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Choosing to Make a Choice

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Summer’s Here

Summer’s Here

by Bryan Lefelhoc

Have you ever felt stuck? You are not sure which direction to turn. You might be afraid of uncertainty. You might be stuck in your ways. You freeze and do nothing.

Then, when you look back on that moment and what may have been a missed opportunity, you fall back to a well-worn phrase: “I had no choice.”

There is perhaps one freedom we share in this amazing world, and that is the freedom of choice. We can choose what we do next.

It helps if our choices lead us to stay within the confines of the law, but they do not have to. We realize there are consequences, but we always have choices.

Do I start this new business or not? Do I pay the electric bill or not? Do I sell the house, move to Alaska and take on a new role as an ice cube salesman? Not advised, but it is your choice!

Choices are made every moment of every day. Whether you realize it or not, you choose your next step, next action, next response. Some choices seem involuntary or habitual, but you have control. You have a choice, and each choice has a declined alternative.

When you are running a business, look for the hidden choices. When you feel like you have no right choice, remember that you do.

Give yourself the power to make the choice that is best for you, today.

For instance, you have an idea for a new business that you are passionate about. But there is already a competitor in the market. Do you launch against the odds or do you pass up your dream? Maybe you have sunk thousands of dollars into a project that you realize may be a failed idea. Do you keep trying to maximize the investment or do you pull the plug?

Do you keep the toxic employee because you cannot find another quality hire to do the work that needs to be done?

You have a choice. Not always easy, but you have a choice.

The choices you make every day in business and life are profound. Each leads you one step closer to your destination. Make the choice. But first, ask yourself, is that destination where you really want to go?

Bryan Lefelhoc is founder and president of Bryan Media Strategies LLC, a boutique “company of one” marketing firm. Learn more about Lefelhoc and his expertise at https://bit.ly/3FqMBfl Email Lefelhoc at bryan@bryanmediastrategies.com

BUSINESS: THE INBOX Gain Time Management Skills

by Rachel Shepard

Time management is an important topic, especially in business. This topic has been on my mind lately as I often feel there are not enough hours in the day.

I recently told a friend that I can relate to the white rabbit in “Alice in Wonderland.” He is always in a hurry and famously says, “I’m late, I’m late! For a very important date! No time to say, ‘Hello, goodbye,’ I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!”

Tired of feeling anxious, I have begun to implement time management techniques, utilizing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.

Poor time management can cost a business a lot of money. If you are not sure where your time is going, conduct a time audit. Time is a precious resource, and it should be used wisely.

An important aspect of time management is knowing when to say, “No.”

Warren Buffett famously said, “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.”

When feeling overwhelmed by competing demands, take a few minutes to prioritize activities. Determine what is important versus what is urgent. It requires self-discipline to focus on the important, as well as urgent.

Here are a few tips to manage time, accomplish more, and reach goals: write down clearly defined SMART goals; create a detailed list of tasks (daily, weekly and monthly); prioritize tasks in order of importance; prepare for the day; use time blocking to manage the day by blocking off a period of time to complete a particular task; use technology to automate; limit distractions; delegate; and determine what is your prime time.

Prime time is a person’s most productive hours of the day, Everyone has a biological prime time. This is the time of day when a person’s focus, motivation and energy levels are the highest.

Utilize this prime time to complete the most important and complex tasks.

With effective time management, the amount accomplished each day can be maximized. Plus, time management decreases stress, increases time for family and friends, creates better organization, and provides a system through which to reach goals!

Rachel Shepard is the founder of LonaRock, LLC, and a Medina County resident. She specializes in helping businesses understand financials and access capital. Learn more about Shepard at https://bit.ly/3h0LFEY Shepard can be reached by email at rshepard@lonarock.com.

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