteer work, go to Association tryouts that were to be held in front of movie directors. At the time, though, she had responsibilities at home that included two children, and she decided to decline the opportunity. Despite not going to California, Sarnowski has been a character actor portraying a multitude of characters, including Mrs. Claus, Kermit the Frog and Mother Goose at numerous events for children and adults; formed Cardinal Entertainment, where she is a location manager, casting producer, director, actress, trainer, and executive producer; and was a game show host for events and fundraisers. Meeting Sarnowski, it would be hard to guess at any of the things she is other than the welcoming shopkeeper at her Seville in-home gift shop, Janine’s Gifts and Stuff. During the day, her merchandise fills the first floor of her home and is spread across her kitchen, covering her stovetop. Later that evening, she will be cooking in that same kitchen after stacking away her multitude of trays of merchandise. With her ready smile and a sparkle in her eye. she is much like the birds that flitter around the feeders for the buffet she provides to all wildlife who visit her yard. Janine Sarnowski watches through her kitchen window as visitors swarm her feeders.


Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020


One Week With Kyle Hodge by Christopher Barnes Catch up on previous installments of our story in the Joy of Medina County Magazine e-edition! Go to for past issues.

Chapter 8


is second and final novel was published within a few months of his death, although it should have taken even less time considering I worked for the publishing company. I did my best to force it through all the procedures as fast as I could, with every second it went unpublished feeling like a pen going through my heart. I had to get his story out there, for Kyle, for his daughter, for his wife, for the little girl he saved, and for all the people who needed to read it. He had written an entire novel on how hard it is to lose your family in the blink of an eye, how impossibly difficult it is to force yourself out of bed each and every morning, and make your way to a café down the street where dozens of people have no idea you’re drowning in your pain, and make your life meaningful because you can’t stand to waste it. I knew it would be a best seller. It wasn’t just a story about a sad man who had lost everything, but it also was an instruction manual on the many ways to cope with merciless, overwhelming grief. Those looking for a good story would love it for Kyle’s skillful storytelling, and those seeking help through rough times in their lives would find it a helpful guide. When it came down to it though, I was the direct reason it took so long to get it on bookshelves. My firm got it through all of the editing, drafts and layout within a couple of months of my bringing it to them, but it still was missing its most vital part.

Kyle had told me not to forget a title, and although I knew exactly what he meant, I had no clue what the title should be. My mind kept going blank. Something too direct, and it lost its narrative nature. Something too obscure, and it lost its simplicity. I had read through the story more than a dozen times and still had not come up with a title. How could I sum up such an immensely heavy story in just a few words? I liked the ending, where he had written me into the story, mentioning how I was slowly becoming like him but without the agonizing pain that he felt every second of every day. Desperate to break the writer’s block over something so simple, yet agonizing, as a title, I read and reread the last part. He had written about how he had tried everything to cope, anything to stay afloat. Yet, nothing matched the healing he had found by making a new friend out of a complete stranger just because that person didn’t know what drink to order. And there it was, staring me in the face the entire time, the one and only title to fit Kyle Hodge’s magnificent novel. Finally, my mission was finished and my promise kept, and Kyle’s book, with his final words to the world, went to press.

Christopher Barnes is a graduate of Medina High School/ Medina County Career Center and The Ohio State University. Find his stories of realistic fiction and magical realism at

Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020


Here’s our contest! What was the title that Jake finally decided to give Kyle’s book? It is up to you to decide! Submit the winning title for Kyle Hodge’s novel and win $100 in gift cards. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the story (previous chapters can be read in past issues of the magazine) to create the winning title.

The Rules 1. 2. 3.

Contest is open to Medina County residents 18 years old and older. Joy of Medina County Magazine staff members and their families cannot submit entries. Please ensure that all entry information is typed or clearly printed. Send: Kyle’s book title Your name Age Mailing address Phone number

Note: Mailing address and phone number are only to contact you if your entry is the winner. Personal data will be destroyed once the prize is awarded. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Submissions without all of the required information will be eliminated. Entries will be judged by magazine staff members. The winning title becomes the property of Blake House Publishing, LLC. By submitting a contest entry, you are giving permission for the publication of your name in the magazine and on social media should you win the contest. Entries must be received by August 10, 2020.*

Winner will be announced in the September 2020 issue of Joy of Medina County Magazine. Send submissions: By e-mail, with “title contest” in the subject line to: By mail to: Joy of Medina County Magazine, Title Contest, 1114 N. Court, #144, Medina, Ohio 44256 *We are not responsible for lost or re-directed mail. Submissions must be received by the August 10, 2020, deadline. Any entries received after that date will not be considered. No entries will be accepted by phone.


Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020

Purple iris

photo by FlashBang Photography

A raindrop perches delicately on dandelion fluff. photo by FlashBang Photography

A bee is busily gathering nectar and pollen in a Wadsworth garden. photo by FlashBang Photography

While waiting to enjoy pizza with friends they had not seen since before the shutdown, Richard Lewis played soccer with his children Eliana and Wes on Medina’s square. photo by Amy Barnes

Paula Krizner and Reid Miller, both members of the Medina Sunrise Rotary Club, were enjoying soaking up sunshine while trading life stories on Public Square. Behind them, to the left, is a tree that Miller said the club had planted. photo by Amy Barnes

Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020

Megan Castillo, Granger Township, left, does not have much of a chance slowing down Daisy’s enjoyment of frozen yogurt on Medina’s square! Hoping for a share are Snowball, left, and Allen, while Finn Johnson holds their leashes. photo by Amy Barnes

Ben Collier, left, and Keagan Jagodzinski, both from Medina, were seen enjoying the sun and fresh air on Medina’s Public Square. photo by Amy Barnes


Living across from a police station means you just might get a lot of business for your lemonade stand from police officers between shift changes. At this Medina lemonade stand, they were giving away lemonade and hoping for donations for Let’s Make a Difference, https:// . They raised $380 in three hours. From left, back row, are police officer customers Chris Brink, Al Roland, Pat Sloan, Tyler Hughes, Evan Scherer. In the middle row, from left, are stand workers: Paige Olsausky and Lucy Masterson, both of whom also attended the demonstrations on the square that same June 6 weekend. In the front row, from left, are stand workers Leo Masterson, Myster Burch and Brandon Brenston. The idea for the stand came from Leo and Lucy’s mom, Erin Masterson, not pictured. photo by Amy Barnes

A local fast-food restaurant’s playground was closed, but that did not stop Mike and Liz Hemmeter and their granddaughter, Maude Hemmeter, from having fun at their impromptu picnic. photo by Amy Barnes


Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020

Join Our Team! Want to… • set your own hours • earn a high monthly commission • fit the work to your family’s and your schedule • know that you make a difference • be part of a team with high ethical standards • be able to take pride in the end product • work for the very BEST publication in the county

...and one of the best in the country

Then it is time to join us! Send your resume to: By e-mail: Please put “job” in the subject line By mail: Joy of Medina County Magazine 1114 N. Court Street, #144 Medina, Ohio 44256

Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020



Used Smartphone Checklist by Austin Steger Many people are in the market for a new smartphone, but today’s smartphones can be extremely pricey. Purchasing a refurbished or used device can be a much more cost-efficient way of upgrading. However, there are some key points to be aware of before making that purchase. It is important to have an understanding of locked versus unlocked phones, how to tell if a device is blacklisted, and how to be sure the device is not still signed in to someone else’s account. When a smartphone is advertised as unlocked, this generally means that it can be activated with any carrier, without any additional steps needed. It also means that no matter what wireless network the device is activated with, there should not be a problem. It is difficult to verify the unlocked status, so it is best to contact the carrier the device will be activated with and provide them with the phone’s unique IMEI or ESN number. The IMEI or ESN number can be found on the back of the smartphone or in the phone’s settings. The carrier can use that number to determine if the device is able to be activated with them. Another thing to watch out for is blacklisted devices. A blacklisted phone has either been reported stolen or the previous owner did not finish paying off the phone and stopped service. These devices cannot be activated or used on any networks. There are several online resources, as well as your service provider, that can provide the blacklist status if provided the IMEI or ESN number. After verifying that a device will work on your chosen network and that it is not blacklisted, the final thing to check is whether active accounts are connected to the device. Sometimes, the previous owner of the device will have signed into an account, such as a cloud storage account or a social media account. That person will need to sign out of those or else it could prevent you from using those types of services or may even prevent you from being able to use the device altogether.


photo by Freestocks

Every device has an “accounts” section in the settings where these will show up if the phone is still signed into them. This also applies if you are selling a device, as you do not want someone else to be able to access your sensitive information in your accounts, so be sure to sign out of them before listing a smartphone for sale. Austin Steger is a local computer and mobile electronics technician and technical communicator. He can be contacted at or by calling 330-952-1225.


Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020


Getting Results From Networking by Bob Arnold What constitutes productivity in your networking? During my architectural training, I learned a quote attributed to Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, a famous architect, “Less is more.” A simple, direct statement which has dynamic repercussions in a networker’s life when adhered to. Ludwig’s principles encompassed order, logic and clarity, and his architecture reflected these. Another dynamic phrase I always remember is, “complexity and contradiction,” which I learned from author Irene Sanders in her book, “Strategic Thinking and the New Science.” Her principles center on the fact that as we grapple with complexities and contradictions in a project, order and simplicity present themselves. Being productive in networking is fraught with complexity and contradiction. However, we need to understand that the principle of less is more is bright wisdom for us. When attending networking events, whether it is face-to-face or virtually on a screen, the principle is the same: Focus on only a few people you do not know, no more than five. Get their names and contact info, and set up a time you can network further one-to-one. This can be done through a virtual meeting, a phone call or even meeting over coffee in a parking lot (park driver-door-to-driver-door and 6 feet apart). At this meeting, focus on getting to know each other better, personally and in your businesses. This is where the complexity starts breaking down. When we first meet people, we assume certain things about them. Then, when we meet directly with them, we find out they are not always what we assumed they would be and we start focusing on what we have in common (we call these affinities). You will find that the bond between you starts to solidify, and each of you will want to meet again soon. What if you do not find affinities? Do not fret over it, not everyone will be a good fit right now but might be later. Productivity requires sorting who you can move forward with in a productive way, right now. Bob Arnold is the founder of ONward Networking and the international best-selling author of “The Uncanny Power of the Networking Pencil,” which can be purchased at https:// More networking tips are available at “Bob’s Pencil Points” blog at or by contacting Arnold at

Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020

Joseph G. Landry II, DDS, MAGD, FICOI Master in the Academy of General Dentistry 5076 Park Avenue West, Seville, Ohio 44273 330-769-4470 In response to COVID-19, many professions have added additional best practice suggestions and mandates. In Dentistry, infection control and patient and team safety have always been a top priority and have continued through this pandemic. The next time you see your dentist, you may notice some changes right away and others may not be evident. At Landry Family Dentistry, our patients will continue to benefit from our above standard of care infectioncontrol practices beyond the basic ADA, OSDB, CDC, and government guidelines. Here is a snapshot of some of the ways we provide our patients with the Landry Family Dentistry Difference: � With the use of sterilization integrator strips in every cycle of the autoclave rather than just the standard once-per-week spore test strip, we will continue to ensure every single instrument is completely sterile and ready for patient use. � Aerosol-reducing methods above and beyond the standard by using chairside technology including Isolite and Dryshield, Purevac HVE suction systems, rubber dam isolation, and multi-access spiral suction and preprocedural microbial mouth rinse in addition to the standard of care with HVE suctions. � Air purification technology using two Reme Halo RGF Air Purification Systems utilizing UV and ionized Hydro-peroxides, Super oxide ions and Hydroxide ions to kills viruses and bacteria in the air and on surfaces throughout our clean state-of-the-art office. � Biofilm elimination NASA technology will continue to be used within our self-contained water bottle systems on every chair throughout our office. Crosstex DentaPure™ DP365B Independent Water Bottle Cartridges ensure safe water in all our dental handpieces and water syringes for our patients’ peace of mind. � Two-step process to review COVID-19 health questions and precautions, both upon confirmation of an appointment and upon patients calling from their car when they arrive for their scheduled visit. Our reception area is closed in order to maintain physical distancing between patients. A team member will unlock the door to greet them and reconfirm the health status questions, provide a mask if they did not bring their own, take their temperature, and have them use our hand-sanitizing station prior to entering past the sneeze-guard barrier at the front desk with our friendly business team. Patients will then be escorted into their individual treatment room that has been thoroughly prepared with CDC-approved COVID-19 methods and disinfectants. We understand that these additional precautions and technologies may be viewed by some patients and potentially other dental offices to be overprotective, but we believe our patients and team safety is of the upmost importance and appreciate your understanding and trust in us, now and in the future. Appreciatively, Dr. Landry and the Landry Family Dentistry Team



Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020


Alien Invasions are Similar by Paul McHam

“If the whole point to watching a football game is to see the end result, what’s the point of watching the whole thing anyway?”

A teenager when told to do a chore: “I’m not here to be useful, I’m here because my school closed.”

“I have no idea how anyone would know geography well enough to know what side of a city they live on.”

I certainly am not a doctor, but I recently was forced to spend time hospitalized for some stomach issues. As I went through the procedures, the conversations between the nurses and doctors reminded me just how fragile the human body can be. Of course, there were a lot of discussions about the effects of COVID-19. I realized there are a great many similarities between how COVID and mold can affect the body. In both cases, they each represent an invasion of alien materials to the body and will cause the body to attempt a defense response to that invasion. Therefore, there is not a huge difference in the physical response the body has to the two. Both are particularly dangerous for the very old, the very young and the immune compromised. It also seems that both will provide allergic-type responses that will affect the lungs and sinuses and cause the body to generate histamines. However, while there are a lot of similarities in the body’s reaction to invasions of COVID and mold, there are two important differences. The first is that mold does not usually cause the body to generate a fever. The second difference is that mold is far less likely to cause death. Do not assume that mold is the cause for any symptoms of illness. It is important to contact your family doctor to determine the exact cause and to ensure it is not something that needs immediate attention. In the meantime, while you are spending more time at home, it is a great opportunity to look over your home for any signs of leaks, moisture seepage or other indicators of possible areas that would be perfect for mold growth. If you see or suspect mold growth in your home, it is as important to call an expert to examine your home as it would be to call a medical doctor for your own symptoms of illness. It is important to maintain optimum wellness for both, home and body. Paul McHam is a local expert on mold remediation. For more information, visit his website at and his Facebook page Moldsporewars or call 330-658-2600. For a list of his certifications, go to

Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020


Deterring Ant Troops


by Michelle Riley Ant scouts leave their nest to find food, leaving a chemical trail so they can find their way back home. Finding a food source, they return home to tell the others. Ant troops are deployed to follow the successful scout’s trail and gather food for the nest. Dealing with ants in the home can be frustrating, and there are many pesticides available to combat them. However, before using pesticides, consider how important ants are to the environment. Ants aerate soil and store seeds in their tunnels, which can sprout and grow into new plants. Ants eat decaying animals and plants; some even eat termites. They also are a food source for a variety of birds and animals. Plus, when you understand the social activity of the colony, you will find they are amazing creatures. There are a few organic options for deterring ants; crushed chalk is one of my favorites. It is easy to come by and works for me every time. Sprinkle a bit across the path the ants are using, and they will not cross it. If the ant comes into contact with the chalk, it will lose its sticky edge, causing the ant to become a bit defenseless. Any smart ant is aware of this and will not tempt fate. Peppermint essential oil is another fabulous fix. Pour a bit here or there, where they are coming in, place some on a cotton ball near the areas they disturb. Ants do not like peppermint, they cannot locate their scent trail and become disoriented. Certain varieties of ants will farm aphids for the honeydew they produce, treating them like pets. However, aphids are harmful to perennials. That is when it is time to call in the ladies. Lady beetles that is. These ladies are tenacious, and they love to eat aphids. When you purchase true native lady beetles and give them a home in your garden, they will devour the aphids, and you will aid their population recovery. Invite a true ninja to the garden, and grab a few praying mantis pods. It is amazing to watch a pod burst with life. Praying mantises will hunt any insect invading a garden.

Michelle Riley is a local horticulturist, landscape designer, and consultant. She is the founder of the gardening subscription service,;; and She also is the president of All About You Signature Landscape Design, Inc. Riley can be contacted at or by calling 234-678-8266.




Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020



Crustless Quiche

Mexican Quinoa Bowl

recipe by Susan Russell

by Crystal Pirri

Susan Russell, our guest cook this month, keeps herself very busy in a variety of ventures. She works at Cornerstone Psychological and Counseling Services, conducts personal and group training classes, promotes Juice Plus and Juice Plus Tower Gardens, and or consulting with Scout and Cellar wines. She also is a Reiki master. When Russell has time off from work, she hangs out with her 2-year-old black Labrador, Joey, and her boyfriend, Scott Shaffer, who is an excellent cook, according to Russell. Russell gives her daughter, Alicia Boisbelaud, credit for inspiring her own creativity in cooking. Boisbelaud; her husband, Gregoire; and their three daughters, Gabrielle, Aubreigh and Aydan Ulinski, live in northwest Ohio. While Russell grew up in Berea, Strongsville and Medina, she has called Medina home for most of her life. More information about Russell can be found at, by e-mailing her at, or by calling her at 330-840-9385.

The less time spent in the kitchen, the better off we are during these warm summer days when most people want to be outside. This dish is a quick fix that can be easily doubled to ensure there are leftovers for tomorrow. Scoop them over a salad or into a burrito wrap for a quick lunch the next day. Paradoxically, hot weather often pairs perfectly with spicy food. Spice this dish up as much or as little as you want, even add your favorite hot sauce at the end. Enjoy this dish alone or alongside a fluffy cornbread.

• • • • •

½ cup sun-dried tomatoes 8-ounce jar artichoke hearts 1 ½ cups grated Gruyere and Gouda cheeses 6 strips cooked bacon, crumbled 6 to 9 eggs, depending on the size

To ease clean up, spray a casserole dish or quiche pan with olive oil before adding quiche. Mix all ingredients together, add to pan and bake at 350 degrees until a knife inserted comes out clean. Baking time is approximately 30 to 45 minutes. Want to have your recipe featured in a future issue? Send it with your name, phone number (in case we have questions), the city you live in, and some information about you to: with “recipe” in the subject line. Recipes MUST be your original recipe and by submitting a recipe you are guaranteeing it is one you have developed or modified and used.

• 1 cup dry quinoa • 1 small onion, diced • 1 bell pepper, diced (red is prettiest) • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 jalapeño, minced, seeds removed or generously shake in red chili peppers • 1 cup water 1 • 15-ounce can black beans, drained • 1 15-ounce can diced tomatoes, with liquid • 1 cup frozen corn • 1 teaspoon chili powder • 1/2 teaspoon cumin • 1/4 cup salsa • 1 avocado to garnish • generous splash of lime juice • half a bunch of chopped fresh cilantro leaves Thoroughly rinse quinoa in a fine mesh strainer and set aside. This removes all grit and the bitter coating from the uncooked quinoa. In a large skillet, over medium high heat, add the onion, pepper and enough water to just cover the bottom. Cook for three to four minutes, until the onion and pepper are translucent, adding a bit more water if needed. Add garlic and jalapeño and cook about one minute more. Stir in quinoa, water, beans, tomatoes, corn, chili powder, and cumin. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, and adding more water if needed. Remove from skillet, put into three or four bowls, and generously garnish with salsa, avocado, lime juice, and cilantro. Crystal Pirri is an author, coach and oil-free vegan. Her recipes can be found at Have a question or request? E-mail

Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020




Streetwise Street Ride

Easing the Return

by Robert Soroky

by Kelly Bailey

With the boom in bicycle sales, a lot more bicyclists are expected to be crowding the trails, paths, walkways, and streets this summer. Last month’s column focused on Medina County trails and paths for casual riders ( This month the focus is on cyclists who ride in the street, quite possibly for the first time, and why it is important for cyclists and motorists to understand the rules of the road. A common question I often am asked as a cyclist is, “Why do you ride your bike in the street when there is a perfectly good bike path right next to it?” The answer is two-fold. First, most cyclists that take to the street are doing so because they are training for a big ride. Whether it is a triathlon, bike race or charity event, riders are working to establish a consistent long-distance pace. The paved trails are a great resource, but they are not bike specific and are often packed with runners, walkers, dogs, strollers, and other bikes. Also, most trails have a 10-foot width or less, and they do not lend themselves to effective training for the serious cyclist. Second, almost all charity bike events are held in the street, so it is crucial for a cyclist to feel confident riding in traffic situations. Which brings us back to the rules of the road. Bikes are considered vehicles, so not only are they permitted, by law, to be in the street, they also follow the same rules as other vehicles. Riders must go with the flow of traffic, obey traffic signs and lights, pass slow or disabled vehicles on the left, use hands signals when turning, ride as close to the right side of the roadway as is safe, and use front and rear lights, including reflectors, when riding at night. For motor vehicles, the newest law on the books requires that cars give at least 3 feet of clearance when passing a bicycle. Signs now can be found throughout Medina and Cuyahoga counties to this effect. For a more in-depth breakdown of all bike and motorist traffic laws, refer to Ohio Revised Code, Section 4511, or the resources page at Bike Cleveland, So, have fun, but most importantly, be safe!

If you skipped working out for the past three months because of the quarantine and closure of gyms, you are not alone! Many of us rely on the motivation of having an appointment with a trainer or having a class to attend or the necessary equipment at the gyms that we do not have at home. With restrictions being lifted and gyms opening back up, many gym-goers face a daunting task: getting back into exercise after a hiatus. The following tips can help you get back on track. Put your exercise schedule on your calendar. Do not leave it to chance, especially if you are busy. Be very specific: I am going to work out Monday through Friday at 7 a.m. for 30 minutes. Even if it is not a formal workout, just get moving. Make it part of your daily routine, no excuse, and it will once again become a habit. Ease back in to exercising. The first few weeks back will be hard enough, especially if there has been weight gain and lost fitness. Working out so hard that you nearly puke or make yourself miserably sore only makes it more likely that you will quit. Ease back into your workout routine with shorter and lighter workouts. Exercise early in the day. I am one of those crazies who loves to work out. But if I do not get it done early, it is not happening. My schedule often implodes by 2 p.m. or 3 p.m. Plus, working out early has a positive impact on the rest of the day. People who work out early tend to be more motivated, productive and health conscious. Sign up for a class or for time with a trainer. Research has shown that having someone else to be accountable to and investing money makes it more likely that people will show up and exercise.

Robert Soroky is a lifelong cyclist regularly participating in long distance charity rides and manager of the Century Cycles Medina location. Contact Soroky at to suggest column topics, for further information or to chat about bikes.

Kelly Bailey is a certified personal trainer and certified holistic nutrition coach. She owns and operates Kelly Bailey Wellness. Read her blog and contact her at


Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020


In 2008, the center closed, forcing Bolinger to find a new location. For the Love of a Horse By this time, Bolinger had added another horse, Cody, and by Kent Von der Vellen had to act quickly. She purchased 11 acres in Hinckley and got While waiting to be seated for their anniversary dinner in 2006, three stables built on the property in six weeks. Michele and Paul Bolinger were watching the Preakness Stakes Over the next five years, Bolinger would rescue more horses horse race when the unexpected happened. and a few dogs and cats along the way, as well. In 2013, Kentucky Derby winner and race favorite Barbaro broke down Bolinger created the nonprofit Forever Amber Acres Animal and could not finish the race. Following the accident, Michele Sanctuary, named after her first rescue. Bolinger was upset and was unable to enjoy the anniversary In 2018, Bolinger launched a Veterans Equine Therapy Service celebration. using the Eagala program model, which is a global network of When Barbaro had to be euthanized, it drove Michele to stay professionals who incorporate horses in mental health up all night and research the fate of thoroughbred race horses treatment. Bolinger is sensitive to the hardships many military when they retire. To her dismay, she discovered many are sold veterans face because her father is a veteran and a former at auction and sent out of the country where they end up at boyfriend, whom she has kept contact with, is a veteran of the slaughterhouses. It has been reported that 1986 Kentucky Iraq war. Derby winner Ferdinand met his end in a Japanese slaughterhouse in 2002. Bolinger decided she had to do something to save retired race horses. Bolinger’s mother had died in 2005 leaving her a small inheritance. She had not used the funds, and now she knew how she wanted to use them. Two months after Barbaro met his fate, Bolinger purchased Foreveramber, a fiery tempered chestnut thoroughbred, and hired a trainer to teach her how to care for a horse. Bolinger boarded Foreveramber at the Equine Therapy Center that worked with children suffering from traumatic brain injury. other organizations with common goals, advocating for the prevention of cruelty to animals, especially horses, promoting humane animal Forever Amber Acres welfare and educating the Animal Sanctuary public on the injustices these 1133 Granger Road animals face. Medina 44253 Is the organization's (330)618-6010 registration status current? Yes Date of Reporting Year: 2018 formation: 04/05/2013 Reporting Start Organization type: 501(c)(3) Date: 1/1/2018 Description of Reporting End Organization’s Purpose: To Date: 12/31/2018 provide refuge, rehabilitation Total Revenue: $80,905.00 and permanent retirement for Total Expenses: $56,390.00 horses imperiled by Total Program negligence and abuse. The Expenses: $56,390.00 organization operates Percent of Total exclusively for charitable Expenses: 100% purposes collaborating with Total Assets: $60,479.00 Editor’s note: Information is from the nonprofit’s most recent filings with the Ohio attorney general office.

At Forever Amber Acres, veterans dealing with a disability and or emotional trauma work with horses that also are living with some form of trauma or disability. Veterans and horses work to help each other improve. During therapy sessions, a veteran works with a horse, an equine specialist and a mental health professional. Horses are well suited for these therapy sessions because they reflect an individual’s energy and also are a fight or flight animal. The veteran must work to earn the horse’s trust and respect. Now in its third year, there are 60 veterans participating in the free program. There are other programs available for children as young as 12 and for non-veterans as well who want to learn about or help with horses. The sanctuary has no paid staff. All of the programs are free, relying on donations, grants and scholarships to cover expenses. Donors can specify how their donations will be used. The biggest expense is the housing, bedding, feeding, and veterinary care of the horses. An open-house fundraiser was planned for June, dependent on COVID-19 regulations, with another one planned for the fall. For more information, go to or Kent Von Der Vellen is a 20-year Medina resident. He has been a volunteer for various youth sports teams, is a member of the Medina Lions Club, and, with his wife, Kim, founded the Jakob F. Von Der Vellen Memorial Foundation. Contact Von Der Vellen by emailing or by calling 330-4210863. Learn what other area nonprofits need by visiting Giving Hearts at

Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020



Proving Community Spirit The sudden shutdown of schools and businesses to slow the spread of COVID-19 caused a crisis of need for many in Medina County. Joy of Medina County Magazine is recognizing those companies that stepped up. Thank you, and a tip of the publisher’s hat to the following companies who showed their commitment to community and reached out to help.

Armstrong, 1141 Lafayette Road, Medina, took steps to enable easier working and schooling from home and increased entertainment options. The company relaxed its data allowance policy, opened all Zoom Wi-Fi hot spots, increased download speeds, and added a free preview of 14 cable channels for the month of April.

Proximity Marketing, 2947 Interstate Parkway, Brunswick, donated support to the United Way of Medina County COVID-19 Relief Fund. Smith Bros., Inc., 3087 Marks Road, Medina, is donating one week of meals for a child through Feeding Medina County for every yard of mulch sold.

The Place, 2377 Medina Road, Medina, is hosting a pickup and drop off point for making face masks. At press time, volunteers were busy sorting donated fabric from Mission of Love for the face masks in response to the Million Mask Challenge created by the Ohio-based Pins and Needles Sewing Shop. Instructions are available for a simple face mask and BKO Distillery, 1486 Medina Road, #215, Medina, is for one appropriate for health care workers, which donating bottles of 75-percent alcohol solution to was designed by Pins and Needles with the help of a use to wipe down steering wheels, doorknobs, cell local hospital. Volunteers are needed for making the phones, anything that is frequently touched. Monday masks. Material and instructions can be picked up through Friday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday and and completed masks dropped off in bins at The Sunday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Call ahead to ensure Place or at any Pins and Needles location. To availability, 330-451-6650. volunteer, text Linda Baddely at 330-990-1451. Bear Cave Drive Through, 474 College Street, Wadsworth, has a donation box on the side of the building and for their donation of 10 percent of sales during May to The Garage in Wadsworth that provides free food, cleaning supplies and hygiene items to area families and teens.

CR Multi-Service Company, Medina, and MDG Flooring America, 3812 Pearl Road, Medina, sponsored a visit from the Easter bunny, Santa Claus and a dinosaur with candy-filled eggs to nine homes in Lodi, Medina, Sebring, Wadsworth, and Wooster. Grande Café and Roastery, 4080 Creative Living Way, Medina, is providing meals and baked goods to Creative Housing residents who have lost their jobs. Harding and Jacob insurance advisor Renee Ackim,, raised and donated almost $500 to Feeding Medina County.

USA Custom Apparel, 229 Harding Street B, Medina, is selling T-shirts printed with “Medina County United Together” for $20 each, with proceeds going to Feeding Medina County. Williams on the Lake, 787 Lafayette Road, Medina, with the help of the Medina Lions Club and a faithbased organization, is donating hundreds of meals of pork loin, cabbage rolls, barbecue, and more to Cups Café and Love Dash.


Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020



by Jerry King

When They Think You Are Evil by Hunter Barnard “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil” was a really good movie. There was a lot of cool stuff in it, and I really liked the people who were like Maleficent. This is the second Maleficent movie I have seen and she was kind of bad in the first one, but then she was a good guy. In this movie, they still think she is a bad guy, and even though she looks a little scary sometimes, she is still nice. Aurora is in this movie, too, but now she is a queen, and she looks really nice. She has a cool castle made out of trees and flowers that looks fun to live in. She does a good job as queen, and Maleficent is there to help her, too. Since Maleficent is a fairy, she has more powers than Aurora does. Aurora is going to marry a prince, and they really like each other, but Maleficent does not really like people so she does not want them to get married. But she goes to dinner at the prince’s castle to be nice and meet everyone. They are really mean to her, and I did not think that was very nice. While they are at dinner, something happens to the prince’s father, the king, and everyone thinks it is Maleficcent’s fault so they try to hurt her, which was not very nice either. Eventually, everyone realizes that the prince’s mother, the queen, is a bad person and there is a big fight, but it would ruin everything to say more about it. I thought it was a really good movie with a happy ending that people should watch, it was kind of sad but I liked it at the end. Maleficent can be a little scary, but she is still a nice person. I did not think it was very nice of the people who lived by the king and queen to not know her before they were mean to her. If they had talked to Maleficent, they would have known she was very nice. I think it would be good if people did that all the time.


Joseph G. Landry II, D.D.S., M.A.G.D., F.I.C.O.I

Hunter Barnard is an energetic 6-year-old who attends Brunswick City Schools and likes to share his opinion. He is assisted in writing his column by his mom, Jessica Rapenchuk.

Master of the Academy of General Dentistry

5076 Park Avenue West • Seville, OH 44273


“I guess one person can make a difference.”—Stan Lee

Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020



Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020

Celebrate! Joy of Medina County Magazine thanks and celebrates these great companies who believe in community and make it possible for readers to enjoy this magazine for free. Please thank the following companies for bringing Joy to you!

Cable, Internet, Phone



Landry Family Dentistry

1141 Lafayette Road, Medina Contact: Sam Pietrangelo Community Marketing Manager Phone: 330-722-3141 Website:

5076 Park Avenue West, Seville Contact: Dr. Joseph G. Landry II Phone: 330-769-4470 Website:

Fireplaces, Hot Tubs, Grills

Mold Remediation

The Place


2377 Medina Road, Medina Contact: Andrea Reedy Phone: 330-239-4000 Website:

Contact: Paul McHam Office phone: 330-658-2600 Cell phone: 330-280-3777 Website:

Want to join these great companies in sponsoring the best publication in Medina County? Contact Amy Barnes,, 330-461-0589.

Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020

Joyful Word Search Acting Like Janine




Answer Key for Last Month’s Search

Ohio Summer



Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020

Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020


July 2020 Nonprofit Calendar Wednesday, July 1 International Joke Day

Thursday, July 9

American Red Cross Blood Drive, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Root Candles, 640

National Sugar Cookie Day

Liberty Street, Medina.

Breastfeeding Basics Class, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., Medina County Health Department, 4800 Ledgewood Drive, Medina. Free. For more

Thursday, July 2

information, call 330-723-9688, Option 4.

I Forgot Day and World UFO Day

American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., Saint Mark Did you forget seeing a UFO?

Lutheran Church, 1330 N. Carpenter Road, Brunswick.

Friday, July 3 Compliment Your Mirror Day and Eat Beans

Friday, July 10

Day Might as well compliment your mirror, if

Clerihew Day Yeah, we had to look it up, too!

you eat a lot of beans, everyone is going to avoid you anyway!

American Red Cross Blood Drive, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Medina Hospital, 1000 E. Washington Street, Medina.

Saturday, July 4 International Cherry Pit Spitting Day A little

Saturday, July 11

harder to observe this year while wearing masks!

Cheer up the Lonely Day Jake Von Der Vellen Annual Memorial Fundraiser, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.,

Sunday, July 5 Build a Scarecrow Day


Williams on the Lake, 787 Lafayette Road, Medina. Scholarship winners announced. Basket raffle, food. Tickets at the door, $10. For more information and updates, go to

Monday, July 6

ORMACO Jazz Under the Stars: Open Spaces Trio, 7 p.m., live-stream

International Kissing Day and National Fried

concert. Log in at The concert is free, but

Chicken Day

donations are needed. Donations can be made by calling 330-722-2541 or at

Tuesday, July 7 Chocolate Day and National Strawberry

Sunday, July 12

Sundae Day The perfect combo!

Different Colored Eyes Day

South Town Cruise-In, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Habitat for Humanity parking

ORMACO L & V Percussion Duo: Grooves of the World, 2 p.m. to 3

lot, 233 Lafayette Road, Medina. Open to all antique, classic or

p.m., Wadsworth Library, 132 Broad Street, Wadsworth. Reservations

collectible cars. Weather permitting. Free. Check to see if being held at: recommended, 330-722-2541 or If library is closed due to COVID-19, it will live stream at The Cycling Makes Sense Fitness Ride, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., Brunswick

concert is free, but donations are needed. Donations can be made by

Lake Trail, 1473 Parschen Boulevard, Brunswick. Learn bike fitness tips. calling 330-722-2541 or at Six to 10-mile ride. Adults. Free, no registration. Monday, July 13 Wednesday, July 8

Barbershop Music Appreciation Day and

Body Painting Day

Embrace Your Geekness Day

American Red Cross Blood Drive, 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Medina

Baby Car Seat Installations, 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Medina County

Community Recreation Center, 855 Weymouth Road, Medina.

Health Department, 4800 Ledgewood Drive, Medina. By appointment

only, call 330-723-9688.


Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020

Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020


American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., Brunswick United Methodist Church, 1395 Pearl Road, Brunswick. Tuesday, July 14 National Nude Day and Shark Awareness Day You just might be more aware of sharks if you are naked! American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 1605 Center Road, Hinckley. American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., Northside Christian Church, 7615 Ridge Road, Wadsworth. South Town Cruise-In, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Habitat for Humanity parking lot, 233 Lafayette Road, Medina. Open to all antique, classic or collectible cars. Weather permitting. Free. Check to see if being held at: Wednesday, July 15 Be a Dork Day and Cow Appreciation Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Wadsworth YMCA, 623 School Drive, Wadsworth. Thursday, July 16 World Snake Day ORMACO Sounds of Summer: An Evening of Music, Fine Food and Celebration, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Corkscrew Saloon, 811 W. Liberty, Medina. Heavy hor d’oeuvres and desserts. Live music by area bands. Benefits area school programs. Tickets $45 at 330-722-2541 or at

Brunswick 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sundays, June 14 through October 4, 2020 Heritage Farm, 4613 Laurel Road, Brunswick Vendor registration information at Medina 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays, June 6 through October 17 Medina Public Square Main Street Medina 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays, May 23 through October 31 Medina VFW Post 5137 3916 Pearl Road, Medina Parking next door: 3950 Pearl Road, Medina

Seville 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays, May 23 through September 26 Gazebo at Maria Stanhope Park, 73 W. Main Street, Seville Vendor registration information at Wadsworth 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays, June 13 through September 26 Central Intermediate School, 151 Main Street, Wadsworth Vendor registration information at Friday, July 17

Tuesday, July 21

Yellow Pig Day

National Junk Food Day

American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Medina United

Breastfeeding Basics Class, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., Medina County Health

Methodist Church, 4747 Foote Road, Medina.

Department, 4800 Ledgewood Drive, Medina. Free. For more

information, call 330-723-9688, Option 4. American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Root Candles, 640

Saturday, July 18

Liberty Street, Medina.

Toss Away the Could Haves and Should Haves Day

South Town Cruise-In, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Habitat for Humanity parking

lot, 233 Lafayette Road, Medina. Open to all antique, classic or collectible cars. Weather permitting. Free. Check to see if being held at:

Sunday, July 19

Stick Out Your Tongue Day and Ice Cream Day

Wednesday, July 22 National Rat Catcher’s Day/Ratcatcher’s Day

Monday, July 20

We do not make these up!

National Lollipop Day This would have been better yesterday! and Ugly Truck Day

Thursday, July 23

American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., Seville United

National Gorgeous Grandma Day

Methodist Church, 74 W. Main Street, Seville.


Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020

Cycling Makes Sense Fitness Ride, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., Lester Rail

American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Holy Martyrs

Trail, 3654 Lester Road, Medina. Brunswick. Learn bike fitness tips. Six

Church, 3100 S. Weymouth Road, Medina.

to 10-mile ride. Adults. Free, no registration. Saturday, July 25 Friday, July 24

National Day of the Cowboy

Tell an Old Joke Day

4th Annual Medina Car Show, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Pleasant Valley Corporation, 1093 Medina Road, Medina. Free registration, door prizes, 50/50 drawing, vendors, more. Benefits veterans foundations. Swing into Spring: Take it Easy, 6 p.m., Weymouth Country Club, 3946 Weymouth Road, Medina. Benefits the HANDS Foundation. Eagles tribute band, Out of Eden, performs. For tickets, call 330-225-4242.

A list of golf outings that benefit area non-profit organizations. To have your golf outing listed, send the information to at least two months in advance. There is no such thing as too early, but there is too late. Contact the hosting golf course for pricing, registration and sponsorships.

Address Guide: Bunker Hill Golf Course 3060 Pearl Road, Medina 330-722-4174 or 216-469-9241 Sunday, July 5 Chadly and Mimi Golf Outing Noon to 7 p.m. Benefits: American Cancer Society Bunker Hill Golf Course Saturday, July 11 8 Annual Marine Corps th

League Fundraiser 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bunker Hill Golf Course Friday, July 17 Medina Football Golf Outing 9 a.m. registration Bunker Hill Golf Course Monday, July 27 Team SHARON Relay for Life Golf Outing 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bunker Hill Golf Course

Sunday, July 26 All or Nothing Day Monday, July 27 Take Your Houseplants for a Walk and Take Your Pants for a Walk Day Certainly two days that can be celebrated at once! Tuesday, July 28 Buffalo Soldiers Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., The Chapel Wadsworth Campus, 1391 State Road, Wadsworth. South Town Cruise-In, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Habitat for Humanity parking lot, 233 Lafayette Road, Medina. Open to all antique, classic or collectible cars. Weather permitting. Free. Check to see if being held at: Wednesday, July 29 International Tiger Day Thursday, July 30 National Whistleblower Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., St. Ambrose Church, 929 Pearl Road, Brunswick. Friday, July 31 Uncommon Musical Instrument Day

Submitting Calendar Events Listings in the calendar must be events, festivals or fairs hosted by or benefitting a nonprofit organization in Medina County. Send submissions to and put CALENDAR in the subject line. Information is not accepted by phone. The calendar also is available online at on the Events: Let’s Do It! tab at the top of the page or in the drop-down menu on mobile devices, where it is regularly updated.

Joy of Medina County Magazine | July 2020


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